Kirby but he's golf 「Kirby Dream Course ⭐⛳⭐」

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it's Mecca yeah well good morning you know you'd have to kneel let's let's do it my guy so plain this I played it all a while ago a while ago for like the first time um so I'm gonna be I'm gonna be rusty I'm gonna be very very rusty so I think it should okay it should be pretty easy to get you in on this okay this is your first time using the like online snack setting right yes okay this so I'm gonna do wait no two players is the wrong option I have to like invite you in I think if you were to play online over on the left mm-hmm um I am going for it unable to find friends games search again oh oh I don't know got I got it play while you wait I'm gonna set a passcode so that way you only you will be able to join yes I'll give you that passcode in a second look on discord okay there yeah yeah yeah so I gotta play online yep and then it you should see my name on the right in a sec I see it okay I see it perfect well let me know when you're going in right yes I can't show my screen because the password will show the instant I like show my screen yeah I turn my screen off and now now I'm joining it will not be affected that's what I like to see all right so tff Phil will control the menu and then I guess you just join it oh that's right you can use the right stick to move over on your hand how do I do the clamp oppressing that's right stick for yes you do that to like distract people oh definitely all right so let's go on over to dream course and let's see how this works oh it's so old I love it well you waited you - should I update it till he liked the the better the better graphic you like I've never seen is that a filter it's a fill - yeah yeah okay here we go I'm gonna hold TV games Oh demo play all right so if I do like this I want to see what it looks like we'd like for Michael perfect yeah yeah it's really nice oh here we go here we go whoo so now it's like the actual quality all right yeah I like that okay okay here we go curvy dream course we're going a two-player game play course it's just that fast to get into okay whispy woods yeah I was like um where's the oh here we go whoa order I got a - oh yeah three okay okay so you're going first I guess how are we doing this Oh make it as hard as possible or how do you want to be III have never messed with this stuff before so I'm not entirely sure I think just keeping you at like the basic audio settings is the best wait hold on check wait check and can you hear can you hear the game audio game volume up can you hear this audio or I swear you can't hear the game audio wonderful screams gonna go down for a second at least on my end screams gonna go down first I mean if we go back and kind of worried can you guys hear my audio no no it's just a stupid thing that my program does give me one second guys sighs it just doesn't go online again man oh my what's what but I have a really whole diversion now I don't know what I'm doing in this program I would like the newest version of OBS but okay okay it seems some bag and everyone will think that the stream is over it's just like okay okay well I'm back I'm back and live on my end people of my check and here my game audio yes I just want to make sure if you guys can hear the audio you can hear it now you can hear it sick all right so we're not gonna use any any handicapped any other settings we're just gonna have you just I'm - oh yeah we're have like the basic things there oh look at this adorable oh okay okay if I'm the other one you got to stop dead yeah oh okay oh okay now I got combos happen you see what happens okay so have you have you ever I asked this before but have you ever played again I've played it before but I haven't played it like okay okay I did that's right that's right so I think the way it works is like you have to take out one and then the last remaining enemy becomes the hole or something like I remember that okay watch my amazing skills uh-huh yeah yeah take your time take your time feel the wind line up the shot yeah oh yeah I can see I can see it I can see how bad it's gonna be feeding yeah go for it ah yeah I don't know how strong it supposed to be oh okay okay I got a hole in one okay close oh right back at the start okay okay okay so do you have to hit both or do you just go right in oh I could go right in oh yeah right I also could go for a little play of myself here no oh you know what I hate what okay okay I see what's happening here I see what yeah yeah yeah watch this watch this amazing place mm-hmm yeah take your time here that's not gonna we need like a chess timer yeah that's not gonna work Oh Bailey bumping into the other person causes deals damage to them because there's like a health bar system why would you do that to me Oh incapacitated because you've ruined everything I just love your yellow Kirby turning over to me just like I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna kill you take the shot heads oh okay okay well nifty but I think if I just do like this I still get the most points wait make this doorway okay there we go your dome wow you just sealed your fate all right already oh I got 308 I got greedy that's okay the first round getting mad and slapping the ground yeah at the first round it's all it took all right oh look at that a nice we'll see how long that lasts everybody hey what is this night now you guys do like a pop shot all right so we we have to go upward I think so I think you have to press up to do that wait why first because you're you that's oh that's what you rolled with the dice oh yeah that's right okay okay so what I want to do good check this out check this out already what I'm gonna do if I go over them I have to touch them to make them correct turn yeah the star right yes you have to physically collide with them okay check this out mmm oh the backspin Oh wispy wasn't a fan of that one with you yet slim act around my wispy a little bit they're worse yeah so we're doing one so we're doing up okay I see how it works if I go if I press it down it brings me back over here yeah but if I press it down again it like does this which I don't know what that means it just makes it longer is that you project oh oh that makes sense okay so the thing I can also do like yeah okay here we go wait the alternate angles here doom you're dooming yourself Oh am i we'll see in a second no okay no oh oh oh oh I kind of like that position though that's an acceptable position I'm sorry fail boom okay yeah let's see what you got though go for blood yeah you gotta go I gotta do is maxed it out Oh Oh God here he comes he comes with it wait nope you really had it out for me didn't you buddy oh God alright alright let's do all this extra time I have the leg full power bounced around a couple times no I like this angle oh I like this angle a lot oh no you're a little sneezy boy no that's what are you doing you're sleeping on the job doing is you're even a candy is you're even a candy that's adorable I can't let this happen oh I don't