30th Pastoral Anniversary | Prophet Daniel Amoateng

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praise the lord everybody welcome to this great sunday morning we're so glad that you can tune in and worship with us uh we love you and we appreciate you for all your faithfulness and your consistency again as always please hit that share button and let people know that we are on this morning we're so excited because this sunday we are celebrating our bishop's 30th pastoral anniversary uh we're so glad that you have tuned into the celebration prophet amu tang is going to preach and we just thank god for you joining in as we celebrate our man of god thank god for a pastor thank god for a leader anytime but especially during this hard time we want to thank god for our leader our pastor celebrate right where you are as we worship the lord and celebrate the gift that god has given not only to this house but to the nations come on let's pray father we thank you again for this moment we appreciate you for this time we thank you lord for this opportunity that you have given to us thank you lord that this is the day that you have made we will rejoice and we will be glad in it father i pray that your holy spirit will do his work today that spirit of the living god you would heal save set free and deliver we thank you lord for giving us this day thank you for giving us a great leader and a great pastor i pray that you restore his strength restore his mind add to his life i pray lord that he will begin to reap what he has sown over the past 30 years the harvest that was supposed to come i pray that you'd accelerate that process release it into his life continue to add strength to him i pray lord during the celebration that you would save somebody today reclaim a backslider connect somebody to this house and bless the preacher in jesus name amen again please hit that share button let people know that we're on come on let's get ready for some worship with pastor lonnie hunter in the group bishop we celebrate you 30 years of service none of us would be where we are if it wasn't for what god has placed inside of you that you share with us on a weekly basis so we dedicate this to you we are not ashamed of the gospel of jesus christ [Music] foreign it's to everyone that believes it and it's to everyone that receives it we shall have everlasting life we are not ashamed of the gospel of jesus [Music] christ [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is come on [Applause] my god [Music] praise the lord i'm so glad that i have this opportunity now to just reflective with you on the goodness of god as we are in this very trying season i have begun to understand the value of faith and the value of faith that has action attached to it as god has shown himself to be so faithful in this time i know you can attest like i can that he's truly been good should look around and see how other people are going through and look at your own life and see how god is preserving you it lets you know for real you get a greater understanding of the grace and the mercy and even the favor of god so when i come to worship now i i begin to appreciate not only worship more but god more and everything he commands his word has become so valuable to me in this season and i know you probably can say the same thing we come to this portion of worship today when god asked us to do something extraordinarily simple i'm still amazed that he does not ask me to do anything that he has not equipped me to do he tells me to praise him and he has a right to because he's given me breath to praise him with he tells me to lift my hands in worship because he gave me these hands and gave me the strength to do it tells me to rejoice in the lord always it tells me every day that he's made for you and i that if we search and discern in the spirit there will be a reason to rejoice and be glad in it and then he says i want you to always be ready to give me a sacrifice come before me with your gifts because he doesn't ask you for anything that he hasn't first given you isn't it amazing that he asks you to give to him and support his work and we love the scripture about god supplying all our needs but did you know that that scripture god shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory is his response to you giving to his kingdom and to his work on earth spend that a whole time so you mean to tell me bishop you're telling me that when god sees that i support his work support his vision support his kingdom that his response is to supply all of my needs according to his riches and glory yes my brother yes my sister that is the absolute truth so right now i want you to think about how good he's been to you think about how merciful he's been think about how he has provided even in this season where some people are experiencing lack he never said things wouldn't get tight but he always said that he would provide i can really testify right now going through a season where a lot of those streams were cut off because of the pandemic but god has been faithful god has been good it's gotten tight a few times but god has been extraordinarily consistent i want you and i to lock together in faith right now as we get ready to return to him that which he has given to us he says return unto me and i'll return to you he wants us now to make the first move come back to him well how about going the way pastor says we've done it in tithes and offerings you you have not given me what i've given you and the act of giving to him is another way we return to him so i want you to go to the icon and prayerfully release that that god has required of you go to the icon and release that offering and that sacrifice now remember the sacrifice is something you'd rather keep for yourself god will never ask you for something you want to give away he will always ask you for something that you desire to keep it's his own principle be not deceived god is not mocked whatsoever man sows that shall he reap he wanted son so he sowed a son and believed me he would have rather kept jesus with him he didn't want to give him away he felt like he had to because there was a blessing of salvation and relationship that you and i were going to be going to receive now go to the icon sow that tithe in that offering give that sacrifice and watch god move in your life and remember he never asks you for anything he has not first provided for you god bless you [Music] this is so amazing to come your way methane baptist to really share with you on this wonderful day where we celebrate the 30th anniversary of our one only bishop david evans i believe that this particular season and this time god is going to empower you in the name of jesus i believe for sure that we are moving from pandemic onto pandemonium and the glory of god the goodness of god will be on assignment in jesus name wherever you are watching from i want you to please click on share let everybody know that god has a word for somebody anytime god wants to do something unique and something marvelous he sends a prophet of a timely word and i believe that by the time we are done the word of god is about to be spoken over your life spoken over your family and everybody around you be blessed because when god gives one word it's not just for one person it's for everybody that is connected