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we are about to attempt to climb the vertical elevation of mount everest oh my goodness this isn't some crazy challenge that we just dreamed of on our own we are two of about 250 people who signed up for an event called 29020 knots let's go the wind is no joke up here on top of the mountain the organizers have rented out the entire stratton ski resort here in vermont they built a base camp at the bottom of the slopes and laid a trail to the summit which is 1.35 miles and gains 1750 feet in vertical elevation which means that we have to climb this mountain 17 times in the next 36 hours so let me show you around our new home even though i don't think we're going to be spending much time in here it's very simple yet luxurious they left us lots of fun gifts some of the stuff on this bed slightly concerns me one pack of anti-chafing cream another thing of chafing cream this is really just a place for us to leave all of our stuff we've got some brand new walmart hiking sticks that we have yet to open this is my very first bib oh my gosh it has my name on it wow you look good in that thanks i wonder if anybody else here has never run away so far it's not a race and i'm also not ready this is the first time she has ever signed up for paid and done like an organized athletic event um excuse me i rode 455 miles oh yeah good point we'll take this i also walked 33 miles that was not an organized event let's be great for this one day let's have an amazing attitude i want everybody here to earn it tomorrow no freebies [Applause] are we gonna grease it up tonight no because now we can snuggle that's better i don't think you guys can still at walmart hiking this is the most nervous i've ever been in my life i truly don't think i've ever signed up for something that i was so uncertain if i would finish gotta get some rest good night i just want to say to do exceptional things you got to put yourself in an exceptional situation all right but think about it man we're officially on the mountain it's a slightly anticlimactic start here we go everyone's moving in a turtle's face there's been so much energy last night and even this morning before the race started but as soon as they say go everybody's just been hiking up the mountain in silence well lost the team about five minutes in who knows and we'll meet back up again 15 minutes in and the sun's starting to already come up one thing's for sure there are going to be no easy laps first aid station just gonna grab a sip of water and a snack for the road and hopefully get to the top before the sunrise there she is she's a third of the way up the mountain and i'm already down to a t-shirt and shorts the lady at the aid station did not lie this is the easy part it gets really fun up there i think we're taking the steepest most direct route to the summit oh no oh yeah oh that's it for the feet i made it a half mile and maybe 500 vertical feet into this race with dry feet only 28 500 more to go [Music] it's so beautiful right now the sun coming up in the clouds but the day doesn't actually start till the sun rises so all this that we're doing right now it's kind of like eating on an airplane the calories don't count miles don't count towards making my legs sore at least that's what i'm telling myself we've climbed a thousand feet less than a half mile to the summit we're so close 500 feet to go i see the top wow we're gonna go under an hour on the first lap i'm sure i won't have this much energy later but while i have it i'm gonna use it oh gosh hey good work six thirty four six fifty four fifty four minutes on the first lap guys the view from the top i feel so much better than i expected to after that first lap look at this they have waffles you are happy happy i got pretzels honestly that first lap was a blur like it doesn't even feel like it happened i can't believe it enough to get our feet wet right now yeah exactly this is the best prize i've ever had we're ahead of the pros i'm feeling good about it here we go so the way this works is we hike up and then we ride the gondola down so we're only doing vertical elevation today i have so much energy right now kara is a completely different person than she was last night and this morning so true it was so weird i didn't even feel like me i had this negative energy and like anger towards my body about a month ago i hurt my back ah this could not have happened at a worse time i was just mad that i couldn't like give it a fair shot like i knew it was gonna be hard no matter what but it was gonna be hard from the start because i was like partly injured but i talked to this girl who made me feel so much better and she snapped me out of it and it is just as much mental as it is physical so i'm staying mentally strong that's good kara is cracking me up she's so happy it's like everything she was holding in last night and this morning all that excitement is now finally coming out yeah let's go grandma i got the buchanan's going on for the very first [Applause] i burned it well okay how do i do it better all right better all right second lap here we go there's snacks you getting better we signed up for this event pretty last minute but i didn't realize just how last minute until they sent us the 20-week training plan and we had five weeks until the event started not only that but i ended up having to have a decent sized chunk of skin cancer cut out of my head a few weeks ago so i've been able to do no training leading up to the event in the last few weeks anytime his blood