360 LIVE: Laser Projector Build - Part 3 The Center Housing

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of the laser-light projector that we're doing on our livestream today I have helping me I have Angelo online Aaron is actually away for a while I I don't know this for a fact but I think he had his baby and so he's actually off for a while on vacation so Angelo is helping me out again so thanks Angelo very much today we're gonna be working on part three this is the middle part of the laser light projector and it looks sort of complicated as you can see as I'm rotating around lots of plastic parts kind of holding things inside this whole unit and that's kind of why I saved this one you know the hardest one for last so this is what we're gonna be doing and I am fighting a little bit of a cold so I apologize if I cough or whatever if I go on mute I did upload the drawing for this and also my cryptic outline I did that last time on the last livestream and people seem to like that and follow along so I did the same thing with this one and then I also uploaded a small file of a stepper motor that we're going to be using in this design so let's go ahead and dive right in so this is the drawing that I'm using and it looks sort of complicated but don't worry about that and it's this is not an official drawing in fact the dimensions that you see on here are pretty much just for what I'm using in the outline so you'll notice not everything is detailed or dimensioned or anything like that so the dimensions you see will be useful to you as you're going through the outline or following along in this video and just like last time like I mentioned I highly recommend coming back and watching this video a couple times because we're gonna be going through lots of steps and you know you can always rewind and you can change the speed by hitting a little gear icon in YouTube you can change the speed if you want to slow it down or speed it up I'm going to be talking about different methodologies for making this this plastic part we're actually gonna break it down into smaller pieces almost kind of like subsystems and then we're gonna kind of combine them together okay so let's start off with where we left off last time so last time we worked on the front and the back and this middle part was just kind of ignored and that's kind of what I'm gonna be working on today is this middle part okay and you can see right now it's just basically a piece that was split out of that main top level body okay so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and split this in half and so we can create those decals that were on there those red and green brushed metal decals and I'm going to do this kind of at the beginning because I have a very basic shape right here so I want to split this right down the middle and the easiest way to do that is to use the midplane construction plane so I'm gonna say mid plane and it's asking for the two planes so I'm gonna say that plane there and that plane there and you can see that it split it right down the middle or actually it created a plane right down the middle now I can use that to split the face now I don't want to split the body because splitting the body would slice it right in half I only want to split the face and we're gonna change the appearance of those faces so you can see faces to split will be that one splitting tool will be that plane and I'll go ahead and say okay and just like I showed last time I like to expand open my stuff over here so for example the bodies and the construction underneath that component that mid component okay so and the reason for that is I can turn that plane off really easily and we can see that sure enough the outside is split but the inside is not okay let's do the appearance so I'm gonna hit a for appearance and you can see it shows the appearances are already in this design the first thing I want to do is I want to change this to faces because I don't want to change the whole body I just want to modify the appearance of an individual face I'm also going to use a metal appearance so I'm going to go into aluminum and I'm going to scroll down and you'll notice there's one here called aluminum brushed linear I'm just gonna go ahead and drag that onto one of those faces and you can see it has kind of this brushed looking look however it's going the wrong direction well now I can edit this so I'm going to right click on my appearance and say edit and right here it says rotation as I start to drag the slider you can see that we can rotate those stripes or whatever and now in fact I'll just kind of hit this little up arrow to hit 90 and so now you can see that they're rotating in the correct direction the other thing I'm going to do is pick the color that I want let's just do kind of a nice red something like so and I might even name this I'll call it decal red or something like that or sticker red or something you can change the roughness to make it look more like you know almost like a luminal foil so I'm going to do something like 0.085 in this case and you can kind of see it looks pretty reflective pretty neat okay now I've already spent some time with this so I'm going to go ahead and right-click and say duplicate and it creates an exact duplicate of it and then I could just edit this guy and I don't have to change the rotation I don't have to change the roughness all I need to do is change the color so I'm going to go to like a green and I'll call this decal green and now I can drag that on to that face and we now have the Christmas type colors this is just a sticker that was on the outside of this so that's just kind of to start out with okay so the next thing I want to do is I'm going to turn my front and back back on and I don't know if you remember last time we created these indentations for you know this front piece to slide over the middle piece and this back piece to slide over the middle of the middle piece also but obviously we need to change this middle piece so I'm gonna just click and hold to probe through my design so I'm just clicking my left mouse button holding it down for about a second and now you can see that I can actually probe through and grab for example that face so it's almost like a laser okay now this is the smaller face of the front I want to make sure I'm grabbing the right face so I'm gonna go ahead and click this guy and we'll say offset faces okay now what this is going to allow me to do is it's gonna allow me to change the length of this face you can kind of see how that's growing and I obviously want to make it snap to this face right here so I'm going to click and hold again and I'm probing through until it snaps to that face so watch what happens when I click there it offsets up to that face okay so I'll do the same thing back here I want to basically move this face to over here so click and hold make sure I'm grabbing the right face it looks like this guy here I'll do the offset command again or offset face I like to start to drag to kind of see what's going to happen and then again I'm just gonna click and hold and probe through until I get the face that I want