to you i'm talking about your house and your family your house is not just the edifice but your house represents the people that are connected to you close your eyes for a word of prayer father in the name of jesus i thank you for this wonderful time to release a word unto your people bless your word and cause your word to bless us in jesus name touch my earthly tongue of clay use my lip as a pen in the hand of a skillful writer in the name of jesus let the cherubim use the coal on the altar to touch my legs so that father your people be edified in the name of jesus give me clarity of thoughts and precision of speech so that will be blessed as never before and at the end of the day you come together and say this one is the doing of the lord and it is marvelous in our eyes in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the son of the living god amen wonderful i want to preach this wonderful time on this pastoral anniversary for our bishop on the 30th here using as a subject jesus is coming to my address jesus is locating my address wherever you are i want you to please type on the screen test somebody by you call somebody by you tell somebody who's standing by you and tell them jesus is coming to my address and as a matter of fact this particular season that we are in we need jesus christ to locate our address because the world has come to a standstill because of something that we call covet 19 as i'm talking right now the total number of cases of covert 19 recorded the whole world is about 8.9 million people the number of people that have died in the whole world is 467 000 people that have recovered is about 4.7 million people now let's go to the united states i believe that you're watching right now you are betting baptist you are in new york uh new jersey as i'm talking right now in america total number of cases is 2.3 million people and people that have died one hundred and twenty two thousand and twenty people after today being the 21st of june 2020 and the number of recovered cases is 973 thousand people there are people that have lost their livelihood that have lost people around them and they're asking themselves what do we do right now i came to give you good news that god is about to locate your address jesus is finding your address wherever you are i want you to please type open your bible to the gospel according to saint luke chapter of 19 reading from the verse of verse of one it's a particular scripture that so many people have had before but i believe that we are about to walk into a journey and by the time i'm true you'll find yourself in the context of this particular test that jesus christ can come to your address sometimes without you inviting him i know that protocols are getting ready to be broken because his goodness is about to show up in your destiny luke chapter 19 reading from the verse of one and i read and the title on there is called jesus and zacchaeus jesus went on into jericho and when he was passing through jericho there was a chieftains collector there that was named zacchaeus who was rich he was trying to see who jesus was but he was a little man under translation says he was a short man and could not see jesus because of the crowd so he ran ahead of the crowd and climbed a sycamore fig tree to see jesus who was going to pass that way when jesus came to the place he looked up and said zacchaeus hurry down zacchaeus because i must stay in your house today zacchaeus hurry down and welcome him with great joy and all the people who saw it started grumbling this man has gone as a guest to the hound of a sinner zacchaeus stood up and said to the lord listen say i will give half my belongings to the poor and if i have cheated anyone i will pay him back four times as much jesus said to him salvation has come to this house today for this man also as a descendant of abraham the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost blessed be the word of the lord in the name of jesus the gospel according to luke chapter of 19 is very very profound because he says jesus christ made a way into jericho and when he was passing through behold a man before you've got to understand the gospel according to the luke chapter of 19 we've got to understand it from the previous chapter of 18. jesus christ was walking by the root side of jericho and a blind man received a sight the gospel according to luke is written by a medical doctor a physician who was a surgeon by the name of luke and his subject matter simple is to let us know that jesus christ jesus christ came to save everyone no matter your condition he himself at that time was not a disciple of jesus but by revelation and understanding he had he was writing and speaking to one of his friends by the name of theophilus and the words your philosophers come from two were still amphilos the word means god philos means love so it's your flesh means the lover of god so the book of luke the gospel of sid luke is for all the lovers of god i don't know about you but i know that you are a lover of god and every blessing designed for your destiny will show up in jesus name he made us understand that jesus christ is the son of god at the same time he came as the son of man so that we will experience and receive the blessed things connected to god the bible says right now in chapter of 18 jesus christ had a way towards the roadside of jericho and the blind man had a blessing but the bible says it got to a time that he now entered and passed to jericho and behold zacchaeus i don't know about you yesterday a blind man had this miracle but today is going to be the season of zacchaeus i'm not speaking about any success but you are the one i'm speaking to that after the roadside blessing there's going to be an inside blessing oh my god i said after the roadside blessing there's going to be an inside blessing for you to experience the grace of god now the first time we hear about the city of jericho is when god by the power of by of his inspiration through the mouth of the prophet by the name of joshua the deliverer made sure that the walls of jericho came down and they were able to penetrate but when we go into the new testament the city of jericho was mentioned only about six times three of them were connected to how a blind person received their sights the other one was when a man was traveling all the way from jericho jerusalem all the way to jericho he entered into the hands of thieves then the good samaritan had to show up and the next time we hear about jericho is in this particular test and the last time is in the book of hebrew chapter 11 where is speaking out that by faith the walls of jericho came down so half of the half of the six three of them have something to do with blind people so when you check this particular city anytime jesus come there there is an issue in that place today i came to speak to somebody today that there is at any time that there's an issue in your life god is about to perform his miracle anytime there's an issue in your life is about to run into your jericho the word jericho in the hebrew is translated as jericho and the request simply means a moon and a moon means dependency so if you can check the city of jericho anytime somebody finds themselves there they live a life of dependency today prophetically i declare i rebuke any power of dependency