think you have much of a choice right now buddy No okay I know exactly where all right all right you better land this shot gamer you better hurry so this would tie it up if you hit this dead-on yeah I got this I'm ready I got this it's choosing between your pixels here Oh oh that's a good shot come on come on [Applause] well hold on where's my less distance okay there yeah yeah yeah bring it a little bit more here I'm basically a back boy I'm just gonna bounce off you thing oh my god lay off the burgers my guy you're rolling too much that's too bad my boy okay okay okay oh now all right now we're doing like water or something so I guess I'm going first now because because I got the thing um what are we thinking here I'm thinking this I'm thinking bring it over here and give me a little bit of curve call him curvy here we go uh maybe something like this is too ambitious of a shot okay well you know now let me show you what you were supposed to do okay okay okay I'm ready I'm ready let me see the perfect shot here yeah babies down they're drowning so check this out yeah yeah uh-huh what kind of trigonometry you're about to pull out here buddy okay first of all I'm just gonna get both of these okay thought about it all right big brain play big brain play okay that's okay I'm going I'm going for the long game here um give me a further shot please I probably need like punt myself out of here can I do like full tilt and then like a couple units this way something like this something like that what do you feel in Kirby okay we're gonna miss everything all right all right I wanted you to go over oh okay this is like the worst angle okay how do I get over there was a big old hop all right this is gonna be really risky okay hang on this big green okay we got this look at this shot okay what's up bud how you inflated push the a button when you're going and you'll bounce oh cool I'm just gonna do uh it seems about right oh oh this is looking good this is looking acceptable oh you missed it oh no no so cool I swear that's all I need it I sort of used snipe this I'm gonna be actually sewing no no I'm definitely get about the snipe this thank you very much fail boat Oh front spin okay that's a dizzy Kirby oh okay okay so you'll have a turn of inactivity right now don't do it don't do this how ambitious can I be you you better go inside why you have a chance I'm considering my options here he'll give me like the farthest if I oh yeah oh no if I like do this in Jam it this way all right Carrie all right Kirby I need the best shot you got I need the best shot you got no no would you own the water you don't bounce yeah you do but not the way you did it no you have to put spin on it I wasn't gonna tell you that I'll take the shot come on come on Kirby come on Kirby let's go right okay okay okay I went for a risky play but in the end I still got a point back okay okay it's gonna get more and more points as we go further and that yeah yeah exactly I was greedy fiii recognized I had to had to bring it back there okay so what are we looking at on this map we got a bunch of things going on yeah no no this is like a random boy okay like yeah yeah yeah I'm stealing them right now there we go there we go Oh high jump go you know Cathy Cooper's like I shall just enjoy getting Matt power over there but all the tornado I want the tornado I don't like okay I don't want it I gotta get over there but I'm really afraid of doing what you just did let's try it this is gone forward Oh full power my goodness wow those hills are steep ALP am i okay what oh I didn't run out I didn't run out of energy like I still have I still have a little bit energy left I have like one dial or two dials how many dolls do you have you have three all I don't know if this is big brain or knob I'm gonna see if I can like hit you in the head why would you do that if I can take you out right now there we go okay okay mr. pham boat yeah yeah all right well I gotta remember that I know it said out of balance let's do it like right here mm-hmm I got an idea I haven't I did this is me great how do I do the same way change my angles from left to right oh you will be you ho beep hey yo uh-huh let's see the spin no I can't I can't risk it I'll look the scheme's like little idle animation everything does like a little one step to step it's very adorable all right oh I forget a shot you're going for here man I want that okay we're done let me I gotta pull up the protractor here okay oh oh I see it actually your power I think it's be no way to know how to retract that shot I wanted to do up angle I'm gonna leave bouncing angle yeah okay so we got one this one two and three over here okay that's the best way to steelies every star that you just you can't you can't big brain at that hard hey I hit hello started silent siren how you doing he's trying to trying to figure it out here if I was balance it which way would I be balancing IV balancing that way no I would definitely just bounce out of Bounce at this rate yeah like you have a tough decision ahead my stop oh this isn't that bad though okay how about it seems okay or you get him Kirby get him Kirby ah well you brought this upon yourself wait can I get behind that tree maybe I see the curve I'm hoping I can weasel my way behind I shouldn't test it I just thought about it first we're gonna get this from you okay so you have to go to the far end to get your thing oh yeah it's good like the last thing there oh no okay okay so where am i where am I going I know there's like one more lad over there I have one more star than you but I can change very fast so what's what's what's my play here I think my play don't do this could I just like full power try and jam right next to you bounce off of you oh I tried to like see if I get like ricochet off of you and get that star even still you hit me twice and I thought I was gonna open wait so you're gonna go down just like that oh okay oh oh I don't like that angle it's I don't like that angle I'm liking this alright so I got to figure out a twister works yeah now check this out this big brain player right so what I'm gonna do mm-hmm what are you gonna do this is a heck of a curve my guy check this up mm-hmm let's see this whoa um okay so that's the goal but like Oh didn't even hit wispy oh no no yes we no no tonight is that wispy gonna be in my way over right all right well are you going for the hole in one I got it I got theirs absolutely wait a minute big green again oh no no it's you take that star I'm gonna take like three of yours mm-hmm I'm well waiting let's see the perfect shot calibrated from years of the kirby of fandom just try to go in as you just I should just try to go in but miss because if I if I miss that's it you're only one of the leader right now yeah I'll be I'll be two in the lead if you get this you would be three in the lead but you gotta nail it if I miss this I'm don't let's say here we go you're stepping on wispies roots right now careful there buddy Oh down-spin okay I got nothing to say about that one man when you're a guy you're