35 Farmhouse Dollar Tree DIYs | Pretty Farmhouse DIYS | EASY Dollar Tree DIYs

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hey friends it's Heidi Samba let's get crafting these are the supplies we're going to be using for they're all from the Dollar Tree I'm always amazed how when you take a bunch of random things and bring them together it can make some really cool stuff now everything came from the Dollar Tree except for the long a painter sticks you can pick those up at any home improvement store I picked mine up from Home Depot and they were a dollar I think they were might have been a dollar twenty-five and there's three in a pack and they're really long so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take everything off that's 3d dimensional on these signs and we are going to just get down to the main base board now I know these were super popular around Easter time and they sell it really quick so if you have other holidays that are past signs that are this shape you are in good shape you could totally use them so go ahead and cut everything off and then you can see here that I've got a piece of foam core board and that's because we're going to use it as a base to glue everything down and I cut it down to size to where there is a nice lip around the boards and I'm gonna have these painters sticks and you can see here that I'm marking it because I want to miter the corners with my miter box I'm gonna link that box down below and my little handsaw I get asked about it all the time and I have lots of videos here on my channel where I show it more in depth on how I use it it is a tool I recommend using all the time in your craft room because look at how cool it is to be able to take that little saw cut it without having to do something super scary and intimidating with big electric saws and you still get that fun really cool framed look so here I am I'm just making sure that I glue down all of my painter sticks first and then I'm gonna glue down those middle long signs that we are using and I'm doing that because if you try to glue down the science first you might have a little bit of overhang or things just don't go on right so it's better to do the frame first and then do the signs add lots of hot glue to make sure everything is nice and sealed and in place now you're going to take some coal's some of this putty that you would use to fill a nail holes whenever you're taking down pictures when you're moving or just moving around pictures in general in your home artwork I'm going to take that and fill in all of those cracks and seams just so that it makes it look really finished and polished when we start to paint it so once you've got everything on there and it's dried you can go ahead and take some sandpaper and just rough off any of the stuff that is popping up or to texture that you don't want it to be there and tap it off to dust now we're going to take some white paint you can see here that I'm using house paint because I am trying really hard to not leave our house we've actually have been inside our house a ton for about three weeks and then this last weekend we had to go to Urgent Care because my daughter put something in her nose we thought it was a pink bead from one of her jewelry's that she likes to play with and it turns out it was a little pink fuzzy pom-pom and it was from a DIY that I did a while ago here on my channel and well she put that in her nose and luckily we were able to get it out and anyway it wasn't it was an event we'll just see but we have not been out of her house so I'm trying to use things that are all inside and I recommend you all staying home too so now you've seen here that I stained the wood with some water and paint got it to the color that I liked and now I'm hand sketching on my letters I'm using my ruler to make sure everything is nice and level and spaced apart the way I want it to be and now I'm going to go in with my black paint and a fine tip brush and just take your time I really love hand painting letters I talk about that a lot here on my channel to you all if you are returning you know that I love hand painting letters I just think that they're so fun I do have a Cricut and I do love my Cricut and I will eventually show you all some DIYs soon with that Cricut so those that do have them can use those ideas but I always want to encourage everybody to practice their hand painting and their lettering because it really is super therapeutic and just fun and to practice handwriting so once you've got ever thing painted on and you've taken your time to cover all of your pencil sketches that you've done and you let that dry you're ready to move on to putting on your little baskets now again these baskets are from the Dollar Tree they have them over in all their bins sections and I'm just going to do some pencil markings where I know I need to drill some holes so that I can wire on these baskets so that they don't fall off and they're nice and secure on our board I want to be able to actually put fruit and things that kind of are heavier in weight so we really want to make sure we're putting this on so that it's actually usable and not just decor now we're going to take our wire and we're going to slip it through the back and we're going to be using two wires for each basket and then once you've got those wires on you're going to make sure that you thread that right on to your basket and you're going to twist twist twist and make sure you've got it on there nice and snug and then because you don't want anything to be poking you're going to go ahead and take your pliers and you're going to twist and coil down all of your wires that are popping out and then to make sure that it's really really really safe and secure I like to tap it down really well and then add hot glue now this I thought was really fun they have these in their garden section right now these darling little tags or wood tags I'm adding some hot glue and then coming around on the back side and to make sure it doesn't fall off I'm gluing the back side too so it's all meshed around that wire basket and to complete the look at some sandpaper and sand it down our next project is something I am so excited to share because I have not seen anybody make these this was an idea I came up with when I was roaming around the Dollar Tree one day I saw these cutting mats and thought I could turn this in to a really cool thing so I'm gonna tell you what it is at the end hang in there so you can see all the steps first we are gonna take some paper I'm just using an old dictionary that I'm constantly using that I'm ripping pages out to either DIY with or using it to paint on top and I'm going to make a little pattern so I glued four pieces together and then I made two X's at the center point do a line up on the side curved up at the top and then I ended up folding it in half and cutting along that line this is often how I make a lot of my patterns and I get things to be even on both sides once I got it to the point that I liked it and how it looked the right size I went ahead and took my sharpie marker because it worked best on these cutting mats there's two in a pack by the way so it only cost a dollar to make this thing just wait you're gonna be super excited when you see this one because these sell for so much I can't believe that we can make this for just a dollar and it's super easy to do go ahead and take your scissors and cut right on that line don't worry about having a little bit of that black showing from your sharpie marker because we're going to be painting it anyway so once you've got that part cut out you're then going to take the second piece and we want to create an opening like a pocket that's kind of pushing out because I wonder if you guys can all guess it by this point because we are going to be turning this into a really cute wall hanging flower container and you'll see in just a second what kind it is so at this point I'm gonna bring it out over an inch on each side even closer to about an inch and a half where I want to be able to have it make a big enough opening when I curve it because you want it to be curved so go ahead and cut that all out you can see here that I measured it out just like I showed and you've got your two pieces now at this point you're going to pull out your stapler just a regular old stapler that you keep in your house in your office area and you are going to staple all the way along that whole edge if one of the staples doesn't go all the way through all you have to do is just push it down on the other side and then just go all along a straight line and staple all the way through if you have any hangover just cut that off then you're gonna fold back the plastic to create a crease line so it has a nice rounded edge bring it over to the other side staple the top and the bottom so that you can get it positioned right and then staple all the way across again are you all starting to see what I'm making here now you're going to go ahead and fold back the plastic on the other side you want to really make sure you crease that so it creates that dome feeling where you can put the flowers down inside or whatever you want to display inside of it so here I am where I've got my my front and my back figured out now we have to do the bottom now you're going to take that piece where you cut out the second piece that's curved on the top and you're going to just find the spot that has the extra that you need to be able to create a bottom for your flower container and you are going to just trace around it create enough of a line and cut past a little bit if you want to have a little overhang we're gonna trim off once it's all done drying so you're gonna take some e6000 and a little bit of hot glue to hold it in place short term and long term and you're going to just put it to the side to let it dry I let mine dry for about six hours and then it was good for me to go ahead and start trimming up any extra and then if anything were to pull back you can just add a little bit more of the e6000 as you like so here I am where I've let it dry and I'm trimming off the extra so it has a nice seal at the bottom and then like I said if anything lifts all you got to do is just add a little bit more but mine held really well and I was able to cut away that extra then once you spray-paint it you can go ahead and start adding some different tints of grey you're going to see here that I'm coming in first with a medium type gray not too dark not too light and I'm just patting it all around because we want to give it that corrugated metal look and we're going to just keep adding it in so I'm blotting it on first with my paintbrush and then I'm coming back in with a napkin and I just keep tapping it tapping it tapping it so I'm doing all of one color grey first tapping it all in I set it aside because I'm doing two of them for today I'm setting this side letting it dry and then I'll come back in with an even lighter one and you just keep playing with it until you get that look that you're going for so you don't have to go all the way down inside and you definitely do not have to do the back side cuz it's going to be hanging on a wall or however you display it you could if you want to and then I went in with a really light color really light grey and then an even lighter white and I just keep tapping it on until it looks like that metally look that these flower containers would normally look like isn't this so crazy at this point each one of these only cost me $1 to make so here I am I just keep playing with it and having fun and I want you to keep in mind you can make whatever shape you want you can make them longer and skinny you can make them just whatever length or height or width you want them to be then once you've got it all dried you can go ahead and add in some of those form squares from the Dollar Tree and then add in some florals of your liking I went very neutral because I want to keep these up all year long I have a place in my basement I think I'm going to put them so I wanted to make sure that they were a long term and I added in some boxwood stems off of a long garland that I have from Hobby Lobby I just I'm always cutting it apart I paid 10 bucks for that long garland it was the best investment you can see there on the back side that the foam squares were there I didn't spray paint the back of it because again nobody's gonna see it if you wanted to spray-paint it you totally could so just keep playing with your floor arrangement until you get it to a place where you really like it and it looks really pretty to you and again have fun with this part use whatever florals you want you don't have to do it like me now this is an important part if you decide to put a little tag on the front just like I did I decided to cut a little flap open and then I added some hot glue down inside of it so that way the foam stays in there permanently I push the flap back and then I added some more hot glue and added a cute little tag to the front I think the tag being on this mixes even more high-end again something that you would see from Magnolia home I just love these so much now on the back side you're going to want to make sure you cut a hole as well so that you're able to hang it up anywhere in your home and I just think they're so cute with two of these paired together on a wall today is my mega farmhouse DIY video where I am taking all of my very best ideas over this last two months and condensing them into one big mega video there will be some that are your favorites so leave a comment down below when you see them and let me know what you think and there might even be some that you've missed over this last two months I hope you enjoyed this video and find it inspiring as you're crafting in your own craft rooms remember those canvases that we were using earlier well we are now going to take off the rest of that fabric that we cut and left over and we are going to go ahead and just leave the staples you don't even have to take those out in fact if some of them pull up from the corners make sure you staple them down just to keep them nice and strong but we're going to be using four of these canvas frame wood pieces and we're gonna turn them into a storage tall basket that is very farmhouse inspired I was sitting there looking at these and thinking what can I turn this into that would be really cool and I thought wait a second I can make a really tall basket out of this so I'm taking some popsicle sticks I cut off the tips that are rounded and I'm gluing them down first and then stapling them as you can see on each corner and you're going to have two in each corner and then you're going to take your next one and you're going to slide that on and you're going to lay it on its side and then start gluing the sticks in place again and stapling them and you can see that the end of the stick is at the end of the frames side you don't want it to be hanging over because we're going to be doubling up to go to the next layer so as you've got all of those glued together it should look like a little box at this point you're then going to add in some more sticks and some more hot glue and some more staples and you're going to continue to go all the way around and once you've got that one done then you're going to get your next frame and you're going to add on to it once again so you're going to just slide that right on you're going to hug glue things down into place and staple them into place and we're going to do this like I said for times until you get all the way out now you can do this as short or as tall as you'd like but it's just cool to see what you can do with these frames and with popsicle sticks so once I've gotten to the last one you can see I have all four of them together here I'm now going to add in chicken wire now you don't have to do chicken wire but I thought this would be so cool and I'd pick up some chicken wire a while back because I have some DIYs that I want to do but here's the trick about chicken wire it is really hard I'm not going to lie to you all it has a tendency to want to curl up just like you saw here so I will recommend if you've never used chicken wire before and you want to try it I recommend having somebody to stand by as you're getting the right spacing and bending it so my husband's hands are in spot making sure that it's not giving me a hard time and reaching back and scratching my hand so what I'm doing is I'm gonna insert this chicken wire inside of my wood frame that I just created so I'm cutting off any extra that I don't need and I'm gonna be bending the sides to create the box itself once you've got all of the sides bent to the actual length that you need to fit through nice and snug you're then going to take the ends and you're going to turn down the wire ends and curl them around and pinch them in place and you're going to see me do it here just in a second because you don't want to have any wires that are loose so here you can see that I've created my frame of the box and I'm just taking them and curling them under and then I'm pinching them down to make sure they're nice and locked in that way so nothing can get scratched or ripped or whatever you put inside of your little box now here's the thing I know that this one is more advanced but sometimes I like showing some things that are advanced because I want you all to see what your potential is you don't have to start with something so challenging you could decide to just do the box and put some fabric inside of it there's lots of different ways to do this but I wanted to show you all what you can do with these frames how these are all supplies from the Dollar Tree that I've just sitting around and I'm just turning them into something super cool that people pay a ton of money for and it's just about having that creative idea of hey I wonder what I can make with this if I just keep pushing myself and my creativity so once I got my wire all inside and you can see that it's nice and snug I'm going around the frames and I'm stapling down the chicken wire to the frames so it's nice and secure and if you have any staples that don't go all the way in it just take a little hammer and gently bang them into place now we're going to take this sign that I have not gotten around to use either and I'm going to cut this down to size so it can be the base of my box and I'm just gonna score it with my knife and then go over an edge of something and snap it off if they break off really easy and then I'm going to take some more burlap I'm gonna glue that on to it cut off the extra that we don't want or need and again here burlap it has a tendency to let hot glue