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hello there wazak here today we are going to take a look at 3d product visualization in cinema 4d and for this session we are going to learn how to test your model and lighten this product by deal right inside writing system offered using corona renderer let's go [Music] here we are in cinema 4d and the first thing we want to do is to go to the orthogonal views the front view and loading the reference image so i'll just go up here this mini menu bar up here and click on options and go to shift i can also hold shift and v to open the configure settings and over here in the back tab i'll just click on that and load in the reference image we downloaded so i'll just load that in and reduce the size from 800 to 100 and there we have it so the next thing i will do is to increase the transparency down here i will create a new cylinder we are going to model this one first so i'll just create a cylinder and move it there and let's go back to the other one of use the configure and offset this a little bit on the x plane okay so that's okay for us i'll just shape in this a little bit to get um you know that's the purpose of the reference image to be able to see the model and align them really well over there so i'll go back to my perspective viewport and hit c on the keyboard and preview this to get my wireframe so i'll just select the faces down here and delete all those faces we don't need that i'll do a loop selection i can use ul on the keyboard to do that by the way so i just deleted that one and i will loop select the edges over here hold ctrl and scale it down a little bit hold ctrl again and move it inside well we don't need to really focus on the inside of this model because it's not really going to show in our render so i'll just leave it um like this um i'll go back to my front view but before i do that i'll create a subdivision surface drop this model in and name this head i'm not really good with names but hey i'll call it head and yeah rename the object to a name that i want to head okay let's deactivate that and go back to the front view and loop select these edges where um we have the extra detail so i'll just loop select that and don't forget you can use ul on the keyboard to select that and i'll right click and select bevel and bevel those edges out now we need to select the faces let me just bevel it again okay that's cool i'll just select the faces loop select the faces ul again and select all these faces here and do extrude right click and select extruder press d on the keyboard and extrude this inside let's check the reference image i think that's okay and um this is okay so we can activate the subdivision surface again and that is cool that is nice so um it's really smooth so what i'll do is i'll add um a couple of edges here so i'll right click and select path or loop cut to add more details here and when i render this you can see it's it's more than okay this will work for us so i'll add some extra um loop cuts here and some here just like that so just go around the object and add extra edges loops to make this a little bit realistic as it is in the model so just do that okay let's run that out it looks good so but we need to add some here inside the product and here the page so i'll just add a couple of loop cuts here and there add some here too and yeah we are good to go so now let's activate the subdivision surface and all right so one thing i forgot um in the front view let's just go back to the front view and offset this a little bit so that the base of the reference image that is a perfume sits on the intersection this point this is where the x the y and the z as is intersect that is the center of our universe so we need to make sure the base sit on this so i'll just do that and um after that i'll select my object here the one we just modeled and move that to where it's supposed to be activate that again and yeah that's what we need to do so let's move on to the next object i'll create another cylinder scale this a little bit and move it to fit the reference image okay so that's cool i'll hit c on the keyboard to convert it to editable poly so the model here that we have our reference image the model over here this part of it is not really straight it's a little heavy we need to consider that a model that's as exactly as it is so i will just delete the surfaces here we don't need that i'll loop select the loop and select the edges here move this a little bit scale it and move it up here right about there scale it again holding control and moving this there i think that is too much so i'll loop select the edges that i created and scale it make sure you always move to your front view i keep going back to my phone because i need to make sure this is you know really precise i'll excel at this loop select the edges here and move that down a little bit i think this will work for us so let's check the reference image again we can see the curves here and the curves down there that is what we are trying to recreate here so let's go back to cinema 4d come down here and um let's rename this glass click and drag this into a subliminal surface oh i just created a subdivision surface and i dropped um a glass object in just like we did for the plastic head okay so i'll deactivate that add a couple of edge loops here just like we did to make this a little bit precise i think that's work for us come down here and add a couple here that is great that's okay and add one here add another here too you can press q on the keyboard to activate or deactivate the subway surface so that's what i've been pressing q on the keyboard activating the activity so the reference image so with the reference