pressure got going his head would start bleeding but i made it a laugh no blood according to cara are you lying to me no i'm so thankful that's healing up whoa i was around hurt yourself [Music] see the top into the second lap was 8 20. we did lap two in under an hour i can't believe it look at how gross my shoes already are oh nay i did not expect to have any easy laps and i feel like the first two have been relatively easy so no matter how much harder it gets i'm grateful for those two it's two laps less of suffer than i originally thought i was going to have i think one of the best parts about this event is it's going to be getting to try all the snacks i'm eating solid chocolate cake icing with protein no no ever you didn't know when you clicked on this video that it was going to be a food review [Music] the walmart adventure hats have been a huge hit didn't realize how much attention we would draw i can already tell you one of the best things about this event is gonna be all the people we meet you just kind of get like lost in conversation and yeah forget about the vert for a minute not only is the weather absolutely perfect but the trees it's like a fall oasis i'm hiking an extra 10 feet of elevation for this shot look cool [Music] this is the worst section of the trail right after the first aid station not only because i'm pretty sure it's the steepest but it's wet and slippery [Music] almost there 1500 feet we're hurting all right left through is finished at 9 30. she's still dancing so those red hats on that wall back there that's the goal you get one of those after you finish 29 000 feet kind of watermelon yeah we'll try that one somehow our third lab was our fastest lap we got up in 50 minutes and i felt a lot slower that time that was hard first two laps we were up running around having fun in the gondola that lap kind of hurt and i feel like i just got a small taste of what the next 24 hours is gonna look like my feet are completely soaked the last half mile is kicking my butt on this one i feel like this is the first time that it's been really hard for me lap number four still dancing so much energy starts coursing through my blood as soon as i hit this flat ground it's your jam they're all are jammed when she gets to the top coming for you we talked to two different people on the way up i didn't think about walking one time didn't think about my legs one time there's some very interesting people here i don't even remember lap 4. [Music] there we go you've only done it four times the check mark is when you reach do you know where it is australia right oh i think i just got here we climbed a mountain in australia that's your first one yeah you've got your first check mark of seven i'm starting my day with 75 vitamins minerals and whole food source ingredients so i know my body is getting all the nutrients it needs and we all know it needs it today this green juice that i'm checking here is called ag-1 by athletic greens and they are the sponsor of this video nate and i discovered this stuff in june of 2020 and i can honestly say it has been a part of our daily routine ever since since we're always traveling our diets are all over the place so even though i try really really hard it's pretty much impossible for our bodies to get the nutrients they need based on our diets alone so whether we're climbing a mountain 17 times or just hanging out in the van we always make age you want a priority because not only does it make us feel great but it also supports gut health energy immunity and stress all the ingredients are super high quality and one of my favorite things about the company is that they're constantly updating the formula based on new research so it just keeps getting better and better with time like a fine wine it doesn't taste like wine but i actually think it's really good so if you're ready to fill the nutritional gaps in your diet ag-1 is a no-brainer if you click our link in the description below you can get the ag1 immunity bundle which includes all this stuff and a free one-year supply of vitamin d drops which are great for supporting your immune system we take these every day too it doesn't taste like anything plus you'll get five of these travel packs for free with your first purchase this is 1109 we're on lap number five and it's starting to rain i'm really hoping this blows over and doesn't just completely soak me to the bone i brought 12 other outfits all right we're at the top of flat five i'm soaking wet i'm not sure if it's from sweat or the rain but definitely a combo very damp everywhere we did it in an hour [Music] [Music] you pretty much have an excuse to do whatever you want let that blood come back down this is the longest we've taken a break it made me really nervous i don't want to get behind i don't want my legs to lock up five band-aids for five laps yeah starting light number six in the rain lap sticks so yesterday when i was in a funk all day long i said that this girl really brought me out of it and that is this girl hello hannah she was my guardian angel both last night and today you're the best lap seven 54. we're staying on pace let's go it's the 29-029 mascot let's open the account oh at least banana number eight wait i'm on like 12. wow can you overdose on potassium never all right we're starting flap eight baby that was the first pretty challenging one for me i think i got off on my food and got the shakes on the way up but we made it feeling better at the top than i did halfway up loving all the recycling bins laughs number one feeling a bit