run through it so make sure you use a popsicle stick versus tapping it down with your hand and then I'm now going to just glue that to the bottom of my box so that I can create a nice end to it so things can actually be stored in it otherwise they'll just fall all the way through then I'm gonna staple it all into place once that's nice and secure I went ahead and whitewashed the basket at this point now I will say I did have one regret I wish that I had painted it on the inside of the basket before I put the chicken wire I just got impatient and I really wanted to see it with the chicken wire and once I put it in stapled in I thought Oh Heidi come on girl you know better her you should have whitewashed the inside of it first but oh well now once things are inside of it you won't even notice but I noticed it so if you make this keep in mind paint on the inside before you add chicken wire okay and then I'm going to just paint the bottom of it so it has a nice finished look to it and on the top sides I'm adding some rope so I'm pinching rope together I looped it through and pinched it together and then I'm going to take another piece because I thought this would look kind of unique and fun and pretty I'm going to take a thin piece of this rope I just uncoiled the three that are on the ropes from the Dollar Tree and I'm going to just wrap it around to give it a nice completed look on the rope and then make sure you fry out the ends because I think that just looks so pretty and it's just one of those little details that people love when they see [Music] I'm gonna be taking this item I found from habitat of humanity and I got it for 10 bucks no I think this thing is called a Newell I've nothing exactly sure but it was used at the end the bottom of a staircase I have been eyeing these for a while wanting to turn them into something special and they are so expensive so I found this one for $10 these normally run anywhere between eighty to a hundred and fifty dollars so first I sanded it down lightly you don't want to sand too much off because it's gonna cause it to bleed since the stain is so dark and when I paint it white so I went ahead and painted the whole thing white and before I painted you saw earlier that I took the paintbrush and just before I put any paint on it dusted it all off and made sure I clean the surface because you don't want that to pick up on your paintbrush when you're painting so once you've cleaned all your surface off you can go ahead and start painting the whole thing white I did three coats of white paint once I had coated it enough and I liked the finish on it I took some sandpaper and then I just roughed up the edges to give it that farmhouse look that I loved so much and I just went wherever the corner surfaces were you kind of can naturally find them when you're going over your surfaces the sandpaper will hit it without any problems and if you happen to take off too much that you don't like you can always go back and add some more white paint then when I was done doing that I went ahead and added a hook so that I can hang up a wreath or signs however I want to decorate with it please give this video a thumbs up it really does help out my channel every single time you cook it and if you're over on Instagram come on by and say hi to me I love knowing what you're doing in your craft rooms so tag me in some of your projects that I can see them and leave you a comment our project we're gonna be working on is creating a cute little corner shelf for your kitchen counter or anywhere in like a hutch that you might have so I have these two signs that I picked up recently actually from the Dollar Tree I felt ready to get out I needed to go out for a grocery run and while I was out I popped into the Dollar Tree and I was really proud of my community everyone I saw I will say 95% that I saw had on face masks and gloves and I only touched what I needed and it just felt like such a treat to get out and amongst my community for a little bit of time and it was just a nice treat friends I can't say it enough now I will not recommend anyone going out that does not feel comfortable but I went out just for a little treat so here I am you can see that I've created with these round signs these two lines these two cut lines because we're trying to make like I said a corner shelf and you're gonna score those lines twice and then you're gonna snap it one way and snap it back the other way and that is because these break really easy and they are so great once you score them you can create any shape that you would want off of the existing shape and then any hangover that you see just go ahead and cut that off with your scissors now I'm going to be taking the one that I cut first and I'm going to lay pattern side to pattern side trace it and cut out a second one and that's because we want to make a nice sturdy shelf so having two of these is a really great thing to be able to make it even stronger so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna figure out the legs for our little corner shelf now you can see that two inches is too wide or too tall and one is too short and stubby so I'm going to go with a one and a half inch mark and I'm to do that three times now make sure you measure with the idea of cutting off that rounded edge and your plumber stick because that is rounded and you don't want that to be on one of them because it'll make it where it's a crooked shelf so I cut off that little nub on the end that's curved and then I cut three little legs as you can see here and then you're going to just take some hot glue and on the bottom side of your sign you're going to add a nice amount and just kind of wiggle it around so the glue comes out around the sides and kind of presses up onto the leg that's gonna create even more support on it then it's making it even stronger you're gonna take your staple gun and I'm gonna link that down below because everyone always asked me about it and I try to link it every time sometimes I forget but I'm gonna link the staple gun down below and you can see here that I'm putting two staples on each leg and when you flip it over you should not have gone through the sign it should go through the leg so just make sure you measure that carefully and then that second sign we're gonna put some hot glue and put it down pattern to pattern so that we don't have to deal with trying to paint over glitter and having all that extra texture and then we're just gonna just smush them together line them all up and once everything is nice and glued together you can see here that it looks just like a coroner's shelf and then we're gonna change up our staple size to being a little bit smaller to only be able to be long enough to go through those two signs that we just cut down and then staple them together then I painted it white and came back in with some distressing light light light gray with a dry brush technique and then a little bit of brown just to give it some depth and some texture on my counter I cannot tell you how excited I am about this DIY that I'm going to be sharing with you something that I saw a long time ago that was being sold for a ton of money and I thought I could totally make that super super super cost friendly so I picked up these spoons from the Dollar Tree and I'm going to be using five of them and what we're gonna need to do is we are gonna hammer out the spoon so it's flat just like I'm doing here and once you've got it nice and flat you're then gonna take some pliers and you're gonna bend it two times you're going to bend it a little bit down on the handle and then you're gonna go out just a little bit bend it one more time and you can use whatever you need to to be able to get these bends I found that the further you go down on the spoons handle the harder it gets to bend it so if you need maybe some you know strong muscles maybe you know go up on someone in the home that is able to do this part but this is such a fun fun project and just wait until you see what this is going to turn into so here I am I'm just taking my spoon and I'm just bending it out and making sure I shape it and then I lined it up with the next one to make sure that the bends are all in the right place now this next part is one that I'm going to warn you all to be careful with when you are drilling in you're going to want to make sure you're drilling into that some kind of wood underneath it as a base and then the other thing is is you want to be careful with when you're drilling it because the spoon might want to spin and if your hand is in the way and it gets hit it could cut your hand it also could really hurt I actually had it happen twice while I was doing this and it let all tell you it actually really hurt so once you've got enough of those holes drilled you're just gonna do one in each spoon and then set them to the side I learned at that first hole that I drilled and then after that I was really cautious so I'm just telling you all it's really easy to do with the with a drill but just make sure you don't hurt your hand by keeping it out of the way now we're gonna move on to that wood and I just lightly sanded it down to make sure there was no rough edges first and then I went in with some water black paint and brown paint to create a stain really quickly and then I'm now gonna take some screws and screw all of my spoons into the wood because we are making a hanging rack and you can use this for so many different things but today I have a theme that I'm doing which is going to be kitchen at DIYs using Dollar Tree supplies I thought it would be really fun that to do something a little different and focus on the kitchen and things that we can put in our homes in the kitchen to be able to use daily they actually have this theme that I'm going to be carrying over into the next day which is Wednesday so come back if you want to see more kitchen DIYs but for today these projects I think are just so cute and this one is totally my favorite that I did which is why I'm sharing it first so once you've got all your spoons on there just make sure you push them in place position them right and then you're going to take it and flip it over now I needed something to hang them up with and then I had this thought wait a second I can use one of the little handles that you use to open up a soda can a washer and a screw I don't know why I got so excited about this but I just like for some reason it popped into my head and it worked out like a charm it was so so perfect so you're going to want to put something underneath it to make sure it's propped up or you can also put this on before you do the spoons and then you're just going to screw it into place and it makes the perfect thing to be able to help hang it up now we're going to make it even cuter because I just can't help myself we could stop here or we could keep going and you know me I love to keep going here on my channel so I'm going to take these little garden tags you've been seeing me use these a lot here in my channel recently I'm going to add some wood glue so it really bonds well and then I'm also going to add some hot glue for that long term and short term hold like I talked about a lot here you want to make sure it goes on forever but it also can dry quickly with that hot glue so I'm gonna put one in front of each spoon I just think that this is so cute with these little tags and then again couldn't help myself I could have stopped there but I decided to also paint numbers on each tag so I decided to go with a 1 2 3 4 5 but how could this be if you were to put an initial for someone's name if they wanted to hang up you know their coat by the front door or you could put in your kitchen like I'm planning on using to hang up all of our towels and cloths to let them dry oh and we're using them while we're doing dishes or just cleaning in general and it just looks so pretty you could also hang wreaths on this you can do so many cool things so here it is are you ready to see it [Music] I would love it if you join me here on my channel so click that red subscribe button if you like what you see and let's become friends I picked up this bike from the goodwill for $2 and I even feel like that was a bit of a ripoff because this thing was in bad shape it was clear that somebody donated it that didn't want it anymore and maybe they were thinking is the goodwill that somebody could replace the tires but friends this thing was not in good shape so what I decided to do because gardening has been on my mind I wanted to do something a little different I'm not planning on fixing this up so my daughter can ride it I'm planning on using this in one of my garden beds here at our home outside I just thought it would be so pretty if it was all spray-painted white and it just fixed up a little bit so here's the plan and what I did we and I say we because my husband actually spray-painted white while I was working on some other things this has been a very busy crafting week and trying to get videos out and so he was so sweet and helped me out by spray-painting this bike and then he took off the handlebars so that way I could wrap this really thick rope from the dollar tree around the two handles and then this crossbar on this handlebar so here I am I did the very first line of hot glue I went across the bar and then I pulled back the rope and then started wrapping it from there that ways would had a really clean finish on both ends and you'll see how I'm gonna finish it off on the back side so I just add a little bit of hot glue and keep wrapping it around and around and then add a little bit of more hot glue and then keep adding it I don't think you need hot glue on every single turn I think just every once in a while so here I am at the end I'm just adding more hot glue and I'm gonna take a popsicle stick and just smooth it out and then add even more hot glue so it's really nice and smooth finish and you don't see it on the front side I'm doing this on the back side of these handlebars and I did the same thing for the handles as well I guess I just have gardening on my mind because it is spring and actually on this date was really storm and we had high winds if you watch the tree you're gonna see all the things blowing I'm hoping with the weather that we have outside right now that it's still standing up but when I was done I actually put rocks all around it and just made it look so cute so here it is outside all spray painted the handlebar back on it and I also found this basket that was pretty beat-up you can see here that it's broken and it actually worked out so perfect because it nestled right underneath those bolts that will hold on the handlebars to the bike so I'm going to just take some zip ties I used four of them and I'm just zip tying it on to the handlebar tucking it right underneath it and now I'm gonna fill it with dirt now friends this idea is all over Pinterest I've been seeing it for a long time and I wanted to make one myself so just know that I was not the creator of this and I think you can even buy these bikes from certain garden places which is just crazy take an old bike and it just spray paint it white just like I'm doing here or any color that you would like for your garden so once I filled the little basket up with some dirt I'm now adding in some fresh florals we finally have fresh flowers at our garden centers here and because it was outside and when I went I was the only person there it was so nice to get out for a few minutes just to walk around a garden center with my gloves and my mask on obviously to be safe but it was just so nice to touch flowers and the finished look oh I'm so happy with it I love how it looks [Music] the supplies we're going to be using today are a few things that I've picked over over this last couple months remember don't rush out to go buy these stay home stay safe but if you have these on hand or you want to save them for later you can always do this project later but I'm using these wire baskets rope in these hang up chains that you can get right now at the Dollar Tree all of these came from their total cost to make this was about ten dollars and twenty-five cents because I'm going to use something little at the annual seed but what you're going to do first is you're going to take your chains you're going to pull up in the pack and you're going to count out the desired length that you want now I counted out twelve of these little jump ring chains and then the extra I'm just going to put to the side because I'm not going to need that for this project then what you're going to do is you're going to take your three chains and you're going to hook them on to these little wire baskets that you can get over in their like bin area they're like little trash bins or little fruit baskets I guess and then I'm gonna now take some rope I'm going into the very center hole I put some hot glue and then I'm gonna just start taking my rope and wrapping it around surprisingly enough this really sticks to the basket because the hot glue kind of falls around that metal mesh on the basket and then the hot glue also binds to that onto the rope so it's really secure on there and when you take your time to coil on the rope right it will look really high-end and just really pretty when you're all done with the finished look so on each basket I used about three of these bundles of rope I needed just a little bit like it's not even one of the full rope so I'll say three and one fourth of the ropes and then what you're gonna do is your going to start at the bottom first because that's where you can get that cleanest look and you don't want to start where the top of the chains are because you want to make sure that the rope ends up on that side I'm going to show you why in a few minutes but start at the bottom and then start just slowly coiling out this was a really fun therapeutic project to do I really enjoyed doing this and you're going to do two of the baskets I guess you could make as many of them as you want but I'm going to do two for today and then once you get around to the edge you're going to just slowly start working your way up the side when you get to a point where the rope ends you're going to just glue that down into place and then get the next rope and glue that right up button next to it and I left on the little tape because I didn't want that to come unraveled which it can after time so and you don't even notice it I didn't even notice a little bit of tape that's on there so once you've gone all the way around and you've gotten up to the top this is where you want to make sure why you're doing the bottom-to-top first you're gonna at the very top