image we have um a curve inside here that we need to also consider so i'll just do that because we need to make it a thick class that's one thing you should always do glasses are not flat today i take so let's do that i'll loop select the edges here scale that holding ctrl scaling that and moving it over here i'll move on to my front view to get a better view of the position so i'll scale this and move that here i'm trying to just eyeball this and make it as proportionate as possible move this down here right about there and hold ctrl and scale this move it down hold ctrl again and scale it and move it down now we need to close that polygon hole so i'll just navigate inside my my glass right click and select close polygon hole and just click on that hole and we have that whole sealed but we need to make sure we add a couple of edge loops inside to make that a little smoother because it's really looking weird now so i'll just do navigate into my model again and add a couple of edge loops right clicking and selecting the edge look too or just pressing u and pressing l on the keyboard to do that um let me just delete that and we create it it's always very difficult to navigate into inside an object okay so that is that we have um the module is ready we have the plastic the plastic head ready we have um the glass body ready so the next thing to do is to start lighting and testing the product so we can just let's just create an extra detail here the base loops like this and move it right inside just a little bit so we can't really see the base of the reference image but i'm just guessing the product is flat so i'm just guessing that i will just go in so let's check what we did already i did this um yesterday as a test that's what you're going to create you're going to get something like this the sky will use an hdri so i'll just jump on and start testing and lighten this so i also did a couple of um different styles using different hdris and you can see um the product stays the same the lighting is just the same just a different vibe different energy so let's go back to our projects what we're working on and continue so with my process of lighting what i do is i create a very simple corner sky so let me just bring the corner to set here unblock it and bring it down here what i do is i create um a simple sky and i use the sky to texture my products i don't really pay attention to the lighting setup just something that will light in my synap to be able to see my textures and i'll work on the label um the texture and i'll work on the shaders and after that i can work on my lighting so i'll just do that click on corner sky over here to create a very simple corner sky so click here and create a very simple corner sky and change this from physical sky to shader or hdri and load in a simple hdri i like to use uh one of my interior hdris i downloaded this i think it's a pack from i forgotten the name of that is i'll drop that in the description so let's start our interactive viewports and it looks good wallets no flat shadows no it's it's flat lighting or shadows so we can hop on and start testing so let's start with the plastic head so what i would do is i'll go down here to the material panel and click on corona and create a corona material will double click on the name here to change the name i'll name this plastic and click and drag this material onto our object here i'll double click on my material here to open the material editor and the first thing i would do is to go here to a diffuse and change the color to something around here i'll do a black material but i like to keep my blacks between three to five percent over here so i'll just do that and um add some reflection but make sure you reduce the closeness a little nothing in this one is hundred percent glossy even the mirror is 99.99 so i'll just do 0.95 for the glossiness and that's what we need to do for the plastic material we are done we are not going to touch it maybe we will come back here to change the reflective that's if it doesn't really work with our lighting but hey that's what i need to do now as simple as that that's corner for you baby so the next thing to do is to create the glass material i'll close this and create a new material and name this glass and i'll click and drag this onto our object here to apply it to the object so i'll double click it once again to open the material later we're going to do a glass material so we don't need a diffuse all we need is a reflection and refraction and that's what we need to do we have a glass material let me just go up here and decrease the intensity of the light so that we can see the refractions really well that is all you need to do for the glass material well that is not all one thing to do is to add caustics to your refraction but hey cinema 4d is telling us caustics will slow down your render but to get a realistic glass we need to do is to add across the eggs i just decreased the closiness a little bit to 0.97 by the way so i'll add the caustics here it's going to be slow but hey that's what we need to do right all right so let's go check our reference image once again and see the next thing we need to do so so over here you can see it's not really um um it's not really transparent we need to add this darker blue um refractive color here down here it's really transparent but over here it's sort of like translucent opaque up here so let's go into cinema 4d and creates the same thing over there so what we need to do is to use the gradient to control the refraction so i just come in here and load in a gradient so i'll just add that black and white gradient and you can see here in the viewports it's it's it's working so um we need to enhance