weak i don't even know what i'm trying to say right now down more cowbell yeah the energy of the volunteers still pulling us through on lab nine look at this service it's starting to get a blister on my heel doc's just patching right up wow even pull the sock up so rubbing on my heel wasn't unbearable yet but i don't want it to get to that point he hadn't even started his shift as a volunteer and he was down there with my stinky foot first class service summit number nine the fog has rolled in and completely covered up the mountains we climbed into the clouds i'm surprised we're both still smiling at summit number nine still not as bad as i thought it was going to be chelsea's is back in our lives do you know what lap 9 means we climb 15 000 feet over halfway just barely we have to do everything we just did again that's pretty the crazy vertical elevation i've ever acquired in my entire life and now i have to do it all again all right i gotta stop dancing 16 05 i love it i'm so excited and then we get another one next time [Music] so we have officially climbed the vertical elevation of the tallest mountain in antarctica mount vincent and we've been given a new red x on the back of our jersey [Music] good job we're the majority of the way through lap 10 the headlamps are coming out this is the last bit of light we may see on this mountain right now we're considering trying to hike through the night which if we do that and we can keep up a similar pace we should finish sometime before the sun rises how you feeling on laptop so much better than lap nine changing my shoes and socks changed everything right number ten is finished we have officially been going for over 12 hours more cowbell thank you thank you the red hats are in reach you're almost there so much colder up here at the top of the mountain the wind is whipping what ben and there's only one disco gondola and as soon as we walked out the first lap when it got dark it was just sitting there waiting for us [Music] [Applause] 10 is complete and i'm coming in the building for the first time see what kind of different foods they have trying to have the quickest dinner of all time it's got a warm beautiful bowl of vegetables and noodles i'm not even sitting down because i'm so nervous my legs are gonna lock down you should see really okay you'll convince me all right here we go we have not made a big enough deal of these walmart hiking poles i was skeptical but i literally couldn't have done it without him i'm blind i can't see anything i love it how are you feeling great that one felt the longest for me honestly one hour on the dot wow [Music] you guys are awesome seem dangerous thank you [Music] here we go i feel like kilimanjaro has been on a bucket list forever and so to climb the height of kilimanjaro and it's really hard to do math right now 15 hours feels mind-blowing it feels so good it's all it's getting weird now leave the charge up there for number 12. let's do this feet are hurting with every step back to my knees i'm hurting with every step i just got to keep talking we made it to the first aid station and the rain is right on time the rest of night's just gonna get more interesting from here as far as the trail starts now this one circular dot lighting the grass in front of me it's pretty much gonna be our view for the next seven hours the rain is manageable right now but it's definitely making the trail slicker every few steps i take about a half step backwards f12 has been a very quiet one i hate the rain but i love it at the same time it just makes it feel so much more hardcore we just did live 12. it almost exactly an hour world's best volunteers win does not help does it oh but you're smiling i love you all right tim we're getting close to the bottom did anybody actually fall asleep if i had like two more minutes do you feel regenerated no no denali baby the highest mountain in north america lolly done that was like a big good x all right we're starting lap 13 in a full-on rainstorm it's almost eleven o'clock getting a little sleepy so hello lap 13 complete still on our one hour pace per lap which is unbelievable on kukagawa is this our last check mark before everest four more laps it's a new day happy saturday everybody live 14. i just changed all of my clothes i was very soggy and i was hopeful that the rain was slowing down but it's still raining i think it was worth it for this momentary bliss we're midway through 5 14. it's completely quit raining which i'm super grateful for but what i'm even more grateful for is that we've gotten to do all 14 laps together we talked for so long about our strategy where are we going to hike together was i gonna go ahead and we had ultimately decided that we'd hike the first lap together and see how we were feeling so we've done 14 together and we're for sure doing the last three clap 14 is in the book they had hot coffee at that first station it's instant but i'll take whatever it takes some body differences dropped so fast up at the top so they gave us a space blanket to warm up i think i might get sleep uh it's 1 30 in the morning fast we've been climbing for so long and we're still going it's kind of fun being the only ones out here there were like three people on the mountain it makes it feel extra hardcore and i'm feeling a little delirious at this point it's all just gonna feel like a dream tomorrow screen is so dirty 156 lap number 15. we follow quite a few ultra endurance racers and a common theme is to have a mantra that you repeat to yourself when you're just feeling low i've