3ds Max to Substance Painter Master Class

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[Music] hey guys so today we're gonna do something pretty fun i have two classes this semester my first one is my maya class which you can check out in my channel i'm doing introduction to maya from the beginning all the way to rendering and uh texturing and everything on that and for this class we're doing a bit of an advanced master class which revolves around creating stylized assets for the game the game industry and on this one we're going to be doing this cup i'm going to start with small little assets and as the semester progress i'm going to be pretty much going for environments and indoors and actual stylized environments and buildings and stuff like that for game engines so here we're going to learn how to take a software like 3ds max or maya and create this stylized low polygon asset then take it into that brush and properly detail it and in the end texture it in substance painter then take it back into 3ds max or maya and render it using v-ray so this is where the difference comes along with other artists is that typically it's a very fast-paced tutorial where here it's going to be a step-by-step tutorial i'm going to be explaining as i work how am i thinking what am i thinking about how am i going about it and the small little mistakes that most people do typically when they start creating these kind of assets and how to avoid them so let's get right into it this is the cup i'm going to be creating so i have max also loaded up here and i'm going to start very quickly by creating i mean i'm thinking most people that take this kind of course will already have the experience inside of 3d so they know pretty much what they're doing so i'm going to create a cup uh first thing you have to understand is that the unit size has to be specific so not exactly specific just not into inches or millimeters centimeters and i have it at 1.0 centimeters so that every single grid so every single one of these squares is 10 centimeters in length which is perfect so what i'm going to do first is create the base and you have to keep in mind that certain things have to be detached so what i mean by detached so if i look at the object right here this bottom piece the metallic bottom piece will be a single piece so that will be separate from the body then the entire cylinder on the body will be one piece this ring will be one piece every single little stud will be one piece this is one piece one piece the wood here one piece all of these will be separated and you have to do it this way that's how the workflow will work for you so just grab these delete i'm gonna just add one more and on the bottom i'm just going to close it up so what i like to do here is actually lift this up a little bit shift click down and scale in just so i can keep that topology correct and make sure you try to even out all of the polygons even though we're going to turbosmooth before we go maybe if we if we need to uh we still need to to look good and have enough polygons to create what we're looking for so when you're going to take this into that brush you have to understand that you cannot have polygons that are too big or too small and that's very important let me just redo this there we go perfectly centered what i mean by this i mean don't take polygons and put them like this and then take into that brush you need some subdivisions in the middle or you're going to have very bad details and you don't want that so here i'm going to scale this up a little bit grab this scale in a bit move up a bit scale back out and i just created the bottom of the cup so now i'm going to close this up just like so that should be enough and i'm going to create a new cylinder or what i can do here actually is select the same exact cylinder and then detach it i can do that there we go so make sure you have enough subdivisions in the middle just to keep everything equal that should be enough perfect good i'm going to also grab these grow and i'm going to detach this entire piece detach and i want to make sure that the bottom piece has enough so i'm going to scale down a little bit more so it can go into the cup you won't see it it's just for the peace of mind that everything will be set in order so here we have i need to lift up once small one again so keep in mind what i'm doing here look at the topology how i'm keeping all these edges together just so i can have a straight 90 degree angle and i want those i need those and weld this all together perfect so this is a little bit too tall so i'm going to grab this scale it down just a little bit there we go and grab this polygon so i'm going to grab a few here so one two three four five that should be enough i'm just gonna grow once i took everything together there we go and these perfect i'm going to extrude just like so let me just turbo smooth once just to check how everything is looking out all right looking good i'm gonna make sure i can lift this up a little bit more all right and it's a bit too tall still so i'm going to scale this down great there we go so now i'm going to unwrap these first i go methodically so every time i finish modeling something i like to actually unwrap it just so i can have the peace of mind so the bottom piece first unwrap open the uv i'm going to grab the bottom piece all the way here actually one more would be fine there we go and this entire piece has to get seamed somewhere it's already seamed so i'm going to also relax it go to edge angles and again polygon angles try to straighten out as much as possible and this goes here next we're going to do the other one so convert to edible poly let me just turbo spend it real quick just to see how it's looking looking good perfect next this