30 TV Episodes So Bad They Almost Destroyed Their Shows

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that that something you guys would want yes welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the episodes that hurt the reputation of great TV shows and in some cases represent the point at which a series began to decline Major Spoilers will be discussed so consider this your warning you stay here reek you [Music] watch number 30 a journey to the highlands Downtown Abbey the crawlies take a trip to Scotland and visit dun Eagle estate during the family trip Mary goes into labor and returns to the ABY to give birth to the young George Matthew Crawley can this hot and Dusty traveler come [Music] in say hello to your son and Heir Matthew comes to visit Mary and meet his newborn son it's a moment of joy for both parents as George will be the heir to the Family Estate however the moment of happiness is fleeting as shortly after Matthew leaves the hospital he's involved in a car wreck and is killed we don't always get our Just [Music] Desserts his sudden death was strongly disliked by many fans as it quickly followed the death of Lady cibil Branson number 29 everyone knows it's bendy Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends bendy arrives in the foster home home and immediately he causes trouble the problem for blue in the gang is that Mr Harryman and Frankie take bendy's side every single time you guys how could you but he totally did it oh blaming this poor innocent just after he was falsely accused by his own family and abandoned forth withth oh for shame bendy is mean for no reason he's shown countless times getting the other Imaginary Friends into trouble even though they've done nothing to him it also doesn't help that he's whiny and manipulative as anytime he's called out for his actions he FS innocence me but I would never I mean oh gosh oh no why does this keep happening to me it's a shtick that becomes tired really fast and we're left with a one note character that adds nothing interesting to the show number 28 pilot Parks and Recreation for many the first season of this popular sitcom is a nogo things don't get off to a great start with the series first episode you know I like to tell people you know get on board and buckle up because my ride's going to be a big one and if you get motion sickness you put your head between your knees cuz Leslie nope stopping for no one in it we're introduced to Leslie noin company along with the town of pony Indiana when it initially aired the show was criticized for being too similar to the office and the character of nope too much like Michael Scott while some found her to be unlikable often we have to cover up the more gruesome Parts with a poster that is horrifying yes it is even with all that said there was still potential to prosper which turned out to be the case as by season 2 things started to come together number 27 the Timeless children Doctor Who plot twists if done well can lead to shock and awe as they can make us re-evaluate everything we've learned about a character or situation oh doctor really haven't you worked this out yet the child is you for many fans of Doctor Who however this reveal was completely forced and unnecessary instead of the doctor being a Time Lord from the planet galif Fray the doctor is other worldly being of Unknown Origin who had their memories erased you are the Timeless child no no I'm not you always have been comp some felt that this explanation ruined the mystery of the doctor While others felt that this retcon undermined the history of the show and the doctor's character development number 26 song beneath the song Gray's Anatomy musical episodes can be tricky when done right you end up with buffies once more with feeling when done wrong you end up with this episode from gr's [Music] Anatomy too many people get out many fans found the tonal shift to be jarring as the show is primarily a medical drama and the idea of a musical just doesn't fit even co-star Patrick Dempsey thought the episode was a quote big mistake fans also took issue with the fact that the majority of the cast can't really sing ain't no CL getting in my way it did get praise for taking a chance and trying something new but for many this died on the operating table number 25 the day will come when you won't be The Walking Dead Jeffrey Dean Morgan's portrayal of Negan was widely praised but it wasn't enough to save this episode from the scorn of critics and fans alike well look at that Dawn is Breaking it's a brand new day Rick things were already off to a rough start as many people were unhappy with the season 6 finale last day on Earth as it had slow pacing and ended with an unsatisfactory Cliffhanger the violence found in the season 7 premiere was viewed as brutal and gratuitous with fans finding the way characters Abraham and Glenn were killed to be way over the top I'm a man of my word first impressions are important I need you to know me number 24 Saturday morning fun pit future Rama Anthology episodes have become a staple of the Sci-Fi comedy but this collection of Saturday morning cartoon parodies fell flat for many it's time to fall into the future Rama and Friends Saturday morning fun pit Here Comes Bindy Buu and the Mystery crew the majority of jokes