this a little so i'll change this from u to v that's from horizontal to vertica um right click this we need to flip this right click here and go to and select invert gradient to have it flipped over there so the projection is not really right checking the reference image here it's one uniform gradient and we have like a tile here so just click here we need to fix that and change it from uvw mapping to cell enrique and by just doing that we have a perfect distribution of gradients here that's all we need to do but the color is not black it's a darker blue and we are using the default gradient colors to do that so i will just double click on my material again and change the black here to the darker blue we can let's just save this you know all right that's great so i just double click on the gradient i'm on a color here and select darker blue i can use the eyedropper color here and navigate to my computer and select like a darker blue that's that should work that is okay i love this i love this color even though it's not really right but hey well fire so the next thing to do is to work on the label we are done with the plastic material down with the glass material so the next thing to do is to do the label and yeah so let's go down here click on corona corona new material and create a new material now we need to rename this material label so i'll just do that [Music] alright so we are going to use the material stacking procedure in cinema 4d to create the label on top of this glass material corona reference 4d supports that i've prepared a tutorial already you can click here to check the tutorial on how to use the material stacking technique to create abstract materials now we are not going to create an abstract material today we are creating a label on top of the glass material it's the same process and as i said konarendra support that and that is one reason why i always use cornering for my product visualization so i have two materials here i'll just double click on my material to open my material editor and um let's work on this so i'll add a little bit of reflection and change the glossiness decrease this to about 0.65 here and use something that will work for you so i've prepared an image here for the opacity channel so i'll just load in this black and white image now the opposite channel works just like masking in photoshop where black parts will be hidden in white parts or show so i didn't really get their fonts and their labels so i recreated that in coral draw yes i still use coral draw and that is my vector software the vectors which i use so it's cool so i created that by the way i used that to create the let's stop the interactive renderer and load in the image here in the diffuse now i'm doing this because the viewport doesn't really show the opposite channel and we need some sort of like reference here the reference for the material so that we can position the label so i'm just going to load that in the diffuse channel but i'm not going to show that in the render i'll delete that when i'm done so now we have that over here let's zoom in you can see the material is affecting some part that we don't really want this is like weird that's because we didn't create a selection for the label here so i'll just um select the faces and apply the material again and that should work for us so let's go here and loop select the faces we want the label to be applied to so i'll just select those faces go up here select and set the selection now what set the selection will do is it will record that selection so we can click and drag that selection into a material so i just select the material here in the material the material tag over here and click and drag the oscillation we just created into the selection option here and by just doing that you can see now the material is affecting just the selected part that is a very simple way to also fix this issue so now let's go back to the camera we created and use make sure you change the projection from uvw mapping to cylindrical [Music] so i'll just use the offset and lens options here on the u and the v to move and scale my level so i'll just offset this about there and use the lens also change the lens but one thing you need to do is to make sure you have towel deactivated we don't need this material towel we just need just one of that and now you can see with the towel it's weirdly awesome really weird all right this is by the way so let's just offset this and scale this out just of certain skill of setting skill till we get a perfect c shape and a perfect position you can also use you can also select the material tag and go to texture mode and just move or it is just like you just like you would do with any other object so i will just kill this right there and move it to fit my products all right don't forget to go back to your diffuse channel and delete the label we only use that because we wanted it to show in the viewport now we can just go here and clear it and now you have a white glossy material here and start to interactive important voila there you go so it's very simple we are almost done 90 down now what we need to do is to make this render pop now in this render is boring i think it's boring i think we can add some a little storytelling to this maybe an outdoor scene or something let's do a quick one this is like a bonus to the tutorial i'm going to show you guys how i did this in the previous video so if you did enjoy my live video i did this was actually a live video on instagram and i recorded it and i'm using this for a tutorial on youtube so if you join you you remember we did this wonderful scene and i'm just going to recreate that in no time well i think the position is not really