360° Airline Pilot's View | Miami - Bahamas | American Eagle E-175

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[First Officer Dean] Good morning Miami Dade, Envoy 9857 D60N ready for push [Dade Ramp] Envoy 9857, cleared for pushback, advise for taxi [First Officer Dean] Cleared for push, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] And ramp, Envoy 9857, taxi [Dade Ramp] Envoy 9857, spot 12, ground is 121.8, have a good day [First Officer Dean] Alright, spot 12, Envoy 9857, good day [First Officer Dean] Good morning ground, Envoy 9857 approaching spot 12, we have (information) Y [Miami Ground] Envoy....Which one? [First Officer Dean] 9857 [Miami Ground] Envoy 9857 R27, left Whiskey-Quebec [First Officer Dean] Whiskey-Quebec, for R27, Envoy 9857 [Miami Ground] Envoy 9857, monitor tower 123.9, ATIS information Y [First Officer Dean] Alright, 123.9, we have Y, Envoy 9857 [Miami Tower] Envoy 9857, R27 line up and wait, traffic is on final for R30 [First Officer Dean] R27 line up and wait, Envoy 9857 [Miami Tower] Envoy 9857, RNAV to KSENO, R27 cleared for takeoff [First Officer Dean] Cleared for takeoff R27, RNAV to KSENO, Envoy 9857 [Miami Tower] Envoy 9857, contact departure [First Officer Dean] Departure, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Departure, Envoy 9857 2.2 thousand climbing 5 to KSENO [Miami Departure] Envoy 9857, radar contact, climb and maintain 16 thousand [First Officer Dean] 16 thousand, Envoy 9857 [Miami Departure] Envoy 9857, turn left direct KLADA [First Officer Dean] Left Direct KLADA, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Can we get any higher for Envoy 9857 [Miami Departure] We're just waiting now for the Center for higher, Envoy 9857 [Miami Center] Envoy 9857, Miami Center, climb and maintain FL230 [First Officer Dean] Climb and maintain FL230, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Center, Envoy 9857 with request [Miami Center] Envoy 9857 go ahead [First Officer Dean] Request right deviations for weather up ahead, about 20 miles out [Miami Center] Envoy 9857, contact Nassau approach on 121.0 [First Officer Dean] 121.0, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] Good morning Nassau, Envoy 9857, 14.7 descending 13 thousand, requesting right deviations for weather [Nassau Approach] Confirm 9857 [First Officer Dean] 9857, American Eagle Embraer 175 [Nassau Approach] Envoy 9857, Nassau Approach, altimeter 29.98, descend and maintain 2,000, deviations approach, advise canceling IFR [First Officer Dean] Ok, 2,000 feet, right deviations approved, will advise cancelling IFR, Envoy 9857 [First Officer Dean] American Eagle Embraer 175, about 20 miles from the Southwest, inbound for R25 left traffic, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera Traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 about 15 miles to the West leaving 4,500 for left traffic R25, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] Nassau, Envoy 9857, we would like to cancel IFR [Nassau Approach] Envoy 9857, roger IFR cancellation, SQUAWK 1200, frequency change approved [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 left base for R25, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 joining final for R25, left traffic, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera Traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 final for R25, North Eleuthera traffic [First Officer Dean] North Eleuthera Traffic, American Eagle Embraer 175 short final for R25, North Eleuthera traffic
Channel: Swayne Martin
Views: 6,709,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swayne Martin, 360 degree video, VR, virtual reality, VR video, VR cockpit, airline pilot, flight deck, cockpit, American Airlines, Captain, First Officer, 360 VR, Oculus, takeoff, landing, aviation, airlines, airliner, jet, pilot life, cockpit view, pilot job, pilot pay, learn to fly, flight, MIA, ELH, Eleuthera, Miami Airport, jumpseat, cockpit video, pilot jobs, Envoy Air, Embraer, E175, ERJ, Embraer 175, Embraer Cockpit, full flight, airline flight, Swayne pilot, 360 airline, yt:cc=on
Id: f2vpuTU7sio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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