4 Disturbing FINAL PHOTOS with Chilling Backstories

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Rui Pedro Teixeira Mendonça was only 11 when he  disappeared from his home in Lousada, Northern Portugal At approximately 2 p.m. on the 4th of  March 1998 Rui took his bike outside for a ride   close to his home. He would never come back inside.  Prior to vanishing, Rui, a happy and social boy,   had asked his mother if he could spend the day  riding in a car with their family friend Afonso   Dias, a 22-year-old Lorry driver. Rui's mother  was quite fond of Afonso and allowed him to   drive her children to school most days. She knew  that her husband didn't approve of such an older   man hanging out with their son, and as such she  told Rui to take his bike to the vacant field   behind her office. However, it was possible that the  excited Rui disobeyed his mother and went to see   his cool, older friend Afonso, a man he viewed as a  brother. Suspecting that he may have been involved   in Rui's disappearance, the authorities paid a  visit to Afonso's home. Under questioning Afonso   apparently became an emotional wreck, and although  he said he didn't know what happened to Rui he   did tell investigators that they should "close  the borders". Rui's cousin Joao would later tell   authorities that on the day he went missing Afonso  had actually taken Rui to see an escort... one named   Alcina Dias. Alcina later confirmed that Afonso and  Rui had come to see her that fateful afternoon, and   claimed that Rui was scared and upset. It was  clear to Alicina that Afonso had forced him   to come and see her. She told Afonso to take Rui  back home and the pair left in his car. That was   the last confirmed sighting of Rui Mendonca. After  running a local media campaign to find Rui Pedro   the authorities received many hoax calls from  individuals claiming to have the missing boy and   demanding ransoms. Perhaps the most chilling calls  were placed directly to Rui Pedro's own mother. She   would sometimes answer her phone and be met by  a wailing child's voice repeatedly saying "mama,   mama". She was certain that the voice was her  sons, but the authorities never attempted to   trace these calls. Their investigation was met  with widespread criticism, with many Portuguese   citizens asserting that they put little effort  into finding the missing boy, especially when   compared with the huge efforts that they would  later put in trying to track down missing British   tourist Maddie McCann. One month after Rui went  missing, Nuno Rogeiro, a political commentator,   travelled to Disneyland Paris with his family.  During their trip, Nuno snapped countless pictures   of what he thought would be priceless memories.  But as he browsed through them back at home,   he noticed something in one of the images he’d  taken. A familiar face which he’d seen on the   news. On a ride behind his family, sitting  in the back carriage was a boy who looked   identical to Rui. He’s pictured sitting beside an  unidentified man in a red jacket, who’s face was   obscured behind another park-guest. This image was  confiscated by investigators, and although it has   never been 100% confirmed that this was Rui, it  is widely believed by most people, including his   own mother, to be him. Unfortunately, due  in large part to poor investigative work,   the photo didn’t result in any further leads. On  September 1st, 1998, authorities conducted a raid   targeting members of the 'Wonderland Club,' an  international CxPx ring. During the operation,   they discovered and seized a staggering 750,000  images and videos involving 1,263 youths. Among   them, sixteen children were successfully  identified. Rui was one of them. In 2012,   Alfonso Diash was acquitted of any wrongdoing  due to a lack of compelling evidence. However,   in 2014, he received a three-year sentence  for “corruption of an innocent”. Notably,   he was never formally charged or convicted  for any potential involvement in Rui's   disappearance. After serving two-thirds  of his three-year sentence, Afonso   Dias was released. Despite an extensive  search effort, Rui has never been found,   though at this point his fate seems all too  clear. He was declared legally dead in 2019. 2019 before we move on to the next mysterious  photo I'd like to introduce you all to today's   mysterious sponsor June's Journey the free to  download murder mystery game with a vintage   1920s aesthetic now I know you guys love a good  detective story as much as I do and in my opinion   this is the perfect game for people looking  for a cozy head scratcher the game follows   June Parker who's on a quest to solve her own  sister's slaying Dawn your detective hats and   help June uncover her family's numerous  Secrets by searching for hidden objects   and locating vital clues that will progress  the investigation the game's filled to the   brim with a diverse range of characters and  beautiful carefully crafted locations and it   genuinely makes you feel like you're playing  through an interactive Agatha Christin novel   full of twists and turns that'll keep you  captivated along the way you'll collect coins   gems and unlockable decorations which you can  use to customize Remodel and fix your mansion   and Garden Island personally I've been having  loads of fun playing through each chapter and   so far my favorite thing about jun's journey is  that it's challenging yet chill so even though   it's the type of game you can unwind with after  a long day it's also engaging and rewarding for   example Can you spot the goose in this image  times up some of these Clues can be a little   tricky at first but with practice it all  becomes Elementary so if you're ready to   become a Bonafide Sherlock or should I say June  Parker yourself then help support the channel   by downloading jun's Journey for free using  my QR code on screen or click my link in the description Natalee Ann Holloway, 18, disappeared  on May 30, 2005 while on a high-school graduation   trip with classmates in Aruba. This photo, which  shows Natalie socialising with friends on the   night she vanished, is believed to be the last  ever featuring her. Shortly after this picture was   taken, Natalee would go into one of the backrooms  to party with dutch honors student, Joran van der   Sloot, and his two Surinamese friends,  the Kalpo brothers, Deepak and Satish.   