4 Dog Lovers - Fallout 1x2 "The Target" | The Normies Group Reaction!

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[Music] what up everybody we're the normies and today we're watching Fallout episode two the Meyer the Walmart the target boom was the T the tar Boutique you heathens my name is Vault dweller seage my name is Mickey and I'm a Fallout Boy it's the ghouling with the Bing Chris Johnson I wanted to be a ghoul this ghoul cat I am the Raider Spidey do you want to be my ghou friend if you want to be my got to get with my friend U we're going to jump right into this great introduction to the show not a market substitute we're watching it on Amazon check out our patreon for quicker releases on these episodes and we are going to jump into it right now we're live on Twitch twitch.tv/ theorm TV you could have seen this with us live ready I'm going to say three two one scoo and on the scoo on the is when you on the S is when you play okay all right yay I'll go smoke some hay what do you say kind of gay 3 2 1 SC oh pu to oh my goodness don't do all wa what the [ __ ] oh my God less than 10 o oh please tip the scale my favorite song this is he's the one [ __ ] lius want on the drawing please dip the scale I thought it looked like him and I forgot he he might have been in this oh my goodness I think he was in the trailer I forgot puppies a little r you okay no no joy they're burning puppies so happy we just watched a show with lock as the villain and now we're watching a show with Benjamin lonus [ __ ] yes he just want pets you give him pets what a cute doggy oh don't let anything happen to this dog well we know he's a Target we know that he's oh him and companion y oh God where the that is a thick [ __ ] needle my boy The Ear The oh in the you can't inject your own brain that was the brain oh is this to link him like to the dog or some [ __ ] injector what the he's putting something more than dog stuff oh they said he was from The Enclave I don't know what the Enclave is who knows what his Origins [Music] are hey hey hey hey oh it is a vault they all got Pit Boys no you were supposed to incinerate it you don't [ __ ] up now fish Dr wo too late CX 404 404 definitely [Laughter] found thanks I appreciate that we're nerds [ __ ] laugh going to leave yeah they got some like topnotch talent in this show did you see this door 23 he's going to oh and they're in they under hatch all right ditch's pip he's outside in the snow I think they're underr D VI holy God please remain calm I am not calm I've played hell divers enough to know that yeah Century right no there's noot you're shot there's no shot there's no way sir fakest thing that might have happened in the show so far but GL they're alive No Way episode two starting off little iffy bullet holes hey it was just one machine gun fire Never Kills anybody that's a movie I mean less than that I was going to say it's a piece of technology that looks like it runs on [ __ ] rust and welds take her belief okay suspend it bear hang it hey how you doing oh my God what is that is that a termit it's a rad roach yeah oh what why the [ __ ] are you just sitting here you're just here this is always how he does it [ __ ] I swear to I love this why is he This creepy every time every time with this guy everything Michael Emerson is the goat before the war all right when I was a boy joked about cockroaches oh my God that was a cockroach yeah this B it's a radroach no you come from a world of rules of laws this place is indifferent to all of that not going back without my dad then you will have to adapt it's crazy that they encountered each other the one other person that knows you still want the same things everybody knows her when you have become a different animal Al together is that a quote from something else he walked right off the set a lot lost straight to here 20 years later set us down I want to shoot something is there a rubber ducky we were assigned to search a town called Philly we're still miles from I want shoot something God damn it this guy all right so his Knight is an [ __ ] yeah we're definitely going to get this Knight's armor whoa what are we doing backpack brother whoa whoa whoa dude [ __ ] we're hell diving don't make me straddle you oh God I really was too far but I still would have screamed this is a waste of resources I we're saving fuel we're not flying all all the way to our destination I mean we still have to go there so man he's like a cat Jesus spam let's go CR dude I love that they got the same brands from the game dude they got this branding on point little cram session you know what is that jacket nope bad dog take it back [ __ ] take it even hear anybody scream why did it come off so easy I wonder if it's the same dog from John Wick that dog might be dead oh oh my God why would you to are animals a thing in here cuz I've always worried about like radioactive wolves and bears oh it almost looks like a Louis gun dog you're in this big ass shoe carry this [ __ ] your [ __ ] is this my job just a backpack dude D they got to around there quick [ __ ] talk about a yay that is so Rand they supposed to look for him in Philly ya guy or Yao he in a town called Philly didn't mean it was Philadelphia Philly yeah he spell the I said Philly but it was F I L L I said Philly but Philly is pH and that's on the East Coast pronounced the one with f Philly yes that's what I said oh okay I thought you were Chris said you were talking about Philly we were mansplaining I'm sorry we