3/8/2018 - Dr Kenny Baldwin - God will provide - 2 Kings 4

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] helpless me and blind from birth the only one who saw his worth didn't pass in he heard his good buddies with a handful in the pool today in the blood but he had to do [Music] you know long the way he could I'll be checking for I wonder if me every stake [Music] what [Music] the miracle promised my father is way [Music] the darkness I would I just sometimes our fellow [Music] I knew that his word [Music] [Music] starmon we No to [Music] the miracle promised my father [Music] and somehow this isn't he is playing so once he oh my feeling homes ok pressing on every step I take [Applause] [Music] [Music] his way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now it's been a bummer and my soul has grown so weary just can't understand all the struggles waiting there been times I've strayed away even times I could not [Music] my plates would say just hold on there's a brighter day he never gave up he never gave [Music] and that was you know you could see I'm sure that you'll agree never gave up now with your backseat is a wall and you feel all hope is gone if you opt in us yourself is there a reason to the worn well he looked beyond your guilt in shame you see his mercy takes the blame so just forget about your past and praise the Lord you're free at last he ever gave [Music] never but she reach there if you can see us before I'm sure that never ever gave up you can see who I was before then I'm sure that you'll agree he never once ever gave up on me if you could see before then I'm sure that you'll agree he never sever game Wow you can see how much before then I'll sure that you agree he never was ever gave up Oh [Music] never she reached that was Gina you could see who was before I'm sure that your never gave up you can see who I was before then I'm sure that you're green he never once ever gave up Oh [Music] have you ever wondered how close you were to Hales fire when Jesus riskier your soul were you here's a word for just a few moments from running out of time and our home [Music] Just In Time aren't you starving well yeah me too Oh do you ever do you're fine [Music] just is next Jesus on the cross there was a thief with dying breath he cried would you please remember me there man the star that see just inside our to be came in time you're stopping me do you ever wonder your Arnold just down me I was without [Music] yeah [Music] I'm glad you save say man ain't God for that I won't brother Keaney ball won't be able to come and he's the pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church I appreciate him being here I know I was making light over the wall ago but I think offer this man of God his investment you don't understand over the years how much God has used him in our church used him in my life and I know he came to be able to preach the word and I asked him yesterday is there anything I could do for you and he said just pray for God's touch you know and I thank God for that amen if there's anything we men of God need it's God's touch hey man you ever get in the pulpit and you ain't got God's touch let somebody else preach hey man you mind the Lord I appreciate brother Kenny ball well it's a joy to be here aren't you glad that once you're saved you always say the crowd one around America tell you lose your salvation they don't know what they're talking about I'm glad I've been born again I'm saved tonight what a joy it is to be here I want to thank pastor and the church for inviting us that I'm trying to think of how long it's been I've been coming here but I sure thank the Lord for the opportunity back thank the Lord for Haynes Baptist I thank the Lord for the accommodations and the goodies there's snacks in the room amen all unhealthy snacks and the kids go in the room looking for snacks we go to vacation and they go in the room looking for snacks I say we don't get fruit baskets on vacation but we thank the Lord for the accommodations and the kindness and my wife was here years ago and he she and the children with me this time she's home school and gives us the opportunity Bethany would you stand up I want everybody to see you god bless you to thank the Lord for my wife and then Kevin put you hand up son Kevin and Kobe put your hand up son and Carmen yeah and then there's Kisha right there wait your hand up Kisha right there that's my daughter - yeah right no I'm just kidding that's brother that's whether Jimmy's got it but we'll take her - and that's Chloe there and we sure appreciate the family that God has given us we certainly thank the Lord for our sons Pete Martin Troy and Deonte we thankful for what God is doing through Haynes Baptist Church and Pete McKee and and the girls and and the boy and we certainly thank the Lord God is still doing great things and we're just looking forward to what God is going to do and I thank the Lord for all the ministries around here that are represented tonight I'm glad that Billy's crossroad was in the only place where God can do something that God can do something at your church and in your ministry and I'm trusting in these last days we need God my-my-my we need God and I'm not talking about of stirring up or some emotional momentary we need the anointing of God I'm talking about unction to function in these last days and I'm praying that God leave he's able I really do I believe he I believe this book still works I believe the Holy Spirit still moves by the way I believe sin is still sin I still believe in holiness and righteousness and modesty amen I still believe in marriage between a man and a woman amen I still believe you can raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord I still believe in Christianity amen I still believe in good music that uplift Jesus crying and I know there are more people that used to believe it don't believe it anymore but I still believe it's real and I was this generation of young people I want them to know that God I knew when I was their age I want them to see God lose like I've seen him move I want them to know that this Bible is not just an autobiography over the shelves of a library but this is this is a love letter from God himself I want them to know that revival is still possible these young men to know that God still call it young men to preach not just for a few months before a lifetime hey men what these ladies to know they can wait on God's choice they can meet the marriage altar pure amen I want these folks to know the mission feel or still be rather for them if they'll hear the call of God I'm not preaching yet I'm just talking if you go as many places as I go you'd sense the burden churches are shutting down preachers acquitting Christians are compromising amen but I'm telling you I'm not going anywhere I believe that whatever was