Best Second hand Camera Money Can Buy

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hello guys in this video we're going to be talking about secondhand cameras because it's something that I get asked a lot so I thought I'd make a video to try and answer a lot of the questions that I get asked and in particular we're going to be looking at this and is this the best secondhand camera that you can buy and I'm going to be telling you things to look for when buying a secondhand camera hello guys I'm mark Newton from the school of photography where we teach structured online courses in photography by professional teachers so we're going to talk about second hand cameras and in particular this one here this is the canon 5d mark ii and i think that it's probably the best second hand camera that you can buy and here's why firstly it's a pro body it's made of magnesium alloy which means it is solid and it's going to last you a long time it's a full-frame sensor it's a 21 megapixel full-frame sensor and that is enough for anyone that's a really good high resolution camera it is really good in low light it goes to ISO 25600 which is a ch2 and it just takes really good quality pictures of a high resolution for a low price now this will go secondhand for around about 450 pounds now I'm not sure what it goes for in American dollars or Australian dollars or Canadian or whatever if you know please put it in the comments below so that you can share it with other people and it helps them out but in the UK these currently go for around about 450 and the 5d mark ii was said to be the first DSLR camera that could produce high-end video work and it really does we use this as a second filming camera at the school of photography and when you put this footage up against a rubber canon Demark for you can't tell the difference and it really is good quality when it comes to filming we have a good thing about this camera is it takes EF lenses which are the full-frame lenses and them lenses also work on crop sensor camera so you can swap them lenses between the toe and it's a really good option for anyone who's thinking of going pro awesome Pro this is a professional camera body it's made of magnesium on it alloy like I said full-frame it is solid and it's going to be a better option than getting a low-end entry-level camera to get yourself started into the pro world this is going to be a much better option but let's just talk about some of the negatives now one of the negatives could be they it uses a compact flash card not an SD card okay so let's just take now and here's a compact flash card here now you might already have a load of SD cards for your other cameras and obviously they're not going to fit in here you might have to buy yourself one of these these are better than the SD cards they perform a bit faster for a lower cost and they're said to be more stable and if you are going to upgrade to the mark free version on the mark 4 version these working them as well so pros and cons to it but if you've already got loads of SD cards then you're gonna have to buy yourself one of these for this camera so that could be one of the negatives let's just put it back if you're currently using a canon crop sensor camera and you've got what's called EFS lenses they will not fit on here these cameras only take the EF lenses the EFS lenses will not fit on these full-frame cameras so that could be a negative if you've got a load of them lenses it is a bigger heavier camera than normal it needs to be for a pro end body because you could be on a job and when you want a job working fast you can swing yourself around and that can hit stuff so that could be a negative it's a bit bigger and heavier than what you want but it's also solid so you have to weigh that one up and you may have to clean the sensor obviously if it's a second-hand camera now I've got a whole video on how to clean your camera sensor I'll put a link to it somewhere so you can go and see that but you can buy kits for about 25 quid 25 pounds and you can clean the sensor yourself it's fairly easy but if you're buying a secondhand camera you may need to do that just so that you know so here's what to look for when you're buying one of these or a secondhand camera in general firstly the shutter count these recalled how many times you take a picture and you can get that off of these cameras via the Canon software that comes with it or other software that you can get off the internet and all you do is you follow the instructions that comes with the software and you can get the shutter count of this camera and it's a bit like mileage on a car obviously the more shutters it's taken the more use it has had now these the Canon 5d s they can do a hundred and fifty thousand shutters easily so it's not really a major deal but if you can get one at fifty thousand shutters shutter count or below then you've done really really well I bought this one and it was on twenty nine thousand shutters which is quite good to be honest with you so there's the first thing to look for ask the person you're buying off of what the shutter count is of the camera it should be on the advert anyway but if it's not asked them and when you get the camera you can also double check that via the software anyway so that's the first thing to check the second thing to look for is where marks particularly where the strap goes so if we look at this one here you can see that the black on the metal I don't know what you'd call it mean the metal hooks where the strap goes you can see that that has rubbed off slightly and they all will show a little bit of slight rubbing but obviously the more that that is worn the more the camera has been used so check that out first of all as well make sure that it's not too worn then look for scratches on your screen now again it's pretty obvious if it's had if it's got a load of scratches on then it's probably been used a lot or if it hasn't got any scratches on what that means is the person who's used it before you has looked after the camera they've had a screen guard on it and that's something really good to look for scratches on this screen which is the main one and the top one here look at both of them it's really obvious if it's really scratched up it's been really used now buying a secondhand camera is just like buying a second-hand car you've obviously got to be careful you've got a judge the person who you're buying it off of have they looked after it and sometimes if you buy off of a photographer you can think to yourself well you know they've obviously used it a lot more than an amateur would have but sometimes photographers and look after their cameras more than amateurs do so there is swings and roundabouts I'd love to be able to say to you buy off photographers because they all look after cameras or buy off of amateurs because they don't use them as much as professionals but I actually can't tell you that because it swings and roundabouts the ideal situation is to buy off of an amateur who hasn't used it that much but looks after their equipment that would be the ideal situation hopefully you're going to get there so let's recap this is a really good secondhand camera for 450 pound yes it's Pro End it's solid it's full frame is brilliant at filming its gonna get you good quality shots and I would recommend that you get yourself one of these rather than a low-end entry-level camera if you are thinking of going pro or semi-pro and that is my personal fault I'm not getting paid by anyone this is just me bringing my faults to you now if you are thinking of going pro or semi-pro you're going to want to learn photography properly and that's where we come in our course is over that school of photography comm teach you how to control the visual effects of photography properly we've got courses in photography Lightroom studio lighting Photoshop everything for photography related we're professional teachers we've been teaching since 2002 and we know what we're doing come and see us we will definitely be able to teach you don't forget to like the video share it with your friends subscribe to our Channel hit that Bell button you what to do and thanks for watching and remember no more at the school a photographer [Music]
Channel: The School of Photography
Views: 134,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best second hand cameras 2018, best used camera under 500, used camera gear, used camera buying guide, best used camera to buy, best used camera 2018, best used dslr camera for beginners, best used canon camera, canon 5d mk ii, Best second hand camera, buying used camera, canon 5d mark ii review
Id: uLnOQsXmqbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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