which is that face there so you can see that we just kind of changed the length of these faces using the existing geometry okay so now what I want to use is use the existing geometry to modify this part so we're going to do the combined cut so the target body is gonna be this body here and the tool bodies I'm going to go ahead and change it to cut so you can kind of see what's gonna happen here the tool body is gonna be that notice when I click on it the cool result that we get it's using the front to subtract boolean away some geometry in fact I can do both at the same time now the important thing here is I want to keep the tools the tools are the front and the back and obviously we like them we want to keep them so I'm going to turn on keep tools and say okay and we just used the front and the back to let me turn these guys off to create those little indentations right there so that they'll slide together kind of a cool trick instead of having to do like a revolute or you know create a sketch etcetera we're using existing geometry to help us out okay I don't want to jump back and forth too much into the drawing but what we're gonna work on now is this front region right here okay and like I mentioned before everything is on the drawing so for example I'm gonna start basically point eight inches from the front of the Ring so let me get back into here and let's just do an offset face or an offset plane okay so I'll go ahead and click this front plane and let's offset that 0.8 just like it showed in the drawing and you can see that it's gonna start from that front face and move point eight forward then I can start to create my sketch now this is a fairly symmetrical part so I'm gonna basically draw half of it but like I mentioned before we're gonna we're gonna kind of cut this down into smaller components and then combine them to get instead of trying to do a really complex sketch or a really complex design we're gonna break it down into its simplest forms so I'm gonna start with some sketches so let's go ahead I'm gonna create a line and I'm just gonna start here in fact actually I'm gonna project this inside ring I like to project a geometry that way it's my lines are catching to it so you'll notice as I get near that line it's actually catching to it so for example I can just hover over here and a little snap to it I'll hover over here and you'll see a little turn to a little X and it snapped to that edge and you can see that by those little black dots okay then I'll go ahead I'm gonna turn that into a construction line come because so you can see right now it's actually split my circular profile in half okay but if I were to select that and turn it to a construction line it it's no longer an object line and it doesn't split it in half anymore I'll go ahead and offset these excuse me let's go again according to the drawing and according to the outline so if if for whatever reason there's a dimension that's missing on the drawing just follow the outline point 665 so I'm basically building kind of the the big front part of this I'll go ahead and also create a circle and again I usually kind of go offset a little bit and then force it to go into the correct location so I know that this is supposed to be 0.75 in diameter but I want it to be perfectly lined up so I'll come in here and say I want that point to be vertical or horizontal with that point there and you can kind of see how it did that then I can come in and throw a dimension to specify where is it supposed to be so supposed to be 0.8 down from the center so you can kind of see how that line turned black which means it's fully constrained okay and then I'm going to draw a line again kind of right from the center all the way up to the top okay what this is going to do is I'm going to use this line to break this part into smaller sections so I'm going to just say offset this line to the left let's go one point three seven five and I need to go negative if I'm gonna do everything kind of on the left side here so I created a line that kind of cut through the center and then I've offset that the one point three seven five you can kind of see that there okay so again kind of keeping my sketches oops my sketch is simple I'm gonna just use this as my main profile so I'm gonna say finish sketch and you'll see that we have this region here and then I also have this region here gonna keep it just half of it I'm not gonna do this region over here I'm just gonna kind of focus on half and then we'll obviously mirror that later on so I select my profiles and then I'll go ahead and extrude that and I like to start to extrude back so I can kind of see what that's gonna look like and I want it to go to this back face so I'm just gonna click on that back face okay now here's the important thing you'll notice it my operation says new body I want to make this a new body I don't want it to join or anything like that I kind of want to work on it as a separate body and then when I'm happy with it I'll join it to the main part and the reason I do this is it helps solve it helps simplify some of the solves so if I'm always modifying my main body and I'm doing phillotson chamfers all kind up it has to calculate all of that but by breaking it down into smaller chunks we're just focusing on that small chunk and when we're happy with it we can then join it and that's kind of what you're gonna see throughout today's livestream so I'm going to say new body and get something that looks like this okay again you'll notice in my previous live streams I never fill it in 2d hardly ever I always fill it in 3d that way it's a feature in my timeline so there's my feature my timeline I can always come back and change that if I need to I find it much easier than using sketches okay I'll expand open my sketches over here I'm gonna turn that sketch back on because remember this line that I created I'm gonna use that to split this gray body what's my splitting tool I'll say this line here I'll say okay and now you'll see that I actually have two separate bodies okay and the reason for that is kind of how this parts designed me let me turn my camera back on here it's kind of hard to see but you can kind of see it's hollow in here my fingers are in the way but it's also hollow in here and that's what we're gonna be focusing on I'm kind of splitting it into two separate parts and you'll probably jumping ahead you probably know that I'm gonna use the shell command I really like the shell command it is it's extremely useful so for example I can select this face here and I'm gonna start to drag so you kind of see what that's going to do it's gonna shell that out now I want to specify the thickness which is supposed to be point zero four and I'm also gonna select this side face and watch what it does it opens it up now I didn't select the back so the back is still solid okay but check out how quickly I created us you know the c-shaped part right I didn't have to use a complex profile I'm gonna do the exact same thing again I'm gonna go ahead and shell this guy but this time I'm going to select for exam pull this top face I start to give it a thickness