just it's in our nature to to just correct all the time so you want to like make conversation or right do those have night vision in them or no go see if theet in there no what that's what you're for you earn the suit through acts of Bravery this is an act of Bravery oh God my Lord okay yeah a little bit of a little Tim I mean but he doesn't have armor I would I'd be like why don't you go in there it doesn't track oh my God you can probably run away from him oh God is that a bear is it a werewolf man bear pig it's a y [Music] boy oh my God bro you're not big [Music] enough did it just blow the gun up yeah now oh my God no you oh no you [ __ ] up don't just stand there both of you don't like the f Fu [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid let him get him let him get him that's how it is in the game though you go into the wrong area you're just like oh no that's a big boy Jesus I was going to say play dead but I guess that's not going to work for you bro do something seriously shoot the J he's going to shoot no his oh Theo work all right damn me my suit boy just few more in him and that big ass gun didn't do [ __ ] I guess he red him with bullets yeah he didn't even get any shots off into him with the big ass gun you're the Pils help you're in who what the [ __ ] are you doing man let you die a [ __ ] stim pack instead of just standing there you stupid [ __ ] you know this is all your fault what do you mean oh you about to die then you going to blame me for this [ __ ] the worst [ __ ] Squire there is what did I do this is all your fault okay this is laying on a little thick buddy come on I'm going to start forgetting how to do [ __ ] you want to do the side quest you had the big armor against the bear you [ __ ] up you dropped your gun you don't deserve that armor oh I like him he's a great character you think you do they'll kill you for this going to bring back the target oh also like you fought a bear bro it's not my fault you lost yeah and you left me turned into that super B Bowl commercial real quick did you peel this dude out the suit like a [ __ ] crab clean he's legit a crab I want to get in that armor makes me nervous I wonder how comfy it is I wonder if it squishes you why is lonus a Target because he injected that thing in his neck and he was breaking the rules at The Enclave that he came from yeah they killed that guy him at his dog so [ __ ] yeah this got to use one voice for all of them [ __ ] yeah uh-oh oopsies [ __ ] you going to be yet this is the end of your [ __ ] days he loves having the power oh God I'm scared problem he's a he's a villain how the tables turn thank you Mr medal man much oblig to you what did you do you [ __ ] chicken or something it's just the guy was [ __ ] my chicken what [ __ ] what I say I told you that [ __ ] look like a chicken [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] I a never seen this [ __ ] he's a chicken [ __ ] look at him on your way citizen that's season 2 episode 18 of South Park chicken [ __ ] bro you have no idea what you're doing you almost cooked that dude I told you he's a chicken [ __ ] I know one when I see that is insane love that they're leaving the morality of the character is like up to you to figure out she's probably good maybe Walton Goggins is kind of like bad at this point and then maybe he's like neutral could go either way I'm worried she's going to get assaulted at some point oh yeah it's inevitable it's the apocalypse hi there holy [ __ ] you're an actual Vault dweller I am I thought all you starting [ __ ] dip shits were dead Barb get in here bar bar you got to see this radar I'm looking for is about 5'9 I think goes by the name of mold uhoh everyone knows that name yeah oh get out get back to your [ __ ] room Barb I was doing a thing you called you called me like seven times but the mission of the vaults should be important to everyone and why is that it's a pipe dream sweetheart we're going to save America the vaults were nothing more than a holding the ground for Rich folks to hide in while the rest of the world burned Jeff yeah Jeff basil we're looking at you he funded this show you know what Folks up here say about the vaults you better change clothes [ __ ] the vaults come on girl you should have had some perception of how you'd be how would she know that I don't know like do you have a different set of clothes really think you should go home you are not safe here no one understands my situation you come from VA 33 your primary crop is corn you've been brought up in a meritocracy where people Pride themselves on doing the right thing you need to go home I told you to get the [ __ ] out of here oh [Music] [ __ ] Ying last night a b came in man through all six auses six head of a man it fits a description of that fell right there now I may not know much but I do know a B for when I see one who's that up there maybe but I've been paid a whole lot of caps to provide this man safe transport out of damn fck God what where's the dog dog holy [ __ ] what did he shoot him with he does have man first the head now the [Music] fo yeah bum rush him like the X-Men do not go one onone he's out in the open damn what was that it's an actual Cannon he has explosive bullets oh is like a mini nuke bullet the hand can oh my my God that gun breaks the game bro leave him alone he's got aimbots on does he have bigger ones you only got nothing bigger oh this is oh this is all the this is how it looks like he's just got he's just got that aim