$300 FULL-FRAME CAMERAS: Canon vs Nikon (Budget Camera Challenge)

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i just got something from our sponsors at keh keh camera sure you can take great pictures with your a1 and your r5 but can you do it with budget gear you each have a thousand dollars to spend on cameras and lenses at sdp dot io slash budget keh then we're putting you through a series of challenges to see who's the better photographer good luck a thousand bucks do you think we can even get decent gear for yeah body and lens tony we can do it but good luck to you sir you're up against a formidable opponent i probably want to go with an older dslr because the auto focusing system will be better and i'll get more bang for my buck i want to keep it affordable so i'm going to go to price ascending and start with the bargain gear you can get a camera for 63. holy moly now these are really good deals but i want something with higher resolution so i'm seeing some like 15 megapixel cameras but there's also cameras that are like a 24 megapixel camera so i want to find something full frame with a little bit higher resolution like 24 megapixels i'm gonna go with the d600 hmm they have one that's excellent for 558 but i want to bargain so i think i'm going to go with this one that's like 440. now i'm going to pick out some lenses again i'm looking for a bargain but i want something that's going to be sharp and i'm looking for things that are kind of unique um and have like a really big aperture like maybe you want f14 or f28 so that we can fully utilize that full-frame sensor i'm gonna go a little more expensive than nine dollars all right i got this tamron 35 millimeter f1 8 lens it's has auto focus and image stabilization how much money you got left in your budget like 300 maybe 200. oh and i also found this 105 f28 but it's only available on ugly in my budget it says here that ugly means the equipment is rough with multiple impressions in the metal excessive finish loss and brassing that the glass will have marks there's potential defects that can have but i'm going to take the risk it's 164 adding it to the cart okay that puts my total at 969.69 but i'm going to use our discount code t and c shop and that saved me eight dollars okay get out of the way i agree dslrs are the best value here i am gonna try to find a cannon the hand is on the face this is harder than the elder northrup had realized oh my god they have full-frame cameras for like 207 i know that's a 1ds that's like the pro body yeah i know i think that's what i want okay wait it's 200 yeah you're gonna rock me with your glass this particular copy is missing the battery but i can buy a new battery it's like 25 it's only 11 megapixels but but it's a pro body so the auto focus system all that's going to be spot on so you're going with auto focus over resolution auto focus and good lenses i'm saving my budget for good quality glass i'm going to try to find pro l glass okay i found it it's the canon 7200 f4 lis pro image stabilization and i get an ugly copy for 385 bucks i can spend another 408 dollars okay i think i got it another lens pro lens a canon 28 to 70 f28 like this is wedding portrait photographer pro glass ugly for 440 so let's talk about your strategy you're going double ugly on the glass yes but it's all professional grade so it should be pretty durable i mean it's a gamble because it's ugly but if it doesn't work out then i can always return it to keh because there's a return policy 14 days yeah and this puts me at 1 000 31 but i have a coupon code and that'll give me under a thousand dollars 979 we'll order them and check back in a couple of days [Music] it's always a good day when we get our keh mail let's see how this turned out some of this gear was ugly because we had a really restrictive budget so i don't know what that was going to look like yeah we took risks hopefully they pay off whoa so a lot of stuff really nicely packed oh look at this one wait i hope it's me the canon 80 to 200 f28 that's mine this is not actually the lens i originally ordered i ordered the 7200 but then i decided to sleep on it and wait until the next morning to actually check out and somebody else bought it so like if you're buying used stuff just jump on it right away you can always return it later oh i know what this one is this is a man's camera look at this huge oh look at how was this marked ugly i know it was missing the battery but this looks like it's in perfect condition let me see well it's missing this one little thing oh it's just missing a cover okay i thought i could replace that other than that it looks really good so this is my oh my god a 24 to 70. this looks pristine also i cannot believe it wait what's ugly about it there's just a tiny bit of black color missing a few scratches but it looks fine the optics look great oh you finally found your camera i got the nikon d600 and this just has some normal wear on the bottom here it smells like christmas morning my tamron 35 millimeter f18 oh wait let me pull out my portrait lens i got all l glass look at those red rings you