4 Non Blondes - What's Up (Official Video)
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Channel: 4NonBlondesVEVO
Views: 880,809,917
Rating: 4.8017931 out of 5
Keywords: 4 non blondes what's up cover, 4 non blondes what's up live, 4 non blondes what's up hq, 4 non blondes what's up audio, 4 non blondes what's up with lyrics, 4 non blondes what's up acapella, 4 non blondes what's up album, 4 non blondes what's up acoustic, 4 non blondes what's up backing track, what's up 4 non blondes live, what's up 4 non blondes remix, what's up 4 non blondes guitar, what's up 4 non blondes karaoke, 4 non blondes what's up, 4 non blondes vevo
Id: 6NXnxTNIWkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2011
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I always think of dancing He-Man when I hear this
The lead singer, Linda Perry, is married to Sara Gilbert (Darlene from Roseanne)
For a "where are they now" update, this lady is Linda Perry and is super rich as one of the top songwriters and producers in pop music.
As much as some love this song, As a Gen Xer, I can attest to the fact that this shit really grated on us after a while. It was on heavy rotation on MTV and that voice got really old quick. That, and Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm.
This song will always remind me of that scene from Sense8
Beautiful song, but to be honest, despite the original's soulful intensity, I legitimately prefer the "parody" He-man version for its jubilance and uplifting spirit.
50 years and my life is still...
skeletor: Nyah!
This song has a special place in my heart