3Ds Max Best Plugins for Fast Production

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today we're gonna talk about the best 3dsmax plugins and scripts for fast protection we've got a list of ten of these plugins and we're going to start off with number one real clone real clone is a parametric modeling and spline cloning a plugin by i2 software with real clone objects are created simply by assembling and a repeating existing geometry using an easy to define sets of rules if you can model in 3ds max you can create procedural objects with real clone you can choose from built-in presets adapt existing objects by adding your own geometry or even create your own from scratch using real clones easy to understand visual editor it can customize railings stairs floors ceilings cladding and facades real clone does not construct any object from scratch it works by assembling and repeating existing pieces of geometry along a path to do this it needs two things a spline for a path of course and some modular geometry just like 3ds max real clone has its own modifier it's called operators that are used to manipulate geometry you can group items create patterns randomize transforms movies and materials IDs create conditional relationship and much more railclone is available in two versions the pro paid version and the light a free version the pro version comes with 400 styles from fences bars trades walls and more you can customize the library browser adding categories number two Andrea Andrea isn't and wrapping plugin for Autodesk 3ds max it allows you to automatically unfold your 3d models with exact pixel to model surface aspect ratio speeding up texture baking UV map production significantly some of its features are it preserves user-created UV seems it reduces texture mapping seems almost completely and minimizes surface stretching chunks are kept large and are arranged on the UV surface with minimal use of available space it is user-friendly it has user-defined pixel based padding between UV chunks it is good for all kinds of models organic human and industrial you can download a demo version for 3ds max or purchase the commercial license number three multi scatter multi scatter is a plugin for 3ds max based on various cattle technology it is designed to work not only for v-ray or with v-ray but also with Arnold Corona octane Maxwell and F storm render multi scatter allows rendering engines to generate a huge amount of objects in an array the support for 64-bit systems allows multi scatter to create and submit for render forests and cities some of its features are the capacity of creating a huge amount of objects in areas hundreds or even millions quick render time generating of objects with optimized RAM management random transformation scale and rotation of objects in arrays distribution and scaling of objects based on bitmaps and procedural maps different and real-time viewport preview of objects placements special procedural map of the multi scatter texture number for floor generator floor generator is a plugin for 3ds max which generates a floor objects consisting of individual boards which can be easily textured using multi texture it is a great tool if you are doing architectural visualization and need to make floors that are not going to tile and that you can see up close without any pixelation some of its features are creating floors inside any closed 2d shape object or on flat objects control width length grout size individually randomly rotate offset and tilt boards interactive update to get instant feedback and assign textures randomly using multi texture map there are two versions one is paid and the other is free number five a forest back forest pack is a powerful scattering plugin for 3ds max from AI to software it is really a good solution for creating vast areas of objects from trees and plugins to buildings crowds rocks and more also it is used to create realistic landscapes quickly and it does everything between a home lawn to forest landscapes forest pack is fully multi-threaded and highly optimized for speed and efficiency it has points cloud display mode which previews scattered objects in the viewport as they will appear in the render forest pack also has the ability to randomize distribution object transforms animation bitmaps and tints and it can mimic natural growth patterns using the innovative cluster features you can use for specs built-in library browser to select and assign plans you can use over 100 models that are included in forest pack pro or you can create your own presets and share them with others forest pack comes in two versions that paid pro version and the light a free version number six suite profile it is a script for quick and convenient applying profiles to shape with the sweep modifier suite profile will help you to quickly select the desired architectural modeling when creating a 3d model of an interior or exterior and adjust its size the plugin works on the basis of the standard sweep modifier the free version contains tent ready to use architectural profiles the pro version contains 37 ready to be used architectural profiles number seven solid works with solid rocks you will be able to significantly accelerate the rendering of images this plugin works with v-ray renderer for ease of use solid rocks comes with modular GUI and useful tools and settings to stay concentrated on creation instead of losing time on tedious technical problems and settings the GUI can be collapsed at any moment into MIDI or essential GUI number eight a fire rate fire is a great effects plugin for 3ds max it can fragment destroy demolish breakdown blow up first detonate explode and more it is being used by some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry from film to video games it comes with tons of features we will try to mention some of them here both in the video physics support via a fire user interface and the malicious arms as accordingly to their material and collision strength during simulation each fragment can be demolished further with proper amount of collision strength it has also some interesting modifiers like the shadow modifier brakes modifier clusters modifiers as per the modifier the slice modifier box the modifier and much more number nine the math car math car is a plugin for 3ds max for a quick rigging of wheeled vehicles and vert animations by simulating the control this plugin allows rigging vehicles with any number of wheels and with any of their mutual arrangements including motorcycles any number of trailers is also supported there are simplified behavior setting for each of the wheels and suspension as well as fine tuning this allows us to simulate motion with qualities of a race car as well as heavy trucks animation is created during the simulation in real-time simulation can be controlled by the keyboard joysticks game controllers or steering wheels for with the object mode is also supported the package also includes a procedural map that generates traces of tires on the surface on which the vehicle is moving number 10 dreamscape dreamscape is an integrated set of tools designed to create dynamic natural scenery within 3ds max within the package are three distinct and powerful components for the construction of your virtual worlds that have been folded together into the seamless product which are terrain sky and sea the dreamscape sea is a suite of tools designed specifically to create all kinds of water-based surfaces from so many oceans and seas to placid lakes and ponds including dynamics and much more from sunrises and sunsets to alien environments and stormy skies the dreamscape skies is essential to building a believable environments dreamscape terrain has the unique ability of advanced terrain manipulation users can paint on the elevation map and thus making the terrain higher or lower change the mountain slope or apply to rain erosion you can apply textures on the terrain elevation and/or slope perfect for snowy mountain tops inside the editor the user campaign altitude slope apply erosion or one of these special filters also dreamscape terrain includes fast built-in height field rendering that is capable of producing preview rendering in a short amount of time the plugins we mentioned here can be used to speed up the production pipeline for 3d animation VFX and most importantly interior and exterior visualization plugins like these can be a great help when it comes to modeling UV unwrapping texturing rendering and effects I try to mention plugins that can speed up the creation process in all these aspects of production because you might need one more than the others these tools are important to avoid the unnecessary growing work that has to be done in order to finish a project at hand especially when there is a serious deadline that needs to be respected computer graphics are always in a constant progression and development and this is a fact we need to respect and accept and grow with it as technology becomes better things become easier to create and we become able to create them in a shorter period of time some people can't wrap their heads around these tools that speed up the process and they avoid them some even consider them cheating because you're not creating everything by yourself tools like these are important because automation is the future and if we look back at the early days of computer graphics and game development you had to become an artist also you have to be a programmer in order to create something but now things are changing and becoming better and easier I hope you found this video useful and if you want to add something please leave it in the comment section below you can also check some of our previous videos thank you very much and I will see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 85,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3ds max best plugins for fast production, 3ds max fast render plugin, 3ds max new plugins, 3ds max plugins for interior design, 3ds max plugins free, 3Ds max plungins for architecture, 3ds max render plugins, 3ds max scripts and plugins, 3Ds Max Scripts for Modeling, 3ds max vfx plugins, Best 3Ds Max Plugins, RailClone, Unwrella, Multiscatter, Floor generator, Forest Pack, Sweep Profile, SolidRocks, Rayfire, MadCar, Dreamscape, plugins, plugin, 3Ds max Plugins, 3Ds max
Id: b2yoYM5VyHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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