30 One Piece Mysteries That Oda Protects More Than His Own Life

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have you ever thought about how many Mysteries are still left unanswered in one piece even after all these years the suspense hype and enjoyment of the series still remain at its peak one of the main reasons for that is the element of mystery that describes one piece in this video we will present 30 of the most important Mysteries yet to be solved in one piece for example have you ever thought about the full backstory of the gorosei everything regarding them is a mystery so far we probably saw them only once or twice and only for a few seconds each time their whole existence honestly baffles me and probably every other one-piece fan what is their purpose motives backstory any special abilities the way I see it they're not just manipulators if you noticed they have scars on them which is a sign of previous battle experience I'm pretty sure that when they go all out they will be really overpowered on to Luffy's mother there are multiple theories revolving around her some say it's emu others say it's crocodile but the only thing we know for sure is that Oda stated that Luffy's mother is really strong and that we've already seen her so who Could That Be my comments are open by the way so let's hear your thoughts on this but you see even though both of these questions were some of the most burning mysteries in one piece they are honestly nothing in front of the next puzzles what is the will of date many important characters in the series bear this initial in their name so we know it surely stands for something Trafalgar D water law Marshall D teach Jaguar diesel Port gazdi Rogue porquez D Ace Monkey D GARP Monkey D Dragon Roxy zback and of course Monkey D Luffy and gold D Roger many theories revolve around it like the D family being able to consume multiple devil fruits like Blackbeard or them having some kind of resistance against a power that was able to manipulate memories or the perspective of reality and hence the world government wanting them dead the raftel incident is also another huge history where exactly is raftel and why did Roger laugh after Roger arrived at raftel it was stated that he arrived too early why exactly was he early was it because shirahoshi which as we know is the ancient weapon Poseidon was not born yet were there any other elements missing if so what were they on to the biggest mystery in the history of anime what is the one piece the non-one-piece Watchers have definitely wondered what that may be is it a tangible object is it a treasure is it something symbolic Like A Life Lesson I can't believe I'm actually saying this but after over 20 years we're finally in the end game of one piece and in a few years time we will finally have an answer to this Burning question my prediction is that when the one piece is revealed it will probably break the internet these were just five of the 30 Mysteries we will cover in this video the last one is revealed I believe Luffy will be established as the greatest main character in all of anime history they've executed properly but before we jump there let's get to our next mystery Zorro's left eye has been one of the most discussed topics in one piece many fans claim that he hides something behind their closed eye the fact that no one asked him how he got that scar only makes the suspicions even greater Oda is definitely cooking something there could Zoro be hiding a Sharingan how about a renega maybe he got lost in the Naruto world and got a dojitsu I wouldn't even be surprised at this point I mean this guy died and got lost on the way to heaven causing his soul to end up right back in his body but no seriously now let's get to our next Mysteries Shanks has so little screen time that it comes as no surprise the fact that we know almost nothing about him what are shanks's real motives is he good or evil was he controlling Luffy as part of some evil plan or does he truly wish for him to become an excellent pirate well how about his real parents is he the son of a Celestial Dragon maybe the son of rocks D zback how about a clone of someone would all of these are answered we'll probably understand why the gorose allowed him to visit them in their own place while they were also expecting him as a guest as well Plus we will understand what's and Goku meant when he said that he would allow him to take white beards and Ace his bodies for a proper burial ceremony quote only because it's you I believe that when his full backstory is revealed things will get really ugly really fast speaking of Shanks what about his full crew what abilities do they have how about any devil fruit users if they don't have any devil fruit users in their crew what's the reason for that Roger's crew most probably followed the same pattern for some reason and why exactly is that also since we're talking about shanks's crew is this Frankie's father because the resemblance is honestly uncanny now let's move on to shanks's main enemy how did Blackbeard eat three devil fruits why does he not sleep where did he come from some theories claim he came from O'Hara others claim that he's three people in one body and that's why he can eat three devil fruit and also why Luffy and Zorro called him quote them I'm pretty sure the reason for that is not that he identifies as non-binary but something more you know one piece plot related how about roxd act does he have a connection action with him and if so what's the connection we covered shanks's enemy so let's do his rival now shall we when it comes to Shanks vs mihawk which of them is stronger fans keep arguing about this for so many years now but to be honest the only way to find out is when Oda decides to show us more actual Feats from both sides also since we mentioned mihawk why does he have the same eyes as emu is she his mother do they both originate from a special race or is there maybe another type of connection honestly as soon as we open one mystery ten more pop up how about emo what is your backstory is she even a she or a he in the first place what are her goals abilities how did she come to be the most important person within the world government and most importantly what does the world government hide and why did your brain start itching because mine did but to be honest this is nothing in front of the next Mysteries we did mention Luffy's mom but how about nami's real parents we know that she was found as a child by bellamere that adopted her but what about her biological parents could any of her parents be a significant figure well I guess we'll find out when and if Odo wants us to how about the previous Joy boy is the giant straw hat is what about the void Century or over the great Kingdom what happened and how about zunicious punishment the Mysteries keep piling up the more we dig