Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Mama to Five
Views: 2,108
Rating: 4.9793816 out of 5
Keywords: costco haul, grocery haul, huge costco haul, what to buy at costco, meal plan, large family grocery haul, large family meal plan, what I eat in a day, costco order online, costco canada, full day of food, meal planning, mama to five, canada, 2021, homeschool mom, large family mom, easy breakfast, school lunches, what's for dinner, what I buy at costco, healthy meal plan, healthy food haul, keto food haul, intermittent fasting, christian family, big family, grocery budget
Id: m0Y6WYRUg_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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