30 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry !

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we've all felt horrible and disappointed by people doing uncaring things in this world but believe it or not there are actually a lot more kind people than what you're sometimes made to believe so today we will show you random acts of kindness that'll make you cry watch this video until the end to restore your faith in humanity this football fan came up with a unique set of hand gestures so that his deaf and blind friend could enjoy the game too [Applause] a career criminal cries in shame when the judge recognizes him from middle school and shares with everyone what a good student he was yes ma'am did you go to nautilus from middle school oh my goodness oh my goodness i'm sorry to see you there i always wondered what happened to you sir oh my goodness this is the nicest kid in middle school oh my goodness he was the best kid in middle school i used to play football with him with all the kids and look what has happened oh my god when a desperate elderly woman walked around the neighborhood asking for food every single person denied her that was until a young girl eating with her father gives away her meal without hesitation the kind girl even sits down at the women's table to keep her company while she eats an amazing active sportsmanship was shown when a runner collapsed just before finishing the race and a fellow runner stopped to carry him across the finish line this is what sport should be all about the runner gave up a gold medal but proved he has a heart of gold [Applause] when a teacher's favorite shoes got stolen his students all came together and pooled money to buy him a new pair watch as he has moved to tears as he realizes how kind-hearted his students truly are [Music] you make me [Music] cry our world is unfair and some are less fortunate than others therefore we all have an obligation to help people who need it like this man who sets a good example by giving bags of food to homeless people who can sometimes go days without eating [Music] during the holidays we tend to forget about people who are all by themselves but this man decided to spend this christmas differently and went around the neighborhood to hand out gifts to homeless people just look at this homeless man's wonderful reaction as he's given a new jacket [Music] a boy buys flowers from an elderly woman only to give them right back to her as a kind gesture [Applause] [Music] this turkish busher loves to feed stray animals near his shop with the day's leftovers just watch how this dog jumps with excitement [Music] when this girl brought her little shopping cart to the store a kind man made her day by giving her a dollar to spend on her shopping yeah well trips a minute i'm gonna help you with your shopping today uh what do you say lily that goes on whatever you get say thank you yeah yeah that's the word this little boy's thoughtful gesture when he sees his friend falling asleep is heartwarming [Music] don't you hate it when kids take all the candy on halloween well these guys did the complete opposite as they put loads of their own candy into a random house's empty bowl [Music] when this truck driver dropped a bunch of food on the road many people ignored him and just drove past but there were a lot of kind people who also stopped to help him out [Music] a couple's bike stalled out in the middle of a busy street and this man could have just driven by like everyone else did but something made him come back just look how he's cleverly pushing them along with his foot all the way back to the repair shop [Music] during a storm the roads were quickly flooded and a poor dog found itself in the worst possible situation as the water rises faster and faster the dog is soon to be swept away but thankfully these guys heard the dog desperately calling for help and ran out to save him after this man's wife passed away his children went out and adopted a shelter dog to keep him company after her death the dog was found and rescued on the street where it had no home but as you can clearly see his children made a great decision not only for their dad but also for the dog who now has a real forever home on a very rainy day a kind passenger tosses his umbrella to a traffic control officer to help keep him dry figure skaters that won silver and bronze at the world championships help the gold medalist get up on the podium a woman who appeared to be spending her birthday alone in a restaurant was brought to tears when complete strangers joined in to help her celebrate [Music] this old lady gets up early every day to give the school bus a big wave so to repay the kindness the kids and driver decided to greet the kind woman for her birthday and her reaction was priceless [Music] thank you have a great weekend [Music] when a man's leg became stuck between the platform and the train the station employees were unable to free him but suddenly all the passengers got out of their seats to help him and together they managed to move 33 tons of steel [Music] a deputy was brought to tears when he received an eye-opening birthday gift from his co-workers the man has been colorblind since birth and was given corrective glasses that help him see color for the very first time let me see a different world thank you everybody watch the beautiful moment when a one-year-old boy meets a woman with the same limb difference as him for the very first time the little boy was so excited that he went straight in for a huge [Music] loud noises can cause many dogs to feel anxious and scared so instead of lighting off fireworks on the 4th of july these people spend their evening comforting dogs at a local animal shelter the kind people were seen playing instruments and even reading books anything to calm them down from all the noise happening outside when a kind and generous man pays for this woman's groceries she is brought to tears by his kind gesture [Music] [Music] following his son's murder this compassionate father chooses forgiveness over hate towards his son's murderer and embraces him in an act of pure solidarity which brings the whole court to tears i'm sorry about what happened that day [Music] physical and social barriers can often prevent disabled people from feeling like they belong in their community but these kind-hearted boys made sure that their classmate felt included right before crossing the finish line during a cycling race these two competitors played rock paper scissors to decide who gets to win [Music] in some parts of the world it is very difficult to cross the roads because drivers don't stop when they're supposed to so when this old man had to cross a busy road he was lucky that a kind motorcyclist was willing to help after patiently waiting with her eyes closed this nigerian orphan couldn't be more thankful when she received a brand new doll from this generous stranger [Laughter] let us know in the comments section which of these clips was your favorite and while you're down there remember to like and subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Novella
Views: 9,476,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: random acts of kindness, faith in humanity restored, real life heroes, Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry, random acts of kindness that will make you cry, acts of kindness compilation, caught on camera, real life superheroes, saving people, real superheroes, superhero, saving lives, caught on tape, Acts of Kindness, kindness, act of kindness, acts of kindness, restore your faith in humanity, interesting facts, beautiful moments, heartwarming, moments of respect
Id: t93n9AKLShg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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