4 Exercises for Shoulder Pain - Subacromial Bursitis

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what's going on everyone welcome back to my channel in today's video we're looking at rehab exercises for shoulder bursitis this is typically pain that occurs up here the subacromial Bursa that's right underneath this bone the acromion so if you get pain towards the top kind of outside of your shoulder maybe it goes down your arm when reaching overhead this video will be for you [Music] so when we think about this subacromial bursitis again that Bursa is up here under the bone in that subacromial space there are other structures that are also present there one is a rotator cuff tendon our muscle called supraspinatus it's tendon runs right through here and then also the tendon for bicep one of the tendons of our bicep muscle also goes right up here in the joint so we've got a rotator cuff tendon a bicep tendon and a bursa right next to each other so many people are diagnosed with bursitis and actually have tendinopathy they have an irritation of one of those tendons so basically it's hard to differentiate with testing what people have do you have bursitis do you have a tendinopathy we can't always tell with clinical tests but it doesn't really change what we do in rehab a lot so the video the exercises I'm going to show today will help you with bursitis and will help with addressing and strengthening the tendons just in case you also have tendinopathy okay so we're going to look at four exercises so let's go ahead and jump into them so early on in this process when your pain is more cute and irritable we're going to focus really on mobility and one of the things that happens with bursitis and tendinopathy and the subacromial spaces that people will tend to have pain when they reach overhead so you just want to be careful to modify those activities if you're you play racket sports or you're a swimmer if you're doing if you're participating in activities that are flaring this up make sure you dial those back or temporarily eliminate them to let the shoulder calm down and then we're going to implement Mobility exercises so that we don't lose Mobility sometimes when people have irritation and their rotator cuff tendons or the Bursa and they stop moving their shoulder they're more likely to develop frozen shoulder so we don't want to go down that route and the thing that's going to help us avoid that our Mobility exercises now since reaching overhead is the thing that hurts most people that's what we're going to focus on in terms of Mobility but instead of just having you go ahead and just start reaching which is going to cause pain we're going to use some other strategies to work on that Mobility but also do it with less pain so the first one here is called a table slide you can use a countertop at your house or a table like this what you're going to do is take your painful arms of my right arms the painful arm I'm going to set it here on the table and put the pinky side of my hand down so that my thumbs up and then what I'm going to do is lean forward with my trunk which forces my arm to go overhead but by using the table my muscles aren't having to work my shoulder muscles get to stay relaxed so I'm just going to bend forward and stretch my shoulder I'm just going to kind of go up and down and do repetitions like that so I'm just working on my shoulder flexion mobility and allowing the table to just let my arms slide so I don't have to use my muscles like I would if I was just doing it this way so this is what's going to hurt so if I use the table this will reduce pain it allows me to work on what's called passive range of motion so my arm is passively moving because the table and external object is is forcing it overhead you can even get down here and just kind of hold but usually what we have people do is run through you know two to three sets of this looking at about 10 to 15 repetitions and you can do this throughout the day in the beginning of rehab while your shoulder is calming down okay so that's our first exercise a table slide all right so our second exercise is another Mobility exercise if the table slide gets to be easy you can go through full range of motion you have minimal symptoms then you would progress to this one which is called a wall crawl so again it's going to work on overhead shoulder Mobility but it's going to keep those shoulder muscles sort of relaxed a little more relaxed to limit pain and stress on those sensitive tissues so for the wall crawl again I'm going to take my painful arm I'm just going to come up to the wall and just basically walk my hand up so this allows my hand to sort of someone of my weight goes into the wall so I don't have to use my muscles and tendons as much and then I'm just going to reach up as far as I can if you hit a point of pain then just go up and down to that point and eventually we're looking to you know get up to the point where you can get all the way up and kind of get full shoulder flexion against the wall you can't have to turn your head away to get that full Mobility but again in the beginning just like the table side kind of work time going up and down the wall to your point of pain to that pain barrier and over time this will get easier and easier and of course at a certain point you know you won't need the wall and then you'll just step away from it and start going through just full range shoulder flexion without the wall so just leading with your thumb like we did on the table slide and