3D Scan to CAD Model to Inspection Report - A Real Part's Journey

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hi this is mark kemper with ems and in this video we are going to 3d scan reverse engineer and cad model and generate an inspection report on a real part [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what do i mean by a real part well if you go out on the internet you see a lot of people doing demos and they're scanning widgets and statues and all kinds of stuff that companies that are doing manufacturing or design they're not doing that kind of stuff and the other thing is most of them just show the scanning they don't show the modeling or generating an inspection report so what i want to do today is i want to show the entire process and we're going to do it on this part and i call this a real part because this is out of a jeep it's a steering knuckle and it's got some prismatic shapes but then it has a lot of free-flowing organic shapes and those have to blend into some of these planes and cylinders and so forth so it's actually a pretty tricky part to model and we're going to show you how to model this entire thing as a sketch driven feature based solid model and then we're going to generate an inspection report with full gd t now the other thing to make this even more complicated is we're going to change the manufacturing process what do i mean by that this part was forged or cast we're going to cnc machine our part so we got to change up some of the things as we reverse engineer this part so that adds another layer of complexity to it but we're going to walk you through and show you what it takes to go from scan to cad to inspection and we're going to take you through that entire process so starting with the 3d scanning itself we're going to use the creaform handy scan black but there are a lot of scanners you could use for this for a part like this we're going to use the handyscan black because of the accuracy it provides and the ability to do dark and shiny surfaces on something like this and we're not going to spend a lot of time on the scanning because we have lots of videos that show scanning show this scanner in detail and other things but let's just go ahead and and start and get this scanning going i'm using this little lazy susan or rotary table that allows me to move around the part uh all scanners or most scanners are line of sight so we're just gonna you know move around and get as much of this and then when we're done we'll flip the part over the little yellow triangles are just there this scanner requires targets so as i lean down it still has targets to see but there's also targets on the table itself but you can see it doesn't take long to scan this part it has this single line mode that allows us to get down into some of these smaller holes and then i can switch back to the 22 line mode at any time this is blue laser technology so as i mentioned very good on dark and shiny and this scanner has a very good iso certified accuracy and again if you want to see a lot of detail on the scanner we have some great videos but you can see the scanning does not take long on a part like this that's pretty good now what i'm going to do is stop scanning we're going to flip the part over and then scan the other side so and these triangles just kind of help hold the part from moving around we don't want it to move around because we have no targets on this part we've just got targets around the part so then we come over here in the software and we just tell it we are going to add another scan we do not want to copy the positioning targets because some of them got moved around a little bit we hit start scan and off we go okay and we'll get this side and you can see there's some decent complexity on this part especially on the other side there's a lot of organic surfaces but even on this side we've got some shape to it you know because these parts are typically cast or forged and then machined so there are some critical you know surfaces especially all the machine ones we want to make sure we get those really well and then get into again any of these holes in that single line mode that's just going to be able to scan down in there deeper especially the smaller they get but you can see in a matter of a few minutes we can scan this part it's not not difficult to scan you know and that's the thing these scanners nowadays are getting so fast and so good and so accurate that scanning has really become a very small percentage of a project it might be now 10 or 20 percent of the project the real work is in the modeling and generating the inspection reports so a part like this which we're going to show the modeling next is really where the work is and then same for the inspection are you just doing a basic first article or are you doing a you know very detailed inspection and have lots and lots of call outs that's where the real work is and that's what we're going to get into next but we'll show you how to clean up the scan data put the two halves together because we've done it in two separate scans we'll show that next but then we're going to really focus on what does it take to turn this into a feature-based solid model that i can then use for downstream manufacturing applications all right so here in the creaform software the first thing i want to do you can see our part here first thing i want to do is get rid of kind of all of the data we don't need there's a command in here called remove background that basically finds the the table the basically the flat surface and it's going to create a clipping plane and clip that off okay and now what i'm going to do is i'm just going to now select the the part itself invert the selection and then delete