in jesus name enough of the days where you are dependent on people god is about to empower you whatever you are looking for god is about to grant it unto you you are moving from jericho because your time has come in the name of jesus tell somebody even right now i'm moving out of jericho because jesus is locating my address and the bible says when jesus passed through i unlike it because in chapter 18 jesus only was by the wrong side but in chapter 19 the bible says and jesus passed through and as jesus passed through the city of jericho the bible says and behold there was a man there were thousands of people over there but when jesus got the behold there was a man anytime god wants to bless you he uses one person anytime god wants to bless a whole community he doesn't use other people he uses one man and the one person i'm talking to is you that you are watching right now you are going to be the one to change your family change your community change everyone around you because god is about to remember you tell somebody i'm that one man i'm that one woman i'm that one person i'm that one individual that god is about to use to change my situation and the bible says when he heard that jesus christ was around he wanted to see jesus but there was a problem prophet daniel what was the problem i'm glad you asked me the problem was that the man was short his height he was challenged vertically and i want you to understand that the bible says because he was shot in the crowd so when you check this test you will see that zacchaeus had two different issues the first issue is an external issue which is the crowd and the second issue is an internal issue which is his height and right now these two issues he can't do anything about it there is somebody watching me right now you are going through some sleep last night because of an issue you can never do anything about it the man left you the woman left you the job you were sucked because of cover 19 the businesses you had in pipeline because of the portfolio all of them have come to an end and the different issue you are to be tormented right now is about your own family your children everything around you is being scattered because now some things are happening by you yourself you have no control over that was the case of zacchaeus zacchaeus has issue with the crowd tons of people he can't tell them to move and his height he didn't create himself so now he had an issue but i found god for always giving us a plan b today god is about to give somebody a plan b and their plan become can only come by the inspiration of the holy spirit if you don't have the holy spirit it will cause you to deliver some time in life because when the spirit of the lord moved over the face of the waters the bible said and god said let there be light and there was life jesus said it's better for me to leave because if i don't leave the spirit will not come you need the power of the holy spirit to go to discernment to know your plan b somebody your time has come something amazing is about to happen in your destiny no weapon from against you will be able to prevail because the spirit of the lord is about to work for you apostle paul said thanks be to god who has made this evil minister of the new testament not of the letter but of the spirit for the letter kills but the spirit gives life when you have the spirit of the lord life is shown and appeared in your destiny as never before jesus has sent me to your address now the bible says because of the crowd and because of his height he couldn't do anything but the bible says god gave him the plan b the bible says he saw a sycamore fig tree my god i'll beat him one more time he saw a sycamore fig tree and he said if i can run and climb i can see jesus the bible says zacchaeus run ahead he climbed and he saw jesus now let me pause here zacchaeus had two issues the crowd and his height now let's concentrate on his height his height he was shot but the good news is that although he was short he had legs and hands to climb and he had eyes to see god will not let all things fall apart at the same time although he is shocked he can still move although he is shot he can still move the hand although he shot he can still see i came to give you good news they thought they were blocking you but start making a move you are about to jump you are about to climb you are about to see god is about to empower you those who thought and now listen to me i have no problem with the crowd you know that the man is soft and because the man is shot if the guy was coming everybody was supposed to have made way for zacchaeus to enter but nobody thought about him have you ever been there before where people you trusted all of them blocked you because they wanted for themselves now but somebody listened to me all things will not fall apart at the same time you can still see use your hand somebody you lost your job started business you lost your job start the book you lost or just go to school again you lost the mother start again try again do not give up on yourself for the blessing of god for the favor of god for the greatness of god is about to show up and work in your destiny whatever is trying to block you i came to let you know you can still run you stand you you can still climb and you'll be able to see whatever you are just type on the screen scream all over yourself right now and say to yourself i will run i will climb and i will see it's a process i will run i will climb and i will see you most of you been able to run but you couldn't climb but today prophetically as i speak as a prophet of god i came to declare to you may you begin to run ahead you will run like elijah you will run like elijah you overtake and anytime you climb you are no more on the low level when you climb you are up on the higher level and after everything you shall see what is seen simply simply means making sure you are beholding what you expecting and is the sign of expectation and your expectation signifies your evidence god is about to give somebody an evidence of the prayers they have prayed the evidence of your answer prayer is about to show up when god gives you an evidence you don't speak much why because any time you go to the courtroom the best lawyer and the client that wins is the one with more evidence god is about to give you evidence and this new evidence you don't have to talk again don't speak again but when people see you they will experience and they will know god has given you evidence he was shot but the legs were working he was shot by the hands were working he was shot but the eyes could still see god will cause everything to work together for your good i want you to understand that anything you are looking for from god it has already been provided for you the only thing that you need is to make access to it try to access your love blessing try to access whatever you think is not there it's already there why let me give you a good scenario when god was creating the light on the first day and god was creating the livestock and the animals on the fifth day god already knew whatever he was looking for that man will come on the seas day it god didn't plan to make man on the seas day but from the first day he had already made the plans listen god is not progressive he thinks he's all thoughts at the same time