4 claves para pintar pared lisa profesional (Bricocrack)
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Channel: Bricocrack
Views: 1,977,514
Rating: 4.6893616 out of 5
Keywords: bricocrack, Mobile device, Learning, Tutorial, Cómo se hace, DIY, How to, Do it yourself, Making, Juan Mateos, Tricks, Tips, Fai da te, Bricolaje, Bricolage, Hazlo tú mismo, Montó, Pinturas Montó, Nespoli Rulo Pluma, Homedecor, Pintar paredes, Paredes lisas, Pintar pared profesional, Ovaldine Montó, Ibersat Montó, Herramientas Nespoli, Herramientas pintura, Painting, LaserTouch Nespoli, RollMatic Nespoli, Micromix Nespoli, EasyLiner Nespoli, Pintura plástica
Id: zqdUj1DksRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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