308 win 178 ELD-X vs 6.5 creedmoor 143 ELD-X : 100 yard ballistics gel test

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hey guys so today is gonna be an interesting comparison it's a very highly debated topic of my among gun people these days we got the 308 where's the 65 Creedmoor and with the 308 i got 178 granny ldx the Creedmoor is the 143 EOD X and the Creedmoor is gonna be shooting factory ammo 308 I have some hand loads they're just loaded with a max load of argot not loading them hot to give a threeway any advantage well I just chronograph all of them with my new v3 chronograph and with the 65 they were averaging 26 15 308 was averaging 26 25 so very similar velocities so we'll see how these two rounds compare through its you know a little bit heavier some people like to say is six five could penetrate just as much because the higher sectional density and all that I don't really want to start getting into my opinions or I'll just shoot the gel and you know let the results for themselves [Music] you all right so digit 308 first the second block got a little bit soft on me it's going bad so it's not the correct density but this first block is the correct density and the bullet stopped right there in this second block so I got you know 60-inch block and a 12 inch block so that's 28 inches of gel and there's bullet I mean there's maybe three quarters of an inch left so like 27 inches of penetration but since the back block isn't the correct density you know might have been less if you know everything was correct now these blocks are all shot up so you can't really see the wound track that good you know blew out the one side of the gel I had the block sitting this way so I did hit it in a tied dead center but a little bit to the left well I did that on purpose because I want to hit six five right here so you can see very big wound Channel definitely sucks the gels not the greatest clarity at the moment I'm gonna have to you know we do is test it at a later date with two perfect blocks but since I had the gel already I wasn't gonna make new gel and this one was still good so I'm gonna spin the block around shoot the other way with the Creedmoor and then later on when I get home I can cut some sections and actually look internally and get a better idea of the womb path [Music] you you all right so six five and I don't know what happened that this is even possible now there's a bullet sitting right here on the ground now looking at the base of that that is definitely the six five so put that down over here for a second so gel block was like this now this shitty-ass scope on this gun kept moving my point of impact tried to say I didn't good didn't really work so it was about three inches down and right so I ended up over here clip the side here now clearly did some good damage definitely less than the 308 though kind of I don't know hard to see both of like I said I'll have to cut the block and a half later good comparison so I came here swerved up and what I did was I put a water jug in the back just in case of Patriot through that block we also put one of these back here just for safety and Samantha's sitting at the hospital maybe I'd shoot them well you know the 308 still sitting in there so this block was like this so that bullet came out here went in here and then somehow I ended up back over there I do not know how that happened I mean they may have it bounced off or something but I don't even see digging in any of this it was still standing up I don't see any marks and this so I have an inconclusive test the house got a hoping I'd catch that bullet and we could see which won't penetrate further but we did not have to do this another day or the better gel box I might take one more shot at this but it's just gonna start falling apart at this point it's not really needed comparison so before heading home I decide to take one more shot with the 308 and I was using a cavity back bullet the same bullets I like to use with my six eight in the Wildcat the 270 MSR but this is for the 308 it's a tipped 168 grain MKZ bullet so peels back with the same three pedals the back blocks it's pretty much garbage I figured I'd blow that up I had a water jug so I put that behind that block hoping it would sold the bullet that enough that it wouldn't really go into this block that shot with the six five and a 308 originally and the block that was a little too soft got blown apart went right through the water jug and then the top of the gel you know the six five came through this way and exit the top here this bullet entered here zipped all the way through and came at the top over here so I did not catch it there's a little piece of copper there a little piece of copper there I'm guessing a you know whole petals are part of the petals fell off but I just want to catch one of those through they look like in the 308 so somewhere in that dirt berm is the bullet I'll look around see if I can find it but I doubt I will hey guys so now that I'm back home I'm gonna cut up the jousting get a better look at the wound channels and it's not exactly the clearest gel your the bullets here the 308 right here on the right this one is a perfect mushroom nice and round where the 6'5 didn't peel back you know perfect all the way around the one side mushroom nice and round and then you know this side it's kind of just sticking out so I think this is why it veered out of the gel this is the 65 you know one channel here and then it came out of the top of the gel I took that one last shot with the cavity back MKZ cuz I was really hoping I could just catch it I figured the other block would have slowed at that and up there just hit this block and stop but just zip down