4 Amazing Science Experiments for a Day Inside | Compilation | SciShow Kids

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foreign [Music] oh hey squeaks what's wrong you doing okay oh you're bored have you tried playing outside today too cold huh how about doing a puzzle or reading a good book have you thought about calling a friend maybe you could catch up with Bill and Webb you've really thought about everything hmm hey here's an idea why don't we do some experiments I know you and Jesse have done a lot of experience in the fort before so why don't you show me how some of them work I bet you're a pro by now why don't you join us maybe you can even do some of these experiments at home could we start with the blubber experiment that you and Jesse did that one always looked like a lot of fun cool I'm ready when you are when the weather gets chilly what do you do to keep warm do you put on a sweater or slippers or maybe you bundle up with your favorite blanket well if you were an animal living way up near the North Pole or down south in Antarctica you wouldn't have those things to keep you warm but then again you wouldn't need them recently we learned how reindeer and Caribou stay warm even though they live in the cold weather of the tundra but what about animals that spend most of their time in icy cold water these animals have a special adaptation that they use to keep warm it's called Flubber blubber is a special kind of fat that some animals have right below their skin this layer of fat helps keep their body heat in and the cold out animals like seals whales and walruses all have blubber it allows them to live in some of the coldest waters on the planet so do you think blubber would keep you warm would you like to find out well squeaks and I aren't SEALS or walruses so we don't have any blubber handy but we can do an extra experiment with something that's a little bit like blubber shortening which is also known as cooking fat shortening is a kind of fat much like blubber is so we can use it to see if it'll keep me or at least my hand warm even when it's dunked in ice cold water so I'm going to leave one hand just the way it is and cover the other with shortening then I'll put both of my hands in ice water to see what happens what do you think will happen squeaks I think you're right I think my bare hand will get really cold and that my hand covered in shortening will stay warm if you'd like to join us in our experiment here are a few things you'll need you'll need two large bowls some water and ice plus two plastic bags large enough for your hands to fit in and of course you'll need some shortening as well as a big spoon a towel and as always help from a grown-up also make sure to do your experiment in a place where it's okay to make a mess first let's fill the bowl with water which we've already done and add some ice to make it nice and cold while our water cools down we're gonna fill one of our plastic bags with shortening you'll want to fill your bag about halfway full next we'll put a second bag inside the one filled with shortening that way you can put your hand in there without getting shortening all over it now that we have the second bag inside let's flatten them together and squish the shortening around so there's an even layer all around it alright we did it are you ready to see if blubber can keep your hand warm now so we'll have one hand in our blubber bag and we'll leave the other hand there now put both of your hands in the water at the same time and let's see what happens [Music] wow how does that feel is one hand cooler than the other my bare hand is definitely colder than the hand that's covered in shortening so what's happening the shortening is acting like blubber it's making a layer between the cold water and my hands and that layer keeps the heat from my hand in the bag to keep me warm that's a lot like how blubber keeps animals warm when they're swimming in cold water their special layer of fat helps keep their body heat inside their bodies to protect them from the extreme cold of icy water so now that we know how blubber Works squeaks and I are gonna cuddle up under a warm blanket and read more about animals that live in cold places and maybe we'll find out some more fun facts and share them with you that one was so fun I can't believe how much our blubber kept my hand warm what should we do next weeks oh balloon Rockets that's a great idea could you show me how to do that one it might look like we're having a party but we're actually conducting an experiment squeaks and I are experimenting with balloons to see what happens when we try different things with them like blowing them up and then letting them go wanna join us before we get started let's think ahead other than balloons what do you think we'll need that's right air I used air to blow up all of these balloons around me just like I'll use air to blow up this balloon there ta-da even though we can't see the air around us that we breathe it takes up space and when we put air inside of something like this balloon it takes the shape of whatever container is holding it now once I blow up a balloon what do you think will happen if I let go of it and let the air out will it shape change will it drop to the ground or will something else happen there's only one way to find out you ready squeaks okay one two three let go so what happened to the balloon it flew out of my hand zipped around a little bit before falling to the ground and how does it look now letting the air out definitely changed its shape but did you notice what happened right