where you see that little hook that you hooked on to your basket you're going to take your rope and you're going to go through the actual hook so that the hook is sitting in there nicely you make sure not to hot glue down the chain you want to make sure that's free and then once you've got it through you're gonna add some more hot glue hot glue that all down into place and this is gonna allow it to look store-bought and really high-quality versus it just being like your hot gluing rope onto a basket and then you're going to just continue along that edge following over to the next one and then repeat the same process you're gonna go through with the rope you're gonna thread it through that hook that's hooked on to the basket and it's going to look really really great so make sure you do this to all three of the hooks and then once you get to the end of that you're gonna then go on the other side which I'm going to show you as well so that you don't miss any of these steps this really was a fun project and it did not take me that long to do so I think anyone can do this that has a hot glue gun and these supplies but again I just want to stress to you all do not feel in need to go out and purchase these things right now you can always save this and these are items that they have year round the chains aren't the change they brought them out for their spring gardening section but the rope and the baskets they have them out all the time so once you've gotten all the way around you're then gonna make sure your your hooks that are on the basket are out of the way and make sure they're in the right position and then you're gonna take some glue and you're gonna hot glue the Rope down around on the inside of the basket now where that's going to keep that chain locked into place and you're going to just do that all the way around the rest of the inside of the basket and to finish off the look this is where I was saying that there might be just a little bit more rope that you might need to go around one or two more times in the inside of the basket to get it to go down further in the basket so that way it has a nice completed look but overall three bundles of the ropes work really well for these baskets I just wanted to make sure mine went down inside the basket a little bit as well once you've got all those ropes glued on you're then going to take that chain that you had and you're going to connect it to a second basket so you can see here where I stopped my rope so that I can chain on those little jump rings so I went ahead and opened it up the very last one I opened it up put it on and then pinched it on to the basket this is going to allow it to look super high-quality so you can see here make sure when you're putting your chains on that it's hanging evenly that you have it just balanced that you have the chains balanced and the right spots so here you can see that I have the chain and we've gone all the way up to the rim of the basket now I'm going to take that glue where the chain met up where that jump ring hooked on to the basket I'm going to add some hot glue and go over the top part of the chain so you can see right there and then once I've done that three times all the way around I'm now going to bring the rope around on the back side of that jump ring that we attached to the basket so all you're gonna see is just that little black hook at the top through the rope you're not gonna see anything else and it's gonna look so nice like this so make sure you just take your time going around the top putting your hot glue and don't burn your fingers it's this is one of those projects where you can burn your fingers I was taking my time so I didn't burn my fingers on it now here's the next thing you can use this part of the hooks or the chain that you had from earlier but I wanted my basket to be much longer so I'm actually using a second set of this chain hang up basket thing and I'm gonna just hook those right on and you're going to be able to have a double hang up basket and you can make as many of these baskets as you'd like this chain is a really strong chain and it just looks so cute hanging up I love this thing so much and then this is that last part that I said that was like 25 cents I took some of these little garden sticks that you can put in your flowerbeds or when you're growing plants and I'm just gonna pop off those back sticks because I actually wanted to paint on some little prices for the baskets I thought this made this look even more farmhouse chic and I thought why not it's just a fun little cute touch to it so I'm just gonna hand paint on some numbers that I'm putting 25 cents and then I'm also gonna put $1 and then I'm gonna glue these on to the basket to complete the look and when you're doing this just make sure you take your time you could sketch on with a pencil first to make sure the look is you know symmetrical in the center however you want it to look but I'm just doing it freehand with paint and I'm using a small tip brush then once you're all done and those are dried you're going to take some hot glue on your basket make sure you find that center point and glue them on and then decorate the inside of them [Music] our next project is going to be using these chalkboard signs and this is mainly because I have been wanting to use these for quite some time I'm using these tongue depressor thicker popsicle sticks and we're gonna also be needing a foam cord board from the Dollar Tree now I actually had someone this last week and a couple times before asked me why I keep calling it a foam cord board and I'll tell you oh why it's called that if you actually look it up online you google it you'll find that it's actually called foam core board because they take two poster boards and the root core of this board is foam core board so the core of it is foam and that's why it's called foam core board I'm like an old school nerd art lover and I've been using this stuff since I was a teenager when it first was really popular and kids would use it for high school projects and anyway that's why it's called that so you can see there that I laid out all my popsicle sticks and my signs because we want to create that spacing in between a lot of people that make these chalkboard big signs the problem with them is that they but the chalkboards up next to each other and you lose a lot of that valuable real estate to use from here chalkboard sign and then they become really small so I'm taking a board I measured everything out just like you saw me do and now I'm cutting all of the popsicle sticks down to size that had any hangover and I'm using e6000 and hot glue on the chalk board so they really stay on they're strong and then I'm using just regular hot glue for the popsicle sticks and that spacing in between is going to allow you to be able to have not too deep of a space in between the chalk board so that the the tongue depressor sticks don't stick that they don't bond well this is going to create a little bit of a lift in between there so that the popsicle sticks can bond to each other but not eat up that real estate space of your chalkboard I really thought a hard and long about this project because I've been seeing that mistake happening a lot with with other inspiration online will say and this is going to allow you to be able to have your chalkboard sign be bigger when you're writing on them so here I am I'm just finishing the last three we're doing nine spaces so that it looks symmetrical and I'm just putting on like I said a nice little group of this e6000 and it's so funny I was on the very end but I'm so determined to be thrifty with my crafts and money but I was like squeezing out the very last of this you 6000 to make sure that I got all my money's worth and then I'm just gonna flip it over and Nestle it down into or those popsicle sticks were lined up for me and this is really great too because this is going to help you these popsicle sticks in between it'll create that perfect spacing that you need so that you don't have anything be crooked or wonky and it just spaces it out really nicely so here I am at the very last six thousand and I truly am trying to get my money's worth I actually had a new tube when I went out while I picked up you know some of these new supplies I picked them up from Walmart that's typically where I get my e6000 from and it's a really good deal there I think it's like I think it's like 450 I could be wrong could be like 495 whatever they're you know dollar since amount is that they typically mark at Walmart but so here I am I'm putting on the very last one and [Applause] easing out the last of that money's worth and then I am going to finally be able to throw this tube away and move on to a new one so I'm gonna put in my last one and then frame it out with those popsicle sticks just like I showed you because again like I said we want to be able to create that support underneath that's going to hold on the thicker sticks and not lose that real estate space on your chalkboard so once you've got those last ones all glued in place you're then going to take your thicker sticks and you're going to chop off the rounded edges just like you were seeing me do here and there on the board we're doing that so that these all but up to each other really nicely and it makes it look like a really pretty frame so do as many as you're gonna need to go all the way around the board I would even just say just cut a whole bunch and then go back if you need more but you're going to just line them all along the edges anywhere where you have those smaller thinner popsicle sticks showing you're going to glue them on to place and do you see what I'm saying like look at how little we're going to be taking up having to glue onto those chalkboards and the best thing about this too is that this is gonna really lock in those chalkboards so they never will pop off and you know just fall apart on you if you drop it on accident because let's get real like this is you know glue that we're putting this together with I try really hard to make my things look super strong and sturdy and so one of the other things I like to do is with these popsicle sticks if you see any of those little cracks or seams in-between it's just add in some of that spackle putty that you can get the Dollar Tree as well now here's the thing we could paint this white and I typically would do a white paint coat on it but I just was feeling kind of frumpy this day and I needed some color in my life and so I decided to go with this pretty green and I really loved the way that it turned out now you can paint this whatever color you want help you could this be if your kitchen is a red theme or a teal theme and you can really just customize this board however you would want and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take one of these chains from the dog tree you guys have been seeing me use this you all have been seeing me use this here on my channel I kept saying hold onto the extra chains don't get rid of them and this is why because you can take these extra chains and use them to hang up signs that need a little bit more sturdy support than just a rope so you can see here that I drilled two holes in the top and then I'm just changing on this chain and these typically are used to hang up pots and they're in the garden section at the Dollar Tree so now what we're going to do is we're going to just take it a little bit further you don't have to do this I thought this would be really pretty at the bottom I have a bunch of this Buffalo check gray ribbon and I bought this back at Christmastime bought it for a crazy crazy good deal where it was like 80% off so I bought a whole bunch of it but if you have some ribbon it would be really pretty just to put it down at the bottom and it fits perfectly between the popsicle sticks and that board so you're just gonna add some glue and then just pop that right down in there and how cute this little added detail it almost makes it look like a little kitchen window curtains ready but I don't know I really liked it now I'm gonna go in and I'm going to distress my green a little bit just to make it look more farmhouse or like it came from an old school house I just thought that would be so cute and I'm gonna use my ruler and trace out the word sundae because I wanted to hand paint on all the days of the week now I'm going to be using this for a menu board or for you know a grocery shopping list in my kitchen I just think it's so cute so once you've got all of your week's names painted on you're ready to hang it up [Music] miss next project I am so excited to share with all of you because these are just traditional things you can get all the time from the Dollar Tree that I think a lot of us look past I'm taking two of these treat boxes or popcorn boxes and some of these hooks that you would use for your shower curtain rods and I'm taking this tool that I've had for years it's a scrapbooking tool it's called a crop-a-dile and it's by we are memory keepers I'm going to link it down below if I could recommend you to pick up a new tool or a new gadget for your craft space I've showed this here on my channel before it would be this one this tool is the coolest because it punches through plastic through metal and it'll do it without destroying or cracking it so you can see here that I was able to go through this plastic container punch holes through it without it cracking or breaking it is the coolest thing to have on hand and I use it all the time in my perhaps you'll be seeing it a lot more here on my channel because I think it's just time to introduce you all to some fun new things so this is a really affordable tool I'll link it down below and you can pick it up all over town they have it in all the craft stores and online so what I'm doing now is I'm taking some wire and I wanted to create a handle on the side of these little buckets I thought it would just look so farmhouse chic once again because I love that look I'm taking some wire it twisted around twice threaded it through the two holes twisted on the inside cut it off tucked it under and then added some hot glue to make sure that no one would you know stretch their arm or something on it when they reached inside of it if you're going to be storing things inside and so here it is with the little handles on it isn't it just so cute now you could leave it clear but I've decided to really transform it I took three coats of spray paint and just took my time spring over so there's no drips and it really just looked like a farmhouse bucket at this point now to distress it just a little bit more I'm taking some black paint and I'm going to go around all the edges the scallops the bottom and on the sides just lightly like a little thin band of black and that litt makes it look more I don't know I just love the way that it looked I can't think of what this style is called but it's just farmhouse metal like a farmhouse metal bucket that you would see where they have the white and the black on the edge just like this so you're just going to take your time with a paintbrush and you're just gonna tap along the edges of your bucket wherever there is a corner you're gonna go along it with the black paint you could skip this part if this is not your thing and you want to just leave it white or you wanted to spray-paint it another color that's totally fine too once the paint is all dry you're gonna take a ruler or at least this is what I did I took a ruler and I wrote out an array done font style I just took my time doing it and I sometimes whenever I'm writing like this free-handing I like to keep an example over to the side by me so I can just make sure that I'm doing it right but I'm going to just write on the word flowers because I thought that would be perfect for this and I'm just gonna take my time with a small little paintbrush and I'm just going to go over what I wrote with my pencil I love doing hand letters you can see here that it's not super perfect and I think that's the fun part about the Raiden font is that it's not a perfect font it looks very handwritten and I just think it looks so cute on the front of this little farmhouse bucket so I decided to do two of these because why not I had the time and I had the resources in my house I just was pulling out things that you know I have in my craft room because I'm not going out to stores right now we've been inside for about two weeks and our family's hanging in there there are days where I feel like you know mmm I would love to go for a drive and I think does the Dollar Tree miss me as much as I miss it but here I am I'm just writing home sweet home because I'm so thankful for our home right now while we're sheltering and trying to stay healthy as a family so once you've gotten all of your stuff written on if you're doing your words you now can embellish the inside of it you could put little trinkets and things inside of it that you would want to use around your house or you could put some plants which is what I'm going to do because why not I have a lot of places I could put this in my house so I'm putting in one and a half blocks of foam and then I'm using these little sprigs they came from a long garland strand that was from Hobby Lobby that I got off with a 40% off coupon and I like to cut it up that you really save a ton of money doing it this way so you can see that with those I poked some holes and then I put some hot glue and then put all those little sprigs those boxwood sprigs right inside those holes and now I'm just starting from the center I took my tallest peak flower put that in the middle and now I'm just building around it really filling it in with a lot of pretty spring florals I'm also using a succulent plant stem that I found from the Dollar Tree a couple weeks ago all of these florals are from the Dollar Tree except for those little boxwood sprigs that I cut off of that garland but just have fun with this fill it in I'm going with a lot of purples and blues that has just really been on my mind there's something so tranquil about it once you've got it to a place that you like you're all set and you can display them anywhere in your home [Music] our next DIY is something that I've kind of featured here before I have taken these hanging wired baskets for your outside garden area and these are from the Dollar Tree and I've shown me making bird cages out of them and little fruit baskets and today going along with that kitchen theme we're gonna be making a potato basket because why not why not make even our potatoes look pretty in our kitchen so what I'm doing is I'm cutting away that inner circle with my wire cutters and