30 best CLIENTS for beginner bookkeepers!

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hey i'm morgan from finepoints.biz and today i have a list of 30 different clients that are perfect if you are starting your bookkeeping business so i'm going to start into the list right away and then along the way i'll kind of sprinkle in some tips and tricks that may help you out as well i kind of group the 30 plus business owners into little sections so my first section is artists so the first thing i thought of is etsy sellers so etsy is a huge business now there's tons of people on there that have created really profitable businesses through selling their things and i feel like a lot of times artists have the stereotype of not pay maybe paying as much attention to their finances because they're really focused on their craft so maybe if you have a favorite etsy seller you can reach out to them and see if they need a bookkeeper or certain targeted businesses that you like on etsy next we have graphic designers so maybe they're a freelancer that is hired out to other businesses um photographers so i have a photographer client and that is a great business because i feel like there's a lot of um like solopreneur photographers that would be really great to start out with because it's a pretty simple business structure craft sellers so this kind of goes along with the etsy one but maybe if you went to a craft fair or something locally and you brought your bookkeeper business card and you just passed it out too like there could be candle makers there could be knitters they could be doing sewing painting like pottery any kind of crafts that people make that they have created their own business to sell they might need a bookkeeper all right and then home bakers so for example i have a friend who started a cupcake business and she does cupcakes for local like birthday parties and stuff so again that's a simple business that would be easy to get into as a bookkeeper all right and so that is one of my tips think about the people around you the people you come in contact all the time and there's gonna be some more on the list i think it's gotten more and more common for like maybe stay-at-home moms to start businesses because there's so many opportunities now for work and for side hustles so think about your friends and family around you and your neighbors and um who might need a bookkeeper and one caveat i haven't worked with every single one of these businesses but i just tried to brainstorm a helpful list for you guys so definitely leave a comment down below if any of these you think are actually have more complicated books that i do not know about and also leave a comment with any other ideas that you have that we can all learn from all right so my second section on this list is kind of the teacher realm and of course not the teachers who are employed by a school but anyone who is tutoring or teaching that has formed their own business so tutors is the first one i have maybe like a piano teacher or a music teacher uh maybe someone who teaches your family member or your kids piano you can approach them and see if they're having trouble like managing their books and if they need help maybe a yoga teacher someone who started a yoga like business or teaches classes as a freelancer as well as a personal trainer that's similar art teachers maybe someone like has a local painting class at your community center that you can reach out to and see if they need your services daycare providers leave me a comment if there's anything special that i need to know about daycare providers but i think that that would be pretty straightforward they'd have money coming in and coming out for expenses it might um require a little bit of like their space may be tax deductible so you might have to work with that a little bit but i think that would be very manageable as a beginning bookkeeper as well as other coaches or consultants maybe someone is consulting um on like they have a expertise in their consulting with other business owners or they're coaching maybe like a career coach or someone who is helping other people do a skill preschool is the last one i have on my list so and this might be a little bit there might be a little bit more skill involved in the bookkeeping just especially if it's a non-profit nonprofits have certain things that you have to do they probably will have a board that is going to help you out and let you know any of the requirements for that nonprofit and at the end of this video i do have a list of i think it's five businesses that you might want to avoid as a beginning bookkeeper just because they do have a little bit of complexity that you might not be ready for quite yet so my next tip in looking for clients when you're first starting out is think about how many employees they have so if it's just a single solopreneur running their business that's going to be a lot simpler than if they have multiple employees so then you're going to have to deal with payroll and paying their people if they hire contractors that's going to be probably easier for you so definitely as you're kind of vetting these new clients and you want someone pretty simple think about employees and i am a firm believer in the fact that you can figure things out as a bookkeeper so don't just automatically discount someone because they have employees you can definitely figure out payroll they probably have a payroll company or you can help them set that up just think about that if that is something you want to spend time and effort working on and then again probably you can handle someone with one or two employees and then as you get more it's gonna become more complicated in a couple of resources i have if you're just starting out i have a free checklist on how to start your bookkeeping business i have like a decision tree um that like walks you through the steps that you need to know as you're learning how to be a bookkeeper and then i do also offer a paid