Farm Workers Grow And Pick Billions Of Strawberries In California - Strawberry Harvesting

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hello everyone we are currently at a strawberry  farm in the u.s state of california and in today's   video we will see how farms here cultivate  and harvest billions of strawberries each year here's what's going on in the seedling  preparation area of a strawberry farm the best strawberry roots will be  selected to be planted on official farms   while the seedling preparation  is going on in the field   these workers will prepare the soil and  raise the beds to be ready to welcome   the thousands of strawberry plants  that are about to be brought here as of 2021 the total area of  strawberry cultivation in california   is 37 000 acres and two-thirds of that is  in the santa maria area inside the ceiling   preparation area thousands of strawberry  plants are ready to be planted in the fields mid-august is when strawberry planting  takes place on many farms in california   currently in california more than 10 different  varieties of strawberries are produced   so planting and harvesting times for each variety  are also different whenever you go to california   you can buy strawberries because they  are harvested all year round here after the strawberry planting process is completed  these workers will install the watering system   strawberries are a crop that needs regular  watering especially during the fruiting season   on average each strawberry tree needs  about two inches of water per day   most varieties of strawberries grown in california  take about two to three months to flower   and the time from flowering to  harvest lasts about four to six weeks when the flowers appear millions of honeybees  will be transported here to pollinate   they are the hard workers of the company that  provide pollination services for fruit trees these strawberries are ripe a new  harvest is about to take place   every year about 55 000 workers flocked  to strawberry farms in california to work   and they are mainly from mexico the wages of these workers will be calculated  according to the number of boxes of strawberries   they pick on average each person will earn about  15 dollars per hour according to statistics   released in 2021 strawberry production  in california is 1.1 million tons   accounting for 91 of the total  strawberry production of the country   the strawberry industry's revenue  is 2.1 billion dollars per year even when it rains the strawberry  harvest still takes place at this farm uh these are the final jobs of the strawberry crop   these will be cleared up and a new  crop will come in about two weeks how do you feel about the process of cultivating  and harvesting strawberries in this video   let us know what you think in  the comments section of the video   at the end of the video we'll take a  look at the strawberry harvest in florida   the second largest producer of  strawberries in the united states you you
Channel: Tony 98 - Discovery
Views: 4,863,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strawberry, strawberry harvest, agriculture, farming, harvesting, fruits, mass harvest, american agriculture, strawberry fields, agriculture technology, harvesting technology, cultivation technology, #tony98discovery, farm workers, farm worker
Id: wE-NyfIEQmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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