4 Reasons Your Audio Sucks (Common Audio Mistakes on YouTube)

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greetings earthlings today I'm going to talk about four common mistakes that people make when a recording audio for their YouTube videos number one is probably the most common mistake that I come across whenever I go out and watch a bunch of YouTube videos and that is people are just setting their gain way too high ultimately this leads to a couple of different problems the first one being if you get really excited and starts screaming or talking really loudly your audio may clip or distort and once the audio is recorded with those clipping artifacts there's absolutely nothing you can do to remove them so it's always better to err on the side of caution and record a little bit quieter than you want to when I'm personally recording I like to shoot anywhere between negative 12 and negative 6 decibels and those are for the peaks the loudest parts of what I'm recording and this is what a clipping signal looks like and this is what it sounds like it sounds absolutely terrible and the second issue is if you're driving your preamps a bit too hard that could introduce a lot of line noise and hiss which just distracts from what you're trying to communicate in your video number two and this one drives me absolutely insane people are just setting their microphones up way too far away from their mouth I'll try to sum this up in a single sentence and that would be you're not gonna get the same audio quality with the microphone a couple of feet away from your mouth as you would if the microphone was just a couple inches away and I think this problem stems from the stupid idea that's perpetuated that you can't have the microphone and frame when you're recording video I see so many people with really nice microphones but they set it up so far away that you don't get any benefit from it so let me go ahead and put your minds at ease here having a microphone and frame is not going to piss off your audience what will piss off your audience though is crappy crappy audio because you're way too far away from your microphone number three is really easy to make the mistake of doing and that would be over processing your audio now I understand why people do this and it's because you don't have the ideal recording environment or an ideal microphone but just keep in mind if you add any dream compression any extreme noise removal or any extreme equalization it just makes your audio sound unnatural and it makes it unpleasant to listen to so keep that in mind before you add that crazy compression and crazy noise removal and just to give you an idea of how awful it can truly sound I have added those extreme processing tricks to this audio clip right here there is extreme compression extreme EQ extreme noise removal and as you can tell it is very very unpleasant to listen to and number four people are not buying microphones that are well fitted for their use case they're buying microphones based on what they see other people using something that I always see in the comments are people asking well what's the setup that Jack's padai see uses or what's the setup that PewDiePie uses and I do understand the interest in that gear and I think it's a good jumping-off point but I think it's incredibly important to remember that what works for one person is not gonna work for everybody keep in mind that everybody has a different sounding voice a different sounding room and they have a different recording environment and that means that everybody's gonna have different hurdles to overcome to get good audio so what I would recommend here is do some research on the attributes of microphones then assess what kind of issues you're gonna have in your recording environment with your voice all of that stuff and then make a purchase based off of that rather than just saying this is the mic that PewDiePie uses so I'm gonna buy it too because that's not the right way to go about it alright guys I guess that'll do it for today and I know this was quite a bit different than usual so I would love your feedback do you like this type of video do you hate this type of video do you think my advice was good do you think it sucked do you think I missed some really big issues let me know in the comments and also if you want more videos like this subscribe but clicking the logo check the discord server link in the description and I will see you all later thanks for watching bye [Music]
Channel: Podcastage
Views: 105,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcastage, podcast, bandrew, scott, microphone, review, audio, sound, test, demo, Improve Sound, YouTube, Recording, Tips, Tricks, Better, Sucks, Bad Audio, Fix
Id: cy99g05UqC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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