piece if you unwrap so what i'm going to do first is remove this piece stop there break tools relax perfect go there next i'm going to grab everything from the bottom so let me isolate this grab all of these and stop right here let's see i can maybe go one more yeah that'll be fine break tool relax go all the way to one polygon angles and do that there it is next you have this piece so this is going to be a bit more tricky what we have to do is kind of separate a few elements what you can do here if you want to is actually unfold it so mapping unfold see if it works kind of did not really so we're going to do a tools relax see if that's going to straighten out a few things that we have as issues it did not so i'd rather just map and flatten map this entire thing there we go put it right there so what i'm going to do here is just select these on this side only this video might be a little bit long because we're doing the entire process once uh once and for all but you actually get the entire full experience of how to work on game and stylist uh actual object so it's gonna be fine there we go so i do want to group this up let me start looking at this one for an example grab this put it here there we go that's the inside of that piece next i would like to do the top so let's see where these are okay i'm going to grow it once that should be perfect if i'm not mistaking great i'm going to grab these and put them to the side and do exactly the same thing i did so substance victor doesn't really care how you're placing them i mean i could have kept them unfolded but it's better if they are kind of following each other so just you can understand what you're painting and we want to keep track of how the uvs are actually acting up and i think the final piece not yet there we go so i'm going to grab the entire thing and relax it just a little bit there we go just so i can straighten itself out great fantastic and i'm going to put this on the top then we have the final little pieces so i need to grab this one oop uh it's going to be a little bit tricky so what we're going to do is keep these together these are already together these here i just need them to be straight so that's the key aspect here i need them to be 90 degrees just like everything else just in case i put some wood or something on these i want the grain to follow correctly on all of the uvs and we put this here actually we can put them inside of the actual circle that's for later all right so this is done convertible poly so let's move forwards uh what else do i have now in the middle the middle actual struts here so these are going to be cylinders like so a little bit thicker and i want i'm gonna add three over to the poly delete this delete that grab this just increase it a little bit and grab these two and do the same as well just to create a bit of a bounce awesome to smooth this just to see if it doesn't curl up too much it does we don't want that so we're going to chamfer these edges a little bit an extra edge and triple smooth there we go better so now we're going to unwrap this whatever you do never copy an object without unwrapping it first i know this is going to have the same exact texture as the bottom one so just do it once and then copy it only if you know that it's going to have the same texture and the same material inside of a substance painter very crucial if it's going to have something different you have a different idea for it then that's up to you you can actually create a new one and unwrap it and put it next to it next to the other one just written it out and put it on the bottom what happened here that's not okay sometimes max creates like seams on its own i don't know why even though the other side was perfect but yeah what you can do about it so cover terrible poly and now i'm going to do the struts so these little oops sorry these little things right here so this is done and copied i'm going to put it on the bottom as well and this one lift it up a little bit great now for the struts so i'm going to create the sphere i'm going to make sure it's not as high poly 12 perfect 12 works very well delete the bottom and we're going to increase this a little bit like so unwrap it so here i just like to belt map it from my menu here start belt commit and then relax it done so the stretch is going to go here try to keep everything organized just for your sake of mind and now i'm going to just scale this down attach it here move it is this my back yes my bike is the front i prefer going for the front there we go and 90 degrees i'm just going to increase a little bit more the back side there we go make sure i again unwrap it properly since i already added a few polygons i need to increase and fix this tools relax again and there we go now it's fixed convertible poly w go to your hierarchy menu alt a on the actual strut on the actual metal ring sorry pivot pivot yep what we're going to do is copy this rotate 45 degrees and copy it multiple times good time so i got an extra copy here done so it's going to be 7. just make sure everything is glued to the actual piece perfect hide these two grab all of these and copy them to the bottom good i'm going to grab all of these and as well i'm going to also attach them as one single object good and now we're gonna do the handles oh i need to actually remove where's my front view front view okay i'm gonna go to the side so these two have to go there we go just so i can have some space to create my actual elements so here we're gonna go with the box it's a little bit fatter here good i'm just going to add a few things so one i'm going to delete this piece we're not going to see it in this piece we're not going to see it create some subdivisions just to create a bit more geometry on it and we're going