according to one one of the fathers of the faith saint gregory of lisa he says god thinks he's all thoughts at the same time so that time god was actually hearing when the time god was making the seed he had already made provision for the face my god because god will prepare a place before a person if god doesn't prepare the sea the face will not come so if you are a face and you are not coming yet don't worry at all because the sea is provided for you there's somebody watching right now there was something you expected last year it couldn't come and because of that you are crying you are weeping because it has nothing god says i've got to prepare the place before the person i see a place being prepared for you and when the time comes all things are work together for your good in the name of jesus why because you are a child of god and number two because you are connected to jesus we are joined here with jesus christ and the bible says we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world so we are connected to jesus why did jesus christ appear for us to just be like him his name is called jesus christ jesus is his earthly side and christ is his divinity side and all of them are joined together for your advantage the bible says he was able to climb he could see but this is the best place i like whilst he got there zacchaeus didn't call jesus but jesus stood and gazed and said zacchaeus calm down whatever you are i want you to bless god for a minute bless god for a minute bless his holy name for a minute because this is very profound zacchaeus only climbed he didn't call jesus but jesus i like what i'm about to say right now just type on the screen he knows my name he knows my name he knows my name type on the screen jesus knows my name zacchaeus didn't call jesus but jesus gave up and said zacchaeus come down i want to ask you one question bro says family mom daddy auntie uncle i want to ask you one question who knows your name is he only your friend that knows your name you have a problem is it the governor of new jersey that knows your name that's a problem here is the mayor the administrator of your workplace your manager that knows your name is wrong the best person to know your name is jesus christ if jesus knows your name it doesn't matter who doesn't know your name if jesus knows your name it doesn't matter who has looked at you with oblivious eyes forget about them sometimes people see you they rode your eyes they suck your teeth they raise up your nose thinking you think you are all that and you think you are somebody no no no no you are just telling them jesus knows my name and if jesus knows my name it is enough because if jesus knows my name he knows how to mention my name in the place and the place and the place and the place and the place and the place and the corridors of power today i see that somebody your name is about to be called in the corridors of power you are about to move to a place where strangers are about to call you they will give you access you ask them why did you look look me up on the google or on youtube on facebook you uh they will tell you no we were there we slept and jesus called your name to us jesus knows my name jesus knows your name he calls the name of zacchaeus but let me tell you the reason he said zacchaeus come down now today i came to declare to somebody you've been in a point in for a long time but today i prophesy come down from the trouble count down from poverty come down from agony come down from hatred come down from jealousy whatever was stopping you and the spirits that was bringing sickness to your family and the cancer today i prophetically declare as the prophet of god i declare come down in the name of jesus whilst our ministry you can still go on the links on there go on the links on there go by the giveaway fight every information connected to brittany baptist and give because i feel that somebody you are coming out and today being the 30th anniversary i want you to really connect yourself you can start with the sacrifice of the 300 or the sacrifice of the 230 or the 130 search for it if you 1300 or 1300 just connect to yourself right now over 500 people need to do this one because i see you coming down from the disaster because god is about to empower you everybody always want to dread this prayer god take me high oh god lift me high but sometimes you can you've got to talk to god sometimes bring me down because if i come down i will see the things i wanted to see because zacchaeus wanted to have a clear view i prophesied by fire you are coming down out of disaster whatever has hung you up that you didn't like god is about to remember you and jesus is about to locate your name ah when you read the bible there was a man by the name of our team but timothy was a blind man and it will surprise you to understand to know when he saw jesus he was shouting for jesus to help him now someone with the issue of lord she was the one that chased after jesus but when he came to zacchaeus the bible says jesus called the name of zakios i declare right now that let your name be caught in places of favor in places of honor places of dignity places of elevation jesus is about to call your name number before jesus can call your name let me give you that revelation prophet i know the revelation i'm glad you asked me can i tell you why can the bible say zacchaeus was able to climb a tree oh my god repeat it one more time just praise yourself connect to everybody because there's a great revelation that is coming right now jesus was able to call the name of zacchaeus because of one reason i was the reason he climbed the tree let's get there's the revelation because he climbed a tree the tree is the cross anytime you are able to climb the cross your name is going to be elevated anytime you are able to climb the cross jesus will locate your name anytime you are able to climb the cross amazing things will show up in your destiny it is not just a normal tree but the bible says it was a sycamore fig tree and if you call if you all could remember the first time we heard about the word fake the first time we heard about the word fake hear me was in the garden of eden after man thought they were naked they went to a fig tree and they took the leaves and covered themselves i don't know the fruit they eat but right now by logic by critical thinking and common knowledge i think it can be something connected to faith so so the bible says they took thick leaves because if i go and eat a mango i would take mango leaves so if i take fake leaves it's a sign perhaps it's not in the test but this is by revelation it might be a fig tree so god was telling the chaos whatever tormented man what frustrated man in the garden of eden because of faith today you've climbed a sycamore fig tree by you jesus christ is here to take you out of the crisis i came to declare any ancestral power and nothing not to mention your mother whatever tormented your father whatever has happened in your family in your bloodline in your family tree whatever is in the genes of your family today i prophesy as a prophet god is about to bring a turn around there's going to be a change god is about to remember you but jesus can only call you out only when you go back to the cross it was a tree the tree is in two different functions it's in the