3D Texturing Basics (Unity + Blender 2.8 Tutorial!)

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hey guys how's it going my name is Thomas fresh from the creator of a game called pinstripe I'm also working on a game called one spot a coma that should come out soon hopefully one day if you want to wish list that game click the link in the description and hey if you want a free copy of pinstripe which was featured by Time magazine and Rolling Stone woohoo click the link in the description you get a free copy on patreon well that's not really free is it anyway support this channel it would mean a lot to me play my game pinstripe alright so here's the thing I've been learning modeling for three oh excuse me I've been learning modeling for three months and the hardest part by far for me has been UV unwrapping and texturing rigging is a little bit complicated too but UV unwrapping is a little weird and there's plenty of concepts on YouTube and tutorials and whatnot that kind of make it even more confusing well I want to give you the basics I want to distill it down for you so that you can get it done and move on with finishing your game so let's not get too complicated let's just jump into blender and get started but first before we get started guys I want to thank this video sponsor Skillshare thank you so much Skillshare for sponsoring this video skill she has an incredible website for you guys to learn about pretty much anything you want to learn about specifically if you want to learn about game design it's an incredible place whether it's audio design for your games or 2d Allah stration or animation or unreal coding storytelling marketing business management whatever it is you need to learn about game development it's on Skillshare one of my favorite courses is by Rusty Smith and it just covers unity basics the coolest part about this ad read is hey get to three months of Skillshare by clicking the link in the description you really can't beat that guys give it a shot see what happens I love Skillshare it's a great way to learn about game development alright let's go ahead and get started alright guys so here's a headcrab in order to texture paint this we have to do something called UV unwrapping and this this part of 3d modeling was probably the most I don't know it just seemed very intimidating but it's actually really fun really easy it so I want to show you the basics of that really quickly here so if we were to skin this headcrab how would we skin it meaning if we were to take his skin off and this said this is sounds disgusting but if we were to take the skin off and lay it flat on a table so that we could paint on his skin how would we cut it what would we do well basically we need to mark areas on this model of where we want to cut the skin so if we were to take for example this leg if we wanted to paint this leg on a flat surface take that skin put it on a flat surface where would we cut well we'd want to cut here so let's select that edge loop holding alt and clicking and then you do edge mark seam and so now you can see there's a red cut so imagine getting scissors and cutting that right there now if we were to pull that skin off this is disgusting but if we were to pull that skin off it wouldn't lay flat would it it would still be a kind of tube and if we tried to lay it flat we could never fully see the entire thing because it's all connected in this cylindrical pointed shape so what we would need to do is actually mark a cut down the center here now the reason we're not gonna choose it up at the top here is because we want it to be in an area where the player can't see that there is a seam and that'll that'll definitely make sense when we start doing the illustration so let's um or the texturing alright let's mark that as well mark seam and as you can see guys we don't need to worry about the other side of this mirror all we have to worry about is this right side so there is our seam so now if you can imagine if we were to cut this skin and then cut around this circle here you could actually unfold it and it would create a triangle and let me show you how that looks let's select everything by pressing a and then hit U and click unwrap and what that's going to do if we go to our UV editing panel you can see we've got a big mess here but this right here is the leg we have the cuts that occurred here and then also the cut that occurred here all right so we actually need to unwrap this as well if we want to be able to paint this we're getting like for example these teeth here we have very little control over how those teeth look because they're sort of crammed flat again imagine the skin being ripped off this headcrab and just being flattened on a surface we really don't have a lot of control so when you're choosing things in choosing areas to mark seams just thinking about the areas that you want a lot of control over those teeth are really important so how do we get control over painting those teeth well let's just cut them out just like we did with the arm so we're gonna select an edge loop just like that and let's select an edge loop before every single tooth just like so it's got an edge mark seam and again it's not enough yet because they're still cylinders and you can't really flatten a cylinder until you cut it down the center so we're gonna go at the bottom of the teeth and we're just gonna select these edges holding shift and just selecting our edges edge mark seam just like that okay so those will UV unwrap pretty cool and I also want to have control over the gums as well and the reason I want control over the gums is because there's a lot of detail there and I hate seeing a lot of detail in my UV unwrap next to areas that are big like this body so I want to actually cut those out as well it's kind of just a tick I've got when it comes to UV unwrapping so I'm gonna unwrap the gums as well and I'll show you how that looks when we go to our UV