just didn't land While others felt the parodies themselves were worn out tired other shows have spoofed Scooby-Doo and made the same jokes about reusing animation shoehorned guest stars the laugh track and flimsy plot it all makes sense he knew that if he scared the globe trouts away from the big basketball game disappointed fans would flock to his Kabuki theater of course some also felt that this episode detracts from the humor derived from the characters and clever writing found in regular episodes number 23 fart book letter Kenny known for its rapid PAC delivery and word play this Canadian comedy has endeared itself to many unfortunately for fans of this series all of that goes out the window with this episode centered around farts so any other insights for us uh it should be painfully obvious from the title but the Hicks come up with a social media network based on one's flatulence the whole thing becomes a NeverEnding fart joke that most just can't get into when we see you've been liking all this dusters farts on fartbook and none of this beauty farts and not one of this grain fed USDA certified 100% non-animal tested organic beauty while there are some funny moments as it parades The Social Network you're not missing much if you decide to skip this one number 22 Frank's brother It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia the best part about this episode is lens reck's performance but unfortunately for its Always Sunny fans it's not enough to save it from the hate gets I guess that don't leave me with no choice but to be a mature ass adult about this the episode takes place in the past and recounts how Frank opens a nightclub along with his older brother and they compete for the love of the same woman while there are a good number of gags present throughout fans have taken exception to the fact that it doesn't involve the gang all that much and doesn't follow the setup of a conventional episode for the series why you God he was here number 21 Rick dependent spray Rick and Morty if there's a fine line between good and bad taste for fans and critics of Rick and Morty this episode is right up against it if not outright Crossing it Morty you nasty lying little world ending pervert I'm sorry what was it like fantastic we're off to a gross start as Morty's genetic material unknowingly is transformed into giant monstrosities by Rick they begin to terrorize the planet and a plan is hatched to lure the sperm into a trap using one of Summer's eggs a sperm manages to enter the egg thereby meaning Morty and summer technically have a child together sticky it's all you [Music] bud [Applause] sticky this fact was too much for many watching and people started to question the direction of the show number 20 te Mad Men this Fifth Season installment focuses heavily no pun intended on Betty Draper and marked John Ham's directorial debut unfortunately having Don Draper himself at the helm cannot save this episode from a questionable leap into high melodrama I put on a few pounds and I haven't had much luck reducing on my own for some reason Betty's cancer diagnosis would end up paying emotional dividends in the final season but the story's rushed pacing here robs it of its emotional heft Betty Draper I almost didn't recognize you chice hello how are you even worse January Jones Real Life Pregnancy gives birth to fat Betty regarded by many as one of the show's worst character arcs although the B plot involving Dawn trying to recruit the Rolling Stones for a hindes commercial is a highlight it's not enough to save this from being one of mad men's more disappointing outings you really think you're going to get the Rolling Stones to do a TV ad they did one for cereal and England number 19 the one in Barbados friends the finale of friends ninth season this two-parter is the point at which some critics and fans believe the show was starting to run out of ideas I had to pull some strings but I was able to get everyone passes to the entire conference that's right the episodes feature not just a love triangle between Phoebe and her suitors Mike and David but also a love rectangle between Ross Rachel Joey and Charlie although the former is arguably more interesting oh my God Mike it's David actually the latter is a major focus of both episodes culminating in Rachel and Joey starting a relationship one that was destined to be brief due to the character's limited chemistry and yet it has slightly more mileage than all the jokes about Monica's Hair albeit barely all right I don't want to alarm anybody but Monica's Hair is twice as big as it was when we landed number 18 Shades of Gray Star Trek the Next Generation prognosis the infection is spreading it will eventually reach the brain this beloved sci-fi series had a few weak outings over its Seven Seasons which makes this season 2 dud stand out even more after Contracting a deadly virus Commander rker is put in a machine that causes him to dream about past events aboard the Enterprise this framing device was used primarily to cut costs as the show had run out of money near the end of the season he's relaxed experiencing feelings of warmth and friendship even by clip show standards this is a painful hour of Television making matters worse the series only had two seasons worth of episodes to mind for