to subdivide it inside of zed brush there we go okay maybe not that much on the sides i do want it to kind of bump and curve a little bit just like that perfect all right we're gonna uv wrap this unwrap this sorry open uv editor grab it all let's see if relax helps it out completely or not it does perfect actually does not my seams are here i need to unfold this let's see top piece all right let's grab these edges stitch stitch stitch now it is this will go here all right now we're going to create the ring so again another cylinder a little bit too big compared to the mug i want it to be a bit smaller there we go that's good convert our little poly grab the top piece delete delete and we're going to grab these edges close them up just like so grab this scale it up a bit to grab these two as well and scale them up a bit just to create a bit of a rounded surface unwrap this so in this case i can see that there's a few edges here a few seams that have been created so what i like to do is just spelt map first start and stop it and then create a new seam i'm going to create it right here there we go and now again start pelt commit tools relax and go all the way up perfect this one will go here convert it to poly and copy this down great all right now we're going to work on the actual wooden handle so i like to use a spline for this one so i'm just going to create there we go right click make sure they are smooth and just try to get this to the center if you can like somewhere here it will help the actual size when we're going to be scaling this up a little bit better two to two i want this one here and this one a little bit further down good i keep it straight enable enable and increase the thickness until you're able to completely envelop the cylinder just like so a little bit too thick so that works i also want to change a few things right now so convert to edible poly grab this scale it down there we go i'm going to move these up a little bit with everything here and so i'm gonna move it down grab these struts and grab my five for my elements and just put them down great looks a lot better now all right so i need to copy a few things here delete delete grab grab copy there we go let me make sure everything is set the way it's supposed to great now for this one we have to delete the two polygons because when you create a spline then you create a thickness it creates two triangles here on one of the sides and that's very bad so what you want to do here is scale in weld the same on the top scale in weld that's it now we have to unwrap this so uv unwrap i'm gonna grab one two three this entire piece break tools blocks polygon there we go that's one next break relax there we go then we have to create a seam so thanks to zhaodot and my other student mark which suggested the point-to-point scene so they're gonna get a nice plus if they watch this there we go so i create a seam and i'm going to take this entire piece and pelt map it relax it maybe edge angles there we go these will have to go here try to separate everything because i'm going to show you what happens if you don't perfect i'm going to select everything we're done with the triple smooth just to help out zbrush a little bit more convert terrible poly and now we're going to grab everything again unwrap show the uv editor and this is why we want everything to be separated so what i like to do here first is grab the islands grab your polygons move things a bit away from each other make sure nothing is glued so here and select the entire thing and tools rescale cluster and now everything is the even size this will go here this will go here all of these will have to come down and now i can work fully inside of this view so that's the cylinder make sure it's straight so you don't have to be that large i can actually scale them down a bit more not that much though i'm just organizing everything so i can fit everything into one single place and that's the point so this was what the struts okay the struts can be on their own little island here this was the top this stays here there we go i'm going to scale this up a little bit here so so i can get some more details on the actual cup and these as well there we go we have everything uv then ready so just to make sure just in case you want to make sure if everything is set properly so let me just right click convert to a little poly create a new material a normal scan line material like whatever you want here uh you'll be fine standard i'm going to create a diffuse bitmap oh sorry not bitmap sorry the fuse and checkered checkered and i'm going to put the material on everything there we go so check everything out everything is even this is not very even i don't like it that much so we're going to try to fix that as well so this seems to be a little bit off it's because it's completely rotated it's bad oh no wrong one ah that's not letting me all right well we're gonna have to keep it that way it's gonna be fine i can fix it later if i can just cut it up and everything it'll be fine if i can cut it in three pieces and then just stitch them together it will work but i'd rather not do that right now so let's move forward to z brush so everything here is set i'm happy with them i can delete this material convertible poly on everything all right so select everything file uh let me actually name certain things here so this is mug mug underscore base oh sorry this mug underscore main unlock underscore base these can be attached these can be attached and these can be attached good so here it's mug underscore handle score uh well let's just call it uh metal metal support mug underscore metal ring support these are rings struts anything else i missed oh we're good all right so now we're going to grab everything file export export