360 LIVE: Laser Projector Build - Part 7 Making Changes and Wiring

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of fusion 360 live my name is Brad talus from Autodesk helping me today on the keyboard is our friend Jason so as we're going through today's live stream please feel free if you have any questions or comments put them out there I was glancing at them before we started I do really appreciate all the positive comments out there it's like one big huge family of all of us so today we're gonna continue on we're gonna do basically part seven of this series I'm going to show some new functionality and then this show creating like for example some wires wire harnesses if you wanted to create like a realistic representation like for a rendering next week part eight I think will probably be the last part in this series we'll do like exploded views and drawings so we left off last week where I was showing one of my favorite commands in here I use section alysus all the time but there's also a command in here called interference and we left off by analyzing so I'm going to click these two bodies the the back housing and the center housing and I'm gonna click on compute and sure enough it actually found some issues and so we can kind of see highlighted in red that these little wings right here are clashing with the back housing now last week I showed how you can open up one of the components into a new session make some changes hit save and then when you go back to your top-level assembly it actually highlights with a warning message saying hey there's a new component available well check this out I'm gonna be talking about some new functionality that's brand-new in fusion so I'm going to start out this isn't the part I'm gonna start out by creating a section analysis so we've through this way I'm going to section through in another direction so I'm going to turn off the back housing real quick and oops inspect section analysis I'm going to turn off this one and I'm going to start by clicking on this little what I call the wing and you can kind of see how it's gonna allow me to slice through and I can pick anywhere I want on on here okay so I'm just gonna leave it right there so I can kind of see the wing and I need to turn that guy on okay and I'll go ahead and turn the back housing back on and sure enough we can see where that's clashing even just in the section analysis so like I said last week Oh actually you know what I apologize I actually wanted to show something even before we started I just saw it in my timeline down here check this out let me make sure I'm sharing my screen here this this really impressed me so I love the fact that you guys are following along you're always attending these live streams and here's Tuan Lee posted out in the fusion 360 users Facebook group that he's been following along and was able to create this whole assembly so congrats I love that I think that's awesome so you know if you guys want to please feel free to post what you've been doing out on the fusion 360 group we'd love to see what you guys are doing not only with this but with anything you might be designing ok so what I wanted to show is some new functionality and to see this I'm gonna go to my help menu I'm sorry I lied my name preferences so I'm going to click on my name and I'm gonna click on preferences and this will bring up my preferences over here is preview features and I highly recommend coming out to this at least once or twice a month because this is what we add functionality that's not a hundred percent fully baked into the product but we want our customers to try it out to see different things and right here is edit in place and you'll notice I've activated it or it's checked okay so I have that turned on watch what happens now if I hover over this Center housing you'll see that there's a little edit icon or this little pencil icon that says edit in place okay I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and what its gonna do is it's gonna allow me to make changes to the center housing right in this session I didn't have to open it up into a new design you know and edit it in that design and then bring it back in here in fact you'll notice there's like a blue border all the way around my screen and then I also see this edit in place across the top with a green check box okay so what this is going to allow me to do is now anna's oome up on this region here and i can turn off this back housing just to let me see a little bit better but I'm going to go ahead and pick on this little tiny edge right there right click and say chamfer okay now I'll turn the back housing back on let's kind of look at it maybe more from the top view and I'm gonna just start adding a chamfer and notice it's actually updating in place okay so I can visually see in fact let me make sure I'm looking straight down at the top of it let me zoom out of here just a little bit so you can see what's going on and now I can visually see my spacing or what my gap is a lot kind of stuff so I can come in here and say maybe you know maybe like point three let's give that a try and sure enough that's editing the Center housing without having to switch to a different session okay in fact I'm gonna do both of those wings at the same time so let me go ahead and just to simplify I'll turn off that back housing kind of zoom up here real quick I'm gonna control select that guy and