Clips at the time thankfully this was the first and last time the next Generation attempted a flashback episode recognize Picard Shan Luke Captain recognize rker William T Commander number 17 chapter 54 Jane the Virgin taken on its own terms this mid-season finale is an excellent piece of Television he's not breathing 911 driven by the the shocking death of Michael Cordo this is a tragic heartfelt episode that forever changed the series unfortunately it didn't necessarily change it for the better while received positively at the time chapter 54 is pointed to by some as the episode that killed the series or at least marked a decline in quality the sudden three-year time Jump at the end of the episode was bad enough as it glassed over the emotional Fallout of Michael's death but bringing Michael back from the dead the very next season retroactively made the twist pointless talk about a out surprise number 16 into that good night Roseanne long before the Connor family's ill faded Revival in 2018 Roseanne fans witnessed a different kind of train wreck in the form of this late 90s series finale one at a time you people are scary enough individually oh we just want to see the baby rosan the ninth season of this once beloved show was panned by critics and fans alike due to an unbelievable storyline that saw the Connors win the lottery we win the lottery and and a shocking reveal in the two-part finale after a series of increasingly Bizarre Adventures the finale undid it all by revealing that the Connors never were millionaires but he's still the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep I miss him it was all a dream of Roseanne's a fictional world to help cope with the sudden death of her husband while a bold storytelling Choice loyal viewers weren't exactly happy that the show had wasted their time with a season of offbrand weirdness before being told none of it actually mattered as I wrote about my life I relived it and whatever I didn't like I rearranged number 15 the farm the office by its final season this NBC comedy was largely Running on Fumes what are you doing here you invited me you threw the red dirt in my face following Steve Carell's departure in season 7 an increased Focus was put on the remaining cast members but no one was quite able to fill Michael Scott's shoes you want to go in I'll put you in okay I'll put you here case in point Dwight shro who takes Center Stage here in an episode set on his beat Farm the farm was originally intended to be a backdoor pilot for a proposed Dwight spin-off series NBC ended up passing and it's not hard to see why let's run at Shirley's Farm I'm in boom no no no I'm not moving back here you crazy as great as Dwight is his Antics work best when contrasted against his co-workers well there is fun to be had at Sho Farm it's hard to imagine anyone wanting to watch a whole series about Dwight and his Oddball [Music] family we'll fill our mou [Music] c number 14 A Million Little Fibers South Park Trey Parker and Matt Stone's foulmouthed Animated Series has maintained a high level of quality for over two decades the new waiter is useless and I think he's high how spicy would you like your chainsaws but around the 10th season there was some cause for concern that the show had lost a step this episode which sees toy write a memoir and go on Oprah is arguably South Park at its worst you have been through so much and I think that people all over America could oh God There She Goes Again babbling about people's lives and carrying on it's an absurd setup that leads to the shocking visual of Oprah's genitalia taking hostages at gunpoint while it's pretty incredible this episode actually made it to air the humor just doesn't work and isn't up to the show's high standard even the show's creators have admitted it's bad with stone saying he would quote erase that one if he could on that we can agree this whole thing was my fault I learned that I shouldn't get high to come up with ideas number 13 The Lost sister stranger things pacing is critical to a good story and when a TV series suddenly grinds to a halt audiences notice I'm looking for my sister a shely temple lost their sister so sad taking on its own terms this 11 focused episode deserves some credit for taking a storytelling risk unfortunately El's trip to Chicago to hang with a group of Misfits doesn't lead to the kind of character growth you would expect she returns to Hawkins Indiana the very next episode and the only thing that's really changed about her is her hairstyle although to be fair it's a really cool hairstyle bitching bitching even worse this episode takes us away from the action in Hawkins right as it's heating up for a final Act Showdown all in all it feels more like an intrusive diversion than an important moment of character growth the bad men were trying to take your way again and that made you angry good so find that anger number 12 last days of summer Friday Night Lights following up a critically acclaimed first season can be tough for any show and Friday Night Lights certainly fumbled the ball with its second season premiere last days of summer honey I think my water just broke while it does a nice job showing the Fallout from the events of the previous season things go wrong for a lot of characters particularly Tyra