got nothing you don't have a gold ring on yours my mind is a gold ring what does that even mean i'm a pro so for our next assignment we have to get this gear ready and then go take some pictures and see who gets the better shot okay now we're gonna do a portrait challenge and i chose to do it outside for a few reasons one this is a budget challenge you might not have studio lights or a studio two it's pretty easy to get a good shot when you're controlling the lighting and three this is like graduation graduate outdoor photo season so let's see what you can do with these budget lenses budget bodies midday shoots are the worst but that's always when clients try to schedule it so let's deal with it they still do this right nope okay could you give me some variety i'm trying to win [Music] okay i'll even break up my good side for you oh my gosh you were cheating [Music] so everything looks fine the autofocus worked great it wasn't difficult to get focus on the eyes it's locking into place and the auto exposure looks good are you gonna are you trying to make me go to the spot that i chose yeah go to the spot cheating again how'd your picture look tell us you look lovely today you think you're the only one that moves oh look at me i got a zoom i can get half body full body look at how small my screen is it's very hard for me to determine whether or not anything is in focus let me put my apple you need something for scale yeah it's it's roughly the size of an apple watch that there's anything wrong with being small can i zoom oh mine was really intuitive oh mine's better i genuinely don't know how to zoom have you tried these dials how about this one oh what about the display button i can record voice memos but i can't seem to zoom maybe i should have read the manual did you make a voicemail make better camera choices maybe copy chelsea this is embarrassing i have to reshoot because i forgot i don't have image stabilization i'm used to having like two forms of image stabilization but all my pictures were shaky because my shutter speed wasn't fast enough [Music] i'm only giving my bad side i learned that from watching you [Music] oh isn't that super high frames for a second what is it like five probably more than you have filled up the buffer already i had been shooting jpeg but i switched to raw and now i can only take a handful of pictures before the buffer fills and i can't take any more pictures and i've already missed a bunch of shots because of it now with my sony a1 i can shoot at 30 frames per second raw for like more than 100 photos consecutively but this was made for film photographers first moving to the digital era they're used to shooting 36 pictures and then changing film so they didn't shoot hundreds of pictures at a time if you do go back and get one of these pro bodies be sure you're okay with a slower pace look that red light means it's still writing pictures to the card i over expose my pictures because this camera doesn't have auto iso so i had to manually set the iso and i did it wrong because i'm just out of practice like if you were a film photographer upgrading to your first digital body which is what this is designed for that wouldn't be a problem at all because film is always a fixed iso but for me coming out of the luxury of the digital era it's going to take some getting used to mine's clearly a better portrait camera because i can shoot horizontally or vertically even though i forget that i can turn the camera off i i forgot but i could no but also i have two card slots i have one very large card slot but my card slot is bigger than both of your card slots combined point that's not better you're gonna confuse people please for the sake of education explain to people that everything you chose is inferior [Laughter] i was really happy with the performance of my older l zoom lens but you can see shooting into heavily backlit conditions that the contrast was really low and that's why the picture looks pretty washed out but still despite backlighting and only 11 megapixels the picture still turned out sharp enough to see the eyelashes just to get better results switching to her 35 millimeter and shooting a more modern wide-angle portrait style and i think i have to give her a point for finding the cutest subject both cameras produce professional results shocking for the price point but chelsea's consumer grade focusing system just wasn't quite as accurate and it frequently missed focus my 1ds was a little more precise because it was designed for professionals even though it's 20 years old i also got bigger pokeballs because i had the option to shoot at 200 millimeters and f28 an option that's really useful for portrait photographers might be shooting in cluttered environments when the camera was off tony said that my camera felt better because he tried it that's true yours feels way better that's what he said okay next challenge okay [Music] we've entered the night and this is the year of camera we actually learned night photography on so it's a little bit nostalgic for us if like wanting to yell and throw your camera in the river is