selected desktop i like to create a new file and we're going to call it well fine so here's going to be low polygon mug pick up the camera take up the lights we don't really need them yeah the texture is checkered so it's not going to take it and now we're going to open set brush alright so now that that brush is open i'm gonna import my tool desktop new folder four sorry it's called new folder four that's fine so we're gonna import this nfpx wait for it to completely load in and we are gonna click and drag there we go edit and now we're set so let's start with the base so the base is at 937 in total the entire cup is 12 000 polygons now what we want to do here is our increasing subdivisions by a lot now do not dynamesh unless you're willing to re-topologize after your dynamesh so typically when you want to create something don't do it low polygon in 3ds max if you're going to dynamesh it inside of z brush you're going to lose the uvs you're going to lose a lot of things now preferably if you want to start modeling in zbrush then you can dynamesh all you want and then you can actually retopologize in maya or decimate inside of that brush which we'll explain in another video later on so don't worry so i'm at 940 000 that should be enough i'm gonna grab a nice little brush here one of my students gave me a really cool one it was specific for metals where was it i'll just re-import it that's fine there it is and it was called hammer metal it's really really cool it's a little bit too unintense there we go i want to create a bit more of an edge here so i'm going to take my trim dynamic just help it out a little bit it's a little bit too much help all right that's good enough now go for the cup ctrl t ctrl d ctrl d ctrl d ctrl d one more time two million should be okay let's see if i have any alphas that can help me out here we're going to use this one the btd oh sorry bds for damn standard brush alpha we're going to grab that we're going to grab it as a drag rectangle and let's see if this will help us a little bit too strong should be okay if you notice i'm not using symmetry for one reason because i like the asymmetrical side of that brush i don't want everything to look the same on one side and the same on the other i like to have a bit of differences between them and that's stylized a little bit too strong so let me just smooth them out a little bit here oops so btd i'm going to go for a free handed alpha off just fix this up it kind of got ruined as i was working on lines i should have just paid attention to that that's fine there we go now i want to get some of the lines so bts remove this grab the freehand this is where we're going to work a little bit more on these a bit too strong just adding these little details and that should be it and now over here so i'm trying to brush as much as possible so i'm sorry if this is going a bit fast but i mean i can't just keep doing it uh for two hours on a video i'd rather not just trying to do as fast as possible and as precise as possible just for you your tutorial viewing actually i'm gonna grab an alpha here i'm gonna grab where are you this one sorry for my phone there we go that's done now for these the struts ctrl d ctrl d ctrl d ctrl d all right we're going to try to make this as a radial thing we're just going to do them one by one one by one it's going to be fine here we go almost done okay we're done here these ctrl d a few times b and i like the orb hammer for this one same as the bottom of course you can go as detailed as you like here it's not don't have to follow me perfectly ctrl d on this one a few times as well with the hammer here ctrl d a few times as well i need much more than that there we go ctrl d i'm going to go in the center center pieces first so i'm going to go bds the same exact one i used before put that and i need to isolate this piece that sorry about that my alarm now i'm going to create what was it alpha here we go i'm going a little bit faster i'm not really paying attention that much but i just need to get the actual product done all right let me make sure i smooth things out a bit try to look too cheap there we go set up everything's fine everything's good bottom everything's okay perfect now what you're gonna do here so we're done let's say we're done with your your high definition model you can keep doing whatever you want to do here it's at 9 million so that's a bit high so i'm going to do is reduce a little bit on this one i need to reduce a little bit in certain places so delete higher this one delete higher if i feel like the details are not completely gone i'm happy i mean because just because my computer needs a little bit of help there we go it's not a really new brand new computer so what i'm going to do first is actually save this file just in case it crashes while i'm exporting so save as as a zpr desktop it was in project four is it brush project mug hi poly just save it up okay so what i'm going to do here is actually go into my sub tools go to the top grab the merge merge down and i'm going to merge everything into one single piece so one single piece yes confirmed i'm going to export this now new folder muck base high poly i can do it as an fbx as well save everything is good yep and we're gonna wait for the export i'll be right back when it's done exporting all right so we're done it actually exported perfectly so let me just make sure everything's set okay good now we can close this and we can open substance painter so this will kind of be also a smaller introduction to substance painter i'm just gonna let it load up and i'll be right back when it loads up okay so here we go so at first you're going to understand that there's three views so you have f1 which is basically 3d view on the left your uv on the on