after I let it go it didn't head straight for the ground it flew up and around before finally falling down that's because the air rushing out of the balloon from the bottom forced it to move through the air in the opposite direction so if letting go of a full balloon makes it fly around the room what would happen if the balloon were attached to something let's see how we can use balloon power to make a rocket all you need is some string a straw some tape and a balloon and maybe a friend or brother or sister or a grown-up to help you first tie one end of the string to something big and heavy like a chair or a table or a door now put the other end of the string through the straw and tie that end of the string to something heavy too so that the string makes a flat straight line your rocket is almost almost finished now blow up the balloon about halfway and pinch the end so the air doesn't escape you might need someone else to help with this next part tape the balloon to the straw like this now prepare for launch are you ready and blast off so what happened well we just saw force in action forces are pushes and pulls and they're what make things move in this case the air rushing out of the balloon pushed the straw forward making it move and this doesn't just work with rockets made out of straws you can make a balloon-powered car a boat or even a balloon-powered airplane with the right materials now try changing things up a little bit and see if your rocket behaves differently try blowing up the balloon even more next time do you think your rocket will go farther or not as far will it go faster or slower keep experimenting with your rocket and find out what you can discover about balloon power what a good rocket thanks for the idea squeaks hey can I show turn idea about what to do next could we make secret ink I heard you and Jesse made some for National coloring day once and I always thought it would be really fun awesome thanks squeaks let's see how it's done squeaks and I are celebrating because guess what on September 14th it's National coloring day National coloring day is just what it sounds like a day to color and have fun and that's exactly what we're going to do with a special project we're going to make some invisible ink that means the ink will disappear and then you can color over it to reveal a secret message all you'll need is baking soda water purple grape juice a cup and a few cotton swabs like Q-tips oh and a piece of white paper to write on and a grown-up of course the first thing we'll do is mix a quarter of a cup of baking soda and a quarter of a cup of water the measurements don't need to be exact we're just trying to make sure we have about the same amount of each this baking soda and water mixture will be our ink yeah that's all there is to it let's write something on this piece of paper here hmm I'm gonna come up with a secret message for you squeaks [Music] okay now all we have to do is wait for it to dry and the message will be hidden it looks like the ink is pretty much dry so The Secret Message is ready to be revealed the question is are you ready squeaks let's do it then this is what the grape juice is for we'll take another Q-tip dip it in the grape juice and paint over the message check it out science is awesome that's what the message is there are lots of ways to make invisible ink at home but this is one of the easiest and I think the coolest because we're doing the same thing lots of scientists do in their Labs every day no squeaks they don't write secret messages but they do mix things together to learn more about them like we just did the baking soda we use to make the invisible ink is really a type of chemical called a base and when we added the grape juice to the base on the paper they reacted to each other that means they changed when it touched the baking soda a chemical in the grape juice changed to become darker that's why the parts of the paper where the message was got darker and we were able to read it now baking soda is a safe chemical so we can cook with it and use it for experiments at home but scientists use it in their Labs sometimes too actually scientists use all kinds of bases in their labs and sometimes they need to be able to test if a chemical is a base to do that they combine the chemical with something called an indicator that's another chemical that scientists know will change color if it mixes with a base and guess what one of the ingredients in grape juice works as an indicator it's called an to sign in and it becomes a dark purple color when it touches a base Ah that's true squeaks the grape juice is already purple but when it touches a base like baking soda it becomes much darker purple so that's the scientific secret to our invisible ink and now we can write all the secret messages to each other that we want as long as we have grape juice on hand squeaks just went into the other room to work on a secret message but can I tell you a secret on my secret note I wrote that squeaks is a great friend to do experiments with I'll share it with him later oh hey squeaks I wasn't talking about you at all how did your secret message go awesome I'm glad to hear it how about we do one more which one do you want to finish up with you want to show me how to make my own cartoons that sounds amazing let's get started [Music] oh you're right squeaks this is a classic but did you know the best part of cartoons takes place inside your brain cartoons like this are made of a bunch of drawings when you show those drawings one after another super fast they look like they're really moving