and this is actually a different thickness this is a little bit thicker this is 0.1 and then I'm gonna go ahead and select this side face here and now you'll notice it's gonna leave this front face for me I also don't need this back face so I'm going to probe through and select that back face and then check this out I also don't want this face here or this face here and look at the result that I'm gonna get here using just the shell command so I started with a big block but I want to keep this little section down here because this is where the stepper motor mounts to and I want to keep that front face so it's a really cool way to create complex geometry so that's kind of like half of that plastic part okay again I think the shell command is underutilized and it's extremely powerful so now these are two separate parts I'm going to go ahead and combine them back together so under the modify menu combined or I also have it as my as part of my toolbar here what's my target I'll go ahead and say this guy what's my tool I'll say that guy now obviously this time I don't want to cut I want to join and I don't want it in our main ring around there okay so there we go pretty cool okay now a lot of this is just kind of machining and cutting things away so I'm gonna create a sketch on that face there and if your screen kind of rotates not like how you want it to you can just hover over the cube up here and you'll see these big rotation arrows if I click that guy you'll see it'll rotate 90 degrees now some people like to model in you know isometric mode sometimes I actually like to model in isometric mode okay so I'm going to create my sketch and you can see it's actually on this face right here right but I'm kind of looking at it isometrically instead of orthographic let's go ahead and project I usually use the P key but I'm going to go ahead and project we kind of zoom up here and grab that edge there okay and then I want to actually I lied I picked the wrong edge let me P for project I want to project that the farther back edge I apologize then I'm just gonna create a rectangle and as I get near this edge it snaps to it automatically so it's actually gonna do a coincident constraint for me automatically I'm just gonna go ahead and click and I don't really care what size rectangle this is we're gonna use it to machine a bunch of stuff away okay what I do care about is the distance that this rectangle is from this edge and I'm gonna put it out here so you can see the dimension and that's supposed to be point three zero so I'm gonna say point three and you'll see it moves that rectangle over now I show this last time I'm still in my sketch menu or my sketch environment I should say I can click on my profiles right mouse click and say extrude so I don't even have to end or finish my sketch now the only thing with this is you'll notice that there's two extrudes and I mentioned this in my last live stream the first one is the one you want to use the second one the tan one is to extrude surfaces like thin wall surfaces it wouldn't be a solid so always use this one you'll also notice the e key next to it for the shortcut if I move away you can see the e there that's the other way I remember so I'm gonna say extrude start to drag and I want it to go all the way through so I'm going to click this bottom face but notice the issue okay it's cutting through my mid body so be really aware of this now you have two options you could turn it off over here or in your extrude menu you have objects to cut and yeah it's showing me that it's cutting through the mid and it's cutting through body three so I'm going to turn that guy off and you'll notice it's still cutting through the gray part but it's no longer cutting through the blue part okay and if you accidentally you know let's say you said okay or whatever and you're like oops you can always go back to the extrude turn this guy open and turn that guy off say okay and you didn't ruin your model okay so you can kind of see I just removed some material here we want to chamfer these edges and again all of these steps are in the outline I'm gonna go ahead and say chamfer let's point one and I'll go ahead and select the second one also so kind of just knocking those short sharp corners off okay hopefully this is making sense okay the next thing I want to do is I'm going to start adding some of the geometry that we see to the front of this design and you can kind of see there's lots of circles and there's gonna be these little ribs and a lot kind of stuff so that's what I'm gonna start doing next is positioning these circles in fact I think they are yeah they're dimensioned in this section view right here so that's the information I'm going to be using the different sized circles and their locations so I'm just gonna create a sketch on this face like pre select the face right mouse click and say create sketch there we go okay and again I just throw some de metals on here I don't really care what size they are right now I'm just gonna do something like this and a circle up here okay I just kind of get the basic idea on the screen and then I can come in and be more precise so for example I'm going to dimension this circle and it's supposed to be 0.425 so is this circle so I'm going to dimension it and then I can click on my pre-existing dimension and it will equal that or I could have used the equal constraint okay throw a dimension on this guy he's supposed to be point one it looks like and this one is supposed to be 0.3 okay now I want to position these where they're supposed to be so for example I want this one to be horizontal vertical with this and I want that guy to be horizontal vertical with that also same thing here I want this circle to be coincident so I'm going to come in and say Quinn okay sorry commencing concentric I'm gonna say I want that circle to be concentric with that arc and notice it's turned black it means it's fully constrained and then finally I'm going to throw some dimensions on here so this is supposed to be 0.5 and this is supposed to be 0.4 I'll put I'll put them right here 24 we was that guy over this one again I just need to reference the drawing he's supposed to be 1.15 over and a certain distance up which is point 1 and case now you'll notice that all of my circles are fully constrained which is a good thing right so there we go I'm gonna go ahead and say finish sketch and then I'm just gonna go ahead and extrude these profiles through so I'm just gonna go ahead and select these profiles now I could just select this profile here but you'll notice I tend to select all of it I I don't mind cutting away air and the reason for that is what if this face was slightly tapered like at one degree or something like that it's much better at a machine a bunch of it away than just this little tiny profile okay not necessary but that's let's give my methodology not saying that's correct but that's what I like to do okay like for example I didn't have to select that profile there but I went ahead and did I mean it's it basically confirms that it's gonna machine all of that area away okay so we've just kind of punched those