4 Sorcerers Livestream - Tav United the Best Sorccer Team in Faerûn - Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6

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all right I think everything is starting hello everybody it is patch six Sorcerers are here let's see so I have created my own team of sorcerers and it's called Sorcerers because it's patch six Sorcerers are new so there's literally four Sorcerers here so they've all got the same outfit on almost like some sort of cult or maybe some sort of uniform this is the best salker team in fun all right so let's have a quick look at the characters before we make a start I've got Tav a tlink and we can see stats here nothing else particularly special the only thing different between them will be their spells and their sub classes as well as their race so we got Tav the level one tling sorcerer Tav the this is a Dr sorcerer I'll go and look at their subclasses in a second I look at the Spells as well we've got Tav the level one sorcerer this is a half elf and Tav the halfling also a level one sorcerer so let's scroll down so we got two wild majes being the Dr and the halfling and two tronic bloodline Sorcerers being the tling and the halfelf and the dra draconic Bloodlines chosen were I've kind of Forgotten cuz I made this a couple of days ago there we are one is black for acid and one is silver for cold and let's have a look at the Spells you know what to expect most of them have got chromatic orb to begin with because it's the new spell and I want to keep trying it out two of them have got extra spells from their draconic ancestry being the grease here and the feather fall spell here the two w Mages have chosen Mage Armor because they I think think they'll need it this Tav here has taken Ray of sickness I might change this at level two after playing through I think there are better spells to choose than rare of sickness for a sorcerer this is one of the main downsides of the sorcerer is a limited number of spells known for the can trips we've got a mixture of C trips all of them have got some damaging can trips and maybe some sort of utility although this uh T here doesn't they're all damaging but they've all got different effects the others have got a variety couple of Mage hands there I've got one tab with friends do want to point out I've not really come come across anything I haven't come across this effect of the creature knowing it was Charmed but I'm sure it's there usually when I've used friends so far I've used it and then run away because I don't want to I don't want to deal with anything that happens with the after effect of friends they've all got top or because they've all got staff so equipment all the same they all got robes on sorcerer robes boots and stuff I love how the height of the staff for the halfling is almost like twice their height so I will be yeah moving through the game starting from the beginning trying to show off as much as I can about patch six going the wrong way already I say wrong way this is just the usual way I goell one downside to using just Sorcerers is there have been other changes in in patch six and it's going to be a bit more difficult to show them especially with the weapon skills but I'll do what I can to find way hello Jim fade oh by the way everybody this is going to be uh an extra long stream normally I start much later than this and go on for about 3 and 1 half to 4 hours I'll probably hopefully be streaming for about 6 hours today cuz I haven't really had much of a chance to play through the game I made a video yesterday and it was these four Sorcerers that only really got to the goblin Village so I'm hoping to to get through a good chunk of the game because I haven't had a chance to explore myself so we'll take that unfortunately sorcer is a little bit boring at level one we don't get any mess of magic options oops can't reach come on let's try and jump down I want take the shortcut there we are I have now I don't know if this option was new or if I just never used it before but when there is text on the screen I've now given it a bit of a background so it's easier to read and I've tried to make the text a bit larger so it might be easier for you guys to read as well so loting these things one thing I mentioned in my source for guide video which I'll may be trying to show off here is that you can use the Met Magics with Scrolls let's sa this cotic bulb never wanted the easy path all right we have got me hello hello good to see you here one two three uh oh there's a stuck t or two stuck tavs some of the tavs still get well it's actually not particularly particular to tavs some characters still do get a bit stuck let's and the height Advantage Nerf I'm I'm not quite fully decided yet I'm in two mines like I really understand oh where am I going um the need for height the height advantage to be gone oh where is he he's over this side well I got a bit confused there right get down there however that plus two now Stacks with advantage and I think the next characters I'm going to make after the sorcerers is probably a ranger or fighter with the archery fighting style just to try and show off how overpowered this this plus two can be I'm not saying the plus two shouldn't be there I think my personal preference would maybe be plus two damage rather than plus two to hit all right tabs let's get up here thankfully there's a ramp up here but I want to play a bit more before I fool one side of the fence or the other at the moment I'm not sure it's the way to fix it I I don't know I'm not a game designer I just play games help us maybe that's a lazy way out right my way let's see what we can do with the wild magic sorcerer here cuz we can use the tides of chaos one thing I noticed here is that I think manath here was crying which I didn't see before yes see a little bit to save us from this place poor man from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers in I do love the new graphics update dirt sweat gme blood return who am I talking to from this husk husk thank you for those of you who have voted inside the poll that I've put up whether you prefer the toolic bloodline or the wild magic sorcerer it's actually 50/50 at the moment which is a very close thing uh tell me what to do from this body that a bit of swear bit few tears coming down there maybe I'm just seeing things all right what's this tab good at oh dexterity is the best I'm going to go with investigation because then you get advantage on the next R uh oh let's just use right we can use tides of chaos we're going to get some rest soon good thing I did as well otherwise it would have failed notice AA a swelling of the brain so in this sorcerer next Cass a level one spell or high level one spell there's an increased chance of having a surge right medicine now we get advantage on the RO alth though they're not particularly good at medicine ah we didn't need that oh well nice to have high rolls though and then we're going to see if we can get us on our side poor me enough I'm wondering if somewhere later in the game there'll be a reference to a missing elf I guess it's an elf May us who has taken creature making it more subservient all right dexterity let's go it's better to have this fail here than rather than anywhere later he there we are us is on our side don't really need him but he's a good little pet for the introductory part of the game creature seems unaware of your inter all right just going to skip through this the home we are needed what should I call you we are us we are us is there more than one of you there right kind of cute I suppose for an intellect devour all right let's go to the helm we go yes we are going to the helm five experience I feel like some of the experience we're given has been nerfed a tiny bit I maybe Nerf's the wrong word but being reduced a tiny bit on the nooid did I pick everything up from this room I'm just going to have a double check so I don't want to have to be coming back I wouldn't ever come back anyway I don't think got dark mine viscous chair couple of things there yeah I think we got everything right let's go find lasel watch the lighting is now so much better I mean I never had a problem with the lighting before but it just looks so much nicer got a red dragon o red dragon all right let's go see LEL she's going to join us this surpris she doesn't attack us considering we've got the insect Devar with us I didn't class Mage Armor yet oops this is your end fight go ahead we got no chance to choose that yets rush I like now that some of the cut scenes here are in first person perspective we saw one on the panel from hell and i' think I've seen one other one myself so far blesses so much darker here now destroy we must reach the hel yes yes yes thank you ler so I think before maybe it gave 10 experience I'm not too certain I never wrote any of it down right let's CL some Mage Armor shall we won't need it but I just want to see if a magic surge happens right now you can never rely on them all right gonna smash some imps won't be a problem they always start surprised nice easy fight to begin with and we've got a Restoration Station next so let's just win this quickly no meta magic yet a bit sad oh oh that's going to be showing off gramatical today I'm sure most of you have been using it uh it's I feel like it's one of the strongest level one spells now especially for Sorcerers it doesn't do quite as much damage as maybe guarding bolt or inflict wounds it's not far off though let just pass you one downside to the halfling no dark vision and the slower speed that surprise accidentally very far behind I'm just going to skip because this should be quick this got need anyone to be able to see this maybe I should have gone up never mind uh can you send a magic Missile around n all right let's try someone else we got plenty of characters here one of the bonuses of creating your own party from the beginning we're not going to be able to make it up I don't think yeah just make sure I don't stand in the electrified water if I can help it anyone going to be able to make it I don't think so right the M's probably going to attack hopefully it doesn't blow up any tanks maybe to spread out just in case if you've got a sorcerer in your team in your party make sure you pick up at least one light crossbow oh electrified surface is gone now pick up one like crossb because Sorcerers can useing the proficient oh no anyone could use them but sers are proficient with light cross all right around the corner we see the Imp and magic Missile to death you prove surprisingly surprisingly adequate thanks something annoying I found is when you're trying to look in this m flare the characters climb above these I don't know what these crates don't know what these things are just to get to the m flare but it's important because potion of speed Spike bulb void bulb you don't get of those in the game whatever we collect here is probably going to be what lasts us for a long time well has to last us a long time one thing I find slightly annoying I understand why they do it but after going to the restoration stations we now have to recast Mage Armor you and you yeah it is possible I might not do I don't really like doing it on live streams because it's just a bit long I find a bit tedious it's not something I really want to be showing off but I did it on my own when I was making the video of the sorcerer guide I did do that just to see if you can do it and all you really need to do is hide outside their Vision range one thing that helps now is that as soon as Commander Z is killed the M flare doesn't now turn on you that the M flare will start killing the two cambion that come along also so we've got a bit more help than we used to have um which way we going to go check out these couple of corpses I think this guy's got Shield yeah probably won't be using it but never mind take it all right give him a good whack one thing I find funny is that these characters here aren't actually dying it's as if the models are just lying down cuz we don't get automatic Critical Hits against them one if Pi yeah nothing on them not unexpected bash all that for one experience here is it worth it probably not don't was a look that that group of blue let's go Tav United it's funny that the Imp just passed over me but didn't actually start a fight this LV of Fireball o one down uh the whole thing of I keep I keep bringing the spells out of the hot bar who's is it I thought I can patch four and five stopped happening so much but now I'm doing all the time this as if it's a bit more sensitive to it pick that up pick up some weapons probably won't use them maybe we can sell them later no we've got the I know Talisman of the absolute there I think I'll go to bed early the Mind flares have already enthralled him leave him leave him I want the whole experience the thing is they never become hostile either short sword thank you now something I found annoying oh no shove you over there is I have found that the characters here not characters the NPCs the enemies that will come have actually blown these up before which is not very nice right let's just pause it so don't make any big mistakes let's start off with I already used lightning or let's start off with a cold or gosh knock from I like how the initiative rolls a bit more clearer like I've increased the size of the font so it's easier to see the initiative rolls we still can't see initiative rolls here in the log really want to see them to know if they allow guidance to increase the inititive RS right what's this dude going to do poison oh miss is it poison ah boo it's probably my worst chromatic or to date who's going next oh the M flare is going next see if we can kill it actually got high [Music] grounds I wonder don't know if I've got enough movements speed here enough [Music] movement look at this now advantage and High Ground from 70% up to 96% I'm always going to go into High Ground now I feel like I'm going to go to High Ground even more than I did before on the opposite sides of that though we don't have disadvantage against us so the enemies will only have a minus two to hit what's this guy got five there we are this a chance to kill oh nice damage there thing will stand in my way can't slow down that's not very fair having this many characters in a party on The North flid Ship oh critical Miss well can't plan for that unless you're halfling they should be rolling ones let send us let's attack him oo not bad not bad I do like the long sword pummel strike right days I'm not going to have much chance to show this so days gives them disadvantage on wisdom saving throws can't take reactions and lose dexterity to the armor class as a bonus action you can go in waack someone and if you hit them the armor class is going to decrease most likely and then your main attack hasn't even greatest chance to hit so I think the long sword there is actually very strong a nice easy for us they're taking a dash no damage done and we just need to send in a few C trips might take more than one there we are a critical hit oh you win some you lose some let's just keep going need to find a way forward sometimes this works if we shove an insect oh I'm not going to go get that Ally is another you've allied with another what do you mean there laser never heard her say that before wonder if that was a mistake let's shoot down this oh no let's shoot down this no no are we not going to do that okay we're just going to hit I was trying to hit the number eight to use the shortcut key didn't work out all right auto save good to know that's working breathe deep and move back all right let's go whack people oh something I noticed in my play through yesterday I'll try and show you today sh touch unlikely to kill them because it's 1d8 not very effective with the quarter stuff here is uh let's get one of the wild Sorcerers to give myself Advantage you so there some there's a special sorcerer option here we have no time for stragglers so sorcerer arcan now seven is quite easy but I just want to make sure as best I can that I actually pass this because it's a straight roll good thing I did I've got other sorcerers that could have done this so we've used the sorcerer option and it's going to tell us a bit about this warding runes you feel them drawing energy from the console near to the hard all right are you satisfied we need to go leave the one the one must the one I think that's just Us's way of saying that single person not like the one like Neo from The Matrix or something for latch um I'll go look around try that contration next to the Pod they did something to it when they sealed me in all right all right hry pleas okay Shadow heart calm down I've done this before you know let me come here with the same character that past it and then look at this sorcerer inscribe the device with glyphs you sense from the pods warding runes and there's no roll needed here the console hums to life and it just opens we don't need to even go and get the Rune anymore if you have a sorcerer I haven't tried it with other classes I don't know if a wizard would be able to do this as well or warlock at last sadly she won't join us because our group's too full I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you mind lurches into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a gift we have a gift with us you keep dangerous company all right all right dangerous company is what we need looks like there's let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs let's get going but you a full I think that's because we've already got six characters we'd make for easy targets all group together like that I think I'll take my chances alone if it's all the same all right goodbye shadowart sadly never to see you again I mean will see on the beach but she'll never join the party and there's no chance to ask her like what is that if she runs away like that so now we saved ourselves a a little trip pick up a couple of Scrolls I missing a tiny bit from the requery there although with this infect of Arrow coming this way don't won draw any attention may as well get bit of free experience oops that was a wild magic Surge and we summoned a me free experience let's see oh I should have used Pummel strike first I missed anyway another fight let's go um maybe you shouldn't go first can't even catch my breath let's just do this let's hope we kill the M me might not 10 isn't guaranteed ah smashed it right ah no free experience I understand why cuz otherwise you could just Spam that all Daye although be very inefficient way of leveling wouldn't advise it really so much for peace RK being open view so let's go for Firebolt that might that in devour is surprised anyway there we are got our experience over it save just in case something goes wrong let's restore ourselves I think I'm going to do this next section without Mage Armor on the two w Mages because there's nothing really that dangerous I should hopefully be able to survive anyway with this many characters I it gives me extra chances to use spell slots if you really want to chese this fight and you've got us what you can do is just leave us in this room here and get them to use the Restoration Station again and again and again unlimited times to replenish your health and spell slots but only if you want to I'm not going to do that here I'm just going to try and kill Commanders for the experience and maybe the M flare and then run away now considering Lal isn't going to join us later I'm not going to take her armor cuz no one's going to be using it but I do want the scroll of for rifi just in case and a couple of scroll potions of healing may as well take the supply pack thank you liar for sharing yeah everything just looks so much nicer so I'll probably be saying that several times today hope you didn't get too bored of me saying it I didn't a sorcer with a light crossbow oops we got the same fight here cani in dying M flare getting taken down by the some imps many imps slice slice slice or slash slash slash I guess mind blast connect the nerves of the trans they upgrad Graphics there looks really Cool's a bit like suppose doesn't like doing what a mind FL tells has he oh brilliant Good Start oh s's going [Music] first look at that animation theyve updated the gith animations I we've got a hell lesser hell's B I think that's really cool they've actually changed a couple of the enemies here I don't really know why I did that I probably should have jumped short swords leather armor I'm just going to hand these out to other people so we've got a bit of we got a few items that maybe we can sell later keep going my luck again it is worth checking the Lesser imps they've got some weapons on them oh she's stuttering there a bit shaking maybe she's scared I don't want to use any leveled Spells at the moment I want to be using it on Commander Z so let's just use some C trips oh I'm going to try acid Splash since they're together it's not a great chance but I do have the chance of hurting both right hurt one of them it's okay keep going one nice thing about Sorcerers is they get four C trips at level one let's have a mage hand going yeah let's put it around here get at harassing the easier enemies so we can maybe focus on the more difficult enemies sooner rather than later I'm going to send us over towards the over towards command zul actually am I I've already dashed anyway so that was my own stupidity right let's get going anyone else with acid Splash doesn't look like it one down oh another one down very well and probably just another Firebolt Firebolt is good does the same damage as eldri blast but fire is generally more resistant than Force damage on more enemies and your stun should be yeah that was okay seven damage I guess just send it on its way all right I'm not going to have much time to come back looking through all these enemies so make sure you do loot their bodies as you go along there's light crossbow I won't equip them now actually since she's so far ahead there's another light crossbow here and she can pick up or later she'll pick up some items on this side now unfortunately being a halfling his movement speed is only 25 ft so I'm going to get him to dash for certain I'm jumping because you gain a tiny bit of extra Distance by jumping if you've got nothing else to do with your bonus action is this going to make it someone's got to help out old intellect uh mind flare here I'm call him Mindy all right let's go as far as you can no let's jump first I don't think I'm going to use a bonus action for anything else get down let's see what we can do because it should be within range now yeah um I may as well use Chill Touch Commander zul is resistant to fire damage so chill touch is generally going to be the better option here could use summon a mage hand oh nice did six damage to strike lasel right jumping because she's got massive jump distance because of her high strength we can get some extra distance here Rush attack one thing I would point out about these new weapon abilities I've seen someone say that oh this takes away from the Battle Master and I can see where that's coming from but for most of these weapon skills weapon abilities the damage isn't very high it's more about inflicting debuffs and conditions on the enemy Target is blocked uh all right she can just take a pot shot you never know again we're very far away going to dash uh anyone haven't checked out check out this imp it's got another light crossbow but this is the place to pick up light crossbows at the beginning of the game I think I've probably got enough for every all my Sorcerers now unlucky we must take the trans well every little helps critical hit oo one damage one bludgeoning damage all right she was going around and collecting so let's go get the void bulb can you get the void bulb yes you can and since we're here I might oh no what she's going to do is throw the potion of speed at the Mind flare and hopefully if I'm lck a I haven't practiced this enough I don't know if I'd be able to hit both us and the M flare what I don't want to do is get commander zck in this so now our mind flare gets two attacks per turn increased Armor class hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me in the ass right matter oo I'm waiting to use chromatic orb once I've Got High Ground so I've got a greater chance to hit nothing will stand in my way and probably another attempt at Chill Touch it's not very likely to hit 40% isn't very good all right Lael can you get around here I don't mind too much if lasal dies because I'm never going to be able to use her in the party eventually anyway the only downside about pommel strike is it uses a bonus action so you can't hide before using it to get advantage on the attack ah whatever just try it critical Miss even worse right let's try lacerate two critical misses in a row [Music] Boo the imps on the final wave of imps is going to be appearing soon and another light crossbow they'll appear once I get to top of these stairs there they are there's hellbore here as well a lesser Hells B I wonder if we'll see a greater Hells B later hurry before they strike right ooh uh killing Commander zulk you get a magical weapon and a whole load of experience 120 experience so I would say it's usually worth it you don't have to you don't I mean in the long run you'll get all the experience you need anyway it's just you level up a bit earlier that's all and you get a two-handed sword that's always on FL always on fire doing one default damage fire damage ow BOS and another attack douch sorry for the sound effects this is what's going through my head right all that matters oh she's still shaking cowering with fear let's get us try and collect more items for us let's get she can't quite make it let's Dash get the void bulb thank you way normally I throw a spiked bulb at these guys cuz I can hit all of them um since the L of Hell for's got the fewest hit points that's just attempting advantage on attack rolls because he's stunned oh this should have been attacking now he's resistant or is he immune to poison I'm going to double check one nice thing we get in the game resistant to poison damage yeah boo and slashing piercing bludging fire lightning cold great as almost all the comatic orbs Thunder is going to be the one to get this guy I think so we should go for CH touch again doing much better than usual with him actually all right lasel unfortunately I've used most of your weapon abilities already I need to double check what off balance means next attack against this creature has Advantage well why not that's nice to see that they are dashing so no attacks incoming let's go we've got Advantage but can we get some extra high ground we're going to take an opportunity attack but I think that's probably worth it oh no I didn't get close enough brilliant let's go 75% see that The High Ground stacking with Advantage I mean it's great no don't miss with that all right see what the imps have got in store for us oh their own little Firebolt that's a dash that keeps it safe the cambion are going to be coming soon no come on you've got to hit him good good good still stunned pretty stuffed have we got yes get up here get as high as we can to make sure we get all the advantage we need and the extra plus two from High Ground BOS that isn't resisted three hit points left cat my breath all right can we do this us have it go yes level up so that's one benefit of killing this guy we can't level up in the fight so it's not useful on the noroid but as soon as you land on the beach you have leveled up let's save this before anything goes wrong laser and on Commander AR we have the everb bur blade same as what was introduced with patch five and because I won't see lasal again later at least not in my party just going to pass that along all right go get some imps I think that's the first time I've killed I had Commander zul killed before these imps whack all right she's on to roll and jump oh so much distance I didn't even use up all my spell slots I should be killing the Mind flare now you get an extra 50 experience for doing that let's see if I can get o uh can we get up high let's have a look going so may as well Crouch get definite advantage and plus two from High Ground look at that 88% chance to hit thankfully it doesn't actually um o you your spells are level one Higher heal all creatures in a 10t radius that's that gone I haven't seen this before 44 points per spell slot that's pretty cool explosive healing I'm just going to take a screenshot of that actually I haven't seen that before has everyone had their turn I don't know if I skipped yes right this dude going to go for the mine flare hopefully I'm not too close to the m flare here let's go for oh should have used acid earlier taret too close um hoping this is far enough away oh miss uhoh there's another wild magic surge I've seen this one before I'm just taking screenshots of these to try and keep a log of them uh so we've got some fog which could actually be really useful later on when the cambion come along unfortunately I don't know if I'm going to be able to hit oh I can can see the M FL [Music] there but I got disadvantage because it's in the for cloud it says obscured by Shadows but I think that's what the [ __ ] out is can I hide yeah no um let's just go magic Missile I don't think it'll turn hostile until the cambion are dead he con got free R to kill it attack it it's lethargic I wonder if this I should probably kill this this imp and less hell B now she still got a spell slot left good stuff shocking grass probably the best choice at the moment one hit point oh well it can't take reactions it doesn't have opportunity attacks now one spell slot left still going to take extra one4 damage at the start of the turn another step forward all right oh yes yes yes yes yes get surprised the oh I was about to say I'm surprised the C hav turned up but I think I can hear the initiative oh no it's him hiding it's poison and I just healed them because I use a level one spell slot that isn't within 10t or was it 10 ft at the Target I'll have a look at that later I should have someone near the transponder just in case things go awfully wrong boo H as well heal I'm going to attempt oh I don't need to use sh grasp it's already lost its reaction this o critic hit lucky it was cuz only roll an eight on 2d1 I think it's going to try and help us no oh few uh oh M flares turned on us because no no no no the cambion didn't appear before the M flare killed all the enemies how did I get the extra members to the party I have got a video I haven't got a link to it but if you create a game create a multiplayer game and you have to open up three more copies of the game I usually do it from the game folder and then you can get the new copies of the game to join the multiplayer then once that's set up you can save it and then close all the other copies of the game o nearly there just path lies two more hit points I think from here any guaranteed damage no because I've already used up my spell slots I'm going to go for maximum damage o can it see me it can let's just increase our chances boom an extra 50 experience right so I'm going to get off the north Floyd now the camon is going to come charging at us that's just stash should be able to get to the transponder right fous there we are I'm probably going to watch this cut scene because I didn't give myself a chance to look at the cut scenes while playing before I was trying to rush getting a video out so I'm playing through this a bit more slowly than I normally would plus I want to see all these updated Graphics that looks so much more fiercer than before I was going to take a few screenshots along the way joing patch five I I took about 1,500 screenshots some of it is for thumbnails some of it just because it looks cool yeah the music I love the updated music as well actually this is about where at the screenshot for the thumbnail for today here quite like that really like the composer for this game right it's going to take a little while to load up so do bear with me or bear with my computer rather than me while it does that so let's have a look at the uh poll so far so I can see uh let's have a look how many people have voted 14 votes 64% of VI prefer the draconic bloodline sorcerer 36% the wild magic sorcerer I can get behind that I think in the long term the draconic bloodline sorcerer is a bit more reliable at the moment um I've chosen a mixture of both subclasses I've made four Sorcerers so I've got two wild magic to draconic Bloodline keeping it even and I mean this isn't so serious right I don't really care if the wild magic goes off and I die or whatever but I can imagine that people who maybe don't play this as much cuz I'm I'll be playing this a lot so whatever happens happens I've got time to dedicate to this but I can imagine that the wild sorcerer can be is unreliable as one viewer they said they work for his name is Brit was it uh I think it's books and insurance or something he's got enough risk already in his life he doesn't want to have more Randomness um and things you can't rely upon so he definitely prefers the draconic bloodline for example but I'm interested to see what all of the different wild Magic surges will be all right nearly there we see some updated Graphics okay what about the cut scene here we are see the tabs at the bottom of the screen there they just saw them pop in wish I knew that was going to happen I'm going have taken a screenshot and if I'm sure most of you have already played this part already but we see in thar with a new hair update yet again I guess every patch they're trying something different who knows when they'll stop and her armor has been changed as well or made into a different model oh tabs in the background there I just have my finger ready on the the screen oh there he is there's T in the background kind of spying in on them I know that's one thing I noticed as well that the scull of rify I think we can use the range metam magic with it maybe I forgot I thought one did but tell what will be useful is twinning healing word and in Dungeons and Dragons there is a subclass of sorcerer called The Divine sorcerer which has access to the cleric spell list as well as the current sorcerer spell list so you can with that you can then choose claric spells instead of sorcerer spells so you could always have a twin healing word ready if you wanted what saved [Music] us I didn't get what it can't put us down down gently it saved us from most of the fault knock down I can't believe I'm in one piece all righty time for some leveling up and before we do that cuz I think I'm going to forget if I don't do it now one thing I found is that we now have to put items into each individual's inventory if you want them to have be able to equip things before it used to be if it was in anyone's inventory you could just use it but here we got like giving everyone a light crossbow and at this very these low levels before level five light crossbows that's a good point J F had really thought about that um like crossbows in terms of damage not in terms of any other utility apart from maybe their weapon ability like crossbows will probably be doing more damage than the C trips especially like this half thing here has got dexterity of 16 so his crossbow damage is 1d8 plus three which is easily better than any can trip damage 1 d10 is the highest we have which is Fireball but this is 1d8 plus 3 is definitely better so do keep that in mind also we can get high ground Advantage with the light like crossbow as well not Advantage like the height what should we call it height bonus hello shadow heart I'm going to send you to my I didn't level up right say hello to Shadow heart first I don't think there's anything different here in terms of the conversation the dialogue if you reach for the artifact she doesn't really care because you saved her life so she's all happy about it everything's hunky dory I like how the like me you can even say the same as before that's honest I see' got anything worth taking don't do it again she's like it's okay I'll give you a pass this time considering I owe you my life and speaking of how are we alive I do not know Miss shadowart doesn't matter we made it seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses strain about I remember the ship okay thank you Shadow h I remember falling what happened to our gift friend now what first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all A Healer H you're a claric we might have escaped we still have these little monsters in our head very true all right uh I better get going better get moving then farewell wait charging off by yourself sounds like a fine way to get killed we need each other and we both know what's its stake of better company H all right let's get going overburdened with Hangers On already go she's a little bit fussy isn't she here you are fine but don't delay all right time for leveling up so level two we get the choice of three meta Magics those of you who play den and Dragons will know that actually we don't get the choice of any metam magic until level three but in den and Dragons level two is a bit B crap to be honest because you get these two abilities to create spell slots and create sorcery points but you have no other way to spend your sorcery points at level two so I'm kind of glad they move met some metam magic to level two all right what would I suggest all of these have a use none of these are really bad for me the top tier one is Twin spell I think I want every sorcerer to take this because there'll always be a time where twin spell will be useful at almost every battle and it just costs one sorcery point is cheap to cost distance spell is useful I'll leave them with uh forgotten which Sorcerers have which spells I'll leave it like that and thank you yes chromatic orb lovely I'll take that that was an easy level up Choice I'll spread out the meta Magics except all of them are taking twin someone's already got distant so he can take extended what's the purpose of spell slots spell slots let you cast spells that aren't C trips so for example if I go to the spell screen you'll see see that the Spells are put into different groups so we got can trips you can always cast those for free the level one spells you can see I've got three dots here that means I can cast three any three of these spells before having to take a long rest or if I use sorcery points to create a new spell slot so spell slots are used for the more powerful spells I should have changed this guy's spell never mind I've got wit B there that's okay all right I should pay more attention to the spell being chosen and let's have a careful spell let's see if we can have a spell that actually goes with careful spell um I guess Thunder Wave or burning hands here the only two where allies would have to make a saving through let's go with Thunder Wave any replacement SP no we like those spells and then last T so he's got shocking grass I might give him distance spell yeah and twin spell okay um I'll keep another one with witch B if I don't like witch B I can change it in the next level anyway give it a save can't slow down let's keep going right we're going to be looting all the containers around May at this point mostly barrels o jez I'll take some cheese be on my way I don't use any mods zero mods and I do that just to keep things simple and so people watching don't have to worry about using mods I don't know if I will eventually use mods I think during Early Access I'll keep just using the standard game the vanilla game maybe in the full release I'll pick a few mind my St nothing against mods particularly used them in other games just uh want to make it relatable for everyone oops while making videos and things on my way oh one thing to point out here is there are no more dead intellect of arrows when Shadow heart isn't here lots of people are complaining about that I never found that much of a big deal I just assume they'd fallen from the north personally CTIC orb is amazing the only reason I'm taking Rich belt is because um who is it in Aang made a comment about the fact that the wet condition now gives vul vulnerability to lightning damage which chromatic orb can do but then he was saying have a go at using um the metam magic that's Quicken spell to then cast which B twice on someone who is in some water right what we going to do let's have the moment let just have a go we've got four light crossbows oops that didn't work out as well as I wanted it to St back one strike could be so we're going to attack with light crossbows save some resources don't really need to two misses don't really need to count adventuring what now but I feel feel like I'm I'm training myself to try and use as few long rest as possible CU who knows maybe one at one point it will become important time to press ah all right catching up a sneaky little huffling now was trying to wander off nearly all right let's go back to here Brave just going to go charging in they're surprised so everyone gets kind of extra attacks anyway there we are we get extra round of attacks should hopefully should hope hopefully be enough oh there we are 10 damage the halflings got 16 dexterity just quickly have a look at their stats um that's probably a mistake I should probably put that 15 or put strength up to 10 maybe I made that too quickly oh well that's so all of them have got at least 14 constitutional dexterity a couple of them we've got slightly different ones here yeah Jim you're right people there are lots of people who are very adamant they hate surfaces and I get it I do because in Dungeons and Dragons is not there and people want this to be a direct copy of Dungeons and Dragons but we're already at the point where we know this is and it even says I think on the website that this is a modified version of the fifth edition rules and don't know I've just come to terms with that seen everything I didn't L this body and lots of people have complains and I kind of see where they're coming from about the fact that this looks like divinity original Sy 3 because there are surfaces all right single intellect devour here beat all of our initiatives oh we got quite close shame it won't survive more than one one hit like cross are really quite strong they do 1d8 damage plus dexterity bonus right that was easy on my feet always check M flares it's your last chance to get items that are on the noroid spike bulbs um what else the um let's have a look which items I void bulbs and cotic Bulbs I did miss a cotic bulb at least one on the ship because I was running away from the Campion uh so there's a m flow up there let's go check oh yeah void bulb cotic bulb paion of healing something else also want to kind of show off and show to well show off but show to people is Jo by using four Sorcerers is your party composition probably isn't as important as you think it is I'm not saying that party composition isn't important at all but I feel like you can make any part of composition work but no bad party compositions I don't think I'm sure other people would fight me for that everything this is my belief come on all right yeah we don't really need tides of chaos I don't think there's only 10% chance to fail all right cuz I know lots of lots of people but I've been reading online this is where the my comments are coming from that people want six people in a part six like characters in a party and I get it other games do that but I think four comes from two places one is that some of it might be coming from the fact this does use the Divinity original sin 2 engine as far as I'm aware and secondly Dungeons and Dragons it basically the way it's designed it outright says that it's for ideal from people a party of four people uh it's a bit more difficult to move this rock now not enough strength okay you're too weak let's get the strongest member which I think is Tav we move it behind there we are and then we can open this up two more potions of speed they have to do for a while before we can get any more just check out these two than here all right so yeah going back to party composition and party number because the I guess the traditional thing is you have a wizard a fighter a cleric and maybe a rogue and then people people feel genuinely that that's quite having four characters maximum in a party is very restricting come here I need but I don't think we need to have that classic kind of traditional setup got one of those brain things I think this is where we see first person perspective there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the unless it was just the uh let me see easily just going to see if can you see it or it's just a messed up camera a no my camera just messed up the first time just a dumb ball you relev uh these companions you I made this I made a multiplayer game by myself started up four copies of the game we don't need to fight don't and you join all the three extra copies of the game to the same multiplayer game and then you can save it and quit and then continue game from there your mind but do bear in mind if you keep if you make a four-person party you can't have any companions join you and there's no way to make that happen you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light what was that what's going staran confused Put The Knife away I'm not an idiot it has to be those tentacles the way he's holding the knife dagger something they did painful I saw it during and I was ready to decorate the ground with your IM I like this best one apolog you accepted I might have done the same to you a kindred spirit my name's aaran hello aarian I was in Boulders gate from those beasts snatched me good to see you tell him your name and story my my you've been busy I have did you learn I it's a bit more difficult to see his bite marks now used to be more obvious I feel uh yes into M flares of course it will turn me into a monster yeah his color is covering up his neck a bit better I expect although all right it hasn't you should travel with me tempting but your party seems a little there's one crowed right now I like to have my space right fair enough historian you're welcome at my Camp I was ready to go this alone yeah but maybe sticking with the herd the herd I like it as if we're the cattle because he's a vampire and we're not and I hate and I love this turn down invitation brilliant all right maybe bit foreshadowing there good luck all right goodbye staran see you soon in Camp no else sadly all right out the let's just shoot this m flare oops oh well I want to say that they brought this on themselves they didn't really but I'd probably go and kill them later anyway free experience no go away ow I wanted to use a smash got it where where are we there was fire in the sky and and then y the voice oh God the voice what was it saying it sounded like your daughter in help same as before she's been dead for years that thing got into our head is M wrecked our just trying to get Clos all this looks like pretty much the same as before your ship didn't fall out of the sky brilliant to survive that only to land in this bloody Wilderness we're in the middle of nowhere The Gods Must Have it out all right they abducted me but I escaped yeah not much we can say there really please we'll take our chances out here just just leave us be all right we'll be going folk hero Liberator all right tabs a folk hero can I go and another dead mine flare another void bulb any M flares up here I think oh no there's still one more to get press ahead over in this direction where is it gone oh it's over that way never mind um actually let's come back no no no no keep mind let's go this way check out the dead goblins go get Gail going to take what we can I'm going to sell these things later another Supply pack I'll leave the bone time to press ahead way point discovered I need to sit down and read them patch notes again more carefully so much was included dead mine flare and it's probably the last void Bob we can get for a long while have to keep going so do use them wisely let's go get Gale the ready there he is you're alive that's unexpected I didn't get to see you girl I saw you you were lying in a crucible worth of blood an intellect devour nibbling at your ear glad to see my eyes deceive me didn't want to save us then or help us GA well met well met indeed Gail's a bit of a nice guy at least friendly did you appear from nether ree I think weave so thick on it is almost viscous I had a taste him just like that SWAT one to the next all right K thank you not to mention you're staring at me at a Blackboard I'm better than a wizard I'm a sorcerer there's a gust of weave about you but it's a mere Breeze yeah same as before he always says that Tempest it'll have to wait primary Need Is A Healer right second person to tell us that parasite yes I do you aware that after a period of excruciating just all right this is the same as before it is to assume you're no accomplished healer either powerful cleric maybe can't say that I am then we'll have to find one fast are in a whole lot of trouble are we need help how about we embark on the Quest for a Healer together all right come join me I'm flattered I'm sure but it seems you're traveling with a substantial amount of companions already maybe later yes maybe later yes okay okay all right breathe deep and move uh let's go this way little bit of experience to pick up down here and a chest to look at over there I just need one t let's not mess around one problem I've got with these tabs is none of their strengths are high so none of them can jump particularly far need to find a way forward which at some points is actually a bit um restricting not a lot of experience we get another costic bulb some another potion let's have a look at our experience actually oo not far from level three that's the benefit of killing the commander killing commander and the M flare on the noroid how much can I go we just level up a little bit earlier obviously in Early Access we're restricted to level four see know it's not actually that important how are you going to get back up see this low strength thankfully let's I can make it anyway but even if I couldn't make it I could just go to the ancient ruin Circle another step forward let's go say hello to the teelings I like I like starting with the Dr my step yeah cu the teelings are not happy to see a Dr play high i m all right I was just looking at this yesterday yellow as a toad twice as ugly the thing's dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill your skull pounds in response to the prisoners white hot stair white hot stair don't move got a bit of a dirty face at the moment you again get rid of them and then they see under elf we' only got one choice we can intimidate them or attack them try intimidation have I got friends no TI of I've already don't need it I will definitely pass we've seen that from the live stream that if you roll a one unless it's just the developer patch or develop developer version the one isn't an automatic failure anymore right let them leave let them leave enough gawking get me down all right say please never never should I just leave her there never wanted the easy bit too mean oh I don't know if I should have waited for the teelings to disappear Punk the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your senses officious all right thank you but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this same as before I must find a CR let's find this crush up dismiss your weakest Warrior h i see J food all right uh where's my Camp then very well but heed my words all right I'm heing mentioned a camp one there this zoru has seenan yes he has fres must be near I will be at your Camp okay you can wait up my C Swift as my feet could carry me it's hard to hard to know exactly what things were are going to be included in patch six compared to what we saw in the live stream without a bit of experience and what we remember from the live stream panel from Hill Grim Forge right what should we do uh do we need to cast any spells it might be time for m so we'll get two that can and should probably cast to C it okay no wild Magic surges hello Bill good to see you here right I'm just going to speak to them normally I just attack Warren don't waste a step but let's make it a bit different you not another step hear me although he's magically teleported out goty up here this is now just outside the temple ruins which is where we are what's this thing gim trying to creep around around not at or is it don't matter either way it's ours all of it is it now I mean no harm uh I want to fight these guys so I'm going say this first you look then you touch then you take the only we're sharing with you is our pointy ends get him get him all right but then the're back so we just had the conversation just out here but they're in here it would be nice it's nice an update nice update as some of you saw on the live stream I did a couple of days ago it is a nice update that they've made it out here even nicer I mean I don't I'm not really that fast but even nicer be if it started out here o three of them get to go in a row this is not good time for some chromatic or action I think twin spell first metam magic amusing metam magic amusing this going bit closer so when you click on one of the meta Magics it highlights spells that that meta magic is compatible with so let's use uh [Music] lightning so even though it missed one of them we've got enough of a surface that actually uh hits bis them and I'm hoping Tam will die on his first in his next turn he'll take 1 D4 lightning damage next turn I'm not sure whether he'll die or not there's no way for me to know and you better L it they're going to get a few attacks in oh no that acid has reduced my armor class with everyone there imperal TI bit sleep oh to Lo out now they don't I've realized they don't actually get two I like two normal attacks that would have been to should have been two weapon attacks I believe weapon abilities so use lacerate before that or after that yeah use pmel strike so because of their weapons Fighters enemy Fighters also get extra opportunities uh oh TS as sleep definitely means bonus action to wake to have up all right oh look at that I don't have any water at the moment if I had water I would do as J and fade suggested earlier and just spread the surface around but I do not have water right piercing shot shoot enemy to Deal One D D plus two damage and inflict gaping wounds for those of you who don't know what gaping wounds does attacks against this creature deal an additional two piercing damage doesn't sound like a lot but if you get your whole party to focus on someone it will really add up so am I out of vision I am oh I've used my bonus action to hide already 55% isn't actually very good magic Missile will this be worth it probably not let's go for or going to go for Thunder trying to do as much damage as I can to gimal box 60% chance isn't a great chance and it's always a bad chance and we a critical miss all right stand back have get out of the acid first of all thankfully acid doesn't deal extra damage on your turn yeah adjust but it reduces your armor class by two give another twin spell and we can use for example spell squirrels we can have twined Mage Armor I don't know if I've got any other skulls on me right now no I don't oh uh that's I'm going to try it I don't know if gree overr gree probably overwrites the surface just playing around cuz I don't really know yeah fair enough uh that means ton he's still electrocuted he'll still take some damage though this sorer has greas because of the black dragon bloodline uh no real bonus actions to to use just stand out the way that does mean that this T here is going to be oh they one hit point never mind yes and they're down that's not so [Music] good I will try that out jib feds I'll try out on warrant if possible going to help up have first dat try and get out of the acid don't for got movement left I do thankfully right tab's probably going to get knocked down again oh no they missed and that's good for me oh g box back up and knocking someone else down she's got magic Missile so does he bit risky hopefully I don't lose the Tav but you never know might happen we're going to try piercing shot 80% chance is about as good as I'm going to get ging wounds and then never a moment let's try magic Missile it does say attack I do agree with you Jim that it probably won't work but don't know until we try one two three yeah no extra piercing damage as expected to be fair all right you need to help up Tav again this is where a Quicken spell would be really useful because we could Quicken a spell to do some damage and then use our action to help the T back up let's just get you back up and back out another Miss uhoh incoming and it's going to not blow up uhoh is he going to kill no G's going to come up someone else ow ow I feel like gimble Bo's always the most dangerous character in this fight let's just try this he's wearing m l so had advantage on the attack thankfully and I'll take all of that thank you gimal bu we left tab out there to be basically focused on whoops and let's go get him back up sath should be all okay we go sometimes the only way out is through uh I don't think I need to use a potion should I I'll use one can't slow down yeah there is the extra two damage from ging wounds and shocking grasp I think it probably is any attack ra as you said as you predicted Works kind of like how hex does or Hunter's Mark I suppose wonder if the gods are watching me so we've got Warren now on 18 hit points still standing in some grease I don't know if that's going to hurt Tav but does a shove range from Thunder Wave also increase s SP increases range no the um I think it needs to be something that's an attack rout I can maybe show you I've tried it out already actually on my own that didn't work I may have to Target the grease oops oh yeah now it sets off the grease boot these boots have seen everything all right hopefully goodbye K qua good stuff wonder if this is worth the cost oh I think it was her who's got Thunder Wave yeah oops I should have tried it with her all right never mind I'll show you out after the combat all the next round rare Frost why not slow him down