3032E Bush Hogging with a 6' Kodiak Rotory Cutter (How to price a bush hogging job)

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we got the 30 32 e loaded up and a six foot bush hog and we're gonna do a little bush hogging on a place that we've done before this will be about the fourth time i've i've done this farm that we're headed to today and i hope the last time guys gonna sell it we gotta clean it up we usually do it for food plots i've done made videos there several videos there before we do it every year for food plots and it's food plot time it's september something 9 8 6 september 6. and but the guy's going to sell this farm so we're going to do it one last time he's going to put it on the market and we won't have to bush hog it anymore after this year i guess that's really not gonna break my heart in it let's go get it done all right we made it this is about seven acres uh y'all have seen me bush august before but last year we bush hogged it with a 50 75 e and a six foot bush hog this year we're going to do it with a 30 32e and the same six foot bush hog and uh this would be a good video for anyone wondering if a 3032e will handle a six foot bush hog now if you can see how well or how tall that this is growed up it's not bad but but it is good and thick it's pretty tall i've kept this farm mowed for about the last four years so that's why it's not too bad but we've only mowed it one time a year i wish we could have mowed it more often than that but the landowner don't didn't want to pay to mow it any more than that so he usually waits till it's growed up pretty tall before he calls me and let's get after so so so so [Music] [Music] so so so so [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right well this farm is done [Music] so we are finished oh let's see let me get my calculator out it's uh 12 40. we started at about 9 40. 10 30 11 30 12 3 hours there's been some folks asked lately on a few uh comments on a few videos uh how i charge for bush hogging or how much i charge for bush hogging or how i price a job so this job i charge two hundred dollars for and it's about seven acres it may be less than that now that we're mowing [Music] we may be mowing more like five or six but we've done it in three hours so if it's six acres three hours we mowed two acres an hour with a six foot bush hog that's probably pretty close to right uh but 200 divided by three that's six that's not a good number that's 66.6666667 so we made an hour 66.66 now i guess you would say uh my opinion that's a little too cheap for this this uh i should be charging a little more um but i've been doing this farm like i said now for about four years and the guy's supposed to be selling this farm so this is supposedly this is probably uh maybe the last time that we ever do this farm so if it is i am a little sad about it uh you know it's a bittersweet memories i guess so uh if this is the last time i ever do this far you know if he does sell it that's gonna be kind of sad because you never know who the new owners are gonna be and they're not going to need us you know they're they're going to do their own thing at one time this was a horse farm there's stables that that barn down there by the house that's horse stables and so one time somebody had three or four horses out here you know this nice little log cabin goes with this place and everything uh it's in mulberry tennessee if you've never been to mulberry tennessee it's beautiful country you can look it up on the map or something you see that hillside in the distance somebody mowed that not long ago whoever mowed that was crazy uh they they bush hogged it with a tractor what the owner said and he said they did not have dual wheels which surprised me a lot most people bush hog steep hills in this part of the country have duals or you know you might could do that with a skid steer or something but um i did not see the tractor but they said it didn't have duals on it i'm sure it had a very very wide wheelbase but it didn't have dual uh this farm here is a pretty steep this is about as steep a hill as i can do with you know with this setup here but but we've done it all with 30 32 e and six foot kodiak bush hog and a lot of that up top there was pretty thick it you know the tractor struggled a little bit but it struggled with uh going up the hill plus mowing the tall weeds at the same time the weeds up top there was the tallest of the whole farm and they were pretty tall pretty thick everything out here was pretty thick but uh the weeds up top of the hill there were the seem to be the tallest and that's where the farm gets the steepest the hill the the greatest the steepest there at the very top you gotta so you're trying to go up the hill and plus mow at the same time uh and that's where it about run out of power you have to go slow and uh or slow you know slower than you'd probably like to plus the uh these industrial tires when you get on terrain like that these industrial tires don't help none i usually have to tap the brake and and lock the differential in to to keep from spinning up some of the steepest parts we're gonna leave all these weeds here with this guy because if i take it home all these seeds i'll have these weeds coming up on my farm and i don't want that because there's a lot of weeds out here so we're going to get all these off here that we can't [Music] so i don't have a lot of weeds on my farm if i get them i'm gonna have to start spraying which i'll probably spray anyway just because oh [Music] just because i do have my pastures are in excellent shape right now and i want to keep them