holes through there okay I'm following my outline so making sure I'm on track with all of you okay now here's I get this question every so often I created a sketch here to create this geometry I could go back and edit that sketch that's totally fine to create more geometry but if I were to edit this sketch you'll notice that my holes go away the circles are there but the actual physical holes aren't because it hasn't happened in time yet okay however now if I say create a sketch on that face we see the geometry but I've created another sketch so which is right honestly I don't know it's really up to you the designer I personally I don't mind having multiple sketches I like to keep them simple I don't mind if I have five or six sketches to define one area of a part but again it's up to you I'm not telling you how I'm doing it is correct it's really just a method I like I like to kind of see it in time what its gonna look like okay so now I'm going to create those little ribs that you saw so I'm gonna use the offset command and we want to offset these point zero for now you'll notice it says sketch curves and usually if it has an S after it means that it's plural but you'll notice I can't pick other edges and the reason for that is the sketch curves are if they're chained all together for example so I do have to do this in a couple different steps so I'm going to say point zero four for that and then check this out if I just pick this one edge it's only gonna do that one edge but if I have chain selected turn on notice it's gonna grab all of those edges and I want to offset in so I'm gonna say - point zero four and so that's what it means by by sketch curves it's grabbing all of those curves okay so you can kind of see we're starting to create what these little ribs are gonna look like now in the outline I basically have a huge image of saying make your sketch look like this so here's what your sketch is going to look like I'm gonna create a line that goes down from these little corners right here these little where this arc is okay and I'm going to convert those two construction lines okay then I'm also going to create I want a line tangent from this circle so I'm going to just click and hold and you can see that it's going to create a tangent line for me automatically so I'll come over to here you can kind of see it's gonna snap to that edge I'll click and hold it's going to be tange and snap to that edge okay then I'm gonna use the offset command quite a bit so I'll go ahead and say offset and let's offset I think actually I want to go in so I'm gonna say minus 0.04 right and click and drag straight up to repeat your last command so here I can say point o4 okay then I want to offset these lines so I'm gonna say offset now if I said point o4 it would go too far I want to go half of that so I could say 0.04 divided by 2 or I could just type in point on to okay so again a little repetitive here so I'm going to just click and drag straight up to repeat my last command and I'll go this direction minus 0.02 right click and drag straight up to repeat my last command and I'll do that guy 0.02 now some of you might be saying well why aren't you gonna use the RHIB command or the web command that you've shown and that's a really great idea in this case I really wish I could have but because this is a flat face those commands don't work they typically work in a an indentation let me show you what I mean by that let me just switch out here real quick if I said create web you'll notice that the preview image kind of shows it inside that box cutter well because I don't have an indentation I can't use those commands trust me I try it was like oh that'd be a really quick way of creating this geometry okay so I created all of these this geometry but you'll notice I have a lot of overlapping lines and I've said in previous live streams I don't really tend to trim unless I absolutely need to and in this I'm actually gonna trim because I kind of want to make this all one web so I'm gonna hit the little trim icon here and I'm just gonna walk around and you can see when I click it's gonna go ahead and trim this geometry for me okay so it is gonna take a little bit of time for me to do that where I want to open all of this up into kind of like one web now do I have to do this no I don't but the only reason I am doing this is because I know there's some people out there that like to have the sketch to be as exact as the final product so instead of having a bunch of overlapping lines they would spend the time coming in here and trimming these lines and so that's why I'm doing it in this case it's not absolutely necessary but you'll see here when I'm done with this it'll look much nicer and give a better representation of what this is gonna look like okay so there you can kind of see that's all one web if you want to call it that so I'll go ahead and trim these areas and it's hard to tell but I'm gonna go ahead and trim this because if I left this I have a big solid chunk coming through the center so I'm going to trim that but now I'm left with these little dots right here so I'm gonna come in and say extend so instead of trimming we're gonna say extend and all I have to do is click and you'll see that it extended that line I'll do the same thing here even though this is a curve it's gonna extend that curve to the next boundary okay so I'm gonna go ahead and say finish sketch now you'll notice my profile is not fully constrained or anything like that and in this case I don't really care all we're doing is using this kind of as a reference to extrude this out I could spend the time constraining things and fixing things but all I want to do is use this as a profile so I'm gonna go ahead select that profile and say extrude I like to start to drag oh and I'm gonna go ahead and select that profile at the same time start to drag and the distance this needs to go is point zero eight I'll say and I want to join that okay so I'll say okay now I purposely made a mistake I wanted to show you I forgot to do this area here and if I and we'll come back to this in just a second but I wanted to point this out I purposely left this here because I want to recreate what typically happens in somebody's design okay we we all make mistakes including myself and and I actually bring it into this when I was practicing this I'm like oh I'm gonna definitely show this as we go through so we'll fix that here in a minute okay we now have this particular shape yes it took some time to create that sketch but we now have a nice looking plastic part and we're pretty much done with it so I'm gonna go ahead and mirror this to the other side so I'm gonna say Mir I want to make sure I'm mirroring the body okay what's the mirror plane well go ahead and click on that face there and we'll say okay now you'll notice mirror does not combine them together it just basically creates a mirror of it okay well I don't want that line through the center so the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to combine that part and that part together we're gonna join them together and say okay and now you can see it's all one