oh maximum damage another fight let's go breathe deep and move yeah the grease surface kind of got used up B there we are all right all right what now have here has oh careful spell not extended not ah she doesn't have the right metam magic whoops I will take a short rest though I mean I just want to point out I've never used it before but in the keybinds I I can't remember if this was in patch 5 or not but I added where's it gone F10 f11 yeah oh no oh I've gone straight past it there is a shortcut for a short rest or at least you can assign one here oh no uh yeah short rest I made it f11 cuz it was unused so instead of having to click up here you can now hit a button doesn't make much of a difference I just thought i' let you all know take all the stuff because we're just going to try and sell everything as quick as we can later take take take on my way now uh I used up a few too many spell slots in that fight at least on this have you got two you got two you got one no one back home will ever believe this yeah she's that's only one let me use the allet Right Moving whoa floating magical body here I don't know why I never used it before this patch I think I saw it didn't really like care about it then in patch six had look another look through the um shortcut keys because we had one added in patch five so you know have a look join this patch as well can't slow down all right we're looking mostly fine oh no get your crossbow out I love that little scene there just going to jump down start fight hopefully I won't die only one of them gets to go first before we get two goes right look at this twin spell is so good with chromatic orb s don't have any water still Bonk Bonk three electrocuted enemies so she'll die on her next turn he won't they obviously won't light on my feet oh no she's the one who used up all of her oh I tell you what she can do I've never used this in a fight before but create spell slot she's got two sorcery points she can't use them without a spell slot so may as well use them to make a spell slot and it's a bonus action so just gain a spell slot there and then we can Now cast something let's go for classic magic Missile onade so even if he doesn't die there is a CH I think he's had four yeah a small chance that he'll die at the start of his next turn anyway try and get you out the way oh right right into the view of that guy there Brant well done distance spell let's see let's twin with Advantage just turn on tides of chaos it's useless they're go they're going to die now anyway I need to start attacking to it was a nice idea but I've just got these two guys are going to die very very soon I don't need to waste so many resources on them can you get up on the bed no not really and we still can't see to which is a shame well let's just twin Firebolt with Advantage oh attacking From Shadows I do not need tides of chaos there's no point in that this a waste this is really a waste of a sorcery point but I just want to show it off oh level up the one who has got inspired earlier all right this guy's got one sorcery point one spell slot are you going to be able to get out here and see anybody I have to keep going maybe Oops why is that so dark here now oh that's a bit strange what have I created oh electrified steam I've never seen that before I don't want to be standing in that can you see anybody maybe you can see seph or a wooden barrel eight hit points we got any other spell that does more damage than that careful chromatic orb all right bsh nice right to the head I feel and everyone else has leveled up brilliant they walked into the electrified steam all right is it T's turn yet I'm just going to wait to see what he does he might attack through the steam or throw something or just kill himself right I mean have seen everything if you want to take a short rest don't really take a short rest wait for the fire to burn out give it save yeah I did want the enemies to go through that time to level up we got more metal Magics to choose from oh I want cloud of daggers I want at least two Sorcerers with the cloud of daggers let's keep all of that uh so we get choose one more meta magic I'd probably pick one of the new ones at level three which are heighten spell and Quicken spell or I think subtle spell uh I didn't feel like subtle spell has too much of use in the game at the moment because we don't get silence very often it's very very rare um only when enemy casters cast silence I think so I would never take subtle spell really quickened or heightened just going to check his right there's no point in me taking heightened because none of the Spells he's got in force saving throw Force saving throws which is why quickens would definitely be better distant would also be useful potentially I don't understand the enemy there mind well going to check these spells first so Thunder wave I think what I'll do with Thunder Wave just to show is distance spell right so we can see it and then enlarge redu someone should have enlarge ruce because they're tling as mode is tling they get hellish rebuke next have again checking the Spells I don't particularly want rev sickness anymore and one good thing we can do is replace a level one spell with a level two spell if you wish now I'm going to keep witch bolt on one of them to test out on some water surfaces but I don't have any water in the moment which is a bit annoying I'm going to take give someone crown of Madness and maybe switch it out later um Misty step somebody should have Misty step actually because with these low strength characters there are some areas that can't get to without Misty St uh as for there oh I think heightened because crown of Madness enforces are saving through I keep saying enforces instead of forces then yeah keep witch B that's okay we've got Cloud someone cloud of daggers crown of Madness and enlarge reduce okay that's good so we can show off the new sorcerer spells try second cloud of daggers don't need heighten spell here maybe quickened again the downside to heightened and quickened spells is we can only use them once per long rest we have a maximum of three spell points at the moment uh sorcery points at level four we get four sorcery points so we'll stick with that all right there's one more enemy left and Anders and on and on there we are just going to barge in on him uhoh at least things have stayed interesting let's move why is she only got one spell slot I guess it's because she just leveled up and you get one extra spell slot oh an ornate door one day I'll catch a break I just got rid of fireb Chuck some acid out it oops I was pressing the huh hopefully let's go whack it Andor hello levers on the other side or is there lever this side as well oh there's Leever on both sides why is that door locked if there are two levers right that's my own stupidity I normally come in from this side and just assumed there was no leave on the other side oh I didn't take anyone with extended spell I think I should have done that that was a big mistake oh well didn't do that on purpose uh just wasn't thinking carefully enough don't know if that makes things better or worse right this guy is surprised by the look is he no he's not surprised but he's really far aways seen three of us get to attack first there he is down he goes no you're completely right you extended spell not even just for sleep but several of these spells would be good to extend the duration of these boots have seen everything let's take all that uh we now have a supply pack here we didn't used to have one here I can't wait to sleep I think I will go fight the skeletons and then take a long rest and get some food for the long rest I we got Supply packs but just stock up on food while I can can't give up now okay just going to check a few of these shelves out never know when things get updated as and if there are new items in these containers all right nothing there candles I'll take the candles not going to use them but you never never know yeah I've been thinking that as well twin spelling Mage Armor so use one sorcery Point instead of a spell slot for someone I've also got a couple of Scrolls left over which I could use with sorcery point never wanted the easy path to save myself a spell slot enjoying one long rest I should probably check out these uh enemies eh ah there not much here really would take any of that o pressing pressing the wrong button pressing the windows Keys instead of alt we take that take that take that going to start to become encumbered with ar armors at some point if I keep this up Bon how you doing probably won't be using the poison very much seph burning hands thank you very much right since I'm here uh where's Thunder Wave there's Thunder Wave so extended distance spell I can't actually use with Thunder Wave it's impossible so it doesn't change Thunder Wave at all it affects a whole lot of other things so distance spell we can use with the Squall of rify before resting uh and using resources afterwards what was that yeah um distant Spell applies to almost all spells actually just a couple don't what path lies before me I'm just going to go open up the lever I think I've checked through actually haven't checked through all of these before or recently nothing there let's move to the next one and the next one these are just your average books as far as I'm aware never the easy path bit of gold won't say no to that let's pull that lever save ourselves a some thief STS yeah there normal burs nothing particular special not going to pick them up they have a little bit of weight and barely any value in gold all right um don't know if I've missed anything in here but I don't really believe there's anything else in these bookshelves don't waste a step I think one of the benefits of a sorcerer like benefits one of the good things about the sorcerer is the fact that um if I to click on a body there and then move over to where the body was before um actually using spell scrolls with the twin Magics twin Magics The Meta Magics probably will be Twin Magic to be honest moving in all right couple of Scrolls oh twins twin spell with gliding bolt magnificent absolutely topnotch level one spell to use that with is there any reason to use a regular wizard now instead of a sorcerer well I mean Sorcerers get a very limited number of spells with the wizard we can still chop and change and learn different spells uh maybe these low levels it doesn't seem like so much extending radi of the dorm would be absolutely amazing that would be like my my dream got a long road ahead moving ahead I like how this room is now much lighter sft as my feet can carry me there's light coming through some I guess some open windows up there that we can't quite see I always like looking at these sarcophagus sarcophagy because I think they've got some random loot inside one day I'll catch a break my step oh I suppose I should check vases never know when one of them gets updated oh a dagger all right first Soul coin coming up same place as it was in before s necklace I'll take that we got a Noble in our in our team and we're getting a is that just a hatchet like a normal hand axe or battle axe I suppose I can take it I never bother with the whole traps thing here anymore I just just kind of P up with it just like stand here right let's just take it happen to pass the saving through maybe I'll fail saving through well no real downside to doing it like this I think it's quicker than trying to set anything else up all right let's get going a there's no way I can destroy that door on one go but I could do it in two hits oo nearly obviously I do have the key this just think it's a bit more interesting bit more fun to blow up a door than use a key in a door cuz I don't get to do that in real life I don't get to Chuck fire BS around another damaged V I'm hoping one day I'm going to be surprised by a v let's go check out this chest no sign of I wonder what I'm not going to bother looting usually I loot the skeletons beforehand I'm just going to loot two of them all right soul coin number two this was introduced in patch five still here in patch six light on my feet so I'm going to disarm effectively this ined Warrior because they could do a bit of damage thank you take that of you and I'm going to disarm disarm but take off this Scroll of Silence oh I off that got in there wonder if the gods are watching me I need to find a way forward and soul coin number three the cell coins come back it's made a return after disappearing in patch five we got Morning Star here best be on my way bug Bears now Dro morning stars and the morning stars are just normal morning Stars sadly uh for some reason I thought there's a chest there right these boots have seen everything let's check out this book of dead Gods this book is lighter than it should be this is where I took the screenshot for this uh thumbnail for my sorceress guide actually let's use Charisma we got plus three in that tides of chaos let's just do it I should probably use it on the next one n didn't really need it but never mind should use it at some point before long rest probably and we get to see some lovely writing on the inside open it pops as the lock opens weak magic Pulses from the book have I seen the morning Stars reaction I haven't actually I'll have a look at it in a second is now so we can show everyone you have a sense I think there are names of dead Gods but what I'm so clever right uh oh just a straight up roll 55% chance not great but it's good enough today maybe tomorrow it would be Gods these are the names of gods once lost but now oops not dead Gods after the I was wrong I'm not so clever enan have dwindled and all right I think someone's going to get inspired by that yep did I pick up that morning star I can't remember if I just left it behind oh there it is so Heart Stopper an action all right use a reaction oh when you miss an attack deal one bludgeoning damage anyway brilliant that could be really useful for forcing um concentration checks on wi enemy casters I will check that later no worries that's pretty cool I saw ogre clubs have the same thing but I think it was four damage instead of one against the three ogres in the obled village all right let's go get this battle started and try I'll try and show off cloud of daggers that's curious they've updated the graphics here as well a nice button there now compared to before got a nice big bright green face about to appear if it's the same as what there we are lovely it's a fight so what I'm going to do is something I did in my own game is right this guy's got cloud of daggers so you can stick cloud of daggers about here and they've got no way around it and then we're just going to hide out and they pretty much killed themselves inside it it would be maybe better if there were a couple of skeletons at started inside the cloud of daggers where i' cast it oh what's happening here nothing Uh something's broken I haven't had this happen before Oh my turn now okay that skeleton decides to do nothing maybe because of the cloud of daggers I don't know right I'm just going to try hi wa I'll quickly find out if it's because of cloud of daggers or not I think it is I put it up in the wrong place maybe I should have left a tiny gap for them to try and move through well this is disappointing this is going to be a long fight they're plotting very hard they've got some big brain move coming up I guess oh I've completely Bamboozled them you know I might just try and drop concentration if I can do that now stilla yeah I can everything right I think I'm going to have to just drop it to see if they can appear hopefully they haven't completely broken them it be a bit boring if they just keep standing there for the rest of the fight right this guy at least present some sort of Target well no don't sit there just trying and attack that dude try and get some attention all right you going to come I think I've broken them I think cloud of daggers just broke their feeble Minds s you have to wait through this all right I'm going to have to come out and fight see what they do this round cuz they weren't surprised or anything all right they're completely messed up so I'm going I'm going to have to start dashing towards them I think this is kind of interesting not expected not wanted either oh dear I need to find a way forward wait not too high that's cuz I got the camera in the wrong place what Target too far uh let's wait till next turn can you dash out here you can surely jump out here I'll catch a break all right I've never seen the them break like this before Oh man yeah that might be the fastest thing although I have to get to them first cuz they are vulnerable to bludgeoning damage I'll tell you what I can do with one of my characters if I can remember to use it is I use enlarge reduce some one of them to enlarge I love enlarging I've yet to reduce a small creature but one of my playthroughs I enlarged yeah I enlarged my Tav here my half Health looks so big compared to the halfling all right maybe we can do some damage at last let start kind of dagg isn't actually going to be useful because well I don't know if they're going to move out of it 12 damage nice stuff but nine damage on his turn just going to stand there and take it Penny brilliant just not quite sure what to do with themselves if I turn around just at the right speed it looks like the clouds the daggers aren't moving so much oh no my turn all right on my way stuff it ties of chaos give us advantage on this attack and then no and they're just standing there right do you know what Jim F you said time for toilet break I genuinely need to go uh when it's the next three skeletons turn everyone I'm going to disappear for like 2 minutes hopefully you don't have to miss too much I know people decide to leave when streamers leave but that's okay I understand what are we going to do um twin chromatic orb can can we see anybody I can see you he's going to die anyway oh I can't see anyone else stuff it let's just do it everyone got blurred all right let's just take a sorry I'm taking a screenshot of all of these where's it gone wild magic blur right I'm going to disappear oh no not yet I'll let have have her turn she's going to enlarge oh everyone's got blood so got disadvantage on attack RS good stuff got to enlarge Tav got giant have there now all right I'm going to disappear for like 2 minutes I'll be back at the beginning of my next turn [Music] oh that was a much needed break right let's see uh big guy no no no no no um oh no it's not big guy Dash be on my way just need to get closer to some of these scribes oh they're so far away right dash is going to be needed that's for sure time to press ahead since the skeletons are just standing around I'm hoping I can finish them off quite soon this has probably been the longest fight I've had against these skeletons in any of my playthroughs in any patch so I don't normally use Wich B uh would any of these be useful twin spell distance spell no bsh all right just two skeleton left just have to sit through it no choice can't speed this up PO guys it's probably their worst performance yet all right got big Tav here sadly none of the skeletons are close by I love how the steps have another much deeper booming sound have to keep going don't know if you could hear that so well I can hear it just about clearly enough in my um headphones now that included an extra 1 D4 damage because he is enlarged this is a great spell especially to put on a fighter unfortunately I couldn't kill that skeleton I don't think I'm going to be able to get close enough just in case don't manage to kill the skeletons you know keep going any bonus actions yeah they're not really needed distant T careful okay I'm hoping I'll be able to kill these skeletons next time before they get a turn so have to wait through this boring long combat now I mean this is way more boring I mean I don't mind combat actually quite like it but some people think combat's boring fair enough this is like my worst nightmare let's just use all four kind of needed all four there three of them might not have done my way oh you're just way too far away oh never know maybe I can take a shot with the crossbow or all right so crossbow is too far however we've got distance spell I've even got a chromatic or oh I've got cloud of daggers left over brilliant no I just about managed to finish the combat just now no get out of the cloud of daggers dangerous stuff let's get rid of that looking ahead how large does no how large how long does en large reduce last no one back home will ever believe this 10 turns okay all right Tabs are going to speak among amongst themselves they didn't want to surrender their we earned this yes this is all ours right need to find a way I like the new cut scene here as well before we used to shove and push and heave against this sarcophagus and now as long as this happens always worried that what I've seen before is a bug it's like this is a tap and it opens up oh by itself here we go Here Comes Withers this is quite cool okay just taking a few screenshots yeah it's quite a face he's got there floating out with his old friend so he has spoken and so thou stand before me right seem to be walking a lot there what a curious way to still got his old voice here guess it's just going to be patched at some point fixed at some point question for the what is the worth of a single mortal's life attack no um it never really tells us very much does he nothing that would have been quite funny if it was a floating T stupid ask away yeah ask seeing Oh that depends on what the Mortal looks like a single mortal life that's how much discrimination they've had a life and how it is lived a different equation very well that was very quick ending there different equations I'm satisfied all right thank you Withers we have met we will see all right goodbye Withers I've got a long road ahead hasn't it been 10 turns yet I guess it doesn't count in combat blood no come on big Tav oh there goes Tav it's being small again right what I'm going to do because I have not done this before have I got a spell slot left I do brilliant I'm going to make uh small small T here smaller he's absolutely tiny never a dull moment brilliant I should have a second sorcerer with enlarge to put on one of the others just to see the difference between a very very large creature and a very very small one okay right going to take a long rest I think see I think it would be appropriate if it said that t here can't reach these vases up top oops out these ones com so let's just get out and then take a long rest I haven't had a long rest yet so we'll get all the cut scenes for the first long rest here we are back to our normal sizes again what they got most of the party here already this seems as good a place as any to make C just missing will I think Shad heart the Gale staran oh oh is this star in here yeah i' got four green dots there all right let's speak to liel normally I don't but I haven't seen any I haven't looked for new conversations yet new dialog options forms inside us and you think to be ID continue be quick about your rest we must locate a crash all right we're not going to turn my sleep parasites inside us do not rest oh I don't have any familiars to try and large ruc this is the one downside using four Sorcerers as I don't get to look at the other abilities or how the new spells combined with other abilities hesitate to end you all right there thanks you won't hesitate to end us it's a comforting and Shadow's like oh what you talk to her for it's like Teenage Drama All Over Again what were you two talking about just discussing next steps I'd be careful with lasel I'm sure you would be she's not of this world I'd be surprised if our interests remained aligned let's hope we rapidly find a Healer don't worry Bill I just finished him off the skeletons and just to be clear basically it finding a Healer is our first priority Okie do we shall be Shadow heart agreed sooner we find someone we might even get lucky and find one right away's disapproved we're over and good fortune rest well thank you I shall right anyone else want to speak Gail you don't have your mirror image right in said we're going to have a look at Withers save it before anything goes wrong let's say look at Withers but see if we can pick pocket from Withers still and see whether he cares with steal failed he doesn't really care try again doesn't care so I'm not going to really continue doing this I don't really care so much but in your own maybe what more important more what I really want to take are the surely no one no those Revival SRS what path lies before me yeah I don't really mind if people leave really I'm here because I'm having fun boom all right and there goes aaran all in one night what a busy night we had right thank you for people who are voting on the poll uh people have been voting the last few minutes still and it's still in favor of the draconic bloodline 58% of you prefer the draconic bloodline it's not too far off being even we've only got a small sample size as well 58 isn't really a huge sample size let's go save some Druids shall we ah right let's also while we're here quick and spell so I'm just going to check out wish to live in more interesting times have a lot on my mind and well in it all right oh who's got these scroll s I'm going to give the scroll of Mage Armor to let's just save this dude and then twin spell squ of Mage Armor on oh which T is it it's the drought Tav oh that didn't work out oh yes it did it was himself and to brilant so we used one sorcery point and a scroll to give two people Mage Armor that's what I like to see me one thing I did notice from the patch notes and have experienced myself and I absolutely love this small update is after the fight Outside The Druids Grove you automatically get given the way point you don't have to to go and visit the wayp point I forgotten too many times let's go and visit that wave point oh wave point that way point after the fight iar shouting up ahead all right we're going to climb up here because High Ground is going to make us win this fight even quicker than we would have before I just run into it here still got teing Tails running around flying around fling around nobody gets in Z's orders that pack of Goin pretty sure this cut scene hasn't changed so far what's going on goblins are on our tail open the gates now you let goblins here where is the Druid please there's no time he tries to help you aridan tries to open the gate by the nine hell open theate gate there we are open the gate let them in poor old cannon is final moments now bye-bye no yeah as if they're going to be able to hold that gate that' be really heavy Canon's death certainly is Cannon all right let's hope we have high initiative roles let's go initiative 9 143 and 11 great not highest ofoen what's bug bear doing have I just broken the AI in my game somehow has anyone else ever experienced [Music] this all right all of the NPCs are just doing nothing it would be funny if Canon was like the big bad evil guy um I might try and reload because this is obviously just broken neither the enemies or Allies are uh I'm going to start off with the auto save it's just at the start of the fight we know that before the skeleton fight everything was fine if I have to I guess I'm going to have to go back to there there's no way I'm just going to be watching NPCs do nothing for 10 15 seconds at a time and I wouldn't expect you guys to do that either so hopefully we load up quickly enough it's most recent save at worst I guess I'd go back to the save before skeletons if that happened I'd probably skip the skeletons in fact and just come straight back out here because we don't have to go and meet with us he will come along if needed comes along eventually right this has been particularly slow at loading I feel like it's normally a bit faster anyway I'm going to skip through the cut scene this time Cannon some of the only words we hear Cannon pling next move I somehow completely broke the AI in the game in my game not in all your games still not working right I'm going to load up to where am I going to load up to um not there cuz that was after we saw it maybe this save and then I'm just going to run straight back to the Droid Grove without going to the skeletons something went wrong in the skeletons don't know what I'm hoping my game just hasn't completely broken that would be quite a shame am I what am I going to do I might go look at the oh no I don't need to look at the book of dead Gods that's fine I can just leave that it's not really that important I'll get inspiration and experience from other places right teleporting straight out of there no idea why this is happening I've never experienced this before and I don't know if it was because of cloud of daggers or just something else has happened uh oh have I completely messed up my uh game then how much farther can I go I'll see very soon what happens no I haven't actually had my long rest yet now make this fight a bit more difficult I don't see how i' lose this fight though we got so many allies that we should be fine some of them might die I hear shouting ahead