4 Important Things To Know In The Vending Machine Business!

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I'm very excited um okay tell me this you set it up yesterday did y'all go check it again I haven't checked it yet okay would I like to go back today absolutely the new generation of vending is don't go to the machine until it has money us old schools we're like hey we make this schedule once a week at a certain time what's going on Mark Hey My My I'm good how are you good good good good good um this is yours okay thank you what is it eight nine fifty nine fifty if you want to check it you can yeah I got good with this new young guy young people like y'all are you excited y'all see y'all here y'all making money there and when you told me yesterday that you had we already made some sales five sales or whatever you know that's great I mean just in that little period of time before we even close it actually we're making sales yeah you checked the bill scepter all that everything changed just like I told you tested it in there perfect you kind of figured out how to change prices if you wanted to change prices and stuff charge you and I'll say no man that's your business you know it charges me 150 bucks okay you know but then once again it's a little bit local versus far you know and it's all about you know business building rapport with people yeah locators basically their location they say hey I found a location they need three machines in there give me 500 bucks for that location it's yours no worse or there's a locator say hey but machines there give me 10 a month whatever comes out got it and I'm okay with that the only reason because if I was gonna pay the location 10 or pay that dude 10 you know it doesn't matter to me Washateria I was about to say does it look new right this is your machine but the credit card reader yeah so we could put one if we wanted yes yes and I'll show you kind of the modem that it runs mode and box right here okay and that's that for the that's for the credit card yeah that's for the credit card and you see up here is a little antenna I see ghosts there it's actually Verizon okay it hooks up to this little moaning box those in here and then it hooks up to the coin changer it's kind of you see this harness right here it goes to here right here end DB and that's why I told you your machine's MVD you can hook up one of these I see some machines you can't okay so you could do that you're already compatible with the software your machine has software for it okay but it's a then it's at the next stage you gotta this company gotta call them transfer your account number and understand all that stuff kind of like ATM Yeah so basically it goes to yours and then once you get close you can actually buy it off your phone products you don't need it really it connects to your phone Wi-Fi it connects do you want to buy here now this is the thing with this there's a limit okay so let's say your highest product is five dollars I don't know what you're gonna put but then so every time they swipe on this this place is going to show five dollars on there okay and people get freaked out oh my God they charge 75 no highest credit they could you could purchase from here I see you know so then okay the sale comes a dollar fifty then it says uh charge you a dollar fifty but on these software on this uh you could actually charge one penny to 10 cents per transaction convenience fee so basically it's taking care of your node monthly on this because this runs costs about fifteen dollars to run it you know make it or not you're doing a credit card sale or not they're gonna charge you 15 like a membership fee understood you know so that that's why I always charge 10 cents for every account every uh product so it makes up a little bit you know that's 150 items a month which you know if it's a decent account works great software you'll get an app on your phone okay you could track everything every day what it does and what sells actually you could you could monitorize it you could say uh A2 A2 on this machine we sold seven of them today so you know you could if we have this yeah if you have this mode this this is this is this is pretty big I mean it'll give you a you'll have your own like password to get in and lock in and you can see if there's a build Jam it'll tell you hey Bill Jam this machine hasn't been taking bills from you you know and it tells you daily it tells you weekly you're how much money because a lot of the new generation of vending is don't go to the machine until it has money us old schools we're like hey we make this schedule once a week at a certain time like a round schedule they're saying no why have four trucks running you could actually run two trucks with four truck business because why go to the location if it's got 20 30 and it's got you know three four hundred dollars worth of product in there it's wasting gas it's wasted time it's wasting all this stuff yeah this this uh this uh it's called cantaloupe you know called cantaloupe okay
Channel: Caramel
Views: 6,371
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Id: e13okcVMs30
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Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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