33 livestock salt & mineral ideas.

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hello folks Luke Simons with you back to the basics 101 today the salt and mineral feeder do you buy one or do you make one well I've got a few bought ones but I'm starting to make all mine it's just too expensive 200 bucks for a mineral feeder come on that's ah we can make one cheaper than that also placement of your mineral and salt feeders it's important if you enjoy the video please let me know by hitting that Thumbs Up Button subscribe to the channel and leave comments below it truly does help us folks always put your mineral feeder on your sorest piece of property it'll really will put your nutrition back into your soil sit back enjoy the video let me know what you think in the comments found this neat chart at a feed store an old cattle feed store thought you might take a minute to take a look at it pretty cool this video is to show you neat concepts of mineral feeders some of them friends made acquaintances made others I found on Google pretty neat stuff you don't need to spend a lot of money on a mineral feeder you can make these you can save yourself a lot of money doing this have fun sit back enjoy the video I was thinking of the rough tough holistic management Rancher and I knew this video was going to need some music and one word just instantly popped in my mind Disco the fastest way to double your money how is it well when you're at the store and you want to buy something put the item back take the money out of your pocket unfold it look at it Fold It Up put it back in your pocket and you just doubled your money it works every single time my grandpa had a few sayings quite a few actually one of them was plan your work and work your plan another one was the harder I work the luckier I get never miss a good chance to shut up new shows weekly that's right every week we try to put a new show up a wide range wide range different things that we cover if you subscribe you will get a notification when we make a new video also if you like these videos when you hit that thumbs up button it helps us so much Google they look at that and then they'll play your P you at the top of the list if you would um if you cannot give us a thumbs up hey put a comment in the comments below it does the same thing as a thumbs up we very much appreciate that it promotes the channel this costs nothing to watch in fact I do it for your pleasure to watch learn and I know it would help me if I would have found something like this I had to do a lot of research to put this little video together so again if you enjoy these videos If you appreciate them please leave a comment and hit that thumbs up button it means the world share us on social media if you do all that Fandango thanks for watching enjoy the end of the show again thank you for watching thank you for subscribing it means the world to us when you hit that thumbs up button it really helps us get more views we appreciate that the other day the neighbor came flying over he wants to give me a ride came right by the house at about 100 120 mph but he just got his pilot's license so John keep practicing and I'll take you up on it God bless God Save The Republic
Channel: Back to the Basics 101
Views: 100,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cattle salt and mineral feeder, Sheep salt and mineral feeder, Horse salt and mineral feeder, How to make a salt and mineral feeder, Ranching, Farming, Holistic ranching, Organic farming, Gabe brown, Grazing Grass organically, Organic beef, Organic ranching, Grass fed beef, Wrangler star, Mineral deficiency, Livestock mineral deficiency, Luke Simons, Back to the basics 101, AmericInn ranching, YouTube Capture
Id: J26TfPpxdL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2016
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