#309 Mailbag Part2 (Bench Power Supply, High Power LEDs, New LoRa Chips, etc.)

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this is part two of the mail back the last one was nostalgic and today we will play around with my new power supply and other helpful stuff gritty youtubers here is the guy with a Swiss accent with a new episode and fresh ideas around sensors and microcontrollers remember if you subscribe you will always sit in the first row the next one you probably saw already on other channels but this is a really interesting product and this is why I also bought one it's very very small but extremely powerful it is a power supply for 60 volts and 6 ampere RT 6006 and it does not come only with this plastic stuff here I also put this housing and it's already preassembled I put in a power supply for 60 volts this I had to assemble also the fan controller here but this is peanuts and now this comes here like that I still have to connect it and then we can test it the whole thing will look like that when it's finished very nice lap power supply and as usual I forgot something I also put a wireless connection a Wi-Fi connection and here we see our old friend ESP 12 F and 82 66 and it has to be put in here I'm sure I can do this later on I took it out again because I also saw that it needs a battery here but I have plenty of different batteries but not a CR 1220 and unfortunately it's not delivered with the product but at least this one can be mounted like that and later on I can't to insert the battery but at least they provided also as replacement fuse here is the fuse and they provided a replacement for that now I have to connect these wires to here and to here I put a little bit of this CPU cooler plaster here on the metal and connected it to the power supply the first one is here for the fan for the moment I leave it like that and now we can try it out like that everything connected switched on I hope nothing Oh a second switch on the back of the device I connected it now to the load here and it's still waiting zero ampere zero volt I said now five volt and six point one ampere which should be the maximum I think we can try I set yeah six point one unpair is the maximum and if we go to Walt set we can switch here nice sound and we have sixty point six five volts at the input of this device now we switch it on five volt 1 amp ere exact 2 ampere 3 ampere 4 ampere now it's 20 watt 5 ampair 6 ampere and if I go above 6 ampere it stops exact or nearly exactly at six point one ampere and it's switched off 0.47 volt is not exactly zero but it switched off now if I go back it comes back on now we go to 50 volt 50 volt enter and now it's 50 volt forty nine point nine eight and five amp and now we have three hundred what so far no problem let's check the voltage the voltage seems to be right now I go up with a voltage close to 60 volt 51 we still have the amperage I assume that we will not reach the 60 watt at the 60 volt because the power supply inside only provides 60 volt 53 54 55 and you see now the amperage starts to go down the voltage is still okay 56 57 58 now 58 ish and now it's finished so it takes about two volts for the whole regulation here at 300 Watts quite good I think because the specification the input of the input voltage is 70 volt I cranked up my internal power supply to 65 Walt's 60 volt 5 ampere it's not 6 ampere it's only 5 ampere and 300 watt here is the listing I got the one with a W with the Wi-Fi it was $53.99 I think I got it I bought it at the 1111 so it was a little bit cheaper and here thirty dollars the case and the case is really a very good quality from a co-op point of view and from a stability point of view it's a well worth the money here and then of course you need the power supply inside and this is the listing of the power supply I have it is a 60 volt 6 ampere I did not find the 300 watt limit in the listing of the reading power supply but I assume because it was exactly at 300 what I assume this is a limit which probably is somewhere specified but I did not see it so everything together is a little bit more than $100 now this one is definitely for somebody who wants to spend a little bit more money it's not necessary for most of us I had once this smaller power supply from the same manufacturer also with the Bluetooth connection but it's less powerful of course much smaller it also fits on a small desk this one is quite large here but if you experiment for example with mod motors and stuff like that the 60 volt is an interesting feature and also the 300 watt is an interesting feature if you do not need more than about 20 volts or 15 volts then you can use here as I do a old power supply from a laptop which is sufficient for most of our projects so you can even save the power supply if you have a spouse supply of an old laptop laptops have 19 volt power supply by the way even after this extensive power testing nothing was really hot here and if you are interested in a test about the ripple and stuff like that you find two videos on the EEV block one where TAFE made a mistake and got wrong numbers and then in the second one he corrected his mistake and measured the right values and they were for him they were okay if I remember right they provide an impressive PC application on Windows but unfortunately it does not work and their answer is for Wi-Fi with PC software it is not stable so we don't support that it works only with the Android app and the Android app is useless more or less and has only a ranking of about 2.5 or 5 points that is very disappointing for me I got those two LED panels for my lap lighting each has 70 watts and 12 to 14 volts so this is a perfect situation where we need quite a lot of power 140 watts and this is exactly what we can do with this new power supply let's check it two times 14 volt is 28 Volt so we start at 21 and crank it up until we have our desired 140 watts 120 140 and here you see these are really beasts you don't see anything and the camera even cannot focus right away because it is so bright incredible but the power supply works they are quite cheap around nine dollars three dollars sixty nine plus five dollars 56 for one and if you are the tool it's 1478 so they do not calculate two times the full shipping which is quite expensive here this is really an interesting thing if you need a lot of light but of course you have to cool them they will not sustain the 70 watts for a long time I assume the next two are Laura modules with a new SX 1262 chips from eep ID this Ebates is a very good manufacturer they have a wide range of different modules and they look like quite high quality so this one is the e 22 and this one is the 400 m and this one is the 900 M this works on 868 915 and this one 433 I bought this one if Julian will start his next satellite this might be the module I will use and they are quite big compared to other modules and why are they big because of this 30 here they have 30 DB they do not