then just reaching up as far as you can so that's kind of the end progression can I get back to lifting full arm weight and not needing the help of the table or the wall okay so those are our two primary Mobility exercises once you can do those and your pain is not too bad then you'll go to these next two which are going to help to strengthen the two tendons that run up inside the subacromial space all right so our third exercise here again is going to be one to strengthen one of the tendons we're going to focus on bicep the bicep long head tendon which goes inside the joint in that subacromial space so the way we're going to do this is with a dumbbell and we're going to do an uppercut type Movement we actually use an uppercut type test to test people to see if their bicep tendon is what's causing their pain so like that test the exercise is going to be very similar so I'm going to take a dumbbell you want to find one that's challenging for you but doesn't create more than moderate symptoms with tendinopathies it's okay to have mild to moderate pain during the exercise as long as you're not flared up later and into the next day so just find that weight that's right for you with this exercise I'm going to start with the dumbbell down kind of at my side and then I'm going to supinate my forearm and rotate so my Palms up and then basically do an uppercut up to kind of you know kind of up to like that chin height where my hands kind of chin height and I'm going to rotate back down I'm going to do reps like that where I rotate come up and kind of uppercut so this will again work that bicep tendon most people think of their bicep as just doing curls and that's the elbow portion but it also helps to move our shoulder through flexion so we're coming up like this working that upper part of the bicep tendon as it goes up inside the joint with this exercise and the next one you're going to go for three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions again find that weight that you can feel it working and it's challenging but it's not causing a flare up in your shoulder pain okay so that's our first one a bicep uppercut exercise all right our last exercise is our rotator cuff strengthening exercise this one's going to look at external rotation which is a really important action of our rotator cuff and again it's going to help that supraspinatus muscle the other tendon that goes through that subacromial space so for this one you're gonna I've got a piece of Thera tube here this works really well for this I'll put a link in the description if you want to know where to get one of these then you're just going to take a small hand towel you're going to roll it up put it in between your elbow and your side that helps to focus on the rotational movement then essentially what I'm going to do with this exercise is start with my secure the tube start with my hand by my stomach and then I'm going to go out through external rotation out or this far that's how far the shoulder joint should go through external rotation about 70 degrees when our elbow is at our side now for some people when their pain is a little more severe it will be hard to do this on their own so what you can do in that case is use your other arm to grab the tube and help pull it out so it takes stress off of the painful shoulder and then you'll let go and then slowly lower back in with your painful side that's called an eccentric contraction the muscle fibers are Contracting and lengthening on that direction on the way out this is concentric and this is harder this tends to create more pain in the beginning of rehab so that's why you use the other arm to help pull that band get it set there do a small isometric hold and then slowly over about three to four seconds do a slow eccentric and that will really help to strengthen that tendon button away that doesn't create as much pain again so then use that arm and then slowly come back in and as you get better over time try to do it all of it with your painful shoulder again looking at no more than that three to four out of 10 pain and especially if you're flared up the next day then it was probably too much you got to do something with less resistance or fewer repetitions so like the last exercise shoot for three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions every day or every other day with this exercise okay you guys so those are our four exercises four subacromial bursitis or tendinopathy depending on what you might have going on a lot of people have both going on so work on calming things down first some of the mobility exercises the first two and then as things calm down you can start implementing the strengthening exercises which will help with pain and reduce the likelihood you get this again in the future if you have any questions put them in the comment section and I'll get back to you see you next time bye
Channel: Rehab Science
Views: 1,500,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shoulder pain exerciese, shoulder pain exercises physical therapy, shoulder pain exercises at home for men, shoulder pain exercises at home, shoulder pain exercises athlean x, shoulder pain exercises with resistance bands, shoulder pain exerciese physical therapy, shoulder bursitis exercises, shoulder bursitis, subacromial bursitis, subacromial bursitis exercises, rotator cuff exercises, rotator cuff rehab, shoulder rehab exercises
Id: 432yWPJQ-is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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