part okay now sometimes you might have a line that appears or whatever but you'll notice that this face is totally solid okay and then here's that issue I was telling you about I'm like oh man I totally forgot to do that now I could delete those out but instead let's go back to the sketch let's trim that line and let's extend that curve in that curve I'll say finish sketch and notice what it did it still did the downstream processes it still did the extrude it still did the mirror and it still did the combine so you can always go back and make changes if necessary to your design pretty cool now I'm actually done with this with this main part right here so I'm going to go ahead and combine it with the the mid part so I'll say combined now here's a tip it's asking for the target body and the tool body now does it matter which one is the target and the answer is yes I always click the body I want to keep the name of so notice the blue part is called mid and the great part is called body 3 so the target is the blue part and the tool is body 3 when I join them together notice it kept the part mid ok I'm gonna undo and I'll do the exact same thing but the opposite so I'm gonna say the target body is this guy the tool body is the blue part and when I say ok watch what happens I lose my appearances and everything and notice that it's now called body 3 so yes it does matter ok so the target is what you'll always want to keep so the target is the the mid part tool is this guy I'll say ok and now we're all in one part here okay cool okay so the next thing I want to do we're gonna start working on the back of this design and that is to create the this section back here it's kind of hard to see but there's these posts that come out and then there's these support ribs that kind of support those posts so again using the drawing in the dimensions I'm going to start creating that okay so I'll create a sketch on this back face kind of zoom up a little bit I'm just going to draw a couple circles I don't care what size so far then I'll come in and dimension those I'll say and I want that to be point two three that was pretty close actually and same thing with that I'll go ahead and just click on that existing dimension there we go and then I want to position them a certain location so I'm going to say from the center I wanted to go from the center of the actual model not the circle here but I'm gonna say from here and that is supposed to be a 1.4 and they are supposed to be from the center now you'll notice when I move it it's kind of hard to see when I'm moving my dimension it's wanting to do an aligned dimension and I want it to be a vertical dimension so I'm gonna right mouse click and I can force it to be vertical and so now you'll notice that I have a vertical dimension it's kind of hard to see with the blue but I'll go ahead and place it there and that is supposed to be point four seven five and then the same thing here I'll make that was the same point four seven five and then obviously I want this guy in this guy to be in line with each other so there we go okay now again I'm gonna use the same sketch to create a couple different pieces of geometry so these are gonna create the posts obviously but I also want to create the ribs now check this out I'm gonna do a kind of neat little trick here I'm just gonna draw a couple rectangles again I don't really care what size they are I'm just gonna kind of get hey I want some ribs in this particular area okay then I'm going to use my midpoint constraint because I want these ribs to line up with the center of that circle so you can see it took that rectangle and it lined it up so same thing here midpoint to their midpoint to there and then finally a midpoint to there okay so I used the midpoint constraint to kind of line up these ribs then I can define the size so for example in fact you know what I might actually I'm gonna drag these circles out I'm sorry these rectangles out a little bit like so and then I'll throw my dimension of point zero one these are pretty thin so I'm gonna say point zero one and you'll notice that that rib stayed centered because of that midpoint constraint I'll click on an existing dimension oops and then I'll do this dimension here just click on the existing dimension and now they're all point zero one thick okay now these ribs don't go all the way to the inside face so I'm going to offset now notice right now if I hover over this edge it highlights the whole thing I only want this edge so I'm going to turn off chain selection and now you can see that it's going to offset just that edge and I could say yes 0.1 and my rectangle is actually extend past that just a little bit and that's fine that's what I want actually in this case I want to make sure that they go past cuz we're gonna extrude that profile you see right there with that curved edge okay so we took some time to build that sketch but we have the posts and we have the ribs so I'm gonna go ahead and finish my sketch and here's another trick you'll notice now if I were to click here I'd have to zoom in and I know there's a bunch of features in here I'd have to select right it would take quite some time to do that well if I go into the extrude command first I can then draw a box so I'm just gonna draw a box around that and holding down my shift key a box around that and it's gonna select everything instead of having to me manually click okay so just a neat little tip there I'll go ahead and start to extrude and these need to be 1.6 I'm gonna say 1.6 and again I'm gonna say new body instead of joining I'm just say new body we're gonna kind of work on this as a like a subcomponent if you want to think of it that way so I'm gonna say new body and you'll notice it they stay gray and I've got these guys here I'll turn my sketch back on and then I'll extrude these guys so I'm gonna click on the profiles I have to zoom up a little bit to make sure I'm getting the the profile okay then I can say extrude I'll start to drag and you'll notice something interesting happening here okay you'll notice a lot of gray going on why is that well these profiles are touching this other body and it's wanting to say join so in this example I don't want them to join I want to say these are new bodies and you'll notice that that weird gray goes away okay and this is supposed to be one point two okay now the other thing I could have done if it said join I could come in and turn off mid okay and it's gonna join to these bodies here so just be aware if I left that on it's gonna want to join to the whole thing so I'm gonna turn off mid I'll say okay and it's gonna join that as one body okay I can turn mid back on so we can kind of see what it looks like and let's turn our sketch off okay so the next thing is there's a chamfer on this edge and this is actually an angled edge slightly but I'm gonna come in here and say chamfer and I'm gonna start to drag now according to the drawing this is not a equal distance it's a two distance but you'll notice the reason I started to drag was so I could see these arrows and I know that that line goes farther back than this one here so it