3DS Max 2018 Class #38 (Introduction to Keyframe Animation)

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all right welcome back it is time for another Autodesk 3ds max 2018 YouTube classroom video today we're going to go through an introduction into keyframe animation so the goal for today is to understand how keyframes work what they are and how we can use them so we're gonna just use our basic cube today that you're used to having set up and what we're gonna do is we're going to move it around so first things first grab your cube that you have already hit W and you know you can move it around and when you let go it stays where it's put right I'm gonna undo that turn my little thing on okay go so today we're gonna look at this timeline slider down here and we're it's gonna be a short video today but I do want to go through the basics of how this works so keyframes are like a snapshot in time and that's what how you need to think about them so if I've got this cube here and I turn on set key now my keyframes are like see how this time line turns red that's a warning that means what you do is now going to be recorded now I can take this and move it and scrub this and it jumps back to where it was initially because it says currently that this has no keyframe so it's automatically set at its original start point now at frame 0 that is frame 0 through frame 100 by default at frame 0 if we create a key using this button down here called set keys basically it takes a snapshot in time of where this object is in its position its rotation and its scale all right each one of these is corresponds to a color will talk to that talk about that in a minute and it also relates to like its XY and z coordinates okay so now if I scrub down and move it and scrub back it snaps back to this original spot okay if I go here move this and set this button bicep key press this key button now when I move it it stays put if I move it now now on frame 29 and then scrub again it jumps back to its original keyframe because basically this is saying hey I want this to be right here in this location x y&z position and I want you to remember that so whenever we scrub along this line it's gonna jump back to the current keyframe now we can take this and actually move it as long as we place a keyframe so there's like a buffer period so I'm gonna go to frame 50 I'm gonna drag along a specific axis in this case and we're gonna go Y and then I'm going to create another set create another keyframe now remember this set key has to be set and when you press set keys you'll notice that a brand new little red green and blue box shows up now if I drag left nothing happens but if I drag right you'll notice that it starts moving that's because we've set the position here and then 50 frames later we've set the position over here so what it does is it automatically tweens between those two places okay so if I hit the play button down here it'll automatically move over when it hits 50 it stops at a hundred it loops back to where it originally started so let's go ahead and pause that look at 50 so at 50 it's right there how about at 100 we move it back to where we started okay set a key by pressing the plus button and now I'll go back to the beginning and press play all right it moves over it moves back yeah oh there's a hitch you see that hitch welcome to the bane of your existence hitches are when one frame is slightly different from the next frame so if this frame is different from this frame it's hard to tell because they're far away from each other but you if you hit play and watch it loop through it obviously has a problem there's a way we can easily fix this using the timeline so we know that this frame here is right where we want this to end and if you click on these individual boxes you can actually adjust or select those frames if you take a frame and you drag it you can move where its location is okay so because there's no keyframe set before this one it will automatically default to where the generic location was prior which was over here because we said it if there's no keyframe before something it's automatically set to its original location but if we create if we drag this back it's still there notice also if you take this frame and drag it closer to 50 so let's say I drag the first frame over to 35 and I press play it's not gonna move till his 35 then it's gonna move really fast but we still have that hitch and we want to get rid of the hitch okay so let's go ahead and pause that and what we can do is actually we can take this frame hold shift and drag it and that creates a copy just like we do when we're creating geometry okay so if I hit play you'll notice that it moves back and forth and then it's still hitches now be careful I almost always hit spacebar for play because I'm used to music programs but so be careful if you do that because you could lock your geometry generally when the space when the set keyframe and the red bar is active then it doesn't have become a problem to delete a keyframe like this one I'm actually going to click inside the area and drag and I get a little selection box grab that and I just press the Delete key and it goes away now if I want this to start right where it ends I'm gonna grab this keyframe hold shift and drag it all the way to zero now the first frame and the last frame are identical except for there are identical in their position rotation and scale but they're not in the exact then at different times okay so now if we watch it moves and now you'll notice it's smooth it goes all the way there back to where it starts and moves now you'll notice there's still a hitch and we'll talk more about why there's a hitch in the next video but for now I think we're gonna stop because this is the basics of keyframes okay now if you turn this off for set key you can also do something called Auto key Auto key will automatically create a key whenever you do something new on an unused frame so let's say I go to frame 20 currently there is no no keyframe if I drag up on Z you'll notice that I've got a red box the red box shows that it's gonna go up but it's still moving from here through to here so that red box means that on trans the transition is going to not transition the movement XY and Z what's it called selective move yeah anyway when it goes up it's only moving it's not changing any of the rotation if I move to frame 10 hit E and rotate it it's going to rotate to this angle and then because there's a green frame here it's gonna rotate back so it's gonna start remember at the very beginning we had a keyframe I had to select the object at the very beginning we have a keyframe that is red green and blue okay the green affects it gets affected here which is rotation so the rotation is set here it's going to change to here and then let's go back to the green here now the green between here and here does not change so therefore technically we could remove that green frame but you can see how it comes up moves over its back and it's positional position stays the same so goes up twists we can also adjust scale in the same manner now what color will the scale be I think you can figure it out I'm gonna change the scale on all axes so it's gonna get bigger now you'll notice that the scale starts here because this is the last blue box so you've got a rainbow box which is red green and blue you've got the rotation goes from here to here and then goes from there to there the scale starts blue grows until it gets as big as it can here and then it shrinks down quickly to get back to its original scale so now we've got this set up well zoom out a little bit so you can see a little better all right so what I want you to do for the next ten minutes or so is just experiment with this now this can be a very very frustrating process AutoKey is very dangerous because you can start moving stuff around thinking that you're done modeling but you have Auto key on and suddenly you're objectively changing and modifying and getting all crazy keyframes can also adjust modifiers and a bunch of other cool stuff so with that in mind I want you to go ahead stop when we're gonna end now and then I want you to just experiment with the different keyframes on the timeline now this is just scratching the surface there's a whole bunch of stuff you're going to get frustrated because every time you you create a keyframe it's gonna go sort of slow in and then slow out and we're going to talk about how to adjust that in the next video but for now just spend like 10 minutes messing around making something bigger or smaller Auto key means that it'll automatically save your changes but if you wanted to get rid of it let's say for instance I wanted to get rid of the the scale change right the scale set here and here if I'm if I take this and delete it by hitting the delete key now the scales not gonna change all right maybe you can try and just see what you can get done now notice if your keyframes aren't there it's because your keyframe in your timeline see all my frames are gone your timeline is set based on each object that's a very big deal if you have nothing selected or if you have the wrong thing selected then you're not gonna get any keyframes but the objects still gonna move this can be really frustrating for beginners you've got to realize that you have to select what you want to see the timeline for every object in your scene has it's very own timeline which is great but also frustrating because when you first start you're just like where did all my keyframes go and now you know so with that started go ahead experiment get crazy make a jiggly cube or whatever you want to make and then we'll see you next time at the next video where we talked about how to sort of smooth out some things so we can get perfectly smooth motion alright thanks for watching I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Clayton Donnan
Views: 2,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Studio, Max, 2018, easy, beginner, Crooms, Academy, Introduction, tutorial, keyframe, animation', basic, transform
Id: aI3Miz65xTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2017
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