right is still right and whatever was wrong is still wrong may God help us in these last days to stand for God if you here with me I want you to go with me in the Word of God in the book of 2nd Kings chapter 4 2nd Kings chapter 4 good seed Tyreke Tyreke the member across those Baptist Church this year year ago this time he came down here with a youth director and me and another young man and went over and looked at Calvary Baptist and King and now he's there in Bible College they were so proud of him what God's doing in his life just a testimony of what God can do 2nd Kings chapter 4 standing your feet with me if you would for the reading of God's Word aren't you glad you have a Bible and the thought that some men are still mounting pulpits trying to figure out something to come up with thank God we have a Bible it's quick it's alive sharpening in two-edged sword piercing even the dividing asunder of the joints in the middle of the soul in the spirit and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way but they taking heed thereto according to thy word with my whole heart of a salty old let me not wander from my Commandments thy word have I hid my heart that I might not sin against thee thy word is a lamp unto my feet aligned to my path there five steam all thy precepts concerning all things to be right and I hate every false way blessed is the man that walketh down the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but here's the lies in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in this season and what somebody do it shall prosper a man the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul more to be desired are they than gold yea than much fine gold sweeter also than honey then the honeycomb all about them is the servant worn and in keeping of them there is great reward this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth without shall meditate therein day and night that down there subserve according to all that is written therein for then thou shalt make that way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success the grass withereth and the flower fadeth but the Word of God shall endure forever sanctify them by thy truth from thy Word is truth no scripture came by private interpretation but holy men of God as they were moved by the spirit Oh scriptures given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works if all I had tonight we're a few catchphrases cliches some poems some interesting stories and some moving illustrations sit in my house tonight with my feet propped up but I got up early this morning weather 95 85 and I'm 40 because I've never served in a briefcase I've got the word of the Lord God took 40 different means over 1,600 period time and produced a manuscript that's inspired in salable and inerrant from cover to cover it's still the best seller tonight young people don't go to church for the baseball ministry also full of coffee ministry how you feeling for the choir for the facilities go to church because there's a Bible that's open every single time not just any Bible God's Bible a prophetic Bible a perfect Bible a preserved Bible a probing Bible a piercing Bible a potent Bible a perfecting Bible a priceless Bible a profitable Bible God's Bible we got it tonight don't ever get away from it what you do with the Bible will determine what God does with you so you're in your Bible second Kings chapter 4 King James [Applause] now they cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the Prophet and Elijah saying now I servant my husband is dead and I'll notice that that servant is filled the Lord and the creditors come to take unto him my two sons to be bondsman and Elijah selling to her what shall I do for thee tell me what hast thou in the house she said Don handmaid hath not anything in the house Ava pot of war then he said go borrow the vessels abroad of all about neighbors even empty vessels barn out of fear wind out coming and I shall shut the door upon me and upon down sons and shall pour out under all those vessels and thou shalt set aside that which is full so she went from him and shut the door upon her and upon her sons who brought the vessels to her and she poured out and it came to pass when the vessels were fooled that she said in her son bring me yet a vessel he said in her there is not a vessel more and the oil stay then she came and told the man of God he said go sell oil and pay my debt and live thou and thy children of the rest let the church say men her father I prayed you help me tonight cleanse me of sin empty me of self and fill me with your spirit help me to preach with us saith the LORD the arm of flesh will fail me I need you God I'm confident that so does everybody else in this building now Lord you don't need us oh you're doing fine but God we need you and God we're gonna leave this place tonight we're gonna go our separate ways we're gonna get up tomorrow morning and live this thing called the Christian life and we don't have a chance unless you live through us to help us to die so that you might live father there could be somebody in here that's not saved they don't even know what the term saved means but God I pray God that they would come tonight and find out that there's a loving God who gave His only Son to hang and bleed and suffer for their sins and then put their faith and trust in him they can pass from death unto life today it could be somebody in the building who's been saying he's saved who's not saying I pray they they'd get away from formality and embrace reality and not one of us in the building the night that is saved could say that we don't need anything from you we need some special tonight some fresh so do a work get me out of the way and I thank you for being God normally at this time I'd ask you to bless my wife and children while I'm going I want to thank you that they're here with me and I pray you watch over everyone back in benna's crossroads across those Baptist Church and Christians all over the world that are standing for you do work in Jesus name Amen he may be seated thank you for standing I got saved at the age of four I mean I got saved somebody said four year-olds can't get saved you don't know what you don't know I'm telling you I got saved and I have got saved again amen you can't get saved twice it's theologically impossible once you save you always save you kept my power into the day of redemption and I give it a Limi turn a life they shall never perish neither shall a man pluck them out of my hand by the way I didn't do anything good to get saved and I can't do anything bad to be unsafe for by grace are you saved through faith in and out of yourself it is a gift of God not of works lest any man should boast not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost scarcely for a righteous man someone died yet perfection for a