we should check it out but be careful so please work if F right from what said I'm right it I might be in for a bad night Skip Skip Skip and they come running of course I go first so I don't get to see what happens so one I'll catch a break look at that cloud of daggers on three of them there I um I'm kind of hoping everything works out but I'm not actually very [Music] hopeful twins chromatic orb we do level two level yeah level two lightning one over there one over there come back and then we see that's fine it's all good it's something I div in the skeletons and a dead [Music] boy I was word I was going to have to like uh no no no no no don't kill me um going to have to like verify Integrity of the flows which takes ages shove me shove you back oh I won't shove you back it's shame I like the music ooh fairy fire I forgot I had that this will be particularly useful just here Bonk on my feet that's because he's a drown not because he's a sorcerer easy these days all right she's not doing so well because she got shoved off we's got plenty of spell slots left brilliant defin chromatic orb is just the way to go now let's TR some cold damage because we've got some blood here die bug bear die Goblin tracker no he made his saveing thr but he still could F us sa through wonder if the gods are watching [Music] me no problem did we kill the oh no no maybe we did oh he goes there Zak Goblin boss come zor don't break on me zor please this is being a bit slow take damage going to fall over no it's a shame gaping wounds good choice everyone Focus I like how the boss is going last and half of his allies are dead now the blade of oh yeah you're being useful aren't you coming in after everyone's had their turn oo look at bath there he not doing so well is no escaping will just jumped on this Goblin's head I love it I think that may be too happy right stop it we're going to take a long rest kill Goblin up here go back to this tab the downsides to cloud of daggers especially in this open area is everyone's left it now no one's going to walk through it [Music] again now we've got advantage and high ground so I think a twin oh chromatic orb I'm going to go for level two [Music] Thunder Zak is nearly gone uh oh oh Aran you're fine it's fine it's all good we got temporary hit points from being rallied that was a very slow hit there that's better how come he's got all of his spell slots not sure don't really care but I like it though so we're going to Misty step to over there just because he's closer to the action and I think it looks cool and we're going to knock out oh no no no we want level two because we're going to Long rest soon High ground and advantage High Ground can you hit can you hit the same Target twice if what do you mean Jim uh if you twin cast a spell can you hit the same Target twice if the path is blocked by the same person ah I see what you mean I haven't got the situation to sell that up right now I moved out the way too quickly oh no missed that guy never mind plenty of chances left there uh I'm just going to stop concentrating on cloud of daggers don't want do not want anyone to walk into that and hopefully this is a dead Goblin boss and he's gone that was the last of them right easy stuff when you're level three at this point this fight is actually really easy if if level two it's a bit more difficult because you've got no level two spells and you don't have your subass for plenty of classes and so now we can see sylvanas's group is um kind of the way Point's being found and if I wanted to I could teleport to it not going to though that's a nice small quality of life thing there time for looting before going to sell some stuff sleep and magic Missile those are good spells to have so Morning Star just 1d8 now uh poor stranger danger can't use him anymore or incumbered let's change that no more dual wielding overpowered morning Stars I think that change was was was expected though check out the W I don't think the what I have anything have to keep going uh check out the tracker sometimes trackers have things like arrows useful arrows have I checked everybody one more tracker there I'll try and set it up later Jim Foods cuz you're right uh it would be very overpowered if we could do that I wonder if you could send one of your own party to behind someone to try and sort make that happen try and sort that out let's see what we can make happen here children here you fool you fool we was running for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable Druid you can C up payment anytime your pay meant I didn't ask for any godamn help all all right please you are begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward the human's eye twitches he's about to blow what shall we do persuasion probably persuasion easiest thing plus five bonus to it it's not easy though and she's got friends I might hang around and see what aridan says to us I hope it doesn't create a massive fight here oh I'm going to fail even with Advantage there might use how many inspir inspiration points have I got one ah just fail and who the hell are you again whack oops should have done that a long time ago arrogant prick had it out for me from day one no one leaves my people out cold he let you in he tried to let you in he did try to open the gate I like the second one so out C's dead clever too little too late not he was right though coming back to this h was a mistake no amount of gold can put right I'd rather face another round of goblins well I'll see him later outside the goblin Village not Goin Village the abandoned Village see if he dislikes me oh no uh there's no more friends friends is gone hm all right zor get up oh se's got friends on him oops even though I was trying to persuade in regression a cheap shot I should have expected that all right uh AR R off true to form and good whatever your business I'd see to it quick this attack will only strengthen their resolve why they're forcing you out ritual yeah start a ritual we'll be slaughtered if we leave seems like the same as before corga their new you though perhaps you could persuade him yeah's see what I can do we owe you you'll find the Dr oh yeah I the same as before so zor might get a bit mad at me later friends is going to run out in 8 seven turns So currently if I examine him his attitude is zero find out later I'll let him go back to his little cubby Hall oh come on tabs time for tab talk you heard them I know we need to all right just going excellent I'm just speaking to myself there Swift as my feet can let's go and get the bug bear first can we come up from behind I think we can oh no I don't know if it'll be too late well let's see I've never I don't think I've ever tried to come up this way before I've always gone up the other way can I come up here yeah have to keep going oh yeah too slow coming up this way ah oh I was about to press space to is she dead she's dead so coin for me come on then assassin W yeah I was too late that serves me right for trying to do something different actually no that doesn't serve me right just uh I should have known better since we're going to be taking a long rest soon just use off everything who's this let's try and make this guy reduced oh that's not a great chance but all right then get we go baby bug bear survival is all that matters H not very close can you jump up just get as high as you can and move hey why you running step forward up 50% not so good but I'm down low I don't think there's anything I can do about that just have we go uh I got piercing shot as well try choice but to keep going still can't get up that he's going to shove us off that could actually be a problem alth since he is um reduced that should hopefully make him much worse at doing so shoving us let's try and knock him PR so he has less ah he'll still get up here though I mean get down oh f move first ooh good I just want to check cuz I'm not too used to this yeah he's got disadvantage on strength checks and saving through is now was that a strength or dexterity saving through doesn't actually say all right Jen we'll do if I remember we'll do okay okay okay what's this dude at 14 hit points I'm standing up here cuz I'm going to you oh there's such a low chance that this Works St it just try anyway fall over all right I might lose a character here might be shoved off into Oblivion oh he's dashing but he still gets a o I was about to say he gets a bonus action to shove but he doesn't it's so small all right and no spell slots left so let's just try and attack oh did it to PR don't walk through the ice take that go pick up dead thing dead things uh things from nadir's body go and get Soul coin number four although I think I've only got three of them cuz I had to reload moving Ahad walking through the poison well done all right going to go and trade a little bit lien our load cuz we've got loads of stuff in a backpack I have to admit at this point the game always feels a little bit slow because there's so much to do in The Druids Grove people to speak to but we can go get the harpies soon enough all right that's an auto save that wasn't me is about youre esap I care about our refugees well met same as before act F same as before I'm looking for a Healer I pray no Goblin Arrow has grazed you NTI could put you to rights she should be with the others in the inner Chambers but really looking down the groove I know it's drastic but monsters seem to terrorize this region every day what about the people here we Druids will be safe we Druids for those that took Refuge here well so mean Mayan casting out T flings travels original I don't want this to happen corga makes the decisions I can do nothing but pray to sanas in the hopes that he'll protect them your voice w't she won't all right fair enough I still want to trade with you though need anything else just some bits and Bobs I no longer need all right so the trade screen has changed we can now just double click and sell an item straight away if you want to go back to the old star screen we've got this trade BS at the top but I'm just going to be setting things we got to keep an eye on the number of coins that the trader has uh no don't want to sell that and it won't let you trade things if they if the trader doesn't have enough money so this Ruby here double click on it and it says oh insufficient gold that this transaction can't be completed do I want any of these items I'm going to pick I'm going to buy rain dancer actually because then we've got water to spread electrified surfaces around with sell all of this especially the heavier things so I can keep picking up more things afterwards so weapons and armor should be first to go he's running out of gold now yeah oh I should maybe give that to the um the Dr since you can okay it doesn't have any gold left fair enough sylvanus guide your path oh let's have a look at the axe I didn't need else take a good enough look at that of course but please remember dragon's grass lacerate does additional 1 D4 slashing damage to burning targets huh okay sadly none of my Sorcerers are going to use it but there we are let's go and speak speak to the other Traders oh am I being spoken to hey that's not what's not mine just drop the item what was that the soul coin or did I accidentally pick something up huh not sure not over didn't want to get into trouble so just going to run away right some more trading coming up we'll go look at ATI e she's got a new bow no one's going to use it yeah no one's going to use it I don't think but I'll show it to you hello hello there a e the talk of the camp Talk of the camp please goodness you came along when you oh bit of color in those Che that's cuz I got white dragon blood inside me will sorcerer I am magic if I can't kill myself nothing you conco will concoct willag your blood invisible anti make no mistake that's how it should be jeez dis separated power can never uh F uh granted granted it is the Arcane tricker glorious SMS nothing better seen she's back I once had a fell who' been caught dabbling dabbling with a dry lovely all right uh okay next my Pointes P don't want to tell you everything's fine not going to give me a greater healing potion yeah all right so this bow spell thief quite a cool name yeah although you're spending a spell slot to get a spell slot back H um it's a spell thief Arcane vment for humans at the bottom once per short rest you regain a first level spell slot when you land a critical hit with the spell thief the only real downside to this as J and I have kind of been talking about is the fact that you need a critical hit to get a spell slot back and it's only once per short there once per short rest actually which is quite good because you normally get spell slots back on the long rest unless you are a warlock uh I can continue to sell a few things need that can anyone use a short sword my Dr can use a rapia or dual wield shortswords I might actually keep the short swords I don't know if I've actually sold too many of them now might have done I'll keep selling other things though I'll find another short sword soon enough I'll leave this for now cuz I don't have a huge amount of money huge amount of gold but it could be one way to get SP slot back I don't know if whether it will work if I pass the as well give the here uh pass the Long Bar around let's give her rain dancer so hopefully we'll be able to come up with some Shenanigans involving electrified surfaces and water let's go speak to Dam thanks for fighting off those my selection is pretty slow that's quite a good selection actually most you A Smith people came funny how things be starting over and before I don't think there are any new items in here we just get the usual sort of thing one thing j and fade has told us and pointed out on Reddit is that Spears are now first tile you can use onehanded or two-handed so you can have a spear and shield I saw quite a few people wanting to do that which is fair enough yeah I think as a ranger also probably wanting the Plus one weapons uh just want to point out we've got brace here spend 25 ft of movement for the rest of your turn you roll melee damage twice and use the highest result basically having advantage on melee damage and if this for one turn if you give this to a fighter you could have potions of haste on or a potion of haste on them and also action surch so you could probably get quite a lot of damage done in one turn as well as rush so what you can do is use up all your movement speed or most of movement speed with brce and then use your Rush attack to go charging in anyway doing a bit of extra damage and with action surge then do us whatever you can um I mean I don't really need like crossbow plus one either I want to save my money for other things in case they come up later and soon cuz I actually haven't been much further in the game than this I haven't made it to the goblin Camp yet so I'm not sure what to expect from Traders and things so I'm going to be saving my money recently I've started to spend my money a bit more quite often do hord stuff that I get all right let's leave let's go speak to will we'll send him back to Camp never be able to use him I can hear will in the background was there a hand crossbow there did I just miss that I don't uh oh my Dr could use the hand crossbow yes you been I haven't got a careful enough eye at the moment have well there it is sweet just going to buy that might come back later to see if he's got another one to sell all right Mr drought um who's got the cross you do this is not a huge amount of let's have a look mobile shot um this would be very good with Rogues especially Rogues who might happen to have two bonus actions so once per short rest you can take a mobile shot which is one the 8 plus two which is more damage than hand boss crossbow normally does but you must have dashed or disengaged but it does mean you can disengage with your action run away and still take a shot that's a bit less damage than the light crossbow but I've really used hand crossbows cuz I haven't been able to get them so early on before so I'm going to give that to the Dr Who know now has some different weapons since he is proficient with different sets of weapons oh free stuff to look inside backpack and travelers chest yeah nothing in there right let's actually go get will going to be nice to him and then I'll take a long rest and then go fight the harpies as far as I'm aware the harpy cameras like camera bug has been fixed best be on my way yeah I'm glad the hand crossbows come in earlier and that we've got the extra weapon abilities no will come back just try not to click on the wrong person walking through people go on Give Me Your Best Shot probably shouldn't be using real swords not bad with a kid especially I wouldn't trust the kid with a real sword bit upset oh got a Tav in the way out the way Tav hey hey keep Focus see how I used your own Force against you I can't do it of course don't like kid voice time sounds too exaggerated come the blade of fun tear overnight hey there can I have a word man's smile B downward and hiss become would be funny if could accidentally kill I say funny inappropriate inappropriately funny I'll be Dam to the hells yes I was strange sensation secrets half revealed and Well's mind unfolds Secrets half revealed I was indeed kid still going keep at it kid oh nodding to himself there listen I've been having the strangest dreams since the crash I haven't actually had any strange dreams yet to be fair just yet been thinking I need a Healer all right this looks like the same dialog I reckon you've been thinking same sooner the better I've been waiting for this GID house to return they say he's pretty powerful he probably help us problem go we start growing Talent tacles we can look for housing together but I have a condition what's that kid in the background doing he just like nothing go on look at these kids they've no chance on the road I've got the grandest of plans kids attacking the mid a attacking the air yeah okay Justice I call that that's fine let's clear the road your spirit but you're full up but when the time comes just go to my Camp wait for me a splendid plan let's chut there okay do let's go uh long rest now see if wheel's there we'll go get the harpies so we're getting this again oops this seems as good a place as any to make Camp yeah heard that before anyone want to speak to me oh character select just going to save this i m save okay fair enough I can't save her at the moment so we've got Gail and his Mirror Image I'm having given GA anything RK open view but just for argument sake we can steal what to potion of healing which we didn't have basically was doesn't really exist before Oh I can't I can try and steal a supply pack it's very heavy that's interesting but it doesn't matter so much that I failed I can take what I please all right I'll try one more time just just prove a point that it doesn't matter if we fail today I'm afraid if G was in your party you might be able to transfer him some items and then steal them back uh but we can still steal from Gail's Mirror Image you can check out Jim Fade's videos to show that happening yeah look at this sorcerer also wild magic cool uh so sorcerer typical it was using magic just admire his own beard Magic Make It dance oh oh breathe fire it's done all that and more plenty of sare funny be that as it may gone sorosis all right thank you same as always spot on spot on one need to go on no shake your head my point is this or any expert will okay long live the abnormal okay okay okay and anyone else wants to speak hiding successful let's move let's think ahead or I'm lost now I don't have Withers here because I've skipped that part out because that broke the game so I didn't load and go back and it seems like lelle and Shadow heart don't want to speak to me now because Gail is more important apparently Auto Select full rest there we go and off aarian goes stalking into the night all right back in the camp do I still have a scoll of Mage Armor I do give it to one of the tavs that's going to use it have to fight twin spell maybe uh where's the Dr so we can't only Target Two we can't Target more than two people so you can see when we target there that the halfling and the drought are both highlighted that's how you know who it's going to be cast on for one sorcery Point boom right one nice thing over here although my Sorcerers can't use it we can now go get the metallic gloves ourselves thank you very [Music] much trap to S tool there's nothing probably not going to be anything useful inside here it's quite difficult I'm going to use TI of chaos I need some more W Magic surges didn't need it but you never know when you're going to need it or not all righty open it up and 27 gold probably not worth it Gold's not bad but oh look at him watching me what's this fishing rod let's go speak to this this kid I'm not sure if there's anything different here hold out your hand lady let me show you something H got tling speaking to a tling whoa Go amazing this ring it's lucky oh kids boarding already that was a fancy trick you haven't seen anything yet lady go on take the ring and watch your fortune change oh it's floating M A going to try slight of hand I don't know if it's going to work oh that's not going to be easy I've got no way to increase this I about get a guidance necklace soon enough yeah failure all right fair enough let's see what this see what happens hard luck lady but like I said funny call it heads or tails um pocket the ring hey hold on you got to pay for that do I the ring is mine now keep it call it a sample yeah but you got to at least look at the other rings I got weat all all right wonder if we're going to get stolen from though really I mean good perception check that's what I got failed uhoh wonder what's going to be missing ring of being really invisible infinite wishes resistance to ants resistance of L Linus oops all right I don't really want to buy anything nothing caught your eye huh no uh oh another perception check failed well done everyone leave to leave third third three perception checks failed in a row that's the game giving us as many chances as possible to be like they've stolen something o kid yeah I can stop time with the power of my mind I can't speak to him I'm going to follow you silie Thief no just disappeared into nowhere well the half thing can go have a look later increase chance of wild magic surge another step forward what did I lose anyway bit of gold hopefully nothing else I see the leis telekinesis I knew there was something I wasn't getting there I didn't know what it was let my daughter go right now she's a thief hell spawn and you will wait for cor's judgment get back let me through mad or I'll rip your D throat out I'm going to join you use en llarge on one of the Bears that stand by the road the the water side just in case they get angry at it the sound of the Bears Cal Mag give him a chance you get back get back can I you just let me can't you just let me by a moment I like how we're now the other side of them what even though we were behind on the stairs before I understand just coming to speak to you you apparently corga wants to see you go ahead all right right sorry just bit of an ny ear yeah goodbye Vol come back to you later first thing I'm going to do is try and move the bear out the way is Ione got any fish heads or fish Tav has right step forward Tav throw a fish next to the elevator there we are get a bit free experience for a fish don't mind right down here let's go look at this bear fishing I say fishing for salmon but that's just fishing or right who's got enlarge with juice I think it's is it the T yeah let's use enlarge on the B it's only 50% chance to work I don't know if I want to waste that right now I don't really want to waste that spell slot considering I've only got two level two spell slots can we move this we can the necklace is still there Ulus of sylvanus oh that's T it's not the amul still yeah still level two um still lesser restoration level two abjuration spell how about you hide and just take it who knows if we'll get spotted sometimes the bear know is doesn't like you from stealing oops don't mean to press X for stealing anything grun may as well equip it on someone and we should be able to twin this as well oh she got out she said we'll just give it to her oh Vol Vol Vol it be nice if the Down by the River song came on in the background while we while we were down there let's speak to Vol ah my good friend character select what I need to do is get someone else can I get someone else to speak to the bear at the same time I can't gu I want to steal from Vol but the bear can see so let's mineer illusion it up oh the oh maybe it's because we're in dialog mode oh the bear is also in dialogue mode that's why oh BOS leave yeah and now they don't do anything with the uh the minor ReliOn all right where's it gone got rid of it so T give you minor illusion back they're going to go and look at it no oh I haven't tried that recently what I did this when I was I used the minor illusion when I was making my other sorcerer party huh canel the dialogue anyone ah there we are let's see right just going to see if anyone's got a good slight of hand two two two that'll be three so it's going to be halfling have not as as could wonder if the gods are watching me oh he's already used tides of chaos I don't know if I can use it out of sight in pocketing mode out of movement because he's a blooming halfling cuz if I use Dash I and now can't actually steal because I've used up my action I could use someone else but the chances are just a little bit worse no one stopped me yet need to find a way this guy's got tides of chaos so I can hope that this works what do we have here I'm on the earth side got it all right now we just need to put everyone together and run away ah no run away I might get stops later but it's just a small fine I have to pay I think what was that was he just getting more fish yeah I think theyve got one character he's got 17 yes 17 chisma this sorcerer here so I'm going to give the eye to them select them my favorite subass and Early Access it's kind of difficult not to say something from sorcerer at the moment because sorcer is the new P new patch the new class new flavor of the month however I've I've got secret or not so secret love for Battle Masters just going to hang out a bit uh oh K here 54 gold so 5 that was Jonah um 54 gold is more than a small enough price to pay for an extra one Charisma as far as I'm concerned as long as I get to use the item before being found I'm happy right I don't suppose these Druids will say anything different say anything different speaking to them here just going through the the ritual oh the sorcerers my favorite subclass um it depends a little bit on my mood but generally I prefer this the draconic bloodline because just the passives a bit better wild magic is fun but it can really mess things up in a bad way but also the draconic sorcerers get an extra spell known because of their subclass probably makes the draconic bloodline my favorite sub Madness a what WTH a thief I will imprison the devil she's just a child parite she eats our food drinks our water then steals our most holy Idol in what have you got to trade lock her up yeah nothing really she still got good ber fight is complete and keep still come we do it yeah same same same nature or persu well persuasion obviously um just straight roll can't do anything else about that oh just perfect exactly what I needed right very well there it is break your word and my serpent shall to me few screenshots my Grace has its limits thank you C Master H wolf looks a little bit stupid in the back from keep his name off your tongue Les pierce it ooh um I don't remember all the spells for all the different draconic Bloodlines at the moment one day I'll catch a break but I remember most of the Spells are quite good there fog Cloud grease witch bolt probably wouldn't go for witch BT uh burning hands I see you just give me can't remember anymore to my head right now I don't think there are any particularly bad choices for the draconic bloodline also we don't have to take major armor it's almost like we get two extra spells what but I will say the World Magic is it's F to this is interesting the while surge pops up so far most of them have been fairly beneficial where did you see another Dr I see um good enough to tell there's nothing obviously wrong with you a bit tired maybe but a t b in my head yeah this looks the same as before can you help me I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able you need to be quick this way I probably wouldn't pick the draconic bloodline that gives disguise self I don't use that spell very often personally poison isn't that great either if you're going for poison team don't worry about him on the table I'm not in the habit of killing Dr are you not he attack Masters crawled out of his head soon after he and I have the same kind of parasite Master hson a right start okay why he join the adventurers you got me instead of him he understands these things what's the plan what's the plant even some things off but first things