a guy I got I gotta give that one to you oh that was nice oh I can't say anything about that that was the perfect shot oh man I got actually dumped okay oh wait so it's making me go first okay yeah yeah cuz I got the thing right yeah whoever whoever gets the the hole right we're gonna try this I don't know what else is on the stage but we're gonna try this okay scout it out here Oh what oh wait wait wait no okay okay okay stop please okay okay what what is this I seen nighttime daytime is that like the theme oh no way can this angle work what is that button all the pink shot okay what does that button do turns it turns it to nighttime but okay good shot good shot Kirby yeah there ya go one buddy well it's time for me to sink this again alright okay if you get another hole in one perfect I'm interested and we want to be safe too so mm-hmm that's safety your official username okay here we go no way get out of here I've never played a Kirby's Dream course don't worry I only just installed the SNES game now you know I oh my god man you you've been laughing for the last like couple years here with shots like those oh it's me yeah I'm getting comboed here I don't know what that green thing is I don't want to touch it I really don't like how this it's it's there's no wall wait a minute oh this is over this I know oh yeah yeah dang it I couldn't get kind of shots are you looking for your I mean they they're oh oh oh no no no don't you dare don't you dare yeah oh my god I hate you though how am I supposed to compete with that no all I can do is get back one point well I'm a backboard so you're gonna yeah yeah we bounce it off you no wait no no thank you fail boat you're such a good friend fail boat no problem buddy anything Thanks oh man oh dear yeah okay you took my power I did okay okay okay whatever you hit so in you I think you take their power oh no I'm getting it back use it go take advantage of what I can hear what do you do yeah I don't know I'm going what I don't know all right I'm gonna show you how this works all right all right okay I don't know what I'm doing either you can just say that like two of the cleanest shots I've ever seen this looks correct fail boat all right now watch this okay hey hey oh no no you're gonna whip it you're right you know right past it it's hard I think it's perfectly on a curative I forgot that there was more that was more digging I didn't think that was gonna turn it to the whole there's no way I could get Falls right now there's literally no way I can get both okay you're yeah like every conquer it gee we will play the game we're playing a game not gonna like any way further away than I expected I'm gonna have to get that back from you hey steal it back I gotta get that back let's go over the whole injured percent play right here oh you want the tourney no I want the tornado back that that it's too dangerous right now I can't read you know what mm-hmm you go over the star instead if I can do this correctly uh-huh no you hit me hey you're gonna shoot me right in the face there okay I know what I'm in you know you're gonna activate the floor tiles the wall whoops on a buffer there oh no don't do this fail come on hold on but can i we're buddies man does this work if you meant okay that's way too we does way too weak that's way too weak let's see what the tornado brings me though yeah come back over here oh it's gonna be okay okay even if you win I'll still have a star leave then if you get into the goal right now I get my extra point yeah oh I see your angles I need that back I need it back I can't I can't go with this okay okay I got it I got it I got it uh-huh oh my god take your time there buddy I'm gonna just have to go in I I gotta end it oh there's a pardon in the way the button doesn't do anything yeah but button doesn't mess it up too much let's see can you can you nail the simple straightaway better not miss is all I'm saying okay okay okay okay I got a long thing I could do like that was I gotta get like seven stars in one round here all right all right I got a seven star lead on you in the first round yeah oh no oh no I don't even sure if there's that many I don't I don't know what that green stuff is oh maybe I won't need you after what does that do oh it's probably like you can't go as fast on air something I said I was controlling you for a second you know I was pressing like right and left as you were pressing them Oh No yeah then and then you like of course stop we stop being so in sync okay backspin alright alright oh it's parasol oh you don't go oh it was I thought that was beam because I played so much Kirby what what does what is parasol do in this game you'll see oh my god you made some plays though ok ok how do I get everything in this entire board all at once we're going would like this in too hard or right rotation and Franklin's just take it from there did not mean for front spin Oh No I press anyway - really I did not mean to do front spin what am i doing I don't want that power flowing back to my channel fail throw 103 I can get that I really want that guy uh-huh you're really just gonna kill him like that he's having a fun day he's gonna bounce over him okay what what does it easily stops you yeah if you do it jump I need that no right about now I need it okay like technically got that star up there I suppose well there are things do we have around here we got all those over there okay how do I steal your stars and still walk away with a win here let's try out exactly what I did before on the other side but without the front spin that was good almost good night it pushes you in that direction does it I see their eyes but I'm afraid so I don't want to yeah what you don't want to roll over that I do want to get this so you can't have it okay okay yeah breathing out of energy much I know I know trust me no more I'm not loving it yeah you you get it back after you like take a break okay Kirby has to take a breather ah shot right there what you thinking Kirby what you thinking Kirby oh oh oh you're thinking good things okay now I have to take a breather here that might be my crucial downfall and I'll raise you mm-hmm all right oh that green stuff I'm gonna raise you Oh Oh what is this check this out check out this madman okay you're gonna try and steal my power okay a man at work here okay that seems right that seems right okay Valerie I expect it are you gonna take the power to know oh no dang it okay okay now how do I get about that run out of energy mmm what and turn it to nighttime yeah I don't know one nighttime mode does I do like you gotta go straight in my boy oh you're really gonna Wow I don't have the luxury of going straight in Wow Wow oh yeah that's right yeah we gotta get as many as you can yeah considering my options there's two or you can get the one and try to go for the hole in one like hit those three yeah I'm working on it here what if I did like not that strong there we go start by getting some of these oh no curry curry no my boy No so what I got to do all right I see it I see I see the motion