through this block you can see this tiny little wound channel in here it's from that bullet and that bullet actually exited here I think there's actually a piece of the pedal in here and this is the exit from the 308 308 you know I spun the block around so 308 came in from this side here blew this side out so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cut you know three inches in on either side so you can see what the bullet was doing at that three inch mark now six five you can see a little bit better gel I mean pretty much no neck and that you know permanent wound channel is about I would say 10 inches the 308 it's kind of hard to tell just is where I hit the block is so dirty so and you take cut out of each side and I'll get back to you okay so we'll start the six five side this is three inches with the bullet coming out towards you this is the six five and this was the 308 when it exited stand this up a little bit of a little bit of light through it get a better idea so it's a three inch mark that six five wound channel about three inches wide and then this is going into the rest of the block so I got a 308 coming out here six five here and then that cavity back was kind of in the think it's up in the right here where it's it on through we can see tiny little wound trail now this side this is the beginning of the block so this is where 308 hit this is where the cavity back hit after going through you know the other 12 inch block and a half gallon jug of water so when you flop this down cavity back pretty much lost all of its velocity at that point right here you can see the wound channel from the cavity back and then obviously the 308 so here is 308 3 inches coming out yeah and this wound channel is about 4 inches wide so a little bit bigger than the 65 now I'm going to cut the block right in half and we'll see you know right the 6 inch mark 1/2 would actually be 8 inches in and we'll see what the moon channels look like they're alright so this is the middle of the gel now the 308 was coming from this side going into this side and then the 6.5 was opposite so this is the entry side this is the exit side this baby little tract here is from that cavity back bullet so it really didn't you know get in the way of either of these wound tracks so looking here I mean a 308 definitely was doing more damage this way it's about 3 inches but now this way you're looking still at about 4 inches or so you know it's about 2 this way and maybe 3 with the 65 now 6 5 obviously hit the side and blew the side out so if it was dead center like the 308 kind of was it might have been a little bit more devastating but overall the 3 it looks like it did better penetrated right to the 27 inch mark the 65 when I was reviewing the slo-mo went out of this block you know right at the top edge and then I'm guessing it veered because the way that the bullet is shaped and as it was got to the top edge of that block the second block it hit the top edge kind of rolled up out when I've seen before the bullets bounced back in the jello but the elasticity of the gel will actually push the bullet back about a half an inch or so so I'm guessing since the boat was kind of out of steam that's what happened but since it was already halfway out of the gel instead of just springing back in the gel it actually sprung back to land you know right where the front of the block was is where it landed so it came through and then sprung back it's the only thing I can think of it didn't bounce off of the water jug or anything in the slo-mo you can kind of see it but unfortunately when the gel got blown out of the side and knocked the camera over but I'll put a freeze-frame and that so you guys can see it all right so I got the bullets inside now so we can do some measurements I already weighed both of these and they were 66 percent weight or tension on each of them I forget the exact numbers so weigh them again here is the 65 Creedmoor yeah lead doesn't really want to stay in the jacket you know came out together in the gel so this one is 94.1 and then for our 308 one 17.3 so it's kind of rare that you get you know perfect 66 percent with two bullets shot into the gel not for our measurements but width so you have a max expansion here on the 6500 point zero seven oh three nice and this way we got point five eight six and then with our 308 point five seven seven and 0.53 weights a little bit more uniform all around well so he really want to say anything before I just want to shoot the gel but say something real quick about you know sectional densities and no sexual density is the ratio of the weight of the bolt to the width of the bullet before it's fire but obviously once you fire the bullets gonna lose weight and deform so it doesn't always hold true and this is kind of a good example you know the 65 has a higher sectional density away because it's a skinnier bullet but here the 65 opened up wider so in this fired form you know after the gel 65 is wider but it's also lighter which would give it a worse sectional density so there's never really a given when you're shooting lead bullets you know and they always do different things and the biggest thing really is the impact velocity so anyway the next test I do with these I will try to get some pork shoulders or something and do another test maybe back up a little bit further get some distance in between them but overall it's still a good test so thank you guys until next time
Channel: d fleury
Views: 18,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 308, 6.5 Creedmoor, ballistics gel, Hornady, 178 eldx, 143 eldx
Id: H2eBkWLr7rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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