first you telling everything you want to help you okay but I can't I can merge my mind with any anyone else that's infected identify each other yes we can how' you pick up the parasite was con and infected this is all the same as before you've been you seem like this is a vial of wyver the thorn I don't have it I'm sorry for now do I have yes I'm always lying to her you should allang should be CH yeah this is all the same as before going get through this y I can find thank you thank you for the poison thank you for the quest one St this is good come on poison okay poison all right need to find a way forward time to press ahead yes good point you I forgot about those two spells I would probably go for one of those if I was making just a single sorcer it because it's a way to get a spell you know spells that we can't normally get I love this new look for the library here that the books have changed to stone tablets I think it looks a lot nicer I'm not sure Druids would write on stone tablets maybe they would uh but it's just a nice way to distinguish this area compared to other areas in the game which have bookshelves full of books just going to go check all the shelves oh sightings record what's that about long list of Al bear sightings says Cub oo they already know there's an Al bear cub around same oh we take that scroll thank you have to keep going all right one last little section to check uh skip that skip that not so many Scrolls here oh tash's hideous laughter nice don't often see that one on the scroll let that be known we can find T squ of hideous laughter potentially here I think the Scrolls dropped here might be random I don't think that there setting Stone set stone Sor that wasn't done on purpose but I'm glad I said it all right light on my Fe take that one day I'll catch a break uh yeah let's go look at cor's chest see if anything has changed there we going need one one of us to go still breathing despite everything yeah they quite a few I mean I never remember exactly which bookshelves have these Scrolls on cuz every time I go there I just search all of them all right it's quite strange that this it doesn't have red on it for lock picking that open well we got several Thief STS in case we fail oh no got 19 all good this is just in case I make it to the swamp in time just going to get the location of where cor's contact will leave some Scrolls or books all right let's get out of here in I noticed in the patch notes they changed um the light cleric Channel Divinity Radiance of dawn so I think it only attacks enemies now not just anyone which is a bit of a shame cuz it's nice to start the fight in the Druid in the goblin camp with uh Radiance of Thor attacking all the Goblins ah we're going to go kill the uh harpies that was it h let's go up here first go speak to Al I think it's all the same I did test this already pressed Windows key again instead of alt starsight smile pain Fade Away sounds a little unpolished being a bit mean now like a cat being strangled God damn it are you all right no I'm moments away from a Grizzly death she she got a random yellow line I think this is from one of the squirrels listening like the outline of the circle for the character Agony and ecstasy mostly Agony and when you finally perfect a song there's nothing like it but when you're stuck and it's just getting worse poor Al best of luck with that thanks oh [Music] dear does that fit no it doesn't fit s i fa it I just want to come over here I'm not going to do it now because it's a bit of a hassle and it didn't work out very well when I did it in my own run but the there's a chest over here it's always been there but characters with a low strength cannot really make the jump very well I did manage to get my tlink across from one pillar to the next I think I can maybe make one of the jumps easily enough is she the one that's got Misty step no what to do just in case I mess this up I'm just going to make sure I've got the one that has Misty step and we can make this one just about okay that's not too difficult let's actually split every one up I don't want them following but then making this next one is almost impossible I managed to I think at some point yeah there is a space to cross if you move right to the edge but I couldn't get back even if I stand at the edge of this pillow over here the angle that the fact this pillow is kind of pointing away the range of the jump comes up to somewhere on the side of the pillow rather than the top so I'd have to use Misty step to get back and I don't really want to be doing that now also one thing I want to check distance spell does work with Misty step so with metam magic we can jump a long way with Misty step I don't know if that's going to help people get to new places they shouldn't be getting to one way to get around but do keep that in mind I don't want to have M met magic chosen right time for the first fight in ages like I said the Druid Grove takes up a lot of time we're just going to Jump Right In in here try and smash some harpies in the face I'm just going to keep walking can I get up to here yeah we'll see it happen now listen a sweet melody beckons you it vibrates with magic the hary's charm sorcerer quisma huh ooh we got advantage and wisdom or just a plus three and provides a Magic Shell to damp I'm going to try this because I've not tried this before I like the way the Dr there's looking down at the poor tling kid oh it's quite easy it's not certain mind you yeah there we are let's see what happens here continue the suffocating yearning suddenly Fades as the spell breaks you are free uh we haven't freed the teing kit though get back back no no just a bit of water B of water I only want to listen just a little closer all right yeah yes everything's going to be fine once I get don't do it right it looked like my sorcerer my sorcerer my drought failed even though I just yeah whatever ow no she just jumps on the kid I find I find the harpies a bit more aggressive now maybe that's just me all right um I would like to annoy this hary magic Missile is a good place to start try and enforce Constitution serving throws for t keeping concentration there's three throws and concentration seven throw failed that's why magic Missile is great here but we are just going to stand next to hary so this guy does get to go maybe we should focus this hary maybe prevent it from having a turn man oh twin spell I love it I can't get over twin spell and chromatic orb together oh that's not great what threatened he is not threatened what is he even nearby what's causing threatened try move out the way am I still threatened what maybe something else has caused threatened I don't know I don't want towi anymore anything out forces are saving through nothing great Fair fire I think that'll be better use for Ferry Fire later you chances are low seems things were a bit messed up so just L of Firebolt probably won't hit yeah kind of expected ow resisted the [Music] song doesn't look like we're in yeah M range we get away have we got height Advantage ah we don't we're not quite high enough but we can hide don't want to draw any attention so we can attack what spells is it feels like this guy doesn't have enough spells four yeah it's fine just got four spells oh she is on some blood oh advantage on attack oh cuz I'm hidden yeah oops let's just try a level one cold chromatic orb actually that could be bad for my guys o sorry if that knocks one of you over not bad not bad come on can't stay ID and no opportunity opportunity attack on you either right we can kill hopefully one of these harpies by walking slowly away am I threatened because I'm in the water in difficult terrain I'm not sure maybe it should be magic Missile again then right you've got 13 hit points you've got 10 I'm going to go for the one with 10 hit points more likely to kill it yep there we are one down ow this is all hurting rather a lot I forgot to cast Mage Armor oh that hary could surely have done something I don't mind that it didn't but doesn't seem quite right 50% chance low ground not threatened don't think there's anything I can do about that low ground at the moment jump through some of the water get a bit closer they might fly away anyway later let's just go through it take a bit more of a run are you still threatened no you're not you just got low ground try and get higher maybe get rid of low ground disadv well yeah there we are now within sight range no point there's no point in trying to hide but I don't really trust it my stealth isn't very good fire B Fire fireb won't kill them though let's go for this can we reach that one oh no Target's too far just out of range I think so there's no point in twinning a spell thing I feel like when I've got twin spell you get like twice the bang for your buck for your spell slot CU I don't like using using spell slots without twinning now though I don't have enough sorcery points to always twin a spell it's going to be one of those times let's just go for 3d8 65% chance isn't great it worked out though sometimes low chances are fine uh oh what everyone got lured by it I know he seems okay let's get going all right we will be able to get Advantage I think I can't see the sneaking cone breathe quiet move with care that's all good let's use piercing shot oh is anyone actually going to take an attack roll against that one I don't think they will it is very far away don't have any water at the moment by the way water is good in case anyone's wondering because oh she got that stuff despite everything she does as well all right um create water come on come on I'll show you why water can be good um because this this harp is now wet they are vulnerable to lightning and cold damage so if I check out either a cold orb or a witch bolt I'll try witch bolt and um bsh maybe I should Lo the bars they are vulnerable it just happen to L slightly low to look and they Tak an extra damage from the uh is it electrocuted yeah electrocuted status and the start of the next turn they're going to take more lightning damage that will be doubled still on my feet and thankfully we just used a our sta for that we didn't use a spell slot so extra eight damage brilliant and as long as concentration isn't broken which isn't guaranteed next turn I will be able to just attack or you know activate witch bolt again to do double the damage [Music] H think just start by climbing up I won't lose the uh penalty for having low ground ah 60% chance to hit let's try that so forace take I could use myy St I just trying to conserve spell slots that's all good stuff so activate which BT we should hopefully see cuz they're still wet wet doesn't disappear it's three turns and dash 18 [Music] damage so do keep in mind that water uh pairs very well with lightning or cold damage it's just wi belt get you get to activate that damage again and again and [Music] again I don't think the har has got anything on her time to my luck again so yeah let's lock these just one left I'm hoping not to have to use a spell slot but things start looking dire I will 55% chance 50% chance no that saving throws are so good compared to the armor [Music] class yeah I used that in against the first harp but she's although she's concentrating it's not actually doing anything to me I seem to be passing my saving throws so I'm not really that worried I don't need any attention right [Music] now oh yeah maximum damage [Music] 10 oh one one hit point left they're going to attack finally ow that's okay it didn't actually hit all right our little halflings gone on a massive Adventure [Music] here also this High Ground thing is actually better for us at in this situation where someone's outside normal range is it better I'm not sure it's better but if I can hide if I can hide which I can I've now actually got plus two to my RO which is quite nice might not hit right cuz it's only 75 chance let's go well the saving throws aren't so high they' have to get a temp don't let's have a look at their constitution to 12 they got A plus one I don't know if they're proficient in Constitution saving thrs but they got at least a 60% chance to pass not over true uh might need a short rest this dude's a bit hurt that's how there we are Che this pile of bones a candle four candles step forward going to go check out that chest there might be a surprise for some of you got bone there so in this chest is where we used to find the bracing band and it's not here anymore gone I don't know if anyone knows where it's gone I haven't been able to find it I haven't had much time to search around that's one of the reasons I'm streaming for a lot longer today than normal okay let's just split everyone up we just need to jump across here what path lies before me so this is one of the situations where having a strength of 11 in this case isn't quite good enough doesn't cut it we can't jump across oh maybe we can searching searching can't quite make it if go any further I'll start falling off the cliff right he's got Missy step I think it was this guy oops no stayed interesting this guy this guy all right looking ahead let's go get him I think after this I'm just going to teleport out of the Grove I haven't explored the whole Grove but after a while even I get a little bored inside the Grove all right so Misty step up cuz we can't do that we've still got the Ring of color spray here which we had before but we don't have the bracing band somebody should probably wear that doesn't really matter who whoever's got it right now it'll be the trout luckily we can I think jump down from here though just can't jump up with a strength of 10 or 11 or lower just going to go collect everyone there we are and out to the savus Grove good stuff all right haven't saved it in a while things could go wrong oh it did cost M armor there is no casting stack for the ring sorry the ring um something show you is color spray uh it might it doesn't even say it might be intelligence but color spray is based off let's see does it tell us what color spray does yes it does um creates a d dazzling array of flashing cuted lights that blinds a creature or blinds creatures up to a combined 33 hit points there's no saving throw against it there's no attack roll with that it just works so you can just use it this is where maybe extended spell would work also you could blind someone for two turns instead of one but I didn't take any sourc or didn't make any sourcer have that metam Magic by accident so with that ring you can give it to anyone I'd give it to someone who's in melee normally yeah a bit like sleep in the way it works it's based off hit points current hit points instead of an attack roll saving through before I go down to the Goblins I'm going to go and get the guidance necklace we can finally have some guidance set up here can't slow down you can do some a little bit of herb picking if you want to some Balsam don't think there's anything else up here never wanted the easy path not that I can spot quickly anyway there's an Alo plant there we can't pick it up ex up this ladder again thank you to all of those who are voting up to 55 votes now slightly larger sample size to which is your favorite sorcerer subass pick up some apple pick up an apple some spicy sausage links going have a look at the chest there be a guidance necklace here we'll try and get the spider egg the spider egg is quite heavy though how much farther can I go all right I was just thinking now that someone with extended not extended um was it distance uh yeah distance Bel with Misty step would be able to get out of almost any combat in one turn quite easily yeah another potion of speed that'll be nice have we lost I found cuz I was I have used this party when making my video about the sorcerer guide is my halfling does tend to get left behind somewhere in different places I don't mind him being there it's not that important did I let's give someone who's got the necklace he's got the necklace got guidance now at the back of the lies a bag covered which is good to have a shiny gold coin pokes from its mouth hopefully this works yes good the creatures clutch the PCH anal handling oh we got plus two from dexterity for slight of hand let's try that o 15 that's not good let's use tides of chaos let's go past SPID and I kind of want more Magic surges to happen because I want to create my own little catalog of these surges uh where's the that's a supply pack am I blind I think I'm blind ah pouch I'm blind there we are let's just get the spider egg out spider egg sack out and the gold head back down hopefully halfling T catches up go kill some goblins go kill some innocent poor cultist people go get the albear good little section coming up at the ready right I must say that most of the ladder problems have been fixed from my experience so far I haven't had many people being left behind on ladders hopefully this doesn't hurt oh is it because he couldn't jump up is that why a little T couldn't make it one day I'll catch a break all right in we go assuming someone can yeah Spot It all right annoying statues hope your soul is in good let's go everyone it's kind of stuttering a bit I think the animations are too quick for my computer yet just quickly switching between the characters with F1 F2 F3 and F4 make sure that all they've all got the ranged weapons equipped and then you can just click and attack never probably the simplest way of dealing with the statues let's try and creep up a bit Brea quiet oops switching too quickly let's go to SK they should all be following yeah have to keep going seven hit points how much damage 1 d 8+ three it's not a bad chance to kill it yeah nice worked out some bleedings show up to kill yeah this isn't very fair on the Goblins what path lies before me oh boo Target is obscured by shadows I'm not going to take my turn yet because I need my other sorcerers to come along and help all right this is a bit too yeah these guys are relatively low level keep my head down it's hardly fair basically be on my way but they're goblins they don't play fair your soul is oh might be seen no two misses out of two see if we can make it three for three no we can't but that's a good thing and we get a shot here so I'm using the crossbows because their damage is higher and the chance to hit is about the same especially for the halfling whose dexterity and Charisma are the same same value all right okay turns going to summon no oh no oh acid and acid well glad they didn't do any more damage than what it already has done oh no let's keep going for with this guy oh miss miss miss that's no good still breathing despite everything I don't want to waste any resources on some lowly goblins like this oh well can't slow down Catch My Breath oh yeah you can still move hopefully I'm moving far enough back yeah they have a bit of problem they don't have enough movement to catch up so they waste their turn with Dash I say waste for them it might not feel like wasting CU they can't see me anyway but for me it means I don't take any more damage I've already used one short wrist righty keep missing it's not good I don't want to be ending any turns in the acid cuz my armor class is too lower which negates the penalty from low ground obscured by Shadows yeah critical Miss brilliant you know what stuff it someone's going to sort this light problem out bouncing lights is going to help us sadly that takes an action stay idle yeah the thing is there is a dragon breath spell but it's level two hopefully they add more spells as hope to add more spells as we level up that would be nice right I'm going to have to start I don't know doing something different oh the're dashing again guess we'll do the same this is just cooling out for an chromatic orb still feel like playing a wizard eh fair enough Wizards are cool what are we going to use we're going to use lightning we do a bit of extra damage I could have hidden actually to get myself Advantage yes electrocuted all right to P my luck again can I hide yeah so we got height bonus and Advantage this is what I should have been doing before very well oh you walk back a bit breathe quiet move with care that this took a bit longer than it should have done oh now we get the critical hit suppose it is more likely when we've got Advantage okay these boxes some of them have some half useful things I think there's a few potions oh we got a scroll of Aid thie tools let's have a look a disarming trap disarming tools another potion bit of healing that time another more thieves TOS lightning resistance yeah that's all good stuff there we still have some statues to destroy should mind my step getting to the right position can be a bit annoying sometimes a this looks okay still alive so about to progress Target too far need to make everyone move a little bit further we will be attacked by these statues fairly soon if we're not careful want everyone to move yeah that's it that's better right here we go times what to do never moment hit the same button twice no one back home will ever believe this no time to rest no time to rest lagging ever so slightly when I switch characters let's move got a long road ahead all well that ends not as bad as it could have yeah uh I agree that the Sorcerer And wizard spell this overlap quite a lot is any spell that a sorcer can get pretty much or wizard could get most of them especially currently in borders gate 3es where they can um Le from any scroll anyway still alive so that's progress oops I thought she hadn't fired got a long road ahead let's get going can't give up now shouldn't have F2 F3 F4 clicking in between time to rest don't want to take any chances with these statues never a moment there we are another one down I feel a bit bad because these statues obviously Help The Druids from being attacked under underground and I'm destroying destroying their defenses oops I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if they knew that it was me who's doing all this can we see that statue make me your enemy have a lot of my mind all right good in it still alive so that's progress let's get going and same thing again here no one back home will ever believe this trying just to quickly switch between each of the characters clicking each time I do blood don't know if I'm going too quickly and it interrupts that animation let's move and then one more over there oh no it's too far away fair enough going step forward don't have a long way to go before it starts attacking Way Forward right here we go what now never a d moments well if you've got four warlocks here El blast is a bit faster things stayed interesting have wished to live in more interesting times looking ahead what to do all well that ends not as bad as it could have some of them haven't actually been attacking cuz they're too far right let's get a little bit closer there everyone okay I'll strike you down let's get this over with still alive no yet hopefully don't introduce more like sorcerer spells for the different subclasses if they I don't know if they're going to introduce more subclasses it's hard to say all right fendor I don't think we can actually raise you up just by talking toow yeah can we help you no right this is chucker potion then I like how this interface here for throw has been cleaned up a bit actually let's um see if we can be sneaky despite everything and try and heal both these people at once time to rest with a single potion if I land a potion just between them there's a chance yeah heal both look at that two for the price of one thank you thank you I thought I was going to die down here there's no one looking for you no I'd still be outside Gathering HS if I didn't run into the Goblins I must tell the others what happened I step careful there are traps in these tunnels I do like the folk hero subass because they get inspiration very easily what we have to do is go and help people save people you get inspiration moving in oh no don't go too far or everyone is spit up um on my as well go and collect the key for the staff I don't have four magical staves although the drought is wiing a rier and there aren't any particularly magical rers unless there's a new one that's com in the patch I haven't gone through very much in the patch yet like searching through the game right hopefully we don't get blown up by this chest going to go speak to poor true Soul Edwin and his two I guess followers haven't saved in a while unlocked right nature snare no one's probably going to use this chance to snare Target if is not a plant or a beast well I never know when it's going to happen let's give it oh no can't give it to the halfling yet let's give it to this guy since he's got it on him best be on my way right let's get out of here up up up we go bre deep sounded something new but it was just where it came from oh there goes true Soul Edwin I've had it with enough with these true Souls actually this is the first TR I've come across I think something's wrong something's wrong moving in let's see if we can send them into the AL cave actually that's where we going next time anyway you not a strange symbol glows marked on their flesh something within you stir I don't really want to use this medicine what happened to your friend Anar please do you have any shut up andri do you serve the absolute wait oh got tman there man locks eyes with you airings in your head tp's wriggling about hold his St interwine you see his siblings and Bren new recruits yours to shepher protect them uh he how did I not trigger the Trap if you for got the key the Trap doesn't trigger you have to get the key uh without the key the Trap triggers and it's very deadly because of the oil Barrel nearby a poor true Soul Edwin Edwin Ed please he's with the absolute now you're you're it's just about managed to figure out he was chosen do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin you report to me now and forget that uh you need to find the Beast and avenge your brother what killed one of us Edwin it's an enemy of the absolute you're right sir the Beast must be destroyed go get that Al bear the cave is just ahead it was too much for us before but but if you could help us TR yeah we may stand a chance all right we'll do it for you yes try and get him killed in the alar cave absolute what were they raving on about crazy people spell trouble hm rubbing his beard could spell trouble oh let's go let's go go have a look at this Tad Port the man is dead something sh his I think they've updated the model for the Tad pole as well maybe it's just cuz I got updated my graphical drivers look at that look at that it's got more teeth than before I swear the same as the creature more obvious teeth at least Crush one squeeze should do it but you sto short oh it's cute isn't it how could you think of Haring something so strength nope Insight I guess have we got guidance yeah let's go oh 20 the tadp plops to the ground but it's too it's not too sweet too sweet Constitution focus focus well not great I mean not a good chance 15 isn't easy oh two natural 20s in a row how about that in from your mind to squash crush crush the T into the ground a wanted to get a screenshot of that faceing gone time for a t talk as soon as they need to yes let's get rid of them it's good though we know that they can be killed or removed at least did we manage to pick up the yes we got that first half of the spear I don't need any mugw time to press ahead all right into the Alo cave feel like the back cave into the back cave actually before we do I haven't checked over in this Direction new patch you never know where new items might be hidden with Hast just trying to see if any of these rocks are movable let's see them highlight yeah that's it my last two natural 20s scrap with Shield don't need that it's a bit heavy like rotten eggs like rotten eggs nice um yeah okay fair enough nothing really there as far as I can tell that is a very quick look over I don't want the stream just to be me scouring every single inch to find nothing boots they were there before wisp weed let's take some wisp weed just a spoon and a coffin it's an odd place to find a coffin to be honest maybe it fell off from the bridge above on my here they are let's go I'll TR this n must be near absolute protect us hopefully they're going to come in with me very well yeah there they are at the ready let's go oh eviscerated Goblin pickaxe that's Sten de I'll be pre no doubt we should stick with these to how much farther can I go so hopefully they take hits instead of my characters Oh short sword I might give that to the drought actually ever believe this so he can dual wield short swords raap is okay but dual wielding is not so bad anymore oh do I've got to give him a got one short sword I'm sure there we are very good drown now wielding short swords and a hand crossbow hopefully dual wielding hand crossbows later nothing here heavy Stones all right come on andrick come on Brena it's just a as the symbol glows poweres through I don't it's no time I have no time for cowards attack with a bit guidance this should be a good uh just about okay needed guidance we can charge all right oh bless I like it thank you sadly the two Al bears go together this might be a bit