this is gonna be big brain uh-huh it's gonna be pretty big you're like ricochet off the wall oh no oh you're definitely come on yes just enough energy hmm now you're gonna do this my boy figuring that one out am I going the wrong way okay can I hole in one from here no I missed the star the crucial start tornado let's ditch tornado um oh well that was a lot of nothing no no is it over shoot it okay - you get a free turn you get a free turn though okay yeah okay you get the you get the game there oh my god oh I enjoyed what oh is it oh it's really good don't mind me I'm gonna go die down there as the star is come and cover the earth oh that was the end that was the I enjoyed myself very much I'm glad you want to another stage oh all right I'm jumping off of myself this is what happens literally beside okay I would say I'm beside myself but that would mean I'm winning slamming the ground yeah look it'll be always upset yeah I have one win winning you have a along no order okay alright keep everything the same there let's do it oh I'm not liking this already yeah well what's our oh we are like sand traps is that wheel there is wheel well I'm going for wheel um well am I going for a wheel what happen if I like using ability on you hmm it probably made dealing more damage to hear something okay I'm sorry I'm curving this right now I'll find out soon there you let let the hill take me oh okay I like that positioning oh I'm gonna send myself up gonna just go straight for this thing right here he's dancing you're gonna do him like that yeah you got it look at him jigging he is gonna kill him I gotta get him while he jigs Oh careful Oh and a high jump knee this one will actually kill you no get out of here yes thank you for that thank was a tornado ability buddy I appreciate it okay a lot of that wasn't even planned but I'm so saying so if I just jam this hit that sand trap though yeah I gotta go over the sand trap I realize now okay am i dead now because I fell off no okay no you're okay so anything I need to get that power back no oh oh are you there don't you dare no oh we're all moving well moving you seeing hey what what I didn't want to hit you the fan keeps on blowing me I'm not okay okay here we go is it but what help me free me stop door stop stop blow Kirby please bounce I can't I literally have no input oh wait I see you dick oh dear what a my gun did you actually stop like me it might stop in a little while it was this your play it was this your play going are there the ultimate way of a wedding is to the biggest so I can never play the game again oh yeah okay goodness that took a while okay okay you can have whatever ability you like I'm going for a mr. random boy over here that one I'll twister I don't think I am Joe right hand on green here we go no not again not again not again goodness gracious get me out of here no not again please oh my god cards get some mileage on this I hate twister it's so goodness okay I could just oh okay yeah I'm okay with you walking away with a with a 1-star lead right now okay you are okay and go ahead and snag this yeah gently I'll see I'm sure we know you got electricity from like the daily little Sparky guy oh are you kidding whoa Oh Oh No interesting how interesting how interesting it's any shot I can take don't do this to make you this really upset here I'm gonna try something now the risk there's a risk tornado no no upwards upwards trended upwards tornado yes now I shall win but I'll still have my authority is the question I'll have the starter lead if you and right now you'll just give me a point he's right I can't risk it or not don't I can't dude mm-hmm let's start you going for whoa whoa now I can go back and you shouldn't have any energy I think I like one little bit oh I'm tired I'm tired but like what's what's my total here I've one shot you have literally one shot you have to me hey that's really spiteful man you better not hit me over the edge yes yes go into the pit no wait yes maybe I gave you one of the stars all right okay I gotta make it I gotta make it right this is gonna be yeah yeah yeah okay you gotta nail it okay I know what pink but at the same time I bounce on a hill and I don't like that yeah yeah yeah playboy I'm gonna just go for it Oh God okay not yet not pink oh that's a big shot I knocked it into my own star okay okay okay you got your point you were close my boy you almost had me you got you got you got your point no big deal forget it I love I love it I am in full okay full support of this oh it's me yeah you have throw the hands distract you too much here what is this spark dude I'm gonna I dislike oh wait I'm good I'm good I'm the one who has it I took it from you Oh front spin oh my man travel no chill okay okay no I wanted the UFO it's so good um let's see where am I going um out of bounds let's just like gas it follow right after here get him one well one parasol he definitely wasn't parasol before yeah he was I said I thought he'd follow because I got parasol which gets that's right that's right it's right it's right all right I'm sure I'm just really curious to see what's gonna happen so I got it I gotta get you this you're trying to hit me or bounce over me no [Music] hmm I'm feeling this right now No Briella Brella go back come back Kirino turn around oh no Carrie oh god my man's going all the way to Dreamland okay I really okay I'm gonna go further oh yeah this is like the perfect place to defeat Oh careful will not add a bounce shot the perfect backspin Oh what is this oh don't worry I lost in trauma two here eventually okay okay take a deep breath care about all right we got like a lot of power-ups we got a lot of enemies still to defeat before we actually even get the thing you know what this can't go bad right so far hasn't okay of course I'm a genius I've just thought about what I should be okay oh there's a guy over here what I want to do is get right take your time make your aim only I could somehow stop there's a twister panel on the way oh okay I got a turn without you doing anything is there anything I can do to make some plays here because if I'm looking in the distance yeah so if I spun this I'd die well you have Paris oh no I don't what did you do with it who died yeah there's like Jam this but like let's go Kirby barely hanging on there but let's go Kirby yeah sleep sleep sleep I have an idea uh my big brain played yeah it's gonna be extremely big brain mm-hmm can I do like no oh wait wait wait bring it down and then like I have a really big brain play coming we're gonna see what happens of this one okay that's one that's the two okay I respect that optic what what's it like what's your play here all right now I'm in a straight line I get all three of these Oh see I would still win with more points so I don't mind that yeah that's one that's two come on come on come on no just short now with all the accuracy I can muster come on curvy come on buddy come on buddy okay that's that's not good oh yes so this is what I'll lead tastes like and this ain't good there we go mm-hmm this