[First Officer Dean] Good morning Miami Dade, Envoy 9857 D60N ready for push [Dade Ramp] Envoy 9857, cleared for pushback, advise for taxi [First Officer Dean] Cleared for push, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] And ramp, Envoy 9857, taxi [Dade Ramp] Envoy 9857, spot 12, ground is 121.8, have a good day [First Officer Dean] Alright, spot 12, Envoy 9857, good day [First Officer Dean] Good morning ground, Envoy 9857 approaching spot 12, we have (information) Y [Miami Ground] Envoy....Which one? [First Officer Dean] 9857 [Miami Ground] Envoy 9857 R27, left Whiskey-Quebec [First Officer Dean] Whiskey-Quebec, for R27, Envoy 9857 [Miami Ground] Envoy 9857, monitor tower 123.9, ATIS information Y [First Officer Dean] Alright, 123.9, we have Y, Envoy 9857 [Miami Tower] Envoy 9857, R27 line up and wait, traffic is on final for R30 [First Officer Dean] R27 line up and wait, Envoy 9857 [Miami Tower] Envoy 9857, RNAV to KSENO, R27 cleared for takeoff [First Officer Dean] Cleared for takeoff R27, RNAV to KSENO, Envoy 9857 [Miami Tower] Envoy 9857, contact departure [First Officer Dean] Departure, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Departure, Envoy 9857 2.2 thousand climbing 5 to KSENO [Miami Departure] Envoy 9857, radar contact, climb and maintain 16 thousand [First Officer Dean] 16 thousand, Envoy 9857 [Miami Departure] Envoy 9857, turn left direct KLADA [First Officer Dean] Left Direct KLADA, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Can we get any higher for Envoy 9857 [Miami Departure] We're just waiting now for the Center for higher, Envoy 9857 [Miami Center] Envoy 9857, Miami Center, climb and maintain FL230 [First Officer Dean] Climb and maintain FL230, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Center, Envoy 9857 with request [Miami Center] Envoy 9857 go ahead [First Officer Dean] Request right deviations for weather up ahead, about 20 miles out [Miami Center] Envoy 9857, contact Nassau approach on 121.0 [First Officer Dean] 121.0, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Good morning Nassau, Envoy 9857, 14.7 descending 13 thousand, requesting right deviations for weather [Nassau Approach] Confirm 9857 [First Officer Dean] 9857, American Eagle Embraer 175 [Nassau Approach] Envoy 9857, Nassau Approach, altimeter 29.98, descend and maintain 2,000, deviations approach, advise canceling IFR [First Officer Dean] Ok, 2,000 feet, right deviations approved, will advise cancelling IFR, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] American Eagle Embraer 175, about 20 miles from the Southwest, inbound for R25 left traffic, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera Traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 about 15 miles to the West leaving 4,500 for left traffic R25, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] Nassau, Envoy 9857, we would like to cancel IFR [Nassau Approach] Envoy 9857, roger IFR cancellation, SQUAWK 1200, frequency change approved [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 left base for R25, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 joining final for R25, left traffic, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera Traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 final for R25, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera Traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 short final for R25, North Eleuthera traffic