I'm just going back and forth and they snap pretty easily I would say like the first six are really easy to cut and then towards the end your hand is going to start feeling a little sore so maybe take a break in between if your hand starts to hurt then what you're gonna do is you're gonna take we're only going to be cutting one apart as you can see me doing here the other one we're gonna leave it alone but we're going to be taking those wires and we're gonna start bending the back and no matter how many times you try you're gonna see that wire pop right there just because it's kind of a sensitive area so I'll show you in just a second how to fix that but we're gonna go ahead and straighten out those wires so that they are nice and long and this is the cutest basket when we're done you don't have to only put potatoes in it you can put whatever you want in it realistically but I just thought oh how cute could it be to put this inside of my pantry with potatoes in it in a corner so that they stay nice and dark and safe and they're out of that funky bag that you know drop stuff anyways so I just thought this would be so cute so hearing I'm just straightening out the last of them and then to fix that problem you're just going to take a piece of twine and you're going to add a little bit of hot glue right on the tip of it and surprisingly this holds really well and then you're going to take some the twine once the hot glue sets and you're just going to wrap it around and the reason why this is gonna end up being okay is because later on you'll see you're gonna add on some thicker rope onto the edge and we're also going to be putting chicken wire all over this basket so just wrap it around glue it into place and then forget about it temporarily because we don't need to worry about that at this moment and just let it really dry really well so you can see here that I'm just adding a nice amount of twine to make it nice and strong and I'm just gonna glue that right into place so once you've got that all glued into place snip off any extra that you don't need and then we're going to start assembling the two pieces together so what you're going to need to do is you're going to need to get your pliers and you're just right at the top you're going to curve it down to create a little hook and you're gonna go all around the whole baskets piece all these wires that we straightened out and we're going to just curve them all down to just like I'm doing here and this is because we're going to be hooking it on to the one over there to the left that way it creates a nice tall basket because at this point you really can't put potatoes in that smaller basket with the height that it is and so here I am I'm just curving it all down and then I'm gonna take it and you can see the hooks I'm gonna take it and just hook it onto that other basket the coolest thing about this is that these potato baskets are so crazy expensive and once you put the chicken wire on it with the rope it's really sturdy and strong and can hold all of the potatoes that you put inside of it and we're only making it for let's say four dollars because we put the chicken wire on it so two dollars for each basket a dollar for the rope and then a dollar for chicken wire I mean it's crazy how much they charge with these baskets and when you figure out wow it's like nothing that they're using for materials so here I am I lost the footage of me putting the chicken wire on the two stacks but this is one that I had done a couple weeks ago and then here is the basket with all the chicken wire on it you can see that I went all of the sides and it's really easy just be safe when you're putting it on and make sure you take your time and if you have any spots that are concerned you can a little bit of hot glue if you had a hard time getting the wire down and that seals it in and then you're going to take it outside and you're gonna spray-paint it whatever color you want I went with black I think that it looks really pretty and very country farmhouse looking at this point and now I'm going to take that rope that we talked about and just finish off the top look and you're going to glue it into place and just keep wrapping it around until it's all done and then to make it even cuter I'm going to take some of the thicker rope and I'm going to just add some handles by looping it through and glueing over that edge and then taking one piece of the rope I I split it up from the Dollar Tree there's three on one of the ropes so I just split it up and then I'm wrapping that around to give it a nice finished look on the handle so that way when you pick it up it's nice and sturdy and this basket is really strong [Music] our next DIY is going to be inspiration from this fantastic adorable Etsy shop that I found online teal barn signs they have the cutest thing there and I wanted to make my own version at a Dollar Tree price I'm gonna link Sierra Etsy shop down below go and check them out they have so many other cute things that you definitely should check out but what I did was I went online and I created my own printable with some vintage strawberry free images that I found and I turned them into a printable that is free for all of you down below if you want to make this particular one now the teal barn has so many other cute signs go and check them out like I said but this one I just had to do it I couldn't help myself I wanted you all to be able to have this free printable and make one for yourselves for just a dollar fifty now that's not including the ink so make sure you keep that in mind when you're printing this it could be just a little bit more maybe like 250 but really it's just not that much and I will say that I did print on cardstock to make the paper a little bit strong and sturdier so once you've got everything printed out go ahead and cut it all up and use an exacto knife where you need to to get into those small spots and just make sure you cut all the way up to the image that I have put together for you in the free printable that's linked down below at this point we're going to take a small fine tip brush and some very light gray paint and we're gonna start creating some shiplap lines take your time they don't have to be perfect I didn't even use any pencil trace lines I just went over on them very lightly with my paint and once I got them where I liked them I took some even lighter gray paint and now I'm dry brushing on just a little bit of texture to make it look like wood once you have that you're gonna go ahead and take that printable that you cut out earlier and you're gonna start positioning it on there to the places that you like it again we're going off with the inspiration to show you all how these type of signs are to so doable and so cute to be able to bring into your home if this is not your thing and making these you could always purchase them especially from cute Etsy shops that I linked down below and the inspiration that this came from but I just love these kind of signs I think they bring so much personality into a room and it just they're fun they're really fun once you've got all your letters all in place you're going to go ahead and start using some Mod Podge and you're gonna start painting some down and then pressing your letters down into it make sure you try to get all the air bubbles out it's going to naturally want to bubble because that's just what happens when you wet card stock so just keep playing with it until it's nice and smooth but take your time to make sure it's down and once you put it down keep in mind that you're not going to want to move it again because it can rip that card stock that you're working with now here is a tip once you have gotten all of your things glued down on the backside and it comes to sealing it on the front side you're gonna want to take a nice amount of Mod Podge and you're gonna want to make sure that you don't brush over your image too many times the green and the red is naturally going to want to bleed on to your backing of your card stock if that happens you can wipe it up a little bit if you see it bleeding through but just be really cautious to put a lot on your brush and try to do as little strokes as possible away from the backing of that foam cord board because you just want to make sure that it's a nice clean image and it doesn't look like it's bleeding all over the place so just take your time with this have a little white B on hand if it does bleed a little bit you can wipe up where you need to and just continue to move on until you get all the way across the whole board once you've got all of that sealed and done you're then going to take one of those stickers from the Dollar Tree I love these number stickers and know so many of us have them you're gonna go ahead and just take number five or whatever you want to charge for your berry patch strawberries and you're gonna go ahead and just seal that with some my paws I figure that this is one thing that I wouldn't do a printable for just because so many of us have those stickers and then I'm also gonna take the really small stickers also from the Dollar Tree and I'm gonna spell out on the bottom and customize my sign different from what the inspiration was just for the respect of the artists who created this sign over on her Etsy shop I'm gonna put down their fresh fruit daily I thought that was a really cute thing to put down there at the bottom but you really could put whatever you want you can even put your family's name how cute could that be to have this in your home for spring going into summertime then because I decided not to put anything towards the top customizing it and making it my own I took off about two and a half inches from the top and I just used my exacto knife to cut away now we're gonna start working on the border this is where we end up saving a ton of money making this sign because I took another foam core board and I took two inches thick and I went the whole length of the board so that I can make these long strips and these are gonna go all the way around our frame you're gonna see here in just a second but what I'm doing is I'm taking some brown paint black paint and white paint and I'm mixing it together and I just keep going over it with different strokes playing with it until I get it to a look that I want it to look where it kind of matches the inspiration make sure you get the sides of it as well as the top because you don't want to have that white border people will know right away that it's foam core and not wood now here is one more tip about these foam core boards when you work with Mod Podge they are going to naturally want to start to buckle because when that glue dries it's going to pull tight so just make sure that you've bend it back a little bit to straighten it out and then here I am with these borders you can see here that I'm tucking them under and I'm going to make sure that I have them all nice and aligned I'm going to add some hot glue on the back side of the poster this is the easiest way I found to do it so add the hot glue and then flip the poster over and put it on to that brown border that we created you're going to do the top and bottom first and then you're gonna do the sides and I like doing it this way because that way it just goes on nicely and you don't struggle with these things trying to attach them so once you've got one side on and you flip it over and do the other side and you're using a nice amount of hot glue you're then gonna take your craft knife and you're going to cut off those extra tabs that are hanging over we don't want those parts on there because we want it to make it look we want to make it look basically like a frame so go ahead and cut those off and then before you wash your paintbrush and the paint that we were using earlier for the frames you can see there where we cut there is now going to be some exposed parts so go ahead and just take your brush and lightly tap and paint on those areas wiping off anything extra that looks like you obviously added more paint and when it's all done you can display it somewhere super cute in your home [Music] this first DIY is going to be using these supplies from the Dollar Tree and the wood that I just have cut at Home Depot on their big machines there and I started by sanding down the wood because anytime you cut it on a big machine it can have all the splinters so i standed it down really well and then gave it a fresh coat of white paint because I'm building a little shelf that is going to go in my daughter's room she is super into dressing up right now and I wanted to create a little dress-up corner for her where she can actually reach her pretty princess dresses this shelf is gonna be made for $4 shelves can be so expensive and it's just gonna be so perfect if she can put her Tiaras on it and hang her dresses from it so at this point I'm taking a dowel rod or a dowel stick whatever you want to call this from a plunger from the Dollar Tree and I'm just gonna cut off the part where that has the screwed textured wood where you would screw it into the plunger head and once that's done I'm just gonna give it also a coat of white paint so once you've got everything painted and dried you're gonna go ahead and start figuring out your measurements with these wall-hanging these normally are used for plants hanging plant hooks that you would put outside maybe in your garden or even inside your home I use them all the time here on my channel I love these things we are going to be screwing them into the wood so make sure you have that measurement or it's equal on both sides this is really easy to do just make sure you measure it with your ruler and then you're going to go ahead and drill them in now keep in mind you want them to be the right space apart for the dowel that you're going to be hanging on them now at this point you can see that I'm going to be taking that long dowel or stick and I'm going to be pressing it down into the second hook the bigger one is too loose and then you're gonna have to try to figure out how to attach it and this is such a snag tight fit that you're just gonna press that right down there and it's not even gonna come out it's in there so tight so now you're gonna go and figure out where your studs are in your walls in the room so that it'll be nice and secure on the wall and then make your little markers where you need to put hang up tabs then once you've got that all figured out you can take it into the room and go ahead and drill it into the studs so that if she gets tempted to want to hang on this thing it's not going to come down on her crashing on her head and it's nice and safe for her so make sure you just have your level out and measure to make sure that it's nice and straight and using two screws go into the studs in the wall already it looks so cute doesn't it and it was only four dollars for our next DIY this one is so easy you all I cannot wait for you to see how easy this is take a can or two some fabric that you love some florals from the Dollar Tree and a foam square start by using white paint and putting it all over the corrugated metal that you see in the middle of these cans we're not worrying about painting the top or the bottom because we're gonna be doing something with that later but just right around where that bumpy part is once it's dry you're then gonna take some sandpaper and you are going to sand over it so that you have that corrugated metal look to it which is really really pretty when it's all done and sanded down just like how I'm doing here so go over the whole surface and then put it off to the side because next we're going to be using our gingham fabric that I have here again I got this from Joanne's with a coupon I always use coupons when I go to stores I love coupons I love getting things on a budget so go ahead and cut a little snip and then just rip all the way down so that you have a nice strip to work with and then put that to the side for just a second and get some twine and you're going to just wrap it around the bottom remember how I said earlier we to paint the bottom because we're going to be adding something or we're adding this twine to the bottom snip off what you don't want for the extra strings because we don't that'll be the backside then you're going to take your fabric you're gonna fold it in half and you are just gonna wrap it around the top where the seam is towards the back it's just the same place where you tied that knot earlier have those be towards the back and then you're just gonna flip it over hot glue it down into place and then once you've got some foam inside of your cans and glued in place you are going to add in your florals now I said this earlier I like to cut off my flowers from their stems just because I feel like you can play with them more and they look more lifelike versus keeping them on that weird plastic piece that keeps them all bundled together I just am such a big fan of cutting them loose and then putting them in at the height or the look that I want so once you've got your cans all filled in with these beautiful beautiful purple flowers you're then going to take some more twine and add that to where the gingham fabric is and we're just gonna put a little hot glue wrap around twice to finish the look we're going to add a simple bow and hot glue it into place [Music] these are the supplies we're going to be using today at this old post from a stair railing that I picked up a while ago I picked it for 50 cents and then the rest of these four supplies are all from the Dollar Tree and I've had some of them on hand for a while but some of them are newer I like this garden chain that you can hang up a plant with and this black hook that you can also use to hang up a plant so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our hacksaw this little mini travel one that I love this thing and it's a little miter box I'll link everything in my description box so you can all find this and what we're going to do is we're going to take off this little nub at the end and then we're gonna find a spot that we like on the opposite side and cut that off as well when you're all done cutting off those pieces and you got it to the height that you like you're gonna go ahead and start assembling it now this sign again came from the Dollar Tree and I love this one because it has that hollow base where you can see the trim is allowing it to have things go underneath it without it scratching a table which is why I like this one because I can screw up into it so I'm popping off the heart and sanding off some of that vinyl that they put on there and then I'm drilling a hole in the sign right in the center