good man some would even dare to die but God commendeth his love toward us in what were yet sinners Christ died for us when that was not a rose ready enough that was not a lamb white enough that was not a man good enough God sent forth his son made of a woman made of the law that we might receive the adoption of sons he is the propitiation for our sins and not for sins only but for the sins of the world I thank the Lord that I'm side surrender to preach at 9:00 I mean God called not mama called now preacher call now grandmama said your head shaped like a preacher called I'm telling you God called me put a fire in my heart and I haven't been able to shake it been preaching ever since I'm 16 years old God got ahold of my heart about reaching my generation and I felt guilty I thought it's just not fair I had two parents that love the Lord I was exposed to the gospel from the time I was born but I was saved and early age surrender to preach in a Christian school raised in a godly home just not fair that all around me are people who don't know Jesus who've never been exposed to truth who've never seen with a husband and a wife or that light who'd never been in a new bible-believing bible-preaching in a bit of Baptist churches just not sire God said what you're gonna do about it said Lord I'll give you everything I got I don't know what you do with it but I'll give you everything I got and I started preaching God has spun my life all over this country and their place in the world and I'm still trying to get over how good he is to me I still get to the service early and people start walking in and I still have the thrill of seeing people come to meet with God their Bibles in their hand and their kids walking behind them and their husbands and wives coming together to meet with Jesus it beats the movies he and I guarantee you it beats the shopping mall I just left there about an hour ago you can come in here for free and get more than you can get in the mall with a million dollars there's nothing like serving God there's nothing like living for God there's nothing like the Bible Way there's nothing like knowing that your sins are forgiven and that you're going to go to heaven one day but between now and then you can live for God and be used by God there's nothing like knowing that not only do you love God but God loves you I wish I could tell you after being saved all these years and surrendered to preaching and I was a youth pastor for 17 18 years and now I'm going into my eighth year of pastoring I've never had a better time serving the Lord than I am now but I've never seen more people that needed God in a major way than right now if I took you back to cross those Baptist Church I think it would probably mirror what would be true at Haynes or or Calvary or up the road brother Tom I think that sitting in our churches of people battling cancer people whose marriages are on the rock people who've lost loved ones recently brother Jim and I were talking today when I was riding up the road he told me yesterday just about a mutual friend of ours he just taps me a couple weeks ago - tell me about dr. Bobby Roberson passing away and it's just been recently where brother Jimmy told me yesterday this same friend of ours Mark Linderman playing basketball collapsed and went to heaven just like got a wife and children they're hurting tonight I'm not nay they're not back sitting they're living for God they hurt tonight I got teenagers and cross rose Baptist Church their mamas and daddies have never been but they come every week I'm told my mom was super down there on their knees every single night and they've got rebellious children I'm timeout tithing members 52 weeks a year I said 52 weeks a year safer will a man Rob God you say this is a youth conference ain't no such thing as a youth Bible but if you say you're too tired I tell our people don't get nervous when I start on my tithes and I haven't even started talking about your money the tithe is the Lord's I'm talking about members at Ty 52 weeks a year walk into the office one day and find out that job is gone well that'd break somebody's heart that's real live Christianity I wish I could stand up here tonight after all these years of being saved and preaching and pastoring now I wish I could stand up and tell these young people you get saved you live for God your honor God you'll never have any problems you never have any pressures you never have any people turn on you it'll always be smooth it always be a bet I wish I could say that oh there's some saints of God who've been in this thing for a long time you know what they'll tell you they'll tell you there been some valleys there been some mountains some people are right in the middle of a storm right now and they'll storm is not the result of their sin their storm is a result of their faithfulness to Almighty God I want to tell you I wish I could be like one of these television evangelist and tell you if you love God you'll always be prosperous and everything you ask for you can have and everything you name you can claim and everything you want you god-given have you ever heard a job you ever heard of Paul I can't tell you every day is going to be a great day when it comes to circumstances I can't tell you never lose from out of you love I can't tell you you'll never get see in the months and wonder where your money's going to come from I can't tell you young ladies if you live for God that nobody ever break your heart I can't tell you that your parents will never go through a divorce I can't tell you preacher man that if you stand up there and preach the gospel every Sunday morning Sunday night and Wednesday night that everybody in your town will say hip-hip hurray for you being there what I can tell you is I know something about the God that I serve amen he's the same yesterday today and forever he never ever changes he never ever fails he never lets me down and I'm not hearing a lot of these young people and tell them that serving God is a bed of roses but what I am here to tell you is the God that saves you and the godless sanctifies you and the God that justifies you peace of faithful God he's a loving God he's a consistent God he's a merciful God he's an Abe of God he's our good God and he will provide now I've always believed that I've always believed that doctrinally I've learned it practically yeah I won't tell you tonight that God will provide I could preach on a lot of things tonight but you've been learn now that you serve God people will come and go circumstances will change situations will rectify but God will provide I'll tell you I've come this far he's never let me down and I'll tell you why I'm going on the rest of the way I'm confident of this very thing that he words have begun a good work in me with my father the day of Jesus Christ they have no condition