you can kind of see how it updated also turn on my back housing again take a look from the top and I can now see that I have no clashing going on and I was able to make a change I'm gonna go ahead and say okay now I would do the same thing on the other side because there's you know the same issue go on the other side but let's just go ahead and leave that one as it is and I'm gonna go ahead and say check finish edit in place okay and I'm back to my design I didn't have to leave I don't know if you can tell I think this is really cool you know I mentioned last week you know I've been to hundreds if not thousands of customers where all over their monitor or post-it notes of dimensions that they've written down and sizes and stuff like that because they're working in this part mode saving it working in part mode saving it and then switching to assembly mode and then they need to make changes and they have to write down everything but here with edit in place we can make the change without ever having to leave our assembly so let's keep continuing on here okay so so I fixed that area I'm gonna go ahead and turn off that section analysis real quick and then I'm gonna do another inspect I mean it's pretty obvious right here there are mistakes in this design I apologize in factors unfortunately quite a few mistakes but that's because I was kind of reverse engineering it by hand or whatever so obviously there's something going on here but let's make sure there is so I'm going to do an interference and let's do the center housing and you know this front glass and I'll do a compute and sure enough it found and it actually highlights where the issue is I can kind of see it in red so this little mount right here is sticking into the glass and obviously that's not good so okay so let's go ahead and work on that so same thing I think in fact I didn't even have to exit out but I'll go ahead and edit in place the center housing again okay and what this is going to allow me to do is work on that same part okay so I need to figure out you know how do I fix this so the first thing I'm going to do is just basically like click on that front face and like I showed last week it highlights in the timeline unfortunately it highlights the combine but at least I know pretty close to this is probably where this is happening so I'm going to back up a little bit so that's an extrude and then this guy right here this extrude kind of looks like that's the main extrude so I'm going to go ahead and edit that okay now to simplify things I might turn off this mount so we can see a little bit better okay and what this is going to allow me to do is drag and change the length of this and I can actually snap it to the glass so let me turn off the front housing also right there so it's not in the way and I'm just gonna click on the face of the glass and you can kind of see how it snapped back and now the front of this plastic part is sitting flush with the glass okay now I could type in a dimension or whatever but in this case I'm gonna say just you know let's cut that front of that off a little bit it still has enough material there to hold the little optoelectronic sensor whatever the light sensor that slides in there okay so again I made a change I was able to use existing geometry to help me make that change and this is what I really like okay the next thing I'm going to kind of look at it well actually let me look at this direction from the front there's a mask there's this glass mask sorry a glass mask right here and there's a hole through it and you can see for whatever reason the hole does not line up with the slot of the center mount so I want to change that also so I'm going to go ahead and accept this change okay and sure enough there you can kind of kind of see the hole doesn't line up so let's edit the glass mask I'll say edit in place now watch what happens to my timeline when I do this it's now editing the glass mask and there's only two features because this is a very basic shape there's a sketch and there's an extrude so I'm gonna go ahead and instead of like press pulling like I did with that plastic part I'm gonna go back and actually edit the sketch you know let me kind of look at it this direction and here we can see and you can see all of the other parts which are kind of cool this the dimensions a little bit hard to see but it's right here I'll kind of move it up so you can kind of see it so it's dimensioning from the center up 0.8 so I can come in here and maybe I'm just gonna try some things out let's just try point 9 and see where that puts us puts us pretty close let's try point nine five or something like that and obviously that went too far so I'm just going to do something kind of in between there so let's just do maybe point point-9 25 or something let's give that a try and actually that looks perfect so I was able to edit the sketch that was originally used to create the mask and when I say finish it's gonna update the downstream process which is the extrude and now that hole is lined up with that mount and you can see that better here okay so I'm done with the editing in place so I'm gonna go ahead and say okay and we'll see that everything has been fixed right there and I could keep going unfortunately there's there's probably about five or six more errors I've noticed and you know I apologize for that I had to rush kind of through this whole design I would like to