basic vertical fashion and the horizontal fashion repeat it one more time it is in the vertical fashion and the horizontal one the vertical means be reconciled with god and the horizontal is that if i get reconciled with god myself and my fellow human beings around me i shall be a blessing to them your life is supposed to be a blessing to someone else you have never lived life not until your life is a blessing to someone not until you pause and stun to be a blessing to somebody i declare as the prophet of god the cross of calvary is about to remember you i see somebody right now in a place called calvary now none of the location is called golgotha the place of the scar and the time the cross comes he changes my mind that's why the word the word repents the word repent metanu simply means to change the mind because zacchaeus after jesus said zacchaeus it was not ended jesus said zacchaeus are like oh my god my god my god just begin to bless the name of the lord jesus said zacchaeus today i will be in your house i'll be in your address child of god hear me it was never about tomorrow it was never about next week it was never about next month jesus has a chaos not tomorrow but today today listen to me if you're watching on facebook just type on the screen my miracle is coming today let's go one more time let's go one one two three let's go my miracle is coming today let's go my miracle is coming today and if you are being connected you can go on the altar right now on the giveaway go and give your sacrifice for this 30th anniversary it can be 300 it can be 1300 it can be 130 or 230 because god is about to remember somebody in the name of jesus type on the screen my miracle is coming today it's not coming tomorrow but sometimes god is supposed to come true for you that's a today blessing for somebody that's a today testimony for somebody that's a today elevation for somebody shout is coming today and that was not the end he says today i'm going to be in your house i don't know the preparations that just had made because you never thought jesus was coming some of you listen to me you're going to get some unprepared blessings you're going to get unprepared blessings i believe because he was a touch collector in his in his living room there were tables everywhere there were books everywhere the pence was captured jesus said i don't care about your unpreparedness when i begin to bless you i bless you anyhow there's going to be an unprepared blessing some of you your wedding will come overnight i said your wedding will come overnight because listen you think i'm going to get time to go and do rehearsals to go and try your wedding girl it's going to come overnight because when the man said the man will tell you i just want to marry you because something is pushing me to marry you some of you in your new house is going to be unprepared by the time you finish paying off your mortgage you get over there you find over there you find yourself over there and the house you're not even prepared but but the lander will tell you get the get the deal get the mortgage because your miracle is unprepared an unprepared miracle always surprise these people so the moment jesus said zacchaeus i'll be in your house zacchaeus said i have a confession to make jesus said i'm glad you undercover confession he said tell me that confess he said number one everybody here sees me as a chief because i'm a tax collector but right now i divide my possessions half of them to give to the poor people wow this man was rich uh recently most of the belongings in the world warren buffet uh jeff bezos bill gates all of them have said going to divide half of their possession to give to charity even about 90 percent of them so i believe that zacchaeus was a rich man and the bible says he was a rich man he said i'm giving half to the poor you are not blessed not until you are able to help somebody bettany today god wants to check your blessing level on this 30th anniversary celebration of the personal adventure of a bishop i want you to go on the altar right now and say god i want to give on giving fire on the website on test to give and today god remember my life do something you have never done before because zacchaeus is something he has never done before that is a sign of your commitment a sign of your blessing a sign of what god has designed for your life he didn't end there he said by the way because you said i'm a thief if i have stolen from anybody oh i'll i like it i like i like i like he says if i have stolen from anybody i'm going to take what i stole from you times 4 and give it back to you that's the place of restoration now zakio said if in case he's a thief he's going to give you to you by four times now there's a revolution anybody watching me right now that the enemy has stolen something from you it's about to come to you not in one foot in four foot my goal type on the screen four times four times four times four times if the enemy stole your marriage you're about to get married with friends if the enemy stole your business you're about to get four different businesses is that if the enemy stop you from having children you're going to have a lot of children if the enemy stops you because of favor and they disgrace you they're about to honor you four times he said as i restore you four times today i prophesied by fire i declare in the name of jesus may you receive restoration another the one restoration in the greek is translated as apodium apodium it simply means to give back more to give back more because restoration is never getting back what you lost is getting back more of what you lost example if you purchase a 1970 mercedes benz at that time it might be sold for about just 100 let's say about a thousand dollars in 1970 but today 2020 if you pick the same 1970 mercedes benz and you pimp the ride you put some nice pumpkin ties around it and you spray it well it can sell today for about fifty thousand dollars so when the 1970 men see this was restored the price increased today your value is about to increase that's right of late some of their friends used to hang out with them you can't handle them anymore how you used to communicate you can't communicate with them like that anymore and sometimes they think you are proud listen to me you are not proud you are only selective in someone that needs to come around you because god has restored you he's bringing something unique in your life and your life when everybody says i'm going to multiply times four but any anything you have lost in this season receiver times four whoever is watching tell everybody around you share the video tell everybody whatever i have lost in this season i receive your times for you can go on the altar and and also show something connected to the number four and your life will never be the same in the name of jesus before i bring my my semen to an end the bible says jesus said i'll go to your house the man jesus christ said i'll go to your house the bible says they heard some people complaining they heard some people complaining and they said they said how can jesus go to this man's house because the man is a sinner but i like the attitude of jesus and zacchaeus they never responded to the people bethany in this season if you want to elevate you don't respond don't reply to your haters zacchaeus