After getting into a car with the three men  at about 1:30AM, Natalee was never seen again.  When questioned, Joran, Deepak and Satish claimed  to’ve dropped Natalee off at her hotel and denied   any knowledge of her whereabouts. Law enforcement  subsequently arrested Van der Sloot twice on   suspicion of involvement in her disappearance,  while the Kalpoe’s were taken into custody on   three separate occasions. However, due to a lack  of substantial evidence, none of the suspects were   formally charged in relation to Natalee’s case.  On December 18, 2007, more than two years after   Natalee went missing, Aruban prosecutors declared  the case closed without any charges. However,   on February 1, 2008, the prosecutor's office  reopened the investigation following the emergence   of an undercover video, which showed Joran Van der  Sloot saying he had killed Natalie on the morning   she vanished and that a friend had disposed of  her. Joran later recanted these statements and,   in a subsequent interview, claimed that he had  actually sold Natallee to human traffickers - a   statement which, again, he withdrew. Given that  Joran’s father was a high-ranking judge in Aruba,   many suspect a few strings may’ve been  pulled to get him off the hook. In 2010,   Joran Van der Sloot was indicted by an American  court for trying to extort a quarter of a million   dollars from Natalie’s mother. In exchange for  the money, Joran said he’d tell Natalee’s family   where her body was hidden. Her mother sent him a  downpayment, but the information he gave her was   false. In January 2012, he was convicted of the  murder of 21-year-old Stephany Flores Ramírez in   Lima, Peru on May 30th, 2010, 5 years to the day  after Natalie disappeared. Per his confession,   Joran brought Stephany back to his  hotel room. When he wasn’t looking,   she went through his computer, realised he  was indeed a suspect in Natalie’s slaying,   and confronted him about it. He then took  her life, and was sentenced to 28-years.   It’s believed Stephany may’ve found evidence on  his computer which proved he was responsible for   Natalie’s slaying. On June 8 of this year, Joran  was extradited to the United States to face trial   for extortion and wire fraud, and is expected  to receive another heavy sentence. Even so,   he’s yet to stand trial for Natalee’s  slaying. To this day, 18 years later,   Natalee has been missing for as long as she was  alive. Her whereabouts still remains a mystery,   though the leading theory is that she was disposed  of at sea. A recently discovered email sent by   Joran to one of his contacts reads “My dad got  a boat two days later. We went for a ride and   took care of things. That’s all I’m going to say.”  Natalie was declared legally ded in January 2012. In February 2013, residents of Morrisania in  the Bronx awoke to several grim discoveries   that were stumbled upon by innocent passers-by.  The chopped-up pieces of a human female — pieces   that were quickly identified as belonging to Tanya  Bird, a 45 year old woman who lived with her son,   Bahsid McLean, in Morrisania. When the  authorities approached Bahsid and told   him of his mother’s slaying, he was apparently  distraught and told them that he hadn’t been able   to contact for her several days. But a would soon  come to light, this was nothing more than an act. Detectives turned their attention to the  surveillance cameras throughout the Bronx in an   attempt to piece the case together, and in doing  so came upon a surprising lead. Shortly after the   incident had occurred, two men were caught on cctv  at a hardware store purchasing a black-and-decker   power saw. One of those men was Tanya’s own son,  Bahsid McLean. The other was a known associate of   his, one William Morris. The two men were swiftly  arrested, and each tried to pin the slaying on the   other. Bahsid claimed that his friend, William,  came over to visit him, and after an argument   used a sharp blade to kil his mum. Out of a sense  of obligation and fear, Bashid helped his friend   cut her into several pieces and dispose of  her. William’s version of events differed.   He claimed that Bashed had confessed to taking his  mother’s life on the subway, and asked him to help   get rid of her. Whatever the case, neither man  denied stuffing Tanya’s chopped-up remains into   garbage bags and suitcases and dumping them around  Morrisania for passers-by to stumble upon. Even   with both men in custody, investigators took  Bahsid’s phone and searched it for evidence,   expecting to find some incriminating text  messages or Google searches. Instead, they   found something much more damning, and disturbing…  a selfie that Bashed had taken of himself moments   after the slaying, in which he posed alongside  his mother’s sliced-off head. Why Bahsid felt   the need to take this photo and implicate himself  is something only he can understand. Perhaps it   was a morbid keepsake or something he could show  to his inner circle as a way to either impress   them or intimidate them. This image would later  go viral. Bahsid eventually confessed to taking   his own mother’s life after detectives found the  power saw and other carving implements in the   apartment he shared with her. In a video statement  coldly said “If you can kil somebody, you should   be able to cut them up too. If you can’t do that,  if you don’t have the stomach to cut them up,   then you’re a coward.” As for a motive, the  authorities say Bashid took his mother’s life   because she “wanted him to grow up and move out  and be a man.” In court, Bahsid's legal team tried   to argue that their client had been hearing voices  at the time of the incident and that he couldn’t   be held responsible for his twisted actions at  the time. Needless to say, that defence didn’t   fly. The judge sentenced him to 25 years to life.  