go back and fix these I have uploaded a newer version of this assembly we made some changes to the circuit board which you're gonna see here in just a moment so if you're working along whatever please feel free in the description of the livestream video I have my outline and I also have an updated assembly in fact I think it says updated next to it okay so that is a quick preview of the edit in-place what I'm gonna do now is I want to create some realistic wiring you know we've got the circuit board in here I've got my laser diodes I've got you know power supply all that kind of stuff I want to create a realistic representation so I'm going to turn off a majority of my parts just to get them out of the way for example the drive shaft I don't need the gears or the stake I want to keep the stepper motor for now I don't even need the heatsink I'll turn that die off and get rid of some of these screws and the reason for this it's I'm gonna be rotating quite a bit so I want to simplify what's on the screen as much as possible so I'm going to turn off pretty much everything but what you see right here okay now what we're going to do is Tyler when me two weeks ago did a really good demonstration of 3d splines and we're gonna use that functionality in our design here we see I have let me turn this guy okay so I'm gonna turn those screws off real quick okay there we go so what I'm gonna do is I want to create for example you'll notice the stepper motor I'm gonna create a wire harness that goes from here up to a plug in here I want to simulate like these laser diodes getting plugged into this plug over here for example and I will be honest unfortunately right now it's we're gonna have to do it kind of by hand I know there's some software's out there where you can do like wire harnesses automatically where you say pin one from connector one goes to pin for connector two for example we don't have that quite yet so I'm gonna be doing this manually but again it's more for you know a graphic representation so what I'm gonna do is let's start with we'll do something easy first we'll start with one of these laser diodes now the key thing that we want to be really concerned about is the tangency directions of our 3d splines in fact that's going to take the most of our time is making sure that those are correct now what I'm gonna do to help me out is I'm gonna start by creating some construction geometry and one of them is axis through cylinder so watch what happens I'm going to go ahead and click on this cylinder right here and you can see that it's going to create a construction line or an axe straight through the middle of that cylinder in fact I'll repeat my command I'll do the same thing over here and what this is gonna allow me to do is this line is perfectly through the center of the cylinder and it doesn't matter what angle this is at or whatever and I can use this line to help me define tangency directions and so you'll see this as we go through ok so I'm going to create a sketch and I'm just gonna go ahead and pick maybe like this front plane now for what I'm doing I want to make sure that my 3d sketch is turned on and you'll notice that's this little checkbox right here I've seen in the forum's a lot of people asking about you know my sketch looks different why is that it's because this is turned on if you're just doing regular sketching go ahead and turn it off but if you're gonna be doing stuff like these wires etc you're gonna want to have those turned on ok so you'll notice I'm in my sketch menu you'll notice my sketch plane kind of slices right through the the middle of my stepper motor and my board and all kind of stuff but because I have 3d sketch turned on I'm gonna be able to sketch in 3d so I'm gonna do for example a spline now what I'm about to do is gonna be kind of weird I'm only gonna do two points which is pretty much a line and not a spline but you're gonna see why we're going to use the spline command here so I'm going to zoom up and you'll notice as I get near this face right here it kind of turns to a box and it's gonna snap to that point okay and you see my triad here I'm not gonna worry about which plane I'm drawing on or anything like that at this point so I'm going to zoom around and and again like I said I haven't had a lot of time to work on this I apologize so for example I don't have the inserts that go into these these connectors or whatever there would be like a crimp insert I don't I don't have those so just for simulation reasons I'm just gonna get near the pin that's inside here and again you'll notice it kind of snaps to a box when I get close to that okay so I'm going to go ahead and click right there okay let me zoom around a little bit so you can kind of see what happened I created a spline that went from the center of this wire or this probe whatever you want to call it to the center of this pin and I'm gonna go ahead and say okay now it's a straight line but notice the green handles right here so splines allow you to change the tangency direction and the tangency wait so watch I'm not gonna look at it kind of from the side here I'm going to use some of my constraints to help me out here so I want this tangency handle to be pointing in the same direction as this wire is so I'm gonna come in here and say parallel I'll click on that green handle and then I'm going to click on this axis and watch what happens to my spline notice how