300 Blackout Case Prep

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Oh cheer ready send it nice hit hey there youtubers Trevor here today we're just gonna quickly go over a product review this is the squirrel daddy 300 blackout jig and I've got it mounted up here to a mini cut-off saw okay this is a very inexpensive mini cut-off saw and you'll see how the jig separates out the cut-offs for creating 300 blackout we're going to turn and this recyclable two to three cases here you can see this case has a very bad split and the neck alright and we're going to turn that into something more like this which is a 300 blackout round this is a 208 grain quantity a max so this is just my first dummy round and I got my die set up but the purpose of this video is just to go over a review of this product so what we're going to do is fire it up and you can see how this is set up and how quickly and easily I'm able to convert two to three that would normally go in my recycling bin into 300 blackout so the cutting blade is right where my finger is you see that obviously there's a guard here on one side there's a gutter on the other they're both labeled properly it says inside and outside or output side input side okay do not run without these guards the guards come off easily adjustability on this jig is very very nice it does have a stop screw so that it won't cut all the way through and you can see on the floor plate cover here there's a little strip of plastic that you can see it actually cut through but that covers the set screws on the length adjustment so you can loosen these two screws up and you can adjust the depth of your cut I've got it currently set up so that I don't have to trim a lot let's go ahead and just run through this and you can see how the cases will fall in the tub and the necks will fall down into this little bin here and see where my fingers pointing so let's go ahead just load in the next case see the case hops the gap there all right so that's the squirrel daddy 300 blackout jig works very very well as long as your brass isn't too beat up and you can get the gate set up just right the screw comes preset so that when you are chopping the blade doesn't go through your baseplate it's setup from the from the manufacturer it's set up perfectly for this particular mini saw here's the item number okay what you're left over with here is an entire little bucket full of case necks just chuck those in your recycling bin and one of those cases had a go down inside it that's what the pull it is in there but your results stack up in here from here I will go to resizing there's a slight burr so I don't I'm not too concerned about over chamfering these okay so I can just leave them on there for a few seconds and not worry about it but now this will resize it beautifully so let's go ahead and resize this so what we have here is a very inexpensively die okay it's just a standard resizing die from Lee and my Lock and Load bushing lock it in everything's been set up prior to this shooting of this video just stay in I'll run it up what you're left with is a case that's slightly too long so we're going to go ahead and trim this up now these have a pretty healthy burr on the inside and outside so we're gonna go ahead and clean that up good and chamfer and deburr these just a touch on the inside not much but outside burr you can feel with your finger and still feel it just throw back on there just saw that come off and that's it these should be about three thousand spell Omax trim length on these cases it's one point three six eight and we are one point three six four so it gives me about four thousandths of growth first couple of firings these will grow slightly and then I'll do this whole process over again at this point I just have to resize and then trim them down but that's it these will all be reloaded here soon after I receive my form one from the ATF we'll be looking at creating a suppressor I've got a form one for a suppressor on the way and also I've got a form one on an SBR we're gonna be creating a screen to blackout AR this is the beginning process of 300 blackout this is how you go from a two to three case down to a 300 blackout ready to load case later
Channel: neutered10mm
Views: 28,148
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Keywords: 300 Blackout, Case Prep, Squirrel Daddy, Case Trimming, Jig
Id: LWzRkyalIJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2015
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