basically allows me to kind of visualize what that's supposed to look like and I can see that this is supposed to be the point one and this is supposed to be the point three okay so it just basically spreads those arrows out for me so that's why I do that little trick there so we're gonna do both of those edges say okay and then finally there's a screw hole it goes into here so let's zoom up a little bit I'll click on that face and say hole now you'll notice it's not centered so the first thing I do is I start to drag and you'll you'll see that Blue Dot in the center it'll automatically snap to it so I'm just gonna drag and snap to that dot the diameter is point one but the depth is supposed to be point three seven five and it's a blind hole so you'll see it has the little taper at the end it's kind of hard to see but I'll go ahead and say okay and you kind of see the chamfer down in there like that where the drill would go I'll go ahead and repeat that again on this face drag it so snap so you can kind of see there it snapped into place grab my last distance 375 it'll say okay and now I'm done with this region and this is kind of what I was trying to talk about earlier where we're kind of breaking it down into smaller pieces we're done with it so let's go ahead and mirror this now would I combine it first and then mirror or would I mirror and then combine well I'm gonna mirror and then combine okay because that way I can mirror a body instead of having to mirror a whole bunch of features so let's go in here and say create mirror what do we want to mirror the body so I'm going to click on that gray part what's our mirror plane it's this plane that kind of cuts through the center there so I'm gonna click on that say okay you can see we've mirrored that to the other side we've got two separate bodies but I'm happy with them so let's say combine what's the target the big blue part the mid what are the two bodies that guy and that guy we want to join them together we don't need to keep the tools I'm gonna say okay and it's all one body now but just like you've seen before I can go back and edit anything in my timeline you know if I were to change you know the size of that hole for example from 0.1 2.05 it's gonna mirror over to the other side okay so cool little tip there I hope okay so we are actually near the end the last thing we're gonna work on is this little standoff you see right here at the very front that holds this light sensor and you'll notice there's a little bit of detail to it there's like a little cross that kind of holds everything in and it's attached to the front of this this part here and stuff like that so we're gonna work on that and then we'll be done okay so I'm going to click on this front face right here and create a sketch on that kind of that front rib create a rectangle I'm not sure where it's gonna be quite yet but I know that the overall width is supposed to be point six four and the overall height is supposed to be point six okay let me move this off a little bit okay now I want it to be centered right there so I'm gonna use my lovely midpoint constraint and now that's perfectly centered where I want it to be I'm gonna go ahead and keep my sketch simple so it's literally a square I'll say extrude now I want it to go in both directions so I'm gonna say symmetric and I want it to go to this face right there so I just click on it and you can see that it's gonna go point one eight in one direction and point one eight in the other direction so it's sitting right on top of this little shelf right there it's kind of hard to see with all the flashing okay I am gonna make sure this says new body cuz like I said before instead of having to calculate all of these edges and faces and stuff like that we're gonna work on kind of like a subcomponent level we're gonna just basically start with a cube like this okay I want to fill it this top edge so I'm gonna go ahead and say fill it start to drag now what size I've shown this before I love this trick I'm gonna say measure and then I can click on an edge length so not sure why that not sure why I have the two lines there so let me set this to actually I could click on that and it'll do it it actually split it for me automatically let me do that edge there and it goes all the way across what I was hoping I'm not sure why it was two separate lines I must have oh yeah I know why because I had that line across the top of this blue part for whatever reason so I had split it down the middle what I could have done is said measure this edge and then say divide it by two but the fact that it was already split for me which was kind of nice it was able to figure that out for me okay so let me let me do that one more time so for example this edge here is let me move so you can see it point six four inches okay so if I were to come in here and say fill it start to drag I could come in and say measure and it would be point six four inches so I would type in point six four but you get that result which obviously is not correct so I'm gonna say divided by two and now it'll do the full edge okay so show both methods there so I created that little round top and it was kind of hard to see on the on the video but if we take a look at this it's um you know and I'll have a good let me show it on the video actually let me turn this guy back on and where is he he's right here it's kind of hard to see but it right there it's kind of hollowed-out down below where those wires are coming out so I'm going to use the famous shell command again so I'm going to kind of look at it from here say shell I like to start to drag to kind of see the wall thickness so we can kind of see what that looks like and in this case it's going to be point zero eight but I also I'm gonna select this top curve and watch the result that I get now would you think of using the shell command to create this shape of a part so here's where we start out with we're selling the back face which is going to create these little ribs but then when I select this top face it's gonna shell that out also and very quickly I created a fairly I wouldn't say complex but a shape that looks like this using a rectangle and a fill it in a shell basically then I can come in and say chamfer by default it remembers my last one was to distance but in this case it's an equal distance and I'll do both of these edges at the same time and let's just make them 0.16 according to the drawing so we've now just chamfered those little edges and it looks exactly like the the actual part okay okay moving on we're at close to the top of the hour but we're really close to being done so we might go a few minutes over like usual if I apologize I'll create a sketch on this front face and I'm gonna project this front face because there's some important information for example where the center of that Philip is so I'm going to again using the sketch the drawing here I'm sorry we're basically creating what you see here in detailed D and details C okay so I'm using all of these dimensions to basically create this profile here so I'm going to go at a pretty reasonable pace here I'll start by creating