it's now coming straight out and then curving and this is the exact reason why I use the spline command instead of the line command okay so I can also click on for example that dot right there and say move and this is going to change the weight of the tangency handle so basically how tight it's coming in or whatever so I can whoops I can change how gradual I want that weight to be by pulling that handle in or out but I kind of I'm just going to leave it default so now you can see it's gonna come straight off of this probe okay and I want to do the exact same thing over here so I'm going to zoom up I'll click on my spline you can see the handle so I'm going to click on the green handle and I'm going to say I want that to be parallel and I just have to pick an edge that points in the right direction it could be any of these edges honestly it really doesn't matter as long as it's pointing in the right direction so watch what happens when I do that you'll see the wire kind of now gradually go in there again I could click on this end point and move it and let me kind of look at it more from the top or from the side a little bit so you can kind of see what happens when I change oops I guess it's in 3d so it's not gonna let me do that just a second here make sure I grab the right thing move [Music] yeah okay I'm pointing the wrong direction I'll leave that for now so what it did let me look at it from the top so now you can see my straight line is now this real nice gradual s-curve okay so I'm gonna do the exact same thing I'll go a little bit faster I'll say spline zoom up grab that little box right there kind of rotate around a little bit zoom up on this pin the upper pin let's just say okay so I can rotate so I can kind of see it and I'm gonna just move until I see that that box up here okay and I'll just go ahead and click and that's basically grabbing the the center point of this little pin that's inside there so right now it's a straight line I'll go ahead and say okay and I'm just gonna repeat what I just did so I'll select this Green tangency line and say I want it to be parallel with this axis now let me let me undo real quick I'll show you why why did I do this access well if I um click on this tangency line and I say parallel I can't click on a cylinder or anything like that I can't say I want it to be perpendicular to a face or anything like that unfortunately it's it's looking for like sketch geometry and or construction geometry and that's what that axis is so the fact that I have that axis in there is gonna allow me to say I want the tangency direction of my spline to be parallel or in line with the axis hopefully this is making sense okay so I'll do the exact same thing here I'll click on that tangency handle I'll just pick a line the points in the correct direction and we can see how that has made the wire now go gradually into the connector instead of at a sharp angle obviously okay okay now when I did this I just did two points but what if I wanted to control the shape of this wire a little bit more so I'm gonna go ahead and right click on one of these splines and you'll see right here insert spline fit point okay now if I were to click upside on me I forgot to click so I'll say insert spline fit point I'll kick a click a point and you can see how it added that point there now if I click on it you can see the tangency handle but I'm just gonna right mouse click and say move and this is gonna allow me to move and change that spline okay now notice how it's still keeping the the tangency Direction and I lock in the stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and maybe I just want to move this over slightly and I want to move it up slightly or something like that just to make it look a little bit different okay another tip that I sometimes do is I'll go ahead and turn on for example the center housing and take a look kind of in 3d and unfortunately going to see one of the mistakes I've made but here is you can kind of see everything is looking good but on my board unfortunately I hate to point out my mistakes but the connector runs into the wing so I might need to change the the length of my wing or in reality I would update the board and move this connector over but I'm not gonna worry about that in this session what I wanted to show there is that you can actually insert multiple points if you want to in a spline so I always start simple with the two points and then I'll add in a point or two if necessary okay so I'm happy with my 3d splines okay what I'm gonna do now is I want to simulate the wire so I'm gonna zoom up here real quick I'm gonna say create a sweep in fact the pop-up image that kind of comes up kind of gives an idea what it looks like so I'm gonna say sweep what's the profile well I already have a circle here something's gonna go ahead and click on that and then it's asking what is the path I'm gonna go ahead and click on this and you're gonna see it's going to take that profile and it's gonna sweep it along that path okay now you have a couple options here I'm gonna say new body because I don't want it to be you know connected to this and again this is kind of a weird example you know I'd probably have some kind of a connector like a crimp or something like that that connects to this but I'm just kind of showing how you could you know simulate a wire for example so I'm gonna go ahead and say new body I'll say okay I'll