the right f2 which is just a 3d view and f3 just a uv view okay so f1 2 f3 typically i like to work on f1 or straight on f2 on the actual mesh itself on the bottom you have everything you need you have your alphas you have your little grunges basically just like a certain kind of alphas as well procedural maps textures filters brushes and we're going to be using the most is the materials and the smart material okay all of these can be found on their website and you can download them for free whatever you want to have a gigantic library it's awesome so what we're going to do here is start creating the new file so file new it asks me uh your mesh no match selected so i'm going to select the low polygon cup good and it's going to be a document resolution of 2048 everything is okay and say okay so this is loaded up with its uv perfect next i need to get all the maps on this all right so all the normal maps and everything has to be created so we're going to go into viewer settings right here okay we're gonna go into sorry texture settings right here texture set settings and you're gonna look for bake textures i'm gonna remove the id because i don't need that specific map output size i'm going to put it 2048 very important next your high definition measures this is where we're going to import our high definition mesh and here you have a small little folder so click on the folder and get the high which one was the obj oh sorry not this one here all right crap right back let me just it didn't export properly all right and we're back sorry it didn't export properly for some reason i think i went for an obj when i'm supposed to do it fbx so here it is so again you click on this little one and we're gonna go with this mock bass there we go and what else we remove the id we don't want the id and that's it so big normals it's going to take a bit of time so let it just work itself out so i'll be back when this is done and here we are so basic navigation scrolling scroll out to zoom in zoom out alt left click to rotate alt middle click on the scroll wheel button will allow you to pan the view so now we're going to start working on texturing so let's remove the video settings i don't want them this is the layers that's what i want so we don't need this at all anymore we're just going to focus on the layers here so first things first you have to understand it works exactly like photoshop so the higher the higher the layer is the more priority it has so the top layer will always have priority over everything else so let's start here with the wood in the middle so i know this is going to be the one i'm going to be working with so materials let's go down and see if there's any kind of good type of wood i do not see any so what we're going to do is import one i actually downloaded one yesterday if i can remember where it was stylus would plank so it should be here somewhere stylized with blank all right let's just do it again oh actually wait i do have it on my other folder there we go styles with blank so what i'm going to do here is cut a new material so create a sub shelf no we don't want that save a new shelf no we don't want that we want to import a resource and i'm going to add the resource i'm going to add these and what else are we going to do undefined i want it to be a base material and i want it to be in the current session import here it is so let it load up it won't probably so let's just put it in there we go so if you notice it did it on everything and that's the thing you have to remember this even though i don't need this layer this wood will go on everything okay so what we're going to do here is right click it and say add a black mask and this is where we're going to paint with polygons so on the top left you have your brush you have your eraser and here you have polygon fill and this will allow me to paint click select specific areas that i want to actually have textured so here these so let's just make sure everything is set perfect beautiful all right and we have the handle as well so this is the handle as well here and that's it this is the wood done it's exactly what i needed to be only wood now we also have metals so i would like a nice little metal here not aluminium not cold not copper i want something that is not shiny i want something that is galvanized maybe and grainy grinted iron hammered oh cool so iron hammered there we go it looks pretty cool on everything here very nice i like the struts to be a bit different so still i'm gonna mask this area around so i'm gonna grab the bottom piece not the struts not the top piece as well oh these are the end pieces all right this we're gonna have to fix now so we can go back to here fill up the wood for these not for those these i think i'm going to do them copper or gold so gold and i want to add a black mask there we go the iron hammer did it grab on these i don't know if it did no it did not okay great so here we go and on the top i'm going to create a new fill layer so over here you have add layer and add the fit layer so the filler is going to go on the top there we go and i want it to be a no metalness no roughness no normal no height just a color and i'm going to change the color to a blue like so and i also want to add a black mask and just give it to the not the struts to the top piece right here there we go and i also want to create a new material so i want a new layer add a layer so i'm going to call this one dust so we go to our smart materials on the bottom and i have here dirt dust so i'm going to go with dirt there we go it's very very strong so the dirt based here we can go into it just like a normal uh effect inside of photoshop we can do something here so i don't want the metalness or the roughness i do want the roughness no no roughness