4 Terrifying TRUE Night Drive Horror Stories

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thank you I was driving home from work one night taking my usual route home I got out at midnight so it was probably 12 15-ish at this point my town is pretty quiet and boring a lot of woods everywhere and not a lot of people or houses I was on this road not far from my house with a cornfield on one side and a patch of woods on the other it was mid-summer and like 75 degrees so I had my convertible top down I was cruising down the street going like 50 when I heard a loud blood curdling woman scream come from one side of the road but I couldn't tell which one I brought the car to a quick halt by slamming on the brakes and listening there was a woman's cry from the left side in the woods was crying for help I got out of my car and grabbed the Baton from my back seat I walked towards the woods and called back who was out there and the woman immediately called back please help me I began to run into the woods swiping all the twigs and bushes out of my way I yelled out to the woman to keep screaming so I could find her she'd every 10 seconds or so scream help and I'd approach in that direction running screaming back but pretty soon I started to realize no matter how far into the woods I went the woman's yells didn't seem to get any closer or louder if anything they were always the same distance even though I was booking it straight in the direction of the screens I screamed out tell me where you are and about five seconds later the woman once again screamed out help I stopped in my tracks now I didn't like this I started to feel like I was walking into some kind of trap I turned around and started running back in the direction I came I ran and ran until I could see the flashing headlights of my car on the side of the road beyond the trees the whole way back I still heard the woman screams but they were still the same distance no matter how much closer to my car I got as if she were following me back was I being stalked I got my car and just drove out of there completely freaked out I called 9-1-1 to report it to the authorities in case they'd want to investigate it I wasn't sticking around there though I was tired after telling a few friends and family about the strange encounter I was ready to move on with my life but a week later I saw something on the news that made me sick to my stomach the dead body of a 30-something-year-old woman was found in the Woods by a man hiking with his dog oddly there were no signs of Foul Play the location that the body was reported to have been found was the same general area where I heard the screams while that patch of woods is very big I can't help but feel that would be a huge coincidence [Music] I was driving from Brooklyn to Vermont my friend John's cabin to have a weekend of snowboarding I had two cars at the time of this story a 2013 BMW 3 Series and a 2006 Ford F-150 which I was driving on this particular night I had my snowboarding gear in the bed of the truck I was about 45 minutes from my buddy's cabin at this point it was late like 10 pm it was Pitch Black on these roads and it was snowing there were like no other cars on the road up there besides me at that hour I had just gotten my truck back from the mechanic a few weeks ago I frequently had problems with that truck and that night was no exception at perhaps the worst possible time on the quietest darkest Road suddenly my engine starts to completely overheat into the Red Zone I slow down and pull onto the side and I wait for it to cool down again then I slowly got back on the road but even at a slow speed the needle went back up to the red and the engine was overheating again I had to pull over and turn off the truck I went under the hood to try and diagnose the problem but I couldn't in the dark in the snow I had to call John on this road the reception for T-Mobile was non-existent I couldn't even call for help in the moment I felt screwed I went into the truck to turn it on again and at least wait In the Heat of the truck as it idled it didn't seem to overheat while idling I tried one more time to drive but the same thing happened again so I had to wait like 10 minutes before I saw a car passing I had my hazards on and I opened the door and waved my arms the passing car stopped it was some little Toyota the guy rolled his window down and I thanked him for stopping and asked if I could use his phone yes what happened I told him my truck was overheating and was undrivable he then asked me if I'm all alone I paused for a second and said yeah he reached for his cell phone and handed it to me he must have been a local because he had bars I called my friend John he picked up and I asked him what I should do he told me to call this specific towing company nearby and that he'd come and pick me up I gave him my exact location and he said he was going to head over after that I called the towing company he gave me and requested assistance during both phone calls the guy in his car watched me the whole time I tried to not look back though after my phone calls I handed the man back his phone and thanked him he said you're welcome and without saying anything else he rolled up his window and drove down the Snowy Road into the darkness ahead I watched as his tail lights disappeared completely as he descended below the top of the hilly road above I was once again alone I got back into my idling truck to be in the warmth I flicked the headlights off for a second just to get an idea of how dark it was out and when I say I couldn't see an inch outside the windows I'm not exaggerating it was pure blackness I sat in the truck waiting and waiting I couldn't even do anything that needed an internet connection I resorted to playing games on my phone for 20 minutes until there was a bang at my passenger side window I jumped out of my skin as I looked to the window I couldn't see much of the person it was too dark outside and the headlights didn't really light up the sides of the truck I heard a man's voice start begging for help he was yelling at me to open the door he was freezing I heard him trying to open the door himself but it was locked I shied my flashlight to the window but it barely helped in seeing who was out there all I saw was someone in a really big black coat with the hood over his head I yelled back what's wrong and the mysterious man outside replied saying he's lost and