that's like that damn that [ __ ] distorted yodeling [Music] he's a ghoul you got to shoot him in the head no no no not the side of n not ma June NCL is just done no don't hurt the dog no no no no yes a he's going to have to I don't know no not the dog I acknowledge that I'm unfamiliar with your circumstances but at first glance your treatment of this man appears unfair and I'm obliged to intervene I think everyone in this town would agree the force is Justified she's just trying to play it as morally as possible willingly stand down now [ __ ] B hey bullets can't kill him he might get [Music] Tred well now that is a very small drub and a very very large bucket of drug she said stand down Maximus we're getting the meet up now oh you can fly in these all right is this in the game yeah you can like kind of like Glide down I don't know how he got up there they got like a high jump you got to be [ __ ] kidding me oh yeah they're fast huh woo oh God she she's dead he went in back first crushed crushed hi didn't have to do that no he shooting you now I don't think you're done man is important I've been sitting here to find him get him inside and keep him there until I've dealt with a ghoul thank you bro just spamming ammo now you're not going to hit that [Music] armor oh my god really oh my [ __ ] god did this man just he didn't do the tutorial he has no training [Music] shot oh my God ma Jun you better tell me about mova after this ma Jun you got one in your knee too right my yeah but bar ain't moved bar what barf trying to eat my beans what barf she said I'm try to eat my beans you hurt her I don't mean to interrupt but was that a night she doesn't know [ __ ] about [ __ ] man tell her who the Brotherhood is what they do li who the [ __ ] was Jim you yell at me the way oh no oh my God what about they got a blood bucket it's mostly missing the bucket hey Daddy's girl Quest I need take this man here to my CL thank you uh but is it mold I'm really only here to find my dad you can choose that option I don't want to do the quest I'm just looking for my dad my client goes by the name of Lee mold yeah now you ain't getting near molda without something to bargain with and delivering this guy right here is your best option but what does mold want with you I mean she steals dads maybe he's a dad why wouldn't you just assume that I think she's stealing scientists greatest Minds recreating gosh damn it okay gosh damn it gosh damn it goly you're going to find mold her kind pull up across the [ __ ] hole I love it upgrade your like update your pit boy with the map coordinates that's what they do coat so [ __ ] sweet man I love this show y'all better they got radioactive horses they can ride or something [ __ ] bear hug him the old I hate his face yeah just crushing already like we're the only two people here around the same age you know how it works oh god oh you dumb ass now you [ __ ] up silly goose well well well guess who's got the upper hand now you drive that thing like a [ __ ] shopping carart he's not experienced at all yeah R number one read the manual um okay oh no trying to run just going to tether him to something Team Rocket blasting off again this dude is a menace they resurrected him from a coffin he's just a [ __ ] straight evil Menace oh the lasso that's embarrassing so cool he's like one little wire huh side quest activated what was he doing okay I'm going to ignore all of that oh Lord he keeps ending up real close to piss and [ __ ] yeah he can't get away from it oh Jim limbs bring this dog what he's got a heart he stabbed him in the ribs though robot ribs it was self-defense oh stem stem pack just heals everything just doesn't matter what it is I mean these are like he these are experiment dogs so they're probably a little stronger but this guy was a runt you think his name is dog meat oh they did they did say dog meat earlier as a reference I just realized that in the game the dog's name is dog me now follow that dog to Y dog oh that's why he rived him never mind all right to track him God [ __ ] it's like I like you now I was trying to kill you you stabbed me but you saved me so all right we Gucci now no he only saved him so that he can follow he's about the DG oh that's what I'm talking about no he's talking about the perspective of the that's what she's talking about too she only saved the dog never mind this Mar I promise men aren't always like this I don't know it's happen you're sleeping on the couch I'm not going to make it no we need you in the show bro listen too expensive I don't know who you are or how you know the things that you do but you are going to get a cross that Wasteland no you see I've just taken a c voltech Plan D it was the most Humane product that voltech ever made was quick painless I was surprised it wasn't more popular Plan D death will will the stim pack override it probably o solid question you can change the future if you could bring me to mold but what like your brain his head the thing he put in his neck just my head that thing is in his like neck or like back of his oh no bone saw is ready oh my God and this is the only way to get your damn B it's a lot to ask for I knew I could trust you you are a vault dweller you need to start acting like a surface dweller I think we might see more Vault dweller Halloween costumes than anything yes M how do you know my name I knew your mother I'm in charge of your Vault of course he's dead now God damn it D with a smile on his face and with more secrets now