ain't good what I think it's decent okay so now what are we looking at here we're looking at like a whole it is a big old pit over there there's a bunch of these it doesn't say how many there are if I first start now okay oh wait a minute oh wait a minute what do we have over here I do this and then bounce and then you and then tornado what don't know where I'm going with that tornado all right I'm gonna just have to steal all those back oh yeah that's all you have to do give me actual you know crime steal all them all back okay I'll just take my same path yeah let's just let's just copy mister fail boat hey go Oh Oh careful now careful oh you definitely got the speed needed oh what's this do no it just gave you what already has right oh it flops the Stars oh I get it I didn't know that oh you're doomed you gotta make this I'll have to go all the way around there's no way if you you might as well just start taking my stars because if you there's no way I can get the shot there's literally this you that I am there's no way we know what what oh no you have to press it in to see usage turn it off help me take the star ticket okay okay okay okay that means if you get the thing at least ties it I thought it would go one more rotation I can make that okay oh it's that one that goes infinitely it's the first time oh yeah this isn't looking good well you're figuring out your uh your little area why would you do that we what oh wait tornado I'm not going in yet alright I'm glad that worried that oh okay he's angry no no I'm not going in yet they're gonna hit you twice because of this you gonna hit me out to the pad go baby the bag avoid but you can't get in it I don't think so unless no one but if I like strain it out and then try that same shot I know how you can get in there and I'm not gonna tell you come on dunk it dunk it dunk it get in use the tornado at least see what happens okay what happened yeah we got this how did you think I was gonna get in from there like roll back down no I thought you were gonna do the shot you took and then push the a button when you hit the ground a bounce further oh I was gonna be like oh good it's big brain right okay please hit the thing oh no no oh yeah take it a third time why don't you let's turn it wait you can you control that when you're in tornado what see you later yeah you and if you take it right now I'd still have the lead by a good margin work my way up by winning wait a minute is this a straight line I can't tell yeah I think that's straight so I'm gonna get that up there like a greedy guy oh my god okay then I'm gonna come back down now check this out you can control tornado I had no idea mm-hmm let's go right in no way well uh luckily he forgot about this thing okay uh so I'm gonna just hit it as soon as you hit it you're not gonna take my stars from me my boy come on come on come on No maybe yes yes wait what what what all right I want to check on that I want to check on that someone check my man curve eat a little bit more food man you're a glutton at least way down the floor plate come on my guy not like this it's what it's once per round okay it sounds like you should have you should have kept it my boy shut it right up here okay no no no no no um I Toro you control a bit going like left right okay got it got it yes yes so I have to take I have to take a second here that's why you feel like I'm like okay you know what buddy I'm gonna hit you I'm gonna make sure you run out if you want to go over that goal go for it but uh it's not that simple I'm all lined up for a nice shot here you are are you were let's see oh okay we're fighting over these two stars here you don't understand I can't get beat up like this oh okay well uh don't mind me I'm just gonna dream for a little bit here that's too bad my boy are you actually considering what I'm gonna do oh you're gonna like like front front spin it I'm gonna front spin it my way it was a good try it was a gut match no hug why are they opponent let's see it Oh hit me while I'm down all right nope nope nope nope on oh boy here we go alright now now it's my turn to get like the perfect accuracy that's cheating it's angled in your favor because I don't miss no no here's the perfect shot the perfect alignment the perfect power no I didn't realize your Kirby ate Michael Jordan or something he ain't Kobe himself okay this is great I'm gonna just slowly win over and over again until I huh at least now we finally got a different game here or a different right like a different Matt yeah yeah we're all over a loyal okay we're gonna get this mm-hmm Tony is getting a workout today yeah yeah it is you can use two in one level he's very confident okay go where we thinking with this one uh okay okay give me full power get over there it's all I'm concerned about right now okay give me the flame thing use it Kemal wait but did I yes I lost my doing Kirino I'm gonna just grab your wait a minute mm-hmm wait a minute you go under him that's what I'm gonna track all right boys I'm actually really scared of it I don't think I wanna try this like it might miss me up all right I want that I want that high jump though how do I want to do that I don't want to risk it yeah the fault power default turn here all right let's see what you do don't do it I hate that it came on-screen really slow okay that this points that way I see I see I see okay so there's what how many how many more like left alive we got like Oh three up there what's the thing at the top right oh that's a--that's a peg so we got like one two three and then there's one more down there so we have four left alive here okay I'm feeling a little I wonder if I can just like be green because you get to go with like the littlest touch but uh that was not the answer fail okay we're taking a snooze we're taking a snooze yeah it's like it's like break time everybody take five everybody quick intermission in the stream here I'm dreaming of I screaming you're dreaming of candy I mean it's pretty good that those are pretty better we feel different amounts I'm not sure because sometimes I get like two and sometimes I get like big brain okay I know what not to do this time please don't let's see freeze frames good tornado all right in the pitfall here okay now I'm back in action I also got four so I as well I can win this like right now before you get anything out of ketchup I like that I like that at all oh how about I just try one do I own the one that's like down over this way I do hmm I possibly oh my god think the curve is pretty radical right here what are you doing I'm gonna give me stop it I'm not trying to I promise yeah you boy you're not all there it is mmm I don't like this there's no way this works right this is zero chance this works correctly oh but I guess it seems that it's gonna be my victory all right so what I'm gonna do now check this out right mm-hmm I can't do that I need that to be the last one so I'm gonna go for this one I go for this one yeah wait do I hit that green stuff no file see you soon enough Oh oh I got a okay that all know