taken you but such as is common to man but God is safer you are not something to be tempted above that you're able but with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it the trying of your faith working patience to let persons ever perfect work in you that you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing blesses the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive a crown of life let us not be weary in well-doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not for I know in whom I have believed and I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day God will provide and in second Kings chapter 4 we're watching the woman and we're witnessing her learn this firsthand see if there's anything I've learned about God I've learned you got to learn God firsthand he said come unto me all you to heavy lady amen he just say just come to church amen he didn't just say come to revival he didn't say come to meeting I'm telling you a lot of people that joined the church that had last with Jesus amen a lot of people came to meetings but they didn't last with Jesus I'll tell you you got to come to Jesus take my yoke upon you and learn of me from meek and lowly of heart you find rest unto your souls she's gonna learn that God will provide and I want to look at 2nd Kings chapter 4 because this passage has encouraged me and I know this is a youth meeting but I see some people that ain't so youthful I'm trying to encourage you tonight cuz there's a devil that still running around and I hate to bust your bubble but he's a liar he's not your friend and I'm telling you he's got his hand in everything he's all up in Hollywood he's all over the news media a man he's got his fingerprint all over politics he's all over social media and statistics tell us that the average teenager spins around 11 hours and 23 minutes a day on some form of social media that means you're messing around with the devil quite a bit he's alive and he wants to make you think that if you serve God you never gonna be happy and you always will be trying to rub two nickels together and you're always going to be bored and you're never gonna find a good husband and you're never gonna make a salary and you'll never make a living in the 21st century that's the biggest lie Davis said I've been young and now but I never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread he said the Goliath tournament-style tried to kill me but God provided for me [Applause] God will provide look at second Kings for I want you to notice the desperate individual God provides for desperate individuals and what's going on with this woman she's got emotional pain she's a widow her husband died she's heartbroken she's got an economic plight she's broke she's got an endearing past I mean her husband lives for God and she didn't do she's got an extreme predicament I mean it's bad her husband's dead her body's gone he used to fear the Lord and now they're coming together boys I can't tell you listen I listen I get a call an email or a text almost every day or every week of my life from good people where the devil is trying to take the kids there my prayer list I'm told my people have raised in church they've walked away from God and going to an immoral lifestyle and I'm not trying to talk bad about him I'm heartbroken about it you look at that mama on her knees knowing she lived for God say the devil's coming to get my boys the devil's trying to get might listen to me young ladies the devil's trying to get you did I tell you he was in social media but I tell you he was in Hollywood did I tell you was all over the television did I tell you he's hung up in the music industry oh I forgot one he's all into those clothing manufacturers cuz he wants to get you he wants to get you to dress like you're trying to say on something even though you've already you've already been purchased you've already been bought with the price therefore glorify God in your body in your spirit when you say one of you one of those narrow-minded preachers you haven't heard nothing yet [Applause] you when you watch when you watch when you watch the devil steal the innocence from young ladies you'll know I'm preaching like this when you've seen the march on the church over over some sorry boy you know I'm preaching like this and when you watch when you'd watch some young man that was on fire for God for preaching the Word of God that want to chase the young lady instead of changed Jesus you know I'm preaching like this I will tell you here's a momma here she's a good woman she was married to a good man and about to take her boys but I'm telling you Jesus add up for God to show up somebody in here tonight's desperate now some of you came because you can have a choice some of you came cuz it's thing to do some of you came because you won't see what was going on some of you came because you just want to find out what kind of message I was going to preach but some folks in here tonight cuz they're desperate you need God some of you young ladies here at a desperate tonight I'm telling you there may be some complacent some mediocre some status-quo people on your roll I'm telling you tune them out and if you showed up tonight desperate I will tell you God will provide some of you grown folk in here have been doubting God and in questioning whether or not it's still worth it to give faithful it and it's still worth it to stay on that bus round and it's still worth it to teach that sunday-school class some of you kids gonna have to sign here in the next year or two whether you'll miss forgotten keep your purity or whether you gonna give it away and regret it years later I'm telling you don't you tap out don't you give up don't you give in don't you back down don't you put up don't you shut up God will provide [Applause] she's a desperate individual I'm trying to now I want you to notice this desperate individual was met with a direct inquiry he lacks just said so what do you want me to do for you ma'am I've been listening to your problems now I'm paraphrasing well I don't believe I'm sacrificing context ma'am I've heard your problems you you you lost your husband well I'm not gonna marry you you broke I'm a Baptist preacher I'll have no money you got creditors coming to get your boys what you want me do what shall I do you here's what he's trying to get her to do he's trying to get her to admit her desire ma'am who are you looking for you're looking for the preacher you're looking for God that's what good sound Bible preaching always does it directs people away from the man and to the master ministries can never be built on a man's personality his ability to puppeteer his ability to win the crowd have known great men that could win the crowd and now they're in jail their names are in their Bible but they have no good name anymore because the