Unfortunately, Bahsid McLean wouldn't be the only   member of his family to commit an act of evil.  His ex-wife, Zarah Coombs, would go on to end   the life of their 4-year-old son, Zamair,  after he had the audacity to… accidentally   drop an egg on the floor. After knocking him out  with a broom, she tossed him, still breathing,   into a plastic container filled with water.  She only received 17 years behind bars. On July 19, 1991, 12-year-old Jared Michael  Negrete embarked on his first overnight   backpacking trip with the Boy Scouts. In  total, the group consisted of six scouts   and a scoutmaster. That evening, he and his  troop were hiking to the 3,500-meter summit   of Mt. San Gorgonio, otherwise known as Old  Greyback — Southern California’s highest peak,   located in San Bernardino National  Forest. But at some point around 6 p.m.,   just as the group had reached the top of the  mountain, the scoutmaster came to a horrifying   realisation. Jared was missing. A separate group  of hikers informed him that they’d seen Jared   walking down the mountain alone, short-cutting  the switchbacks — cutting through the vegetation   rather than using the zip-zag trail to the bottom. The scoutmaster, and experienced hiker himself,   rushed himself and his remaining scouts  down Old Greyback, expecting to pick   Jared up somewhere along the way. They stuck  to the trail the entire way down and reached   the designated meeting point at the base. But  Jared was nowhere to be seen. The group hiked   5 miles in the dark back to their base camp,  and hastily called for help. The subsequent   search effort involved multiple law enforcement  agencies, search and rescue teams and volunteers,   with up to 3,000 people dedicating 45,000 hours to  scour a 50-square-mile area around the mountain.   After three days of scouring San Gorgonio,  a footprint was uncovered, believed to match   one of Jared's high-top tennis shoes. Beef jerky  and candy wrappers were found nearby… but the most   important discovery was Jared’s camera. On the  film roll were twelve pictures. The last photo   on the roll, also happened to be the last photo  ever taken of Jared Negrete. A close-up shot of   his eyes and nose, taken in the dark using the  camera’s flash. It’s believed it was taken the   night he disappeared. Despite an extensive search  effort that spanned three decades, no trace of   Jared’s remains have ever been found. Where Jared  went and what became of him remain unknown. The   circumstances surrounding his disappearance raise  questions, particularly regarding why a Scout   Leader allowed Jared, a first-time camper, to hike  alone while the rest of the group completed their   ascent together. As anyone who’s been in the  scouts knows, the slowest hikers are typically   put in the middle of the pack to ensure nobody  gets left behind. As for what actually happened   to Jared that night in July 1991, there are  three main theories. Firstly, that during his   solo descent down the mountain, Jared got lost.  Night fell, and, unable to see where he was going,   he began taking photos using his camera’s flash to  light his way — this certainly wouldn’t have been   the first time something like this has happened;  the theory brings to mind the infamous story of   Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, two Dutch hikers  who got lost while hiking in Panama and who,   purportedly, used the flash on their phone cameras  to guide their way through the darkness. They   unfortunately never made it out of the jungle  alive. Those who believe the same fate befell   Jared hypothesise that, shortly after taking  this final photo of himself, he slipped and   fell over one of the sheer drop-offs that line  San Gorgonio, and that his remains are either   still hidden somewhere in the thick brush, or were  washed away by a river. The second theory is that   Jared succumbed to one of the black bears that are  known to inhabit the mountain. That being said,   it seems unlikely that nobody else on San  Gorgonio would’ve heard his screams for   help. The third and most disturbing theory of  all is that Jared was picked up by someone,   either as he descended the mountain alone, or  when he reached the roadside at the bottom. Given   that every square inch of the mountain has been  thoroughly searched over the past 32 years, in   the minds of many, that is the only way to explain  why no trace of his body has ever been found. That   being said, there’s no evidence that foul play  was involved in Jared’s disappearance. Then again,   no concrete evidence exists to support any of the  other scenarios either. To this day it remains   unknown what became of Jared Negrete, this final  image of him being the only real clue left behind. a huge thank you to my supporters Matt thanel  Alysa George Lopez Holly L smileing Jack Aaron   Asia minina azriel warai Chief Kake Colin  monsma Conor loan sow farewell tattoos Jack   seel Gina Valera heish Ian bck Infamous sppi  Monica Mendoza Peter lra Ruth V kashindi TNS   mom heish Ellen doof it Allan neph 1988 and  Lydia cumo remember to download jun's Journey   using my link in the description and you'll hear  from me again very soon the devils in the detail
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 572,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, new, best, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, asmr, top 10, unsolved mysteries, photos with backstories, true crime, buzzfeed unsolved, internet, rabbit holes, disturbing things from the internet, darkest livestream, reddit posts, cave exploration, why you never became dancer, scary gif, Japan, darkest lost media, found, rui pedro, disney, disneyland
Id: iQEec10KuJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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