into one piece so make sure you subscribe because in the coming weeks we will be presenting our old theories regarding these Mysteries but back to our video what is the Revolutionary Army's goal do they just oppose the world government and the authority of the celestial dragons or is there a deeper reason do they know something that we don't since we mentioned the Revolutionary Army what is Monkey D dragon's backstory is he the son of Garth or his son-in-law or maybe an adopted son could he be the son of zebek after all and why is he the Most Wanted Man in one piece some theories claim that he used to be a previous Admiral and hence knowing things that can burn the world government to the ground speaking of things the world government considers dangerous how about the ancient weapons how will they be used what exactly are these weapons anyway we know Shira Hoshi is beside pluton is a highly Advanced warship capable of mass destruction labeled as the world's worst Battleship and finally Uranus no no not that one this name is more like the planet moving on to Lost devil fruit that was stated to be capable of granting immortality through the so-called ageless surgery of the opeopenomi however how did this come to be who performed this surgery first and more importantly who received the surgery meaning that whoever that person or people might be are now Immortal could emu or the five Elders have received this surgery I will just say that this video proves that Oda was not lying when he said that the real one piece begins after wanna imagine how many plot twists we're gonna get one after another all of these Mysteries will be solved a mystery that was introduced to us relatively recently is the marine Special Force called sword we know X Drake and Kobe are part of this organization but what about the other members and what is their goal during early chapters it was stated that devil fruits originate from a so-called illusion tree however no mention was ever made of this tree in over two decades did Oda abandon this idea and if so will we ever be shown the true origins of devil fruits or will this just be the given power system that's not explained further speaking of devil fruits a thing that always bothered me is how exactly do non-living things eat devil fruits anyway we saw this happen with Mr Forrest gone lasso and spandom sword Funk freed will we ever see the exact process of this happening the next mystery involves the Florian triangle which is a stretch of sea that must be sailed through to travel from water 7 to Fishman Island it is notorious for the many ships that mysteriously go missing within it ships began disappearing in the Florian triangle a long time ago long before morya and thrillerbark arrived 12 years ago so will we ever get an answer as to why this happened all of these Mysteries sound exciting but when it comes to the next one I'm kinda terrified to learn the answer Oda implied that people will die after wano which once Lenny member of the straw hats die if so who will that be if I had to guess I'd put my money on usop for the sole reason that his goal is the only one that does not require from him to go all the way he can become a brave Warrior of the Sea by protecting someone during his final moments next on our list we have quina is she really dead I mean her death was so sudden plus tashiki resembles her way too much and plus their ages match could queena have lost her memory and later on become tashiki or could she be a clone and if so why would anyone clone her and what happened to the original queena We briefly mentioned Roxy's z-back a few moments ago but what actually happened to him is he truly dead if I had to make a guess I would say that he will probably return one way or another if I've learned something all these years of watching anime it's that when a death of an anime character is not chilled and he's probably coming back but how about the rest of his crew you see if we knew what happened during the god Valley incident we could maybe give a more accurate prediction about zback but guess what God Valley incident is also a mystery we know some of the members like big mom kaido Whitebeard Shiki Wang ji silverax Captain John and Stussy but I'm pretty sure there are more members yet to be revealed and for the ones revealed well I think there's still many things left to know about them a related Theory with God Valley is that this huge egg on Oro Jackson has something to do with the incident but again Oda in his typical fashion does the following Oda provides us with a new mystery refuses to elaborate and then Oda leaves like nothing happened and then repeats this mess until the fans end up having no idea what's going on sometimes I honestly don't even know if I love this man or hate him but you see some of these Mysteries involve prophecies you get which one I mean Madame Charlie predicted that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island but under what circumstances will this happen I don't think Luffy will become a villain but what if this destruction of the Fishman island is not caused by Luffy but actually from his clothes we already saw many clones so far in one piece so what if Luffy gets cloned as well since we just mentioned clones which other known characters in one piece are clones a popular Theory claims that Weevil is a clone of Whitebeard we were already introduced to a bunch of clones including but not limited to Stussy the pacifistas as well as the seraphims but even more than that what Dead characters will return as close here I would like to ask the following why is no one talking about the fact that Goldie Roger died and his body is in the possession of the world government I don't know just a thought here I mean maybe they could I don't know create a clone of him imagine Shanks having to fight against seraphim Roger now that would be epic finally the moment you all waited for the final and probably the most important mystery of today's video what is Luffy's real dream so far Luffy mentioned in three separate occasions that his real goal is not to become the pirate king imagine having such a huge goal just as a side quest the only thing we do know is that this goal must be something insane as almost everyone that listened to Luffy's confession burst out laughing before you click on our next video feel free to give your thoughts and theories about these mysteries in the comments down below I would love to take a look at the
Channel: Akagami Aniki
Views: 120,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, grandlinereview, akagami shorts, akagami aniki, one piece facts, zoro one piece, one piece mysteries, one piece mystery, one piece theory, one piece theories, shanks one piece, imu one piece
Id: Z1h5-N1kj9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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