4 LOW SUGAR SMOOTHIES | easy, healthy, and delicious

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hello everyone out there how's it going welcome back to my channel today i'm gonna be sharing with you four low sugar smoothie recipes [Music] i love smoothies i make them all the time and i do also love a really good sweet fruity smoothie but sometimes we don't want something too too sweet sugar in smoothies can definitely add up really quickly from the natural sugars found in fruits you can easily have smoothies contain you know upwards of 30 40 50 grams of sugar in a glass so each of these smoothies contain around 12 grams of sugar or so um and they're delicious they're also incredibly nutritious plenty of fiber i've also got a couple of sneaky veggies in there as well that don't affect the flavor full recipe details can be found over on my blog so i will leave links below and let's get started so we are starting off with this peanut butter and jelly smoothie for this recipe you're gonna need three quarters of a cup of almond milk or your favorite type of milk you're also going to need two tablespoons of peanut butter you could also use almond butter if you'd like you'll need a tablespoon of hemp seeds half a banana half a cup of frozen strawberries and half a cup of frozen raspberries so add all of your ingredients to your blender and blend it up until smooth [Music] this smoothie really does taste just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich it has a great boost of some plant-based protein from the peanut butter and the hemp seeds and i will just say that when you are buying peanut butter or if you're using another kind of nut butter for the smoothie to make sure that you buy unsweetened [Music] alrighty and next up we are making this key lime smoothie so for the smoothie you're going to need half a banana a quarter of an avocado you'll need two limes that you will juice you could use a little bit less if you don't want it quite as sour you'll also need a teaspoon of lime zest so from the skin of the lime and you'll also need half a can of coconut milk and a quarter to half a cup of water and also a very small handful of some baby spinach now i don't have a citrus zester so what i do is i just honestly um take some of the peel of the lime and you can just toss that in your blender or if you want to a little kitchen hack here is you can actually just finely chop up the rind and that'll kind of act like a zest if you don't have a zester on hand this smoothie is perfectly rich and creamy some great fats in there from the avocado and full fat coconut milk it has such a delicious rich key lime pie taste without being too sweet [Music] next up we have this ginger peach smoothie it kind of tastes like a peach pie so really really good so you're gonna need a cup of fresh or frozen peach slices you'll also need half a cup of full fat coconut milk and a quarter cup of water you'll need some cinnamon about a quarter cup of frozen cauliflower which adds a really great veggie boost without affecting the flavor you'll also need about a two inch chunk of fresh ginger and about half of a small carrot a tablespoon of almond butter and a teaspoon of chia seeds and half a teaspoon of vanilla extract as well [Music] the cinnamon and vanilla and ginger in this smoothie really helps to add this sweetness to the smoothie but without actually using a ton of fruit [Music] and lastly we have the perfect berry smoothie so this is a smoothie that i've been enjoying for a few weeks now all you need is half of a banana about three quarter cup of almond milk or your favorite milk you'll also need half to three quarters of a cup of frozen mixed berries you'll need a small handful of some baby spinach again you're going to use a few chunks of frozen cauliflower a quarter of a cup of unsweetened yogurt like greek yogurt or a plant-based yogurt a tablespoon of chia seeds and a splash of vanilla extract [Music] i love that the smoothie is really nice and creamy yogurt is a great addition to smoothies for helping to add that creaminess factor um but it's again not too sweet this makes a really nice breakfast smoothie so really good in the morning and if you wanted it even less sweet you could even omit the banana and just have the berries in this smoothie [Music] so that's it for today's video thanks so much for watching i would love to hear from you if you give one of these recipes a try or all of them let me know which one's your favorite leave me a comment below again you can check out the full recipes if you want to read through them over on my blog links are in the description box and i'll see you all in the next one [Music] bye you
Channel: Meghan Livingstone
Views: 43,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meghan livingstone
Id: 5pdwQYeb2K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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