editing panel all right so there are gums and we don't need to select anything here because that's just the mirror line so if we mark the seam here just imagine this red line is actually just gonna continue over all right so let me show you how that looks that's a unwrap and then go to our UV editing panel so there are gums as you can see so now we have a little bit more control of how our gums look there are our teeth and there's a tooth over here so it kind of just sort of randomly placed them across our UV unwrap that's totally fine and I'll explain what all of this is exactly in a bit but let's finish really quickly let's finish marking our seams so let's mark this just like we did with the teeth and also the other foot and again we want to go down the center line here now because this foot ends in a cylinder shape or it's really an end gone we can just mark that as well so that's gonna cut out and create its own little circle so that'll cut down the center and unwrap just fine we also want to do the mouth I want a lot of control over this mouth area so let's just mark a seam here as well and guys there's really no wrong way I mean there's there are there are wrong ways to mark seams but there are a lot of right ways to mark your seams if that makes sense so don't get too nervous about exactly what you should do now I also want control over the top because this is a really interesting spherical shape this sort of goes inward I want control over what happens at the bottom here so let's actually select this as well and again guys we're just selecting where a knife would cut if we were to skin this head grab I know that's a gross way to think of it but it's definitely beneficial to think of you're creating your characters like that all right so go to edge mark seeing here as well now let me show you guys something if I click a and then unwrap here is the final UV edit it's actually not bad it could be better but I think that this is definitely gonna get the job done now this the way that you need to think about this is this is exactly how my table would look if I was in a hunting lodge and I was hunting headcrab and I was skinning my headcrab and I laid out the skins and cut them this is exactly what it would look like we've got the top head portion we've got his leg and if we click this button here you vsync selection what its gonna do is if I select something over here it's going to select it on my model as well over here so you can see we've selected this line here so you can see where your what you're actually selecting so that's our front leg here our body this is the lower half this is the interior mouth underneath these are the teeth the gums and that's that the bottom pall of this over here which I don't really care about and this is that leg ok now let me show you another way to unwrap that you're probably never going to use unless you are in a hurry but what a lot of people will tell you to do is just click a or press a and then you and then do smart UV project and we're it's gonna try to do is unwrap it based on you know what it thinks it should do so that's what happened and I'm not sure you guys can correct me in the comments but I'm not sure if it's actually taking into account any of the seams at this point so that's why blender thinks is a smart move that is a nightmare so you can you can try and avoid using seams all day but I think the smartest move is just to think about if you were hunting headcrab how would you skin the headcrab so that all the skin would lie flat so let's just redo the unwrap let's go to a select all then you and then unwrap okay there is our unwrap that looks great now I you know for the sake of this video I'm not gonna worry too much about aligning things cleanly but I do what I do want to do is let's get the teeth first off if you want to select something and move it around you'll notice that sometimes it selects edges and you're like what's going on it's because we have this UV sync selection so if I'm selecting certain parts of this that are connected to other things over here it's going to connect to over here so turn that off that's kind of confusing but that's the best way I can describe it just turn it off if you ever want to start editing your UV over here just turn off you vsync selection and then press a and I'll select everything all right so now we can start moving things around now if I move these teeth let's select all of these teeth here if I move these it's not moving anything in the model guys it's actually just moving our map so I could scale this up like crazy nothing's gonna happen over here right this is just a map this is telling our texturing editor program in this case we're just gonna use Photoshop it's telling us where we can actually paint so once you start moving this around don't really think of it as skins think of it as a map because that's exactly what it is it's just a map and it will make sense once once we start texturing in Photoshop the scale is how much resolution you want so if I made these teeth huge that gives me a ton of room to illustrate fine details like a cavity on this tooth but we don't want that our teeth everything pretty much needs to be relative to the size of the actual model so I don't really need to edit a lot here I don't really care about this foot here so I'm just gonna make it really tiny and stick it over here because you're never gonna see that the things that do matter are the legs are really important to me I want those to look super shiny and creepy so we can select all of the vertices for this leg here and obviously there's different ways to select things I'm not too worried about selecting things with the right techniques but if you have some suggestions leave them in the comments okay so there I want to sort of have my leg pointed downward I don't know why I just want it to be but everything else looks pretty good maybe we can move this over just a little bit but if you