30 Harvests

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to be honest I don't know where to start I was six when I knew what I wanted to be the only two now but sometimes I swear I can already see it in your eyes it was your granddad who got me into it put me in charge of my own acreage of 16 but I have so many ideas heck I was pretty confident about what I was doing the innovations truly becoming more and more sustainable I felt like I was on a mission and if I'm really honest I still can't fully wrap my head around how it didn't work [Music] but now we're here at a point where continuing just doesn't make sense anymore your mother and I are selling the farm every single acre we talked to the pink in the realtor is going up to phone line and we well we're just gonna move to the city because it'll be a brighter future and I want you to understand why it's not just the drought getting more severe we were working to stay ahead of that but costs keep running up and prices keep going down then one day you wake up in a place where one bad season can knock you and everyone you care about right over and that's not a good place I worry about how much we've invested out here and at the same time I can't help but think about what that investment brought us it used to be nothing but desert here and now there's so much potential in the soil but it seems like nobody cares and that's why we're leaving I don't want to plan a dream in you only for you to find out later that's not a living and that people don't understand or worse they don't care they just blame everything on you and you you start losing your pride and that's no life the form is everything to me I want you to know that but my family means even more so everything that I do in the end it's got to be for you since the debate over climate change does agriculture have a seat at the table and are we a part of the problem or part of the solution oh my gosh I think that we are the solution to climate change we have not heard the conversation that we actually can offset carbon from the fossil fuel sector and we are cycling carbon we are biogenic currently very very different from possible [Music] [Music] the potential answer to a lot of our issues it's bright be me though from the soil we've been farming for centuries and we're just now really learning about the ability of the soil to not only hold water and nutrients but also sequester carbon and improve our environment I'm inspired every day by our peers we monitor our soils with GPS and we know to the point how to manage Ursula it's really something superheroes our time is now but we only have about 30 harvest cycles left to get it right that is more important now than ever let's go home yeah [Music] it's a very exciting time to be in farming because we will be one of the first industries to have a negative carbon footprint [Music]
Channel: U.S. Farmers & Ranchers in Action
Views: 453,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating the 2050 food systems for future generations, Climate Change, Farming, Sustainability, Sustainable Agriculture, 2050, 30 Harvests, agriculture, farming, sustainable farming, sustainable food systems, Food Production, Sustainable Food Production, USFRA, Awareness, Food, Farmer, Carbon, Carbon Footprint, Carbon Sequestration
Id: LN21LAaaOks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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