repeat my last command again let me do a sweep I'll click on that guy there but now you'll notice my path is gone well why well that's because it's actually a sketch so I'm gonna expand open my sketches turn on my sketch right there and we can see it came back and appeared so I'll say my path is this guy I'll say new body we can kind of take a look at what that's gonna look like looks pretty cool I'll say okay and I now have these wires okay so here's where the where the magic happens if I go back to my sketch and I take this point and I say move I can move this you know wire over and maybe down a little bit like so I'll say okay and finish sketch and you'll see that those wires update accordingly so what's kind of neat here is you know we're taking some time to create the 3d splines but then once we sweep these we can go back and edit those 3d splines and make changes to them and our wires will update accordingly okay now I want to obviously not have gray wires here so I'm gonna hit a for appearance okay so the shortcut key is a or I think it's under the modify appearance a okay so we're gonna add some material to this now I'm gonna fold some of this up since you've seen I'm already in here so what I did from my wires I went into plastic because that's kind of what they are and you see we have some basic you know like ABS nylon etc I'm gonna go into translucent and you'll see that we have a bunch of different ones like blue gray green etc red so I'm gonna just drag this red onto this body and you'll see that it's going to turn it into kind of a shiny plastic red okay and light will reflect off of that you can kind of see that for example okay and then I might want the other one to be black let's just say but we don't have a black in here so I'm just gonna maybe do this gray so I'm going to just drag this gray on to the other body like so you can kind of see it changed a little bit and it now appears in my design I'll go ahead and right-click and say edit and I can change the color and you can kind of see even live updates what that's going to look like I'm just going to drag it down to zero zero zero and I now have a black wire okay and I can rename this so I could say black if I wanted to spell it right sorry guys okay I'll say done and I now have a black wire in there and like I've shown this before but I can write remove this guy so it's on my screen I can come in here and say add to favorites and so if I go into my favorites tab it'll show all of my colors and stuff that I've been using so if I go into favorites so here's that black that I just created okay so especially if you're doing lots of different colors for wires and stuff you might want to add them into your favorites okay so that's the basics behind creating wires so we start with basically a two-point spline and then we control the tangency anchor to a certain direction so we wanted to go you know off of a certain wire and into another like a connector for example what we're gonna do next is we're gonna do a ribbon type cable I'll show you some cool stuff with this okay so I could repeat and do the exact same thing for this other laser diode have it maybe plug into you know this port over here for example if I wanted to but you get the idea what I want to do now is do more for creating a ribbon cable so I'm gonna do pretty much the exact same thing I'm gonna start by creating a sketch and just I could pick a face honestly it really doesn't matter but I like to reference one of these planes but because we're in 3d it honestly really doesn't matter okay so I'm gonna look at it kind of straight on I like to draw my spline kind of in one shape and then come back and tweak with it a little bit later so obviously this is not going to be a two-point spline the the wires come out of this connector right here and this stepper motor sits flush with a piece of plastic so I don't have a lot of room right here so I'm willing to actually do a pretty tight change right here now you'll notice why I'm in my 3d sketch sometimes you'll see like these black lines appear those are basically projections and unfortunately my point might jump way far in the Z direction or in the negative in this case in the negative y-direction for example if you hold down your control key as you're drawing you'll notice I don't get that auto projection so I'm gonna just basically draw pretty tight spline like so and I'm gonna have it come behind the stepper motor and then you know have it kind of come up like this maybe something like this and then I'll hold down my control key again because I don't want it to catch and then I might end somewhere like this okay that's the kind of a basic shape I want it to follow but watch what happens when I say okay it's all on one plane I didn't really take advantage of the 3d sketch I just drew it all on one plane but now I can come in and edit this sketch so of course I want this end point to be more in line with this connector so I'm gonna come in here and say move and as I drag this over you kind of get visual confirmation of what's going on here so I'm gonna kind of bring this more toward the middle and maybe I want to bring some of these other points around so I'm gonna start adding a little bit more 3d Ness to it okay I also know that the the power connector is like literally right behind this stepper motor so I need to move some of these wires out of the way so I'm going to grab a couple of