all the rest of the data and now we can get rid of that clipping plane we don't need it anywhere that's just anymore that's just a quick way to get rid of a lot of the data and let's go to the other scan we've already created that clipping plane so let's go ahead and select this invert the selection delete all that data and then we'll also get rid of that clipping plane so now we have the two sides so what we want to do is align them and then merge them and it could be two sides it could be three four i mean it just kind of depends on how many uh how many sets of data you know typically it's a couple but sometimes we have to do two or three depending on the part so i'm going to use the manual method and what you do is you just kind of put them in the same orientation and then you pick some points on each one they just have to be close and that just gives the software a head start gets them fairly closely aligned now you do a best fit it's going to go in there and really figure it out you can see now we have a nice uh overlap between these two and then we hit merge and it's going to merge all that scan data together so again the time to scan and manipulate this data and get it to a point where it's ready to model it does not take very long on a part like this it's just a matter of a few minutes and let's hide the uh the original one there and let's just hide our positioning target so you can see we got very nice looking data only took us a few minutes and this is about all we need we're ready to go for the next step which is the actual modeling so let's start by showing the 3d scan data and then we're going to overlay the final cad model we created but as you can see there's some real complexity to this part and here in blue now is the final cad model that we're going to show you how we create it back to the scan data again just to show the the two models and how they compare um to each other so you can really see the complexity of the part on this side again the final cad model feature based solid model of this part and then finally back to the scan data just so you can see them over top each other and we're going to go into detail on how we did this modeling all right so let's get started here now i am in geomagic design x and this product is specifically designed for reverse engineering of 3d scan data it's very similar to a solidworks or catia or an inventor or a siemens nx it does both you know sketch driven feature-based solid modeling and surfacing the biggest difference is it has this front end to work with scan data because scan data as you see here is nothing more than triangles okay basically stl data so if you zoom in you can see what this is it's just triangles okay so it's a very stupid model it has no intelligence to it okay now the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to show you the wrong way to design this part because we see a lot of videos and demos out there and a part like this where you have some very organic shape but then yet have prismatic shapes there's a certain way people tend to model those and they do it that way because it's fast and easy but in our opinion it's the wrong way to do it okay so so if you look at this part this part is either cast or forged and it's pretty obvious because you can see parting line all the walls have draft to them you can see like tooling marks maybe the tools worn out in certain areas you can see imperfections we've got a uh you know probably a part number on here this is probably where the the riser or the gate or a sprue was cut off uh in the post-processing so this part is cast and then they'll machine in the holes and some flat surfaces so you know fairly typical okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to roll back in the tree back to this point here okay and i want to show you how most people would model this okay so we're going to roll back and what they tend to do let's turn on another copy of the mesh and you'll notice something different right away all the holes have been removed and it's been filled in okay this is still scan data okay but a copy was made and the holes and the sharp corners were taken out so for example let's turn back on that raw scan data and then this modified version of the stl file so what they'll do is they'll they'll they'll make it like this and then what they would do is auto surface it and let's turn the mesh off okay so if you look at this we now have instead of three-sided triangles we have four-sided surface patches you look over here in the tree and it says it's a solid body it is technically now a cad model this is a solid body but there's no associated sketches or other items here this is just one big dumb solid okay so yes in a sense it's better than just an stl file because i could export this now as a step or you know iges or parasolid model but again there's no intelligence if i want to come in and you know change this surface shape here or take the draft out you know you can still even see like the parting line let's turn off the edges here so you can see it okay so again bring the mesh back turn it off it's pretty much an exact replica and when we reverse engineer something we typically don't wanna we're scanning a manufactured model but we wanna reverse engineer back to the design intent the original design and that design probably didn't have the draft in it didn't have the parting line didn't have the tool marks didn't have you know the cut off and and and that kind of stuff it was a cad model because if you're going to go and get this you know manufactured again maybe you're changing your process in our case we're going to cnc machine this out of billet we're going to make some modifications to the design a little bit so