Stranded and needs to get out of the cold I didn't trust this I sat there nervously trying to figure out what to ask him to prove he's not someone looking to harm me I didn't even figure out what to say before he started aggressively trying to still open the locked door and then started pounding on the glass even harder still screaming for help in the Heat of the Moment I decided to listen to my gut I put the truck in drive and he realized this and started pounding harder on the window to break it I drove the truck onto the road and brought it up to 30 miles per hour despite the damage I was surely doing to the overheating engine but then I saw something that I didn't expect that made me feel like my heart skipped a beat as I came over the hill on the road I noticed the reflection of tail lights approaching me on the side of the road as I passed the parked car I realized it was that same Toyota from earlier the one that the man was driving I slowed down and lowered the window to see if the man was in the car but I didn't see anything it seemed like the car was empty I looked out the window for a second behind the car and my tail lights lit up footprints in the snow meaning that man who was banging on my window was him and he was trying to trick me into opening the door to do who knows what I kept driving my truck knowing full well I was [ __ ] up the engine but I didn't care at that point I pulled over a few minutes later when I saw headlights approaching on the other side and I wanted to cheer an excitement when I realized it was the tow truck I flashed my lights and he pulled to the side as the driver came out I told him about what just happened he joked that he got there at the right time then he asked if the guy had a gun or anything on him but I told him I couldn't see he replied well then we better do this quick it took him about 15 minutes to get the truck attached and in that time the Toyota never passed us it was possible he turned around and went the other way for this exact reason I used the tow truck driver's phone to call John again and tell him to just meet us at The Body Shop to summarize the rest John and I still went snowboarding that weekend and The Body Shop replaced the broken water pump in my truck causing the overheating I sold that truck a few weeks later I'm glad I didn't lower my window or unlock the doors to that man trying to get into my car in that setting I could have been murdered and no one would have ever known who had done it [Music] I had my first girlfriend at 17. I lived with my mom at the time because my parents got a divorce when I was 11. one day I asked my girlfriend on a date and she was down we both had jobs I worked at a local grocery store and she worked at a Starbucks we both worked the day shifts and we were also in our senior year of high school the reason why I asked her on a date that day was because it was a Friday we barely had any homework after work I picked up my girlfriend from her house and we went to a small restaurant 10 minutes away from my house because that's all I could afford at the time we ate then we went back to her house to spend some time together by then it was dark she complained how our date night was short and I told her I can't take her anywhere else that had to be paid for he came to an agreement that we would go on a night Drive we drove in town then we drove on some empty Road in the woods eventually the pavement ended and we were on a dirt road I had to pee really bad I told my girlfriend and she had to pee as well we pulled over and got out of my car for some reason right when we got out of the car we smelt an awful Indescribable smell I excused it as another person who also pulled over to do their business my girlfriend actually gagged from the smell I told her that we would pee real quick then go back in the car to get back into town there was a little flat area that was the best place to piss at we did our thing and then we were on our way back to my car but on our way back we heard a noise come from the left side of us sounded like a twig snapping afraid it was an animal so we rushed back to my car before I had time to open my car door I heard a scream of fear or pain in the direction my girlfriend and I just pissed at I told my girlfriend to get in my car while I go investigate she begged me not to but I did it anyway to make her feel safer I locked the doors I went the direction to where we were and I heard that scream again for some reason I lost all of my courage to investigate now that I hurt him much closer but when I heard it it sounded like from the same direction that my girlfriend and I heard the twig snapping in instead of going that way I went on my phone turned the flash on then took a picture once the flash went off I saw a man in a white shirt with black stripes with some blue tarp right in front of him he was just standing there I didn't hesitate to dash to the car I unlocked the doors got in my car put it in drive and floored it my girlfriend kept asking me what happened she saw I was scared I told her I would explain later we got back at the shadier side of town then drove back to my girlfriend's house we entered the house and went into her room that's when I told her I saw the man with a blue tarp in front of him just standing there I showed her the picture and she was just as creeped out as I was she let me spend the night because we were creeped out and it was a Friday and we also had no work or school the next day that was by far the scariest moment of my life we aren't in a relationship anymore I'm 23 she's 22. but we remain as best friends [Music] it was late summer of 2011. I was almost 19 and was hanging out with my best friend who was a few years younger than me we live in a very rural area of Southwestern Virginia about 15 minutes from Mount Airy North Carolina around here pretty much everything closes by 10 pm so you have to find your own ways to pass the time but that was never a problem for us as we could always find a way to have fun the night started out harmless enough first to the mall then cruising the streets looking for girls things any teen guys would be up to when that proved to be unsuccessful we just decided to go bowling until they closed we then went to Main Street a little before midnight just to walk some of the back alleys acting like the edgy badasses we thought we were but we never felt like we were in any danger as there isn't much