there's another person left yes the guy this one and well you just gotta start you didn't get like one of the things yeah there's one at the top left in the button the top top right and bottom let you see the little cape guy in the very top up there okay yeah that guy right there oh I gotta do is win there's a lot of shots to me here hold on if I could do stay right there balance off of you know tornado no I took the tenía with me I still your power died with it nice I wanted to try and balance you into the wall and backboard ah alright oh and I got a free turn don't I it looks like I'm gonna be getting all of them this time oh no you might wait wait wait you're gonna sing wait okay okay hit him again yes yes yes the more pain you feel the better oh let's go okay okay all I gotta do is make this one shot oh boy mm-hmm oh that's gonna be a heck of a shot to make on the green I don't know where it is I can't see it mm-hmm too far away you get you can always high jump for it buddy I am gonna high jump for it oh we got high like a happy kirby is alright let's see this I jump [Music] so okay now comes my comeback story here cuz I gotta make some plays if I want to take this away yeah you got two times yeah okay I got hit by the Gordo twice hold on if I get two turns it's really such a hard shot to do but if I do it would be so worth it no there's no way I would hit the start and then balance onto the thing unless you do them no that's that's too much of a play it would give me three stars if I did it but man that that's too too radical of a move for me right now instead let me know this is gonna go really basic cuz I got two turns to play with so I can get myself better positioning and then oh you're all the way back there heck you might not even get the next turn but I'm gonna get everything you change I'm gonna get back uh-huh where are you over there yeah what's my help looking like okay I got three got three actions hmm oh wait a minute oh there's no way just under kiddin know it yes make it in okay I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it I'll take it I'll tell y'all thank you you have a three star lead I was hoping to do a little bit a little bit different there but it it's equal out you think without now I'm gonna take them leave all the fun you were gonna have yeah see what happens now here there's that easy place right there pull this music it's music though oh god this sounds good I love carry music man hey here we go okay you give me a nice spin its gracious oh my god my man put some gas on it okay I know what not to touch it wait a minute I have an idea no you can definitely touch it I just put it a little bit too much in I'm gonna I'm gonna hit it full force now check this out I know what not to do what what what no no way no way you actually continue that oh my god my man use the little hop of the tornado alright alright I'm gonna do a little bit of that but a little bit less okay here we go every air same stress same strats save drive don't kill me don't kill me don't get me there we go hit up hit up high jump up high jump up high jump you sit though apparently wonderful oh I don't like that angle I gave you so I'm gonna get my high jump back no I'll see you later ah yup hilly go whoa thank you for the nice angle no I don't think I like that yeah yeah be tired hmm okay I know it's like the furthest I can get I want to try this front spin thing that you've been doing oh dear I gotta see how well this works whoa Oh what you've been disconnected from it's what just happened man I barely that fun spin tag works pretty well yeah okay you shouldn't have done that you shouldn't have done it hurry hurry high budget especially kidding okay I'm coming I'm coming back in oh that's the wrong button all right hurry all right get back in what do you mean say mommy okay I'm gonna close it and then I'm gonna jump back in is it still open on your end oh yes it is so I can just jump back in supposedly okay I gotta go hurry okay okay I'm hurrying see you know hi how do I go out of here please hey thanks for the game okay play online all right here come here come okay okay you can pause the game Aion technically I always pause cuz it's turn-based can you just hop in yeah I'm gonna try um all right here come what about oh it's his joining he's been saved there we go hey welcome back I'm glad I didn't want this comeback to be all right forget forget about coming back in the game you need to come back to the game yeah yeah wow you're just beating me on all fronts today no no you guys please get high jump it oh I see your little bounce tech I wasn't aware of that okay okay don't worry I'm schmoozing I'm snoozing okay yeah you got disconnected but I'm the one raised e play all right no go back is that gonna hit that okay it should I should be good oh that was a good game my boy no no no no yes yes oh it's exactly what I needed but you can't make it it's not about making it that's what nany oh come on anime if you make this this is very animated come on come on this is exactly what I needed you have a you're on the breeze come on Kirby yes let's go baby what that's exactly what I've been waiting for take the shot at I'll still make it I'll step in alone by one point feel free that's not good you win this time let's go Oh almost Eater out I'm gonna I'm gonna oh boy I'm not letting you get that many points on me okay yeah I would have been completely decimated you yeah you would have been like four more points ahead if I not if I didn't make that play I got I got it I got it I don't like that button I really think you should ban that button ban there let's see oh that's out of bounds what the obvious play is to go this way yeah but it's too obvious because I'll just copy now if you go if you go that way man that's easy pickins okay Oh needle oh it stops you right yeah just hard stops you oh it makes it so I can't hit you 200 I see it keeps you like a shell hmm well I'm interested that's definitely not using that nope I took a little bit aged fiafia I was like that yeah my what are you behind her in front of wispy I shot you in the whispies eye socket and if I'm stuck in this thing I'm gonna get sad okay I'm gonna go like really far away uh-huh I don't know what you did to me we're gonna find out we're about to find out oh my god where was I yeah no you're like break out of wispy oh no I gotta get in there before you can touch that dumb boy I know I know oh I'm all the way at the back though no don't be tired yet curvy we got some plays to make this is impossible I'll take it I'll take it if it works wait a minute oh I mean you're more than welcome to do that because all we're not any like a weird enough situation that that wouldn't that would not bother me I'll tell you that much for the ain't with where I am at look where I'm at where I'm at I have the eye of the little arrow right about I can get those two stars in there a second but the arrows update I can just go straight my guy okay okay wait you're about to be tired out that's right yeah let me see the plays please do