painful who you going for ow oh miss good right a part of me can't even catch my breath it's only for I want to enlarge this to make this out huge but all right I might save this for a video um what am I going to call this Al huge try I'll try it once now extended whoa look at that might be easier to hit I guess obviously it makes it more dangerous I wouldn't advise you do it I just want to see what would happen is through and I'm going to get opportunity attack against me if I just move um yeah what am I going to do no not that where is it shocking grasp we got be care I'm going to if I move I can see there's a little arrow there just the bottom of the alow and then if I move any further away I'm going to have an opportunity attack against me I wonder if this is worth the cost now if you move out the way I wonder if this is worth the cost hopefully get closer and hopefully also Target is obscured by Shadows what nonsense yeah I can see right bloody light coming in all right because of that nonsense I'm going to get rid of the concentration make the Al B normal size that's it I've chickened out still on my feet I'm hoping my allies don't walk into the cloud of daggers I'm also hoping that Al just kind of stays here don't go into the CL please okay okay fine right what have we got flourish piercing strike that could actually be oh no that's with the short sword I want it to be with uh ah does the hand crossbow not have piercing strike justes need to check this piercing shot oh piercing shot it is there just got to find it missed it there it is scored by shadows I'm so close and I've got dark vision because everyone's got this um lu problem breathe deep let's just make sure everyone can now have Dancing Lights bit annoying but hey ho halt failed saving throw brilliant so it's now going to take damage on the start of its turn okay at least now it's not obscured by Shadows what have we got piercing shot no thank you oh topple may as well try or it's having a bad time is this Al be on and now because it's PR at least B three doesn't get opportunity attacks how can you play with a hot be like this I can never be bothered to spend time moving the hot bear around uh hot bear hot bar around most things I have on the first bar I I tend to learn yeah it's not a deal right we've now got advantage in bless this is all very good I feel like we don't necessarily need to use any spell slots now I should have used Ching grasp actually still got bless two damages two damage ever easy oh we should have used piering shot first can't slow down all we can hide cautious no don't create s points nice extra damage is going to be getting done to it I think oh what was that the right thing oh it needs a constitution SA it P critical hit four damage what was that that was just very unlucky I think we should try another piercing shot to be honest and we still hide get some height bonus have another attempt ah pass setting through never mind 7 this time oh 12 damage I like that cloud of daggers I think has probably done its worth even though it's just against a single Target uhoh uhoh uhoh not good blood comes easy these days now if I remember correctly she has Thunder Wave Deo n it was worth a shot oops didn't mean to press be I won't be able to shove it's too heavy I'm going to have to leave her there what now we need to do 23 damage T out of sight time for a chromatic or can we twin this we can TW oh I don't need to Twin it I don't want to necessarily kill the Cub so let's go for level one Thunder 91% chance pretty good can do the most damage in one go just trying to knock this thing down now your turn how your turn you haven't I should probably get rid of cloud of daggers I don't think it's going to be useful 70% chance we can hide oh 11 damage left just trying to decide whether to use catic or bch missile I think the orb if it hits will be better got 96% chance so yeah there we are the cup looks from you to his dead mother what you going to do eat a single strike all they do is eat all they do is he no we'll leave the let the creature live see what happens to Port alub yeah watch speechless yeah lovely stuff the C has a fighting chance now Fighting Chance we've justed itery Spear's got an eye on the end lovely course I can't wait to sleep hello you two help me out actually see those two did help me out I wish Ed what would you have of us now sir find the new stronghold resume your duties yeah resume your duties I don't want them appearing anywhere else absolute protect you we've also got a new spear won't be well I've got the ability to create this this one is it yeah combine oh they got a little animation there now that's cool and we got vision of the absolute same as before I think yeah oops uh let's close that window have to keep going let's go have a look at this headless skeleton sadly no one can wear that let's take an Al bear egg oh the tling got hurt quite a bit didn't she that's was because of the alar an bear egg these are supposed to be worth let's take that let's walk out the cave this way what are we going to do about missing hit points I think a short rest will do can't slow down looks like a shrine to Sala over there there's magic keeping this chest sealed I feel it's all thoughts psychic resistance poti of healing all good stuff somebody has guidance may as well cast it on someone don't think it matters too much to couple of skill checks coming up come on everybody that might be worth a look let's take the she These Boots are just an old pray I wonder if this works without identifying what it is yeah it's fine my prayers are answered and we have once this gets out of the way I can't move out of the way well this necklace before was gives you basically disengage if you got fewer than 50% hit points equivalent of disengage yeah they don't provoke opportunity attacks okay let's pass that along to somebody doesn't really matter who I think most people I got three necklaces now right it doesn't look like there's anything else new in here oh potion of speed yes please thank you very much yeah nothing else new right let's get up these cracked cracked cracked rocks cracked Rock moving in uh I did have that the cut scene with aie yeah I was inside both with the bird and oh wa no sorry with the bird I had the cuton inside it was it was just the dialogue options are watching me you're right uh I didn't see her pull out the stick The brith Thorn with the poison on on it ahead let's just check over here there's not usually anything here which makes it for for me it kind of makes me think it's a prime candidate for adding this as an area to look and find new stuff cuz maybe they'll try to utilize more of the map oh who's that oh H it's carac of course Swift as my feet can carry me take a couple of mushrooms breathe deep and move don't waste a step I wonder ah we can't Missy step across here I mean we can Missy step down here from the Druid Grove anyway but just in case anyone ever wanted we could I'm not going to but we could Missy step across this River guess this is still the Chan best be on my way all right scratch hello scratch w w gr reach out to pet him oo not so happy oh Stand Down perception well I'm best at intimidation I don't know if I'm good at intimidating a dog guidance gives you a pretty good chance to pass this didn't even need all of that off off take a closer look neck is a uh Paul I won't get down there to dat I won't have enough time you're okay scratch a deep heartbroken wine the dog bows his head follow me Hees buts rooted by the corpses side hold out your hand see you later scratch am I nearly leveled up yet no no one near never gwick personal note soft letter I haven't actually looked through this stuff in a while I'm surprised Scrat let me take all that I suppose I did befriend him personal note G be doubly careful on the way back I've received more reports of attacks on Travelers throughout the region from Postmaster General danzo okay fair enough next one DAV it's a boy come back and see us I do wonder if the people who are writing these letters will be in bold as gate tough letter nine fingers H welcome back to the city not while you have your thugs looking for me you want the Deb page you have to trust to collect it yourself go to the graveyard and look for where m kwin is buried get digging and you'll find enough avable successful matters between us I'm fairly sure we're going to be going to the graveyard districts in Boulders gate if you've been watching some of the videos that I've been data mining like chots videos it goes into that I won't say anymore in case you don't want me to say anything on my feet that piece of information could come in use for bit more experience for finding the goblin Village just going to check the bodies up here in case there's something different give it a save haven't saved it in a while don't want anything to go wrong oh ex sanguinated ball who could have done that I wonder strange it looks healthy a dead Bo but it doesn't look like didn't see a Bo there may as well examine it no other choice give us guidance don't really care if this works or not we know that who's done this I mean the character doesn't know but I know the carcass seems to be fresh two small punctures vampire can see all right fair enough at the ready let's check out some bodies uh I don't want to carry too much just take the gold the other items aren't worth a huge amount mostly I will take actually I'll take all that get food for resting take all that cuz those could be useful and I will definitely take those Scrolls what path lies before me Vermin Vermin take the gold Swift as my feet can carry me I don't normally go in the front door anymore I much prefer just coming up this way so there are just some Vines you can climb up and you're straight inside the blighted village and there's no one who is going to attack you immediately or anything smoking pip work the inking is rough work progress surely nothing there in particular at the ready anything this wouldn't crate they were digging here on purpose obviously can we bring this crate out I don't suppose there's anything down that hole no just a couple of shovels I take one shovel might need it later in the end the dark I know it's long way away but I'm not always not keeping an eye out for shovels I might forget now this guy is certainly aggressive oh no I didn't never mind maybe wanted to try something else apart from that oh well we get to go first anyway nothing standing my way all right don't have many spell slots left use quite a lot up in that Al be fight and we can always hide since the Albert Albert the bug is facing the other way oh that was good survival is all that matters and risk being an open view I think it'll be better if you cast fire bolt kisma is higher than dexterity there we are 325 experience in my opinion take that take that it's probably a bit heavy leave it behind don't need to take I'll take some wine and R might come in useful later yeah nothing there let's go up to the rooftop first another step forward yeah not nothing useful there best be on my way you know to try and get further in the game I might just try and get through this peacefully light on my feet so I can check more stuff cuz otherwise I'll have to that wasn't inside that building deception H intimidation persuasion these all pretty good plus five for all of them deception oh maybe not the rest of choices this could fail uh depends what I get on guidance ah just plus two I needed plus four there down we go well now oops I should have used inspiration never mind oh well could be worse everyone could have been down on the ground H still got three what are we going to use poison so they have disadvantage on attack RS against us oh I just hit both of them as well oh they pass their saing [Music] throws they going to dash it's always good to see that nice to hear it start all right try and get rid of these goblins up top first oh cloud of I'll use cloud of daggers later I think since poison didn't seem to oh path is interrupted that's [Music] annoying right uh let's just use a fire B then this can only hit one of them no I didn't even hit them they going to run out after me they should [Music] do yeah okay they should come dashing towards don't see what else they would do no they're still plotting time for Big Brain move apparently right yes it is a dash down they come right oh yeah go up the ladder that might have been a better way to go than up all these boxes all right what's this quick and spell nah twin spell just level one ah burnt up the poison ground as well oh six hit points left too many [Music] yeah uhoh immunes are sleeping picked on the wrong humanoid 80% can't quite give our advantage this time so quite a good chance to hit that's that one dead one thing I find annoying about staying up starting up here is this Goblin down below just takes ages to get to them let's hide so still got plus two to hit oh no that was a one and 1d8 it's got to happen at some point I suppose another Dash they might attack not too sure yeah they're going to attack but they've come closer which is good for me makes it easier to see them apparently anyway not [Music] really oh it's just standing in the wrong position this is where I would love to be able to ready and attack I don't think there's anything he can really do may as well Dash try get somewhere a bit more useful this surface ends in one turn so we can go up to it I don't obviously not going to go in it I think heble just stay there again that's the usual thing that this Goblin does oh sorry they moved barely probably a bit too far away but they might be able to reach with a spell we'll see and it's going to be a dash right good good [Music] good the Ambush position is good if we go in the front gate where they're on the houses actually works really well but if you come in from any other angle they really messed themselves up they split their group into two so we can deal with one group at a time we can hide uh you've got fewest hit points oh no I'm in the fire let's get out of fire yeah I set myself in fire all right you might have to come down to the edge so maybe we can get a chance to shoot let's just try it hey that's exactly what I needed ah they're resistant to fire anyway she doesn't care about standing in the fire oh she's was supposed slots again since she really needs to be using the crossbow all right can you see now yes let's go for it five hit points not bad I'm going to try and jump out the fire so I don't take any damage all right see what this Goblin's got up its [Music] sleeve nothing again definitely going to be in the T from this buyag might be asleep I'm standing quite oh no it's another Dash maybe they can't see me that's what I was running back to try and make it more difficult for them to see me they might be able to shove I don't think I'm going to shove someone off the building Oh no just trying to get to High Ground I can respect that except they're facing away from me seems like an oversight time Tok about 9% chance to miss and I managed it nice all right now it's time to see if I can get you can sometimes see the goblin below through this little hole in the roof there I'm just going to make try and get into the r can the halfling make it not quite need to get a bit further I might have given them the opportunity to see me but I've got probably three or four attacks going into it that's probably a good place to stand actually better place for me to be able to see them as we can see maybe no we got no no oh they made the animation of fitting tab but didn't actually do any damage which is nice yeah we can see him now come up to here pop a shot off oh we do eight damage and all is good in the world again yeah I didn't really mean for that to happen but it happened now anyway let's take that all right let's get off the roof I think we can come down on this side yeah I don't want to take hold of that if not over not the end of the world that I did do uh there is a key over here well at least there was before don't think I took it already yeah heavy key wish had a bag check out these crates and Trunks nothing to see here [Music] apparently come down here check out the other goblins we will then go and get the way point take that take that very well time to press ahead all right I'm actually starting to get a bit hurt there's the way point but if I was doing this properly I say properly if I was doing this unfairly I'd maybe start fighting from up here my step however let's see o fairy fire will be good I get five of them up to five of them they do get a saving throw it's not certain that it works is that going to get the cleric type one it's hard to tell so whoops give us a better view there we go oh what I got two of them two of them not so bad oh dear they're going first by a long way this could be bad oh there's no music Bain oh no there's the music in it comes and bless H clever devouts deves right let's go show him his boss sadly they've all spread out I was thinking of using a cloud of daggers cannot do that now let's see I can't see that one and I can't see that one this is a bit dangerous because they quite a lot of enemies here I'm wondering I might I'm trying to use a level two magic Missile to try and break their concentration I don't know if that's the right thing to do actually it's probably better to do a twin chromatic orb because if I can get them electrocuted they might take damage this turn and next turn thereby forcing two Constitution saving thrs concentration broken right no Bane now uh that was the one that had cast ban unfortunately they're going to be just shooting shooting shooting walk's going to come in ah Dash good makes things a bit safer for me can we get up there too far not enough movement speed that is a shame again cloud of daggers is almost too good not too good all it's almost useful oh can I hit two of them here who am I Hing the tracker and The Devout yeah music's coming in and out um this might not quite be worth it is that tracker yet to go yeah that tracker hasn't gone yet and this will potentially get rid of their bless so let's get this over with it's one dead Goblin oh no it didn't get the tracker oh it didn't hit the tracker uh oh uh each spell your cast restor sorcery points equal to at spell slot level oh hello I'm just wondering ah wonder if there's a way to abuse that I wonder if in the future when we can cast high level spell slots I'm not sure I don't think we will be able to I'm just hoping the tracker Walks Into The Cloud of daggers that should be a Dash from The W yeah yeah music is coming in and out here a bit strange o g very far I forgot to equip Mele weapons uhoh I'm in trouble that was not nice was that a bomb can't quite [Music] see distant careful twin ah don't have don't have Quicken spell all right who's going next the goblin tracker and Goblin Brer over there and all the way down there that's not good all right I think I might use sleep get rid of those two or get rid of those two get rid of the boss ah if I use it on this guy we get woken up by electrified so there's no point doing it there use it on these two they got advantage on attack roll not Advantage they got the hyp bonus take them out for a turn oh concentration broken as well I'm hoping Tav can survive he might not maybe I should have gotten Tav back up cuz they're going to get plenty of opportunities to attack Tav oh no this is going really badly now it's gone from bad to Awful o a dash I just shoved his mate awake I thought I was going to shove him into the cloud of daggers then that would have been hilarious it's all very quiet take a PO potion bonus action and I think I'm going to have to risk have to but cloud of daggers here could potentially do quite a lot of damage to these two or even better to these two is that even better there's another walk down here isn't there all right who goes next that tracker who is awake and that walk as well I've still got twin to spell uh build yeah uh uh no I don't think there's any particular reason that Source would be better or worse I mean you could twincast maybe using this the stuff I don't know if that causes two damage rolls against you though that's only that's the main reason to use a sorcerer over a wizard if you're know you're going to be casting just one spell Sorcerers are probably better cuz you get the Met meta magic options oh I wish I'd taken a potion of haste now cuz a void bulb with cloud of daggers I haven't actually used it yet but I think would be pretty awesome right I'm thinking very carefully about what to do cuz I'm on the verge of dying and losing I could May who goes next who goes next that go Goblin tracker I think I can kill that Goblin tracker I've only got one spell left on this guy oh man it's going to have to magic Missile one oh path is blocked look at him hiding behind that stone two three I don't think it's worth using that then I'm going to try and use a void bulb try and bring some of them back try and force them to oh use it on the electrified surface try and drag them in I don't think I can get the tracker and the boss in one go ah didn't manage to do quite as well as I wanted it to ah that wasn't great let's see what what foolishness I've C oh critical [Music] hit might have to use a scroll of res oh two critical hits in a row are you kidding does anybody have a of healing word no not by the looks of it no no no no let's go to magic this is all going wrong this fight shouldn't be this [Music] hard two level one spell slots if I use this no if I use this it uses a bonus action that doesn't do anything anyway all right do you know what try and stay alive am I going to have an opportunity attack if I go there doesn't look like it I don't really want to risk it hopeful that soak up another hit why did he Dash I'm so happy with that but I don't understand why he dashed oh he's going to shove his mate open uh open uh sh's mate awake okay things are looking a bit better uh throwing throwing is always always been an action right time for a potion of speed let's speed things up we can throw potion hopefully heal two people but I'm focusing on Tav who is on the ground first oh no no no no no no that's so definitely cost us rebuke that will potentially cause some damage I've just got a help Tav up having a Tav on the ground is not is not good and should probably splits up a bit but not too far okay this Goin shouldn't be a problem this tracker is probably going to have an attack though yeah critical mess all right we've got a ring of color spread uh what are we going to do the spider eggs could help oh got lots of spells on this guy heighten spell oh that guy's the [Music] way all right Missy steep the hell out of here get our height oh I just got rid of that I should have locked that as well that was silliness so very much wants to come on Twin let's lock that bar out once you twin [Music] lots of choices here I think I know what's going to win out I want to Twin I just kind of want to kill things so I'm going to go for the Thunder orb hopefully killing two of them yes this is why sometimes Sorcerers are called blasters just stealing out dishing out damage are you going to be able to shoot from there unfortunately so uhoh oh lucky for me two critical misses from them in the same [Music] turn oh they gone to pick something up Shield of Faith all right so T here is nearly dead which means it's his chance to cast one last po one last spell one last potion before he dies [Music] um no Scrolls might be Scrolls on other people but can't bothered looking through oh right Jen if you're still here then I'm going to try the whole twinning thing hey why can't I twin oh I've got no sorcery points left oh I've got no sorcery points left because it's level two spell well I'm going to try this so I'm going to Target this W and then Target The Devout yes Jen fade it looked like both of them went for the war so if you can line up someone obviously it was the disadvantage it wasn't the ideal thing to do but it just came to my mind that I could try that trick that you came up with oh T [Music] survived two level one spell slots left we've got two annoying wars in the way can I shove this W I can [Music] try just enough so I'm out of Mele range so then what can I twin oh we can twin another chromatic oh unfortunately I haven't got anyone don't waste I love the update sourcers are great any new class would be great I'm happy with any new class so let's target the WG and Target the Goblin theout Bash one of them did 21 damage amazing on 3d8 all right that goes to top of the choose list for Sorcerers oops go on walk through the cloud of daggers taken that damage took 10 slashing damage thank you for killing yourself for [Music] me I love the Magics I love the new spells everything is good in the world so Aqua I'm using that because then hopefully I can send out a level two chromatic orb against this uh War although it looks like T might get hit by it I don't know and the W is wet so they're going to receive double damage if this hits yes eight lightning damage just from being electrocuted at the bare minimum do I need to take I don't need to take a potion of healing are you going to walk through the electric electrifying electrified water you should be able to go around it are you stupid enough yeah I mean no you're not stupid enough to walk into it o probably good thing he was prone there all right things are looking better now oh music's gone again twinning for the sake of it because we can try and hit you and try and hit you I missed one but that's okay all right what you going to do goblin shy they had hellish rebuke on all right no choice but a keep going T it's your turn you are so nearly dead just time to I think that W will die from that and we can do a bit of damage to this bwet I mean they were going to die from the electrocution next round I didn't know they were going to die from uh those three missiles is ever easy and you've got one level one spell slot left and and you've got Goblin bro right next to you let's try and spread this electrocution around hopefully not into Tav another one down all right fer you're either going to die or give up very soon there's only two of you left only have to use one potion of speed running straight into the O straight into the flammable surface uh is that going to hit my tavs they are so close to the edge of the surface of Grease I'm trying to have a look to see it looks like maybe his toe is on the grease I don't want to risk that they're in enough trouble as it is she's got no spell slots left this is good I don't want walk inside that there can we jump over oh that is a lot of electrified surface that looks like it's safe I guess it is and then let's use acid Splash cuz he's got disadvantage on the saving throw cuz he is prone and finally surrendered that was a bit close stop I give up M Mercy Mercy I know things if you let me live I'll make it worth your while promise talking you might live if it's worth my kept nearby I can get you inside no hassle you can lo it do whatever do whatever there's a hidden path past the the bridge into the camp no mercy kill the goblin all right all right bit of looting oh leather helmet I didn't realize that was there maybe that's new plenty of tabs that will be slipping over falling over diving over maybe on purpose oh there goes another one and I'll take a long rest after this uh come on get out the grease just jump out right get looting all the tabs are falling over they're all awful at staying on their feet don't need any of that don't need that should mind my step let's go check out the sharpy I should probably I can't see it right going to take a long rest we'll leave I need to go on the window sorry there goes buckers fruit see you later have a good night something going to happen oh bit slow is this Raphael I think this is Raphael you can see the oh there he is see the yellow circle in the background there we see the blue one My my what manner of place is I just want to see if this is changed I'm going to play through this haven't seen this cut scene since P six some rest for the wicked after all what would kind character [Music] select the words to a lullabi perhaps you going to give me a lullabi you're going to sing to me Raphael smil brightly it out foxed the cat then down came the claw and that love was that I do like Raphael's voice they do know how to write them in cor don't they they do indeed met I am Raphael rapael very At Your Service all right get this T hole out then care to join us blah my can't we still have legs pretty words you're paranoid aren't you yes of course must be the surroundings rather Bleak and Lonesome one yes this encampment is deciding Nice Shot there actually middle of nowhere for my tastes this is the middle of nowhere me to see your place I want to see how this has changed taking a few screenshots W food looks even nicer that's very bright like the music more specific than somewhere House of hope it doesn't tell me where it is though to rest and the famished come to feed lavishly go on take enjoy your supper I will after all it might just be your last yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm a halfling I'm