no normal no height just a color and i would like the hardness to be a little bit less than that okay and i would like what else here everything's fine let's see the grain the scale is a bit too strong so i'm going to reduce it down to like a very zero something point something the gradient is fine i like the colors okay and now we have to actually create a oh this is the wrong layer sorry dirt we're going to create a black mask on it as well and now we can start painting so scale up and scale down with your bracket keys just like photoshop so i want my brush here settings size flow i need to reduce the flow i want to be able to control how much of the dust i'm placing a little bit here a little bit here a lot on the wood i want it to look dirty so without this with this nice looking goods on these as well and on the bottom piece just a little bit let's see do we have anything else that could look good steel silver armor no aluminum i think we're done so this is done i'm happy with the textures i'm happy the way it looks all good now we're going to go file we're going to export the textures we're going to go here i'm going to show you a plugin that actually belongs to substance it's a substance painter to v-ray it's actually pretty awesome a desktop here i'm going to create a new folder just for this so mug textures select the folder and i'm going to make sure that my configuration here is for v-ray right here and check all the materials here diffuse reflection velocities ior normal height emissive perfect 2048 by 2048 everything is good and export might give you a small little error not really like just it was something a small warning which is fine this is done so i'm going to close everything up here or i'm going to save it as well can close this up and we can go back to 3ds max so now i have this entire mug i'm going to open my script so run script i'm going to make sure this is in the description for the video so don't worry i'm also going to open my material here my slit material make sure my render is on v-ray so there we go whichever version of vr you have it's fine so here we're going to choose a folder where my materials were so desktop they were on new folder 4. open it go to mock texture say ok and create shaders right here and it will create everything a shader here perfectly i also link the reference to where i got this idea from another video of youtube it was really really helpful so all of these are fine good so i'm going to select everything here and click and drag the mug assigned to selection and let's see it perfect so everything that is black is reflection so be careful don't get confused don't get irritated by that everything there is going to be like so so what we're going to do here is also set up everything so i like to make a little bit of a scene here small little backdrop create a new material for this it goes to diffuse color i'm going to change it to a a dark brownish maybe a blue something like so i'm also going to go scripting because for some reason my max doesn't come with the v-ray cam so or my v-ray doesn't come with it so i use a small script to be able to get it where i want it to be and get some lights here let's see the first render how it looks looking good i mean the details are there the gold everything the reflections perfect so what i'd like to do here as well honestly since i'm done let's create a very quick cylinder in the center of this there we go i like to add a few no height segments noise okay triple smooth this comparator little poly awesome and i'm gonna make sure that this has a new material v-ray very material reflect a little bit remove fresno reflection refract a lot exit color blue and fall color blue i'm also going to create a copy of this right here hide it and this one is going to be light type i want it to be a mesh there we go and i want it to be a bit blue as well unhide all a little bit too blue here nice the color is a bit too strong maybe on this one looks good maybe just a tiny bit more on this one maybe 60 would do and i'm gonna also zoom in a little bit more on the asset and let it finish rendering so i'll be back when it's done and here we have the final result of the actual render now i did scale it up to 2000 by 2000 just to get a better resolution for it but it looks pretty good so in this series for substance painters at brush and maya is just to learn how the workflow happens for game assets like these now this entire object is actually a pretty low polygon one sorry got interrupted so this entire series will be about how to create game assets like these and again this object right here so if we check out without having this and all the assets together the cup the cup is actually 12 000 vertices or 11 000 polygons so translate that into triangles so 12 000 that's 24 000 uh triangles for a game engine that's pretty good and it has the details of a four million polygon cup so that's how we're going to transit everything for this series we're going to go from smaller cups to smaller assets and then build an entire environment in a room with this actual process and it's just the way the workflow of the industry works and i hope this series was fun and i hope you like this i'm going to have everything in the description such as the actual um tools i used such as the scripts and stuff like that and if you like the content please like subscribe and comment if you have any questions and i'll be more than happy to answer them so thank you guys see you in the next one bye
Channel: Peps 3D Tutorials
Views: 8,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mcDOU74Dnpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 53sec (4073 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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