just been telling myself future me loves past pain i feel like the wording needs some work out of all the things we've done as soon as i'm done i get this adrenaline rush even if i'm still in pain and i'm just so pumped that we did it that all the pain just goes away and i absolutely love that we've accomplished something so great and i'm just trying to remind myself of that over and over i've decided mine for at least tinnitus nothing great is done without paint so we stopped for a snack and it started monsooning outside so this has been our longest break yet we're not really sure if we're gonna get back up it's a dangerous game but we're halfway up the mountain and we're not going to go right down we're not going back down i'm scared to stand up okay let's do this see you in a little over an hour here we go it's still raining but not too bad i'm glad we waited it out it's crazy how few people are out here those lights you see are the gondolas and the little lights on the side of the trail i think our group is one of maybe three or four other people that we've seen nobody behind us what are we doing and why the answer is why not come i know for the record it's 2 35 in the morning we've been walking for oh gosh we've been walking for 20 and a half hours just finished last 14 at 3 18. two more laps and then the red hats are ours it's past three in the morning i feel a little delirious like i'm just i'm just in this dream all my life is at this point is ride the gondola down so i'm walking back up again what was life before 29 or 29. [Applause] congratulations yeah we're not jealous at all last one lap number 16 of 17 starts now i am so tired like in my head like my body's been tired for a long time but even though i've had two coffees and a couple energy drinks i don't think anything's bringing me back to life until i get that red hat i think the worst laps are behind us either that or the finish line's inside and everything's feeling just a little bit easier i think the rain has finally stopped all right second to last lap was finished and 502 we've now been awake for over 23 hours she finished nice hat it's gonna be a lonely last lap without you [Music] excited a red fish look like a christmas tree thank you sir the red bib signifies it we're on our last lap i am so impressed with how well my body has held up up to this point and i have now been hiking for over 23 hours in the exact same soaking wet tennis shoes and soaking wet socks let's go to the top whoa climb mount everest we're starting for the last time i never have to make these steps ever again we woke up at 4 30 yesterday morning strong start i'm pretty sure 26 hours is the longest i've ever been awake anyway much less climbing straight up a mountain for all 26 of those hours i can't believe i'm functioning at the level i'm at right now i'm gonna miss y'all i can't believe this is our last time together bye guys thank you for everything those guys kept us going at the halfway point all night feels weird knowing we're not going back to these places let's do this we're so close sunrise it's starting to rain so close the worst weather of the whole event in the last two minutes what a finish thank you this is crazy twenty nine oh twenty nine is finished with a few more steps oh my gosh it's happening there we go [Applause] congratulations five hours and one minute later oh together every step of the way that was so hard give me my red hat i like this super wet like you have mascara running all day on your face i am so proud of you thank you so proud thank you for sticking with me proud of you what do we do now whatever you want oh my goodness i'm so glad we hiked in the night we don't have to do this anymore wow this is crazy it is absolutely incredible what the body is capable of not only have we been up for 20 27 hours but we hiked the entire time and we've never done anything close to this before throughout the event one of the conversations that you'd have with people walking by was why are you doing this and i hadn't really thought deeply about it but last summer i got invited to do the colorado trail and that was probably the first physical thing i ever attempted that i didn't think i could do and i finished 500 miles across colorado on a mountain bike and ever since then i've just been more and more interested in how far i can push my body i did not know if i could do this that was so crazy we climbed mount everest [Applause] wow he did it one two three four five six seven eight nine ten not sleeping put us in the top ten finishers of the entire event there are 250 people doing this never in my wildest dreams did i think that would happen oh my gosh they're like shriveled up my foot looks like it's 100 years old wow that's crazy these are like crazy compression boots and it's the best feeling in the world right now this is the best day of my entire life
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 2,159,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mt everest, mount everest, mt everest summit, everesting, 29029 everesting, 29029 vermont, 29029 challenge, 29029 stories, #vanlife, couple vlog, daily vlog, kara and nate, kara and nate vlog, off grid living, sprinter van, tiny home, tiny home on wheels, tiny house, travel, travel couple, travel couple vlog, travel vlog, unique accomodations, usa travel, van life, van life couple, van life usa, van life vlog, van tour, vanlife, vlog, everesting challenge
Id: LFWuPR08kLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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