and Landry whose altercation with Tyra stalker leads to the stalker's body going in the river s we can't we can't what else are we going to do this in particular set off a season long investigation Arc which feels inconsistent with what the show had been and what it would go on to become I'm glad GL he dead number 11 The Great Divide avatar The Last Airbender avatar saw mercifully few Duds over its three-year run but this one stands out as the worst of the bunch these people are fleeing the Fire Nation aren't they got to make sure we can't be followed the plot seiz angen company decide to help two bickering rival Clans migrate through a canyon most of the runtime is devoted to arguments both among the feuding groups and within the group of heroes in the end Ang resolves the Clan's differences by lying to them a decision that really doesn't match his character and acts as a really weird message to end on that's some luck you knew Jin we and we Jin you could call it luck or you could call it lying overall The Great Divide adds little to the plot or the characters making it an easy one to skip I suppose it's time we forget the past and look to the Future number 10 the Puerto Rican Day Seinfeld this show about nothing was one of the most influential TV series of the 9s and many were shocked when creators Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David decided to end it after nine Seasons I'm into this Puerto Rican Day the sight the sound the hot spicy flavor of it all it's Gan while the series finale is still regarded by some as a major disappointment an earlier episode in the season proved just as controversial many Puerto Ricans were offended by the episode subject matter which generally cast Puerto Ricans in a negative light and Kramer's accidental burning burning of their flag didn't help matters there's a guy burning the Puerto Rican flag who who is burning the flag NBC was flooded with angry letters prompting the network to issue a formal apology even setting aside the controversy the episode isn't very memorable and makes a strong case for Seinfeld Calling it Quits when it did maybe we should aump you like youum the flag what do you think of that number nine Black Market Battle Star Galactica this reimagined space oper series Incorporated a lot of different genres but this episode featured one that it did not pull off well Noir what are you doing here Captain I was about to ask you the same thing the episode sees Lee Apollo Adama investigating a black market that has somehow sprung up in a fleet with a population smaller than an average city besides the glut of plot holes and narrative conveniences trying to turn galactica's resident heroic pilot into a gritty detective for an episode just didn't fly our people will do whatever it takes to get this under control and it's good to have you back Madam president Noir in space can work but it doesn't work here even series Creator Ronald D Moore has called Black Market a disappointment but at least he could admit when they fracked up there's lines you can't cross and you've crossed them number eight freef fall ER she made me use the other thing it's from Germany any show on the air for 15 years is bound to have at least Le One Bad episode and freef fall is one of er's worst the Crux of the episode's awfulness lies in the departure of Doctor Robert Romano a generally unpleasant man yeah get your ass back inside sit down an Adit and do not move until I come get you Romano did have other sides to him and had even received something of a karmic punishment when he lost his arm to a helicopter blade his death however is just cruel and unusual how does it happen why a helicopter crashes on top of him of course the writer had already made the character two-dimensional by the end of his run but did they have to make his death just as cartoonish you coffee I'm not in the club I got an extra thanks number seven intro to felt surrogacy Community season 4 was a rough one for Community all around and this episode is arguably the low point of a year full of less than Stellar outings now I don't know what happened but we have to get to the bottom of this intro to felt surrogacy shows the study group lost in the woods during which they eat some berries that make them hallucinate that they're all puppets and swap secrets with each other truth is I've never Ved except when I watch The Voice while Community is known for its stunt episodes and surreal moments usually they're in service of the story or characters but that's just not the case for this bizarre trip of an episode oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to start anybody number six Stranger in a Strange Land Lost you're not from around here are you although it was a polarizing show overall lost definitely hit a slump during its third season some point2 expose an episode that killed off two fan despised characters as the show's low point but many are of the opinion that this episode is much worse there will be consequences Jack the flashback focuses on how Jack got his tattoos while the Island Story line focuses on Kate and Sawyer's return to camp and Jack and Juliet's tenuous position among the others the episode also answers some questions like what happened to the people the others kidnapped while also raising some more