these points and just drag them out of the way so and again you can kind of see I can even like click through if I need to to or whatever so I'm grabbing all of these points and is now no longer just a planar 3d spline is now more 3-dimensional ok and again I'm just kind of freestyling right now I can always come back and change this but this is looking pretty good to me now I got the I got the wire kind of coming to the left of the stepper motor it's lined up with my connectors and it's coming off with that guy right there ok ok so the last thing I want to do is make sure that it's kind of pointing right toward my connector so I'm going to you know click on the spline and here is the tangent handle and I could say I want that to be parallel and I'm just gonna pick an edge on this connector and luckily it didn't have to move very far I don't know if you saw that or not but it just kind of moved it over a little bit now this is perfectly parallel with this edge right up here and again it really doesn't matter which edge I select in that case and I'm going to do the same thing down here notice this tangency handle is really not pointing in the correct direction so I'm going to click on this guy here and like that edge there and now you can see it's the splines kind of coming right into there so I'm going to again look at it kind of from the side here and I might move some of these points around now that I have a good understanding of what's going on here I might move this down a little bit I might bring this guy and at that point bring him down like that and I might even bring this one down a little bit further so it's more in line with the pins for example okay so I might have to move it in 3d a little bit let's just bring that down even further bring this guy down a little bit further and just kind of trying to make something look pretty good here okay so tangency angles are correct okay now what I want to do is draw my wire harness so I'm going to go ahead and say finish sketch I got my sketch the way I want and remember you can label these so I can come in here and rename this particular sketch and call this wire harness sketch or whatever to help me remember which sketch in my timeline was used to create that particular spline so now if I hover over this you can see it says higher one wire harness sketch okay so the next thing I need to do is I need to create a sketch somewhere on this spline so we're going to use the construction menu again and there's a really cool command in here called plane along a path okay so I'm going to go ahead and click on this path and you'll notice that it puts a construction plane right where I clicked and I can actually drag this you'll notice it's going to rotate around and follow this spline but I'm going to bring it all the way to the very end okay so you'll notice it says one I could type in you know 0.5 and it's gonna put it half way along that spline kind of a cool little trick I could also come in here and say physical I want it to be one-inch you know on that spline or whatever so we have a lot of different options there so I'm going to if I go here you'll see it's a zero and if I go to the end of it all the way here it's going to be at one so that's basically like a ratio between zero and one I'm go ahead and say ok and I now have a sketch plane or a construction plane I should say right at the very end of this spline and it's tangent to the end of that spline and that's what's important right here okay so I can now select this and say create sketch I'm gonna go ahead and draw a circle now you'll notice my 3d sketch is still turned on but that's okay it doesn't matter in this example because I'm drawing a circle here so I'm gonna go ahead and I think I made these point zero five is about a good size in this case and I now have a circle that's right at the very end of this spline but I cannot want to simulate a wire harness so I'm gonna use the pattern command rectangular pattern what's the object that's the object I'll start to drag so you can kind of see what's going on here now you'll notice it says Direction type one direction I'm going to change this to symmetric and now it's gonna be symmetric around that center point and I also want to have five wires so now you can see I've got five wires and I know the spacing is supposed to be point zero five because that's what the diameter of these circles are now by doing that they're all going to touch they're all like tangent with each other so this is actually going to become one body because they're touching but that's okay you'll see the benefit behind that I'll say finish sketch and I now have these five circles right at the end of this wire will do the exact same command again will say sweep let me zoom up a little bit I'm gonna grab these profiles I could do them individually like so or I could just draw a box around them and grab all of them at the same time kind of a quick way of doing that what's the path I'm gonna go ahead and click on this and you're see it's going to it says okay so notice it gives me an error the body would self intersect itself okay so that is probably because this might be too tight down here so it's given me a warnings about that so let me go ahead and edit that spline again and let's just maybe make some changes real quick let me move this guy down like so and maybe move this guy over I'll just come down like that and hopefully that'll