3D Doodler Pen!!!

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hey everybody well my video where I dude ever I want and today I want to play with this 3d doodle pen art set thing I saw it and Target and I went that looks scary that looks terrible let's play with it so if I can get anywhere close to what they got - it will still be really ugly no their designs are look look at me is that supposed to be good this is what they're trying to sell you look good let's see if I can do better all right ready let's begin okay so this is mainly why I bought it because oh alright just let me be okay now I've already opened this and took everything out and then felt the need to have to put it all back in because I wanted it to look pretty for you guys I had to take the pen to charge it and I put that look how nicely I put them back you know it when you get older it's the little things that entertain you with this instruction book I didn't take this part off yet this what's gonna make my 3d this is it just like melting wax and piling up on each other this looks like a nose hair removal thing right like me that's been compromised now all right so if turn on wait for that to turn green before we can start it see that well the little red light that's gonna turn green meaning we can do it clean painted my nails pink y'all freaking out my vlog Channel because I had pink nails cooling paint it up just let it happen guys this is plastic that was red wax it's plastic okay how do we do this teach me look how big this book is are you reading all this uh-huh nope I got things to do in my life this this this is what I have to do I have nothing else okay got it uh-huh alright yeah my first doodle that's what it wants me to do all right let's choose green let's see if I can figure this thing out making noise oh oh wait why is it this is very difficult this is very difficult to use oh I stopped it by accident oh this is this is Oh are you guys are you ready to see my name all right hold on wait it comes off wait a second I'm gonna get another camera hold on okay guys we're going to make a box that's what's happening it's gonna be really difficult but I think we can do it [Music] this takes a lot of concentration just so you know Oh No my box is too big oh no no this takes a lot of waiting like you gotta wait for things to dry not very kid-friendly or it's not very Rachel friendly all right now I gotta connect it alright well let's just start it going for me uh-huh aha I made a box doo doo doo doo doo doo this is my box I made a 3d box all right so it's not perfect but you can get over it have you made a 3d box probably but not with the doodle pen oh wait fill in the grooves on the doodle block what doodle block do you have a block it's so separately or something Oh get out of my face fill the shape on a flat surface okay I ran out those things kind of last a while cuz I'm not gonna lie this is actually pretty entertaining it's more entertaining than I thought it would be we need a new color though I can't blow do you like my little thing don't ask me what it is because I don't know I wouldn't make like a something all right we are making the glasses and we're making them a test scale got it I mean seriously though look at this stuff not if it's impressive I mean it's impressive but not if it actually looks good it's also like a kid would give you'd be like wow good job is that a kiddie table like come on but we're doing this page 15 to 16 here it is oh wait I want some red glasses let's be real I'm cooler than blue our color is cool like our third color I don't Shh whoo oh it started oh wait this is halfway is the green still going I thought the green was done it acted like it was done all right we're having multicolored glasses oh there's the red and the Reds out [Music] all right listen the plastic-like starts hopping up you see that it like starts popping up it makes it very difficult to continue in straight line get it together all right i'ma finish this real quick okay so this was more difficult than I thought it would be also it has taken up so much of my red wax I only have one line left this is how they get you this is f you have to buy all the refill packs how they make money this thing was originally $50 but if I wanted to keep doing this as my normal happy in life that's a weird hobby I'm going to buy so many of these things okay so I've made my three parts work my third part go quick it's on the ground I found it I found it I found it all right do I have to glue meaning how do I this is more difficult than I thought that would be there it is alright that's it did this one of that dry dry just like that all right here turn they weren't very good with their instructions on how to do things alright they seemed very flimsy like I don't know if I would've wear these on a normal basis okay these are pretty awesome [Laughter] oh this is good this is good is there any more things I could wear I found something hold on I'll make it for you do you like my ring I'm not gonna lie this is actually a lot of fun also the battery on this is lasted way longer than I thought it would it's simpler than I thought it would be I thought I was gonna be a complete failure but clearly my and there's show me designed and is more online this is hashtag not ad but I'm definitely into this it does take a long time though I found a nothing beautiful thing let me make this for you real quick do you like my bracelet I'm serious I love this toy alright I think that's where I'm gonna end this just because like I'm just gonna play with this all day if I don't end it now I love this thing who's gonna be there it is terrible this is not the best Twitter nothing you ever made with this will be cool or good it's not like look at my bracelet like this is tech this is the worst but I love this toy I mean my ring is fantastic my glasses are fantastic my bracelets okay but let's be real the things they make aren't great either there's I don't think anyone can actually make anything that's like mmm but it's a lot of fun all right so that's where I'm gonna end this thank you guys so much for watching subscribe to see these are Tuesday and Thursday on this channel okay I think I got plastic in my eye oh yeah that's happening good good [Music] preorder my book and if you have pre-ordered it or you're going to pre-order it make sure you go to the website I put down below so you can get a free sticker sent to you sign my MA that's it and remember above all else pay awesome possums [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 1,908,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, 3d, doodler, doodle, pen, 3doodler, start, starter, kit, kid, kids, child's, toy, craft, glasses, design, ring, flower, basic, easy, instructions, instructional, fail, humor, comedy
Id: xaCS9w8CG_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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