never responded to the haters jesus never responded to the haters he focused on what he was doing listen the assignment of your hair test is to distract you the assignment of your nail sales is to distract you don't listen to your haters they are there just to confuse you don't be distracted just get focused amazing things is about to happen to you see us lewis one of the christian writers of the 20th century his name for shot is he has lowered by his lifestyle who's lewis he says whatever is ahead of you is better than what is behind you your haters will always talk about you based on your past but your future is only designed in mystery mustarion in the hands of god and god will empower you because how you are going to be nobody even knows so first john chapter 3 verse 2 my favorite test said now we are the sons of god how we shall appear has not yet been known but when he appears we shall be like him we shall see him as he is so you are the son of god but how you shall be has not yet been known man known to some people if they knew if people knew that running away from you was going to create a space for jesus to enter into your life they could have stuck with you but nobody knows your future nobody knows your tomorrow so sometimes they will judge you based on what they know but brace yourself don't worry at all something big something wonderful something amazing it's about to move in your destiny as never before you are the son of god child of god but what you shall be has not yet been made known god has served you in a place of muslim mystery so people not understanding you people not figure you out because he's blessing your life the bible says zacchaeus and jesus never never never replied to them but the bible says zacchaeus was joyful in accepting jesus the more your haters talk about you the more you've got to rejoice the more they are frustrating you the more you've got to rejoice because god is about to bless you god is about to favor you whatever you are sad about your life is going to come to pass zacchaeus invited jesus a lot of things were said but the best thing i like in the whole test is what i'm about to read to you right now jesus said don't worry about for today salvation has come to this house jesus never says salvation has come to zacchaeus he said zacchaeus salvation has come to your house oh my god repeat it one more time jesus said to him zacchaeus i'm speaking to you but the salvation is not only for you but for your house not listen to me your house it's not just the physical edifice your house it's your family when god blesses one person it's never for them buy it for your family i don't know about you but i believe that there are some dysfunctional family relatives that some sick cousins some of them are sick of cancer diabetes and frustrations things are tormenting them and sometimes they are asking themselves what will we do what is going to happen the bible says when he remembers zacchaeus he shall remember the whole house why because jesus has come to your house type on the screen has come to my address i come to my address jesus is out of my address type it out as many times i took them jesus has come to my address he has come to your address the blessing is not for everybody but it's for people connected to you now i said salvation prophet daniel salvation salvation the greek is translated as so tyria so tira means getting good health and deliverance and being saved so deliverance is a full package when god is going to bless you it doesn't give you one package he gives you full package type on the screen i'm receiving my package i'm receiving my package i'm enjoying my package because my package is going to transform things in my life and i'll experience the grace of god i'll experience the favor of god and what god has said about my life will come to pass zacchaeus right now is in the same address with jesus whoever thought that the chieftains collector who the whole family the whole city the whole village saw him as a thief will be in the same house with jesus why because he's supposed to be a son of jesus a son of god when we're son of god there's something unique about your life can i tell you satan met jesus christ in the book of luke temptation satan said if you are the son of god turn this stone into bread i like that i like that test sometimes it's coming share the video right now listen to me he says if you are the son of god change this tone into bread you don't understand satan was saying if you're the son of god everybody listen to me stone is hard bread is soft i'll repeat it one more time stone is hard bread is soft he says if you are the son of god change the heart situation to become very soft do you know the meaning satan even knows that if you're a son of god you can transform a heart situation and cause the heart situation to become an easy situation to the understand any hard situation that was in your life that they said it it it would be impossible to live today i prophesied by the anointing i carry let it become easy let it become easy let it become easy let it become easy receive grace from god may god cost all things to the world for you your address is receiving an unexpected visitor and that visitor is jesus now somebody i took you the long way home the name of zacchaeus is a powerful name zacchaeus in the in in the greek is zacchaeus but when it gets down into the greek it gets down into the hebrew it's called zakah and zakah means pure and clean and when you break down the original roots meaning for zakay it's called zakat and zake zakat transparent now how can somebody whose name means pure clean transparent now becomes the most simple man in the town you know something that is the plan of the enemy to contaminate your life but today i prophesy to you whatever you are just get a bottle of olive oil with your family everywhere around you your name is zacchaeus means clean means pure means transparent but they made you the same for man in the town get over you with you we are about to anoint ourselves and your life will never be the same because god is going to transform you and listen to me wrong people are leaving you fake people are leaving you the general people are going to stand by you when people live you don't worry at all good people are going to stand by you for god to bless your life as never before in the name of jesus for the past you can be reading one book that is called the art of war and the art of war is very very simple it speaks about uh it's written by a man by sanju sanzu was an ancient chinese man over 2500 bcv before jesus christ that went through all he got the knowledge and the understanding of war and right now in the world of politics politicians are using the book entertainers are using it and even doctors are using it different groups of people are using the book he says something like so profound he said if you can out out think the enemy you you don't have to out fight the enemy repeat it one more time he says if you can out think the enemy you don't have to outfight the enemy in other words he says if you can think very well with the strategy you don't have to struggle and worry yourself anymore listen to me zacchaeus climbed the tree because he made a good decision he was able to think today may god give you the power to think and it's going to