4 Quick & Easy HIGH PROTEIN Breakfasts! + 40g protein!

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hello guys and welcome back to my channel i hope you are all well i've actually started saying the happy healthy safe but you know i still mean today's video is for high protein breakfasts now this is so requested in terms of high protein foods anyway i get a lot of protein in my diet i have approximately 165 to 170 grams a day it suits me it suits my lifestyle i find it really easy to get protein in and this was actually ben's idea who is behind the camera to do high protein breakfast these are things i always have they have approximately 40 grams of protein per thing which is really really high considering it's just a breakfast so i'm going to go through four with you today you're going to enjoy them you're going to love them don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe and we're gonna dive in to numero uno i'm gonna do a voiceover for all of them as well so you can actually understand the recipes that i mean i mean they're really basic you're not gonna struggle they're quick they're easy they're efficient and they'll help you hit a high protein so let's dive into the first one the first breakfast that i'm going to show you is the infamous yogg bowl now i use 320 grams of for high i say fake you know i don't i'm not actually sure how you say it and it is really high in protein i then add an apple more so for volume i mean i do like apples but i do just add it for pure volume i chop it up i only had half today to be fried sometimes i have a whole one i then add raspberries now i actually buy frozen raspberries because they're a lot more value for money and they actually just taste better like you can see all the juices there in terms of how much actually goes into my yogurt i then add the chopped apple i mix it all in and then just as a preference i also add blueberries you don't have to add all this fruit if you don't actually like it but i just prefer to i also add on some cinnamon for a bit more flavor and then of course the my protein peanut butter which is so tasty it tastes really really nutty and this is the crunchy one i then have a sugar-free syrup i prefer sugar-free syrups than honey because you know makes it sweet and you get to use more so that has 40 grams of protein and 382 calories breakfast number two is the oat bowl so the oats are absolutely delicious they're 439 cows and you have 22 grams of protein so i personally have 50 grams of oats obviously depending on your goals you can have more or you can have less to be honest it's completely up to you i then add oat milk just to make the oats a little bit more creamier again you can add any sort of milk you wish and then i just add water as well obviously for the consistency mix it together and make sure that you are on a low heat i then add vegan protein this is from my protein it's the chocolate one you can have whatever flavor you like it doesn't have to be vegan protein obviously it might waver the calories and the protein a little bit in terms of the macros but it's completely up to you mix it all together and keep mixing to have a thicker consistency i then add blueberries i just do approximately a handful and a half and then i also add apple again for volume and actually tastes really really delicious in the chocolate protein make sure again that you do mix it really well i then add cinnamon i am a fan of cinnamon as you can probably tell you don't have to use it that's much more of an addition mix it in really nicely and then just make sure you turn off your heat before you pop it into your bowl i honestly get every single last scrap from that bowl i should probably use a spatula instead but i get everything out my bowl i then add my zero calorie syrup again it just makes it really sweet and i think actually enhances the taste of it as well even though it is a chocolate protein but the oats are absolutely delicious breakfast number three is protein pancakes now these are so easy to make purely because i have a protein pancake mix from my protein so all i'm actually going to add is a little bit of water and then also some milk i always pop the pan on first so it can heat up and i use a one cal spray rather than like a high calorie oil all i'm gonna do is i'm not very good at ingredients in terms of measurement so i kind of just play it by ear in terms of the consistency with the milk and the water i sometimes end up adding more with the protein pancake mix i add two heaped scoops if i feel like it's a tiny little bit runny i might add a bit more but actually today it was perfect i use a shaker because i find easier to pour and then also actually shake like what an absolute great invention and then what you're going to do is add them to the pan i actually have a wok i don't even have a pan but it cooks really really nicely so what i do with a spatula is just go all the way around the edge i don't flip it so i just use the spatula to actually flip it for me they do look a little bit burnt but i mean they tasted absolutely delicious so that doesn't really bother me and then again just with the spatula going around the edge to actually take it off the pan i actually ended up making around four pancakes which was absolutely fantastic again i kept burning them a little bit but we're just gonna miss that they were delicious and the only thing that i actually topped them with was peanut butter you can add yogurt you can add berries you can add whatever you want i'm just quite simple love peanut butter love a little bit of syrup 357 calories and 41 grams of protein your final recipe is the egg thing that i have started making and it's absolutely delicious it's got 40 grams of protein and what i do i just choose my favorite veg so i have broccoli tomatoes and mushroom you can kind of have whatever you want in terms of vegetables it's completely up to you i just think these all go really really nicely together especially the mushrooms as well because i feel like they actually pack out your food sometimes i do end up adding red onion as well it just depends how i'm feeling but what you want to do is add it all to a pan or a wok ideally because it fits a little bit better i add so much seasoning i always do so that's just an all-purpose seasoning and then i also add garlic and a bit of barbecue seasoning as well and of course i add a touch of salt because i pretty much have a bit of salt on everything i then have seven egg whites now i buy my eggs from the shop or i will have egg white cartons at the moment i just don't have any egg white cartons in so i've just bought a pack of eggs and i'm just getting rid of the yolks as you can see i'm just like passing it from side to side i then just add a touch more seasoning because this then goes on top of your vegetables in the pan so make sure you turn the heat off obviously they've been frying for only around five minutes they don't need to be in for long i then just purely for more protein add a little bit of turkey on top you can add anything but it actually makes it taste delicious what you then want to do is actually pop the whole thing in the oven for 20 minutes when you take it out it will be completely cooked the veg will be cooked just be really really careful because the handle of your pan will be super hot so make sure that you do keep your oven gloves on i've made the mistake before where i have just grabbed the handle without oven gloves on and burnt my hands so do just be really careful with that i also add parmesan so i only have around 8 grams it's really not high in calorie and it honestly makes it taste absolutely delicious so this is 41 grams of protein and under well nearly under 250 calories which is incredible okay guys we are done and dusted i hope you enjoyed my four favorite high protein breakfasts i have these all the time they're super delicious they're easy they're quick you've seen how easy they are to make so make sure you give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe to my channel comment below what else you want to see on my youtube channel i'm pretty free to film whatever especially during a lockdown i know you guys really enjoyed like the celebrity workout so i'll probably do a few more of those as well comment below what else you want to see and have a great day
Channel: Lucy Davis Fit
Views: 364,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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