a slot so I'm gonna do a center to center slot and I know that it's actually centered right here I'm gonna go ahead and just click up a little bit and I'm gonna go ahead and just click to the right okay then I can come in and dimension this so I know that that is a radius of point zero eight eight according to the drawing and I know that the slot height is supposed to be point zero five okay so there's that first section there okay the next thing I'm going to do is and this is kind of weird but I think it's kind of neat I want to create a rectangle and I want it to be touching this edge right here so I'm going to go ahead and click and then I'm just gonna kind of come down whatever distance I don't really care in this case but what I do care is I want this point to be touching that edge so I'm going to come in and say coincident that point with that edge and notice what it did to my rectangle now as I move this edge up and down you'll see that it's always touching the edges of those fill it's those arcs right there it's pretty cool because they're both coincident this dimension here supposed to be point three and you can kind of see how that updated okay I'm going to do a circle here that touches that edge right there and then I might trim that back so I might trim that guy that guy and that guy and so now I have the equal thickness right there and I'm starting to kind of build the shape of what this is supposed to look like okay I'll draw another rectangle I'm just going to do something kind of looks like this it's supposed to be point oh eight wide and I'm gonna do that exact same trick where I'm going to say I want that point to be coincident with there and I want that point to be coincident with there and you can see that it kind of self centered it for me and it's kind of hard to tell but this is the profile we're gonna do the cross piece here but you can kind of see how it's curving around and then going up so that's why I wanted those touching right there I could have used midpoint but what would I have caught the midpoint to so that coincident trick is kind of a neat tip to kind of Center things on existing geometry okay last thing I'm just gonna draw a weird rectangle in here I know that the width is supposed to be the same as that guy there okay and then I know that it's supposed to be a certain distance away from the side which is point zero three and from here to here is point zero three and from here to here is point zero three just click on the existing dimension and now you can see that that's fully constrained and that gives me that profile that I was looking for so it took me some time to build it and I did do it in one sketch but it's gonna create that complex geometry so okay so let's take a look at that let's strewed say hey I'll say extrude start the pull out and say point two-five I want to join that to the existing gray part there we go I'm gonna turn that sketch back on and again you can see why I like to have these open just just the one that I'm working on I don't have all of them open but just the one I'm working on and then I can come back and select the profiles that I want to machine away so I'm just gonna grab all of these including this one up here we'll say extrude keep dragging down to fire sorry I'll say extrude start to drag and this time it's gonna cut through the geometry and I just have to click on that back face it's kind of hard to see so let me go like right there and it's gonna snap to that back face I'll say okay I'll turn off my sketch to kind of simplify what things are gonna look like and now we have that that weird shape I like what it looks like okay then all I have to do is combine it so I want to keep the blue part the tool body is that one don't need to keep it we're gonna join it together and it's all one body now okay here's a neat tip I'm gonna I want to fill up this edge so I'm gonna say fill it and they're supposed to be 0.1 and you'll see that it's gonna fill up that edge I'm gonna go ahead and select both edges at the same time and you'll see that it's actually gonna fill it the underside and fill it where it's joined to this part here now you can see why I combined them together that wouldn't have worked if they weren't combined I'll say okay and there's that guy okay last thing here then will will be done so I'm going to we need to mount a stepper motor here that's actually going to drive the gears that actually are inside these little holes here so I'm going to pick on this flat face create a sketch project I'm going to go ahead and project you know this hole here maybe I'll project all of this geometry just so I have it for reference there you can kind of see the center of the circle and I'm just gonna draw a rectangle I don't care what size right now I'm gonna say the midpoint of that rectangle is going to go to the let's see I want it to go to the midpoint of the circle here or the center of the circle and so you can see how it moved that up then I could dimension this rectangle I'll bring it down here so you guys can kind of see it I want it to be 1.85 wide now I'm not gonna worry about the height right now and you'll see why here in a second but I'm actually happy with what that looks like so I'm going to select that profile say extrude and start to extrude back now you'll notice I'm always extruding kind of isometrically I never hit extrude when I'm looking straight on because you can't tell what's going on I can't tell if it's coming toward me or away from me so I always like to rotate isometrically and I'm going to extrude back and in this case - point zero four sorry minus 0.2 0.1 this as a new body this is old news now you guys have seen this trick many times I love it though replace face I want to replace that face with this curved face and boom and snaps down to it even though there are two totally separate bodies I was able to replace the face now you might say well couldn't you have drawn the rectangle down farther and you know projected this and trimmed it absolutely that totally would have worked okay but I really like that replace face feature okay now here's where it gets kind of cool worried I have a stepper motor in fact I think I have yep here it is right here I downloaded it off of actually inside of fusion I'll show you what I mean by that but this is from it's called a rotary tin-can motor and I'm gonna bring this in and bring it into fusion and use the holes to define where the holes need to be and I'll show you how I got this so I just went to insert and instead of mcmaster-carr I said insert a manufacturer part and I have a live stream on this where I talked about that and so then I just did a search for a stepper motor found the one that I wanted and brought it in now instead of having you guys have to do all that I did upload it out onto Dropbox and there's a link for it in the description of this video okay so right here I'm gonna come in and say insert into current design so this is how you guys will be doing it you'll say insert into current design I'm gonna drag it back kind of where it needs to go and then I'm going to orient it the correct direction so I'm going