we don't want draft on there we don't want parting lines we don't want all these imperfections in the model and if we're going to make changes to it it's going to be very difficult using this modeling method so let's just carry on through the tree uh a little bit here just to kind of show you and i'll i'll just roll forward a bit and you can see what what this process would look like as we continue through it so you can see they basically would create cylinders or sketches so there is a few sketches in here and then they're gonna you know boolean or cut those out and let's just roll all the way to the end okay and then this will be what the the final model looks like so just really adding in the holes and everything so again let's turn back on our mesh let's go back to the original mesh okay and you can look at it and the the blue is the mesh and the gray is the uh the final cad model okay so you'd look at that and say yeah you know that's great that's a perfect uh replica of the model but that's not what most people want this this model other than the holes and a few flat surfaces there isn't much to edit here okay and if you look at the whole process we have about 12 features 12 sketches on here so you know you could model this in a few hours but again the problem is if you send this to somebody and then they want to make changes to it you really can't okay so in our opinion this is the wrong way to model but a lot of people do this because it's it's fast and easy but you're really limited and quite frankly it's it's still the manufactured part it's not the design intent you know the the as design and even if you were to let's say sand cast this again you could send this to two different manufacturers and they may have two different methods of creating the parting line and setting up this part but you've kind of already you know baked that into here in because it's it's to whatever the original process was so again this is in our opinion the wrong way to do the part so now let's show the right way to model the part so here is the finished model done more of the traditional sketch driven surface driven uh you know history tree modeling as you see here and you'll notice right away big differences okay let's roll this over so you can kind of see it so still you know looks pretty much like the original or or you know the the scan data with some differences so let's bring on the scan data so right away you'll notice we don't have parting lines we have straight walls in here you know we have everything is you know driven by sketches okay so let's roll this over and you can see it now a couple things one all the holes and all the critical surfaces are you know right on and then some of the surfaces we made for example this surface here it still has the curve but we made it nice and smooth same with here i mean we probably have to follow uh you know our limits to to you know where this has to fit in the vehicle and how much clearance we have but we can smooth these surfaces out we can make things the right way uh we've taken out so again let's turn off that scan in it we've taken out for example the part number you know we had the kind of where this part was cut off here all those imperfections are gone and everything now is sketch driven so let's walk through i'm gonna just do a real quick walk through of this part as far as all the features and then we'll go into a little more detail but i want to start by just showing you all the features and what it took to model this part so what i'm doing is just stepping through the tree and this will kind of just highlight all the sketches that were created uh to build this so as you can see it's a lot more involved so instead of going from a few hours to model this this could potentially take a few days to model it but what you end up with is a full-blown history tree with every feature associated to a sketch that you can roll back and make edits to so if you don't like a certain feature you can go back to that sketch make a change to that sketch and it updates the model and in our opinion this is the correct way to do it so instead of having 12 sketches we ended up with over 50 different sketches or steps we can call them in this model so yes it took a lot more time but it's the right way to do it because we get calls from people or we talk to people that have had 3d scanning done in the past and they haven't necessarily been happy when when when they're doing a part like this and that's because somebody did the first method that we showed and they send that to the customer and of course they want to make changes to it or change it for a different process and they basically are end up with a model that they really can't do anything with and it's full of you know all the manufacturing information draft parting lines things like that tooling marks like we've talked about and they can't take those out they can't really edit the model so this kind of looks like spaghetti but you get the idea this is what it takes to model something like this correct and as i said this could take a few days to do but this is the right way to do it so we'll break it down a little more and actually show you step by step you know how we end up with this final cad model and it'll look it'll look better than just kind of the spaghetti on the screen so to set up what you're looking at here is we have a top and bottom view of the part and what i've done is just done a screen uh grab at different stages as we go along so you can see the first sketch here we've built and then we're going to extrude it and there's really two ways to build models you kind of build build up or kind of tear down and for this part tear down is the way to go so we kind of make the