4 Flight Training Tips for Student Pilots: This changed my life at flight school!

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[Music] new pilots pay attention in this video I'm unveiling four essential tips that are guaranteed to not only accelerate your flight training but also boost your entire Aviation career drawing from almost two decades of flying experience these are my top pieces of advice that significantly helped me through my flight training and contributed to my success as a commercial pilot so let's go I'm Evan and I've been flying airplanes since I was 14 years old being a commercial pilot in the Rocky Mountains is incredible and has led me on some very wild adventures my mission to share with you my love for Aviation the outdoors and all the things I've learned along the way in hopes of inspiring the next generation of adventurers and Adventure seeking Pilots if you're new to the channel then cheers don't forget to like And subscribe and as always welcome [Music] aboard good afternoon everybody in this video I'm going to give you the four biggest tips I can give to people in Flight School the four things that helped me the most as an aspiring pilot that was going through Flight Training so let's Dive Right In the first one is making friends socializing not only with uh your instructor but also with other students with the other instructors maybe you're not flying with a particular instructor but you want to get to know everybody at the flight school make friends the reason is that throughout the entire process of training there's going to be times where you're going to want to rely on other people and ask questions hey how did you do on this oh you didn't do so well on this well here's what I learned about this or you know give people advice and receive advice from others the best thing you can do is make lots of good friends my second tip is network and get to know the mechanics go hang out when the airplanes are being maintained this is a great time to get to understand how the airplanes work mechanically and trust me it is fascinating and a great way to learn how the things you do in the cockpit how that affects the mechanical side of the aircraft and I'll be honest it's one of the most fascinating parts of Aviation my third tip is to buy a flight simulator this is going to sound a little bit cheesy but if you're doing your IFR training one of the most useful tools that I had was Microsoft flight simulator and I actually had purchased it for I think it was like I don't know $40 and then I actually bought one of the yolks the flight Sim yolks and I had the flight Sim rottle quadrant and I even went to the point where I had the uh Rudder pedals so I kind of had the full uh at home flight s but that is literally peanuts compared to uh the cost of using the flight school's flight Sim now you can't necessarily log the time I don't know if you can now but for me it was a great way to practice my procedures understand how to fly the approaches and it's honestly very close to real life obviously it's not the same as being in a real airplane so we're just going to make a quick r call here Victor Alpha xray withy 1343 xenter good afternoon so having an at home flight simulator is great because you can practice your procedures you can practice reading the charts you can get a good understanding of how to fly these approaches even though you're not in a real airplane even though you're not logging the time for me I end up spending probably hundreds of hours just sitting at home flying approaches and I got so good and so fast at preparing the airplane for the procedures that uh the flight training was actually a lot smoother than um I think it was for others that didn't have that sort of setup at home and trust me you can buy that whole setup for probably under I don't know probably under 500 bucks even if you go buy the yolk uh used or all the uh I mean flight Sim is not that expensive nowadays anyway so uh yeah that's my third tip the fourth tip is go and network at the local Flying Club or the cafe all those older Pilots that are sitting around those are great people to get to know because obviously they're going to have lots of cool stories about how they used to fly back in the day and uh you know obviously it's times of change so you probably won't be able to do the same stuff they did but they have great connections they might be able to put you in contact with people that can hook you up with your first job and they might have some really good advice some stuff like this simple saying better to be on the ground wishing you're in the sky than in the sky wishing you're on the ground simple piece of advice but uh it was uh you know very useful and very valuable yeah that's my four tips make sure you network get to make lots of friends socialize go meet the mechanics hang around see how the airplanes are maintained and buy yourself a flight Sim at home and of course go network with all those old pilots go hang on at the cafes and trust me it'll make your life at flight school so much better and it'll make you a much better pilot hope you enjoyed this video everybody don't forget to like And subscribe and as always happy and safe flying check out this view oh actually there's no view cuz the uh windshield's fogged up so we'll turn on the uh wind Shield heat on low all right see you everybody cheers thanks for watching everybody hope you enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe and as always if you're new to the channel welcome aboard little cheers to all the new viewers and if you're curious on what it's like to become a pilot with a process is how to get your first Aviation job then I've got videos on my channel that you can check out to help get you started absolutely love and appreciate all the support everybody so we'll catch you on the next adventure happy and safe flying everybody cheers
Channel: Evan Luft
Views: 3,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Private pilot license, pilot licence, pilot lisense, flight training cost, flight training, cessna 172, commercial pilot license, airline pilot, become a pilot, flight school, aviation, learning to fly, pilot salary, atpl, pilot life, aviation101, ground school, learn to fly, pilot training, ppl, cpl, how to become a pilot, commercial pilot, flight, private pilot license, airplane, student pilot, pilot, flying, pilot resume, pilot hired, pilot jobs, pilot career, airline job
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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