4 People Dead after Trump Mob Loots The Nations Capital; National Guard activated As DC Lockdowns

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[Music] we continue to follow this breaking news the chaos at the capitol the seat of government went on lockdown this afternoon with members of congress inside as supporters of president trump invaded and clashed with police legislators inside the house chamber told by police to put on gas masks after tear gas dispersed in the rotunda protesters also gathered outside the state capitol in tallahassee and in south florida demonstrators rode through the streets protesting the 2020 election result meanwhile up on the steps of the backside of the capitol we're seeing protesters overcome the police the police are now running back into the capitol building let's get going america [Music] hey mr five here good evening january 6 today shots fired at the far rest insurgents stormed the u.s capitol protesting to halt congress the electoral sort of count and live updates of that count that would basically determine who is the next president of the united states and of course as we've seen pardon after pardon of these sort of criminal enterprise leaders and people influential on the far far left and nazi groups and sort of racist underbelly that has voted for america we live in a country that half of americans which we really found out this election period half americans want a white only american the other half really want to create something different and inclusionary and sort of undo the racism and the biases that have been happening for centuries and for 400 years of oppression of certain population of these people majority of the insurgents are small lower class poor whites right these are the working-class americans that feel like they deserve something because of this racial imbalance and how can america start off as racist and then grow and transform and adapt to be a country that accepts everyone and all right they one person confirmed was shot but multiple people were shot and injured multiple people staffed that these people literally stormed the white house i mean look climbing over walls they literally run up the steps overpower to state police right because dc police system is courteous to them they're nice to them they're not resisting as if there were some like black lives matter protesters and then we see them literally breaking in the windows tearing down the capital taking over the offices of legislative officials they want to go into nancy pelosi's office and sit in her seat and take selfies and smoke weed and wear their magma hats and feel important as they gas legislators in the building as well we know this was coming we know there's going to be more violence tonight and we know that they've also having surgeries in other states plan to overthrow the country but was this really honestly they thought this was going to do something by taking over d.c and insurgent congress and where they're going to spend the night there like what was it going to do all 50 states are going to transform and overheal and turn back into white america and make america great again or force the fact that they're saying kill him shoot him and hurt this cop and do this but we see the police who relate to them on a sort of common grounds that they're mostly majority poor whites as well we see them doing nothing right we see them doing very peaceful calmly resistance and this has to be taken seriously but in the same construct in an insane concept we have to look at the fact that america is split we are split between two nations half of us want an all-white country and half of us want inclusion democracy and a better place where we can all learn and grow together so the capital building goes on lockdown uh trump unleashed the mobs and attacked the us capital which he even needs to be removed from office meanwhile up on the steps of the back side of the capitol we're seeing protesters overcome the police the police are now running back into the capitol building we have cheers from the protesters that are watching behind the scenes [Applause] this is incredible and tactical vehicles are pulling up to the capitol [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're going to go to that right now here's a message from president trump i know you're paying i know you hurt we had an election that was stolen from us it was a landslide election and everyone knows it especially the other side but you have to go home now we have to have peace we have to have law and order we have to respect our great people in law and order we don't want anybody hurt it's a very tough period of time there's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us from me from you from our country this was a fraudulent election but we can't play into the hands of these people we have to have peace so go home we love you you're very special you've seen what happens you see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil i know how you feel but go home and go home at peace wow okay so there was just so many layers in that right so okay they aired this speech that trump made which i feel that you know okay maybe they shouldn't have but they did okay so what but now and within that speech there were many lies as well and there's missed messages and i want people to remember these images that just insurgents that you see today remember these criminal acts of terrorism these sort of acts of violence these attempted murder charges sort of brutally assaults on anyone who is not under their regime because they're gonna try to whitewash this later they're gonna try to glance over this like this didn't happen and i really want people to think that this is the country that we have today this is the nation that we're faced with and these are the changes that it's so desperately needed that has been bottling up for so many hundreds and hundreds of years we would rather have a patchwork plumbing solution to this nation than to literally just replace all of the piping and do a whole reroute we can change that out without disrupting the structure of this country trying to find the right words we have to realize that the majority of this country have for this country wants an all-white america that is just the bottom line that's impossible to happen when a democratic state where all refugees and all america's melting pot that is just not a true story what we need is a change of healing we need a change of understanding and we need to be educated to see how others was educated as well because it's their assumption that people are not worthy and value it's their assumption that their grandiose attitude and sort of behavior and thought of themselves is based on a non-really factual evidence-based assumption of power and authority one of these images that you see because later on they're going to say this doesn't happen and that this man who is still spilling lies about what happened in the election throughout his video encoded messages but let me not say that because i'm gonna be attacked saying that as a black activism organizer right so let me just let some other white personality or ally say the same thing and maybe you'll listen to that a 6 pm to 6 a.m curfew has been ordered in our nation's capital as national guard soldiers and federal police reinforcements are working at the capitol right now to help with ending an occupation by a pro-trump mob within the past hour we heard from president-elect joe biden now we brought that to you because president trump on the tape says to his supporters who are right now conducting an armed insurrection on the u.s capitol he tells them to go home but i also want to note that in that video he lies about the election being stolen and pours more fuel on the fire he continues his shameful behavior of lying to his supporters about what happened it is absolutely disgraceful i hope they listen to the part in which he said for them to go home but to be completely frank uh there were mixed messages in that video uh and i feel ambivalent about the fact that we even aired it to be honest although i certainly understand and support the idea that we did but the idea that the president is not even capable of saying please go home he continues to lie to his supporters and what i wanted to say before abby is i want people to remember how they feel watching these images of the united states capital being taken over uh and and this these clear acts of sedition and violence and terrorism by trump supporters because there's going to be an attempt to whitewash and pretend this didn't happen people might attempt to do that but what we're seeing is pretty clear what is happening and i think so as i end this little video and you see what's happening in dc i want everybody to take in mind and taken to heart that we've seen yes that half this country wanted to vote and keep like trump into office who had a all-white agenda and sort of a oppressionistic white supremacist totalitarian view of the world and this is his attempt at creating some sort of dictatorship rule and then the other half of our country sees us as some americans who were taught differently throughout the course of the next months or so we'll be having classes and updated videos discussing race discussing how the educational system was different for some and some whites were taught that blacks were inequality and inequal people were taught to hate jews and other cultures as this is a country where everybody comes into sort of and is made up of all immigrants let's think about that today let's think about how we and what you are doing how can that improve this country how is that helping this world what are your daily actions doing to heal and it's something even small as even talking to your neighbors or finding out about other cultures that you may not have interested in find out who is less fortunate than you and just on the strength that you're both americans reach out to that person help that person there's amazing philanthropists on twitter who are just retweeting and posting sort of giving people money who deserve it but we need a complete system of change and i don't mean reform because the definition of reform is to sort of condition and strengthen the system to work better we don't mean to cut the prison system in half just saying you know half of slavery is okay but we need to invest better than americans and i think that america will be great again when we start all over and create that happening i'm just saying you hit it yet yeah number one show hit those buttons yeah subscribe
Channel: Incarcerated Nation Network INC Media
Views: 981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trump mob Storms Capital, Nazis, police injured in protest, maga protestors, riots in dc today live, riot at capital, rioters storm capitol building, dc protest, maga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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