the major shape and then we're going to start chipping away at it and and cutting it back um just because of the shape of the part so the the circle uh their cylinder in the middle there is pretty straightforward and then we're going to cut sections or do mesh fit surfaces and then extrude up blocks and then cut them away um so you can see i've got some all these organic surfaces i'm fitting surfaces through those areas trimming those surfaces and then extruding it up and then cutting that block away so you can see i'm doing all of the really organic curved areas first and making sure they all blend together and then we'll start working on some of the other stuff so it takes a little bit of work you know to do each one of these steps and as we mentioned there's about 54 steps or so in this whole process to do this uh but we found for this part the best way to do it but you can see i'm making my walls vertical i've got nice smooth flowing surfaces and of course i can control all of this by going back and either editing those sketches or even editing those surfaces i'm building so i have a lot more control of this model plus i have the ability to make changes or to omit things that i don't want or need in the model so i have much more control and i can go back to the design intent of the original model even though i've scanned the manufactured part again i will make sure the key uh machine surfaces and holes uh are you know very accurate but then i have much more liberty on the rest of the part i probably can't deviate you know too much because you know we have uh space claim uh uh you know requirements in there or limitations so we got to stay pretty close uh you can see here i'm adding in all the fillets and doing some of the final uh steps here but this gives you an idea then we run the accuracy analyzer to compare it back to whatever tolerance we want uh to the scan data you'll see some slight differences but uh we're okay with those because they don't really again affect everything and um so there's the final model here we'll spin this around so you can see it but you can see it's a much better looking model it looks more like a cad model and we have a lot of editing capability if we do want to go back and make changes but we can export this now in any cad format so our next step is to send this out to get cnc machine from billet material because again we have changed our manufacturing process now once the vendor gets the part machined they're going to send it back to us we're going to scan the part again and then we're going to compare it to the original cad model so this will be our first article we want to make sure it's right before they machine a whole bunch of parts so we're going to show you how to set up and inspect a part from 3d scan data all right so we've scanned the part again and here now we are in polyworks and this is what we're going to use for the inspection polyworks is a very powerful inspection tool used heavily in automotive and aerospace so the first thing we do is bring in the cad model that we built from the scan data we'll import that in and then once that comes in we are going to import the scan data and again this is the new scan data we've got the cnc part back that was machined we've 3d scanned it again and we're going to import it now first thing you notice is they're not in the same coordinate system because whenever we scan something it's not in a coordinate system so we're going to do a quick alignment or a best fit and that'll just get them on top each other and theoretically they're now aligned but for most machining parts they use a datum alignment system and this goes back to the days of the cmm world where you had to fixture a part down and typically you'd have an abc datum your a datum is prime usually your primary your most important datum followed by b your secondary and then c and you're basically locking the part down so that it can be fixtured and then you inspect in that datum alignment but theoretically you could use best fit and there's lots of other alignments now our three holes on the bottom are the most critical mounting point so that's going to be datum a so we're going to want to make sure that we lock down datum a and it's actually going to shift the scan data and prioritize datum a so it's going to match up that scan data as closely as it can to that bottom datum then the second one will be this side here and we'll call that datum b the side of this kind of arm sticking out so that's going to lock down uh one of the other axes and then finally this hole in the back will be our third datum and that's going to lock down uh the the third axis so to speak um and position it so we're just telling it we're going to use the circle center and we're going to create our datum and then actually tell it to now align uh to that datum and if you don't know much about datum alignments you know there's plenty of videos out there same with gd t we're going to show a lot of gd t and if you're not familiar with it um you know there's lots of videos on on you know what is gd t and how it works but it's basically a pretty commonly used uh measurement system uh for for a lot of manufactured parts okay so there we've actually gonna do the uh datum alignment so we're gonna pick the uh the references so again uh feature a feature b and or datum a b and c and we're gonna tell it now to actually move the scan data to align to that so that's what we have here and then once we have that you can see the the values from that alignment and there's our mesh so you can see how it kind of lines up on there okay so again priority will be that bottom now the next thing we're going to do is a quick um just color map heat map people call it color