you have to go through the trauma of cutting off a head this thing sounds like it runs on D batter he hey Hokie doie I don't want to set the world on fire that was quick is that a mission in the game to you going to chop a dude's head off or you can chop their heads off after you kill them if you want Savage [ __ ] it let's roll a third no joking okay hey Marat so what were you trying to say about the dog before I really cut you off assuming you didn't know what the [ __ ] you're talking revive the dog so the dog can track his owner that's what I was saying and you were saying I thought you were responding to Serge's thing about his thing that he said about the do I said that the dog was just like oh you you stabbed me before but now you save me now I like you I was just speaking as dog yeah golden retriever energy or U and then clearly I said my own thought that you decided to mansplain for whatever reason I just thought I knew what you were trying to say before you knew what you were saying what did you think I was trying to say I thought you were saying that Serge was saying that he was talking from the perspective of the dude and enough the dog it really made me look like an [ __ ] and probably insufferable so hey I I did it earlier I'm shut the [ __ ] up for the rest of the you need you need one of these shirts right [Music] here beautiful from our fan store no actually this is our this is our regular merch store saying the wrong things confidently oh you did on purpose you did that on purpose man the uh ghouls like Showdown scene was [ __ ] solid SI didn't expect his bullets to be exploding things yeah there's a tiny little bullets yeah um why they resurrect where they do that at I like how nbish maximum Maximus is yeah oh man he's like a [ __ ] he's a knight he's like a literally a white knight he's like I'm in here to help everyone and save everything I have no idea what I'm doing he's kind of annoying yeah he's the same character in disjointed where like he's trying to prove himself and you're just like dis jointed yeah yeah it's Kathy bit's son they're like why is he black oh okay but yeah he's like kind of not timid but naive I guess enough in things to where you're like you probably shouldn't do this for reasons that are going to become very obvious to you very soon I think he did the razor foot yeah based off of how he treated his guy ear also this guy was just like you [ __ ] dummy they're going to hang you by your lungs when I take you back now give me that thing that'll keep me alive to take you back to yeah right like I have no incentive you're not you mean this you're a bad night cuz I'm not very motivated to help you right now I love how it's so obvious that whatever was going to happen to him just wasn't good that we didn't even show what happened it was just the suit's just here and open now yeah yeah um I wonder why they chose not to show that could kind of show that he's still morally good in a way but like I think he's willing to do some [ __ ] up things cuz I mean that is kind of [ __ ] up I mean that's the whole thing with with the brotherhood like the guy even said like we use violence to bring peace yeah yeah that's their whole thing and he believes in the mission more than at least that guy did so yeah yeah I really like the Looney tun his like departure was just like rock and Spidy you're right he does keep ending up by toilets and [ __ ] like it's like a running theme with him this is so funny cuz he's always in the [ __ ] cuz he's a keeps eating [ __ ] well I mean I don't I don't really see him I mean I understand he's a great character but to me he's more in like the darker shade of gray right now than a I guess you're seeing him more as like a hero I'm seeing him like morally flexible either way like they're not showing the things that would make us out at be like that's gruesome cuz who knows how he stripped that dude out of the thing and killed him but I'm giving him foot murder so I think for me he's pretty gruesome he's he's like middle for me and then girl is Holy good and then Walton goggin is just straight Menace yeah like I they resurrected this man and he's just he's got no he's got no moral compass he just wants the Caps I guess he's a man for give a [ __ ] said I Do It For the Love of the Game I am I'm guessing his daughter died and then he had nothing left to live for and then he just became like a bounty for higher same yeah Dark Turn yeah yeah so there's goodness in them we just got to bring it out we got to make them remember how it used to be she said the RADS come fast ass so is radiation like moves in clouds or what the [ __ ] no I mean the whole everything is radiated just being on the surface they're like you you do that's one of the things in the games you have to pay attention to how radiated you're getting and you have to like manage that some areas are more radiated than others and like your guer counters like clean water is hard to come by radiated water you can take rad X and go into the radiated areas cuz the best loot is there and like you're dying and you got I got to get this loot you know probably Mickey did do they tell you the side effects of the rad X you just you just die I can't remember oh the rad X the rad X I know it it decreases how quickly you get radiated but I don't know what the other side effects are we should make this trailer uh they do incorporate good stuff from the game like the dog meat reference like enough for us to be Giddy and not to derail