have only a 22 DB they have a power amplifier built in and because I'm a licensed ham operator I'm allowed to use those powers on the frequency Julian uses by the way pay attention they sell M and T versions the M has the SPI interface which is compatible with the libraries usually and the T has a built-in terminal software somehow and there you have you can use 80 commands or something like that now Julian you have to do your work and start the next satellite here is the listing $5 72 this is the 400 version and this one here for $5 40 this is a 900 megahertz version and free shipping both to Switzerland by the way here you have the listing of the 900 M 22 s which is the legal one with 22 DBM output power and this one is even cheaper it's four dollars it looks very similar but I think it is smaller and here I have a bunch of field effect transistors they are ir l p7 21 here is the listing they are very cheap 10 pieces a little bit more than 2 dollars including shipping and I bought them because they have a very low switch on voltage and I plan a video about transistors and I wanted to have different transistors to show you the difference these should be very good with ESP 32 s because they start at 2 volt and are absolutely 3.3 volt compatible not all field effect transistors are compatible with 3.3 volt this was also tip from one of my viewers so we will see if I can use them in the video and here we have another thing it shows us magnetic fields for example here I have some magnets and here you see the magnetic field here is the listing $2 90 plus $3 34 shipping so it's a little bit more than $6 everything together and you see here and the ash piece I was obviously the last one who bought this one here I did not know that they sexists but I learned it from Ben from Applied Science he played once around with magnets and he had one of those and I thought this is interesting and now - really handy things absolutely marvelous this is the first one it is a simple USB cable with three different blocks on this side apple micro USB and USB see I have one of those always with me also one when I'm on a business trip or on a private trip you can get them longer I prefer that one because it's small and it fits in each small pocket the listing is here for the various lengths from two dollars eighty two to three dollars fifty four plus shipping 53 cents the second one is this because I have to present from time to time and you never know what you discover usually you discover HDMI or sometimes still this old DVI stuff and I was quite often happy when I was able to use this one because these HDMI connectors still are not always compatible and I had sometimes problems with presenting through HDMI now my new laptop it's a surface from Microsoft has a display port which is quite handy but I think you get them also for a micro HDMI and stuff like that this is really something which saved my quite a few times usually you green cells good stuff I have cables and other things from you green and I was always so far happy with him here is the listing and if you discovered it I said something wrong this is still a VGA connector but this is usually available in at least here in Europe in many boardrooms or whatever I do present sometimes it's not cheap it's $12 but to save me in a situation like that is way more value than these twelve dollars for my 8080 project I found also those here these are simple devices eight LEDs connected with eight current limiting resistors connected to three volts nothing special but very convenient if you have to display 8-bit in parallel and if you have to display 16-bit you just use two of them very very handy the second thing I discovered is a simple foam here this black foam to store ICS these are now 8250 ones and those are also 8250 ones i have this size here I think it's 20 by 20 20 meters you get them in thick and in thin so this one is thin and you still can mount ICS on both sides here I have the same with thick ones but I think it's not necessary if you do not hit exactly the pins from one side and the other they are anti-static so you protect your eye sees here and they are stored neatly I also started to put them in those bins here on the bottom you see this black foam here these are the thin ones maybe they protect these parts a little bit more especially maybe if it's only components and stuff like that but it's not done everywhere as you see here you have to cut out every one and put it there the dimensions do not have to be completely exact here you have the listing of the foam the 3 millimeter and the 10 millimeter the 3 millimeter is 121 and the 10 millimeter is 206 for 1 sheet and the 1 sheet is is not too bad you can store quite a lot of small components with one sheet I ordered here three of them and now I'm really happy with it I do not think I have to reorder in the next few month this is the listing of these 8bit LEDs they cost $1 66 this is really not a lot you see here 4 colors for 8 LEDs and we will see them in our project in one of the next videos by the way I always had to order two of them if I ordered four then they wanted to charge me shipping I do not accept that because if I buy more they should also be free shipping if one is already free shipping now this you would probably not expect in an electronics lab they are ordinary carbon fiber rods 12 millimeter in diameter what are they for here in this lab together with a little bit of 3d printing it starts to make a little bit more sense here I have more 3d printed parts but still probably not clear to everybody what this will be in the end now come a little bit aluminium cubes cut to a different length now it's quite obvious it will be a directional antenna for 144 and 433 megahertz so this is good for all the satellite experiments for the near future and because I can produce it myself it's really quite cheap the guy who made the project claims that it works here is the listing this in different colors no not really I have those four pieces 12 is outer diameter 10 is inner diameter and 500 is the length and they are $15 free shipping not cheap but for an antenna you easily pay 150 dollars if you buy it ready-made of course the aluminium you have to source locally this was all for today I hope these mailbag videos were useful or at least interesting for you if true please consider supporting the channel to secure its future existence you find the links in the description thank you bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 42,432
Rating: 4.9512672 out of 5
Keywords: arduino, arduino project, beginners, diy, do-it-yourself, eevblog, electronics, esp32, esp32 datasheet, esp32 project, esp32 tutorial, esp32 weather station, esp8266, esp8266 datasheet, esp8266 project, greatscott, guide, hack, hobby, how to, iot, lorawan, nodemcu, project, simple, smart home, ttgo, wemos, wifi
Id: CpxXRlcb_og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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