a hobbit I have like six meals a day I see good makx the next part that much more all right this is looking fairly normal like the same as before whoa scared what's better than a devil very bright fire in the background the devil you I kind of like it more this way I like the new lighting you're a cambion so much more so much I wonder how much more actually I like the uh the fraction of the air above the Flames there potentially an adversary of light in the air but a savior that's refraction not defraction whoops forgive me draw your weapon consider your predicament it's like he can read my mind scar two tenants and no solution no solution in sight indeed but there's lots of food like that go on then we color change for the lights then fix it or die by my hand yes I love how everyone approves of that has put up a fight only to realize victory was never an option try to cure yourself I will borrow and Ste same as before Hope has been getting the light feels like light is much more red yes yes yes yes I'll rip out your mocking tongue yes tongue pretty little symptoms sing the same might say that's the same I'll be there and that's the same okay fair enough Bonk devil that says it all 2 two let's not lose our souls on top of losing our brains every Devil's curse fair enough what are you reading there historian is's reading a book a nice book sh what's up for discussion oh Will's holding an invisible drink bloody hell literally no matter all right let the same as for this Raphael he knows our secret he claims he can help what do you think he's a devil canot trust him yeah no TR whatever very knowledgeable about not the worst Prospect we've stumbled across as long as you can look past What He Is We can't trust ra Raphael good that's what I wanted to hear testing us all the time eh not very nice need a scge or R when actual there were no right answers with that he was this all the same as before girl stretching in the background trick watch out for it okay fair enough anyone else want to speak doesn't look like it okay is with us here yet no let's uh let's sleep let's take a long rest picks up loads of food now you don't sleep well flitting between dreams okay go through this four times you wake up you know something is wrong or maybe you just get lucky aaran ah can't see a staran here I haven't seen this cut scene since P six is this the same for everyone else uh stop it's not what it looks like I swear going to hurt you just needed well blood you see him okay ready attack pick up the steak and lunge at the monster can't believe I didn't see it we even found the board you snuck on I don't want to kill a staran no need monster you animals blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I don't care you're not drinking my blood silly of me to even ask see you in the morning let him go watch him stalk away all right but as J said that means they're probably updating the cut scenes which is cool Uh aaran something's on my mind something's on my mind morning something's in your mind I hope last night's little unpleasantness well that is a new action I didn't really want to try it right now um someone made a post about it on Reddit I think not at all having a vampire could be useful indeed it could of course I can't summon wolves or turn to M yeah you're just spawn I thought you'd be more powerful perhaps I am for 200 years the some would have turned me to someone some of the as for my other quirks I don't want any more surprises no more surpris I'm just glad you're being a vamp this looks all the same moners in the making moners in the after all apart from scratch oh and a quick word of warning asarian I taste absolutely awful keep your distance I like that he won't hurt us all right Shadow heart disapproves well that's true to your nature isn't it Shadow heart I'm guessing that because they've added that new new dialog choice of the Sak action they haven't maybe they haven't made the animation for it yet well hope you've been okay up there barkers can't give up now how's the leveling going still not there haven't been getting much experience killing goblins so I should get Mage Armor cast I think I've run out of Mage Armor spell Scrolls now yeah fair enough uh I'm just going to get them to use a spell slot each I don't want to use any sorcery points at the moment because there's a time there where maybe Quicken spell would have been or heighten spell could have been useful all right I'm going to get bers down I'm going to see what he's got to say it's probably the same as before but never know I want to be able to pick things up there never mind moving ahead all right normally am I playthroughs I am my live streams I am asking you the audience what you want to happen more often than not it's the violent option I understand oo that's a lot of stuff I'll send that to Camp understand what Sven was worried about last night last night Jo his live stream we don't need to take all that now makes you spear leave the spear behind skull Lantern BL up sack nothing in there is that anything no all right let's go pull the correct lever which isn't the right lever it's the left lever all right so he's saved can't slow down yeah near enough let's go check out the wooden hatch I think we're going to get more inspiration here rescuing The Gnome Maybe not yet let's go look at his backpack I will check a few of the crates and things in here as well do he got a bomb in here a he doesn't oh he's got what's that smoke powder Satchel that's the one uh no crat just a crate bottle [Music] rack Barrel crates what path lies before me just trying to look through here quickly there's not really much else in here traps please empty let's try and Destroy This Barrel thankfully lots of items are made of wood in this world so fire damage does double damage to them and nothing behind it fair enough back upstairs or back up the ladder go speak to barcas is it Bas or braas I always get them mixed up these boots have seen everything I think I said Bas bindings yeah barus Root's on my come onti me come on that's actually quite high up cut me loose cut me loose free him it's fine trying to be a good guy well mostly good going to run away agara well get on with it I like this get on with it get on with what you saved me now you'll extort me that's how this works yes I love how aggressive he is you owe me nothing nothing yeah I could extort you if that's what you want you're teasing me now take my pack only that's a far from home for a deep ignorance is alive and well seems deep gnomes aren't restricted to the underd dark you know I've lived in Boulders gate for years in search of a friend I fear he's in trouble found it around on that goodbye there we are extra experience from inspiration let's try and get through this grease can we get through the grease one tab says no another tab is going to try and jump over it or through none of it apparently that was a that was the most pointless jump I've ever seen in the game nothing useful there nothing useful there oh in case you didn't know there's some bad news about the warped head band of intellect it was on Reddit as well poor wared headband of intellect well I'll get it for you and show you it's not the end of the world still makes me sad all right come on guys over here over here must you this sh me now something I don't I'll save it I haven't saved it for a while something I don't know is if you make a creature wet whether that makes them hostile so I'm going to start with that cuz I've got the staff that creates water for us get all of them covered in water they don't seem to care good tonight no one stopped me yet and then let's twin witch bolt level one I can't see that one so what's going to happen is if witch B hits them they're going to get damage they're also probably going to be in the electrified surface as well and since they are wet they'll take double damage from any damage they take also want to point out if you twin witch bolt at least oh wait I can hide I think let me see if I can hide I probably can't hide let's try it I haven't got anything else to use with my bonus action hiding successful okay oh no I didn't twin oh anyway just did a whole bunch of damage to our friend lump there what I was trying going to try and show you is if you twin wit bolt you lose concentration on both bolts uh the music's still a bit messed up what's that what's that 26 G look at that what red it was a critical hit 13 on 2D2 sadly it wasn't any higher and then because of vulnerable they take double the damage all right uh I don't think I really need to be using too many resources here all four of my actions my characters go first the game isn't quite the same without the music oh here comes some music all right let's try and twin I'll try and do it now properly twin witch belt we use one set of resources uh before I do hope not going to make the same mistake all right let's try and hide to draw any attention it didn't work fair enough twin witch bolt I use it on the other on the other two cuz they haven't taken damage yet oh I am I have got concentration that didn't work for me before ah I've been telling people the wrong thing I'm going to move him back so he keeps more likely to keep concentration and we'll see what happens and let's activate wi bolt can take double damage bsh and again getting out of the way try and keep concentration look at this I'm really hoping that this T here keeps concentration I want to see what happens um we should just try and kill lump I think ah let just attack what I'm going to do is keep the two this sorcerer here and this sorcerer here so hopefully they get attacked and so the two Sorcerers concentrating which B don't get attacked surprise all right all taking a whole bunch of damage so is this the one that is no let's go to another fight let's see here so we can activate witch bolt but only on one of them cannot choose both of them I think let's just try this out have to to see them yeah just hit one of them I hit chock because on their turns they're going to take some damage because the electrocut Ed and it'll be double damage because they're wet so you can only activate which but on one sadly not both something I want to check it's a bit late to actually do it but if I activate twins spell we cannot activate it with witch bolt because it's not a spell it's like a new ability at least that would be my my guess these guys are pretty much going to die no matter what I do that's probably the easiest way I've gotten through this fight let's just press space dead and dead fried ogre for lunch light on my feet down we go well that was yeah relatively easy wizard wouldn't have been able to have done that and they have witch bolt and they have crate and Destroy water but cannot twin witch bolt with haste that was shocking it was electrifying that's curious so let's go look at the sad headband warped headband of intellect the this headband is getting more and more warped as time goes on because originally before patch five used to give us an intelligence of 19 in a patch I think in patch five I went to intelligence of 18 which is basically the same in terms of bonuses where's this headband gone right um latest but now our intelligence goes down to 7 or up to 17 only bit sad right anyway I may as well have one of them wear it um who's got the worst intelligence oh our little halfling has got the worst intelligence let's give him the headb have a lot on my mind well it there we are his stats must be pretty good now 10 16 14 17 10 16 yeah not bad at all but yeah a bit sad there's not really any point in having the wared head band of insect now for any wizard it'll be good for Arcane tricksters maybe eldrich Knights cuz then you don't need to worry about their intelligence stat for the SP any spells they take the this food will be heavy I'm going to send some of this food back to Camp un necessarily heavy could have I could have done that from no salami there I don't think I've got plenty of Supply packs so I'm going to send a lot of this food yeah it's a bit sad because before with any wizard even I mean you didn't have to NE necessarily completely dump intelligence but you could keep your intelligence at 16 even 14 get the headband and then take a feat at level four but that option is it's gone now I never sold that Ruby okay that's probably enough stuff sent to Camp I want to go to the goblin camp and sell some of this crap if not over the let's just check this I'm going to have a quick look inside The Alchemist St since I'm right here anyway check through a few of these crates and shelves and barrels and things I did use volo's eye but after using it it doesn't disappear it stays where it is I used it on um I'll show you I'm only level three right and where's he gone the half he here has got a crisma of 18 so there's no chance of to have used the ability score Improvement yet but it just stays in your inventory after using it before I go down let's have a look through some of these shelves and [Music] things empty potion don't need that small bottle round flk large bottle antitoxin may as well take it nothing there this is a bit disappointing mirror mirror mirror on the wall can I go check through here I don't think I normally check in here I kind of gave up on looking in it o pushing of speed should never have given up I don't know if that was there before it's been such long time since I've looked in the containers here which is my own darn fault let's hold down oh anything popping up household prayer let's have a look at that prayer give it a shander Sal saluna KV passage fair enough wooden desk nope nothing in there are watching yeah you can with follows eye and the headband of intellect and things you could really uh stack especially with a Charisma based character and then take Proficiency in maybe some of the wisdom skills like perception then one character can deal with quite a lot of skill checks also keep in mind Rangers and Rogues are really good at skill checks I know Rogues don't have their uh expertise which is a bit sad all right look through most of these places now have a look at that a look at that have a look at that oh uh herb hanger yeah that let's go down I haven't been down here in patch six yet basically from here on out this is as far as I've gotten in patch six uh in any my own personal playthroughs nothing there nothing there okay just never know if any containers been updated I should probably get someone with dark vision more interesting bit easier to see I'll take those just for the sake of it is that a potion of healing yes it is let's hold down all as well that helps small bottles a shelf there's a barrel oops just move the barrel instead of open it hiding here can leave those behind don't care about the herbs they provide camp supplies they're not very many kind of cluts up oh three potions of healing thank you clutters up the inventory uh glass distillation [Music] set Ming in nothing there hold down all po another potion of healing that was there before see how the light changes the Shadows are changing that's so cool I mean I'm sure it happens in other games but it's just nice to see it here as well water barrel water barrels are now going to be almost as good as things like explosive barrels for inflicting the wet condition time to press ahead ah lots of empty containers here I we shouldn't expect something to be in every container ah vases I could have told you what was inside those before opening them being nothing oh yes po of speed again there some of the most important um consumables that we can find I like how there's a potion of poison resistance and some poison right next to each other there what path lies before me nothing here here here and empty bottle and enemy deser chance to inflict bleeding I don't know I've never bothered doing that either oh we can finally now reach that lever um I'd imagine not most items that you can throw if they hit an enemy will do R last 1 D4 damage not very much I'll take a small bottle and a large bottle and round flask to attempt it one last place to check at least I think all right oh what's Tav doing in the background half's getting lost again okay I kind of I said I wanted to go to the goblin camp but since I'm here since I am here another step forward let start a fight against some Undead whoa surprised this is one of the we don't get surprised very often ourselves our characters it's more common we uh cause surprise to the enemy can't do anything can't do anything can't do anything it's not my turn okay right target obscured by shads fair enough um will stand in my way let's hold that out shall we Dancing Lights like I said I certainly give I said this at the beginning of the stream but or maybe inside my sorcerer guide Sorcerers no four can learn out to four C trips I wouldn't shy away from having at least one light C trip out of the four either dancing lights or light ready oh I'm sad to hear that it doesn't you haven't got the update on Mac yet try it's a bit unfair I don't use a Mac but you know nothing against them they can't everything can't come out together just want to check immune to poison vulnerable to bludgeoning so acid Splash should work what's their chance 50% doesn't even do a lot of damage it's just 1 D6 I need to slow them down if I can uh who's got Ray of frost still on my feet he doesn't oh well right let's just try and focus one oh what's this I forgotten Undead creatures also get disadvantage on attack RS Chill Touch definitely going to be using that I reckon we can get out of some Vision risk being hopefully you can play vicariously yeah all right let's one down survival is all that matter do you have Chill Touch no you've got I can see shock and grasp acid Splash fire botom friends all right again we can actually hide there a looking Shadow might as well try and kill one of them a two damage Bo spread out oh can't spread out I haven't got any movement left okay as our Guardians going and wake up all the other skeletons I wonder whether I can like twin or extend spell on the summon quet I can't that's a shame that would have been amazing a acid Splash Why not there not a great chance to hit wait one damage serves me right for thinking acid Splash is okay the problem with acid Splash is it's a saving throw and often enemies are very good at the saving throw against Aid Splash they moved out the dancing lights now H they're still got light to see them 55% chance isn't great 60% is a bit better in case for those you who didn't know that 60 is larger than 55 okay we can hide here 84% chance three desp everything this will be fine we'll hold the line form a line says aridan else Minds their business come on come on we can kill one of them no oh my sources are rolling terribly today not today in this battle with the damage out of sight not of M all right I haven't used it you kidding me missed I haven't found any yet but that's because I haven't gone and checked if I go and see zor he might be a bit kissed at me cuz I used friends on several I haven't used friends on anyone else yet only one of my characters has friends and they haven't been doing all of the um dialogues no no no Fireball maximum chance to kill this Guardian right I got to start using some spell slots now this is getting ridiculous I'm going to be completely surrounded by skeletons now what we going to do oh three of them together yeah if you hold over the description of friends here once the spell ends the creature knows it was Charmed and might accuse the spellcaster I don't know if that's guaranteed every time well or whether that's I don't know whether might is what you know I don't know exactly what they mean by it I know what m means but you don't know what they mean by might try as Splash again since I think I can get three of them just want to double check this a bit more carefully it's hard to see because of the lighting actually as much as I was praising it there we are that wasn't so bad was it and try and stay away from them keep out melee weapons in case opportunity attacks rise and we will be getting bludgeoning damage against them which they are vulnerable to oh they didn't take an attack that's fine by me another step forward ah just too tempted cloud of daggers here might be a bit of a waste of a level two spell slot but I just want to see it working chop chop chop this one will die on its turn this one's very likely to die this one is not so likely to die but I'm happy with that assuming that I can maintain concentration if I lose concentration that would be very sad all right a this Guardian is still going Target Target obscured by Shadows it's very blatantly in the light and this is a Dr with a superior dark vision I think dark vision is a bit busted at the moment other people not other people have noticed this as well ooh I forgot careful spell distant twin oh if I had careful spell oh wait I can do this without even needing there we are oh no I've set it on himself oh that's fine two of them failed not bad ah not quite dead no no no no no no no no don't drop concentration don't attack him same thing Ah that's what they're doing they're going towards that last Guardian the robust Guardian one two three all right this is turn out to a bit more difficult or a longer fight than I thought it would be let's try another acid Splash because two of them have the potential to die for just a c trip what's this body work trumpet okay that's just a uh herb and it it's the one that can't die from it yeah dead dead brilliant love it I won't give it we've got advantage against this this one oo 80% chance ah no right uh I can't increase this but I'm going to use the staff because I do blooding damage and if it hits it will do double damage yeah that was a lot to ask wasn't it missed that's good that's good they didn't attack oh I actually don't need cloud of daggers anymore let's use shotgun grass because it's got the highest chance to hit thankfully we did enough damage this time all right uh I should just stop concentrating on that I don't think anyone else is going to run into it bit disappoint bit disappointing if they did no maybe we'll get a free opportunity attack if it ches to run away righty things are looking up um oh this mobile strike would be great on a thief cuz you can use a bonus action to Dash or disengage and then use a bonus action to shoot and then your action to shoot as well that's so cool I can't do that right now that's not so cool four hit points 17 16 all right we should go off the four should I yeah I should go off the four hit point one but annoyingly still obscured by Shadows even if I walk closer y all right we'll negate the disadvantage and how much damage 1d6 plus two yeah that's better than 1 d10 in this instance okay another one down oh he's not doing so well is he creep round to the side um hide right next to them give them a whack two seriously oh looks like they can't get an opportunity attack yes good is that because they're in snared I'm just going to double Che check that attack RS have Advantage creatures attack RS dexterity sa a disadvantage huh maybe it's because it couldn't see me I don't know uh oh in a bit of trouble now I think she's got Thunder Wave yeah yes obvious choice is obvious then she can run the other way so she's now not in danger she is because one of them's got a boat why doesn't it attack they don't seem to be doing many melee attacks against me let's go for another whack with a staff since 80% chance to hit and they runable to damage Bonk that's how you deal with skeletons still touch and a mace don't need a mace leave the mace behind coming in for the attack stab they always saying they're not doing many attacks see go for the one with the boat because it's got fairy fire on it and I think Firebolt got a good chance to kill it oh critical hit fight I've really on the wild Maes I've already been using the ties of chaos I keep forgetting about it actually yeah let's just go for it this call for careful footwork and another bnk on the head all right sweet take a short sword I don't think I need one but you never know for pickaxe table gold Guardians check the Guardians out a step get the gold as well dark Journal all right come on I'll take the AR if me it Longbow actually haven't seen the long bow very much brace that's the same as what the glaive had spend 25 ft of your movement in case you're wondered why it's 25 ft it's so that every race can actually use this if they made it 30 ft of your movement halflings and dwarfs wouldn't be able to use this bow so I'm sure that's why it's 25 ft for the rest of your turn your damage RS your ranged weapon have advance Vantage but you can't move so you could move a few feet and then use brace if you had a faster movement speed than 25 ft I don't actually need to pick it up though same thing all right okay both of them have got that let's have a quick read of the dark Journal pent service to the gods yeah that's just a same as before bit of experience one gold let's take it bit of a miser another Longbow one day I'll catch a doesn't seem to be anything here right up to 73 votes now in this uh pole and it's getting close to 50/50 between the two subclasses there for quite a lot while I mean almost the whole time jonic blood Line's been ahead but it's creeping ever so close ever so slowly back towards being 50/50 which I suppose you could expect if uh you got two choices okay get a save I haven't saved in a while uh I might need to take a short rest now two people are basically half dead new sound for short rest there oh maybe I should have the closet oh this is not the first time I've had the voice is really quiet here I can just hear it on my headphones um I might I have kind of forgot oh sorcerer try to sense the magic tamed within the mirror let's use guidance I will use inspiration if I need to I don't need to though don't even know if you guys can hear this cuz I know I turned down the game sound a bit oh that doesn't actually help yeah I am ills intimidation let's try it just want to open up this thing not a great chance all right that just speeds things up and it opens good stuff laat were theying just going to leave herbs alone don't care for them that much let's turn on some give produce some light turn on some candles I feel like there a lot of containers to search in here a lot of things on the floor as well breath deep and move so do want to be trying to trying to take my time looking through this but without taking too long as well what's that just more more HS take the key might come useful later I wish someone had light I didn't give anyone light I gave two people dancing lights oh take the potion I don't normally use the poison like when I've got a Bonus action with the sorcerers are more likely to hide than use poison to get advantage on attacks oh these are worth Fair a bit considering no weight a good value to weight ratio there oh I shouldn't have skipped through that should I then that's a bit of a shame Prayer of Healing Touch is laugh let's take those wonder if could Prayer of Healing be used with anything I don't think it can really be used with anything I say anything I meant the metam Magics oh no no don't don't pick up the cauldon don't want to pick up the cauldon Another Empty vase not a surprise still going to check a few vases out just in case I've got a personal hatred for them though no no no no don't pick up the the cant I picked up the cauldron keep thinking cauldron are going to have something inside them nothing nothing antitoxin I guess I'll take it okay keep on going nearly got through most of this area now this thing there Che out the books take that take that take this no no no no no open this bark skin and speak scoll of speak with dead right let's go back to the center of the room research no notes skeleton three gold on it why would you have a leave a skeleton with three gold on it on a presumably an operating or experimentation Find A Way Forward research notes let's have a read oh yeah just trying to get them back nothing helps scr of feather fall let's take that one of the bass squirrel could be used to help free the drown they'll be less aggressive probably not anything else here oh there is a wooden barrel best my way right let's approach this from the side can't give up now get some light let's pause it so I don't get into any trouble uh who's at the front here to have's move all right try and jump over this obvious trap unlocked o spider silk cocoon I don't know if they were there before I know I never really looked at them uh don't know if I'm going to set off any traps here it's interesting that they've got spider webs and things down here like in the whispering depths nothing nothing nothing Ney of interesting the book is locked tight with no visible key only an wonder what can go in there just going to let this play out a little bit examine the book The longer more those piercing amethyst eyes in amethyst St that's the Clue the feel the F ech ofor there is power in this B also great suffering that's sad Tu the book in your pack I'll keep it and then don't know if I'm going to be in trouble CU I've got no movement a very small amount of movement left let's try and step to the