were making a game that it was super important to save in your memory and you wanted a really small image with the highest resolution possible you would cram everything really tight inside of this this square here but I'm not too worried about our resolution or saving in memory and and what you might learn when you're making games is memory is not super important if you're making a steam game now if we're making like a Nintendo switch game yeah you need to be you need to be pretty careful but this looks great all right I don't have any real qualms with this I don't really like where these gums are so let's move the gums over maybe right here trying to space things out so I have some room in Photoshop okay so we're gonna export this UV for Photoshop and it will make sense if it doesn't make sense right now don't worry once you see me actually working with it it's gonna make a lot of sense so let's save everything out let's make sure I'm still recording in OBS I am and what we're gonna do is go to UV X or UV layout and I have this mess folder here uh-huh let's see here let's go to actually let's save it inside of our unity board because I'm actually gonna edit the texture in Photoshop and then see the changes in unity and I know that's a little bit unorthodox but that's definitely the way that I like to do it so what we're gonna do is let's go to our where are we go to our models our headcrab is in here somewhere yup he is and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna save this headcrab you V dot PNG here actually yeah that's fine export okay so I'm gonna open up unity and while I wait for it I'm gonna also open up the Photoshop now we're gonna open up this PNG inside a Photoshop and then what we're also gonna do is save it out as a PSD I work with PSD s all the time I never really export anything out as a PNG you don't really need to do that anymore with unity or blender because both software's will take PSD files just fine and they'll actually convert them inside the editors so you don't really need to export it as a PNG every single time so the first thing we're going to do is we're actually going to let's load up our project inside of unity and I've got some playground I call them playgrounds just air projects that I can sort of mess around in so there's playground seven we're gonna open that one up and then we're also gonna open up our headcrab image that we just exported alright so we've got the headcrab UV PNG opened up here in Photoshop and we're just gonna actually save this I should have done this earlier but we're gonna save it actually as a PSD right now inside of the same folder that it's in so if we go to our playground seven folder assets it's kind of a mess in this folder but we're just gonna name this headcrab UV PSD save that out and let's go ahead and jump inside of unity and I have a playground scene here that we can just go ahead and add our head crap - so let's just zoom in to about right here and let's add in that head crap so if we type in headcrab you'll notice that we already have our headcrab saved inside of our unity folder I believe this is the right one let's double check let's file oh it's not let's see your headcrab are to blend I see I see okay we need to save it in our models for so let's just save it in headcrab or in our playground seven folder there we go good assets then our models there we go headcrab r2 and that's just revision to because my first one sucked excuse me alright so now we're inside of unity you'll notice that the model appears in our folder now and you don't have to really export it as anything else it's going to be perfectly fine if you just drag it in as a blender file unity sort of knows what to do with it you'll notice that it also brings in our light source and our camera so we're gonna actually delete those so let's delete the camera all right one sec here delete the camera and the light alright so now it's just this originally it was a sphere so that's what it's called it's called a sphere alright so save that out and if we go into unity the light and the camera will delete for some reason it rotated over here there we go okay so we now have our headcrab and what I'm gonna do is now we can start editing the UV in Photoshop so you'll see here that the headcrab UV photoshop files also appearing when we search headcrab and that's great so we can go ahead and create a new material now in this case it's called no name that's fine we can rename that the way that we can edit this material is just go to extract materials and just extract it out in the same folder that it's in so now if we click on our model no name one let's call this headcrab r2 okay so that's called headcrab r2 and it's attached to our mesh renderer and the final thing we want to do is in the albedo section we want to actually add in our new headcrab PSD that we just created so headcrab UV drag that to our albedo and you can see it's actually mapping perfectly to our headcrab let's shrink the size of this a little bit here so that looks great and the reason that looks great is because you could see the lines you can actually disable the lines of Photoshop if we disable the lines then they're gonna disappear and it's gonna be nothing but the lines are showing up because they're right here and it's mapping perfectly to everything that looks great there's no weird artifacts or anything like that so now we can go ahead and start illustrating our headcrab so let's go ahead and do that let's turn on our lighting hold on one sec here there we go there we go our lighting and also our image effect so we can see how it looks in-game now again guys there's plenty of ways that you can you can illustrate your textures for your game you can do it inside of blender you can do it in substance painter I really like to do it just in Photoshop because that's that's my forte that's where I did all my 2d games so I just do it inside a Photoshop and I'm gonna show