not ramp up actually doesn't matter if I brand off the stage well technically wait a minute if I go up the stage wait does it bring you back to the beginning or where I am oh my god are you I'll see you later all right all right see ya what is this play what is this play what is this if this play works I'm gonna freak okay well unfortunately I kind of have only one option on my own my play right now unless I wanted to be really creative all the way around come on Kirby hey you got muddy places Hey there is no way yeah I know my my best play is to do something like like this give myself a better vantage point for the next round here but you're gonna be tired unfortunately no nope I should have gone in a line I'm so dumb no it's brought you back exactly what you wanted can I make that okay oh okay okay five point lead to lat two two two more maps to go we'll see about that one buddy I hate this button this button is so dumb okay all right let's go what is it I can't see I wish I was like of you the map but yeah right I'm gonna just have to go into a bun let's just go let's just go see you even now that I well well anything thank you for giving me a better view of the map hey I hate you I mean if I okay this seems like the play because they gave high jump there for a reason so I'm feeling like you yeah yeah I see you later boy whoa I was scared I was Kirby hung on what is a little fight right now so it doesn't bite me don't we have to go let's replace that monster when I hit that button but there has to be this day has to know oh there we go much like calm bags I jumped off the thing last my comeback strategy no yeah that thing has to go no more that no no no more than oh you can view by pressing Y Thank You Chet Oh Thank You Chet what's X do is X the same thing what X doesn't do anything wonderful okay in that case so what what am I thinking here what am I thinking here what are you thinking mister family yeah I see some traps that they've cleverly laid out here that I I have no interest in pursuing okay here's what I'm thinking all right here give me fire there we go now this shoot me up I have tornado a tornado that wasn't fire why didn't you have fire oh no I thought I got fire right there has to be a reason for that or did I get tornado afterwards and I'm just dumb they get like fire and then tornado I don't know come on okay so you got fire then you got tornado okay okay okay are you interesting so we got one two people remain you got it you can only take two shots I'm debating what shots to take don't do this because if I hit you you're about to lose a little bit of health I can joke with all I force hate you activate tornado in getting these many peopie's stars as I can alright good shot what are you doing tornado interesting shot okay unfortunately you've sort of taken away my way my wonderful power of you know mmm but if I can steal these little for in the middle are looking very good if I could just a little bit of leverage here then get maybe like I'll bounce going over this way let's see how about this well that's a lot of front spin now see you later I pressed a a little bit too fast oh wait wait a minute no um other way yes yes I saved it oh oh I'll take that position and now you're gonna you're gonna be sleepy okay oh I got a do I'm gonna be nice Wow Wow nice you're not about to do that nice big turn wait what yeah I can't round it goes I can get all of that back in one turn if I just hit that arrow I didn't hit it you went over it I mean I think you still got it no no no way you're gonna see I didn't know okay okay okay okay I know I know that I might die time is nearing here hmm what's the play [Music] nope I missed a message come on turn turn acceptable better than it could have been are you well about the beat yeah I could have done a lot better there I'll tell you that much Oh No I can't see where I am go back okay there we go yeah I wouldn't exactly call what I did acceptable but I suppose it's a yeah I could have been a lot worse yeah oh no so close okay it's a slight for that middle area get away from what area I did the same thing you did there oh come on hard turn Kirby no you're all dead I better wait and check what oh no don't I have the high ground Kirby no no I know who shot you shot me it's okay okay you're my brother tired after this shot oh no I know exactly how I'm gonna do this uh-huh okay so you're tired now okay oh you don't as soon as I'm not tired anymore you don't I know I can see you have a nice easy shot here Oh No okay so if I went in there now I'd still lose I'd lose by two more points here oh you would lose by two anyway I could do like the saving shot here what tornado tornado tornado okay okay okay okay I can get that what would because I hit a monster is that how that works all right I gotta get over there how am I gonna know I know exactly how to get over there because of the monster energy drink that you had Kirby it still has enough energy to make it okay I'm gonna have to put some major front spin it should hit that arrow I should go in but I don't want to bounce oh I see what you're saying oh oh I'm not liking this angle you got energy oh oh you're just ensuring you have the shot yeah I was gonna I was gonna keep going but he looked like he was gonna bounce over interesting very interesting the stand we're gonna what would you do very interesting we'll rock not yes yes yes no it's yes yeah okay go ahead make it before you make it good all I have to do is with the perfect accuracy how good is it how good is the shot rotate it please oh it's looking good oh dear it's looking good oh yeah get in there no no it was a nice try my no but first of all I don't want you moving no don't do it I'll see you later no man attacks all right so I should be able to just like grab the star wait is your turn gonna be next hmm I wonder I'm gonna grab the star we're gonna write both of these you know you know safe side hmm now even our scores oh I'm not a fan of that oh you exchanged it with me when you hit me when you collided with me to try and remove my energy my stone back I've gotta get it back yeah I don't want this oh you well that's greedy you know it is that's greedy that's greedy you you don't want to do yet well there's no egg and save this okay oh wow I can't get it back I just thought about it yeah I know I know in stone mode okay you say hold why there your buddy I can't get it back I'm actually pretty sad about that I'm really sad because you're in like a fortress yeah I got the rock invincibility here no no are you almost dead yet oh my god you're getting too many points my stars alone I gotta take I gotta take these points back otherwise I'm out oh yeah oh God oh thank goodness if that was another rock you ain't getting that power for me give me that power back you know what fine I got something for you I was gonna try the dumbest thing yeah I see what the your front spin are yeah no that's too much though I'm gonna try something mm-hmm is the only way I can do it no I didn't mean it oh oh oh the one you got it what a wonderful