be amazing in jesus name in the out of war sanju said to get spice in any in the battlefield is very important it's a threat to the manipulation and it gives the types of spies in every organization he said we have local spies we have inward spikes we have converted spikes we have surviving spikes and we have doom spies what's the meaning it says look at spikes is when you go to the enemy's territory and recruit somebody there to be a spy for you oh my god that he says inward spice is when you recruit the enemy's officials to be your spy oh my god he says there is also converted spies is that the converted spy was the enemy spy by right now has become your spy he says a surviving spy he said a survival spy is a spy that you yourself have sent to the enemy's camp and has been able to come back safe and the doom spy in the dew spa is when your own spies begin to do something so dangerous so that it will scare the enemy what am i talking about you need good people around you you don't need bad people around you you don't need any lucas spy in one spy surviving spy converter spy or doom spy but get good people around you and your life will never be the same i'm about to proceed to pray for you and the blood of jesus the hand of god will remember your destiny in jesus name and right now there's somebody watching me right now you have been going through challenges for the past seven days today i come against it in jesus name and somebody's watching me right now your dreams have been the dream of dead people and right now you are scared you think something's going to happen to you but today i speak as a prophet of god i cancel i nullify i break i rebuke it can never find you it can never torment you for the spirit of the lord who have mercy on you your life will never be the same be delivered and experience the grace of god now you are watching me right now you have lost your job because of this particular season and you just applied job and nobody is calling you i hear my spirit in the next 11 days count 11 days from now in the next 11 days god is about to come true for you in the name of jesus your children just left home you've been trying to look for them you can't find especially your boy that's around the age of 18 years you have been tormented i prophesy may god remember you may god remember you let there be unity again in the name of jesus there's a lady watching me right now exactly from the month of april 18th of april to this particular time your partner your spouse your husband just left the house since then he has never come back you have been tormented i see him coming back to apologize because god is going to remember you in jesus name i see i see somebody right now you have you have applied for something like a government packet like connected to a contract or some financial aid and it has been delayed it has been delayed today i i release speed i really speak receive it in the name of jesus you are about to lose hope you even thought it will never come but in jesus name it's coming right now for your business and your business is about to increase again in jesus name now the person watching me right now that anytime you become a good christian your spirit goes down your spirit goes down you need inspiration but it's like no inspiration you have to start all over again today give your life to jesus jesus is touching you his grace his mercy is remembering you in jesus name now before i pray for you i want to use this particular two minutes here to cause you to go on the altar you can never receive a word without swinging into the world listen to me i believe you watching right now you need to sue a seat especially on this 30th anniversary of the celebration of the pastoria of our bishop david evans i want everybody it's the 30th anniversary i want as many people as you can to stand with me with the seed and the sacrifice of the 300 dollars everybody go to gablified test to give on the website every good cast have whatever do it right now and listen to me and they give you you give to god it's never it's never gone wasted it's for you as bishop has been able to achieve 30 years you two you achieve 30 years and more everybody right now the seed of the sacrifice of the 300 let's go of the sacrifice it can be the 230 130 or the 1300. somebody can if you stretch you know how this ministry bethany baptist has blessed you this mission has blessed you because if you stretch and do two thousand three hundred twenty three hundred or even the three thousand just connect yourself bridge yourself just give just give just give because the pastoral anniversary of our great bishop everybody i want to give you these two minutes just give every information is under the screen connect yourself connect yourself every information is on the screen connect yourself everybody so professor daniel even if i don't have anything at all i can give you i can even give 30. everybody if you listen to this salmon mix you you put something on the altar anytime you you see an orange or tan dream or even a lemon you see the difference right but when you take the seed and put them on the table you can never know the difference not until it's planted you know the difference most of you you want to have a difference in your life you have to plant the seed because when somebody gets a lemon and gets a lemon seed and also get orange seed you might think it's the same it's never the same not until it's planted what are you willing to plant i want to challenge your faith i want to challenge your faith i know better honey you miss me i also miss you supposed to have been with you but because of the lockdown of airport our airport in africa is locked and also i believe that america two is long but very soon you're going to meet together i'm so excited and happy to have come your way to read the word of god to you just let's give right now just give right now just give do something you've never done before why you are doing for your address i believe for sure your address is not only you that is living there but everybody around you is on your address anyway injustice anyway it's a threat to justice everywhere if there's a crisis somewhere it will affect other places so everybody bridge yourself give on the altar give on the altar just give just give just give i know you give each other just give give to unto god god will bless you give free will give the best you have never done before and listen to me you will also be a partaker of the 30th anniversary celebration of our bishop david evans your life will never be the same everybody just give just give just give just give just give in the name of jesus god bless you for connecting on the altar i want to pray with you father this morning this afternoon this particular time beat on our time zones we come before you today we have seen how your power your grace and your mercy was able to deliver zacchaeus and now you enter into his address he's been known as the thief but you were able to come to because by the fig tree you remembered him remember our lives change every issue i break every crisis anything about bad news i reverse it may you experience good news in the name of jesus the son of the living god i believe that somebody you are going to enjoy good news i said i believe that you are going to enjoy good news and your good