you some techniques and why I do it in Photoshop as you can see I'm not sure you can tell from the screenshot currently but the game that I'm working on is actually very stylized it kind of has that Firewatch feel and so doing your illustrations in Photoshop can really be a beneficial thing to do for this kind of game so let's go ahead and just start illustrating our character so we're gonna start with pink and I'm switched to if you were wondering what all that banging was I've switched to a become into a pen tablet because it's just a little bit easier to illustrate so there is our pink colored headcrab and we're gonna bring down this significantly just so we could see it so as you can tell guys these lines they're just here to help us know where to draw that's all it is and I was supposed to X inside of blender you can actually tell when you're exporting the UV you can say hey I don't want it to fill in so I forgot to do that but I'm just gonna delete it so now we don't have a fill all we have are these lines hit save and now let's go ahead guys and start creating that red bloody sort of color at the tips of his teeth and his legs if we jump into our browser here we can actually just type in headcrab close all these tabs here sorry all right all right I really like this one I think that's what we want to make it look like so it's got like a black leather II look for his legs so let's do that and also this pink should be a little bit more D saturated and maybe a little bit more yellow there we go it's safe and then what we're gonna do is just start creating the illustrations so this is called bleed by the way guys I come from a sort of packaging science background my degree was called graphic communications and it dealt primarily with packaging and design graphic design for packaging and it's very strange it's a little serendipitous how similar both of these are I'm essentially illustrating a package design that's a really good way to think about this if it was laid out flat how would you illustrate it so we're gonna go black excuse me I got a frog in my throat got a headcrab in my throat all right so if we just start illustrating you can see that things are starting to work out so his the tips of his legs are a little bit black let's go a little bit darker here something like that yeah that's creepy looking now one of the things I want to do before I start or before I continue illustrating is I want to show you what how important it is to figure out your shaders before you do your texturing for those of you who don't know a material is a combination of shading and texturing right so we need to figure out how the shading looks before we figure out how we want our texture to look at least in my case I think that's the smartest direction to go well I know we're gonna use two new colors Pro which is an asset on the unities asset store this is basically a shader that excuse me you guys this is basically shader that allows it to look kind of like that breath of the wild feel it kind of has a toonie look to it but it also has a lot of detail as well so we're gonna use the desktop version so there is our toon shade and let's just start editing it a little bit here so let's go to the ramp threshold to be very flat so this is ramp smoothing you can see that it smooths out I actually want it to be pretty hard edges so like that see how that looks a lot like breath of the wild right there there's not a lot of smoothing going on it's very hard and then also let's turn on some specular a cartoon specular specular is basically gonna make it look shiny turnoff the smoothness smoothness for that and we can scale it up a little bit pretty big here make it white yeah just like that well it's actually making it color dark there we go so if we make the color dark then that shine will really appear so now it looks like it's a much shinier which is great let's bring down that shine though just a little bit that's a little too much that looks great and then finally guys if you notice in a lot of breadth of the wild games I'm sorry and in the breath of the wild game you'll notice there's a lot of rim light going on what a rim light is is it's just an artificial rim light that's always appearing on the edges of the character we can actually turn that on in our Tunis colors Pro to inspector so let's go to rim and go to lighting very good and if we put these two sliders really close to each other there we go you get a really hard lined rim light and then the final thing we want to do guys is let's just turn on a bump map so fortunately I already have a bump map it's called skin I believe I do I thought I did I don't have a bump map or a normal map so that's just Google skin normal map right and obviously don't do this for your commercial game guys but if you're just practicing it's totally fine to do it this way so I really like let's see here I really like this one so let's save that in our models folder and I like to save my textures in my models folder because they're so closely aligned I know that's probably not industry-standard but models typically bring over from blender their textures and materials so to me it just makes sense to just put them all in one folder all right this is gonna be skin normal map cool and let's just add that in skin there it is there is our normal map that is a wrinkly looking headcrab so let's open that up inside a Photoshop and blur it just a little bit because it's a little too detailed to be honest save it and when we blur it it makes it look a little bit more Tunney yeah that looks pretty good maybe not so much there we go how's that save it out very good okay cool and you know it's a little intense I wonder if we could get rid of the some of that shadow there we go okay cool all right now we can start texturing our headcrab so you can see the normal maps and just the shader itself made a huge difference and we didn't even do any texturing at all the only thing