people were drawn to their charisma instead of the Christ that was in them a lot listen to me Elijah wasn't trying to be rude he wasn't trying to be unkind he wasn't dismissing the legitimacy of our problem he was simply saying to her did you come looking for a preacher did you come looking for good why did you come looking for an emotional star from the choir song tonight why did you come looking for God there must be an admitted desire notice there was also an availability discussion what hats down in the house well ma'am you don't have anything you don't have a husband you have no money and you don't have an answer for them creditors you need God to give you something so before we talk about it let's talk about what you have now now listen I've learned in the Christian life we are good at identifying what we need but very bad at availing what we have now listen to me if you're sitting in the building tonight you've never met your daddy your mama's not saved if you have a bunch of clothes in the closet and the clothes you have aren't name brand clothes if you don't have a fancy job if you'll have a pretty background come on if you don't have a new car with some big rims on it if you don't have a great education come on now if you don't have a great job here's what we tell you tonight forget about all that what do you have what are you having the house tonight so I don't have much that's not the question what do you have I don't have a lot that's not the question what do you have what I don't have anything significant that's not the question what do you have I don't have a big church I don't have a great choir I'll have a fancy staff 25 deacons I'll have a PhD degree who have what do you have we get around some preachers today and everything everything is wrong what we don't have God's never been interested in what you don't have he's interested in what you do here before we talk about what I can give you God said let's talk about what you can give me here's a young man in here tonight you can't ever figure how you'd be standing in a pulpit in pastoring a church you can't even figure out how you get enrolled in Bible College you certainly can't figure out how to say yes when you get on your neither neither [Music] did neither but what changed your life was not how much they had what change their life was how big their God was some ask everybody to build a night what you have there was a desperate individual she's gonna find out God will provide there's a direct inquiry why cuz we're gonna find out God will provide number three there's some detailed instructions can I have what you have where a preacher I don't have five thousand dollars go to Bible College you got an hour to pray well I don't have a godly wife standing beside me you got enough of will to stay off the pornography no no no God's not trying to move the conversation forward until he don't don't discuss his inventory till you bring forward yours I wish somebody helped me preach I determined not to be long tonight but you gotta act like you understand what I'm talking about God that God already knows what's in your house he's not asking to find out information no no God God didn't want her to clue in God didn't want to find out what her hideaway was guns didn't want her to tell him where her tell him where her stash was God did what the password to her new lockbox with her hideaway changed the issue was about whether what little bit she had she turned over to the master after all it belongs to him anyway so there's some some detailed instructions okay all right number the pot of oil okay here's what you do go borrow vessels abroad of all their neighbors run out a few okay ma'am so you you you can't bring your husband back you can't print currency right you can't sweet-talk creditors but I tell you what you can do you can go borrow vessels no no that's in your power see don't expect beyond your power and until you first go to your power so come on now don't expect God to do the supernatural until you do the natural amen don't expect God to answer prayer if you won't pray don't expect him to open up the windows that happen if you won't bring him the tithe don't expect you to give him give him your husband if you won't give him your morning's in prayer and your time in the word a man don't expect them to give you a pope and if you won't be playful in the pew no you can't multiply oil but you can borrow vessels something here tonight struggling financially you can't produce money but you can pray you can interpret the Bible but you can trust the Holy Ghost of God you can't put your parents back together but you can go home and live Jesus you've got something the house and he says I want you to leave the house I want you to knock on doors you wanna talk about losing her pride how much you knock on all the neighbors doors what about embarrassment I thought you needed God I've been amazed at me people so desperate for God and then you give him the word for God and all of a sudden that's below me people tell me I need the church to pray for me and I've said to some them have you ever thought about coming to church and praying for yourself I need ever gotten a person in America praying for you ever thought about being godly and praying for yourself I need you to go lead my mom and Daddy to the Lord you ever thought about living Jesus I'm telling you I pulled out some of my best soul winning presentations that I could ever come up with and that Daddy and Mommy still didn't want to get saved cuz living in that bedroom in their house was a born again child of God who was blaring rap music sassing back dirtying up the room coming in after curfew and all of my soul winning gimmicks wouldn't get PACs past that bad reputation lived by that so-called child go I'm asking you what's in your power personal aggression have you done all you can Amen you want a big require I'm asking you to five five you got it in the choir they singing along again you want more on your bus what you're doing with one's is coming amen well I'll start studying for my Sunday School class when I get a full class if you can't give three of them your best lesson why should God bring you 30 somebody help me preach you want your face all over flyers and people to drive hundreds of miles to hear you preach yeah how about reading your Bible every day submitting your authority huh personal aggression okay after you borrow if you bring them in to bring them in the house shut the door private attention now you listen you can do it you can go out there and do everything you can with everybody you can get it from to get help but once you do what I told you come in the house and it's you and me shut the door upon thee and thy sons God says now is you and me time hey listen personal aggression is never a substitute for private attention how much time you