.327 Mag VS .357 Mag Episode 1: Federal Hydrashok

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all right new video series today and snubnose revolver and we're testing the 327 federal Magnum versus the 357 Magnum the 327 federal Magnum is a 85 grain jacketed hollow-point Hydra Shok bullet and a 357 Magnum testing today is actually 158 grain the low recoil variant of the 357 Magnum is a 130 grain and I'm not actually testing that today because I tested it in the past and it's recoil wasn't any lower than the standard Heidrich from what I could tell energy was roughly the same and the damage it did to the ballistic pack was roughly the same so since I got a lot of this ammunition I am gonna test the standard Heidrich forces to 327 low recoil and I don't believe that 327 comes in a standard Hydra Shok that's not real or recoil I think they did in the past but they don't offer it currently a 357 magnum ammunition was donated by 10b a few months ago with a whole bunch of other ammunition and it's rated at twelve hundred and forty feet per second out of a 4-inch barrel four-inch V as listed by federal I believe that means ported and a 327 Magnum also tested out of a four inch the barrel is 1,400 feet per second but as a much lighter bullet and this 327 Magnum LCR was donated by Ken s recently so thank you very much for that and thank you Tim B for the ammunition so we're gonna test 327 vs 357 and we're gonna do our standard test we're gonna go through the chronograph see what kind of velocity and energy and accuracy we're getting at the same time and then we're gonna go through the juggernaut box which is four layers down them followed by one and three-quarter inches of baloney to simulate flesh and then one quarter-inch medium density fiberboard to kind of give resistance like sternum and ribs and into water jugs to catch that projectile so let's get started with the test with the 327 versus the 357 and the Hydra Shok and see what kind of velocity energy were getting and I'm also gonna state felt Rico because I think there's going to be a huge difference in felt recoil so let's get started with the test start with 357 Magnum I'm actually gonna go single action on this because the trigger pull is a little bit long on this on not quite used to it yet and it makes me jerk the shock little bit when I'm trying to go through the current graph but well single-action see what kind of velocity numbers we've got the 158 grain Hydra Shok in the short barrel 1176 63 1165 accuracies not that great and it hurts there's a lot of felt recoil there now let's see how the 327 Federal Magnum compares I'm guessing we'll get a lot less felt recoil with that Alright 327 federal Magnum and the LCR we'll see what kind of velocity we get it's right out of a four inch barrel at 1400 we'll see how close we get a lot easier to shoot a lot more accurate and almost no felt recoil I really couldn't tell a difference in felt recoil with this versus like a 38 special plus PDV honest I felt like a 38 special plus P to me velocity is quite a bit below listed velocity but still a good amount of energy a little bit more than your average 38 plus P well that's it the ballistic box and see what kind of ballistic performance we get between the two there should be a very interesting I have you to go up to 357 Magnum burst single action again this is going to be probably pretty potent around here we go I got wet Wow and I see that Jackie's in the first job that's pretty impressive right here is the density fiberboard we put a good-sized hole through a perfect shot placement on the front here and we just shredded this thing to nothing that is some pretty impressive damage all right first jug we spread it about as good as it's going to be shredded actually pieces of other parts of the jacket other parts of a let in here occupation more pieces with jacket jug - we have pieces of something in there got more pieces of lead and jug - one three it looks like we went through duct three I don't see any pieces angelic 3c ugh a hole in jug before and I can see a hole out the package ugh for it then a jug five and the core of the bullet is in the box you try to display this the best I can this is just this is nasty here I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing because we're gonna get more penetration when we slip off some of that jacket and flowering petals and we left it behind all I can say is I really would not want to get hit with that I would guess that would be more devastating than a lot of traditional rounds that's that's pretty nasty there but let's see how the 327 federal comparison alright 327th federal Magnum I don't feel like we're gonna get as much damage but we'll see what we get at least the recoil won't be so bad like 9 millimeter and the baloney pack pretty on par with what I see with like 9 millimeter hollow points as well alright the first jog has just a ton of debris and I saw that with the 32 H&R Magnum which I thought it was a little bit strange more debris in it than the 38 caliber bullets and chucked - it looks like we went clean through and the damage - jug 1 is definitely not as much as the 357 jog 3 I don't see any marks on the back of jug 3 or into junk porn there's a little bit of a dent out the back eject really nothing on junk for we have the ball and just three and here we are pretty good expansion so the penetration we got was right on par exactly what I want to see I always say that between jug three and four if we can dent out the package hug three and maybe debt jug for I've noticed so that's pretty much on par with about fifteen inches of ballistics gel penetration of comparable testing so I would say this is pretty much perfect low recoil very low repo very accurate the damage is about like what a nine millimeter does and we got perfect penetration overall I'd say it's a pretty good round and it's a step above a 38 special that particular 357 Magnum that's that's kind of a last resort round that's something I really wouldn't want to fire in self-defense very loud very very much a lot of recoil might be kind of hard to control around like that even the low recoil version when I tested that a little bit hard to to control the first recoil just like a 30s but all that being said this particular 327 federal Magnum is a little bit low on the power scale I did a lot of research on it before I test it and it is really really quite well and that's what we saw today a lot lower energy than what it's capable out of at 3:27 gradual however the recoil is exactly what you want for a good self-defense car so is this the most powerful 327 by no means no but very good ability to control that round and overall pretty good performance I would say comparable to about a 9-millimeter hollow-point so that's not bad at all that's not bad so that's what you get today with the federal Hydra Shok between the 357 magnum in the 327 federal America huge difference huge difference overall but both are pretty usable cartridge cartridges I would rather carry the p-47 personally I'd rather have more control and so much power I can't control so as always comment sharing like and thanks for watching
Channel: Gun Sam _Revolver Aficionado_
Views: 32,945
Rating: 4.9382582 out of 5
Keywords: .327 Federal magnum, ruger lcr, taurus 605, ballistic test, uscca, concealed carry, revolver, snub nose, hydrashok, federal ammunition
Id: 2E-OXOhi4_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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