we textured was these black legs here so let's go back to our headcrab and figure out what else we need to do well we also have the the hind legs black and then we also have some blood on the fingers here and I want to show you why we're in Photoshop with a few techniques so there's this here where is his hind leg there it is right here so let's make that black as well apologize if you can't see it clearly I'll I'll make it a little bit more there we go all right let's make those teeth bloody let's go to blood splatter PNG images so I typically do a lot of google searching while I'm doing modeling and the reason why is because it's a lot it I think it's a much better philosophy to get something looking good by just google imaging things do it quick come on Thomas save image s there we go get things looking good we're gonna save ben or downloads there we go and the way that you can get things looking good is by googling images and just placing them into your UV once you figure out how it looks and how if you like how it looks then you can go in and do an original design but this is really important I think just get a reference image get things looking good really quickly by just taking other other content and putting it in your game and just remember what you've actually stolen so that you can go and go in and and make it your own when you're when you're ready okay so I'm highly I'm not recommending stealing I'm recommending using images as references for the production the early production of your games you can get an idea of what it looks like alright and you'll you'll hear about this in the film industry as well sometimes people just take soundtracks from other movies and just stick them in their edit just to see how it looks and how it feels alright so let's save the blood here very good maybe a little bit more looking good so far alright I can just go ahead and just take that there we go let's get a little bit more maybe just like that good like that and again guys just make sure you're you're cutting things out from so they're not interfering with other portions of the map right and as you can see I'll actually zoom in for you and the model you can see why we chose to do a seam on the backside of the teeth watch this if we zoom around look we're actually getting a split here see that it's not seamless but that's okay because the player is rarely ever going to see the back of the teeth all right so let's keep designing so nice bloody teeth I like it looks good and maybe some shading at the top of the teeth like so and I'm gonna show you guys one of my special techniques that I do for all of my games even 2d games it looks good so what I like to do is I actually like to add sort of fake highlights to things to give it a feeling of being highly Illustrated and not just you know realistic textures but more of a stylized look so what I can do is actually if I've got a shade here going down that way I can actually add in watch this this is gonna be really fun actually I can actually add in shade at the gums here so first thing we want to do is just make sure these gums are basically black so this is one portion of the gums that I want to control over so now they're black and for this what I'm going to do is actually let's see here how does this work I think I got it figured out so we're gonna have a black shading here it's gonna be a gradient so you can see why I'm using Photoshop right now because I want to be able to use this line tool and I don't believe a line tool exists in blender or in substance painter I'm probably wrong but just go with me all right so we're actually going to illustrate on top of the various triangles here to get a sort of a fake shade look so it may be something like that let's see how that looks in here yeah look at that that's pretty cool and then we can actually add in excuse me a white highlight so first off let's actually yeah let's delete this so if the lighting is coming from the left side then we want to make sure that there's not this would be white right and this here this would actually be black there we go there we go okay something like that and this would be white as well so we're gonna delete this and this will make sense I promise but this stylized look is you can really make your game pop and while we're Ellis trading this I want to I want to give you a philosophy that I have there's no reason to compete with Triple A games okay don't try and make your game look realistic if you're an indie dev do not try and make your game look realistic unless that's your forte and you're really good at that and you can do it on the cheap okay that's great but if not if like most people it's it's very hard to compete with Triple A games in their style then I would recommend you go with a stylized look that makes you stand out on the cheap right so let's go to overlay here and I didn't do it did it okay good all right so we've got a stylized look for the teeth here that normal map is a little bit messy isn't it I don't really like it to be honest with you let's turn that off for now okay I'm gonna turn that off for now all right let's go ahead and make some much longer teeth so now we have this and so what we can do is actually just go a little bit higher so make it look like the teeth are sort of extending up his face right that's really creepy so let's go ahead and I like to follow the contours of these lines that's why it's really important to have this map inside of Photoshop so that you can follow the contours otherwise it looks really weird so there we go and then one more here good and these are just gonna be the black shadows ooh nice okay we're getting there we're getting there save that out cool all right and what we're gonna do is go ahead and add in another right here here we go so this is gonna be a much darker shadow right here one more awesome see that guys sail we're slowly getting this sort of stylized look and it almost looks 3d