spent alone with God you're only as strong as you and God are by yourself somebody help me breach oh you say you say it's overrated no I'd like to tell you that publicity is overrated amen private time with God is underrated the best time you'll ever have with God is by yourself when the TV's turned off and the wife's already sleep when mom and dad had a church a visitor come to church this past Sunday's sitting up in the balcony I went up to see him during a handshaking time you and they said to me he said our boys been trying to get down to Pensacola to hear you preach in the summer but the weeks always full and we never get a chance to get him down there so he drove up to your church Sunday morning to hear you preach I was humble but you know I was more humbled by the next statement then I was that he came to hear me preach they said somehow early in the morning and late at night when we're sleep and everybody else is doing nothing we creep into our son's room and he's on his knees praying to God he's listening to Bible preaching it's a teenage boy where the sixteen year olds two in the morning they're not at SportsCenter they're on their knees crying to God in the midnight hour we don't have those anymore they're too cool for school no they're looking up moves on the basketball court and the next Jordans that are coming out and how to whip and nae nae they ought to be looking up where is Jesus how to study the Bible what is the real prayer life [Applause] private attention personal aggression and then there was persuaded activity bring them all in close the door and pour you looking at your Bible bring it in shut the door and pour wait a minute I got one pot with oil you told me to borrow a bunch of pots explain to me how I'm gonna have one pot with oil borrow a bunch of pots that are supposed to be empty with no oil and pour from that one pot into those bunch of pots you got to trust God now wait a minute now wait a minute these are the instructions that he's giving her not after she got the oil before she ever went and borrowed it I'm gonna tell you listen to me you can come to church three times a week without faith you can say any huge choir without faith come on now you teach Sunday School without faith you'd be a deacon without faith you can be a 2018 pretty good Church kid without faith but you can't go borrow vessels that are empty and plan to fill up a bunch of empty vessels with one full vessel unless you believe God and there were there will come a time in your life where no other option but faith is on the table and for some of you you can't grasp that because you're at 13 and all of your bills are paid for you and the clothes you're wearing somebody bought them and you got here cuz mama drove you amen you don't have to trust him to have food and you got a cell phone but you don't know how much it cost I'm telling you you better learn God wherever you are amen David didn't learn God in the Valley of Elah David learned God watching some sheep and you may not be in front of Goliath today but God's got some sheep for you you better learn to make your bed you better learn to wash some dishes you better learn some yes ma'am and no ma'am you better learn you can't go cuz I said so you better learn you can't date them because the spirits telling me ain't no good for you you better learn sit down cuz I said sit down stand up cuz I said sit down stand up you better learn to obey cuz there's coming a time when faith is your only option [Applause] here she was persuaded activity yes detailed instructions and then preserved abundance once you get it don't you dare use it said of the sides here's what he saying oh you're gonna use it but you're gonna use it for me see some of you got voices but you're not using them for him some of you some of you have beauty but you're not using it for him some of you have intellect but you're not using it for him it's of His mercies that you're not consumed he deadly loaded you for benefits every good and perfect gift you received from above but time you got it you spent it you're spitting on a boy you're spitting on a girl you're spending on sensuality you spill it on carnality when you're coming to church you don't have much left to God cuz you've already spin it let me tell you some God said when I bless you set it aside for me if I give you a voice sing for Jesus if I give you talent use it for Jesus if I give you influence use it for Jesus if you're popular and everybody follows you follow Jesus and lead them to him preserved abundance let me hasten let me hasten there's a desperate individual there are deep there's a direct inquiry there are detailed instructions number four there's because of these three there's divine intervention now wait a minute God hadn't gotten involved yet with three points into the message and God hadn't gotten involved yet she still got the same pot of oil now she's got a bunch of empty pots but point number four God got involved because she did all she can amen that the disciples said Lord where we gonna win are we not we're not gonna get into her we're gonna take our time but Lazarus is sick that's all right we don't take our time why cuz the longer I take the more glorified I'm gonna be and then he shows up there they're weeping and wailing and Martha and Mary those you'd been there our brother wouldn't have died wait a minutes ladies calm down I got this he goes up to a grade you think Mary Martha could bring laster's back to life you think that any one of those people standing out there could have brought Lazarus back alive if they could have Jesus would have never had to come that was only one man that day that could bring last respect to like but before he did that's what he said take away the stone right now y'all can bring him back to life y'all food at their stolen out move that damn stone God said you do everything you can and then I'll do what only I can't proper obedient she did have the thing he say verse five she went from him shut the door brought the vessels and pour it out God stop showing up you're not obeying every pastor in this room is sat down with somebody who wanted counseling said across from the table and they you gave him same spiel and you're not you're not disregarding it or dismissing it and then you took the Bible I'm talking up to where to go and from the Word of God not not not from the top of your head from the Word of God you gave them sound biblical instruction and then that desperate individual who needed God more than ever to show up said to you I know what the Bible said but now you can't date him if you want God to bless you I know what the Bible said but we love each other now you can on the garden dress that way I know what the by I know what the Bible said but it's popular now you can't love God listen that kind of you I know what the Bible say but