opportunity to get some points back on the board here all right so I'm thinking Kirby just gasses that I know weird is gonna thanks to the power that you gave me use a rock to align myself nice and easy and then it's just a good little hit up the hill counting for the hill itself Rock stay there no no rock rook use ghost I will now avail first of all let's get all this crap back then No how do I do the thing no no and then I'm gonna go where's the point it's big mm-hmm let's take this back okay Oh tornado you should run out of stamina so I'm gonna smack you no no I'm gonna smack you in the snow you want the state this don't make no hey I got something even better okay oh my god don't combo me ah okay okay oh so you have your two energy I'm not you better yeah you might as well just end it you might as well just end it boy I don't even get there hey oh what's our what's our points looking at okay okay interesting yeah you don't have a big enough lead right now but I'm also I'm dumb apparently no no no state without okay what could have been a way to work it match my boy now I'm gonna take these two as I enter alright let's see if you can get the shot that I was not able to get that's a what overshot it no no the five-point lead that was great mmm-hmm alright last game oh and nailed that shot oh it would have been so much closer oh no I good that's that's fantastic oh we're but there's no way you what is that crack oh he does damage occasionally I guess it below him I don't know what's about to happen but I got a hit that I didn't even see let me just that got it well no there's no wait okay so we got bouncy pads everywhere oh goodness okay what am I doing here d-pads acting up oh how about how about some like this hmm that's some just like this let's see what this does I'm curious oh no no no there's the world's unfortunate no pity now I'm gonna bash this crack up no I don't know what he does but he's don't it's gonna hit him I'm gonna slam right on him okay well die oh well I mean I guess you're okay for now that's not good okay that didn't work like I thought oh well I'm out of breath here okay so I get how about this how about this I'm gonna I'm out of that energy now bring me back bring me back bring me back no stop it don't as soon as I become unsteady hit him hit him crack up hurry that's a little swing yeah no no crack oh shoot get him that's not happy how are you my boy okay but I got to do is hit this spark no wait no I crash I'll crash in the crack oh I'm not I'm not buying it I don't know man well pop alright there goes your precious rock ability I could have a night there it goes okay oh boy okay okay I'm a sleepy Kirby and you're also a sleepy Kirby he'll be right back in a crack OH oh wow okay we'll just take you back wait have you got a star oh you must have hit something yeah I'm gonna get shot by okay I don't get hit by crack Oh imagine okay no you know what you know what we're rolling I'm trying to be too advanced with the jump shots come on no no please what No all right here we go I need to I need to hit the guy come on I'm gonna barely touch oh my gosh the Battle of the Gods right there you gotta kill this guy yeah yeah oh you have two points left hey there buddy wait I'm gonna hit the arrow no nevermind yeah where'd you go oh there you are wait get him I tried to get you with the spark wow that was very spiteful of you oh you better believe it oh come on no please don't bouncing at him please please no I'm gonna get my thing back and okay because I'm almost dead no actually I have a better idea Oh Oh see you later no no no no no you can't you won't wait how much change you you have I can't see I have to like you can't reach me I have to hit you dead-on come on this has to be the perfect shot come on I had to knock you out and get everything yeah that was fantastic that was a fantastic display oh yeah oh let's second guess second Alliance game if all the ice is erupting with the stove oh my boy oh that was fun I did have fun though I did have fun to be up to my boy oh here actually one second that was a good job wait you know check the answer like one second I just wanna I don't wanna make sure you're hangin yeah yeah either way it's fine tttt tttt i might mind my keyboards like yeah no problem oh my gosh well hey everybody thank you all for watching this is uh oh that was a fun one we should do the other stages sometimes yeah I know kidding man all right three screen oh yeah there you are yeah let me my dancing oh nice mm-hmm so we should do crackle and Gordo next time that does sound very fun well hey everybody thank you all for watching that's been that has been the the Saturday stream that has been at with the Kirby's Dreamland I'm gonna hang up the call now man hey have a good one let's put your channel o the come well if you like Kirby stuff and splatoon stuff come to my channel it's it's I'd love to have you over that was a great game oh also um I plan on doing Kirby's Dreamland with the three with Dan oh yeah well we don't we'll be doing that eventually yeah look confident yep alright take care of my man take care well everybody thank you all for watching the Saturday stream is having a fun time however I got one more bonus thing I want to play we got one more bonus thing I want to play everyone is just dipping from the stream right now at any time for a rain oh no no no no no welcome everybody we got one more bonus segment for today's live stream that you didn't see that one coming we got one more thing to show you we got wopo I have no idea what this game is I'm eager to check it out it's a cutesy looking game that I saw on the last stream I really want to try and give it a shot so it's the final game for today we'll be playing what but I'll see you guys in three to five minutes oh boy or actually do you want to play Mario 64 mario 64 DS or wopo I do have mario 64 DS okay oh I actually do want to play Mario 64 yes oh no I should have thought that sooner what do you guys think here I'll check my internal chat Mario 64 DS I will play well I will play oh don't worry what will will happen do you guys wanna play mario 64 DS or wopo save it save point save point oh oh just spamming me with message messages here hold on ah good point that's create save point good call its there we go we playing wopo or 64 because I want to do both and both will be played it at some time all right it looks like I'm seeing slightly more 64 I will do what oh I'm very eager to try it out but I also haven't played Mario 64 DS in so long so for the next segment of today we will be playing Mario 64 DS however what Bo will come soon enough we have only loaded up for a little bit just just to see what it's like for a second anyway I'll see you guys in three to five minutes but whoop
Channel: Failboat's Stream Storage
Views: 16,183
Rating: 4.9409595 out of 5
Keywords: failboat, kirby dream course
Id: lx69hbQFoGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 41sec (6281 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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