right so i'll just go back here and use the offset and the line to position this and scale this right because i can see some faint white line here on top there which is like not really good i think the opposite channel has some white outline or black outline there so let's just fix that all right great so let's go check the other render all right so let's group this and name this deal and we can go back here and check data render so this is what we did for the live video it looks good um i'll i'll show you in a bit how to create this water surface okay so to do that we are going to create a plane change the weight and height segment 200 and let's show the wireframe so that we can see what's going on in our scene i'm just going to create a deformer a displacer object i'm going to create a displace object and make that a child of our plane objects here go to shading tab and for the shader i'm going to load in a noise now this noise is going to control our displacement so the white parts will be the part that will um be extruded and the black parts will just stay flat so i can go in here into my noise channel and change stuff like the global scale and it's it's it's awesome this is a very quick way to create a water surface i'll change the noise from noise to fbm it's really detailed i'll just kill this right there and that should work for me i think the plane is too small so i'll just select my plane object and make it bigger but we need to compensate that here with the noise so i'll just go back to my noise here and increase increase the value here the global scale to get um i think that should be okay and yes you guess right we need to create a subdivision surface drop that in to get a more smoother polygon so i'll just do that and start to interactive viewport and already you can see some sort of water surface we need to enhance this a little but before we do that let's create a new material that is going to be the water material so water no diffuse all we need to do is to add reflection and refraction and change the refraction to 1.533 that's the refraction in this for water all right so i'll just deactivate this sky here duplicate that and loading a different hdri something dramatic i'll use this one here is an exterior um hdri i'll load this one here called sunset in all right so that's cool really working nice reflections nice level that's what you need to do that is the tutorial that is how to model test and lighten this but hey let's make the water surface a little realistic um let's just go back here change it to your shading and go here into the shading and decrease the strains of the displacer and by just decreasing the strains we can see it's sort of like flattening out the water surface we need like a calm water so i'll just select my plane here and move it somewhere here that and that's my interactive viewport and that is that now with the background the hdri i'll just offset this because i don't need to show these buildings there i think i could have used a better atri but hey that is the tutorial how to model lighten and texture this perfume by dior [Music] what i do is i do create hdrs but i create um additional light to add some specific details to my render so i have this light here scaled it a little and um let's move to our orthogonal views to position this light really well in our scene maybe decrease the intensity to about 5 watts here and that looks cool but it's showing my render so let's just make that too it's showing in my render so i'll just come here and hide it so i'll select the light and deselect the visible directly here to disable the light in my scene but the light is still showing in the reflections here so i'll just go to exclude here and exclude um this ocean plane here so that it doesn't really affect the ocean plane and one final thing it's casting a shadow so i need to go back to the corner light and deselect occlude other light and that'll fix that okay so i want to duplicate this light but before i do that i'll right click on this light and select target over here and click and drag my duo into the target tab here i want to set the target for my light so um let's just duplicate that and now where i move the light it's going to face my target so that's why i created the target i use the target all the time when i'm lighting products and it's very easy for you to move your product around and not mess the the lighting position so the target stays on your object and now i can feel free to move my object around so i'll move this right here to the far end and change the color to something like amber maybe make it a little orange okay let's deactivate the lights here so that we can see the full effect of this singular light here okay maybe this orange will do let's activate our light bring out the hdri and yeah that's your scene so basically that is how to model lighting and tester this my way using kona render for cinema 4d i hope you guys learnt 1802 all right that is the end of the tutorial if you enjoyed this session and you have any questions at all please drop them in the comment section and i will do well to answer all the questions you guys have if you enjoy the tutorial too and you want to see more from me hit on the subscribe button and hit the bell icon so that you don't miss the wonderful content i have for you guys please follow me on instagram and subscribe to my channel again hit the bell icon right there see you in the next one have a wonderful day
Channel: Waya Zack
Views: 8,329
Rating: 4.9725084 out of 5
Keywords: corona, cinema4d, product, visualizatuion, photorealistic
Id: CH2OvGWdcis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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