360° VR | Garten of Banban 2 gameplay in 360 Video | Escape from Banbaleena's Classroom

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I want you all to welcome our newest student you're late to class slide this time since it's your first day bye but be late again and I'll repeat a pieces you're a new and unpopular student so you will have to sit with the unpopular table in the middle now sit so we can begin set where do you think you're going sit okay class so the first lesson of the day is math over the course of the semester you will learn how to annihilate others how to safely extract the human brain for eating and oh wait I made a mistake I think it's less than four of the day for math over the course of the semester you will learn to add subtract divide multiply and so much more I am so excited before we start let's revise some of the basics what is six eight seven four one two three six one two plus nine eight one nine three nine nine one two and remember wrong answers will be very harshly punished seven eight five six zero six three five two four correct you kids are really paying attention today next question and one that I wrote myself what is two plus two correct wow I thought everyone would get it wrong all right last question before your lunch break what is misery plus disappointment fortunately that's all the time we have for math for the day go to your lunch break and then we'll start the next lesson when you come back foreign foreign [Music] this announcement concludes your lunch break please return to your classes also teachers please keep in mind that we're on the lookout for a very very naughty student believed to be accompanied by a drone if you catch them call principal ban bans office immediately hey you didn't see the person they're talking about did you oh what am I saying you're one of the cool kids of course you don't talk to ugly unpopular kids like them take a seat with the cool kids where you belong okay kids the next lesson is science like we did for Math and since this is the first science lesson of the semester it will only be a review lesson but first let me introduce you to our classroom rules no eating no talking no breathing no moving no asking questions and no washroom breaks remember I will have to punish you very very harshly if you break any of those rules back to their view let's start with something easy how hot is the Sun wrong okay kids the next lesson is science like we did for Math and since this is the first science lesson of the semester it will only be a review lesson but first let me introduce you to our classroom rules no eating no talking no breathing no moving no asking questions and no washroom breaks remember I will have to punish you very very harshly if you break any of those rules back to their view let's start with something easy how hot is the Sun nothing's as hot as me [Laughter] I'm allow it but only because it made me laugh and because you're a cool kid I can tell by your very cool glasses next question how many hearts does an octopus have correct hmm that's half right since Stinger Flint is close to an octopus he's a jellyfish I'll allow it since you're a cool kid octopuses have three hearts we humans have one and Stinger Flynn has ah sure actually but let's move on next question we have five senses sight smell taste touch and correct oh you just made me use my fifth sense that's enough I'll allow it unfortunately that's all the time we have for signs for today go on to your second break and then we'll start the next lesson when it's over foreign attention everyone this announcement concludes your second break please return to your classes foreign oh wow three of you kids in one day one unpopular kid yuck one cool kid and one mean kid welcome sit on the table to your left where you belong so we can begin okay kids the next lesson is health and kindness just like we did for math and science it will only be a review lesson let's start with some common knowledge to freshen your stupid brains can anyone here give me an example of an unkind person I will beat you to death correct that is a perfect example good job assuming it was indirected at me of course now this time can anyone give me an example of a kind person I will give you immense pain correct exactly giving others things without expecting anything in return is exactly what kindness is this class is going to be great I can I can wait what was that I wonder if it's a new student nobody move while I check it out [Music] no not again I actually tried to be a good teacher this time [Music] foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign [Music] before the door hello where are you hiding baby [Music]
Channel: Surreal Capture
Views: 2,450,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garten of banban 2, 360 vr, horror game, 360 video, creepy, garten of banban
Id: jDgNSCj5mVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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