deviation map this isn't something you can really quantify with real measurements i mean you kind of can but it's really just a quick look at the part we can adjust the tolerance range and basically so we can just do a quick look at this part and see hey are there any issues right so we set a tolerance and everything in green should be in that tolerance but if you look at this top surface here it's approaching yellow so at least that's telling us hey there might be a problem we can see some other problems now some of these problems may not be in critical areas we may not care but if you notice that one hole there in the back that's yellow and we should not have that so at least we know with this quick check in this datum alignment we may have some issues once we get in the gd and t we can further explore that and validate if there's issues but the color map is a nice quick kind of go no go check if we saw like a ton of red then we'd know you know maybe the whole part is out so that's just something to be aware of all right so now we're ready to actually start putting in some of our gd t information and the first step is to define the geometry that you want to then apply gd t to so the first thing we want to check is the holes those are some of the most critical surfaces on a part like this so we're going to pick all of the holes or cylinders really as you see as you see here we're going to pick all those to define them and then we're going to apply various different gd t call outs to all of these holes because again these are usually some of the most critical items if these holes are not in the right position or they're not round or uh you know not cylinders you know you could have issues so once we pick them what we'll end up doing here is telling it what tolerance and you may have different tolerances on different holes so the first call out we'll we'll do is positional tolerance that's one of the most critical ones is the hole is the center of the hole even in the right spot so we're going to pick these first three this bolt hole pattern at the top that's one of the most critical and we'll define its position and the tolerance on this one we're going to set at .05 now keep in mind we are in millimeters so that's 50 microns or about 2 000 of an inch okay so we'll define that you can define it as a bolt pattern or bolt circle as well and we'll define some of the other ones here now this starts to become a little bit uh repetitious so we'll let some of this run here at normal speed but then we'll speed it up um so we're going to define all the positional tolerances first like i said and they may have different um different amounts different tolerances you can see here this one's point one or a hundred microns or about four thousandths of an inch now what determines these these um tolerance amounts and different gd t items we're adding on well it's really either the designer or the machinist or a combination of but somebody who understands manufacturing and also understands how this part is being assembled uh to with other parts and what is critical and what is not you don't want to uh over constrain a uh have a super tight tolerance on something that really doesn't matter and at the same time you don't want a low tolerance so we're going to show positional cha tolerance then we're going to check cylindricity that's the you know looking at it as a 3d cylinder is it truly round all the way through the part we can um also um check concentricity that's where two holes uh two of these holes have to line up perfectly with each other we're going to pull some dimensional measurements from one side or one plane to another we want to check the measurement between a couple of the holes on here so we basically just go through and assign uh the different call outs uh put in the values typically the tolerance um to it and then we're gonna run a report and uh take a look at it okay so it gets a little bit repetitious but even a simple part like this could have you know 50 call outs on it again depending on how many features are on here and how critical they are but certainly all the holes or most of the holes are critical um some of the uh faces from one side to the other uh the machine faces um on this kind of main hub um they have to be accurate um some of the other faces uh fit in with with other uh slot they slot into other things so again they have to be uh within a tolerance as well so that's the general idea uh and the general rule of thumb is each call out takes about a minute so if you had you know 50 call outs on a part you'd be looking at roughly an hour we've done parts with hundreds of call outs on them and very advanced datum alignments multiple datum alignments very complicated alignment systems so you know you could you could spend a day um just building the inspection report now the good thing is once you build this report you don't have to build it again so for example maybe we got 10 of these parts first articles uh from the uh machine shop uh that we worked with so we said hey give us a short run of ten once we build this report then we just have to scan each part and then load it in and run the report again so we don't have to rebuild this so you kind of create the recipe to start and then you can just assuming it's the same part you just scan each one you save that scan file as a different name and you can actually batch process have it load each one in automatically generate the inspection report and and spit out the results that can be all done with a push button but you definitely have work up front to build uh the report like you see here you know it does take some work and it takes some knowledge to understand um gd t and manufacturing processes and how