class that's right now 150 dollars that helps you gives you three action steps each week on how to start your bookkeeping business so all that stuff is going to be linked in the description box below so my next grouping of great business owners is service providers and this is one of the largest on my list the largest groups of people because service providers are one of my favorite people to work for a lot of these like the teachers and artists are kind of service providers as well i mean especially the teachers but service for providers usually have pretty simple business structures um they don't have inventory that you have to manage they probably don't have a brick and mortar store but it's probably just maybe a person or a person in their assistant working from a home providing a service to others all right the first one is a wedding florist similar to the photographer this kind of could have gone in the art one as well i guess yep so they just work for different clients on weddings same with an event planner that would be pretty similar um like workflow business all right dog walking i personally don't know any dog walkers but i feel like that's always on the list of like good businesses to start um so if you know any dog walkers reach out to them they should have created a business entity and be paying taxes if they are like making money as a dog walker cleaning businesses so you know someone who goes and is a housekeeper for different clients catering services so maybe someone decided to start a catering business out of their home and works for different people they would be a great person to do books for pet sitters similar organizers someone who goes and organizes someone's home a handy person service so someone who comes into your home or business and fixes your windows maybe does some light carpentry or things like that someone who is an airbnb host that might be a great first bookkeeping job for you um a financial planner as well someone who does electronics repair maybe out of their home people bring them um you know their broken computers or fans or whatever to fix as well as i just thought a bike repair person or anything anytime you're repairing things for other people that would be a service provider a massage therapist um and a moving service all right we're getting to the end of the 30 i think i have 34 on my list so the next group is online businesses so there's such a big boom in the like like me like youtubers like or people who are making money somehow online like the virtual business model versus the brick and mortar store so we have youtubers we have bloggers freelance writers social media managers marketing freelancers so anyone who you know they have a marketing background and they want to help other businesses market through social media i think there's something called a social media manager as well i'm not sure if that differs from a marketing manager virtual assistant so right now i have a virtual assistant who i love and she sends me an invoice every month so as a bookkeeper you could keep track of all the assist virtual assistants clients and send out their invoices and track the money as it came into the business podcasters and then my last one is a copy editor or ghostwriter or anyone who is working with words for like someone's blog or for their website i don't know if you guys know this i used to be a coffee editor that was my first job out of college i was a copy editor for the target print ad so the advertisement that comes in the newspaper if i don't know people still get that but that was my first job and actually before i started bookkeeping i wanted to start a copy editing business or like a copywriting business but bookkeeping was way easier to market a lot of more people wanted bookkeepers than they wanted to outsource their copy editing all right so i promised you at the end i have five other businesses that are a little bit more complex not that this should scare you away totally from these businesses because you can make a lot more money in these niches um and you know if you specialize in one kind of bookkeeping you get to know that really well um that is something i would recommend actually but if you just was starting out for your first or second or third client you might want to avoid these more complicated industries so the first one is construction i personally have never done construction but or you know bookkeeping for the construction industry but i know there's a whole like there's whole classes and whole schools of thought around construction so i know it can be more complicated the second one is attorneys so that actually is a niche that i personally am working towards specializing in so i'm learning more and more about trust accounts client cost advances all these specialized things that lawyers need to do in their books and anyone in the medical field also tends to be a little bit more complicated when you're dealing with insurance so i did work for a speech pathologist in the past and it was a great client it was it was just this is another added element when you have to send things through um insurance and medical billing it's kind of like a specialty in that in and of itself all right and then the last ones are real estate i've heard can have some complexity restaurants can always also be challenging i've heard i know there's a lot of transactions every day and things are coming in the cash register i think there's just some complexity to that as well if you've watched all the way to the end make sure to give this video a thumbs up and do let me know in the comments what other videos you would like to see thanks so much bye
Channel: FinePoints
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Keywords: 30 best CLIENTS for beginner bookkeepers!, start bookkeeping, best bookkeeping clients, finepoints bookkeeping, hector garcia, bookkeeper, bookkeeping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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