and as well as the post you want to make sure you're right in the center so if you need to measure it that's a good thing and then you're going to take your drill and just screw them together now as you're screwing it your sign will rotate a little bit in the air so make sure it's lifted a little bit so it doesn't hit your table and then once it's nice and snug you are ready to paint so here it is all painted white and ready to go and now I'm going to take this hanging a wire rack you know I forgot what this is called but basically this this black hanger that you can get in the garden section at the Dollar Tree I marked off where I wanted to drill holes and you can see how my drill bit I put a piece of painters tape to make sure I don't go in too far and then I'm going to just screw it right into place onto this post now I decided to dress it up just a little bit I love that coastal farmhouse look and so I decided to take some rope and I wrapped it around that heart as well now we're going to take that wood plaque from earlier and I painted it white as well and I'm drilling two holes in the top and this is going to become our sign that it's going to hang on to the chains that we're going to assemble in just a second so here I am free handing I took a ruler to make sure that I'm staying in the right spot so I don't move around and now I'm going to write our family's name it says Samba family and then the year my husband and I got married which was 2001 so established in 2001 I really like doing pencil sketching first whenever I do hand painting just because it makes sure that my spacing is not wrong and it really helps out in the long run when you're doing hand painting like this so if you have a cricket or a silhouette you can totally cut these out and have him done that way but I really love hand painting letters and so I'm just taking my time with a small brush and some black paint I wanted to give a quick shout out to my friend Kathy from my DIY she actually was the one who originally came up with this idea hers was a little bit different than mine with different supplies from the Dollar Tree but I had this wood post on my hands and I wanted to use it since I'm trying to use up the things in my craft room so I'm gonna link her video down below you should go check it out maybe you have some of her supplies it's super cute it's totally worth watching once I have my sign all painted I'm now going to take my chain I'm going to figure out how long I want it to be and then I'm going to just use some pliers to unhook the rest of the chain that I don't want then I'm going to loop it around and pinch it all into place and hook on my sign now the coolest thing about this is that you can make all kinds of different signs and have them throughout the year something for fourth of July Halloween Christmas I just thought this was so cute now make sure my jeans don't slide around and over time scratch off that black paint from the hooks I use some e6000 and it will stay in place forever [Music] all right let's move on to our next project remember that sign from earlier when we popped off the bunny well we're going to be using that with this little windmill these all came from the Dollar Tree and we're gonna need three of them so go ahead and pop off the rest of those bunnies and just put them to the side because you never know when you might need a bunny and these bunnies are so cute the glitter actually does a good job about not coming off on those I felt like the Dollar Tree did a good job at hearing that this time because sometimes their products have glitter everywhere so what we're going to do is we're going to take the three signs and a long piece of foam cord board that you can also get from the Dollar Tree cut it down to size just like I did here and then you're going to take your three signs and glue them down on to that phone core and make sure you use a lot of hot glue just so it doesn't pop off over time you want this to really bond and adhere to it and just like I'm doing here I'm adding lots of glue and then I'm placing that down on there now you want it to really bond well without there being any air pockets so I'm using this painters can and I'm just going to put that down on there to give it that extra pressure then when you did that one you're going to move over to the metal part and repeat that same process move over the can let it sit there for a little bit while you move on to the next one and then just keep placing on these signs to make sure everything is nice and adhered really strongly to that phone cord and this will also keep it so that you know it just doesn't pop off the time once everything is all dried and all sealed onto that foam core board you're then I'm going to take some paint now I'm running out of white paint because I'm not going out and shopping I'm trying to be good and stay home so I'm going to take some of this house paint why not it works just the same and I'm going to brush on white paint all over this whole thing I decided to do two coats once everything is all painted I'm going to take some black paint and some white paint and I'm going to mix in a nice slate gray color I'm also going to take my thin brush and I'm going to I'm going to make really rough lines right at those connecting points in the sign so we're gonna make it look like a shiplap sign and we're going to distress it I'm going to show you how I distress it and my process with painting so here I am I made all my lines first and then I'm going to come in with a three different tents of Grave got my slate gray I've got a medium gray and then almost a white gray you're gonna start with your darkest color first and you're gonna dry almost all of the paint off because we're gonna be dry brushing on that dark gray first you can see here that it's really streaky you want that look and just keep going back over and over and over just lightly adding on because it's creating a texture where it almost looks like a beach driftwood and once you've got that all the way through you're then gonna move down to the next gray and at this point I've changed my direction of my brush instead of letting it lay flat I'm letting it on its side go down so I'm making thicker longer streaks you get comfortable with your brush and you figure out there's a flat way to rub a paintbrush and then a side and that's what I'm doing here I'm just kind of changing the direction to make sure my streaks aren't all exactly the same once I've gotten that second coat of that second gray color on there I'm going to take some Brown and I'm just mixing that lightly with the gray and I'm going over on different spots to make it look like it's got again that would look and I'm going around all the edges with the brown to make sure that it has that nice distressed look and then in the end you go back in with your lightest gray color and it just go over that lightly once again now I'm going to take these three letters that I printed out on my computer I'm going to link these down below as a printable so you can all use it if you want to but I'm going to just take my pencil lay on that piece of paper and just trace over the letter foam core actually absorbs that pressure from a pencil really well without having to make the pencil lines and then I'm going to use a sharp blade that is the trick when you're using foam core make sure using a sharp blade and cut out all my letters and just take your time with this put on some music or a movie this doesn't take too long it actually goes pretty quick but you can see here don't ever trying to force the letter out I like to cut things away from it and then slowly pop out the letters and nothing breaks so here I am on my H a little part of the H actually broke when I was popping it out but it's not a big deal if it does you just take some hot glue and you're going to just hot glue those little pieces back together so I've already got my M and my H cut out and now I'm gonna do the last one which is the e now I think at this point you're probably figuring out that the windmill is going to replace the O and it's just going to look so cute so I drilled a hole on my sign and then I hot glued it down on to my sign make sure it's glued down really well so it doesn't pop off and then that little button that was on the front I just bent down that piece of wire on the back and glued it on top of it so it looked really cute and finished now for my letters I thought this was such a cute thing whatever color your home is if you have teals or red or yellow whatever it is I thought it's so cute to paint your letters those colors so I'm going with black because I have a lot of neutrals in my home so I can decorate things throughout the seasons and switch up my colors that's just what I do in my home but if you have a specific color how cute would it be to paint these letters in that color to really stand out on your wall wherever you hang this up so once you've got everything all painted make sure you get the sides of that foam core you're then going to let it dry which obviously you're seeing I didn't wait for it to dry but you're going to add some hot glue onto it and put it right on your sign and then once all of your letters are done you have finished your sign our first craft we're going to be doing is super easy and has hardly any supplies to it we're going to be using these hanging Rex from the Dollar Tree and these long painter sticks and we're going to start by taking four of them and where their necks are beveled in you can see here I'm putting them together with some hot glue and then my staple gun now I know not everyone has a staple gun I'm gonna link it down below if I can promise you this is something definitely worth investing in and it's not that expensive for a craft tool and you'll see me using it here all the time on my channel because painter sticks you can do so many cool things with them and plus I also like to use them for like where you upholstering things when I pick them up from the thrift stores anyway I'll link it down below if you're interested if not let's just keep moving forward and you could always just do this all with hot glue and that will work as well so next what we're going to do is we're gonna take these hanging racks from the Dollar Tree and they Bend pretty easily so I'm going to bend out the top part where you would hang this over a cabinet door or even a house door and we're going to make them to be straight except for there's going to be four of them the one at the very top because we don't want to see that long line we're going to bend it over where we know that it's the same distance on both sides then I'm taking my miter box and my little hacksaw and I'm cutting off that curved neck and this is again a tool I use here all the time on my channel I find it so versatile if you already have other cutting tools you can do that too but I just love this little toolbox I use it all the time here in my craft room so I'm then taking those for long pane or sticks for more of them and I'm going to cut off the neck part the handle or the neck whichever you want to call it and I'm going to place them on those sides now this is really cool because we are creating a support system for all of these hooks to be able to go up on and the next step is going to be even easier just wait here it comes now we're using zip ties so we're going to take these hanging racks that you can get from the Dollar Tree and we're going to just zip tie them on to our frame and it is so secure that there are no issues with these sliding around or moving and you'll see at the end that I actually can display dishes on them you can hang towels on them it is such a great storage unit just because you can put so many things on you can hang mugs whatever you would like you can even hang jewelry on this and the total cost were me to make it was 850 because I'm including in the spray paint that I use I didn't use a whole can and you can spray paint it whatever color you want and you'll see at the end I spray-painted mine black so what I'm doing is I'm adding three zip ties on each the sides and the middle to make sure it's nice and secure and it doesn't move and then I'm doing it up towards the top because you can see here that I didn't bend down the sides on these hanging racks you can see that they're straight up and once you spray painted everything all just looks so polished and finished when you're done so here I am I'm adding on my last two hanging hooks and I'm making sure that everything is nice and secure and on they're really tight and when it's done you just take a couple screws and hang this up somewhere in your home [Music] our next DIY is going to be using this sign from the Dollar Tree now sometimes when you crack these open I wanted to actually show you all sometimes they have factory issues where they weren't put together properly so to fix that issue I'm just adding some hot glue and I'm just gonna put that right back in the corner and you can see that one of these little triangles support frame pieces is missing which is fine it's not the end of the world if that happens but just add some hot glue and make sure it's nice and secure before you move on then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take some of their plastic cutlery that they have at the Dollar Tree and I spray-painted the fork spoon and knife and the sign all black and then to add in some texture and that really pretty farmhouse look I took a piece of burlap and I cut it down to the size that I wanted you don't want to go all the way up to the edge of your sign you want to have a little bit of hangover and I just hot glued it down and then pulled off any of those extra fibers to expose more of that texture on the sides of the burlap then I'm gonna take my spoon fork and knife and I'm going to hot glue those down on to my sign just like I'm doing here and I'm just positioning them first before I commit to the hot glue because once they go down it's hard to get them back up so just make sure you have the positioning right and then add a lot of hot glue so it doesn't come off and it's nice and secure on there I started with my knife first to make sure once again that's centered and it looks right if you start with your spoon or your fork you could have an issue where they're not centered the way you want them to be and then you'll feel frustrated every time you look at it in your kitchen so to start with the knife and then I did the spoon next and then the fork and at that point I thought it would be really cute you could leave it like that or we could take it a little further I took one of these sticks from the Dollar Tree these tongue depressor sticks and I'm cutting out a little dovetail detail on the side I thought this would be so cute to add this and it just adds a little personality and it makes it look like a little plaque that was almost put on the front of it and you could paint whatever you want on the front you could put your family's name you could put your name and your kitchen so for me it would be like Heidi's kitchen you could just do so many cute things with this and this would be the cutest gift to give someone for like Mother's Day that's coming up so once you've got your sign all painted go ahead and add some hot glue and then you saw there on the ends I was adding a little bit of support glue to make sure it really stays on there now this is the point where you could use vinyl or you can hand paint on letters like I said you can put whatever you want Heidi's kitchen or your name obviously why would you put Heidi's kitchen in your kitchen that would just be silly and then I decided to go with homemade I roughed it up just a little bit and then went back in and touched up any spots that maybe I took off too much paint because I wanted it to look you know that chippy look but not too much because again like I said that's just my style so have fun with it and customize it the way you want [Music] I picked up this elegant frame from the Dollar Tree I thought it was so pretty now we're gonna take off the packaging on it and pop out the back and the mirror because we want to get to the frame hold on to those mirrors because I have a DIY coming up in a couple of days where I'm going to be using those and another DIY so just don't get rid of them if you have these frames on hand perfect now you're gonna need five of these mirrors because we're creating a large substantial Lantern I think that this is so beautiful you can use them at weddings or in the backyard on a patio table I just think that they're so so pretty so we're gonna take the first two frames and you're gonna see here that I'm having the back corners touch each other I'm not laying one flat onto the backside of another because I feel like they didn't they weren't going to hold as well the backside of these frames actually don't have a flat back because it has all that lattice lacy look to it so it's better to touch those two corners together and then I'm taking a dowel stick and I'm putting it right into that corner to help strengthen it and then to add something pretty on top I put on these larger pearls that you can also get from the Dollar Tree and I'm putting it on the top and the bottom at this point it's really become strong and it's holding really well because you've added that extra support of that dowel on there plus the end result of that being in that corner really makes it look so pretty so we're gonna go around and do this to the other two on the other side add in your dowel adding your pearls and then you're going to bring them together once you have them where you like them so now here I am I'm bringing the two sides that we've created together with another stick and also with those pearls and then over again on the other side and then when you're all done flip it over and add some more hot glue I feel like this is one of those things where if you add hot glue a lot it's going to make it hold longer just be careful with not having all kinds of strings that come out your hot glue that can happen if you see them go ahead and pull them off because you'll notice them when you go to spray pain so now at this point I'm going to go ahead and put them on this sign that I picked up from the Dollar Tree I believe this sign is a six by six size it could be seven by seven I feel like it's a little bit bigger than a six by six but I picked up that sign from the Dollar Tree as well and now comes to the fifth frame we are going to take our scissors and we're going to cut it down in size and as you can see here it cuts really easy just make sure you get your measurement right when you make that first cut