violent crime in the area after we'd walked all the streets we got bored with this and decided to grab a bite from Waffle House as this was pretty much the only late night dining option at the time after we ate and made a quick stop at Walmart we still weren't ready to go home so we set out driving around some of the backcountry roads this was nothing new to us as I said around here you have to make your own fun and late night drives were always our thing the stretch of road we were now on I had only driven maybe once before during the day though it wasn't far from where either of us lived we just had no reason of going down it while still in Carolina the road is paved but within a mile it enters back into Virginia and turns into dirt like most of the dirt roads around here the county doesn't really give this one much attention since it's so far out of the way and there are very few houses on it since the road often washes out in the heavy rains you have to drive much slower and being as unfamiliar with it as we were we were now traveling at a crawl while we were both more cautious now it still just seemed as any other road we would drive now at this time of night the roads are essentially empty around here and with only a handful of houses on this road we were certain we wouldn't run into any other traffic the road is mainly all wooded and sits at the bottom of a small Mountain at night it's easy to overlook any of the houses on it we probably would have missed them all if not for out of the corner of our eye we noticed a light burning we both looked and noticed a man standing under his porch light we could make out any features of the men but we could tell he was watching us standing completely motionless with the exception of his head following us while we were both now on edge we tried not to think much of it we figured it was just someone stepping out for a cigarette it's just his demeanor that was so uncomforting to us while nothing came for that man watching us this was only the beginning we gradually picked up our speed as we were becoming a little more unnerved the more we talked about it within just a few minutes though we came to the end of the road and we were back on the hard top wrote that I was much more familiar with and that I drove about once a week he turned right and we were feeling much better as we could pick up our speed and leave the thoughts of that man behind us we enjoyed the sights from this road as it travels atop a small Mountain Ridge offering beautiful views of the Town below after a couple miles we had reached the end of this road and made another right to make our way back to my house this road is a little more wooded than the one we had just turned from but I was even more familiar with this road as I drove or ridden it literally thousands of times before as we're making our way back toward the main Highway we saw something up ahead in the distant reaches of my headlights dear are horrendous around here so we figured that's all it was and slowed down we began to notice it was much wider than the brown fur of a deer but we're both used to seeing the occasional albino so still assume that's all it was as we got closer we noticed it was no animal at all it was definitely a human but hunched over with their back to us they were walking in the left lane against traffic as one is supposed to I looked back at my friend as he asked what the hell are they doing walking at this time of night I looked back towards the person and could finally make out the shape of an older looking woman with long scraggly gray hair wearing a white T-shirt and white pants she still had her back turned to us until we were about 50 feet away from her that's when she turned to us we got the first look at her face I don't want to say she was on meth or other drugs but that's the look she gave off deep eye sockets with heavy dark bags under them greasy hair and very aged skin not sure how old she actually was but if I had to guess I'd say mid-40s to late 50s but that wasn't the worst of it she put her hands in the air and started waving them frantically and running towards us when she did we could see what looked like dried blood all over the front of her shirt and pants as well as what looked like a big knife in one of her hands we weren't sure what she wanted but that desire to be edgy badasses was instantly erased we floored it and didn't let off until we reached the highway we were so terrified of the entire ordeal that what would have usually been a five minute quick drive to my house became a 35-minute detour just on the Absurd thought that she could somehow follow us there in small communities like this you know pretty much everyone but neither of us had ever seen this woman before nor did we ever again we kept a watch on local news for any stories about a bloody woman being picked up but never heard a thing I can't even begin to come up with an explanation why she would be walking the backcountry roads at almost four in the morning in her shaping condition with blood on her clothes and a knife in her hand with all the risks of human or animal altercation she faced fast forward to present day I now live with my wife on that peaceful road on the Mountain Ridge between the two roads of the incidents and take the latter one on an almost daily basis and still have seen no sign of that strange woman since just earlier this year there was a huge drug and cockfighting ring busted down the road of the watching man I don't know if it was the same house where if these people were even living in the area back then but after all this happened I've often wondered if that was the same house maybe that guy was keeping guard on the place as for the woman I just hope I never run into her again
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,491,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true stories, scary stories, true, true horror stories, creepy neighbors, scary neighbors, worst neighbors, school lockdown stories, school lockdown, mr. nightmare, mr nightmare, mrnightmare, true scary stories, disturbing, creepy stories, facetime horror story, scary airbnb, person in airbnb, airbnb breakin, airbnb murder, airbnb scary stories, airbnb, vacation, night drive horror stories, road trip horror stories, drive horror stories, horror stories
Id: Wh3MYrj5EEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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