I love it very cool very very cool I wonder if we could add in I think we need a little bit of a shadow right there as well so let's do that my tummy's growling sorry if you hear if you hear my tummy growling in this video I apologize I ate before I started this video but apparently I didn't eat enough all right so let's add a shadow right here some of you are thinking Thomas why are you spending so much time on this part of the model and it's because this part of the model is the most terrifying part this is the part of the model that's gonna jump at your face so you definitely want it to be frightening and then let's add a sort of red rash and you see this in a lot of the half-life games and I've definitely taken inspiration from this just adding a red rash to things is just really creepy so something like whoo that's a little much um something like how's this there we go pretty cool we could probably add the rash to his entire base that sounds weird add it to the base here there we go and then just decrease the opacity cool what's going on there okay cool and you know we can blend it we don't need it right there for now and then we don't need one there as well you don't want to bleeding into the other parts of them the UV map cool here we go and I wonder if we could get these black portions to look a little bit red I think what we could do guys is actually go to colorize so hue saturation modifier or effect and then do colorize saturation red and then go a little bit more there we go something like that save it there we go now it looks a little bit more uniform that right there is looking weird I'm gonna delete that yeah we don't need that that's actually going to be you just do overlay and hold on soft light will decrease the opacity there we go okay and then finally let's delete our or remove our UV map so far things are looking pretty good let's add some sunspots to his body I think that'll make him look really creepy but we're almost done at least with the top half portion so because this game is Tunney I don't want to add too much texture what we could do is add if you take a look at this what you could do is you could go to you know you could type in dirt text birth how about paper texture you could add a sort of crinkled old rustic paper to this entire thing let me show you that if you were making a more realistic game I think that would be you know reasonable something like this so now we have more texture added to them which quite honestly doesn't look bad I think I'm gonna keep it yeah it doesn't look bad we could probably do an overlay though here we go save that out that looks a little bit better yeah so we've got some textures in the the joints and the red areas which looks really cool so as you can see guys it's really important to keep this UV map available at all times because we're gonna need to go back to it so now let's go ahead and do the mouth portion so what I want to do is actually go pretty much black here just like that and then read on the lips here yeah there we go so we have some red here some black there save that and then go underneath very good very good that is pretty horrifying and then let's add in a red rim around this portion here and you can see why I separated the two now so what I want to do is just select everything here and what we're gonna do is add in a red shiny red lip here let's bring our UV map on top of everything little much you can't really see the edges very well can you what you could do is decrease the opacity and then you could add in a faux shine to this edge lip or this lip edge there we go just like this and then go to white and this will make it look like it's a shiny little edge there here we go see that I've got a Fauchon around the lips and that makes it feel a little bit more makes it stand out a little bit more and then guys again just like we did with the teeth you can start adding in sort of a fake teeth edge by just following the contours as long as your contours and your edges are in sort of a uniform placement we can start adding in these ridges here now the way you can do this with skin is do one side very bright white and then the other side very dark you'll notice this a lot in if you just look at the real world like for example look at your hand right now you see the wrinkles at your knuckle there's a white highlight and then there's a very dark highlight right next to it that's how you accomplish a crease look and I'll show you in just a second here how we're gonna do that now this isn't you know real-world lighting so it's not actually real but it tricks the mind and that's what making games is all about right so there's one set of creases just like that and then we're just gonna do another set over here so again we're creating creases on the opposite side and this is going to be the shadow portion of our creases it's gonna make it look pretty disgusting I'm not gonna lie but I love doing stuff like this I think this is this is one of half-life's and also games like Bioshock their Forte making things look really organic and when you have something organic like this next to technology like alien alien crafts and weapons it's a such a strange feeling all right so we're almost done with these creases one more my hands starting to get cramped and just stick those in oh that's gross looking okay let's do an overlay save it whoo that is frightening I love that Oh yikes okay um what's going on here let's turn off this very good very good okay the last thing I want to do guys is I want to start adding some wrinkles on the legs as well so let's do this same kind of logic remember highlights right next to lowlights use that logic on the legs so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this here we're gonna just follow the contours of that leg doesn't have to be perfect because this is about a thousand twenty-four by to buy a thousand 24 so we have know that it's not super detailed to begin with