minimize the tightness of it so let's try that sweep again so I'll say sweep draw a circle around that what's the path no okay let me try of course it works when you practice it doesn't work when you might because it's grabbing the profile what I'm doing the window select that's what it looks like oh so it's this last circle interesting not sure why I mean select that guy okay so I'm just to minimize wasting you guys this time I'm just gonna do a four-wire but I might be able to fix this here in a second what I wanted to show here is you'll notice that it's sweeping along and it's kind of bending and when I get down here the wires aren't horizontal however I have this cool twist angle here so I might just say something like let's just say 45 now it does take a little bit of time to calculate because it's having to sweep and twist as it's curving along here but we'll get an update and actually ow wow that was actually pretty darn close okay but what it's doing is it's actually twisting the wires as it's sweeping along I'm going go ahead and try and add in that last circle and see if it's gonna let me do it hopefully it will now again this it's taking some time because it's having to do some pretty complex math yeah I'm sure enough it did so it must have had something to do with the twist there so I could come in here I could keep tweaking this you know 47 degrees 48 degrees or whatever to get that perfectly horizontal I'm gonna leave it like this cuz it'll actually look better I think when we when we're said and done so I'm gonna go ahead and say okay and I've now created this wire harness now like I mentioned before this is gonna be like all one body because they're touching each other but that's okay now you might be excited and say oh let's add the color to it right now we're not going to we're gonna wait till the end because we're gonna be coloring individual faces instead of individual bodies and you'll actually notice like for example this one looks good but as I move across you'll notice like it's not highlighting this face down here and stuff so we're gonna have to apply our appearances to to certain faces okay now let's connect this into our connector here so again using pretty much the same idea we're going to create some construction geometry so I want to make sure I'm grabbing to the center of each of these wires so I'm gonna start by creating a sketch okay and then I'm going to project each of these circles onto that sketch I'll say okay and you'll notice that it put points at the center but it didn't in in this one here I can't really see it so I'm going to go ahead and force a point so I'm going to say point get near the center and click and it's going to create a point there for me okay so sometimes it does all the way all of them sometimes it it misses one or two of them it depends so I just added a point there I also want to control my tangency directions of my wire so I'm going to do that exact same thing this time I'm gonna do axis perpendicular to a face at a point now why can I not use this one well technically this isn't a cylinder anymore right or a cone or a torus so I'm gonna say perpendicular to a face at a point and this is exactly why we projected that geometry so it's saying what's the face and then what's the point and you'll see that it's gonna create an axis that's perpendicular to that face at that center point now I can only do one at a time so I'm gonna have to repeat this now I'm not 100% sure I'm guessing that all of these axes will be pointing in the correct direction but just for my sanity I like to make sure that each wire is pointing in the correct direction so I am gonna spend the time to do this let me go perpendicular face at a point say okay I think my right mouse button isn't responding like it should because it's not repeating my last command half the time it does and half the time it doesn't so I'm just gonna go ahead and do that say okay okay now again I should have some crimp connectors in here but I don't so I'm gonna fake it I'm gonna basically make the wire end at this you know the point of these little pins right here I know that's not exact but I literally had no time this week to prep for this live stream it's we've been so crazy busy hoping customer and all that kind of stuff okay so same thing I'm going to create a sketch I apologize a lot of this is kind of repetitive on today's session but I wanted to kind of show you how you can do this so I'm going to orient my screen ever so slightly you'll see the benefit of doing this let me kind of sumup a little bit and so I can see those pins so I'm gonna make sure my 3d sketch is checked I'll say spline and I'm just gonna get near I might have to zoom up just a little bit more I was gonna get near one of the corners of the pin like right there and then I can actually pick through so I'm gonna go ahead and grab that point there hit the enter key I've just created the spline that went from the end of the pin to the end of the wire and I'm just gonna do this a couple times like I said kind of repetitive via hopefully you'll see what I'm doing here so getting getting here making sure I'm catching to that box and I'll say that guy spline and again the key point here is to use the spline command because that's gonna give me the ability to change my tangency direction and weight okay so I've just created those five wires let me just kind of zoom out a little bit