news will be so amazing god to bless your life as never before if you're watching me right now you have not accepted jesus christ has a lot of personal savior yet i want you to please put your hand on your heart and save them say lord jesus i open my heart i accept you as my lord and my personal savior write my name in the book of life so that i'll make heaven in the name of jesus i want you to understand that god loves you jesus has come to your address because jesus is god enough he's also man enough his mum at the same time he is god that's right he had to be man and he has to be god because he was man enough to sleep on the woods but he was good enough to tell the sea and the waves peace be still he was man enough to cry when lazarus died but he was god enough to tell lazarus hey comfort he was man enough to have compassion on the people when they were hungry but god enough to bless the bread and multiplied it listen to me he knows every issue about you that's why one of the fathers of the faith when he got to the 19th council by the name of saint anthony of alessandra he had a big issue with the aryans because the aryans said jesus is created by god so he's not god and said athenaeus said no he is the true god from true god true light from true light and god from god that's how jesus christ is he's god enough to know the battles you are going through to deliver you but not enough to relate to you your life will never be the same listen to me god will empower you we believe in the divinity he will bless our lives he will favor us and your life will never be the same i want to wish everybody a big congratulations because you're survivor 19 but above all we wish our bishop a big congratulations for 30 years in pastoria we love you so much and bishop may god empower you may god bless you in the name of jesus listen to me if you are blessed today my name is call candela martin the servant of god whatever you are never forget you are too anointed to be disappointed you are too blessed to be stressed and you are too needed to be wasted i love you bethany come to see you in person i love you god bless you shalom peace praise the lord everybody we hope that you enjoyed prophet ammo tang what a great and mighty man of god uh we're so glad again that you've chosen to join with us today at this time as always we look to be a blessing to our man of god the bible talks to us about the gifts that are given to us uh by apostles prophets pastors teachers evangelists and we're so glad that god has given us a gift by the name by the man named bishop david g evans at this time we're going to take up our anniversary offering of course i've always been asking everybody for at least 100 if you can an appreciation gift a love gift to a great pastor we believe the greatest pastor in the whole entire world we're so glad to have him at this time the instructions are on the screen you can give through giblify our website text to give however you do it the codes are on the screen make sure you're so into his life don't just tell him you love him show him that you love him we have a pastor that works hard that is here all the time to make sure that the ministry is still operating make his heart glad during this time sow into his life and we're going to believe god if you sow unto him that the blessings of god will begin to rain down in your life that the same oil that flows in him would flow through you as you continue to serve but again do it as a form of appreciation and watch what god does in your life because what you make happen for others god will make it happen to you that's scripture right there and the bible lets us know that we should be a blessing to those who lead us and we believe god today that for everyone that is sowing into his life that the blessing of god would rest on your house there's a scripture in ezekiel that when we sow into the priest the blessing would rest on our house we're believing god that the blessing will rest on your house as you sow this seed today god bless you bishop is getting ready to come with our closing prayer again so that offering into his life join us again tonight at 6 p.m with bishop t.d jakes god bless you don't leave bishop has some final instruction for us talk to you soon eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it entered the heart the things that god has prepared for them that love him there's no way you could have told me 30 years ago that i'd be standing here 30 years later thanking god and thanking you for helping us celebrate this 30th anniversary i am astounded at only having one church in my life has been to bethany church 30 years testing beginning glorious glorious in god's blessing so i want to thank you for helping us celebrate these 30 years and yes it does not yet appear what we shall be but i am just praising god for what he has done for the things that he has done we have not forgotten all his benefits we clearly understand that no man can do these things except god be with him but it's clear to me that a visionary without people to follow him someone is merely out for a walk i need to thank god for you how faithful you've been for how you've followed so closely and allowed me the privilege of pastoring you for the last 30 years for those of you who watch us online from around the country and you've been traveling with us since our tbn days our bet days i want to thank god for you because it had to be the lord that brought us together through the tbn broadcast through bet on those sunday mornings for years i give god praise that you've stayed faithful you've been so supportive so loving allow me the privilege and the honor to teach the word of god to you to share these gifts with you week in and week out some of you for the whole 30 years i thank all of you for the cards and the lovely gifts and the donations that were a blessing that are a blessing to me [Music] and all of those connected to me i want to pray with you right now and i want to ask god to bless you father in the name of jesus as we close out this celebration month this 30-year celebration i thank you now for the lives of all of those who have supported who have followed [Music] who've given who have gifted who prayed who sacrificed given of the time in their life their time the talent and the treasure to make sure that your work is successful in this earth i pray a blessing on each one watching me right now i ask god to give you the desires of your heart i pray that god heal your body if you're sick heal your finances if you're struggling heal your employment if you're unemployed heal your business if you're trying to make it every day i ask god to put a blessing upon you that will frustrate the enemy and cause you to have some haters in your life because your haters are prophetic they see more in us than we see in ourselves i ask for the virtue of christ to be released in your life the authority that comes with the holy ghost you begin to exercise that dominion in every arena of your life and i pray the prayer of faith and speak the blessings of abraham in your life receive this impartation in
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 710
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ekJuK4c5XFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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