but but but everybody's listening to it you can't say you called the ministry and going off training and doing something else and some secular college when God washing babaca I know what the Bible said but don't know don't be looking for God come down the driveway if you didn't do what he told you proper obedience providential outcome the Bible says she poured out how the love dip in there I mean she's got one pot and from that one pot she's pouring into a bunch of pots you know buddy they're more surprised than she was hey God God God never said he wouldn't surprise you he just said obey him so he can amen I'm still surprised I mean up to this very moment I'm surprised God's using me I mean if the if the made sense thing came out of this I wouldn't be standing up here and I feel like I'm in good company and none of us in here deserve to go to heaven I'm still standing all that God's using me I know who I am I know my weaknesses I know my frailties I can't produce revival I can't bring the Spirit of God I didn't pack the Holy Ghost in my car now - hi but I know one thing he told me to study to show myself approved unto God a workman needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth I know one thing I can be right with my wife I can be right with my children I can practice what I preach and then I can wait on God to show up [Applause] there was a providential outcome she kept pouring a mare and then the Bible says the vessels were full you all have up you listen you won't have a fuller life than serving God I'm telling you they're voices all over the internet and all over the world and they're popular folks to tell you you got to make the most of your image and you got to live the world's way to live for God take it from somebody let me tell you I met my wife a virgin I've never tasted ever tasted cigarettes I've never been in a movie theater bless the Lord O my soul and I'm telling you I have missed out on anything I said I have missed out on anything the devil could never give me anything more than God gives me he fills up my cop [Applause] there was a perpetual ongoing they all stayed but there's a particular observation and I'm almost done divine intervention she only filled up as many vessels that she borrow and if she did borrowed three she'd have filled up three she brought five she filled a fine she borrowed ten she'd filled up ten you too preacher what's the hold up on God doing morphine foot more for me here waiting on you set more vessels out sixty see if you come to church expecting a little that's all you're gonna get if you're into 2018 and put out two vessels don't look for God to fill up five [Applause] well I did some preacher I've just got a little old church down it wouldn't mean Lowell Chur more as God's churches a big church I mean I mean I mean every time you get to the pulpit I don't care if there's two people or 2,000 people put the vessels out hey man listen listen to me I don't I tell our church every time I preach I want to leave it all on the platform I expect God to show up I will tell you 2018 I need all the buckets he can feel I need all the vet listen first of January 2018 you know idea I've lined up as many vessels as I could I worked hard to show up show up in my marriage show up with my kids sharpen my minister sharp in my prayer life sharp in my soul winning charm and my young couple Sunday school you asking God too much finally a passage in the Bible let's say you can ask God too much I scan it Shelby give it unto you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you and God is able to exceed above all that we ask or think we have limited God's somebody interviewing the nice going I wish God blessed me like he does him how much I'm on me you got everybody got somebody in their life you looking at they go that lady in church standing up thanking Jesus again what's wrong with her ain't nothin wrong with her she just borrow more vessels of media you think that preacher down the road having a good time in Jesus cuz he lamented financial issues he don't have any cantankerous members he don't have a devil on his back every morning man he living for God if you don't have a devil on his back amen and let me tell you something the best pastor that ever graced planet Earth the Lord Jesus Christ had one devil eight that did nothing and three that argue about everything what makes you think flawed pastors aren't going to have problems you know what that man is determined I'm not gonna let problems determine my potential amen I may have somebody not like what I say and not agree with what I think but as long as I'm preaching what they'll say if the Lord every Sunday morning Sunday night and Wednesday night sat the vessels up then when you get up and read in the morning how many investors you put up you now pass to get your Bible college student how much you getting out of Bible cup well I went to the service and I didn't get much out of the service you probably didn't bring no vessels you tell me how somebody walk out the service move by God an absolutely transformed ready to charge hell with a super soaker sane person walking on the same service how was it was I now how could the Holy Ghost work on somebody and somebody else get nothing it wasn't nothing wrong with the preacher that wasn't nothing wrong with the church you just left home without any vessels oh and with some vessels come to church with some vessels stacked something from God I'm closing lastly there's a delightful inevitability the amazing supply God showed up you the appropriate service she did what she was supposed to do I love verse number seven I imagined this woman as shouting for the Lord thank you lord thank you look do you realize how desperate she was verse number one she was a widow she was broke the creditors were coming they were taking her boys by verse number seven she went from one vessel full of oil to a bunch of vessels full of oil come on now didn't God show up I have a problem with people that God blesses and they don't want to praise him for now one thing I've never done as a pastor is tell people how to do that not everybody going wave to him not everybody's going to run around not everybody's doing shout I found out some people shouting we're more devilish than some people that were silent don't you ever judge spirituality by how loud people shout the devil can out shout all the other you could be on your way to hell standing up waving your hand tonight hey man guarding last you how loud you shout and he's gonna ask you do you know him Amen I'm not going to tell you how to praise God but I am telling you that let everything that hath breath praise the Lord and if he's been good to you let the redeemed of the Lord say so he saves you and redeemed you he's provided for you that when God shows up somebody oughta testifies behold all sister