4 Reasons why UI/UX'ers should learn Frontend

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in this line of work you either fall into one of two categories you're either a UI ux designer or you're a front-end developer well in this video I'm going to give you four key reasons if your UI ux designer as to why I believe you should learn HTML CSS in JavaScript let's get started if you enjoyed this video check out designcores.com where you can learn UI ux CSS and more with my custom interactive platform that makes learning fun and easy reason number one context you're able to gain a full picture a full understanding of the process as a UI ux designer if you understand at least at a basic level how your design is integrated with the necessary HTML markup into CSS and any necessary JavaScript if you've integrated any type of interactions in prototyping so imagine just trying to take a design like this and create it and make it a working reality in the browser if you were a designer who understood code perhaps you wouldn't be making some of these really bad decisions and making the life of the front end developer a freaking nightmare so having an understanding of HTML CSS and JavaScript will definitely make you a better designer and it will influence your decisions when you're working in apps like figma reason number two earning potential so this sort of goes without saying but the more skills you have the more attractive you are as a potential employer or as a freelancer and the more money you're going to make now of course this is within reason you can't simply put the fact that you know HTML CSS and JavaScript simply because you watched a few tutorials you really have to put in at a time months upon months upon months upon months of work a bunch of different projects so that you could truly understand the process but once you get to that point you're proficient in both the UI ux design and HTML and CSS it can only broaden your horizons in terms of your income earning potential number three fulfillment now for me personally and I know perhaps others you know may not feel the same way but I get excited when I think about the prospect of a new project that I get to handle the UI ux design and the front-end development process for me it's exciting to be able to take something that I create from scratch in figma and then make it a working reality in the browser especially if there's interactivity and animations worked into it being able to have the confidence and knowing that you can take care of the whole process it just makes my life as a UI ux designer and for an enveloper more enjoyable it's something that actually gets me excited and so if you're somebody who loves to Tinker and loves to learn new things definitely take on HTML CSS and JavaScript as well now reason number four is it can actually save you time so hear me out let's say for instance you're working with a front-end developer and and you have a project that's live with a client well the client needs to update something and so they're asking you to update something as the UI ux designer but this update requires code all right well what if your front end developer whoever you've contracted out for this portion of the gig what if they're gone what if they're a slacker what if they don't respond quickly enough well your hands are tied because you don't understand HTML and CSS and JavaScript so if you had that understanding of course you don't have to rely on somebody else to handle this for you especially when you're working on a team environment and you're working with clients who get really pissed off so in the end here's what I think the process of learning UI ux design and front-end development should look like in the beginning if your sole intention or your goal is primarily to become a UI ux designer that is what you should focus on UI ux so that means understanding how to work in apps like figma I or pen pot and understanding all the fundamentals that go into UI ux design and you really should just focus on that but then once you're really solidified in your UI ux Journey then I think it really makes sense to start dabbling in HTML CSS JavaScript so first you need to tackle HTML CSS is nothing without your HTML markup so understanding the various elements and the tags and the attributes is really important and then second to that would be CSS all right once you have your HTML markup you can then begin to style it and you can then be begin to start translating your designs from apps like figma that you create into working realities that are responsive in the browser now after you get that part done HTML and CSS and you could do it responsively then it becomes a matter of working in interactions all right because our designs typically aren't static we have different interactions we have animations we want to work in so that also lent itself to CSS animations and transitions but also JavaScript so JavaScript is a whole entire ecosystem that allows you to do many different things in the back end and the front end but as a UI ux designer I don't think you have to worry about JavaScript that connects to databases in the back end what I think you really need to focus on is the Dom manipulation or the document object model manipulation and that simply means interactivity in the front end so when the mouse does something if the user clicks on something if they hover over something then you can have an ad interactivity in your apps so that's how I think the process should work if you are a UI ux designer and that's what you want to be that's great you can make a living doing just that but if you really want to broaden your horizons and make yourself you know set yourself up to be the best you can be in terms of a UI ux designer at the very least you have to understand basic HTML CSS instant JavaScript alright everybody if you agree with me or if you disagree let me know in the comments give me your points if you think you uh if you think I'm completely off base here and I'll be interested to read them and respond I will see you all very soon make sure to check out designcores.com and all right I'll stop ranting goodbye
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 8,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: should designers code, should coders design, full stack designer, full stack developer, learn design, learn code, gary simon, designcourse
Id: pq2aADjGq1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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