so I was hoping you may help me clear up a few of the inconsistencies ultimately stranger feels like filler which on a show this serialized can really kill the [Music] momentum number five beer bad Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the Rock high schoolers and the shows that depict them have difficulty transitioning to college and Buffy was no exception the beer bad episode depicts our heroine drowning her sorrows in beer after being used for sex by a jerk of a guy smelly head however some magic Juju in the beer turns her in her drinking Pals into cave people although elements of the series trademark wit and humor are present in the episode they're a bit overshadowed by the ham-handed warning against drinking and casual sex as well as the literal dumbing down of the protagonist Bo smell nice in short beer bad bad number four remember the monsters Dexter Showtime serial killer drama had been in Decline since season 4's Trinity Killer Arc but nothing prepared viewers for this train wreck of a series finale a truly awful hour of television this episode retroactively undoes season worth of character growth in one Fell Swoop Dexter's mercy killing of his sister Deb would have been bad enough on its own as she deserved so much better but it gets so much worse hi Harrison I just wanted to tell you one last time that I love you after driving his boat into a hurricane Dexter is presumed dead in reality he's alive and well living out his days as a lumberjack while there's surely someone out there who liked this ambiguous ending it's clear the writers didn't have any better ideas for how to put the show out of its misery number three the principal and the Popper The Simpsons 7:00 Friday night mother time for our weekly silhouette in this episode principal Seymour Skinner is revealed to be an impostor who took the name of one of his comrades who never came home from Vietnam up yours children revealing a long-established character as being someone else can work when done well but the fact that the town decides to pretend they never learned this info by the episode's end not only rendered any impact it might have had moot it also made fans and critics feel betrayed and like the whole thing was pointless hey everybody look Herman Tim aran's back and he's going to take over the school again many staffers have called the episode a mistake but its writer Ken Keeler has claimed it was meant to provoke and saiz fan outrage intent aside the execution had everyone saying dope well from now on you're going to see a new Seymour Skinner oh no we won't yes mother number two unbowed unbent unbroken Game of Thrones everyone knows Game of Thrones lost its way in the final season but it hit a low Point earlier in the show's run with this controversial Fifth Season dud what do you want Lord Ramsay sent me to draw your bath my lady oh you want to be clean and fresh for your new husband Don't You by this stage the series had nearly run out of source material and was diverging further away from George RR Martin's books lying to your husband on his wedding night that would be a bad way to start a marriage one of the more questionable changes happens here a sens of Stark is forced to marry the sadistic ramsy Bolton and endure his cruelty as far as hours of Television go both the Bells and The Iron Throne may be worse but with unbowed unbent unbroken Game of Thrones stopped being Prestige TV before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications number one last forever How I Met Your Mother Robin it's been a major pleasure major pleasure few series finales have insulted fans or come as close to ruining the show as a whole quite like this one last forever features the unceremonious offscreen death of the mother Tracy as well as the divorce of Barney and Robin whose marriage had been the focus of the entire final season if it wasn't going to happen with Robin then it's just not going to happen with anyone both developments were necessary for the final nail in the coffin getting future Ted together with future Robin an outcome the creators reportedly decided on halfway through the show for an episode whose message was that things change its writers seemed blind to the fact that the show had moved on from Ted and Robin's relationship for the better let's look at the facts here you may to sit down and listen to the story about how you met mom yet mom is hardly in the story no this is a story about how you're totally in love with Aunt Robin what episode ruined your favorite TV show let us know in the comments okay we have a lot to talk about tonight did you enjoy this video check out these other clips from watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: WatchMojo.com
Views: 164,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Streaming, TV, avatar the last airbender, bad episodes of good shows, battlestar galactica, buffy the vampire slayer, community, dexter, game of thrones, how i met your mother, list, mojo, rick and morty, seinfeld, south park, star trek, stranger things, the office, the simpsons, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo, worst episodes, worst tv episodes, 30 tv episodes so bad
Id: f2BE5uXXJLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2024
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