and then take two more of those dowels and you're going to put them right where the frame backing used to go in these dowel sticks fit perfectly in this spot so go ahead and put two of them on the two different sides and now we're going to go ahead and add the top to the frame now at this point I decided to use some e6000 and hot glue for that long term short term dry and that way it's really gonna hold together nicely and not break on you because I like to make sure that when I make these projects for you all I want you to make sure that they last for a really long time so on the inside make sure you use that same dowel trick with the top and the sides see how I'm going around in there and adding those extra sticks then I went outside with my taupe color and I spray-painted the whole thing inside and out all over and now I'm going to take some white paint and I'm going to lightly brush on the top surface of these frames this is going to bring out that detail and give it a very romantic feel very elegant looking and you don't want to go down into the grooves because you want that pattern that you know texture to show up when you're going over it with the white paint so you want to be able to see that taupe color with the white on top lightly brushing that paint on so once you've gone all the way around your whole frames make sure you get into all those little crevices and on the pearls I actually just ended up going with a solid white on those pearls and if you see any of the pearl holes that are still showing just make you add a little bit of hot glue into that hole and then go over with paint now comes the top so here's the scoop about the top if you're planning on using real candles I do not recommend putting this top on or if you do have it where you can remove it and put it back on when you're done because the candle will burn these these popsicle sticks but if you're planning on using faux candles that totally works - or maybe just putting florals inside whatever you want to do with this so go ahead and cut down your sticks to size I'm gonna go around the base box as you can see here I'm cutting them down smaller so I can go all the way around I thought that would look really nice to have that all covered with these popsicle sticks and with that wood grain color that I like to show here a lot on my channel using water brown paint and black paint I mix it together to create a stain and then at the top you can see here that I'm gluing on my sticks again if you're planning on using real candles for this make sure that you allow this piece to be able to be taken off and put back on that's really easy to do where you just glue the back side with one popsicle stick or maybe even two to hold everything all in place without it having an issue with it catching on fire so here I am I'm taking my water my black paint and my brown paint and I'm mixing it together in a little cup and I'm just going to go all over these popsicle sticks now I'm going for a very rustic yet farmhouse wood color I wanted to be a darker color but not too dark almost with a little bit of a gray tint which is why I have that black in there and I'm just gonna continue to go over it a few times until I get that desired look I want it to almost look like like weathered driftwood makes sense so go ahead and go all the way around your whole box and then go ahead at this point you can start once obviously all the wood is dry you can start decorating the inside of your Lantern I went around the sides with some moss and then on the inside I filled it with flowers and some a boxwood stems just cute little things and again remember if you're using you know candles I'm going to say it one more time make sure the top can be removed and make sure that any florals are not in the way of the flame this project has a really simple printable that I have created for all of you it's linked down below in my description box if you want to get it it's just the letters e 80 and that way we can make a really cute farmhouse sign that says eat for our kitchen now this is going to be a part two of my series that I'm doing this week with kitchen DIYs and storage that you can make your space so cute and just a really friendly place to cook and be in with your family now for this printable what you're gonna need to do is just cut out your letters if you need to use an exacto knife on some of those trickier areas go ahead and get that out the only real place I noticed that I needed it was on the inside of the letter A but other than that I was able to just use my a traditional scissors and cut everything out really easily without any issues at all once you have everything all cut out you're gonna have it look just like this and then we're gonna need a piece of foam core board now you can see that this foam core board was already pre-cut and what I did was I just took my printable and laid them all out so I got the width of the letters that I would need with a little bit of that spacing around it so really the width of the board is about eight and a half inches just like a traditional paper printer size piece and then once I had that cut out and the length that I wanted for my letters I'm gonna go with a small fine tip brush and I'm using a concrete color I think it's actually called oatmeal it could be wrong but I'm using a really light grayish color to create long lines because we're gonna make this look like shiplap and if you notice that your a foam core piece is kind of buckling a little I always just flip it over and kind of you know stretch it some so that it's laying nice and flat and then I went in with a dry brush technique with that lighter gray color with a little bit of brown mixed two and two and I dry brushed over it at that point once I got my phone cord looking like shiplap and a little bit distressed not too crazy I don't like too much distressing but I like a little then I went took some Mod Podge and I glued down my letters so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna move on to these thicker popsicle sticks these tongue depressor sticks and we're going to cut off the rounded parts just like you saw me do there and we are going to lay them all out on a piece of paper and now I'm going to go over it with my my little stain mixture that you all see me do here all the time on my channel I just use water black paint and brown paint and then I go over it until I get that look that I want and it's it's a lot friendlier to use and using a traditional stain because the stain can kind of stain your fingertips and I don't want to always get out gloves so I like using this water paint mixture because it cleans off my hands really easy then what we're gonna do is take those popsicle sticks and we are just going to work our way all the way around our sign so you can see here that it's creating a really cute frame on this really cute eat sign that you can put in your kitchen when you get to the top you're going to notice that the length of the sticks is going to have a little bit of a hangover so you're gonna you're going to take a pencil create a cut line on one of the sticks and cut it down to the size that you need and then just go up the other side of your sign as well when you get to the top do the same thing cut it down to size that you need and then glue that on when you get to the top of the sign you're going to also notice that it's going to be a little bit too big so I centered to in the middle as you see here and then I'm cutting them down so that it's a nice equal measurement at the top and the bottom I just like the way that that looked so much more versus trying to have one long one and one short piece in there and it kind of looked a little more off-center so just take your time with this put it however you would like to but once you get it all done and all the sticks are on I'm going to just take some light light gray and gently dry-brush on over my letters so that the letters looked a little bit distressed you don't have to do this part but I felt like with the ship left behind it it kind of caused it to look almost to start with the black letters and then I went around the edges with some like a medium to brownish gray basically matching the stain that I wanted on my sticks so that way I can cover up that foam core in the back so when you look at the side angle you don't see that white foam core around the board [Music] our next DIY is going to be using the salt and pepper shaker from the Dollar Tree I thought this was such a great deal and knew that we can make it even cuter a little more special for our kitchen so what we're gonna do is we're gonna just simply take them out of the package take off the lid and we're gonna give them some spray paint i spray-painted the glass white so it had that melt glass look and then i spray-painted the lids black and when you're going over the lids just take your time to not goop up the holes where the salt and pepper will come out if you just spray really lightly you won't have any issues then I took some sandpaper and roughed up the edges just a little bit you could skip this part and just leave it where it is just a solid paint color I know some of you do like to avoid the sanding so go ahead and just avoid it and then I'm coming back in with my pencil to trace on an S&P I thought this would be so cute if we just did two little letters so that we know which one a salt and which one is pepper and I just took my time I will say that painting on these a bumpy edged surface was a little bit trickier so just take your time and have fun if you have a cutting machine you can completely do that too you can cut out an S and a P and put those on as well and then to make sure that it doesn't come off with the paint and with the vinyl you could seal it with some Mod Podge and that will keep it nice and pretty then once you're all done painting fill them up with your salt and pepper and put the lids on [Music] our next DIY is going to be using these two shower rings and these burner covers there are two in a pack a larger and a smaller one and when I saw this I thought I could turn this into a lazy susan so what we're going to do first is we're going to take our shower rings and we're going to mark them so that they're the same on both and cut them so these are going to become the handles and we're going to use some e6000 to put them on so they have that long term bond but don't put them on yet because we're gonna flip it over and we're gonna have that smaller tray that you would use on your oven and we're going to Center it as much as we can and then take some dowels from the craft section of the Dollar Tree cut them down and then put them down with some hot glue and some e6000 make sure you don't go into the area where the pans going to be but make sure you get the sizing right and then you're gonna double them up so don't just do one I stacked another one on top so it's a little bit higher where it's concealed underneath the pan it's the perfect size but it'll also keep that lid staying right in its place so now we're gonna take that shower curtain hook that we had earlier and we're just going to put that right down on there and make it stay for that long term hold you can add a little bit of hot glue I decided not to I just went with the e6000 because it dries pretty quick when you've set a fan on it and then once it was totally dried spray painted the two different lids black then what I'm doing is I'm taking some foam core board and I'm going around in the perfect sized circle to fit into the smaller one now I know that these are super popular and you guys have all seen these with these cake pans but the thing about the cake pans is that they look like cake pans so when you put these marbles in and you line this tray right up on top it looks exactly like a super expensive lazy susan [Music] the next DIY is probably the one that I am most excited about sharing I did see another youtuber have this initial idea hers was a little bit different than mine I'm gonna make sure I give her credit it'll be linked down below titled with the supply lists that I'm going to be putting down there this is actually going to be called a three-tiered storage unit so just keep a lookout for that down below in the supplies but what we're going to do is we're going to take these cooling racks and we're going to need seven of them to create the frame but you can make this as big as you want you can add more cooling racks and again these are just a dollar at the Dollar Tree and when you zip tie them together it is so sturdy and strong so you can see here that I have the base where the cooling rack little legs are facing down on the ground so you've got that little support there I put the two sides and then on the back I'm putting two of the cooling racks and you can see that they're overlapped just a little bit so that it creates this perfect box then I'm going to put a zip tight top on and then cut off any of those extra zip ties that we just don't need that are all over the place and then I'm going to put in that middle shelf right at the halfway point you're going to zip tie in another shelf and make sure you're generous do zip ties on the two sides and I used five zip ties on each one of those so you can see the front and the back on the right side the front in the back on the left side and then one at the very back so it holds everything all together really strong and sturdy so once you've got everything all cut off I took mine outside and I gave it a coat of spray paint because I wanted mine to be black and then I took an extra one and I traced it onto a form cord board you're going to need three of these pieces and then I'm going to take this really pretty contact paper that they have at the Dollar Tree I love the print to this I try to use this a lot actually here on my channel whatever I'm going for something more pretty and I'm just going to wrap the foam core board piece in it like you'd wrap a present so I'm just making sure everything's nice and tight and smooth out and I'm going to cut off any extra that I don't need so it folds nicely on the sides tuck in those little flaps add a little bit of hot glue and then pull it over nice and tight so it's all on there really well and it looks really pretty now I'm gonna take my sharpie marker and I'm going to draw a little holes that I know I'm gonna punch out I'm using my crop-a-dile again you could use a traditional hole puncher for this or even a craft knife but I have my crop-a-dile so I'm doing that and then I'm going to zip tie that on to my frame so you can see here that I've spray painted it black and I just think at this point it really makes it go from just being Dollar Tree supplies to being high in especially with putting this little shelf on here I just love the way this looks so this is my original take on it the other friend who did this on her channel she ended up just having it being the wired racks with some storage stuff that she put inside and I wanted to make mine just a little bit fancier a little more farmhouse country chic I guess or maybe a little shabby chic country I don't know I don't know what I would call this but I just think it's so pretty so here I am I'm cutting off those black zip ties and I'm gonna make this have the three shelf so I've got the bottom the middle and then the very top I'm also going to put it and once you see it all together oh it just looks so pretty you would never know that this came from the Dollar Tree and at this point I have only spent 850 on it these storage units are super super expensive and they basically come from very little supplies to make so if I could recommend this this could be so cool for a bedroom or a college dorm student or just extra storage in like your laundry room there's just so many cool things you can do with it now is where we're going to make it even prettier we're going to take these buckets from the Dollar Tree storage section that they have there at their store and I am just going to take these really cute garden tags and I'm going to pop off those back sticks and add on some e6000 and some hot glue making sure that it has that long-term short-term seal on it and I just think that this looks so stinking cute adding this little tag to the front of it and then I'm going to come around on the sides of my container and I'm going to punch several holes actually I needed a bigger hole than what my crocodiles size is but you punch just a couple times and it'll get the big enough hole size that you need to run your rope through so this is why I love this tool I can go through plastic and metal and you can see here that it's cutting it like it's not even struggling at all then I'm going to take my rope and I'm going to cut it down to size and I'm going to thread it through that hole and hot glue everything down and when it's all done and you put them on the shelves it is the prettiest storage unit total cost for me to make everything was I think 1250 I'm going to just say a total of 13 dollars to make this whole thing and what a beautiful beautiful project [Music] all right our next project this one is more advanced but I want to promise you all it's worth the work and it is so fun to build this one I really enjoyed it quite a bit and I wanted to share this one as well because sometimes I like showing really easy ones here on my channel and sometimes I like showing more intense things so what we're doing is we're taking some 8 by 10 frames we need 4 of them and we're going to be using more of those painter sticks because y'all know that I really love those painters sticks and now what I'm doing is I'm cutting out the frame first with my exacto knife all the canvas that's on it and I'm pulling off that extra so that I can keep those canvas pieces later and use them for other DIYs on another day now once I've got them all cleared and the staples are all removed I'm going to measure these long painter sticks again and you can see here that I'm cutting them down with my miter box again and I'm going to make sure the size is right and once I've got the size right I'm going to make sure I cut the rest of them to go along the bottom now you can see here that we don't want to see this part that has the staple holes we want it to be nice and finished on the top so I'm going to go ahead and add some wood glue and hot glue so it's that long term short term seal so it lets it stay on there until everything is completely dry then on that once I've got the two frames together I'm going to flip it over and I'm going to create a little bit of a shiplap look by spacing them out and stapling those down on to the bottom of this little box that we're