parts assemble together because if this part is off theoretically everything attaches to it it's going to affect it so it's critical that we get a part where these key dimensions or these key call outs are these key locations in key dimensions you know that they are within the tolerance that we have specified with the cad file and the drawing we sent over to the cnc shop now let's go ahead and take a look at our actual inspection report so now that we've created all of those gd t callouts and measurements we spit it out into a report this can be exported in pdf and an excel spreadsheet and other formats so here's our part here just some basic information and here's that color map again doesn't tell us a whole lot other than we see some areas of concern here's a couple different views of it just to kind of highlight it and again show maybe some areas of concern here is our datum alignment so if you look at our datums they all lock down pretty well so we know we've got a good lockdown of our datum we're not seeing numbers um real far out so if you know one of these wasn't a plane or you know wasn't a good plane or something like that you'd see it but our scan data did lock down to that datum real well here is all of our positional tolerances and we can see uh some of these have failed um cylinder two over here on our bolt pattern um cylinder uh this cylinder here uh e so and you look at these numbers based on the tolerance we gave it you know some of these fail pretty pretty spectacularly this one's off by a millimeter this one's off by 360 microns this one's off by 124 microns so we definitely have some issues with some of our holes this is our cylindricity same thing that datum that cylinder e not only is the positional tolerance wrong but the hole is not round it's not around by 196 microns so definitely have an issue with that hole next up this is our overall dimension from this top surface to the bottom surface and we kind of saw that in our color map that is off by a quarter millimeter and if that's a critical dimension um obviously we have problems here next up we have some uh parallelism so this plane here and the plane on the other side are supposed to be parallel they're not so one of those is probably on a wrong angle and again if this has to mate or slot in uh to two other flanges on both sides it may not fit well this one does as well uh have to to slot in somewhere and you can see that one is fine um these are uh now what we did here because this is actually has a taper like a cone so we cut a series of sections through it so our top looks okay but our bottom area down here where this flange is um we've got some real issues so so there's a challenge on this main hub finally uh we've got a flatness callout on the top here that looks good and then we did a couple surface profiles those aren't really critical but it just looks at those organic surfaces and says hey does the scan data fit within we said 0.1 millimeters and it does so that's fine nothing to worry about there and then another key measurement is uh concentricity so this hole here and this hole here have to be basically on the same axi and they're not well we know that hole one of these holes datum e uh is is got some real problems so i wouldn't be surprised that this failed so so that's it so that's our inspection report we would send this back to the machine shop and say hey you know these parts do not pass we have some real problems and you know probably in their fixturing and their setup something didn't go right because this part has to be machined in multiple setups so they're going to have to go back and correct the problem but you want to find this now uh before you order a hundred you know or a thousand of these parts so that's why we want to do a quick scan and inspect of this and compare it back to our final cad model so this concludes our video on 3d scanning cad modeling and inspection report generation on a real part as i mentioned earlier you can go out on the internet and you see a lot of videos of people scanning statues and widgets and people and you know other things but but that's just not the real world manufacturers need to scan and model parts like this and again it's not a very big part but it's got some real complexity in these organic surfaces and just the shape to this and hopefully you found it helpful to see what the real process looks like because honestly nowadays these scanners are so good that that's ten percent twenty percent of the project the real work is in the modeling in the in the inspection report generation uh in our case not only did we have to reverse engineer it but we're changing the manufacturing process and we want to get back to a sketch driven feature-based solid model that is editable and that is not easy to do as you saw same with the inspection report you want full gd t are you just trying to do a first article with a handful of critical dimensions or are you trying to call out everything do you have some you know complex call outs datum alignments things like that so hopefully this sheds some light on what it takes to scan apart model it and generate an inspection report again showing the entire process
Channel: EMS3D
Views: 61,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EMS3d, 3dScanning, ReverseEngineering, CADmodeling, 3Dscanners, 3Dsoftware, Metrology, DimensionalInspection, PrecisionMeasurement, EngineeringServices, creaform, handyscan, metrascan, 3d inspection, gdt, gd&t, metrology, 3d scanning real parts, automotive 3d scanning, faro edge, artec eva, scan to cad, 3d scan to 3d cad, geomagic, polyworks, design x
Id: CnxFJ246YoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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