4 New Years Motion Graphics for 2022 in After Effects

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these years just keep on rolling by and now that we're closing out the year i'm pretty sure there's plenty of you who are working on new year's related projects so with our minds set on that we're going to break down four different types of new year's motion graphics and effects that you can use on any project that you're working on hey what's going on internet this is josh noel we're officially in the 2022 version of sun duck film well that doesn't really mean anything but if you're ready to create some awesome work be sure to drop a like on this video and let's jump in [Music] if you want to follow along this video and have the ask this as a template you can download this project file for free that link will be in the description below so the first thing we're going to talk about is creating these really cool coming at us particles so what we want to do is go to layer new solid and we want to select the color of our particle so i'm going to do a nice light sort of peachy orange and click ok then i'm going to go to effect simulation and grab cc starburst i'm going to come here and increase the scatter so i'm set this up like 330 and we're coming to the size it makes a little bit smaller then we can set the speed down to like 0.2 and simply will have these particles coming at us uh very easily then let's go to effect stylize and let's grab a glow i'm going to glow radius to 40 and then i'll add one more effect go to distort and i'm going to grab a cc lens and i'll set the size up to about 150. so now we'll just have this very nice base particle what i'm going to do is take this solid and duplicate it go to edit duplicate and i'll grab our bottom layer here and this time around i'm going to go to cc starburst and set the scatter down to like 110 set our grid space into say three and come here to the size and bring this to 20. so the goal here was to make some smaller background particles here and that's good so overall we're going to have these really cool particles for our scene all right so for our second new year's tip here i want to create a really cool strong title that you know is going to stand out has a little bit gloss to it it's super simple to do this so the first thing you're going to want to do is obviously type out a title and when your title is typed out the first one we probably want to do is actually create the animation for this so we'll do something simple we'll open up the title layer and come here to animate enable per character 3d then we can open the text options here and we'll go to animate and we can just do a quick uh rotation and we set our y rotation to 90 degrees add a property go to opacity and set that to zero percent and then just here at the beginning of our timeline uh we'll come into range selector add a keyframe for start move forward maybe by a second and set this up to 100 percent and then you just like both keyframes hit f9 to make them easy ease keyframes okay so that was super simple but now we can start working on the style of our title so what we're going to do here uh is we're going to take our layer we'll duplicate it and we'll come here to the bottom text layer and we will come here to the swap fill icon for the character window we'll come here the stroke color and we'll select you know a warm gold type color for our title stroke and you really can't see it and you can adjust the stroke width right here now for our top layer what we want to do is go to effect uh generate and we'll grab a gradient ramp and you'll see two anchor points for our gradient ramp and we'll go ahead and kind of close this in on the title like so and you can swap the colors and maybe we'll make the top color a little bit darker so you get this nice smooth gradient and you have this nice stroke around the title now we want to grab our stroke title here and what we want to do is add a few cool effects to really make this pop so the first thing we'll do is go to effect uh we'll go to generate and we'll add a quick cc light sweep to this and you'll get like that nice shine look on it you're welcome to animate the center if you want this moving but i actually don't want to do it for this tutorial i'm going to duplicate the cc light sweep effect and just move it to another part of the title here you're welcome to crease the width a little bit and some of the other settings as you see fit then i also want to go to effect perspective and add a quick bevel alpha to this and that's it so that can really stand out and make our title seem a little bit more bold you know as again you can change the stroke width here and that will help with the thickness of your title and one last effect i want to apply to the top layer is go to effect perspective again and add a drop shadow to this and this will cast a little bit of a shadow on the stroke part of our text and i think that looks really crisp and before we move on to our next technique if you're looking to create awesome motion graphics that stand out within a click of a button check out our 300 plus editors motion pack for after effects and also premiere pro with our easy to use adam extension all you have to do is find a graphic that you like and hit apply once it's on the timeline you can easily customize colors and other parameters to fit your needs you can check out the 300 plus editor's motion pack and all the other packs we have off the website on sunduckfilm.com so if you're looking to save time and produce awesome work you can check out those links in the description below so no new year's project is really complete without some level fireworks i'd be doing you a disservice if i didn't talk about adding fireworks in the scene however you really just can't create great fireworks from scratch and after effects so if you download the project file which is absolutely free you can get this firework asset and we can bring this asset into our composition and you can set your blend mode to add and then go to effect color correction you can add like a tritone to this and this will help colorize the firework you come into the mid-tone color and you can change the color to you know whatever color you know makes sense for your project and then this gives us the opportunity to ask our keyboard for scale scale it down and reposition where we want the firework to be and we duplicate this you know several different times and then we can just offset these layers in our timeline so they don't all come in at the same exact time so you'll create a some of a unique firework look here with these assets and now these extra fireworks here it just adds you know a few more touches of detail to our scene and now we can start taking this to the next level with our next technique all right so now we want to spice this up with some extra title design to you know help make things stand out i added just an extra title below here happy new year you're welcome to what you want the title animations of course but let me show you how you can create this outline really quick so what we'll do is we'll grab the stroke version of our title here you'll see it's this one and what we'll do is we'll duplicate it and all we're going to do is go to layer pre-compose and i'll call this duplicate title and click ok we're going to go into this composition and i'll come here and change my color my text color back to white and you know there's all that and then when our title is ready to go what we'll do is come here to composition go to composition settings and we'll bring down the height and we'll kind of close in on our title like this and click okay make sure that this is in the center then back in our main composition all we're going to do is take our title and move it over here to say to the left side and then we'll go to effect stylize and we're going to grab motion tile and we'll expand the output height and you'll see we'll get these duplicates here that's cool and then we'll come to the beginning of our timeline we can add a keyframe for tile center we'll move forward here and we can have this animate upward like this then just to kind of follow through a little bit more with this we can take this layer duplicate it and we can move this over to the other side of our composition and i can have it animate in the other direction as well now i've done a few extra things here so i added adjustment layer of noise you're welcome to do that and like i said i did animate the tracking of our titles so all you have to do to add a tracking is go to animate and add a tracking and you keyframe you know how you want the title to expand and here's what we have everything put together you can use these techniques in any different way that you want to use of course you don't have to combine all these together i just do that so i can teach a handful of what i believe are useful tips for a new year's video and always remember you don't have to create the same exact thing that i created the points tutorials is to just showcase you know several different techniques that you can use in your own way so if you just want to use the fireworks you can just do that so hope you enjoyed this video if you're new here hit that subscribe button because we post two post production tutorials every single week right here on the channel you can also hit us up on our instagram we got after effects content on there as well and always be creating you
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 5,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects, After Effects New Years, After Effects New Years Motion Graphics, After Effects Motion Graphics, Motion Graphics, Motion Graphics New Years, Motion Graphics Tutorial, SonduckFilm Tutorial, New Years Tutorial, After Effects Motion Graphics New Years
Id: 1u1uRNXYrB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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