creating now this is the coolest thing because so far this is super affordable and just so cute already now we're going to take one of those long painter sticks we're not going to cut this one we're going to do it right here on the side of this box we're going to drill two holes and once you've got your two hole drilled all the way through you're then going to add some screws because this is going to become a tiered tray which is going to be so cute these are super expensive and I want you all to see that with some Dollar Tree products and some painter sticks you can make the coolest things so once you've got that first screw in make sure you shift it around so it's nice and straight my drill diet at this point so I had to switch over to a regular screwdriver and you can see here once the two screws are in it's really sturdy and I put one on each side now here is another one of those boxes I've built two of them sometimes the boxes can be a little and even because the frames can be a little wonky there at the Dollar Tree for a reason sometimes it can be a little uneven in their sizing so I just took a little popsicle stick cut it down to size and put it on that part that you saw me showing there and then what I'm doing is now I'm just making sure the measurement is right before I drill my next set of holes to add on the second tier to this little tray that I'm building I just think that this would be so cute displayed on a table or you can also use it during parties and put food on them I just I love these so much and they're super cheap to make so now to make sure we really secure everything I'm just going to add a couple staples on the frames that we glued together you don't have to do this but I wanted to make it really strong and sturdy and I have a staple gun so I went ahead and knit it now I'm going to take my plunger stick yes I said plunger Dollar Tree sells plungers and they have wood dowels so I took off the plunger part and I took the dowel cut it down to size with my miter box again and I'm drilling holes so that I can add in some screws so we can have a handle at the top of our tiered tray so go ahead and start that first screw in your painter stick I always like to drill to make sure that doesn't splinter anything and then once you've got it in place go ahead and drill everything together now this dowel is going to want to turn and rotate on you so just make sure you hold onto it as tight as you can as you start screw together now at this point you can paint it whatever color you want first I started painting it white and I always paint everything white and then I thought well hold on maybe I'll give it some blue because coastal farmhouse has been on my mind a lot since I want summer to be here so bad and I want to get outside so bad so I'm going to go with a really pretty icy blue and then I'm going to distress with a darker blue light almost a teal and some brown to give it that weather beach look so I'm just going around all of the handles and the outsides of the boxes and I decided not to paint the shiplap painter sticks that you see on the inside of me my tiered tray boxes I decided I wanted to give it a wood look so it had more of a beachy feel so once I had on that first coat of blue I'm going back in with a darker blue and I'm just dry brushing on some darker blue to make sure I give it a really pretty textured look with those different blues almost as if it has sonned out for a while and it's faded over time now I'm going to take that same mixture from earlier and I'm going to again use water brown paint and a little bit of black and then I'm even going to have a little bit of brown paint here because I want to keep adding it in while I'm also adding in that watery mixture and it just makes it look so beautiful once I've gotten all over that first top tiered piece I'm going to go ahead and move down to the bottom now you do want to make sure to not make it too watery because that can start dripping all over the place so just take your time and let it absorb I went over each piece probably about two times to make sure that paint really absorbed in the more you keep playing with it and adding in the brown and the black with the water it really does make it look like that beautiful beach driftwood so once you've got that all painted and it starts to dry you then can go back over with some brown paint this is when I'm is starting to distress things and you can see those colors really starting to come to life and then where the screws are I wanted to make them look a little rusty so I headed a little bit of brown paint and then you don't have to do this part but I thought it would be really cool to add on some numbers on my tier tray so I'm going to do a one and a two and you technically could put whatever you want on these or not paint them at all but I sketched on my number first and now I'm going to go back in and I'm going to hand paint on my numbers with some white paint and a fine tip brush once again and just take your time because whenever you are painting through these wood slats it's easy to kind of get it gets a little tricky right around where those seams kind of meet up and you want to take your time right on that spot so once you've got that all done and the white paint is dried you then can go back in and sand it to rough it up so again it looks like it's just been you know out in the Sun and been used for many years which I love that look and then you're going to distress it a little bit more with some brown paint and you can style it however you would like for many seasons to come [Music] our DIY is going to be using this 11 by 14 frame that I picked up from the Dollar Tree and this free printable that I've designed for all of you make sure you grab it it's linked down below in the description box before you head out today go ahead and print out that printable and place it on a piece of foam core and trace the size that you're going to need then with your craft knife go ahead and cut it out trying to make your lines as smooth and straight as possible and to glue it down I'm just using some Mod Podge I put a pretty decent amount not too much but enough that's going to make sure it sticks and I like to put a little bit extra in each corner while that's over to the side and drying I'm gonna take my frame flip it over and we're going to take everything out of the frame we're trying to get down to the actual frame itself we're not going to need the inserts but you're going to want to hold on to the back because we're going to take the back and make sure we have the right size of the foam core that we're going to be inserting into the frame so go ahead and use that black back piece and trace it and cut it out and then double check that it fits inside the frame and you can see there that I even pulled up those little tabs that hold it in because we're just going to glue it all in later so just go ahead and pop those out as well now we're taking that phone cord and we're going to cover it with some burlap I love using this light tan burlap I just think it's so pretty so I'm going around adding that burlap with some hot glue to make sure it's pulling nice and tight across and once I've got all the sides all down I went ahead and cut out the center because we want to make sure the be humble sign is going to stick well onto the frame and you'll see in just a second but here I am I'm adding the hot glue inside the frame and I'm putting that phone cord peace with the burlap down inside the frame and now I'm just going around with some hot glue on the back to make sure it stays on there and it has a nice clean finished look on the back side once the hot glue is all dried you can see there that it's all nice and tight and now we're going to move back over to our be humble printable and we are just going to go around the corners with some rope I loved how this turned out I thought it was just so chic farmhouse very almost like a shabby chic glam kind of look to it you'll see when it comes all together at the end how pretty it's going to look so I'm going around it twice with this thick rope that you can get from the Dollar Tree and so far at this point we have spent I'm trying to think that rope was $1 you get one piece of foam cord you can use for all of this the printable is free so about three dollars to make this and it's just so pretty and they are so expensive these type of signs are so expensive at HomeGoods or just home decor stores I think that this is so pretty when it's done so here I am I've gone all the way around with the rope I've added a nice amount of hot glue on the back and right in the center and we are just going to smush that down on there to make sure that those two foam cores are looing together really well I was worried and I didn't want it to have an issue adhering to the burlap and over time pulling away so that's why I wanted to expose that foam core in the middle so go ahead and just hold it down I'm wiping away any of those strings that come off of hot glue and your hot gluing and just double-checking around the sides and once you've got that held down for a while there go ahead and take some white paint now you don't have to do this part you could leave the frame black but I wanted to have a really pretty shabby chic look to this so I'm adding on two coats of white paint I'm going around the frame just taking my time we could have painted this before I put the metal part in I totally know I made that mistake but once you've got it all painted and it's dry take some sandpaper and rough it up and you are ready to display this somewhere in your home [Music] for the next DIY I picked up this large hurricane from my thrift store and then these other four pieces are from the Dollar Tree now funny enough this hurricane that I got from the thrift store is the same exact shape as the small one from the Dollar Tree so I really scored there but I wanted to show you all how to make a larger one and a smaller one of these hurricane stands I just think they're so pretty for spring going into the summer time so what I'm doing is I'm taking some e6000 and some hot glue now II six thousand bonds glass together really well and then that hot glue it holds it short-term while that e6000 sets over 24 hours once that's all dry I took these outside and my candle stands and I went ahead and spray painted them white so here you can see me adding the smaller hurricane to one of those candle stands and then I'm going to repeat that process with the larger one and to add some texture and make it look more high-end something that you would see at Pottery Barn or Pier one Imports I went ahead and took some rope and wrapped it around certain parts of those candle stems and then added some candles and some small rocks or shells inside to finish the look our very first DIY we're gonna take this garden divider I don't know what this thing is called but this thing from the garden and these long painter sticks and we are gonna turn them into a really cute artwork that you can hang up on your wall so what we're gonna do first is we're gonna take these long painter sticks and we are going to cut them down to size and we are gonna be using my saw and my miter box I will link it down below a lot of you been asking about it I love this tool now typically I show you in the video how they first cut it and then I move over to my carpet because then it doesn't slide so much I've had some people asking me that's what I really do but I'm cutting it but I'm just showing you this is basically how I cut my pieces and then I move over to the carpet so once I've got all of mine cut on both ends I'm going to go ahead and take those mitered edges and put them together with some wood glue and some hot glue so I've got that long term short term seal where they're gonna really hold together as a nice frame I really like making high-end dollar tree DIYs here on my channel and I like to try to challenge you all to push yourself to new creativity's and just have fun making things that are outside of your comfort level and learn and grow with each new project you make so once you've got that glue all in place you're gonna add a little bit more and then you're gonna take these little pieces of the triangles these will come off as you're cutting your wood pieces and you're just gonna put those on to help support those corners because you don't want them to break we want to make this nice and sturdy like I said so it's high-end and then you're gonna just staple it into place on all four of those corners and you have created yourself your very own frame now we're gonna move ahead and start cutting this thing apart again I don't know what this thing is called but it's basically for flower beds and you can put them all around the edges and it makes them look really cute but we're gonna take it and we're gonna cut it up so you can see here that I cut off this rounded part and I'm snipping away any little extra edges that I don't want so it's as smooth as I possibly can get it and we're gonna do that four times and those are going to go in each corner of this frame so make sure you just take your time cutting them they actually cut pretty easy but you can accidentally cut too far if you go too fast so just go really slow as you can see here I'm just taking my time I did speed it up for interest of time in this video not being too long but just again take your time and just you know cut around those edges and make sure you're being thoughtful on that curve because that's probably the trickiest part you're going to cut so you're gonna actually need two of these items from the Dollar Tree these garden flowerbed dividers and we are gonna be cutting them all up so now that we've got those four rounded pieces now we're gonna go towards the bottom of these garden dividers and we are going to cut off and you can see here you want it to almost look like a tea this is the bottom part of this item that we're cutting up and that's because we're gonna use that to shove underneath the frame that's going to become the thing that is going to really support this whole thing and keep all these pieces together without it falling apart and you know over time breaking so you can see here that on the back side I've flipped it over I put down some hot glue first and now I'm going to staple it on to the frame so it's really strong and sturdy that way so there's some of this cool lattice work on to the frame and then other pieces are glued and it's all nice and secure so once I've got those all four secured onto the frame I'm gonna go ahead and start hot gluing on these rounder pieces is curved with a little curly piece and this little arrow we're going to put those right in the corner and support them with some glue and then on the back side the front side you saw me put down the hot glue and then on the back side I'm going to add in some e6000 just to really make sure it's hot glued and long-term glued together now we're going to take the second one that we have of these garden flowerbed dividers please tell me what the thing is called because I'm gonna be using this in another DIY and it would be so great if someone could tell what this is called I just can't remember and then we're gonna take this next piece you saw how I cut out that little part that's an arrow and also these rounded pieces because we're going to take them and create a circle so you can see here we need these two pieces that we just cut out and the circle is really easy to put together you're just going to take three of these curved edges and you're going to bring them all together with some hot glue and then just push them all into place and they will make a perfect circle now these other pieces like I just showed you that I cut out so you can see here that I'm going to be pointing the arrow in now and this is the same thing that we cut on that first cut that was rounded that we're putting in the corners we're just taking off that rounded top and then we're going to just nestle that in see how I flipped it over and I'm putting them underneath that piece that's in the corner you want to make sure everything is nice and glued down really well and then these extra pieces from that tee that we cut earlier with the little curl on it we don't want those long pieces I've decided to just go ahead and cut those away you can see here that that slipped and move a little bit I need to hold it down a little bit longer with some hot glue and while that's dried I went ahead and just cut off the last of those long pieces we don't want those to be there and then once we've got everything cut and everything's all hot glued and held into place and nice and sturdy go ahead and flip it over and now we're going to take the circle and we are going to put hot glue on that and add that into the center of this really cool art frame so the cool thing about this is that it actually is really strong and sturdy because I've reinforced it with six thousand and hot glue and I do recommend clipping it over one more time to the back side and adding in more hot glue where you think you need it it's going to be really sturdy the more hot glue you add to the back and then when you're done just pull up all little strings because you're gonna have a hot glue strings everywhere when you're putting this thing together so just take the time to take those all off now you're gonna go ahead and take some white paint and paint the frame I will say I wish that I had done this before I started putting on all this black lattice iron work but you know I've been filming I don't think about things as I'm I'm going and I'm just making sure you all can see what I'm doing so here is the finished look [Music] using this basket that I picked up from the Dollar Tree I finally snuck outside to go to the stores I was super cautious and paranoid the whole time but I wanted to just get out of the house for a few minutes because friends I have been inside my house for over a month so wearing my gloves and my mask and had my hand sanitizer I very cautiously went to the stores and only touched the things that I was planning on purchasing so I picked up this little basket because all of their Easter stuff is completely on clearance at the Dollar Tree and I went ahead and knew that I could turn this into a really pretty enameled look so I'm taking some painters tape you saw that I used my scissors to cut off those little tabs we don't need those that hold up the handle those can go away and I'm using some painters tape and sent saran wrap to cover all of the white I'm trying to only keep exposed that orange part we don't want that we're gonna spray-paint that black in just a second so