horses I'll hear you shout but go pay your debt you can wave your head all you want to but you still owe some people and I don't believe the application is only finances I believe listen to me when God blesses you remember who you owe remember who invested in you amen when you can find it when you drink you can tie your own tie and shine your own shoes and find Habakkuk without the help of the glossary do you remember who picked you up on that bus when you couldn't spell Jesus amen you start teaching a Sunday School class remember the pastor who disciples you when you didn't know about eternal security amen go pay your debt there's an amazing supply that demands an appropriate service there's an absolute sufficiency until the famine was over she had what she needed and there was an ample sustenance she never lacked you know I look at this pastor scripture I don't believe the woman got rich that day she just got everything she needed I don't need a mansion I just need sufficiency he's all I need amen Moses you don't need a new mouth Moses Moses you don't need a speech class I'll tell you what you need I am that I have Paul you don't need to get rid of that thorn you just need my grace that's sufficient amen David you don't need Saul's armor you just need my touch on that slingshot you don't need to be anybody else God made you who you wanted you to be and if he wanted you to be somebody else he'd have figured that out before you were born he never went back and said oops I don't know how that slipped through the cracks you are who God intended you to be now do all you can for God so you can expect all you need from him and along the way there'll be some valleys yeah my mother-in-law is fighting Stage four triple negative breast cancer as we speak right now there's just there's no way she can get rid of the cancer God has to do it you know what she can do she can get in the Bible you know she's still doing she's still winning people to the Lord investing in people's lives muster enough enough strength to go go to somebody's wedding whose life she's impacted eternally come on she's still testifying about Jesus she's still hosting people in her home and training them how to talk right and walk right amen she need God to heal her from cancer but she don't need God to praise him she can do that some of you going through something some of you 12 and 13 years old you know what you need you need to pass science oh god don't you you need to get from 12 to 13 some of you 16 year-olds trying to make 18 some of you 18 yo was trying to make 21 some of you 20 year olds trying to make the marriage altar let me tell you something you won't get there by writing some some little mash thing on some napkin somewhere at Cracker Barrell talking about you who you gonna marry how many kids you gonna have with your husband gonna look like and look real good on a napkin but I'm gonna tell you something here's a waitress coming in a few minutes she gonna throw that thing away and I'm gonna tell you right now that that pretty lady sitting down those children right there they're way better I could have a drawing up on a napkin it wasn't for free oh I'm not bragging on me wife table there's a lot of things I could have done differently but I'm glad that I decided I wasn't going to expect God to do for me what I could do for myself I don't know where you are but I know that I'm witnessing the people of God more needful today than ever before heed the story of second Kings 4 because I promise you you hold up your end of the bargain you don't have to worry about him for as long as he's been who he is and that's before time even began this my friend has been immutably true about my god he will provide I father I prayed you bring some desperate people to the odds right now [Music] as the pastor I want to thank you for viewing our video today however if God's dealt with your heart we do not want to end this video without giving you a chance to be able to accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior if your day of the day and God's actually dealing with your heart I want to remind you what the Bible says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God that means every single one of us has had problems issues seeing failures faults in our past the great thing is this is that Jesus says I'm the way the truth and the life no man coming through the Father but by me there is a way to be able to have hope to have eternal security within the Lord Jesus Christ to be able to know that you're saved by the grace of God now the great thing about the Bible's it tells us about the love of God he says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth him shall not perish but have everlasting life and that's amazing to a lot of people making quoted but the beauty of it is this is the very next verse tells us the purpose of Christ because the Bible says for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world that the world through him might be saved that means that God sent his son to die for those of us who are sinners so that we can have fellowship with God himself now if you're there today and God's with a build with your heart I want to ask you this question do you really believe that God's been dealing with you about salvation if that's the case today then I want to tell you what you need to do is repent in your sins you need to die yourself a bit you're a loss and you're on your way to hell and then look at what the Bible tells us that he tells us that we can be saved through Christ who do you call there's only one it's about salvation in any other for there's none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved it's only through Christ in Christ alone so I tell you today would you trust in Christ when I ask you would you would you trust in him as a personal Savior you said brother Jason I don't really know if I can do that well let me tell you the Bible also tells us that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved it don't matter who you are where you come from God sent his son to die for everyone if you've made this decision as today to be able to trust in Christ to be able to die to yourself - to be able to start living for Christ and accept him as a personal Savior after repenting would you do us a favor and be able to contact us at three three six seven eight eight zero five five one and let us know about this decision that you made so we can start praying for you thank you
Channel: Hanes Baptist Church
Views: 6,439
Rating: 4.7468352 out of 5
Keywords: Truth, Trust, worship, Life, Salvation, God, Jesus, Spirit, Gospel, Bible, Real, Happy, Heaven, Hell, Joy, Revelation
Id: LXkHhxKZ3-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 46sec (5026 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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