3d Printer Tips Print Not Sticking

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hi this is herb sprout the dr beck's channel and today we're going to cover a topic that causes more problems for people new or even people that have used 3d printers for a while than any other issue and that is suddenly their prints stop sticking to the print surface or maybe they have a brand new printer and they've never stuck to the print surface so we're going to cover some things that are obvious some things that are not and help you diagnose and solve this problem so stay tuned and let's learn something [Music] together if this is your first drvax video help me out subscribe to the channel click on the bell so you'll be notified about new videos there are many many variables that impact how well your print sticks to the print surface we're going to concentrate on just a couple today variables we will not be talking about are the brand of filament different brands of filament stick better or worse we're not going to be talking about print temperature so to speak other than to say the printing at higher temperatures generally help you with print adhesion the ability for a print to stick to the surface likewise higher print bed temperatures generally help but if you get your temperature too high you'll end up with a phenomena called elephant feet where the bottom of your print will spread and just won't look right so one of the variables that you need to deal with is what is your surface different printers come with different surfaces some people like printing directly on glass i don't some people like printing on masking tape that works great but i find it burdensome to have to put new masking tape on before every couple prints or every print what i generally find is a couple things that work well for me the first is if you have access this happens to be from matter hackers to a pei print surface this is flexible steel i find those work very very well the key though is you have to keep them clean and we're going to be talking about that in a minute if you have a print surface that you're having trouble with i find putting a sheet of build tack on it works very well once again you have to keep it clean and in fact this print surface which is glass that comes with the monoprice ultimate 2 i covered with build tack because i find it's an easier surface to work with and if it gets damaged i peel it off and put a new piece on now many of the newer creality printers are coming with a new glass surface that has a coating on it i'm not sure if this is actually pei or not but key once again keep it very very clean now let's talk about cleaning these surfaces the reason you have to clean your surface is because these are an enemy to your prints the oils on your fingertips when they get on your print surface they cause the prints to release so if you're touching your print surface at all you want to clean it with isopropyl alcohol that will remove those oils and with in particular pei print surfaces and i find this works of build tack very well also it seems to rejuvenate the surface so rule number one keep your print surface clean now what is the right height for the nozzle to your print surface let's look at a graphic together on the far right of this graphic you'll see where the nozzle is too high in that case you end up with a completely round bead of filament where very little of the woman is actually touching the surface in the middle you'll see a nozzle that's too low and i'll show you examples of those with actual prints in a moment on the right side you'll see a nozzle that's adjusted just right you want to be able to see the bead but you want it to be a flattened bead surface you don't want to be able to push it right off with your fingertips but you're going to want to be able to peel it off easily when you're done now what determines the height of your nozzle well if you have a manually leveled printer where you have screws under the corners of your print bed you determine that height and you have to manually adjust those you should do that when your printer is warm when the nozzle is up to temperature i like to also have the print bed up to temperature we're not going to cover that today there are lots and lots of videos about leveling your print bed many that i think are pretty good on this channel but we are going to talk about how to test this easily if you're fortunate to have a printer with an auto bed leveling sensor an auto bed leveling sensor is a way for the printer to determine how close to the bed the nozzle is and there's a variety of different sensors some use induction some use capacitance some physically tap the print surface bl touches physically tap the print surface it doesn't matter which type you have but what does matter is you have to align that sensor to the tip of your nozzle if we look at this picture here the distance between the surface and where the actual nozzle is is called the z offset and if you're fortunate to have a printer where you can adjust the z offset by changing that z offset you can change the characteristics of how close your nozzle is to the print bed even if you have a printer with an auto bed leveling system you still should manually level your print bed to get it close if you do not have an auto bed leveling sensor then the adjustments that i'm going to be showing you here where i use z offset to make the adjustment and do the sample print you'll have to adjust manually by turning the various knobs maybe a quarter turn at a time when you adjust the knobs that are under your print surface there's generally a spring that you're adjusting when you pull that spring down which is by tightening the screw tightly righty you're increasing the gap between the nozzle and your print surface when you loosen those screws you're decreasing the gap now if you're using z offset a negative z offset moves the nozzle down a positive z offset moves the nozzle up now let's take a look at the impact of various prints and this is an example of print properly adjusted and see what happens if you're too close or too far because some of the things you're going to see aren't obvious in this print that you're seeing on the screen now you'll notice in the bottom left corner that the print seems thin that's caused by the nozzle being too close to the print surface so if i don't have an auto bed leveling system on this printer when i print the sample print i need to tighten the screw in the bottom left corner which will pull the the print surface down by pulling it down i'm increasing the gap to the nozzle on the left you'll see a picture of this print that is the proper distance the nozzle's the proper distance on the right you'll see an example where the nozzle is too high in general if the nozzle is too high your prints will not stick now because this round circle in this sample is a large area it makes it easier for the print to stick but the numbers in the middle are relatively small so you'll see on the screen here that the numbers did not stick now another area that often won't stick is this skirt that's printed on the outside added by the slicer if that skirt comes up your nozzle is probably too high now what if the nozzle is too low well one of the interesting things about the nozzle being too low is that if it's only a little bit too low you won't get that thinness of the print that i showed you a moment before instead what you'll end up with is a print that looks like this and i'll show you a close-up it'll seem that your print is a little bubbly and what that's caused by is the nozzle actually scraping up the prior layer as it continues to print so if you look on the right hand side of this image on the screen you'll see that the image looks a little bubbly a little uneven now you may also find a phenomena where it looks similar to that when the nozzle's a little too high so you have to look for other symptoms when the nozzle is too low one of the symptoms you'll see in this video if you hear in the video you'll hear a clicking that clicking is because the extruder is trying to push the filament out the nozzle and it can't get it pushed out because it's too close to the print surface so if you hear a clicking of your nozzle if you have a thin layer or even if you have bubbly layers your nozzle might be too close now in this case you'll see this print where the nozzle is correct and on the right hand side you'll see an example where the nozzle is too high now one of the other characters you'll see when your nozzle is too high is because your bead is so round it's not spreading at all the individual lines aren't connecting together so surface quality will tell you a lot so in conclusion if your nozzle is too low your extruder may click you may see a thin print or you may see a bubbly look if your nozzle is pushing up the filament as it prints if your nozzle is too high your print may not stick at all or it may stick but once again you'll see in imperfections in the top surface often you'll see gaps between the lines because it's not spreading enough and if it's just right you should see something like this but it's hard to get it just right so one of the things you can do to make your life easier is use a print adhesive i i like magic goo and i think it works great i think it's worth the price the other thing you can do is make sure your print surface is clean fingers are an enemy of good quality prints well folks i hope this tip was helpful this is a little shorter video remember to subscribe to the channel push click the bell go to forum.drvax.com to discuss this and upload pictures of your prints where over a thousand really nice and kind people can help you out with your 3d printing challenges thanks again let's continue to learn things together
Channel: Make With Tech (MakeWithTech)
Views: 14,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: print adhesion, 3d printing, bed adhesion, painters tape, 3d print, 3d printing bed adhesion, 3d printing for beginners, first layer, bed adhesion problems, bed adhesion 3d printing, bed adhesion ender 3, bed adhesion ender 3 pro, bed adhesion ender 3 v2, bed adhesion issues, bed adhesion test, bed adhesion troubleshooting, magigoo 3d printing adhesive, pei print surface, layer height 3d printing, 3d printing problems, 3d printing challenges, 3d printing failures 2020
Id: 4dHbwEMP438
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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