nostalgic it's this thing like focusing is so much harder than i remember there's no live view i can't see through the viewfinder much at all especially since it's near the ground and at this weird angle and so i just ended up looking at the focusing scale on the lens and putting it close to infinity and then hoping like hope it's in focus yeah but that's the experimentation i remember doing when i was learning and it's the type of thing where once you know your gear you're used to it and it's capable of taking great night photos so the learning curve is a little steeper and a little different but once you get used to it it gets the job done it's just more trial and error but you're talking about this was a few hundred dollars instead of a few thousand dollars i gotta say chels you are winning this one because you have live view and i don't and live view is like a must-have feature maybe the super old pro body isn't the right choice for night photography another place you win is you have you chose an f-18 prime and that's letting in more than twice as much light as my f28 zoom so my zoom is more versatile but since we're using the viewfinder to compose it the brighter lens makes composing and focusing a lot easier i made so many good choices and it was pretty lucky to be honest make better camera choices maybe copy chelsea i mean let's actually look at the pictures before i talk too much mac okay perhaps surprising for their age but both cameras produced images with plenty of dynamic range chelsea however forgot to turn off her stabilization on the lens creating shaky pictures because here's the thing third-party lenses often don't detect the tripod and so they'll create shake when there is none my lenses not stabilized which this night turned out to be an advantage but still look at the detail i got out of an 11 megapixel camera [Music] we are at the connecticut college arboretum to see who can take the best landscape photos [Music] hiking to our destination with my huge professional body i definitely had to give chelsea a point for having a lighter camera we took identical pictures to test the actual image quality and look it's connecticut we're not going to get some ansel adams in here chelsea's d600 on the right shows the benefit of being 10 years younger sensor technology was developing really fast she has more dynamic range in the shadows the 24 megapixels produced a sharper image that even my pro glass couldn't compete with so this is a big point for chelsea she has better image quality you got the newer camera at 10 years old but i would still recommend the 20 year old really inexpensive professional body to somebody who was starting a photography business who wanted to work their way up because this immediately conveys professional photographer like people are impressed by the size of the camera people comment on it and that's actually a big part of the image of a photographer i put more of my budget into the lenses which means i'll be able to hold on to these lenses longer i can make a few bucks in my portrait photography business and then upgrade the body but continue to use these lenses because these lenses ugly or not were perfect my thought was that with 24 megapixels on my camera you wouldn't be sacrificing any resolution i didn't feel like i was ever held back with this am i a little spoiled from having the absolutely most expensive mirrorless camera yeah because there are a few bells and whistles that that has that has just made the process more streamlined a little faster a little easier but you could get everything done that that camera can do with this camera auto focusing not as good but you learn how to work with those things so i was really happy with my choice i would recommend this to people that are aspiring to be professionals people that are learning photography and don't just want to learn the basics they want to actually clone their craft a bit and for a 500 body i thought this was a really great setup so head tick keh at this link and do your shopping find some really inexpensive gear if for some reason you don't love it you'll have 21 days to send it back and use this coupon code to save 5 and in the comments down below i'd like to hear what you think what old gear is still usable today and if you do have a limited budget are you better off spending it on vintage 10 or 20 year old gear or would you rather get the cheapest brand new gear for me i would definitely recommend older used gear yeah especially now thanks and bye bye bye goodbye
Channel: Tony & Chelsea Northrup
Views: 335,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full frame camera, $500 camera, $300 camera, cheap camera, cheap pro camera, budget camera, inexpensive camera, best portrait camera, portrait camera, landscape camera, best landscape camera, budget photography, best cheap camera, best budget camera, best budget camera 2021, cheap camera challenge, cheap camera 2021, cheap cameras, best cheap camera 2021, budget camera 2021
Id: P3mWDb6odAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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