and we're gonna do that and then we're gonna do this actually let's make that this is separate layer here because I believe the black we're gonna do overlay there we go save that out areas so yeah this cool-looking shadow here actually you know what I think we need to flip that let's flip it transform flip horizontal oops how about the heck will do overlay yeah there we go transform flip horizontal oops vertical and then we're gonna do an arch because I'm lazy warp arc and it's just gonna there we go sort of flip it don't do this in real life guys that's terrible design but I think that gets the point across right there and you can also add a little bit more as well so remember highlights next next two low lights causes things to look like a crease so like that overlay let's do two of those we're getting there we're getting there maybe two more there we go see that now we have a crease look I love it gives me the heebie jeebies um maybe it's shade right there as well so let's do that let's do a dark shade right here so I'm just sort of going off my instincts at this point sometimes I listen to my instincts more than what's logical and it usually works itself out and it looks pretty good I feel like we need a little highlight there as well so let's put one there could be we actually needed a shadow there let's do that use your instincts Thomas save that I was correct oh very nice awesome and let's do the same with the with the back legs right here so that crease right there let's see here it would be up here just like this and create a new layer there we go and we'll do an overlay yep and just yep there we go save it save it oh that's so gross nice little crease there looks pretty good and honestly I think we need a crease of darkness on that side as well so that would be right here guys very good so I just did crease there maybe get rid of that there we go and then overlay save it good make it a little less there we go okay nice crease on the legs there and then finally I think we could do a crease right here as well so we do a highlight in a low light so that would be just like this here but over on the creases here so let's zoom in and then we're gonna do a highlight right here well it's in reality it's actually gonna be a low light there we go overlay when you overlay a red a black on top of a pink and then do like three layers of it it makes it look like it's burned almost looks like a rash so I I do that a lot with my enemies and that's that's inspired by half life they do a really good job of that all right and then just a highlight here save that out very good whoo-hoo that is spooky I feel like we need to do that right there let's flip that let's do this will be a invert there we go ah yes much better those are some some strong looking legs bud all right oh we need to do some red creases right here as well so let's do that this will be again same logic applies here I'm getting lazy right now there we go maybe a little bit more okay pretty good I think I think that's wrong hmm I feel like this needs to be black let's try that invert save yes yes sir that's exactly right maybe bring the shading so there we go and then we're gonna do an overlay effect yeah overlay and then just duplicate it like crazy there we go save I love it I love that that is so gross let's add some little warts and sunspots to our creature those teeth probably need to be black to be honest as well so let's do sunspots and just darken those teeth I think I want them to match our there we go our legs yeah I like that a lot that's so gross it is so nasty and that is the goal right alright let's add in our sunspots make him look like an old curmudgeon so add in a sunspot here and then one maybe a big one a couple big ones here just a slight pulse good overlay save there we go that's a beautiful looking headcrab guys and then turn off our UV and there he is I think our headcrab looks pretty awesome now if we want to see this baby inside of sorry inside of blender we could go to UV editing open and then where is it headcrab UV PSD you can open it up and then you should be able to see well actually you have to do it here I'm not even gonna try why isn't it working someone tell me in the comments why it's not working but anyway actually yeah you need to add a material and then you can add in your image texture open it up headcrab you need a PSD open and there he is so you can have your headcrab you know have its texture inside a Photoshop as well if you want I just found it I like to do it inside of unity cuz that's that's the end result so it looks way better than unity because we have that shader that toon shader which obviously you could do that in blender as well but if we go to let's take our headcrab and let's copy him and let's paste him all the way over where our player is where is our player our player I think he's way over on the dock over here so let's actually just move this over here and you guys are getting a nice little sneak peek into my next game this isn't really a playground this is my next game and then I can just scale him down but I'm obviously not gonna be putting a headcrab in my next game that would be theft so here's our headcrab and let's go ahead and jump into play mode where is my there I am let's hit play make sure everything is muted there we go and we could take a look at our headcrab in game so there is our little headcrab right get rid of these boxes there's a headcrab I like him he looks you know he's a little cutie he's a cutie alright that's it guys those are texturing basics for blender [Music]
Channel: Thomas Brush
Views: 15,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thomas, brush, blender, tutorial, cycles, Blender, Realistic, CG, VFX, Tutorial, Training, Building, Models, cup, 3d, cycles render, how to, tutorials, tips, tricks, beginners
Id: 4Fi9Dyo3Tgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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