that way so i'm probably going to do some spraying next spring anyway uh but yeah uh [Music] but yeah in my opinion like i said we we've done this job for that price because um i'll be you can zoom on this camera we've done this job for that price because this is probably the last time we're gonna do this job if i continue to do it i will have to increase the price a little bit and my opinion would be good if you could get 300 instead of 200 but i don't know if you could get that much but if you could get up to a 250 260 something like it'd be better i see because it because it took three i'm not going to use the acres in this case i'm just going to use the amount of time it took me to take it because i i'm not real sure uh how many acres it is so i'm not going to use the acreage i'm just going to use the amount of time it took me to do it so so 250 dollars would be eighty three dollars an hour three obviously three hundred dollars to be a hundred dollars an hour so uh maybe 250 dollars you've done it for 260. yeah so 250 dollars would be 83 an hour i think that'd be a better price to charge for this job but two hundred dollars i mean that's only fifty dollars less so that's not bad so sixty six dollars an hour so so we come out pretty good on this one all right so we got it loaded up ah one last thing about the rig we're using here today if you want to figure up the overhead expense you know we figured 66 dollars an hour for the job uh the kodiak six foot bush hog i paid like maybe twelve hundred dollars i think for this bush hog i've had it for several years it's probably three or four years old so you can get the same bush hog now for probably uh 14 1500 i guess somewhere around there here uh here in this part of the country we get them at the our local co-op sells this brand and it's been i've had two of them i've had a five foot and a six foot and it's been a good one i'll probably get another one because i'd like to have an eight foot not for this tractor it'd have to be for a bigger tractor but i'd like to have an eight foot one day and i'll probably go back with kodiak because i've been well pleased with it and the uh the tractor 3032 e we do have a payment on this tractor so it's it's got a payment of about 200 a month so so you figure a 1200 bush hog it's of course it's paid for itself time and time again you know and uh and a 200 tractor payment so we let's see we started with a full tank of fuel and it so i filled it up before we started we're just we're between we're just a little bit below three quarter so which is nothing and it's try i'm not sure the exact fuel capacity on this tractor on that tank but it's not much maybe five gallon maybe i'm gonna guess and say it might be more than that but i'm gonna guess and see i don't it might hold 10 gallon i'm not sure about that i have to look that up see it might hold 10 gallon but we use a little bit a little bit over a quarter tank of fuel which is nothing so um so you deduct that i mean it's you figure there's a lot of profit in that 66 dollars an hour there is a good bit of profit there uh especially you know especially with a rig like this now some of my other rigs you've seen in the past you know a 75 horse power tractor and a 12 000 batwing bush hog i'd have been done two hours ago but there's almost no profit there so i'm gonna hang on to this rig for a little while this is the second 3032 e that i've owned i own one i had one about five years ago and i sold it and so i've bought another one now and it comes in handy around the farm uh i will be making another investment on a uh another cab tractor i just hadn't made my mind up what i'm gonna get yet i'd like to have something more than 75 horse and i'd love to have something with a power quad transmission even if i have to go back older like a 6300 or 6400 i've looked at a couple 6300s this year and uh both of them were two wheel drive and i just hate to get a two wheel drive i'm gonna hold out for a four-wheel drive but maybe uh well they had some some of the older five series tractors i looked at like a maybe a 55-25 or i don't remember exactly the number on it but i think it was 55-25 man those are nice they don't have a power quad transmission but but i don't know what i'm gonna get next we'll we'll just have to see but but this is a as far as my bush hogging operation goes this is my bread and butter right here i mean this this rig right here is made it makes more profit than than any other rig i've ever had on small jobs you don't do anything bigger than this it's like seven acres 10 acres max 10 acres of tops you know you don't want because you don't want to be there more than one day so whatever you can do in one day that's i say 10 acres tops with a rig like this but hopefully i can put that together and make a good clip on uh answer some of the questions you guys had about uh pricing and and i've seen some other stuff about profitability and bush hogging for the public so uh hopefully that'll be some good information for you guys so this is labor day weekend i'm about to stick these ramps back in here lower that bush hog throw a strap on it and we're gonna go the house and fire up the barbecue and maybe something cold in the cooler see you guys on the next one
Channel: The Weekend Farmer
Views: 12,487
Rating: 4.8636365 out of 5
Keywords: 3032e, 3025e, 3038e, 3032E, 3038E, 3025E, 6', Tractor, tractor, John Deere, bush hog, rotary cutter, kodiak, food plot, pasture, Tennessee, mulberry, mowing, cutting
Id: YkWGUKx3nVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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