4. The Greenland Vikings - Land of the Midnight Sun
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Channel: Fall of Civilizations
Views: 1,745,351
Rating: 4.8268356 out of 5
Keywords: fall of civilization, fall of civilizations, fall of civilisations, vikings, norse, norse greenland, greenland vikings, iceland, norway, greenland, documentary, 4k, hd, 4k documentary, hd documentary, podcast, ancient civilizations, history
Id: lmbY-GrM8pI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 3sec (4923 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
A bit of backstory... Erik the Red was Icelandic and, according to Nordish law, he was exiled for three years due to him killing another Nord. He heard of a land to the west and gathered a crew and traveled to this land. He saw that it was blue ice wall all along the eastern side of the island with no where to land. He kept traveling and saw a land on the southern most tip of the island that resembled both Iceland and Norway. It had forests of pine and other trees, and grasslands (though stunted). He stayed there and explored the region, finding evidence that there were people at one point there, evidenced by worked stone. He was excited to settle there as land for settling and farming was scares in Norway (which is why they settled in Iceland) and also in Iceland. He thought that this new land, even with it's harsh weather, could offer his people much. So, he waited for his three years to be up and then returned to Iceland. There, fearing that no one will take him up on the offer (as it was extremely dangerous to travel in first place), he called the land "Greenland," which has stuck ever since.
On a side note, he also interacted with Native Americans on Greenland when they traveled there for hunting. Nordish people and the natives traded with each other as well as fought for resources. The people from Greenland also traveled to modern day Canada. Seeing as how it was a much better place than Greenland, they wished to also settle there. But they found a bunch of canoes and then tried to kill those in them. One escaped. After the Nords landed to set up a camp, the one who escaped came back with a lot of his friends. They fought the Norsemen off and no settlement was ever permanently founded (though there is evidence of a settlement in Newfoundland).
I just watched this today. He's great.
The original name was going to be Blowjob Island but they wanted to attract more families.
"Hey Erik, there's a lot of Ice on the way to this Greenland of yours"
"Don't worry about it"
Did they also kidnaping scottish people for slave like Iceland?
Is no one going to comment on the fact that Greenland isn't 1,500 miles west of Iceland?