side and the trap is cast ow ow ow that's not fair that it's in turn base mod it just keeps on knocking them out on my way and what can we do about this I think iron gates are vulnerable to fire damage yeah and slashing cloud of daggers could take down a iron gate in no time first of all let's just as it make sure this is okay never wanted the easy path I've taken Fireball on every sorcerer because firebol is the highest damaging CP that they can take okay that gate shouldn't be there anymore it might look like it's there but I'm sure we'll be able to get through it yeah I should have sent a tling in oh what all right fine fine that's a bit sad but I got squ fight it's all good bit embarrassing but it's all good we get some experience for that for the two acolytes here I think a short rest is in order and maybe you can oh I've got plenty of healing potions the two isn't enough one let's just take two let's get back to full health and everyone should have at least one or two healing potions it looks like this tab doesn't oh four there 11 oh 11 right split that's a fine split six and five give five pack to T all right there we are was that worth it yeah maybe not I have I have got the book before that's the worst I've ever retrieved the book oh I haven't got everybody together all right let's bring everyone back together uh just going to get out of here so once I've got the group together just going to Tel back up to the surface to the blighted Village there we are and the Goblin Camp might have to wait at this rate cuz I don't really want I don't really want to have to come back to here um Whispering Debs I suppose I can go into the whispering deaths light on my feet let's check out this house abandoned house haven't looked in here at least haven't looked in here thoroughly for a long while o High Cliff's Journal I don't remember this that's just because I haven't looked to here very often yeah okay fine oh finish the master work weapon how farther can I go what's this for guarding strange riders in these parts maybe I need more Pockets try and pick that up and then sounds like from Lord of the Rings got strange Riders presence of strange riders in these parts of late something about elter elter guard who is this from damond bris I don't know who Damon is there's someone called Dam with two M's in the Druid groove right breathe deep and move let's take the thief's tools leave all that alone BX spear old key we want the old key dager we can leave up there milk can I don't need that don't need those I don't think serving spoon and let's just go down the normal way just go through the door we go how much more experience do I need I keep looking every now and again not too far now 218 I don't think I'd get to level four before the spider matriarch which could be a problem cuz she can hit really hard sometimes let's check through all these sacks and crates quite often we do get nothing but if we had something in every crate and things we just have too many items I think ooh water that's going to be good for electrifying surfaces elect try in the ground two gold better than none I haven't haven't come across many traps yet like how we standing on the top of the crate here or the trunk here let's have some light turn on the iron torch that's quite bright downstairs we go wonder if the gods are watching me go look down in this area if you think there's more trap to arm kits in here what is oh Thief stce okay got that just search SE ing searching searching oh more thie TOS far more than I'll probably ever need now yeah my annoyances the uh vases or vases if you will I feel like they never have anything either o Spear and a pike that's cool Pike got Rush attack piercing strike and Brace shabby door another step does indeed look fairly shabby what's this a broom I thought it some giant hammer then thie SS are actually quite heavy I might stop picking new ones up mind my St right bottle racks yeah empty hopefully I'm not going to set off any explosion in here oh great sword I don't need a great sword though don't need any weapons let's just leave this alone and oh it's usually it was usually darker up here we got a bit of light coming through the beams and we get short sword plus one which is actually useful because the I say useful the Dr is really Ed them but the Dr can actually wield short swords yeah anytime I've tried to open that chest it blows up in my face maybe I should try and put some water on it I don't know if that'll work yeah war hammer I basically get I've basically given up trying to open up this chest very well see ends not as bad as it could have I don't actually expect this to work but I'm going to send her in cuz she's got resistance to fire damage everyone else is just going to stand back get them out of the way ready I think even if we move it it just explodes in our face yeah well High Cliffs blueprints can't remember whether we actually have to really uh read them but what can we make a great sword a sickle and a dagger each length and angle is marked blah blah blah blah blah weapon blueprints they call for susar susar there's only one place I'm finding a tree the underd oh no I don't need to use a workbench oh keep pressing Escape at this point no we just want to get out of that what's inside what's this Goblin Camp okay fair enough all right don't have any susar at the moment I'm just going to leave thieves TS I don't think I'll regret that uh Club morning start moving in I think I'm only going to find weapons down here it is a blacksmith after all come on somebody pass this hiding in plain sight whack thankfully oh wait is it not it's not run to bling damage I don't think it was it was just resistant to others can we get through oh we don't need to jump anymore light on my feet H can see them in the background those vition this is very dark all right save I I keep saying this but I haven't been this far in patch six yet so this is all new to me to me I'm just trying to see if we can now use this method of walking through the water cuz before we couldn't really jump up have to keep going hopefully yeah she can move on my way a still too high I knew it was possible at one point wait why did they take damage oh they're walking through each other that's really annoying um with haste if it's too high it's too high am I going to have to walk over the spider web it's a shame uh right let's get from back up that's not working just want to check the inventory for a bit I don't think I picked up any potions of invisibility and no one took the invisibility spell yet either oh the music's different here that's cool one day I'll catch a break problem is yeah only jump about halfway across the web I get most of the way but not all the way don't think I've got anywh around this we used to be able to Jump Up From Below I'm thinking about sending one person in to go and get the spider step boots which I think should be in the little room down there but I need to get past all of the enemies because then I could get one set of spider step boots and send them all back Ah that's probably way too much hassle let's just go through it if I get attacked to get attacked I'll hopefully be fine just pausing it uh do I need are they still coming a they still get to move that's not fair let's just see what happens ah they turn get into turn base mode once they're close enough I guess all right they're stuck in there no time to at least things have stayed interesting all right let's go I might as well just start attacking they're going to attack me soon enough Target is obscured by Shadows let get going as always she can cast hellish rebuke might take a long rest before the Spider Queen anyway spider matriarch still alive so that's progress ah I don't have dancing lights on this guy they're both in the other place stuff it let's just start combat self successful now you are stuck do you know what maybe you can still cast I don't say out of movement I know you're out of movement oh why do you want to move up to there obviously you can't see that was going to be I thought that was going to be useful obviously not I'm not sure there's anything else you can really be doing I could Missy step out of there yeah why not oh well done Sera Sera never know how actually m not enough space what oh no why did you have to try and move upwards a tiny bit I can totally see the ground there what did you pick for your feet to wait through this turn can you see anything different from here no all right let's wait see what they do going to come up this way still oh more webing here that is awful I'm going to get completely infested right just thinking can we get through the web we can we can hide let's try and smoke this guy targets obscured by [Music] Shadows oh I see I don't recognize the name is this guy going next no Tav gets to go next what now I was wondering whether to use an acid chromatic orb to reduce its armor class even if it doesn't hit it will at least inflict acid on it which should make it easier to hit that at a c or is so great cuz it's it's not really just one spell it feels like it's like six different spells ah you can move at last jump as far as you can without going into the web any further and we need to kill the zap but was never going to happen can't even blind it oh yes I think I can use this trick twin spell catic orb let's just use level one we want to hit the ET cap and we want to hit the ET cap in the back except oh the second one not hit ah the second one didn't quite hit the EA maybe hit the ground I'm not sure oh well it was worth a try oh I'm going to be infested now oh H rebuke didn't quite work is she infested she's not but she might be if this thing dies oh she can get away it's her turn so much for peace uh let's try and shove first back in the acid make us stand back oh she gets to attack as well if she wants why do you have to stand there to hit you quite blatantly don't have to stand there to hit this thing with a ranged attack that is I'm sure that annoys a other people that's somewhat ridiculous um does he he can shoot from here though all right no one got infested from that one it's a good start where do I go from [Music] here yes mobile is now absolutely amazing it was always well I did give it a low rating because it didn't work as it was intended but it is great [Music] a no one's got um rare Frost or someone does but just don't know who it is ah that guy always my yeah never mind all right jump out of here I think I'm going to get one of my Sorcerers hereit up to 20 Cris because they're already at 18 right have we got uh where is it hamstring shot I got piercing shot I think that's worth a go ah well it missed thankfully they didn't uh no oh okay actually yeah I was about to say thankfully they didn't Dash and it probably is a good thing it's not what's just happened isn't so bad four of us get to attack I think it's worth casting Dancing Lights so not everyone has disadvantage on their attack and it's okay if he just stands in that whip nooice next person can now attack without disadvantage I hope yeah just with high ground try another piercing shot did it pass did it fail made a saving through ah yeah yeah yeah I saw your comments spell thief could be good if you've got someone who can use the long Bo so much for um sometimes the only way out is through who has oh no the guy who's got rare Frost I used to cast Dancing Lights where do I go from here I won't give in oh no what I know I just used the bow with him that was just silly time to push my luck again B I want to slow this thing down without using um if I'm going to take a long rest stuff it right let's just go for it um ice might slow it down or just do a fair amount of damage Havey with that what now yeah Chris literally 5% chance you can guarantee it maybe if you're within 5T and sleeping or if you got Druid but it's not the easiest thing to [Music] inflict distant careful yeah they're not I'm only really using defensive SP for the most part personally H just another chromatic orb I seem to be only using chromatic 15 points of damage do you know what level two [Music] 48 ah one hit point left boo if I get far enough away hopefully it won't make it going to fall prone in the ice it's dashing actually that's not good come on come come come on I don't want to infest everyone around it so before killing it I don't really care that in whipped before killing it everyone's no no no no wrong buttons just going to run back I don't know the range uninfested my breath to be infested but that's probably enough all right good get out of there hope they won't get infested just by standing on the dead bodies I forgot exactly what infested does but I think basically it causes damage to you over time for two or three turns not something you want the gods are watching me feel there's a lot more stuff on the ground here they've highlighted the spider silk cocoons which I don't think we highlighted before better find somewhere to Camp soon I'm fairly hurt do you know what I'm just going to go up here first have seen everything just to make sure um I can get any get the hype bonus on this next attack or two oh well I just went to go to turn base mode but the fight started anyway yeah I was expecting them as well really was one day I'll catch a break yeah that's disgusting I don't want spider eggs on my back there ah look at that hiding an advantage I mean hiding in advantage in High Ground I wonder whether we can just smack this thing ah yeah it's a thing with the problem with well not problem but one thing to keep in mind with chromatic orbit is a straight line we don't get the curved um targeting like a the curve path that do for any sort of archery ooh critical hit decent oh that one goes first it'll probably get quite close because yeah ow don't put everyone together guys I know that wasn't an eror effect but easily could have been oh I love it when they stand on top of a spider web and there's one standing right beneath the other right it's runnable to Fire and radiant let's go for fire then there % Dam 100% chance to hit Splat a I didn't do as much damage as I wanted it to fair enough fair enough is easy all right since we're taking a long rest very soon let's twin another chromatic orb targets obscured by Shadows sometimes the only way out is through ah you can cast Dancing Lights perfect perfect what path lies before me there we go get our light so now Des everything I do want to point out when you switch characters and even do other things the metam magic stays selected it doesn't get deselected like it does for things like spells and abilities all right bsh 19 and 17 damage look at that love it have to keep going oh what am I doing why do I take damage just from walking to someone I think this T here might be killing people by walking into them survival is all that matters Catch My Breath yeah this guy might actually die not die but get knocked down unless I can kill this face spider which I can because I got magic Missile it's all good IM is great yeah I'll probably never play Four Sorcerers again just doing it to show it off right now the beginning of patch six walking through poison probably going to harm myself hopefully I don't never wanted the easy path ow he goes oh no they're just getting the poison condition right Goblin child what was that I haven't had any wild sures in a while moving in can we get the leveling up at level five at least please yeah I know sholon Zen Dragon I would love it as well 120 experience to go I'm getting less and less certain that they'll actually give it to us before when they're like oh and if people in panel from Hell 3 they were just saying oh if enough people ask we'll give it to you but then from this panel from hell they were like yeah well this is just the developer build we can get to level five uh you guys can't breathe deep and move all right I wouldn't really expect much to be inside these spider silk [Music] cocoons ow what hold up ow that wasn't him that was actually them getting hurt the cocoons it's all good is anything at the top of the rock I'll go and have a look after still breathing despite everything oh more water good for creating new surfaces of water this guy keeps blowing things up by walking into them don't that's probably not going to go away after a save either no quick boom boom boom boom I wonder if I could just walk around the spider matriarch and just walk her to death this is what was happening in the panel from hell as well did I just save it yeah I'm just going to quickly re uh quick uh you should be able to find it sometimes you can do it in either the appearance tab or in the subass tab or class tab I've defin I was definitely able to change it for These Guys these characters that I made I don't know about anyone else though yeah I didn't really want to be hurting things by walking into them so I could hurt NPC like friendly NPCs as well but I don't know if reload is going to change it or not I'll have to quickly um test it by walking into more of the crates and things sorry for the loading time it should be over soon yal yil all I can suggest is if you've got mods delete them uh check the interrog of your files aside from that I'm not sure I don't think it's because of the wild magic Shaolin Zen Dragon it was happening in the panel from hell to a d that they had they left the Druid behind because behind at one point because it was having the same thing happening which makes me think that they know about this they know it's a bug but yeah I see if reloading helps split everyone up one day I'll catch a break okay everything seems okay now it was this guy who is destroying everything spider stat boots immune to being in webbed at the moment it doesn't really bother me who has them because everyone's a sorcerer essentially very similar at least give them to him since he's the one to pick them up we've got Squad of web resistance and CH person that's kind of interesting the ritual diagram the little icon that's in the Box description of the book's contents is one way around but when we see it on the kind of the easel hit easel here the pictures upside play down that's funny uh well you could have one of your own characters cast web to use it as well but that's about the only other time we would use it at the moment best be on my way let's make sure we search through everything here wonder if the gods are watching me desperately need to take a long rest out because everyone was getting killed by Tav just bumping into them anything of use oh my gosh I wonder I wonder I wonder I wonder um oh he's got extended spot didn't realize light on my feet distance distance spell right can we cast distance spell with Firebolts ah Target's too far just a tiny bit too far was hoping it was a way to destroy these spider eggs without getting too close I don't suppose we can Chuck down yeah orbs just that can't quite go far enough all right well never mind it was worth an effort though worth a try can't slow down nothing there all right time for a long rest yeah I don't have any imp it is a little bit frustrating actually just having a single class because there's so many other things that I haven't been able to do I was watching you at the Grove gate you spill where did you learn moves like that sorcerer I just wave my hands and hope for the best love it all that flash comes natural does it careful you don't go stick in those hands where they're not invited no telling what you might zap You've Got Talent no you're funny will if the blade must share his glory better it be with a champ like you you're sharing in mine better for the BS and Poets to settle it takes that quite well actually now let's get some rest yeah it's just the same old just we got an extra choice for being a sorcerer you know what uh that's worth 10 weight let's Auto Select for a second just kind a six yeah I can't say I mind the point by too much I use it in fifth edition though I did play borders gate 2 where they had the stat rolling and it was like an obsession I think a lot of people do this is roll roll roll roll roll now nowadays I'm more like if I'm going to roll that much why don't I just cheat anyway just change the stats to whatever I want old backpack I don't think a do you know what who's got the spider step boots it is tough okay let's get going get to have to walk around so we can walk on these webs without attracting attention at the ready I wouldn't be upset if they introduced the the the dice rolling for stats either take it as it comes just checking through lots of different areas don't waste a step trying to make sure I haven't missed anything skeleton a disappointed there's nothing there have to keep going the thing is at the end of the day un unless of course you're playing multiplayer it is still just a single player game so I mean I guess this would this maybe a bad argument for stat rolling for stats but you know why does it affect someone else if I can roll for my stats to be honest it doesn't but if I had the chance to roll for stat I would probably never use Point by cuz I feel like I'd be missing out all right let's uh get the group back together uh did I check him out I didn't check him out yeah in top you would raw 1D 10 minus one with all stats start at nine and one's count as one minimum one another step forward that sounds very low unless you're playing a different game to D and Dragons all right let's join everyone back up can I go let's be a proper party again need to find a way forward I should probably cast Mage Armor before will ever believe this anything goes wrong I say it goes wrong but before I forget never a dull moment something used to happened to me in borders gate 2 borders gate one is I click on like the roll far too quickly roll roll roll and like there'd be a stat of like total stats of 91 goes past I'm like no oh the rers am you added tonight sorry I didn't read that properly whoops um I don't know if I'm going to jump into the under dark yet I'm going to completely do the I'm not going to do it now that's for sure I'm going to completely cover the um above ground because this is yeah my first play through through the overground so I just want to make sure I don't miss too much one day I'll catch a break on my way wonder if the gods are watching me all right right oh actually actually actually all right get back up here I don't suppose anyone picked up uh no no all right shatter oh I could use cloud of D it's a bit of a waste to use that for no wonder well we can take out one set of eggs from a f I'm doing it like this cuz yeah about to enter a a fairly difficult fight I don't want to use up any of my resources cuz I can't be bothered to go and do this I use that resources here and then go take another long rest don't that's actually going to hit the egg no maybe he can't see it properly huh yeah I can't see that from up here I think if I attack the face bider The Matriarch doesn't come yeah I don't Minds The homogenization of stat distribution because it makes it easy to compare characters I know maybe maybe shouldn't be comparing but uh I completely understand your point though about the ability score improvements because yeah I feel like I do feel compelled to take the ability sport ability score improvements uh I don't really like taking feat so much I should have used this shouldn't I but yeah I do love these completely agree with you there with this uh the new graphical updates no no you had it you had it there this is what I should have used before that's the splash coming in useful H one left I could probably just Chuck a Firebolt at it this all right save it before make any big mistakes they haven't said anything about have they said anything about Point by anyway or rolling for stats laran don't remember Target outside normal range yeah only limited number of stats do give the plus one is sad and here we go yeah we just got two face spiders we can take them out separately from The Matriarch we've taken out some of the spider eggs although that spider up there is a bit annoying it's kind of gotten out of the way all right let's try and take out the spider down below we get four attacks before it gets a chance and Sh I can actually very much understand that as well because not every race is for everyone is my it's like playing a sorcerer I only want to play one of five races because they get the bonus to Charisma still on my feet it makes me avoid the racers that don't have it we have got Vol ey to help a bit I suppose but that just happens to be for Charisma yeah let's get out the poison has anyone not had their turn you need to turn again I'm trying to avoid using resources here Ah that's aame so I can focus down on the mat trar when she comes along well so much forace ah she gets a turn as well I don't need any attention right now right stand back watching me is it just going to stay up it might just stay up here oh no oh it's coming closer that's good she should turn on Harish rebuke right 42 Target is obscured by Shadows boo where do I go from here let's get the halflink to do this yeah I guess the point where does give more priority all right I wonder if this is wor T here is our short sword expert he is going to flry off balance do I haven't used enough of these has disadvantage next attack it has Advantage all right I'll take that we'll have a go flourish it's only 65% chance to hit though oh made a saving through fair enough and then since we still got an action we'll try a piercing strike yeah oh I made a sa throw against it though did a good amount of damage blood comes easy these days is it going to have an opportunity attack if I walk away yes just about see an arrow appearing in the poison just here if I move right Shing grasp it is then hey it worked and maximum damage as well get some height another fight let's go yeah I do hope that tashes kind of inspires them inspires D and D joke P there by accident um now I said I don't want to use resources but I can use one level one spell though I don't want this SPID to have another attack oh no one of them hit my guy no Tav I no that's not my that's my fault I cost on have the problem is that you guys are like 10 seconds behind me so no one could warn me about this I'm sure some of you would have done nothing will stand in oh what an idiot can't believe I did that up there really have I got distance spell [Music] um fire paths interrupted still on my feet she's already up here all right let's just magic Missile properly shall we no let's just make sure we can see what's going on necessary to see one of them but don't know if I'm going to make another stupid mistake I'll just leave that face spider up there through I might just take two short rest to to fill up my health on to have that kind of got in the way one and two by the way with short rest I've seen people say that they don't know how much health the short rest is going to give back in the game in case you're wondering it just gives back half your health all right I'm actually going to stop streaming now it's been about 6 hours I will be streaming tomorrow but at a much earlier time where I'll start with the um what am I going to call this uh socer Team although saying team uh end of part one I haven't decided what time I will stream tomorrow I will just pop up at some point but it'll be another long stream so I'm not going to be making a video tomorrow I'll just be streaming because I want to get through the game a bit so I can find out more information about patch six because I've still got a lot to get through so thank you all very much for being here thank you for your comments sorry that I'm just about to disappear for those you've just turned up um I'm really enjoying streaming for you guys and you reading your prop reading your comments and you might see me tomorrow but it might be very early for some of you or very late for some of you as well depending on your time zone so yeah thank you for watching and hopefully I will see you in the next one or in the pole actually just before I go end the pole those vi that are still around in case you hadn't already seen what the poll is like it's going to appear in a second it was about 55% yeah or 54% 45 % in favor of the draconic bloodline so it's slightly more favorable for the draconic bloodline but World Magic not that far behind hopefully tomorrow I'll get some more wild Magic surges going on because I only saw about six five or six today all right that's it definitely going to go now thank you for watching and see you tomorrow hopefully
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 1,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3 livestream, bg3 livestream, livestream baldur's gate 3, livestream bg3, baldurs gate 3 livestream, baldurs gate 3, livestream baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate iii, baldurs gate, early access, light cleric baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, baldur's gate 3 sorcerer, bg3 sorcerer, baldur's gate 3 patch 6, baldurs gate 3 patch 6, bg3 patch 6
Id: Mwz3LeEVsQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 362min 50sec (21770 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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