to rotate it 90 degrees that way so you can see how to snap to 90 and then I'm gonna rotate it 90 degrees this way so now it's kind of in the correct location correct orientation I should say then while I'm still in my move command there's a cool command in here called point to point and I'm gonna grab the edge of this circle right here and it's kind of hard to see but it's good grabbing the center point okay then I'm going to rotate a little bit and hover over like this face or this edge and you can kind of see that plus right there I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and it lined those points up well let me kind of look at it from this direction so they are perfectly centered and that motor is now mounted where it needs to go and I can use that face to project so I'm gonna say project that circle and that circle there now I have a profile that I can click on let me grab those guys say extrude how far well I'm gonna start to to drag backwards here and I'm just gonna click on that face kind of hard to see because everything is kind of covered up and we used the shape of the stepper motor to define where those holes need to be okay pretty cool and then I can come in and turn off that stepper motor and we're basically back to our just a little plastic part okay now obviously I need something for that stepper motor to screw into so I'm just gonna add some plastic here so let's just do offset point one I'm just gonna go ahead and offset these existing holes point one and then I'm going to create some support ribs and here's a neat little tip I'm gonna hover over this edge and as I drag down you'll see it snap automatically to the midpoint and I actually want these ribs to be halfway up the part so I'm gonna go ahead and this time I'm going to go ahead and drag down into the body just to show you different methods to get kind of the same result so I'm just gonna kind of drag down we'll dimension these ribs here they're supposed to be Oh point zero four and same thing with this guy Oh point zero four okay I'll finish my sketch I like to rotate isometrically so I can kind of see what's going on I'll extrude these circles so we're going to just add a little bit of geometry there so I don't need it to be that thick they only need to be 0.3 I'll turn my sketch back on and now I can use these rectangles and you'll notice that the profile is automatically split by the body so I only need to grab these top pieces say extrude start to drag now notice again what's happening so I'm going to turn off of the mid I do want them to join together but you see okay I want to make sure that they join together but I don't want it to join with the mid part quite yet okay so I'm gonna turn mid off and these come out 1.5 and I'll say okay if I turn mid back on and kind of see what that's gonna look like I'll turn off my sketch and then the last thing here is I want to add some draft to those ribs just to kind of angle them down so to do that I'm going to say modify draft now I've shown this in the past the draft plane it's asking what's gonna hinge around so for example if I select this top face you can see that this other face is gonna hinge around that and draft off of that well what would I pick for this a lot of people think that you would say this is your draft plane but that's the face that we actually want to hinge so my draft plane is going to be this big face here the face I want to draft is going to be that face there and now you can see that it's hinging off of this face off of this plane right there so sometimes that can get a little bit confusing a lot of people think that they would select that flat face but in reality it's this big one here and so we're gonna do ten degrees I'll do the same thing on that face there say okay turn my mid part back on let's just kind of see what that looks like I'll turn my stepper motor back on so what you can see we just created all of that geometry there I'm happy with it so let's combine together that's my body my target this is my tool we want to join and we all have one plastic body notice this is joined to that now and how complex this was and we started with basic shapes and we use like rectangles and use the shell command to really kind of speed up the design here I might do you know last thing I might do here is add I don't like sharp edges so I'll say let's add a fill it point one fact I'll even do like that guy there that guy there and this guy and this is all according to the drawing and then these edges right here and I'm doing these all in one step right so one Phillip feature I'm gonna go ahead and say okay and we are done well hit save definitely want to save that we want to lose it now my timeline honestly isn't overly complex I don't think for something as complicated as this okay you know we went 15 minutes over like usual I apologize use the drawing use the the outline watch the video a couple times see if you can create this I love that some of you are sharing your models out on the fusion 360 Facebook group some of you been sending them to me a via email here comes the good news and the bad news good news is Autodesk is very very kind and a wonderful company to work for they every four years you get a six week sabbatical and my six weeks of attica starts this weekend so I'm gonna be gone for six weeks and I can I can already hear people yelling at me through the chat so I apologize for that but it's well deserved six week sabbatical there are going to be other live streams happening make sure you subscribe to the fusion 360 live channel if you haven't already just keep an eye out for these other live streams I think Wayne's gonna do a couple Jason maybe even Angelo will do a cam one coming up but we'll continue this series when I get back this isn't the end of the series we're gonna do the laser and the wiring and all that kind of stuff but there's gonna be a six-week pause so with that I want to thank everybody for your attendance I think Angelo for helping out with the chat I do come back later and read through all of the chats and all of the comments in the video and I try to respond to those so definitely leave comments thumbs up thumbs down different ideas I love seeing other people say couldn't you have done it this way or shouldn't you have done it that way definitely put those in the comments so with that have a wonderful rest of your day thank you you
Channel: Autodesk Fusion 360
Views: 12,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, autodesk, design, engineering, mechanical design, mechanical engineering, industrial design, product design, software, CAD, CAD software, Computer Aided Design, Modeling, Rendering, 3D software, Autodesk fusion 360, cloud based CAD, CAD in the cloud, cloud, Free CAD, Free CAD Software, Autodesk CAD, cloud manufacturing, free CAD program, 3D CAD solution, computer aided design, free software, 3d modeling tutorial, control arm, manufacturing, pumpkin, freeform, surfacing
Id: LTAR6kVbN3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 42sec (4782 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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