the story for y'all like even the brotherhood's mission of just like reclaiming past technology like that's like a little side quest in the game you can do and like give them stuff for like little XP bonuses the chicken [ __ ] was insane that was a little yo odd chick how did you know this how do you there's a look there's a look um I've never seen it until just now in this show yeah my friends they've worked on farms they've had stories about people that they thought might be chicken [ __ ] real thing people chicken this has got to be and all of human history someone's [ __ ] the chicken that's not a chicken it's too small the person [ __ ] the chicken probably has no time he's got a micro no but I I like how that interaction even happened because that's like how the game is you just walk around and you hear a noise and you're like what's that and then it's like a storyline but you don't know what's going on and what you think is happening is usually not what's happening you can shoot them both and sort it out later yeah or you could just yeah you can just kill them both it's uh it's it's cool they're they're really capturing the spirit of the game feels like post-apocalyptic Red Dead okay it was season 2 episode 4 of South Park but this was the chicken lover and he kind of looks like that guy he does I don't know if they based it off of him or what but uh yeah there's some weird things that you just stumble upon in the game and like it's it's really goofy like there's comedic sometimes it's [ __ ] up yeah they can be goofy or like violently dark it's a whole town run by kids and then when you get to a certain age they kick you out oh like children of the corner oh is it age in the game you're doesn't but you probably getting there kick lore of the kids got you yeah yeah I wonder what kind of post-apocalyptic weird Nuki World town we could run I I wasn't expecting all the characters to run into each other so soon if I could give just some criticism it felt really fast and convenient and like oh she saw I'm just going to call him Ben lonus uh right there like he just happened upon her right away her first night spending the night but I think what could explain it is like there there isn't very many like towns like it's so and they're all in the same part of the country yeah so it's it's makes sense that they would all end because there that's probably the only town for like a 100 mile radius probably why do they have the turret set up outside of the town if they're not going to H anything oh yeah The Enclave right I'm assuming I don't know what the Enclave is but stor turet well they they gave a clu that there was a a bounty on the doctor from all six agencies so there's you know and there's a you can assume there's like six groups fighting a lot about the um vaults already so I'm assuming he made [ __ ] for the vaults beforehand and there was probably like the Vault seems like they got a lot of secrecy so maybe there was like the vaults that the rich people had that the lady was talking about but maybe there were other vaults like The Enclave is around then I assume that they done did the thing they had a pit boy so there's there they have some of that Tech but like each Vault specialized in a different type of mission like District 13 yeah oh I haven't seen that either they uh District 13 validated my fear of radioactive Bears yeah so what the [ __ ] do you do that's not even wor felt bad for the bear it looked like it was like the the the blisters and everything like it looked like it was in a lot of pain are wolves still running in packs are we going to see radioactive wolves cuz that sounds radioactive Boris already a real life real life thing there's one there's one more thing you're probably going to see cuz they have to do it they have if it's a radioactive shark I'm leaving that's my biggest fear oh yeah that I mean there's there's a few others we got the oh and the yeah yeah God okay there's a lot there's a lot of other creatures and stuff that could they can still sh there's a few other iconic things they have to do I just want them to play butcher Pete yeah choing up swarm of radioactive rats radioactive rats oo that'd be a good one maybe they just become like a ball the fact that the Cockroaches were the size of salmon or like something I don't even know what size the size of sy's dog want me to cockroach forne to punch to death that would ruin my day like it would punch you back yeah it blocked big enough to stand like [ __ ] out of here all right well we're going to head on out of here and we will see you guys on the next episode tomorrow tomorrow come join us are we doing live again are we doing again afternoon tomorrow okay we're watching three four and five yes follow boy or be Hollow bye bye bye
Channel: The Normies
Views: 114,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reacting, watch, watching, review, reviewing, fandom, fan, series, show, tv, best, top, moment, scene, discussion, discussing, rttv, blindwave, anime, top 10, new, hbo, max, season 3 trailer, disney+, bella, blind wave, reelrejects, reel rejects, nikki, naughtydog, ps4, ps5, playstation, suraj, rana, steven, and, penguinz0, alyska, getjaby, kastaklysm, white lotus, kiss, lgbt, bloater, boomer, tank, zombie, twin peaks, mclachlan, walton goggins, amazon, prime, video game, adaptation, sucks, good, bad, is it good, 1x2
Id: t-O4I74wNMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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