3D Animated Circle Effect - After Effects

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foreign [Music] guys welcome back to another video and in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you guys how to create this 3D animated Circle effect instead of after effects now there's actually two ways that we can create this effect and the first method I'm going to be showing you guys requires no plugins so that's what I'll be showing you guys how to do first but if you guys want to go ahead and use a plug-in for this effect which actually looks super cool and you guys can go ahead and Skip to that if you want but a plug-in is called saber and I'll have that link down in the description below but yeah let's go ahead and get straight into the first method now the first thing that we want to go ahead and do is row scope out a car here so I'm going to go up to the Roto brush right here and select that and then double click our layer and it'll open up a new composition and then you just want to go around your car here and make a pretty rough mask and it should do a decent job selecting it but if it doesn't select it all the way then you just want to go ahead and fix it up yeah just go ahead and do that for the first frame and once the first frame is looking good then you can move on to the rest of the frames alright so now I'm just going to go frame by frame kind of just checking to see if anything messes up but it looks pretty good so I don't think I really have to do anything for this shot so this looks good so I'm just going to go ahead and it freeze right here and it's just gonna freeze a road brush all right so now we can close out of that layer and back inside of our main composition now you can see we have our car masked out here so we just want to go ahead and duplicate this layer hit Ctrl D and then on the bottom layer let's just go ahead and delete that Roto brush and on this bottom layer you want to go ahead and right click it and track and stabilize and hit track camera this may take a while depending on how long your clip is as you can see I have 71 frame so it took about like a minute there to render and now you can see I have all these points on my screen right here that I can use and I'm going to use a couple of the points on the car here so maybe like right here I'm just going to right click that Target and hit create Nolan camera and then you want to go over here to this tool and if it's not on this oval or whatever right here then you just want to go ahead and hold down left click and it'll bring up this menu so yeah just make sure that's on that and then without selecting any of the layers you just want to go here and hold shift in your keyboard and just drag this circle onto your video here and we can adjust the size of that later and you just want to make sure that your fill is blinked and make it go transparent you just want to hold all and then left click it until it's transparent like that and then for the stroke we can change the thickness here so I'm just going to keep it at like 20 pixels for now and we want to go ahead and parent this shape layer to the null right here and then toggle this to 3D and then we're just going to rotate this around until it looks something more like what we had originally so I like how that looks right there so when I play this back you can now see that it's 3D track to the footage now we just want to go ahead and bring this shape layer in between our two clips here so now you can see that it is behind the car now we just want to go ahead and click this little drop down arrow and then hit add trim pass and then go into that drop down arrow again and then and then you just want to mess with the start value here I'm going to make this like 40 and then the offset is what we're going to want a keyframe so at the start of our timeline here I'm just going to set a keyframe at zero for the offset and go to the end and just bring this to like negative four somewhere around there so now I want to play that back you can see the circle is now animated and I'm just going to go back into the shape layer and change that to like 10 10 for the width or your stroke doesn't have to be 10 pixels it can be whatever you guys want it to be but I just think it looks good for this footage right here so I'm going to leave it at that now in effects and presets I'm going to add CC Force motion blur and apply that onto there and change the shutter angle to 360. so now you can see there's a bit of motion blur on this circle here and now we're just going to go to the effects and presets and add one more Effect called glow let's just bring on the default glow here if you want you can use other glows from like Sapphire or whatever you guys have but I'm just going to try to make this using without any plug-ins so we're just going to bring this low radius up to 100 and we're going to make the glow colors A and B so we can change these maybe like a lighter blue like that same thing for color B and then it's kind of hard to see right now so I'm just going to crank out this glow intensity until you can kind of see it a bit more once again if the width is too big we can always just decrease the pixel size right here so we can make this like five pixels instead and that gives off a little bit of a different result there I think this effect actually looks super good for not requiring any plug-ins so if you guys don't have any plugins or I just want to create this effect pretty easily and this is a really great and easy way to do it I'm now going to go ahead and show you guys how to do this using a saber plug-in so let's get straight into it so before we get started you will need the saber plug-in I'll have it linked down in the description below and I also went ahead and deleted that shape layer because we will not be using that for this effect so what we're going to do instead of using a shape layer is go up to layer new and then we're just going to create a solid and just make sure that's black right there and we're actually going to use the same tool again the ellipse tool right here and then holding down shift again and then you're going to create a circle that's kind of like around this size right here you don't want it to be too big or else you're going to get like the glow to be like clipping around the edges so somewhere around here should be good and then we just want to parent that black solid to our null here and then toggle black solid to 3D now let's just scale that up and then rotate it once again just so it looks more like a circle and isn't just like rotated super weirdly so yeah I just fixed that and kind of position it how you want it to look and then once again you want to bring that in between our two clips right here of the Roto brush and then the background footage with the 3D camera tracker and now we want to go into the effects and presets and use that saber plug-in that we just downloaded let's bring that onto our uh black solid right there and then let's just go into the customized core bring this to layer mass and then for the render settings change that to transparent now in the presets here there are tons of presets that we can choose from we can do anything from like fire which I think looks super cool or we can do like electric which also looks super cool I'm gonna choose Kryptonite for this one and we can just mess with the core size here kind of adjust it to how you like it and I'm going to change the glow color to like red now we just want to go into the customized core and change the start size to zero right here and the end offset to like 80 and now with the mask Evolution you just want to set a keyframe at the start of your timeline go to the end and let's just bring that back to negative four like we did for the last effect so here's what that looks like so far as you can see it's kind of like clipping right here or like it's giving off this like weird effect at the bottom of the car so an easy way to fix that is let's just duplicate that bottom layer where the rotor brush isn't on let's just bring that to the top of everything and delete the camera tracker because we don't need that and let's just create a simple mask around the bottom here and then go into the mask Properties by hitting M keyframe The Mask path here go to the middle just kind of adjust it as we go go to the end like that so I just set three different key for frames so just tracks and follows along to the bottom of the footage here so now that already looks a lot better than what it was before I actually really like how that looks and say you don't like your preset and you want to go ahead and change it you can always just go back into the presets here and just change it to like fire or literally anything in here there's tons of different presets I would just recommend kind of just going through all of them and just looking at them seeing what looks cool to you so yeah that's pretty much it for this tutorial I hope you guys like the two different ways that you can create this effect if you guys want to see more effects like this in the future then make sure to drop a like And subscribe to my channel and I'll see you guys on the next one peace out
Channel: Tylo FX
Views: 3,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, after effects tutorial, after effects saber tutorial, tutorial, after effects tutorials, saber after effects, saber effect after effects, saber after effects tutorial, saber effect after effects no plugin, saber tutorial, after effect tutorial, after effects saber, after effects saber text, animated, animated circle, 3d animated circle, djordanmedia, car edit, caredit, circle effect
Id: iAwUjZGHr3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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