once you've got everything all covered go ahead and take it outside with some black spray paint and spray paint around that edge to create an enameled look on this basket now I thought this was so pretty because well you and I both know that this was meant to look like a basketball hoop it really looks like latticework when you spray paint around the side that black and any spray paint that might go on to it you can actually scratch it off on that white so that's how I got off any spillage that might have gone underneath the painters tape that I maybe missed not pressing all the way down so once you've got all that figured out go ahead and take some more of your burlap that you have on hand and I wrapped it around to get the sizing right and then I cut up what I didn't want and then pushed it down into my cute basket now that has that lattice work with enamel on it I just I thought this turned out so cute and then we're going to take some foam squares and we're going to put two down in there do because we want to get that height we can fill it up with all kinds of really pretty things so I'm going to take some of these ferns that I picked up from the Dollar Tree a while ago I'm going to take my pliers and I like to poke a hole because these ferns they're kind of hard to push down into this film so I like to just poke those holes in there and then fill it with hot glue and then stick in my ferns and bend them to the direction I want and then once I got that first layer I'm going to just keep adding and adding and adding and adding until it turns into a really beautiful arrangement you can see here that I'm adding some of these little box wood stems I bought this really long garland from Hobby Lobby awhile ago and I just keep cutting off pieces when I need it I also ended up adding in some white hydrangeas and some of these tall white flowers I thought that was so pretty as well the green and the white and then I took some more rope from the Dollar Tree went through on one side it took some extra rope and wrapped it around really pretty and then went over on the other side and did it as well then at the top I also tied a knot I liked the way that it looked having a knot at the top you'll see at the end what that knot looks like but it was just a simple looped around knot then on the front I took one of these wood garden stem these little garden signs that you can stick in your flowerbeds and I glue that right onto the front to give it that just elegant farmhouse just chic look found these three containers at the Dollar Tree a dollar each they were bright orange so I think a lot of people would look past them but I brought them home and I gave them four coats of white spray paint and then I added on these stickers that are also from the Dollar Tree numbering the Front's of them one two and three really made them just look so cute and gave them all sorts of personality and then I'm going to take some black paint and I'm going to simply paint the edge of the top part of this container to give it a farmhouse enameled look I think these would be so cute styles on a bookshelf or in an office or just in general and some type of a cute shelf that you like to decorate farmhouse things so once you've gone all the way around the edges I also end up lightly tapping along at the corners of the bottom and the side and you'll see in just a second where I did that but once all your black paint was dry go ahead and take some Mod Podge and seal all the paint and the sticker all together so that it locks in really well it can want to chip with this type of plastics even with you spray painting on it but when you put the Mod Podge on it really seals it in nice and tight [Music] today we're going to be using these two different garden basket holders where you can put plants inside of them and hang them up on your porches outside or even inside and we are going to be cutting away this middle ring that's holding all of the wires into the center to be able to hold flowers that's because we're going to be turning this into a really cute birdhouse cage now this idea came from someone I saw online and I want to make sure I give them credit they went more glam with theirs and I'm not doing that today so I'm going to go ahead and link their video down below where they have their inspiration so you can see how they glammed it up and made it into like a chandelier and I will link that down below where I put the supply list for this birdcage so once you go ahead and use your wire cutters and you snap away that wire circle in the middle you're then going to straighten out your wires on your basket and make sure they are as straight as possible now here you see that it just snapped right where I'm putting my fingers it is because that is the joint ring of this larger circle don't worry if that breaks I'm going to show you how to fix it no matter how many times I tried to straighten these out without breaking that part it just naturally happened every single time so I'm going to show you how to fix that in just a second so once you've got your wires all cut off that circle you're going to go ahead and straighten them out like I said it's best you can and then you're going to pull them back a little bit so that they're pulling away they naturally want to curve in from them being molded that way at the store when they made it once you've got it all pulled out just like that you then can take some twine and use some hot glue and you could probably use some e6000 too but that's going to take longer to dry so I don't think that's necessary I'm just taking a little dab of hot glue holding it in place to make sure it dries and then I'm going to take some twine and you're just going to wrap it around that to make sure it's all nice and stuck together you could use electrical tape if you have some of that so that you don't have to worry about spray-painting it which is what I ended up doing I wrapped this around it and then I spray-painted it and the thing is is you can keep going all the way around and wrap this whole ring but I decided to just to do this one little spot and spray-paint it and once it's spray-painted you don't even notice it at all anymore that it snapped or had an issue at this joint so once you've got it all wrapped around nice and tight just make sure you have a nice finish and everything's laying flat then what you're going to do is you're going to take your pliers and you're going to create a little hook at the end of each one of these long wire pieces that we just straightened out the best we could so here you are with your pliers and you're gonna work your way all the way around the whole circle you don't want to have a super huge hook and you want to make sure that the hooks are the same height all the way around because otherwise when you go to attach it to at the part that you didn't cut the one over there to my left you're gonna see that the bird cage could be crooked so make sure all your hooks are the same height all the way around and then what you're going to do is you're going to just take that other part the one that you didn't cut the other basket and you're going to hook them inside all the way at the same line at that same joint you can see how my lines of the wires are matching up with each other and then you're going to take your pliers again and you're going to bend them down and pinch them all into place now the cool thing about this project is that each one of these baskets is one dollar it comes with this really cool chain that you can use for another DIY and repurpose it later but it costs one dollar and to make one birdcage it's really only two dollars and maybe fifty cents because you're gonna see some things I'm going to put towards the top to make it look like it's a birdcage as a little handle at the top but this is like the easiest project how pretty could these be at like a wedding reception how pretty could this be decorated for any season in your home and I'm really excited because I think I have some ideas for this for Halloween to do some things with this craft and this idea once you have all the wires all tightened in place and you want to make them as tight as possible you're then going to take this flat part that comes from those caps from those glass jars you can get them from mason jars or the dollar tree caps that they have as well and then you're going to put that on the top and you're going to use a combination of e6000 that's going to seal it long-term and then hot glue to hold it in place while the e6000 is drying I like to make sure that I went all around on every single one of those little bumps to really make sure that it was nice and sealed on to it so it really had a good bond and then I took a popsicle stick and I'm just applying it where I'm rubbing it up against that metal black rod that goes up into it and just rubbing it all over to make sure everything's nice and sealed and I try to do it as nice and clean as I possibly could then we're gonna take one of these ping-pong balls I thought this was the funniest thing to put on here but you know what sometimes the most random things can turn out to be so beautiful and look like the real thing so I just did a little snip it's really easy to cut do a little circle doesn't have to be perfect and you're doing this little lay flat on top of that can lid top and you're going to add some more of this East excels all over the ping-pong ball and you're just going to nicely Snug that right on there and you can add a little hot glue once again to make sure it holds in place while it dries now here is the next thing you could make this birdcage as tall as you want you can do two tiers three tiers four tiers however you want and the more you play with it it's just so cool to do different heights and stack them all up on a table our next craft is going to be another DIY organizer from Dollar Tree supplies these to garden trellis wire racks I think that's what they're called they are each a dollar so we're going to be taking those and right at that bottom bar we're going to connect them and you can see here that those sticks that would go into the ground I'm going to bend them down and then I'm going to zip tie everything and pinch it all nice and secure into place I'm using black zip ties I picked these up also at the Dollar Tree in fact all of my supplies on this DIY are 100% from the Dollar Tree and it is so cute when we're done then I also ended up picking up these garden buckets I just thought they were so darling now I'm going to be using a tool that I also feature here a lot on my channel it's called a crop-a-dile it punches through metal it's actually meant for eyelets but it can go through metal this is the strongest coolest tool and my husband actually likes using it all the time he'll say to me where is that pink tool that punches through metal which is my crop-a-dile so you can see here that I'm taking these darling buckets from the Dollar Tree I'm using three of them and I'm punching four holes in it so that way I can zip tie it onto this really cute trellis wire rack thing that I've just put together with two of them and you can see the four holes here it's it cuts through so easily there's no struggles and it's a really great tool for someone who might have very sensitive hands too may be arthritis I love this tool I use it all the time and it never hurts my hand when I'm using it so here I am I'm going to just go down all three buckets punching those four holes and then I'm going to come around on the backside and I'm gonna create a figure eight so I'm going through my bucket first you can see here that I went all the way to the end or that little zip tie locked is and then I'm going to come back out and thread back through the hole again wrapping around one of the bars coming back out that second hole and then wrapping around the bar the other way creating a figure eight so that it's really secure on there and you can put a lot of heavy things and this without it having any issues at all so make sure you just pull it really tight and then snip off anything that is extra from your zip tie that you don't want so once I had one bucket on it's really simple at this point you just move down and do the other two buckets friends this is a great DIY to do for a storage unit in any situation you can put it in a bathroom a kitchen a child's room even in your bedroom it's just such a cute thing and you can really decorate it and just have fun with it and the possibilities are endless because you can put whatever baskets you want on it and geology has a couple different metal containers like this that are just so darling [Music] [Music] [Music] our next project is going to be using these three adorable glass jars that I found in their glass home plate section I don't know what that section was called but I love these three jars I thought they were so pretty I love the detail on them so I took them outside I spray-painted the glass white and I spray-painted the lids black and you all know that I do love that farmhouse look so you could decide not to rough up the paint but I'm going to you could stop at that point of spray painting or go a little further like I'm doing here and I'm just gonna rough him up with some sandpaper real quick and give him some personality because I wanted that designed to come through they look so like 1940s I don't know how else to explain him I just love the way that this glass looked and then because they had that perfect rectangle on the front I thought it would be so pretty to paint on numbers and these could be so cute in your kitchen to be able to put some treats in them or you can use it to display utensils whatever you want so I'm coming in with my black paint and you can see here if you're a longtime follower on my channel you will know that I love to hand paint letters and I use a cap of my paint bottle because I feel like I have better control and I'm painting my my letters and numbers but I'm just going in and taking my time with my little fine tip small brush and I'm just going over those pencil lines and coloring them in just like you would with a coloring book and I have so many people all the time saying I'm not good at hand painting but I wasn't good either in the beginning and I just kept practicing and practicing and the more you do it the more muscle control you'll get over your hand once those numbers were all dried I took some Mod Podge to seal them in forever because I think this just looks so cute and I don't ever want to change it I made sure I went over all of the white surface except for where the lid would screw on I wanted to make sure I didn't gum that area up so that it would screw on and off perfectly and when you're done you can display them so cute in your kitchen I cannot wait to show you all how we are going to be making this item so we're going to take this lid top piece not the screwed on part but the flat piece and then we're going to take some chicken wire and we are going to start molding it around these garden baskets now I use this a couple days ago to make a birdcage I'm gonna link that video at the end of this video so you can see how I turn this item into a birdcage but today we're going to be making a fruit basket with this so we're gonna take this chicken wire and we're gonna slowly just start working our way all the way around pushing it down twisting the wire into place making sure everything is nice and secure because chicken wire can scratch and can cause it to catch on to your clothes it can do a lot of things but when you do it right and you take your time and you just keep twisting it and twisting it and making sure all those little sharp pieces are down it makes the coolest coolest farmhouse DIY look so here I am I'm just taking my pliers and working around my basket and pushing down the wire once I have everything all secured and twist it into place I'm going to take that cap and with some e6000 again and some hot glue for that long term short term hold I'm going to make sure it's nice and secure on there with that glue and then I'm going to take another long piece of wire and I'm just going to twist it around in two places you're going to want to create kind of a V opening because we're going to be putting one of those glass candles stem holders that you see a lot from the Dollar Tree now you should be able to rub your hands all over your basket without you having any wire poking your fingers that's how you know that you've done a good job with making sure it was nice and safe to have out for use for decor so here I am where I'm taking that glass candles to like I mentioned just a second ago and we're gonna put that right on top of that cap you're gonna want to spread them open just a little bit more than what I had there because you want to make sure that the glass is going underneath that wire and it's nice and secure and on there for a long term then once it's all done and you can see that everything is in place set it aside let it dry and then go ahead and spray-paint it all black once it's spray-painted black it takes on a whole new life and it looks so stinking cool at this point now I decided to go more farmhouse with this and I wanted to wrap some rope from the Dollar Tree around the top I thought this looked really nice and finished off the basket [Music] for this next project is is a super simple project I picked up this little block house from Michael's dollar section they actually have a dollar section as well and they have a lot of wood crafts inside of them and so I picked this up there this little heart was from a big pack that I picked up at Hobby Lobby and you can also pick up hearts at any craft store basically and then I'm going to just take some cream paint but you can paint this whatever color you want you can go with a soft pink and do a white heart you can do a red little house with a white or pink heart there's so many options for Valentine's Day and the colors that you choose once you've got your house painted you're gonna wrap some twine around the bottom of it to add that farmhouse look and then assembly glue on your little heart this is a great starter project for someone who wants to try being crafty and they're not quite sure yet what their style is leave a comment down below to let me know what you think of these projects that I did today thanks so much for being my friend and then tell the next episode bye friends
Channel: Heidi Sonboul DIY
Views: 3,445,867
Rating: 4.8148465 out of 5
Id: oT2gZhCeR-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 10sec (9670 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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