that's called an animation but the drawings aren't really alive or moving around it's an illusion a little trick that you can play on your brain and today squeaks and I are going to make our very own version of this trick called a zootrope if we spin all these drawings together really fast they just look like a blur that's why our zootrope is going to have slits which are little holes we'll see each drawing through the slit and then see a black space after each one it will be like we're seeing each drawing on its own but super duper fast and then when we spin the Zoho Trope our brains will stop noticing the black space and connect the drawings together the faster the zootrope spins the smoother the animation will be you can make your own zootrope along with us all you need is some black construction paper some white construction paper scissors tape a ruler two pencils a round piece of cardboard or a paper plate about 25 centimeters or 10 inches across and a grown-up to help because we'll be doing some measuring and cutting for our base we cut out this round piece of cardboard although you can use a paper plate we'll make a small hole in the middle just big enough to push one of the pencils through and have the Eraser catch on the top but we won't put the pencil in yet next we need to make the walls of the zoetrope for that we'll use the black and white paper first we'll cut two pieces of the black paper in half the long way so we'll have four long strips then we'll take three of the strips and tape them together [Music] foreign next we'll wrap them around the outside of the cardboard base we might need to trim a little off of the end to make sure it fits exactly [Music] this is where we're going to put the slits to look through and see the animation we'll cut 13 slits each about three millimeters or an eighth of an inch wide into the top half of the black strip we'll try to make them evenly spaced about four centimeters or one and a half inches apart just like we did with the black paper we'll cut a piece of white paper in half so we have two long strips We're going to take those two and cut them in half that gives us four long strips of paper we're going to take three of them and tape them all together our White Strip is now half as tall as our black strip and we're going to cut it so it's the same length The White Strip of paper will become the rectangles we use for each drawing to make those rectangles we'll use the ruler and one of the pencils to measure the strips into 13 rectangles that are each about four centimeters or one and a half inches across and now it's time to draw our animation is going to be cyclical which means that as soon as it's done it's going to start over again for from the beginning so it's good to have an animation that ends right back where it started like a plane taking off and coming back down or a person taking off their hat and putting it back on we're gonna draw our friend Dido flapping his wings each of your frames should look a lot like the last one with tiny changes from one to the next see how see how his wings move up and down just a tiny bit each rectangle that will help the animation look smoother once our drawings are done we'll tape them to the bottom half of the black paper with each rectangle right below one of the slits and now we just need to tape the paper around the base with the drawings on the inside now all we need is to make it spin so we just stick this pencil through the hole we made in the base earlier so the Eraser catches on the frame and the pencil doesn't fall all the way through foreign nice you could also use chopsticks for this or glue the hole in your base to a marble so that it can spin on a table or with some help from a grown-up you might be able to use a record player or a spinning cake platform and now we spin oh cool check it out if the drawings move fast enough two Illusions happen to make them into an animation in between each frame there's a blank spot where there's nothing to see but when the drawings come quickly enough one after the next your brain stops noticing the blank spots in between that's the first illusion the effect of one picture on your eye lasts until the next one comes up all your brain notices is the drawings the second illusion is when your brain sees all those separate drawings and thinks that the pictures are moving it fills in the blanks in between the frames for you and turns them into something that makes sense like Dino flying so you can just see the animation and enjoy the cartoon squeaks we make an awesome animation team wow that was such a good activity to wrap up with thanks squeaks how are you feeling I'm so glad this helped cure your boredom I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too thanks so much for experimenting with squeaks and me if you want to keep learning with us and see any new experiments you can hit the Subscribe button and we'll see you next time at the fort [Music]
Channel: SciShow Kids
Views: 1,781,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scishow, scishowkids, Jessi Knudsen, Jessi Knudsen Castaneda, Squeaks, science, kids, children, learning, education, school, sci, show, hank, green, home, curriculum, kindergarten, activities, science experiments for kids, 4 Amazing Science Experiments for a Day Inside, Fun with Blubber, Make a Balloon Rocket, Make Your Own Secret Ink, Make Your Own Cartoon!, rainy day activities for kids, easy science experiments for kids
Id: 1Q_4HXewiS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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