like so and I'm gonna start with on the wire side here I'll say parallel I'll click on that green handle and that line there and we see that wire that spline is gonna come straight straight off of this existing wire so again you can't see yes it takes a little bit of time to set this up but you're you're gonna reap the benefits of it and how cool your wiring is gonna look so I'm just grabbing each of these green handles and clicking on the axes of each of those wires and now you kind of see how it starts to spread out a little bit as it's going into the connector and then I'm going to do the exact same thing on the connector side let me zoom around here a little bit so here's the the handle and I'm just gonna pick a line that points in the correct direction and you can kind of see how now the spline is a little bit more curved okay so that guy that guy there again doesn't really matter which edge I'm clicking on as long as it's pointing in the right direction you know that I want that to go and then I'll do this last handle and let's just say maybe that guy there and I'll say finish sketch and there you see a lot of lines on the screen right now but that's okay I can turn off my construction geometry if I need to I can turn off my my sketches and there's the constructed geometry so you can clean things up once everything's created okay and now I kind of look it from the top you can see how nice each of these wires look okay and then it's the exact same thing sweep so I'm gonna come in here and say sweep I'm gonna do one at a time so I'm gonna say that's my profile and that's my path now I could say new body but in this case I'm gonna say join because I want it to be part of the wire harness and I'll go ahead and say okay repeat my last command man my right mouse button it's driving me crazy so I'll say sweep now again my sketch went away but I'll go ahead and turn it back on pick that line there oops pick that line there as my path join it together sweep laughs okay I'll say okay one more and then we'll be done so I'll pick this path here okay let's kind of take a look at it now from the top and we can see how this wire harness or this ribbon wire I should say is now you know plugged into that connector and it looks pretty cool we are getting near the end of time the the I would do the exact same thing down here I would project my sketch I would create those axes at points and then I would just draw you know those two points splines between the end point of a pin and do the tangency can mean it's exactly what we did here you're not missing out by me not doing that let's go ahead and hit a for appearance okay and I'm gonna scroll down into this translucent and like I mentioned before if I were to drag this it's gonna do the whole body typically it's gonna do the whole body and that's because right up here it's saying apply to the body okay well we don't want to do that we want to say faces and now I can come in here and say for example I want that to be blue and I want that to be blue okay then I'll do the same thing let's do green I'll drag green on here now watch what happens when I do the green you'll notice it did it on one side but it didn't do it on this inside and again that's because these faces are just like touching each other or intersecting each other so I'm gonna go ahead and make sure I get both of those faces let's do maybe yellow next I think that yellow is kind of a cool one so I'll do yellow on that guy same thing I'm just need make sure I grab that let's do the red on the faces like so okay and then lastly I don't know what color do we want to do um let's we'll do the let's do the white okay and you can pick any colors you want you can make your own colors and now it looks like her like I think it looks like a really cool ribbon cable that would look really nice and renderings and all that kind of stuff so this is the the basics of creating wiring right now you know we create a spline we can use our new 3d spline technology and then we're just sweeping profiles whether it's a circle whether it's a pattern to make make a ribbon cable I could have done a pattern of circles around the center and make like a twisted cable it's really up to you so next week I'm going to basically finish this a design this whole project we're now in Section eight I guess so I'm gonna do a like an exploded view of it and then some drawings just kind of show how you can go from an idea all the way to you know for example some drawings of the product I I'm really blessed that you guys have been following along this whole times you know some of you are sharing what you've been creating I know Steve Sneed has shared some of the of the laser projector out on Facebook it makes you really happy to see that you guys are getting something out of this so I look forward to seeing you on a future livestream make sure you check our livestream channel to see what live streams were coming up with so we're doing like cam live streams electronics live streams Tyler and Jason and Wayne are doing live streams on Tuesdays so gobble it up and have fun whew Jeannine thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 9,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, computer aided design, free software, 3d modeling tutorial, manufacturing, laser projector
Id: B5WrmvpBQA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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